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The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 1

The Gazettei
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONTREAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1890." nv aiy "Whirs (5awT. EUROPE AND THE TARIFF. FROM THE ANCIENT CAPITAL GUILTY AND NOT GUILTY, Rcml Lamontagiie Sentenced to be Hanged on December 19. AKK YOUlt GKOCEIl FOlt CAIRN'S HOME-MADE MARMALADE. Ever.v Pot li vnarantmd Ui be of the beat quality, tor wile all leading Urooere.

BLAIULOCK General Agtnta, 11 Common St. THERE 18 PERHAPS. More bnnibnyglng and dwelt In selling Plo-turn, and l'iotuie Iramca than an other clava or gooda. All I'lctiiren and Pramoe bouclit at A. WMIOI- NTKWAHTM will aland the tent ot any critic, ooth in work-matiKlilp and design, and auperior to any limine In Canada, we aoliolt your patronage Ix-lore urdrrlng el tew here.

741 Craig alreet. veal oi VlcUma auuare. XTXjID'S MTHOGRAM COMPOSITION Worka apioudidly, xar and certain. Ink mllymd "iieeiiiiyrenio-d VrJInnry Ink ran waft li AUL1, RIaiimfiifturpr. 759 Mlrm-t.

ARMSTRONG," TIT 333 UNDERTAKER 32 Victoria Square. TKLEPHONK No. Il feet I of the disease from wkit be had long suffered, and that melancholy and hnart-lending scenes occurred until he waa removed iniognlto to General Martyroffs taiate In the Don Hteppea. The physicians (lecture that his condition Is hopeless. RtiMla'a Costly Anll ftemitie Policy.

St. PgTsiisnuim, October 11 The Novmli, commenting on thedecadenoe of the milling Industry In Russia and the decline In the pries or corn In consequence of the persecution of the In some cases compelling the closing of the mills, says the expulsion ol tbe Jews from dlatllt not especially assigned to them Is one of the main causes of tbe present critical condition of commerce Foreign New In Brief Msriema Pattl will build a synagogue at Craig Nos, her In Wales. Baron Wlssmann absolutely deollnm t. return to bis former post In East Africa to ploy second fiddle to Baron Von Boden a France publishes statements attributed to Secretary Blaine, disavowing any political MgnllUance In the reception accorded to the Comte de Paris. Tbe bearing In the action for divorce biougbt by Captain O'She against his wife In which Mr.

Parnell is named as co-respond-i nt Is expected to end In Novemeer. Chinese advices state that there bits bean great smbling In silver In Uong Kong and the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank Is said to have msde millions out of the deal. Presldent'Carnot will pardon many of the workmen wbo were imprisoned for taking part In the tiotous demonstrations In connection with tbe strikes some time ago. The Betvian Government, finding the presence of ex-King Milan In the country intolerable, has resolved to ask the Hknpt. schlna to pass a bill providing for his expulsion from Bcrvia, Owing to the prevalence or cholera at the porta along the Mediterranean roast between Alexandria and Tripoli, the Austrian Government bas extended by aoven days the period of observation to which vessels from those porta are aubjected.

O'BRIEN AND DILLON'S COUP Not oai the French aieamer S'omnaaat of ibef naitsh Pre oa the Eeeape. I.oNnog, October 1 Is definitely known that Dillon and O'Brien are not among the passengers who sailed on the steamer Le Bourgegne from Havre for New York to-day. There Is no reliable information as to how tbey left tbe country, but the theory that they went on board a yacht and boarded a st. amer outside Is a favorite. The St.Jamet'i Gazelle ridicules the statement In the ChronieU that the Government did not desire to keep Dillon and O'Brien in tbe ccuDtry, or otbetwis they could not hare escaped the vigllanse ef the police.

Tbe rail Mall Gaieile, the Daily Neat and several provincial Gladsloniaa paper ex-prers me misgivings as'to the effect their flight will produce in England. They do not doubt Ihe brill iancy of the coup as far aa Ireland and America aro concerned. Warrant for Uwlr Arre.L Dublin, October 12 Warrants for the artrtt of DIKon and O'Brien arrived at the 1 octle this at.eroon,0ut tbey ware not afciUflllrJH''ltVB' tpahv been lupporled by the Court of Appeals. He would not have appeared, however. If he had not been requested In writing by the Attorney-General to do ao.

The Judge who tiled tbe case bad also asked him to appear. lion. Goorge Irvine, who Ig looked n)ir as an authority on all matters of pro-fesalonal etiquette, gave it aa hla opinion that while It waa not right for lawyer to give their services for nothing, still there waa no harm In what Mr. Fltzpatrlck bad done. One of Mr, Fltzpatrlok's friends eaid that all tbia trouble had been got up against bim by the young Liberate, who were determined to have hla scalp on acoountof tbe action he had taken on the English question.

Look at the Electeur," he said. It praises Mr. Langeller ap to the skies for what he had done In the oasa, while for Mr. Fltzpatrlck wbo really managed the case It haa not a word. Mr.

Filzputrltk could. If he chose, tell the real cause of tbe trouble and one thing you may be sure of more will be heard of thla before long," Cleaeral Role of Hon. Mr. Marsll, M.L.C., Mr. 8 Cimon, M.

and Mr. W. J. Poupore, M.P.P., are In town. Ellen Botger died yesterday morning in jail whrraabe bad spent several year of her life.

Detective Walsh baa gone to Three Rivera in connection with a robbery of stamps from the liobitaille distillery two yeara ago. The case of Owen Murphy, M.P.P., va. Captain Gourdeau, of Ottawa, for defamation of character In connection with the Table Rock affair wa dismissed by Judge Casault on Saturday with cost against the plaintiff. Mr. James Battle, chief of the fire brigade of Detroit, Michigan, and lady are paying Quebec a visit, and are registered at the Bt Louis hotel.

This morning they were shown the alghla of the city by Chief Dorval. A young man named Fortln, from Bt. Sauveur, working on tbe roof of the new school bouse being erected at Levis by the Knights of Labor, fell a distance of fifty feet this morning and died In half an hour afterwards at the Hotel Dieu. Tbe other day a man living in Nicolet, whilst visiting Levis was met by a Mr. Kvarlste Lecomte who addressed him aa follow a Twenty-seven years ago I was Indebted to your father for the sum of $17.

To-day I pay that debt, capital and interest" The young man wa considerably taken back, but neverthelea accepted the money. GOSSIP FKOM TOUONTO. le Try Contested Election Case Typbold rever'a Alarming; Preval-ibis Policemen Stuns as Bnrglar. (From our own correspondent! Tcroxto, October 12. The judge ap jointed on the rota for the trial of provincial election petitions met on Saturday in the Contt of Appeal room, at Ogoode hall, for tbe purpose of making arrangements for the trials.

The rota judges are Maclennan, Ferguson and Falconbridge. The provincial statue requires tbat there shall be two ju Jges at tbe trial of each petition and it la tbat Judge Maclennan and Falcon-bridge will go cm the election circuit together nd Judges Ferguson and McMahoa will do likewise. Mr. Justice Maclednm. THE TKIALS AT L'ORIGNAL Branlt la the Aeqnlltal of lb Prisoner Li da Lamontngrue sentenced for C'oaleinpl pitiful Scene.

(From our own correspondent.) HiuiinitooKB, October II. To-day finished tbe trial of Kemi Lamontagne. Last night Mr. Lemleux made a most brilliant and Impassioned appeal to the jury to acquit the -prisoner. The line he adopted was emotional and showed his oratorical powers, bis co-laborer, Mr.

Panneton, having made the legal address. Tbe jury remained apparently unmoved throughout the whole of Mr. Lemleux' splendid effort although many spectators were affected to tears. He was tollowed by Mr. St Jean, who made a maxterly effort and spoke In a cool, clear and dignified manner.

He reviewed the evidence and brought the crime directly home to tbe prisoner and there were few In court who doubted the result of his loglo. Mr. Bellinger, Crown prosecutor, made a very brlet address to the jury and tbe rase was then adjourned until this morning, when Judge Wurtele delivered his charge. He carefully reviewed all the evidence and laid great atreaa upon Cure Plante'a and Brlsson's testimony and charged strongly agaluBt the prisoner. The jury then retired and after an absence of less than ten minutes signified their desire to return to court.

On being asked if tbey bad agreed upon a verdict they answered "yes," and that they found the prisoner guilty of the charge for which he was Indicted An awful stillness reigned in the court room before the dread answer waa given, and though the prisoner's face was very ghastly and quivering he yet held a bold front, his eyes never flinching. When aBked by the judge if he had anything to say wby sentence should not be passed upon bim, he answered ''Merely because I am an innocent man." The Judge then sentenced him to bs banged on Friday, tbe 19th of December. The scene In court during the sentence waa most effecting. A great many of the spectators were women, who broke down end wept aloud. No one in the court room waa calmer than the prisoner, although his face wa almost livid.

Led Lamontagne was then brought Into court and aentenced to one year's Imprisonment and a fine of $250 for contempt of rouir. Tbe Judge in passing sentence said tbat the dignity of the law had to be vindicated. This trial was reported in every paper In the land and the precedent formed by a witness refusing to testify would be most dangerous to society If sbe wete not punished. Immediately gfier tbe sentenoe Leda, on ber way back to the jail, was told of her brother's sentence, when she utterly broke down, giving way to hysterical weeping. Oieat sympathy is felt for Mailame Latnon-tHgnr, the condemned man's has so bravely stcod by bim In the terrible ordeal tbiough wblch they have just passed.

She wa with ber husband throughout all the 34.111' las night, whon, on her ioceeuiiig. mi from conrt tn fthfl HiilmC COAL OIL I jest American and Canadian. Uraln Pines, Fire Bricks. Fir Ornolble. Ac, SP' tu Bleary Street CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINB.

JJiprlng lassitude, Indigestion, eto. drwn' i ORBUGATED IRON, CKlMi'tu ikun 1 fl.laknUul "rt PIMH r' Backets. 11. rII I IB I wwswaw iw mm warn Custom Galvanizing a Specialty. Enadi Calvanlzlng Steel Roofing Co.

9.LATOTJKBT. MONTREAL. r.i onrl PrlnM. i Bf nd nff IAMES KIMBER SON, EtuuMSip Faintcrs ani Decorators, jdcCILl COLLECE ntlonrlArl i ArtdfTHtl gniol BOARD Of TBAD, I Montreal. I t.i vi'ah nrtm rnr.

SSmwii prime, foot Hrtimm J'' this Pro lttrtM rtifv that no other Weigh ha. been appointed; IViltftAld. Montreal Board of Trade. D. CAMBBOIT, 07 0mger and Metuurtr, ST.

SACRAMENT STREET, M(JJkmK0 178. UK OF TH WOODS ILL! LIMITED. The lost Perfect Hill tn Canada, Cnymcllj 1HOO Barrela nay Bwitors st all Important wheat points In Moribwest. ill srades of bard wheat nour in Darren Bd baga. I bnttlon and other Information can be IWotarplicatlon.

kite, Comer Port and Common streets MONTREAL. 171 mm steel to, Steel Rails Agents for Canada, 5 MEREDITH, 30 ST. JOHN STREET, MONTREAL BOOFinSTQ-mRUAM CE3IENT. Sw Booh laid and guaran- Old Metal 4,00 014 Gravelled Rood re-Cost I SO i in mitni Hn Booli 1 It-Coated with if CAMPBELL 4 BOiB AcrmtM fr u. i HI JAMrs 81., Victoria Bquaw tt 4171.

MUNN'S PURE BONELESS CODFISH. IWHul SI M. Packed In Boxei. 'a Newfound- A PPT n. 6ewart MUNN 10 CAPITA T.TSTQ 1 A "e-Vloble KKito 'S" the Liirfa arma Mr.

lot, wcl vala-rltM onn 'iie- mountain tlm. fciffl quarried wn' ranlt fci-" inforiation and nd or B. V. Hllalre Station, P. ft.

SE CLFANINP, I rHidj improved Ualsomine WALLS. i EL UW REPORTS. (1885.18aJ au 2nl written and re- it! lt'laivVr. ana iCi''Md, e'lbwribera Bind- nnnu WHtTB, Editor Tarte'i Snit Against Hon. Trios.

McGreevy Dismissed. QIELN'8 RENC1I SENTENCES. Herder's Exaggerated Importance Free 1 aw for tbe frown-den. tral Hole of Interest, (From onr own oorraanondent.t Qtingo, October 12. The action taken J.

I. Tart against Hon. Thomas Mo-Gitevy to recover over $300,000 In penalties for tbe latter having eat as a member of the Commons while interested In Government' contract was dismissed with costs yesterday ty Judge Andrew on exceptions to form. Tbe principal objection wm that the affl-davit on wblch the case depended bad been sworn to before one of Mr. Tarte's attorneys, wbo is also a commissioner of the Hupreme court.

Mr. Tarte may recommence the case on paying costs. ttneeu'e Bench Hentenee. In the Court of Queen's Bench, on Saturday, Gerono Modafia, an Italian sailor, was arraigned on a charge of shooting Patrick L)nch. A policeman, who is conversant with seven languages, acted as interpreter.

The piUoner pleaded not guilty aa he only acted tn self-defence, Joseph Letelller wo found guilty of committing an indecent assault on a little girl, Agnea Brown, and was sentenced to six years In the penitentiary. It waa ehown In evidence that when assistance arrived the prisoner, who Is a tall, powerful man, struck the girl a violent blow tbe face with his Hat and then ran off, leaving her senseless and covered with blood. Onr nrcKrlna Trade. People who have to depend on Quebeo newapapera for their information are to be pitied The following ia a sample of the kind of stuff tbey serve up to their readers There seems to be very little shipping trails In Montreal, as two vessels have returned from the greet big shipping port of Montreal, in ballast. Will Mir John Mandonald and the Montreal Tories take not of this.

The two vessels referred to are the barques Prof Nordenskjold and; the Louis, but the (art tbat at the present time they cannot get rargoea tn Montreal is not at all conclusive proof that tbe country is going to ruin. It only prove, what the Gazstt hag already stated, namely, tbat timber merchants have teallzrd the nselessnes of shipping timber sud deals to an already overloaded market, Sir John ran no more control the timber market in England than be can Instil a little sense into the writer of the paragraph, quoted. 1 be Montreal' New Boiler. The Richelieu and Ontario steamer Montreal is to be fitted op with new boilers and cenpound engines. The contract for the latter has been awarded to Messrs.

Oagoon 4 Co. Mr. Alex. McKay baa secured the contract for thetnreenewboitere. Twoof then are to be II feet In ritamatar and It feat ta If rib.

8 fees 0 Inches in The shell dri meter and 11 feet In leTHf-iSwIIe ig of the boiler are to be of loch also building several new boilers and engfoeia rn an improved principle foi the Quebag Hoisting association. erelcr Exaggerated Importance. VEletleut gravely informs Its readers that tbe American papers whtch published the Interview with Mr. Murder have rendered a great service to Canada for It is he and not Sir John Macdonald who voices the real feeling of the country. It would be hard for tLe Klttteur to explain how it Is that Sir J( tn always come out on top.

And Hereby Hangs a Tale. The following advertisement appears In the "Personal" column" of the New York Herald of yesterday QV EflEf WILL GIVE $JS0 FOB RETUBl of all the goods, excepting cash i have ar-i i.iiged for Issue of new boiul-t, bat would bo glad lo save trouble of procuring duplicate or deeds; money will be paid In Quebeo or hew York city. Killed III Playmate Wills a Blew. This evening, while two boys, Michael Koonan and Jeremiah Murray, sons of two aaster carters of Bt. Louis suburbs, were playing, and while young Noonan was running past Marray, Murray attempted to catch bim.

In ao doing Murray acctdently dealt Noon an a blow in the stomach which took the breath from bis playmate, wbo dropped to the pavement He never recov-trtd, being picked up lifeless. Young Mur-ay has been placed under arrest by order of the coroner pending the inquest, which will be held to-morrow. A Leaned Coroner's JTary. Tbe coroner'a jury this morning found tbat Thomas Doddridge, who waa drowned In the Louise babin, came to his death "from asphyxia by submersion." In a leas educated community a commonplace verdict like Accidentally drowned" would have been returned. Tbe Oxenholnie'a Grounding.

Tbe steamship Oxeuholme, which had grounded at Margaret island, near Gross Isle, was hnuled off early yesterday morning by the tug Lord Stanley and Dauntless alter she had discharged part of her cargo into lighters, and passed np for Montreal at 7 am. Hbe bad apparently Buffered no damage, having grounded on a bed of sand. Just before she got off an accident happened by which the schooner Alexin was sunk and ber crew narrowly escaped drowning. The Alexina and another schooner, the Albert Eoss.were lightering thegteamship when one of tbe hawsers parted and tbe Alexina drifted down the stream broadside on. The -crew of tbe Albert Roe noticed the tool-dent and, to avoid a collision, let go their hawser, but the Alexina had bv this time got se goucb way on tbat she struck acrosa tb bow of tbe Albert Roe with euch force that she sank shortly afterwards.

The other schooner bad by this time drifted into the farkness. The crew of the Alexin nut off in an open boat and were picked up by the Inid Stanley, but on arriving here it wa nnd tbat two of the crew were missing. When the other schooner arrived in port, however, it wss found that she bad picked up the miesing men. Tbe Alexin was owned by Mr. Charles Gariopy and had on te aid 20U Ion of soda, acid, eto, from the stranded steamship.

free Law Service for lb Crown. There ia a good deal of talk among the Uwyer here at Mr. Charlea Fltzpatrlck Laving gppeared gratuitously for the Crown in the case of Morin, the Montmagny mur-e'eier, when it came before the Court of Ap-rrals on a writ of error. Some of the mem-Urs of tbe bar bold tbat while It Is perfectly iu order for a lawyer to tender his service fne of charge to a prisoner, he onght not to rlo the aame for the Crown, whtch I qo'W alle to pay the lees of Its counsel, and more more especially he ought not to do It when tb accused man is In Joop- a.dy of ble fe- Mr- Vho etipeared for the prisoner, on being k1d tSfblf opinion said I would rather Tot ouallfy Mr. Fligpatrluk' conduct Out I It won occur again Mr.

F.tzp. on ihe other hand, claimed that he tad 'evety justification for what he had rirne. He conducted the case against Morin in the first Instance, and when bis procedure was attacked be waa bound to show that It bad been correct, and In tbl be had been Fianre GrfnOy Agitated Over the New M( Kin Icy Bill. KO RiriUSALB l'UODVBLE.'a tl to (lermaoy-tlrand II iv he Klrholaa' l.anacy Work for llie 1 nemploytd Irlah.

Tarir, October 12 The agitation over Ihe WW Unlit Htotea tatlfl law was greater than ever during the laat woek. The wlldtut fdtaiai to tbe (cope and eflect of the law wtie prevalent Ljoni vlrnlentlf remon-altatid against heavily Increased dutlea on (Ilk Bordeaux waa equally exulted about wine, and the whole of France wai In condition of extreme Irritation andtapprehennlnn which waa reflected by the newapapera. U. Lothroy trtala the Idea of a European Kollvcn ln agalnat America aa Utopian. lie faolda that France unaaalated by other coun-tile, ran open the gatce of the Amert-tan Chlneao wall by profiting by the word "reciprocity," which fignree In the new law, and urge approval of the Foreign Oftice'a negotiations on the aubject.

He la tuppoaed to refer to an alleged understanding between M. Rlbot, mlnlater of foreign affaire, and the United Htatoa Ministor, regarding coitaln conceaalons which France will make provided America doea not Increase the taxea on certain French notably wlnea. The details of thia understanding, if inch exiala, have not been made public, but the French newapapera positively announce that It does exist. The Mot ctOrde thinks America should re-reive French goods a little better, and OrleanlBt pretenders who aeek to ovortnrn the French Republic a little lees pompously. France, It raya, considers the Amerioau OrleanlBt manifestation, ridiculous.

Ike Blll'a Effect la Oaroaauy aa Aentrta. Brum, October 12 As a result or the new United Btates tariff law manufacturers of clothing are holding back their stocks. A large number of operative will be discharged frtm tb woollen goods factories In the Grnenbetg district In Bilesia and weavers at Nowawee, near Potsdam, are expecting; a lockout. The preas comments on the new tin iff continue and the question of a European tariff campaign against America or a German-Austrian customs union Is still eagerly discussed. The rumor that the gov-eminent had opened negotiations with Austria caused a commotion among the manufacturers in AoBtrla and agriculturists in Hungary.

But since Austria's rejection of Bien.arck'a offer of a modiiiad tariff treaty In 1879 both nation hive adopted a strong protective policy. Ho many interests are engaged on both slriea that no sober minded man bsllevea that euch a project can be realised at the prcetnt time. The German Government la not likely to risk en'lreloaaof the American market on the strength of the reciprocity clauee by co-operation with Austria, who loses ubitug. The Vienna chamber of trade and commerce baa opened an enquiry Into the mother of pearl trade, the tamers In which are willing to emigrate to America, bat lack tbe ncccsiary capital to ensure their aimis-Ion to the United SUtes. limeian agriculturists are counting upon ipn-tee! European reprisal for the new tai iff to find a larger opening in European inaiket for their corn and cattle.

Numerous deputation! have arked the Government to apply to the western powera to facilitate the impor at ion of Russian cattle and meat Wtanites will be taken to guarantee the health of the cattle and awlne exported. The rallwava have been ordered to favor exports by a reduction in their freight rates. Work for Ike Deatltate Irlak. LoiiDON, October 11. The Government Las advanced the Midland Great Western Itailway company of Ireland 400,000 for the purpose of enabling the company to build linea to connect the coaat inland markets In the distressed districts of Ireland.

The Telegraph says fifty mile, of Una will be conetructed from Galway to Clifton, 26 miles from West port to nlvaney, and a bort line from Balling to Mlllala, The help afloided to the poor tenants by this opportunity to procure work will prove opportune, as it will enable them to earn money with which to tide over the worst winter months and to purchase potato seed in the tpring. The fisherlee along the extension of the Irish littoral will be developed by the facilities afforded by the railroad company to transport fish to inland towns. What Germany Pay for Zaaalbar'a Caaat. Bkiilin, October 12. It has been settled that tbe Sultan of Zanxtbar will except for bis cession of the coast.

It I thought tbe German East Africa company will cede Its supreme rights to the Government in consideration of the latter paying the rinltan for permitting the company to continue operations. A statement in a London paper that the prospects in Zanzibar are gloomy, as tbe trade is leaving tbe island for tbe German mainland port, Is much commented upon here. The colonial papers exult over the good bargains made in acquiring Heligoland for Zanzibar, which bag become useless aa a trade centre. The Vosutcht Ztitung thinks England perhaps intends to take some new step to strengthen her position in East Africa. A Bnaalaa's Trade Saiehle.

St. PgTiHSBCRe, October 11. A fyoung professor of medicine, Koucharzky by name, closed a lecture here a few days ago on poltcnous acids to a class in the laboratory of the university by pouring into glass some drops of one of the poisons, saying as he drank them "In two minutes you are going to see a man die before your eyes. Gentlemen, I bid yon farewell" The students rnbed np and tried to administer an antidote, but it wag powerless. At the et-piiation of the time he had fixed be was a corpse.

There is great excitement In Ht. Petersburg over this tragic Incident It Is generally believed the profosm had gone tutldenly mad, for no motive for the ac, so fares Is known, existed. He leaves a wife, of whom be was very fond, and two little children. He will be buried with great pomp at tbe expense of the state. IM.Bilroue Petroleum Ezploatoa.

Paris, October 11. An explosion of petroleum occurred to-day in a skittle alley at Soignollea, Department of Beine-et-Uarne. Tbe force of the explosion was so great that twenty-seven persona were thrown to 'he ground and severely burned by the flaming oil wblch wag scattered about the place. Wanj were ao badly injured that they will die. Aaoihrr Porinarame Cablaet.

Lisnon, October 11. The following cabinet baa It en Gen. Boise, prime minister and minister of war; Candldo, mta-lFier if the Interior and education Brandao, minister if justice; Gouveau, minister of finance minister of marine Bocage, ministir of fortign affairs, and Thomas Ribtiro, minister of pnblio work. Sraael Tinka Ktrhslaa' iBaaalLy. Lokdox, October 12.

It has bicn lerned that at tbe close of the Russian military mana-uvres In Volhynia the Grand Duke Nicbolas, wbo had the rbiei command of the army, suddenly became insane from tbe ef- SAVOY HOTEL, Victoria Embankment, LONDON. "lhe Hotel de Lua-eoftfte World." MAGNIFICENT RIVER VIEW. LUXURIOUS BUITEB WITH BATH ROOMS. Shaded Eleehie Light Everywhere. NO OAS.

SAVOY RESTAURANT, WITH LARGE TEBRACE, Tin finest and only epm-atr Reitawrant in LatuMm, yerlookl if 1) elnabet anient and THE CCTSIUE THE MOST FAMOUS CONTINENTAL 4.HD EUROPEAN CAFES. Chef de cnlalne, M. EsoormB. Acting Manager, L. Ecbknard, General Manager, KITZ.

If been for MfiABai ywara And te to-day the moat perfect development or the writing machine. We add to the Remington every Improvement that itndy and capital can necura Over po.ocft in da. nse, Beveral ban' drnls Id Montreal. J. O'FIaAIIEKTY, D1TAWA BUILDING, I4S Bt, Jamea rtreet.

Yonr fld No. Remington, which baa per I upb been In uae ten yeara, can be rebuilt wit iRteat Improvement and made obnolntel. tood ae new for a Any atyle or CmMM.MiaFasrck Co. OFFK Freshly Blincd, sAovg the lines of Railway throngliout the Province. Forprlcee and Information apply at tb Company's office, Imperial BalldlBgra.


Bell Telephone S8L I Wllllaan Street. 110 THE QUEBEC HYDRAULIC CEMENT T. A. 6ATJTBEATJ, Proprietors. LAOOBTB OO, C89 51 Notre Dame Montreal, BOLE AOKHTg.


MAjnrrAOfnnM LEATHER BELTING, raatwrf wwl foetery, natutUi, P.Q. B. CHAPMAN Montreal Agtnit VABMSH I JAPANS I PAINTS! Crcwnand Anohor White Lead and Carriage Varnlahea, (Lt only anbetltnta and eqnal in every reapee Bgfltb Bnanufaetured good. amlHbe and Jaraniofevejy Variety mad ard alwaya on band. Tiirdow Blind Green Paint A arECIALTY.

earti Color In Japan and Graining Color lor Palntera auperaedJng anytumg In the market, tTAYLIS' ELASTIC DRESSINC, For Boggy Curtain make a beanUfol, aoft nnleh. FOB PRICE. APPLY TO EAVL1S MANUFACTURING CO GIBB COMPANY, Are receiving IT OVELTIE3 Ttilcring and Eaberda3hDrv' it ul A SPBiIHLLL C0AL1 after which she began vomiting blood, and a' as 111 that rfa, gent (ot, who a j- ministered the last rights of the church. Two doctors were with her all night, and this morning ahe ia slightly better. Tbe verdict and sentence are in accord with the public feeling in this vicinity, and the dignity with which the trial has been conducted throughout, the courtesy of the lawyers on both sides, and the extreme order and dispatch which haa characterized tbe whole proceedings were a credit to the judiciary and tbe St.

Francis bar particn-laily. Besides Leda Lamontague's trial for arson, tbe trial ot Blanchard, the Stanstead murderer, will immediately take place. Lemonrena and Hr. Monetae Aeqnltted. Ont, October 11.

In the Lamorenx-Monette murder trial to-day Mr. Ccnstantineau, counsel for the defence, made his address, which lasted two hours and a half. It was possible, be said, and most probable, that Monette committed suicide. Mr. Britton, Crown prosecutor, then made a lengthy reply, speaking an hour and a quarter.

He reviewed the evidence egainst the prisoners. The Judge's charge wa severely against the prisoners. It was the Crown's theory that tbe whole plot bad been laid out by the ft male prisoner and carried out Lamoreux. Notwithstanding this the jury after being absent one hour and forty minutes returned a verdict of not guilty," much to the surprise of the audience. I.smoreux tbronghout the entire trial did not shew tbe least excitement.

The female )i if oner kept her face well out of sight during tbe trial and seemed to feel her position keenly. Fell Forty Feet Through a Bridge. CnABLtsTON, W. October 11 While fix persons cn horseback were passing over an tn finished bridge near Webster Springs, jeslerday, the structure gave way and all were thrown Into Elk river, forty feet below. Two horse were killed and five of tbe six persons wounded, two fatally.

who preshjrd, said that the rota judges i mji atitma' cue. uia or weuiu oegln Tiiiii I II I iT'ii i November next and would continue uutil the trials were concluded. Tbey propose to try four cases every week, the trials begin, ting at li o'clock on Monday and Thursday. The judge will themselves fig tbe day of trial in each case, and will make an announcement Monday or Tuesday. During the month 221 cases of tvphold fever were reported, 41 of diphtheria and 24 of scarlet fever.

This shows an alarming Increase over tbe same month last year, when there were but 56 of typhoid fever, IB of diphtheriaand 18 scarlet fever. These diseases resulted fatally as follows: Typhoid (ever, 18 diphtheria, 7. In 1889 tbe fatalities were Typhoid fever, 8 diphtheria, 4 scarlet fever, 1 The amenities of Intercourse between Toronto and Hamilton were evidenced on Saturday when the football teams of the respective places played at the Ambitious city. Toronto waa badly beaten In the play, but not satisfied with thia the populace of Hamilton absolutely biased and bullyragged the Toronto team out of their midst, addressing to them such endearing appellations as "Hogtown tougha and Boodlers." To-morrow will be celebrated the anniversary of the battle of Queenaton Heights all tbe public school children of the province. In tbe morning the Canadian flag will be floated over every'school, and the pupil will be addressed by prominent men, euch as Lieut-Col.

G. T. Deoison and Mayor Clarke In Toronto, and by local men in the otber cities and towna. Sir Adolphe Caron, minister of militia, bad Intended to review Ihe drill corps of the Toronto school In the Queen' park in tbe afternoon, but owing to a family bereavement which require bis presence in Quebec, he bad to change the arrangement The reviewing will be done in hla stead by the officers of the Toronto regiments. The cowboys who figured at the late exhi bition are now figuring in the law courts.

Two of them, Henry T. Martha and Fred. J. Corrl, bave taken capias proeeedings agaiast W. J.

McGolpin and James A. MoGolpln, wbo brought tbe cowboys here. Win. Seymour, son of Police Sergeant Seymour, and John Wallace, son of Police Constable Wallace, were arrested this evening charged with robbing a yacht The two own a boat house and an immense quantity of goods wa fonnd there, supposed to have been stolen from tbe yacht and from various boat bouses which have from time to time reported losses. Trouble with electric connection of the organ of St James cathedral this evening caused tbe instrument to atop short In the middle of a hymn when the service was about half through.

The parafine coating of the cable had caught Ore and the congregation bad to be dismissed. Thi was done very quietly and a panic averted. Little damage waa done MASSACltED BX PI A.TES. Chinese JJnnks Plylnsr lb Black Flagr-A Bqnad fttralr Mem Bekeaded. Si a FiUKCieco, October 1 last time the revenue cruiser Ling Foogoame raTlcal craft On the 22nd ult.

theee men wtre b.he.ded. On. of them refused to kneel, so he we detaplUted In allce. It I lumortd that about 100 pirates came down to Ihe execution to try and effect the rescue of the priionera, but a large number of troops present effectually overawed them. News bas just come In of a frightful outrage remitted by a pirate craft She seized a trading junk and massacred In cold blood Ibe wbcle crew of thirty-nine men.

Kew York l.y Kevlned Cenrm. Nxw Youk, October 12. The new cento of New Yoik taken by tbe city on authorUa-(ien of tbe Census bureau at Washington, give this city a population in rouud figures 1,700,000, or 186,000 more than wa given it by tbe census enumerator' count This give tbe city an additional congres-msu- takes by the Goverbtaent fur the arrest Dillon and O'Brien In America, Mr. Harrington In the offtoe of the National l.sgne all day. said he really knew nothing concerning the fugitives' whereabouts, but expected to bear hourly.

noni the Cvf Cws. QtKEHSTowg, October 12. Detect! vea have beta scouring Queenstown harbor in boats all day in search of Dillon and O'Brien. bey boarded tbe steamer Utnbri and Wliconsfn and all tugs and tenders. They also searched all Incoming mail trains The authorities evidently believe that Dillon and O'Brien have not yet sailed.

Messrs. Dsy and Lane, members of Parliament, boarded tbe Unibrla, causing Intense curiosity. Ihe rirat Kailaaallat at Hew York. Nrw York, October 12. P.

Gill, M.P., and a staunch supporter of Parnell, was among the pasaenger on tbe Alaska, it arrived here to-day. He, it launder-eto cd, will arrange for the reception and tour of O'Brien and Dillon. Mr. Gill waa Interviewed. He said tbe English Government wished to prevent the protected American tour of Dillon and O'Brien.

Tbe charges against the two men were made for this purpose alone, and were brought by Balfour under an old law almost forgotten. Tbe trial at Tlpperary was dragged along and everything possible dona in tbe way of delay in order to detain the two men In England. Dillon and O'Brien recognizing this fact left on a yacht belonging to a prominent M.P. and wont to Havre. Tbey will take a French steamer there for New Yoik and probably arrive here Sunday next.

Mr. Gill said they are not coming here to ak for money for Ireland. THE TirPERAKY TRIAL dome oa Wl.h. at Mr. Dillon and Sj'Brtm-O'BaliiineJ'a Il.neaa.

Dublin, October II. When tbe magistrate's court at Tlpperary re-assembled this morning Crown Prosecutor Ronan stated that the Crown bad decided to prosecute tbe charge of conspiracy against all the defendant, notwithstanding the fact that Dillon and O'Brien had abandoned their defence and left the country. The court, he said, had decided tbat under the circumstances such as had arisen in the present case It was unnecessary to stop proceedings in tbe trial. Mr. Healy, of counsel for defence, argued tbat after the ruling of the Bench regarding the reception of evidence It was impossible for the proceedings to be continued.

Mr. O'Mahoney, one of the. defendants, whose recent illness caused ao adjournment tbe ia again ill and the physlolani wbo on tbe fotmer occasion of bis illness were appointed by the court to examine bin. were summoned to make another lamination and report to the court to big condition. Dr.

Con way reported that In the present (onditlon of tbe defendant it would be dangerous for him to attend the trial dally. Mr. Ronan urged the court to proceed with tbe case. He promised that no evi-drnce against Mr. O'Mahoney would be in-ticductd until he was able to attend court It waa Impossible, he declared, to erase Mr.

O'Mshoney'a name from tbe indictment Mr. Healy asked Mr. Ronan, "Are you net ratltfied with ten victims Buppose Mr. Mahonty should die, what would ba tome of yonr rase Mr. Ronan replied That would be all ruhf Mr.

Healy retorted Yea, it would be all right for him. He would then go before a lust judgr." Tbo mngkfratea decided tbat It would be In rce klble to proceed with the trial in the aVn are of Mr O'Maboncyandthe court was'nrncd until Monday. The HSr Baltallaai (From our own correspondent .) (int.BrtBooKK, October i II. Lleut-C'ol. Honghton, D.A.G., inspected the 63rd Battalion on tbe parade ground this afternoon.

The men presented a very fine appeaiance, performed tbetr drill in good stvla and were coninllmcnted bv C'ul. Houghton on their general nroliclency. Col- Pope, B.M., accompanied tel. Houghton. FAIR AND COOL TO-DAY la Ihe Weather Man' Promise, with Haln Tu-nlght or To-morrow.

Toronto, October 12, II p.m. Jt fa showery and cool over the Northwest and bas bn raining in southwestern Ontario and in Nova Scotia. Elsewhere the weather Is fair. A depression Bearing the lakee tbe fouthwest- Minimrim and maximum temperatores-Kdmonton, Qu "ppelleTV 34 Winnipeg, 38. 80 Port LthntvlOs" I Toronto, 4c, 60, Montreal, cloudy or cloudy, with local rains.

rfptrSI- ZuwrraesFalr and cool to-day rain to night or to-morrow. Montreal's" record. OBeiHVlTlOKS TAKEN AT M'OIU. COLLgGI BfigRVATOBV OCTOBKB It. tj 3 -Wind-, I 3 3 -Weather.

i 3 S.00 I9.B14 46.6 93 18 7 00 S.X7 46.5 91 14 11.00 9.b8 tl.t Ti NW. li 14.00 99 881 49.8 97 10 lO.t'ti 9.91" 4S.5 7S S3.00 89.936 ii.0 74 W- Height above jea-level. 187 feet. JiTmetpr reduced tosea-levl bd ieriureof hso Fahr. being JOO-' Ulomldlty relative.

tutlooh Maximum tetnpenlure oi ti 8. of 11,11 Minimum iw of wind oath. 10th wa 173 iatn iCliuum temperature of tb lh wa "Total mileage of wind on the 11th wa 38 greatest In oe hour, 19. Pattern! Butte from POOL.I. istix nfBPjsoiiosr..

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