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The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 6

The Gazettei
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GAZETTE, MONTREAL. TUESDAY. OCTOBER SO, 1900. meaning, which cause scandal and 111 to tttf tlie tnill' coal aupiriy, diaaod tha mayor out of the town and atoned the mllllla, vhould be willing to agree to thla, Jt will give thwa a breathing feeling In private a well aa political life. It In Air cry from "every Government sat losl would be regard-ed by the Horn, a a gain to to "a vote for a Liberal waa UMTAHLIUHKO 177S.

um-II and aa opportunity to fix ui alibis. W. Scott Sons 1739 NOTRE DAME STREET n.a!;r..'.a Paintings, Prints, fine Frames Oriental Rugs and Carpets. Tin SnufH Rirriow to Tub Gaicttb Ii vote for the Boera, but whan we have the Intermedial pliraa "Every mat loat to tha Government la a se4 gained to the Uoer" tb transference, la easily undeiolood. It obviously aroae from carelee repotting, and not from any evil Intent.

The Attorney-General of tbe province, whan told by the chlof niagta-trat of Vanoyflel that the raw a bulug diflt-d and could not enforced, declined to take any step to re-eotabltali ordr. There must be a great deal for the AtUorney-aeneral pulltleal party depending on Wte flattering of the toughs who atupiied Uia tiggt tiJUa la Canada and aton4 A Dollar for Fifty Cents rUTTINQ IX IJIUEKLT. The records of Parliament ahow that COe a mouth, or 00 00 a yar, payalil In advance dullvered by carrier throughout Ui. city and en uburban train, or by mall In Canada and U.S. Tn AnvKnTiaiMn Rati 10a.

per apiata Una (U Unci to tha Im Ii), for th flint Insertion, and So. per Una tot aaoh aubaa 6unt tneertlon ben consecutive. Special fatal fur aarlal order. Reading notloea too, per Una. Want advertisements la.

word. Tub Giimn la tb only morn-Ing dally In Montreal, and tba oldeat new, paper In Canada, Telephon; Main 3.JQ. Tub Job Phintino Dkpahtmknt or Tub OacKTTB la tlie large.t In tha Dominion, and Ita equipment for One printing la uneqimllud In Canada. Teli-phoii i Main 1W7. before 1(11 the Liberals were a party the tullilia, For ICO.

00 vou can buy "EMPIRE" typewriter and aecurs aa noch typewriter value as would cost 70a 1120. 00 in other make WILLIAMS M'PO Montreal. City at. Frasaol Xavter St, TL Mala SV7S. If th.

latest unnl be correct ttie recent el.x.tUnu gave Lord Itosobery a trlumjitx only lea marked Melton Mowbray Pork Pics The rat of th aeaion, to arrl by pr.M today. Leave your urJ'ii AMD The Decrfoot Farm Little Sausages From th Cel.brated Deerfoot Purni. Huuthl.oro, Ms, rert that were nljllged i dlniplnt mny I'untomer. for dlliit little rtngu ou M.lurtUy ll, and would lmpruw upou lli.iu tU.

ueeewliy o( lay lut utUer. ahutul lur aUUd tWUvurlB. Itwrft Farm LIUI. Bnii.Mb mt from the rhutreiit Toung TIB and rur.Klof I(JHMNU. Zimmerman's, New York, Vienna 5auag and Dolognas, Praakfurtar, I'reah Ring Snuaages, fresh 5alomy Sauaages, Cholc Smokc4 lrat of Utef, Select 5mokcd Tongue.

frff Loav yusr urdurs, FRABER, VWER CO. "1 Hallowe'en Apples. "FAnEUSU" and 44 QRAVENSTEINS." Mixed batkuts of th r.mtue. aud Nova Hootla Oraveu.Ulna, Mc pur lakot. FmnuiiM A l'pl4, i) biuk-l.

uraveii'jln Appl.s, mo per btuket. Th luiiaa Warehouse will be rioted at 7 e'rleeh flallowo'eaw Leave yar orders early. Fall and Winter Stores. SEASON OP 1 000-1 90 1, We ronpsolully Invite tbe atUntloa enuauiuere threunhoul Canada to ouf aiiequtbMl of raney ami Mtapl Uroewloa, frulla, Wlue. muoreU, Mblpplag order promptly and tai-efally alteudud to.

Hallowe'en! Hallowe'en 1 Another I'M barrel, of th famou. Nova Rrolla Mo. 1 iiMAVI WBTHJI ArPLE) for our Hallowe'en Trad. which, fa voted economy and a rtJve-tlon In the rat of expenditure. The records of the publio account, how that after Inns they bocam the moat extravagant Bputider In the hU-tory of Canada.

Kr la a record of the expenditure! on ordinary or Consolidated Fund ac. count alnue MM, the year In each caae ending with June than Lord Salisbury. Th LUU England 'element, whldt failed him when he wa prmlr, ha been out up FALL PLOUGHING MATCH lnrsTiit a farina 111 a COUNTY OF K8CKELAGA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, that It buhls Ita peace, and th men ot bread Uj In th Liberal party are turning to a man of biJta to jus uazkttb iiiwnKRT naa every (acuity for blank book manufacturing, Llgu-cln. binding, eto. Telophonti 17 4t.70O.34J On th farm of Mr.

JUrtlil'U HEX Lavnard Port MuarWa, TUKDAY, OOth OCTOIIETl, IOOO, For the U.nn will meet the Boul d. L'll Eiastrta Cars at a O.g algtiad ptaud oaar LoiL.a loiule. the organisation. Tender for lb erection of a post office at lirununondvJHe re being Alain lis. RICHARD WHITE, Man.

Din Caiatte Prlntln0 Company, There baa the four year been, In MONTREAL alnce the Laurler Uovenunent ciuno Into power, an Increaae In the ordin advertised for, and will be received up to Novwmbor 11 five day after tha election. That should ttiak three or four Voles safe lot t.i Liberal candidate. No prospective contractor mil tit hand that Hokla out MONTREAL TUESDAY. OCT. 0.

TO RENT for Immediate ocoapaUon, IWirge Factory sad Warehouse oa MoOlU Street Klectrlo Power, Steam Heated, Solst Kent low. ANOTHER WITNTS68. ary expentea of the admlnlatratlon of all million a year. In the other department of expomll-ture, that on "cpitT account, the outlay the aame peculiarity. I Tbe Saturday Review, probably the knofft Influential of the Urltlaa week- Ilea, baa com out with the declaration Here are the figure: MAIM Seal Ki 301 St James Street.

that the preferential trade policy of 4.141231 14i Blr Charles Tapper bi not only prac- 9T but la steadily gaining ground pleasant a loaf. Hlr Wllfr'd LaurUr In hla alcctlo aieecbcs urgva union and fraternity among the people. Lea Debat. on of bl party'a election organ, speak of the rollltla, ordered out tut aorvUe under the law to preserve the pec, aa "young goddam. Th liberal hook I baited for all kind of flah.

"The moat stone and stick are el- SAo par baok.t barrel (J raven Uiln Apple. lucU'tu Apples. 100 Ebucatfonal. for olty delivery. ft per brrl Kotooti Orvn1i(n Applee Hsineb-fl rirav.nitatn Apple.

road or atearo- )IIVMrl rre t.jr rr.l.lil, oil rhr prefeld by us to an rail oal landing lu Oularto or tJueW. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A GOOD PAYING POSITION. There baa been an Inctvaae In thla department of th expenditure In tin lut year of th Liberal, aa compared with the lat year of the Conaervative Oovermnrnt, of cVwe upon lx million a year. With th party'a promlwa of curtailed expenditure were aaaoclated others that tho taxation would be reduced. a poini out mat th Imperial free trade ldoa of Blr Wilfrid Laurler la not belhsved In, even by It own advocate, for they all acknowledge that the colonlea cannot Uo without protective dutlea.

The (Whole article, which la printed in another part thla laaue, la well worth reading, and the following paragrapn ideaervea attention: They who apeak of any uh Idea Indlvllot The ninitt Ihomeiih oniirto of aludy nartalnlnf to a butin.a. Ufa, way, found under tha beat apple tree." retnark an admirer of thing a they inoiio'iiou. im iua amu mmiiiu. tuna aa.ea are at Ottawa. The am mrMlle.

i It 1 to be added, are always fjund Montreal Shorthand Institute and Business Ccllege, 110 MANSDELD STREET, MONTREAL, E.Uhli.hM Tvlopboue Up ML U. II. nVLLCM K. rrtoelpoL All Commercial Bubjecta flhorthand "lourh" TrpvwrlUng, Preuun. Bpanlab, O.rioan, Maib.niMlv..

elo. Writ fur hiriua, It was added to, to the extent of ele- flying In tlie direction of th yellowest our. The else of a ailck and alon pile proves aothlnB. Table Raisins Table lga Table Prune Table Prult and Nuts New Aklly Filberts (extra large) Choice Ore noble Walnut Soft Shell Almonds Fecaa Nuts Drazll Nuts, He. Too I'loeat unltr Table ItaUlo.

In boxM, qnurter bos. and loOe by the pound The I'laeat tins Illy Table oad Cook log rigs riioli-4-at pHimHrn Tall. Klg. to 4 Hi and lb knook down boxes ko ri'it Lnynr yig. In lar aud malt bus.

The t'holeeet Table and htewlog Pro naa In gltJr, tlu. and boxes The Famous IJar-Le-Duc Jelly And Neufchatcl Cheese. a uiopian or alarmist (according to ven million, a year. The two ourcea thouVht mit! MraX lh' ter. that la going In th.

Sn? if dutlea. the flr.t collected on Importud foreign goods, tho second the younger generation. The opinion Of politic-Inn prominent at thla mo-irient doe not cloee the question. They brought up undt-r different poll- Ural condition. If the modification Of the public attitude towarda Cob- sin Genuine Ilar-I lue It1 orrent tsuiia Hi Iua blui t'urraul J'lly ART ASSOCIATION, rmLLiraancAsn ART AhaoClATIO LAr, rolallog(1aae-A Palnllnc C1m (from Hi.

lrap-l Muib-ll will b. hxld Wdn. ilay and Krlday afWnion. Irotn JU4oVU ronimauelna Nov. 2nd.

I Pr month. loaaeaiMvy Drawing os-Tti. F-l-maulary Drawln ClaM will pomiiimc. No-vcinlwr l.t, and will lie bld on Tuflr and Tliurlay from 3 30 to a ovlot k. Keua.

$1 ir month. ta Th Irlah Legue at Ita first meet- Ing after the parliamentary election, reaolved to atamp out mutiny. This will make the Basaenach and Sloody II. If our smile. While the league 1 tamping out mutiny (whlcli mean Tim llealy) ot bvwie rule may Uk a d.y off.

I Th Engllxii metropolis Iras a Cltiaea Sunday, on which clergymen ot aH denomination draw attention to thing that need righting. If have not aurh an Institution In Mont IHV aenite vlewe goe on during the next twenty year, at the rate It baa pro-cceded during the preceding twenty, there will be no difficulty In gelling the Canadian bank of commerce. DIVIDEND No. 87. NOTICE barflby tlol a PIVIDEJTD Or- TllllfcK AM) ONE II LV PUK I'KNT.

neon INaraplial of thl. lo'tita 'Inn baa baB tor lha i-orint half y. ar, and that In aauia will ha n.rM at JJaiilt and IU Bramshm on ana Siturdat, t.i First day of December teit ThTraft U-l will b'cbwd th Hth of N'lvembHr t. the rtb of botn day. Inclualv.

B. E. WAI.KKR. Toronto. October.

Uonoral Mutiaaer. levied on home producers. These produced during the past five year the following sum: im 17.7W,: 1H47 tUUI.b. ia.57;.4s k.s'pXims 1DU0 88,24.223 Put another way tha collection of taxation while the Liberal have ben la power grew from $5.41 to 17.51 a head, or from 127.10 to 137. US a family.

Among olher thluga the dull on ugar were raised by one-half, on many line of cotton good by one-alxth, on blacult by one-eighth; on Ilvnimia Uur-LA Uji w.werry jeni liai' tifN-w Th. lirrr" t'tain Obeiiae Ovuulne IiuuorUd t'amuiiiliert CIh-omi l'irynii Cliif-fl ltoU.lorl C'heea. V'lum Choor IUII kdalii baea. I'm. Ala I'hww J' ln I'm Apil m.

i'lo-Nk! lu. Anlu tliitii'. .1. teecnuearh an eaut. ou 4U cent, vault Keenl.

arlt olei-oU eanh IScnllL.atU THE MONTREAL CONSERVATORY or Musia BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA. Hnglish Stiltons I Hngllsh Stiltons 1 Tim M. H. Mowbray'." (leanln Ku.ll.h btllUin Cheeaa. 1 eaMa, Ckolcual Ln.luli b-liluu lu i i.

aud arrive, I I HT EXTRA qt ALITT CALIFORNIA TABLE FRUITS foaoded ISM by O. K. BatrsnT, the Dlrerlof real, It I not for lack of abuaia to call attention to. Sir Wilfrid Laurler Is announced make another speech In Montreal, tbe third of the campaign. Ttil ts a sign that he thinks Montreal a riax needing attention.

It should encourage the Conservative, SSS 4 Pereheales near Uountala pariy enougn to elTecl commercial union within the Kmplre by mean, of preferential rate." Practically, all the advance In favor Of trade ha been made 'during the laat half doxt-a year. lie-fore that time It waa hardly heard of In England; and tbe future period the Review set a the limit of the ucceaa of the movement jnay aafely be cut down accordingly. But, taken Jut aa It atandi, the article I a remarkable teatlmony to tha hold the Bubject baa gained on the view of the UrUlnh public. What la needed I continued agitation to force It to the front; and thl will not be undertaken by minister who hold th preferential trade acheme for a "humbug" or "Im-POMlble," It time for a change. tobacco by one-tenth, and on.

There waa no attempt, nor any pretence at an attempt, mad to live up to Its recorded main pledgee by the roackeei Vol-a,, Violin. OrfB. tbe 1 naory or Mu.te,4.A. g.nd (or rroietua, HlmiutUa now open. Pupil may enlnr at any lline.

let full welahl lb. raoa. Season ot 1 900. From the Odder. Oate State.

Nolle. I. btreby el.on tha' a DWld mraa and Una-baU IVr Otnt. (3aj fur ttw -orrt-nl h.lf-yaar, aqual to -vn Pvr Cent, rr I Pr annum, on tb. Capital Ht'wk Of Ihla loatltulton ha.

Umh iWlarwl. iiid that tb. aaraa will b. nayoula at llvad ufflr or at III Braoehaa on aod aftur SATURDAY, the 1st of Deeesbsr ml Th. Trnnifor Bonk, will be eloMtd rrnm lha New Pack.

party, aa represented by the Liberal Government. The men who thua broke their most solemnly pledged word are now Now In 140 rate THE GOLDEN OATE FACKINtJ CO.H Extra Qunllty Tabl.a'iaua. ST. ANTOINE Ferean. Perdoa, 4 4-KI pledging their words anew In an effort to be kept where they are.

Their (lol.U Out. Al-rlioU tn lb. Ool.l, Oata (K'iyl Arm) White Cbarriea, in lb. I toth. Xb of November, bulb day.

lu- SAFETY Ii the First Consideration of Cautions Men and Wcnaa. Borety Deposit Special Id. GoMob i. Ilartltt I'var. acta show that their words are not (tul loq Gat Fua ftiliii.

I lb. liy onler of tb. Board, U. J. A.

1A8T, General Managoa 4 4 04 4 54 4 SIM 6 is DVSON, Xl 4x 40 0 -'0 4,0 4u0 those of men who regard their honor given to the publio aa They are self-stamped aa men who are not department tor jjaaica. A HMJTOIUC PHUA8E. Vfaia iiiiii Gold Out. ltro.ngnn plum. tnin Gate Uol.lmi lr l'luiii.

Goldun Gat I-mon Clin. 1'eaclia. tldea not. Yellow frwl(iiw I'ta4-he. Golden Gate While U'-ath I lb.

I lb lb. lb. 3 lb. No alngla sentence could be choai-n to be believed. Canada doe not want THE BANK OF TORONTO.

DIVIDEND Na 83. for th of Five roll nr. and enwn-4. you can plac your friamoniU aud other valuMil9.l(lirtprlant tna vauK. beyond tb rink of or Fir.

Storage for Trunks, Silvtrwar that kind of men to longer direct br aftalr. NOTICE Irareby rlvon thatantVIDEMD OK KIVK PKK t'KST fr the half- CONVEYANCES. Whether the next President of tbe yar, linj al the rni of TKN KKR CENT ana Pictures. TRUST DEPARTMENT. Th attention of Bankers Lawyer, Whole.

'Kit A N.N I'M. um tbe paid up ranltal or i 1 1 i i i i i United State I a Democrat or a more cuaraclerlattc of the "khaki" election Juet over In England than Mr. Cliamherlaln'e message to the elector the height of the conflict, "every eat lost to the Government 1 a e.t gained to the Boena." The Oppoal-tlon. Liberal, Imperialist and LIUle Englandem alike, resented It a an attempt (to- ua Sir Edward Orey' ml. and )ltall klua 1 rexpocllully Republican, it la settled that there ar 111.

UllHli IIH Uaj UlTI.ICUt thn tho mine will be puvabu al the Bank aud 1U Bra'ti'baon ana alter ewllwd to nolle, kuut thl. Company acts ai eallwd to nolle, iuul this Com Curitiof to lnar.lvenl Elt DO YOU KNOW that bar. lb very finest English Breakfast Teas that come to Canada, Tbe "Karavan," the flnp.t Enrly Bprlnj Itroakfaiit Congou Tea aud tbo Choicest Extra Lapnani SourbnUK T.m but li nl l.W pur poand. ra'kNl In S-ll. tin.

at ttt runt, por xiiind Tacked la 10-lb. tin. al VI oeuU per pound. DO YOU KNOW to be great extension to the White House at Watting ton, so that ofllclal Friends willing to Dr. Roddick iretv In Civil Ctrnt, Hur.ty tor of Juairlal Kxasutor Undur Willi, raror Saturdai, tti First day ot Dacarnber teit.

Tb. TRANSFER I KS will be eloaed from tha Ui tha IhlrtluUi day. of Koveruber, both day. tncludrd. by loaning eonveyancea for polling A.ut (or C'orporatloDi.

and th Inveatro.ut functions will no longer be dliturbcd by the appearance of tha garbage pnraae) "to brand, the whole Liberal lrum Moniv. onaor tn curroilon of lis lurd, Company Uusi anUelng Principal and lrrt. man or tlie family grocer or nutcner party aa parlahg, outcasts, and trai- day, will kindly communicate with Col. Whitehead, Conservative committee room, Cathcart street. isy oruur oi me innm, P.

CutTt.H')!. Munuaor. at the President's front tduor. What Tna Bark or Toaos-ro, were many among Mr. Chamberlain's own followera who regarded It as an unnecessary piece Toronto, 1UB Uelobar, ki known a "Mr.

Harrison' plan," la to be carried out, Involving construction of an east and west wing In ot oiap-liap. Mr. Chamberlain con- BOARD Of DIRECTORS Oeorte Tlagu, Pre.ldanti lion. L. J.

Wllkon Bnittli, Klwla anion, H't'ir Maxksnile, Allan It. W. Hum and J. A. I.gtratliy.

Montreal Trust Deposit Ca'y 1707 NOTES DAIiE ST. Th oldest T. at D. to. ia thla city.

SOLDIERS' ieniea nimseir ny replying that the phrase wa not his, but that of the White marble, wUh alt modern Improvements, coating about a million dollars. It 1 possible that If Bryan get In, lie will veto thl expenditure aa Inoonsiatent with democratic sim Mayor of Mfeklng. Mr. Frank White Harbor Commisslcr.ars OF MONTREAL. TENDERS For Timber and Planks.

Baalcd T.ndi-r, for upplv BANQUET COMMITTEE ley. We have now lta whole history, and very ourlou and lr.tero.tlna I. It appear that Mr. Wihlteley be plicity; but It I not likely. longs to tn old Liberal family In York- An urgent meeting of Montreal Father Strubbe, In a sermon on In llinrx-r and riiink for lmil, to the nndor aikd niliMaMArl Bin re, ana txrore he went out to ajr ladles Is called for Tuesday afternoon election obligation, pointed out, tbat w.

bav tb. popular Tt Jt the maaM.t English Breakfast Tea at 33 cents per pound. Maine price to one and all, Fnall-h Praakf.nt Tea, In 1-lb. parcnla, wnla per pound. ilreakfi.l Tea, parki'd In S-lth caddie or at 11 cent, per pound, KiiaiUb Iirwakfaat Tea, packed lu 10-lb.

cmldlu or Una, al ii ouut. pur pouuX HOLLAND HERRINGS PURE MILKERS. eoOkr-gii Plnct Holland Herring. 1 1 26 per krg Flnit.t Qunllty Hull Mwkorol (Mn.Kd), ha.l and tali, off, in 90 lb. par kit Guuuinu Loobfyn.

Kull -ltb ltous ntid Mill. t.7tp.rkea Mplnibiir CauiU Flmmt Knp-irtPhPtlnnd Ling FIMi 0 12prlb. Genuine "Kant Count" nuotub. Full Horrlngo, with Roo. and Mill.

1 70 pur kug Mngof t'orod ClaapeMalinoa, aelnotcd Hull. Froth Cnred Smohed Naloton, flnnnt extra quality. Kippered NhIiuoo, extra large fat flah. We rocolva regularly evory week of the flue.t Fre.h Cured Smoked Hitlmou. Nips" of Oulnness's Extra Foreign Dublin Stout Quluntua'e Dublin blout In half-plnt.

Uulnncsa'a Dublin Stout lu Dublin Stout In quart. Boulb Afrloa he wa a member of the for Thiiiier," will b. reeelvml at thl. uiflre mi o'clock noon, ou Monday, Sth No- among other thing, that deputy re Bradfoid Liberal Club. On his re GIBSON'S NEW BOOK, "AMERICANS" AX tn Karn Hall, to five organised assistance at the Banquet whioh the Cltv Council I to our returning aol- vombor, lw.

HiMMilrtnatlon. and nrlntl iorm. of tendor turning ofllcer should be alert and faithful tn thalr duties to prevent turn to hi native town he frequently Vlaited the club, and dUrcussed nuiy be obtained from Mr. Chlof Kiwlueer of the Harbor Comiiilnnton dlers. About 200 young- ladies are re- era, at tbl.

olllue, on aud aflur Friday, 351b South African affair with It mntn batlot-4ox lulling. There was no mure important advice gJven la an address full of sound sense. Much of In.taut. Quired, anl abxut 100 chaperona. The Ctiurrhea, philanthropic and national The Harbor Oommlwilnner.

do not bind Dera. Tn expectation foimed In oonseciusnce of thee conversation (Societies, and all ladle Interested, the fraud that makes election con both French and English, ar earnest hnmasivei to accaril tne loweat or any tn dur DAVID BEATH, BeoreUry. Ifurbor Com I ffloe, Montruul, lUrd (Atober, UM. I were very ingenuously exTreaaed by the local Liberal paper which aaltf edi CHAPMAN'S slorc, MONTREAL. tests disreputable 1 duo to deputy-returning ofllcer' lack of apprecia ly requested to attend.

The chair will tion of the faot that It 1 part of torially. Just before the election: "It la to be hoped that even larger ue be taken at I o'clock by Mrs. Clark Murray, and in view of tha shortneas of time Jid th Interesting; ooraalon. CTATE OFRHOTMC ISLAND A Vl .1 PLANT ATIOKS, Ihclr buwlnea to prevent wrongdoing. When on ot them knowingly a fraudulent vote to be cast he commits a crime and Is on a foot will made Whltelcy'a knowl edge and experience for the Inetruo tlon of the electorate during the com Bass's Pale Ale.

a largo attendance la requested. rwoviu.Hon, bo. Whereaa, Horner K. Merahall, of Paw- tui'knt. In aald eountv and atale.

baa Slad a Ing campstgn, for, despite hi long petition for In the Clerk'. Orno. of Huction Sales ing of equality with the rascal Whoee offence he participates In. CARBONATED or at the Springs, still, the r-lasi CalctlQiiia Waters resldenoo in Mafcklng, ha ha had the th.

A nnallate HWUIon nr tbe Hupreni. Court good fortune to escape the Infection la tbe county of provtdnime, In aald praytni for a divoroo lrum OUalla U. Tha Holtllngof Pan. In Tho'-Jt iut i llrnnd" tl'nator'.) bottllnir of Him" In Htbborf. botillngol Bum III plut.

and uuarta, lTosh supplleiofoneand alt, FRASER, VIGER di Importers, Italian Warehouse, 207, 209 and 211 St. James Street, In Trustor Max Muller tbe world of both Rhodes fever and Chamberlain By WALTER M. KEARN3, has lost on of the greatest philolo Notlo I hereby liven (under an order ef nld Court) to the Odalla O. Mardinll. that dopnaltlon.

to bo utd In the trial of laid pott tion will be tuken on th. Hlitbof worifhlp." Now, although Mr. White-ley might no be a worehlper of Mr. gists of tihis century. He knew more about Sanskrit literature than the Movcmhar, A.U., at 10 olonk

at Chamberlain, he waa strongly of opln SALE by AUCTION theomc of llMdJ. Proala, noUry.UHI. are procurable from best dealers everywhere. wine men of India, who came to Bit at Ion that the defeat of the Government J.IUM nrwii MODirHI. policy would be a national disaster, lieiure ma, W.

4, fHOur.X. Notary, IS ot, jame. street. his feet. He united profound scholarship with brilliant gifts of exposi GURD Well Situated Residential Property, ii tion, and knew tiow to make philology and his, friend were quite aware of his views.

They coirmvunIoatd with him, and he crysfallxed his- opinion FOR CHINpSE REQUIREMENTS. Have you tried the new "nOUNT ROYAL, niLLS" brand of popular interest. His books are a Ruction Salcc. MONTREAL Sole Agents and Bottlers. solid monument of his achievements for presentation to the elector of Itradford from a Llberal-Unlonlsl plat 16 BISHOP ST.

Ron ah fttowo front Honao, wlto Cut Ey TJENNINQ BARSALOU. form In the sentence, "Every Govern THOS. ment seat Inst would be regarded by for the advancement of knowledge, and be bad, beeldo all thla, at klrudly and Impressive personality wWch will not soon be forgotten. Itorden and politics fcave dii re Voters in soaroh of information ooncorning votos, polling plaoos, eta, ctr, in Maisonnouva Divinion aro requested to oull at tbo offlotrof Aid. Oulmot, IS St.

Lambert Hill. the Tlosrs a a gain to themselves." biomo larluiv llnv wui'luw" on two HhU. Uatwl by Uolay t'urnaeo. The hiw received Instruction, to Important Trade Sale or DRY GOODS It Is especially adapted to Chl oese oeeds. He spoke teveral time afterward In wll the alve Uwrlhi'il proper.

at bl. anlearoom, IS SI Kulro Ilituie atreet, on explanation of his position, which wag not Intended to cast any reflection WOOUMCN8 and WORSVEtW. BEAV markable things for, the mllllla during the past four years, and publio opinion was prepared for nuwth. It RICE 0. W.

ROSS CO'Y, AGENTS. upon thn opponent of tha Govern ERS. FttKlZbH, CHEVIOT, MANUFACTUnKB Of mm, wi suns, ml ri.ACIN OF Al l. NATIOW. WIWU IOVIRH, IIO HIS UIVKHS, loaltio Mprtng Holler HbttUe.


WACKINAWH. RRADY-MADB will be sixnewlmt staggered, however, at tihe apeotaclit ot a lieutenant-col CLOTH1NO, HOUHKKKJKPlNa JjlNICNS. FELT HATS. MILLINo ment, but to bear almply ita obvious meaning tmiit every seat lost to the Government, and every Opposition gain SPARHAM FIREPROOF CEMENT ROGF protocted by Trade Mark aud TaUnt. Th only reliable rxf for our elliuate "ADTAKTAOES.

rtreproof. No (ravel to AH drain or Mmoolhl nixiw blow.oirlt. Any da. MONDAY, Gil NOVEMBER. Tbl.

building wi crntrnpl under tlie most cantui I npi vUlon, and laavwry cou-vlenily for vttlior a pro.un.lunul or bii- lv" inmi. PniSnlu i vlw. ami may be had from the un.lriinsl. Bala at Klovoa o)'CIk. WALTER Si.

KKAUXS, Awlhin'T. MIY, RIBBONS, I'NDKUVYISAR, Wi UPHOLSTERERS onel refusing to obey his superior orders tUl he was assured that he would serve to enoovrage a feeling of BM AtiLWARB, FURS, would ba paid fr what he was re unrest In the mind of both Boor and 'BHtnn In flouth Afrloa, well BOOTS and BHOES, BY AUCTION oulred to The newest recruit, Price Rooi. guoraniovio vu yuan i aa th loyal Dutch, Mr. Wbltulfty doing soiitiy at the Valleyneld "bar Aceordiugiy. niiMHMi year.

llool'. a ii are lend 6 yeur. At our SaJeaxm. No. (i Et iv knowa south Afrloa, "6 racks," is'more a credit to the mllllla IjIVABawtsb.

yerfeot to expre r.i opinion as fore thin, thl commander Of a regi CECDIK3 UUHFiCTURERS. A.11 our wor Is rRIOCa are ItiaUT STEEL St BRUNBT wmMrrvaB And ui)mo, 1(13 INO I0IS II OT RE DAiTi! $THEIT, Ring jp tlolt Tel. Main M1T A enarnnlee worth only what I. behind It to lv It vale 'Mio Hpnrhoiu lro- the way In which detoal of ment, Canada Aetal William Toronto, siakis CABBi7T nvoof ItooHow A jpnii7, uaiuvm ftlie uovernmcnt wouia ne rejrfvnioa in Ihu roof, and Pciier Htreet, Oa Wednesday October tha 31st, At 10 O'clock, a m. Bala in tots to suit tha trade.

Terms liberal. ZiES SfSii B.kRNAI.Iir, wiiii in with 'Mr. Mulock, the "minister of Intor," FIRE BRICKS. PORTLAND CGMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, MORTAR COLOR, LWSEr.D OIL. GASOLINE.

BENZINE ALEX. BREMNER, DLKti'BtT SJT REKIi nVMVMBAIW ilv. a wvllloii HUiU'Hy Unit 1. Hub.tuutuU. hi fellow-colonita there.

For Apply UottSt. sane. til. Ap aoks the parties to the dispute at utnquent twists which bis words SPARHAM FIREPROOF R00FIH8 CO'Y, lvd 1i Is, ot course, not rewpatt V.llpyfidld to linruer sip proceedings UU he la throuh wllh. eiectlou campaign.

The gangs which undertook; rlivi taetals W. L. MALTUYi Man. plmotor. A CIHiDAY, Agents It 1 such g'lght alterations In Anetlonesrs.

thrase, great eMeratlon In aji.uwj ii ii l. nm.

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