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The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 4

The Gazettei
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GAZETTE. MONTREAL. TUESDAY, MAY 13, 188C. 4 vlilwit fmillug that ill local Mock and tion tend to prolong a useless strife and oim people and that ho con xsss WANTED TWi CITY CA VAKSKRS fur nrsU'lnsa KiikM'Ii Klra Insurance French and nun hcoieh. Address, In first mutual organisation will bit unequal to the woik Mpectcil from tliuin.

Heveial of these lisve been newly ciigwiUad, and of thm th Insurance ceiunilssloiier, In hi annual report, say-, Tlinsa nnw poimiaiilna sll commanded their stances, mid I liny arc ill Igmitly striving lot imika Ilia mi mi of their opportunity, with under Hie most ni'iiorliiim circum err sralllvlns inertia lit) to lb" prewi.l limn. If I le wr nut In the handa of aaiaclnus caution In lliam aa well a susK.istlon tu III niHii or eons rieraiiia sstHirii-nrfi. a woni oi iwoiiIh tnlilit not Im out or place item, ine fact Hint every premium lines' with It a enr- rniinilliis liability Is illuntiml uy Ilia mo. meiiliirv mare of sneers. Having enllwdrd few IIioUhhiiiI Dollars.

Ill" fBi-l triinin-tll aliroail, Klvlng Ilia Inipre.iloii of untjnalined ownership, when In liiilli but small purl or lias earned, the rest nwiig reaiiy mi' pmirty or lltitaa who have pain it, inu mo II. ramliim nolo ant designed aa additional nMirlt v. HIioii Id It iM-eonia mwasary to a- SKsaon tin-in, avrry una who iro-rly appn-rlaiaa Iho mutual relulliiu assiimml will pay and stick. Ilul who ilis-s not Know llial many would, however unwIsHv. withdraw In dlsKimt and never eras lit niis'laiia Ihiur Ill-will, 'Humiliation la very dulli-aln.

tnir Insurance la lli We ara snurliiiHiillnii. and It la not wise to blind ourselves to Ilia aelual situation. I'lirawatned la to forearmed. It la all-Important that the aelual alltntllon should be unilrrll and rri-oiilit, and that mutual menmy reiauona ruitivaim ami iiiiiiiien Is-twei-n tha companies and ihn Inaiiml. Tli" 1 vn and let, live phrase must ha recognised flidie la grumbling among the Insured at the liifh rate that coinbtuation on the part of (lie companies ennhle them to barge, with the result that what the commissioner raits a "swium of IrreHpiitisibiu iuimjuI" are 11 Mousing about the state from far nlT or lit- tie, known reiinim Mnnv of then- are fiom the South and Soutltwesl, a quarter to whli li soinu Moiilrenl penplo have gone for Insiiiiiiu'd they coiil-l not otitaln at home, and sreilerliiieil to ho utterly without staiuling.

Six are not even mentioned In the year Isiok, ami probably have no eiistenre other tlian In some faro mill that grinds them out so that in oo those who plaro their dependence thereon suffer loss, I hey will have ocr i hunt of beinu recoil peil. At ne unv council meeting yesterday, I Aid. (I reuler drew attention to a report iu the oi tao proceeding at the anti-poll tax demonstration on Sunday afternoon, anil naturally enough, expressed hi Indignation at the words tillered by one of the speakers. Thereupon two of the aldermen got up and Icnlud that any such expression had been given voice to by the individual in quo-dion. This Is 'he sot oiul time that such an occur.

rent lias taken place. A few weeks ago tin sane person, at a meeting of a local organ. Izulion, made use of language iu regard to other friends of the cause it was meant to ad vance, that gave serious ollcnce to them. To avert the conBcoin-n -e of this, a peculiur dixlgo was resorted to. A committee meet ing wat held, from which care was taken to exclude the Gazstih: representative and there the person In question made a speech repudiating the sentiments he had a day be fore expressed, and aburing the Gi.i.rn for attiibuting tliem to him.

This was pub lished in the Herald. But neither tho support of that organ nor the Intrinsic importance of tho subject warranted auy fur- ther notice of the nutter, and it dropped. The little success then achieved has, no doubt, emboldened the individual to repeat the experiment, and as he has been backed up on this occasion, by men whose positiou should give their statements some weight, the matter is perhups worthy of again referring to, in justification of the reporter who attended the meeting. The account of tho addresses made on this occasion (a also on the firmer one alluded to), were substantially correct. It is not pretended that all that was uttered was set down, but nothing! was attributed to the speakers that they did uot sav.

atul it was iu no wist, seutdit to Hij. tort their meauiug or to rob their expressions of anv mialitWntr nhrases This thu oi any quaiuyiiif, purascs. tnis me reporter, who were present in both instances, and whose skill and trustworthiness are admitted, are prepared to attest. It may be unpleasant to some individuals to have what they say before oue audience laid befure an entirely different one, but if they are hurt thereby they have but themselves to blamo. A niau who thru its himcelf on the public notice in these days cannot have two sets of opinions.

If he seeks to he will inevitably fall. MARRIED- Murphy Diti'RV At St. Patrick's Cbureh. ny ineiievn. t-atner Down, r.i',, on tno 17th Instant.

John Murnhv. son of tho Into John Murphy, of urinsiown, to Wlnnifred, dauitli- icr oi uiu mie uweri imiry, oi mis city. Mofkatt On the Slird April, at iioiy Trinity uiiurch, i'uuillngton, by the Hev. Kdward Htorrs Kox, Oeorge Wilkinson, eldest son of J. T.

I'rull. ol Itoehesler. to Amv Oeorglmi, duuulitur ol tieorae Mollutt. of lerrace, jiyue i-ura, tmii giHiid-(linmlitifr of the late lion. George Mollutt, of DIED.

Kittson. At Borel, on the lath Inst Margaret Ktliellnd Clarke, wile of It. H. Kittson. and mother of (1.

K. W. Kittson, N.P., of loiseiiy. ATOW THAT YOU ARE MOVED into 11 your new houses, eet your Clocks into good going order. We will send a good I careful workman to remove, repair and take I inem nome.

unarges moderate. Leave orders at HENRY GRANT at SOU'S. Cor. Usurer Ball and DorchDiter atrssi. GENTLEMEN Can obtain NICELY FURNISHED BED ROOMS and a PARLOR at 62 Beaveb Hall Hill, either Furnished or Unfurnished.

Beautiful Rooms. Large and Airy. Term Moderate. TTr-il vn nionrvpn ami ujiixxo AOi-ur viubiiiig i uiuiinku HIW, Ul I 1,1 Btoves. Carpets, Hardware, etc.

JOHN MAnON a 623 Craig street. 8U rpO SENT, "nicely Furnished and Com -a. rortabie Kooms, with use or parlor, etc. Appiy ai. dv.

xxtuis streeu SITUATION WANTED Wanted by a kJ youth. 19 years of aire, situation ns junior I Clerk in a Merchant's or Broker' office. Two I years' oflice experience. FirtJt class education. Uood reference.

I', u. box 469. 11 i WANTED TO PURCHASE LADIES' nnH llnnl.l nff tnn 1,, LM. VJUVUIIIj .11., UBI- ellers' samples and Job lota of Dry Ooods, uraig street. a WANTED-GOOD FKEElfOLD SECURITIES for large aud small Mums of Money, irom tauo to 'lliose ptr-soiis who wlHh to realize may feet assured that all correspondence la private.

Held direct. from solicitors. No delay. Anp iy to Messrs. Toiler A land agents, Cambridge, Eng- tanu.

jiarcn 22. ie. in TANTED, a middle aged Lady, to 1 superintend a gentleman's bonse and act as Hoow-keeper. Address P.O. Drawer 403, MonirjBi.

one i.1 tint IH t'r 1,1 I I orento fresh complications, Iho threat of the minority and tho taunt of the majority are alike inexcusable. Hi reported on the one bund, that the Orangemen arming, while, by way of retaliation, Mr. I'avitt invoke the vengeuiioa of the league if tho National 1st demand am not grunted in full. The ante gentleman refuse Any considera tion to tho case of the I'Utor unionists and denie that they are Irishmen or have any say in the matter. ho one extreme is a bad a tho other.

It is as absurd to ignore Vlstor a to over estimate it importance. It is not all Ireland, but it i a valuable por tion of that country and it inhabitants form an influential element in the population. Any rigid race line, tuch as Mr. Davilt seU up, when he divide the people into Irish and nnn Irish, is imprao ticablo. In Canada wo are all Canadians nevertheless, the religious right of the minorities are guaranteed.

Hut that re sult was reached, not by threat and gibe and taunt, but by mutual toler- anoo and respect lor each other' rights. And only thus can a satisfactory settle ment be attained in Ireland. The following KXliaut fioiii a clit-ular just aililn-Miil by the 1'iiltctl Slates Treasury tie- imrttneiit to tin) heads of the custom Iiuiisi i throughout tho country seems to Imve tiei-tt iilciilitleil to meet a condition of things niui-li similar tu thut complalni-il of lit some depart- ineiils of tho Montreal Court house, anil il those responsible for the administration of IH affair wero to adopt the samo or similar regn lations, much benefit Inlaid result to the public: 1. Tim ollli-lal hours, except for employees etiKimi-il In ouuhsir work, will im- iroin a.m. till 4 p.m., Willi a recess ol hulf an huur n.

sin. il. A record will Im krpt lu each bureau or division or Ihn daily iilUmdaucii and hours of arrival and di-iiitrluin ol all ulll'-ors, i-IitUh mid employees. All absences or ilellliiueliele In not promptly iiitiiiiilliig nt the uioi iilnit huur, or not continuing dlllgcnily i-miiloycd during litiNlncBK hours, will I si tinny ii-Hiriru Hit, collector or olhnr rlilel nllleers ol diatoms, and monl lily reporla will lie siiliiiiiltid by tlinw olllitirslo thodcpurliueulsliowing liiutr action In NIK'll i-usi-h, H. The n-Kdlnu-of newspapers, smoking, Ion couvernillon or oilier conduct Interim lug Willi the orderly dopulcli vl public business will uot ne auoweu.

Mr. l'owiletly has issueil another aecre circular to the Knights of Iibor which lias aa usual been given to thu puMic, for whom it is apparently iiilemM a mucli a fur those most iinmediately coucerneil. Some of its passages a-e extromely effective, and iiiculiiile lessons tliat trade are too ap to forgot. Among these are I hat the word boycott. I waa Ixiycnlted ten years ago and could nut fcel work a I my trade lor months.

Il is a na-i iirin iiee it nit. been liHiiiled to us by the Il a iiaiKr crlllcinns the Kuluhls of Labor or Itsotllcers do mil lycoll It, uud If you have anv siii-b iHivenll on. remove llieni We demand for ourselves the right of free spsecli cannot consisleutly deny il to others. We must tolerate fair, open critic ism." We are no more the suit of the earth than the millions of unknown tollers who do the work of tiie world." If we would have eiiultv dene to uswcmusl do equity Whai we wnni irom uur uuiiio-rs is not, gush or rcsolullons annul our rignu." we nave nuu some irouniu iruoi ui iiikiiik members and from nu who talk about buying guns and dynamite. If the men who pos sess money enough buy guns and uynuiniK would Invest It in the- rjurebuseofsoine wel selM-led work on latter, tln-v would nut the money to good use.

'j hey will never nseu the gun or dynamite lu uuh country The amendment proposed by Mr. Gag uon to tho provincial election law will hard ly commend theuixelvc a calculated to se, cure the desired obj-ct, the prevention of neglect of the faithful accomplishment of their duties towards tho state by Government employee. The disfranchisement of a per son occupying tha position of a servant of the state will not prevent tho u-tu of his in fluence on the electors, which t-t, after all the thing generally complained of in this connection. And, while there are strong reasons fur tho contention that Bitch officials should not make themselves obnoxious par tisans of either party, there are equally good one why they should not, simply because they are employees of thu state, iudtead of an individual, be debarred from the exercise of their right to vote. To include lu the list of those thus ineligible, every court offi cial, however high or however humble, as well as every employee of the LegUlature and tho governmental departments, from deputy minibters to messengers, postmasters and postal em pi' yeas, and every other official of the Federal or local administration in auy capacity whatever, is an extension that goes beyond reason, and which, If enforced, would afford just ground of complaint on the part of the persons afflicted.

Manitoba University like many another institution of tho kind needs money, the support extended to it by the Government and public of the Pra'rie province not being sufficient to meet its necessary requirements. Its main endowment, the Isbister fund, amounting to about $80,000, has, by the terms of the donor's will, to be devoted exclusively for prizes and scholarships. Outside of this the annual revenue 1b $580 from the Government, and perhaps $200 received in the shape of fees. on this Insignificant sum the corporation are expected to carry on their work, paying rent to the Government for the premises they oc cupy, and out of which they were lately turaed to make room for the royal commis sion. The opinion of many at the head of the university is that things cannct go on as they are at present much longer, a teellng of provincial patriotism alone preventing the individual college from giving up their con nection with tt and affiliating with eastern institution in order to obtain degrees for their student.

Manitoba university, it may be mentioned, possesses no teaching staff, merely conducting examination and confer ring degrees on the students of the affiil- 'uted colleges of the province, bat even for these purposes the petty income that it is allowed is insufficient, and hence the feeling of discouragement that has seized on some of its friends. N-iw Hampshire' experience of her valued policy insurance law, one of the provision of which Is that a policy bolder, in case of the destruction of bis premises, can claim the full value of Lis insurance, free of all de duction, has not been altogether an encour aging one. All outside companies have withdrawn from the state, and there 1 an II 1 trolled tlixm, so far, that lie could cat their votes for whichever of the great parties would iilve him allien. It Is a statement that they have no prin pies, that their adhesion to either the Tory or (irit party 1 imply governed by the one question of spoil, ami that they stand a a portion of the community di tiiit-t from tho rent, with no interest in the policy of the respeolivo parties In it licet upon the well being of the conn try, but anxious only for tho personal ad vantage they can gain from either, Jo more cruel insult could bo offered to the Irish Catholic of Canadit. Whatever fault thU Oovemmeiit may have, It ran not certainly, with truth, be chanted against them that they have do nind adequate representation in the abinet to the religion minority.

Tho English speaking Homan Catholics, who number ten than one half the I rench have mi equal representation in the Government, and that representa tion is one of which they may well bo roud. It is true that the complaining senator Is not a he will prob ably live to learn that thero may be satisfactory representation of tho liish 'atholicsof Canada in tho Government the country without him, and that this arge section of the people of the Doinl nion nro not prepared to admit that their interests and sympathies can only bo pro perly presented in tho precious person of Mr. John O'lionolnio. THE FEELING IN ULSrEB. It is to be Imped that the rumors that have been reaching us for some time past of a movement in Ulster in the direction of armed resistance are, if not unfounded, considerably exagger ated.

Whatever bo tho provocation tctual or prospective, which, in tho eyes of tho minority, Mr. Gladstone mea sure may imply, any appeal to force is consistent neither with patriotism nor with selfrespect. The men of Ulster have always pridedthemselvos on their loyalty. When danger threatened tho Km pile or tho throne, who have boen more euger than tney in their proies- sions of loyalty or inoro ready to face leath in making good those professions Their opposition to tho obnoxious bill is Itasca on ine conviction inai is a menace to me integrity, Tho name which they have assumed to emphasize their antagonism to it is that of loyalists. And what is the vital prin ciple of loyalty but fidelity to the Government, as legally established and conducted, and to law and order without which society would fall to pieces 7 Of whatever grievances tho North of Ireland may have to complain, it has not as yet suffered from any violation of the consti tution.

The great change of last year which made the United Kingdom a virtual democracy, whether wise or otherwise, was brought, about by a majority of the people's representa tives, in the exercise of their lawful rights. The deadlock between the houses was broken by negotiations and concessions in perfect harmony with pre cedent. The enlarged franchise was the sequel of proceedings which, in all their stages, followed the course of British usage, and, on constitutional grounds, should be as safe from attack as any other of the vaunted bulwarks of Eng lish liberty. And a3 a consequence of that endowment with the elective privi lege of hundreds and thousands of per sons to whom It had been previously denied, there was undoubtedly an ampler opportunity than ever before of ascertaining tho opinion of tho Irish people on tho question of Irish au tonomy. Tho result wag a surprise even to the Home Rulers themselves.

No expression of tho popular mind could bo clearer or more decisive. Tho majority of Ireland's population has beyond question declared for self-government. It was evident to all the world, therefore, that the demand of the Home Rulers could now be urged with all the force that the spirit of our aya ascribes to the popular will, constitutionally manifested. It was that consideration which convinced Mr. Gladstone, as he has himself declared, that the time had come I when it would be no longer either just or expedient to refuse the Irish people the right of man aging their own affairs.

As we know, a goad many English statesmen hold a different view. That the Irish minority should side with those dissentients is, doubtless, only natural. But surely they are not reasonable if, at the very outset of the discussion, and while the issue is still in uncertainty, they assume an attitude of defiance and while asserting their loyalty threaten to set themselves in opposition to the, law. We can thor oughly understand the anxiety which must pervade the unionist min ority in Ireland lest the success of Air. Gladstone's scheme may place them in a position of hopeless weakness an anxiety which, unhappily, Mr.

Gladstone has been at small pains to mitigate. But the very evil that they fear is far more likely to overtake them if they set themselves up as irreconcil ables, for whom no good understanding was possible with their nationalist fellow-countrymen, than if, while firmly con tending for their cherished rights, they abstained from anything in the nature of offence or menace. If they are justified in protesting against home rule, they should remember that it advocate who have the logic of numbers to back their plea have also tho right to demand it. It Is only by mutual forbearance that the problem can be solved in a manner acceptable to both parties, Every act and word of provoca- to i no i leu to mm Tli Allan HH. CAUTHAfllNIAN, A.

Man- nleol, coin in under, from Ulnsow, Isi-nu-rnl at Customs. pass their ontrlea without ilelny. It. A A. ALLAN, Afsnta.

Montreal, Hth May, 1HHH, III) NOTICE TO C01GIES. The Allan It. M. HH. I'AltlHIAN.

James Wyllecnmmaniler, from Ufi'rpttol, Is enU-red at fusloins. Consignees will please pas their entries without delay. II. A A. A M.AM, Afent.

Mmitreal, lTih May.lHHii. II lwncii to ran The Dominion Una HH. -pl Milliter, from llrlstol, Is elite rial at CusUiins. Oinslitnees are riMjuested Ui pass their ntrli wllliniit Uelny. 11 Agents.

Notice to Consignees. Tim HH. UllAHIIKtMiK, Capt. Hchwiiner, frnin iiiimlmrir and Antwerp. Is entered at 'iiKloma, ConilKoees will picas pass their entiles without delay.

MVNIiKUMUl A 11H Agents. Notice to Consignees. ThoTniiiiwirlcy LI nc KM. Ht'OTLAND, Luck inrxt, initsier. from 1ni'lon.

Is enlenil In wards at CiinIohis. I IoiisIkiicc will please ass their entries without delay, ROBERT REl-llRIl A 1 IK AirenU Notice to Consignees Steamship OX EN HOLME, W. William master, from Is entered at the Custom. Conslirnis-s are rt-ipiestcd to pass their entries wit nniii iieniy. CHARLE4 I.KAN, lift Axent.

NOTICE T0C0NSIGNEES The Beaver Lino HH. LA KE M. Traumer master, from Liverpool I Diilcred ut Customs. Consignees will plcnse pass their entries without tit-iny. lyAilAI'A 11.

E. MURRAY. 117 General Manager. Notice to Consignees The Thomson Line HH. BARCELONA Hlmpson Master, from is en tered inwiinls at Cnslnms.

Consiitnees will pleaso pass Uioir entries without delay. ROUT. REFORD CO 118 Agents, Notice to Consignees HH. ASH DENE, from Glasgow, is entered Inward al Hie customs, consignee win please pass their entries without deluy. HENRY DOBELL CO.

117 Agent, LAGER BEER MANUFACTURED BY a. REINHARDT SONS, German Street Montreal The Lager Boor manufactured by thl well known llrm has been tested with the nianiiiiit.iirt.s of other brewers of New York. Philadelphia, Milwaukee. Rochester and other cities lu Hit) Mtates ana i iuiuuu, ami pro nounced by the analysts as ine BEST LAGER BEER MADE, belnir man 11 fuel 11 red from the very finest aual lly of Hops and Malt. It is quite bright, well brewed, and the most palatable drink of the season.

It Is also highly recommended by the Medical faculty. Why pay $1.00 for a dozen pints of an In. ferlor heer when vou can obtain Relnhardt'a unequalled and superior Lager at less than one-third the cost G. REINHARDT B0N8' Lager Beer can be bad on draught at every Ural-class Baloon and Hotel In the city. Families supplied direct from the Brewery.

Order by Telephone (No. 664) or Mall will receive prompt attention. Not k. No connection with a Toronto firm of the same name Hee that every bottle bears the word "Montreal," as wen i Kelnuardt." 10 ESTABLISHED 185a. M.

SO St. Peter Montreal, Packers and Cubebb of the CELEBRATED ANCIIOH IIIIAND Hams, Baoon, Lard and Pork A In Tierces, Tstis, Pails ni Case EXTRA SUGAR CURED MAMS AND BREAKFAST BACON, Cholee Fresh Baited FLANKS, HEAVY CANADA SHORTCUT MESS PORK IS BARREL AXD HALF BARRELS. goods guaraated finest quality. Bend for price. ft Packing lloun, lit mni 113 Guy ttrttt.

J'T' i i -1 I IIINHT Thomas soil Mimauer. Oa Wrk lI'dlnH Hit Mn4ny, Jf.ii 17. MM. JOKri'M Monday, Tueailay ami WHnilay Kv-riinir, RIP VAN WINKLtt Thiirailuy, Frt'lny and Hnlurdnv nlni CRI0K1T ON THE HEARTH Ann -LEND MI FIVE 8HILLIHCI Hatnnlay Mutluee, RIP VAN WINKLE! N'eit Wii-k-HtiAisiwa or a liitAT i-itt. II 10 A It I ROYAL.

Illillil A Ul'A UolaV If taliitirSr-Bt HiiifHirfif hy ft I'riwfrfiil limnmMr fVun- imiiy ih uii'UM'iiri ui rviipiiiitmiii Sl'Hnluy, lufMulny, WlfM'iwIiiV nml Mutlm SAVED 1E0M TIIE 8T0RM Thiirwluy, Krliluy Hatiirdijf an'l MaMnn-. WITHOUT A HOME With Nw and Klabomtn Hri-nery. H'nife Kt- ferts. ele. Ineldenlid to lli IMay.

the lrama- lie ItOMK'l, III-IIM. I KOAMiMA- (ML Ailmlaslon 10 and 80 centa. Ill NEW WALTZES. HiHT AM MKN i M(jrnl(-it( I T.MHill Till-. MA I lit I I I aroline liwililan, VOUH lKI X.

1 tMnur lie Valmency, no mil Mtt if tfalrrt. Mai eriol 0 mark'4 rir hy la Anglo-Ctiiadlaa Muslo PablUbert' au'a. 6 CIIL'RCJI HlltELT. TMRiiNTO. 301 ART ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL OALI.KIIY OF PHILLIPS SQUARE.

OI'KN KR'tM 10 A. M. TO ti I'. M. Ad in Isslou Non-Me mlxTS, 1 c.

SATURDAYS lit EE I 1STOTIOE. The annual mectlig of the I'orporallon of the Montreal Genera. Iloplliil, for the itf Governors, II Is-held in Itie Gover- nors' hail of the Uojltal TUESDAY, the 18th of May, ATTHUEE V. M. All contrlbutorsof for the current year, are members of Corporation.

R. HOWARD, Montreal, May 1-th 1 'J 1 BMMloraillPS IMK AIVNUAI MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of this Bank will be held in their Bunking House In the City of Shcrldooke, on WEDNESDAY, flay of June Eext. The chair will betaken at 3 o'clock p.m. By order tt the Board, WM.

FAR WELL, General Manager. Hhcrbrooke, 5tu May, 1H86. 115 CANADA SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED.) The AN'NUlL GENERAL MEETIN'U of the will be held at the office of the Conipuny, So. iil Custom House Square, on WEDNES1AY, thc2tith day of MAY in-stunt. Tho cinir to be taken at TWELVE o'clock noon.

The Transft' Books will closed from the 24th to the of May, both days inclusive. By order of ho Board, H. E. MURRAY, Gencrul Manager. Montreal, May, 1H8D.

Hi. CANADA ATLANTIC BA'LWAT. Notice Is hrreby Riven that the Annual Meeting of tie Shareholders of the Canada Atlantic Railvay Company will be held at the head olHce oitlio company, 82 Bridge street, city ofoilawi on TUESHAV, tbe 2.H dV of MAY, A.I. 1 at the hour of TWO o'clock in the afteriuon, for tin; purpose of electinK director for the eusuing yeur; and lor tho iransactine such other business a may be brought befoe the meeting. A.

W. FLECK, Ottawa, AirtllO.lBffi. EOMM TYPE FUONDLNti GO. (LIMITED.) Tlie Annuit General Meeting of the Shareholders of Is Company will be held at Its offices, No. Chenncvlllo street, on TUESDAY, the 2 th day of MAY- Instant, at m.

By order oihe Board, I P. A. CROSS BY, 113 Manairer. JEARiAS BROS STEAM VAL VES Warranted as Represented. 6, ISSUER, 87 ST.

B'LPICE STREET, MONTREAL. Write for ircular and Price List. 103 THLELEBRATED GENUINE PLITAGEflET wATEit Deliver! Fresh Daily to any rtty Address by McGIBEiN, McOALMAN Rcpl Win Aerated Water Manufactory, 69 8' ANTOINE STREET. Telephoni 276. 114 CAsrcxK-fluid Reslstd-Adeilshtfully rafreahlBg; paralio for the hair, should be nsed dai'y.

eepsttie heallny, erewnt dsadni promoieslbe growth. A perfej4 for Ine family. Hie per ic II5.V fchAl, Cham 1st, 14 bl. LflW wuct Maia irons, Ml liistanco, to IM). Ilex iluilO, Montreal.

110 XTOl'H'H TIIH UNDERSIGNED Wild. not Iss responsible for any debts or ohll nullum, ronlriieit. I ly any of II lato lluyil, her litibn ine clillilraii of nil, without a wrlllKU nnlcr rriiin her. MUM. JIIII.N ilOYIi, Argyle Avenue.

I ill NOTICK--WE, TIIE UNDERSIGNED, Intend In npiily to I lie unmoral Ion of the I'lly of Montreal for permission to ercel a sleiim engine on our premises. iilJI'lloUN, intu hi ir i 1 1 n.i i ominuunui-eu Montreal, May 10, IHN. 117 ANTKIi Htealy (Mwork loskllful men giuirniitonil, Will pay ti.Mi to tl.fili perdiiv. TransiHirlntliMi refuniliil nfler being In our employ silly diiya. Hehmldl A l'o Itlley, Hehii-tt Keck, lliiluimii A Hansen, I lilcngo, III.

Kresh I'rlnU receiving TIIIH MoKNI.VO, from the Private I mirks of Mrs. E. Mr JONES, Itelvlderc, Hrorktlllc, AMIl TIIR Messrs. DAWES A Lachlne. LACHINE, LOEVAL, Etc.

Customer at the above Huhurbnn lienor! Ill please reiiienilier Unit our Wiiukoms leuvn twlilm liiirvnl.ete., TO-liAV, (Tiiesilny) All onlvrs should he it hi fore JILillMUDA. ONIONH In small crab-s, itml SUCAR LOAF PINE APPLES I Uy KxprcMfrom the New York market. FI8IUXU SUPPLIES. Wo claim to have a stork without eipial In Ciiiim'Ih for KIHIIINM HITI'MKH. rlKAHlllr.



Family Grocers Wide Merchants, ITALIAN AUHHOUXK, l(t Ht Jainc Htrnnt. rnrvyiirt to Ih Hrtiymiche and hi. Mttryuorit Salmon f'ltilm. iot mm wm DUNDY RADIATORS. StOV6M, HctilcM, GrntcH, Itetrlsstj-rw, Steamfitters' and Plumben' Supplies, CAST IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, ETC.

WHOI.K9AT.K AT E. 3S. 0 SH7 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL. mm BAHSALOU Iu LluIdutlon.

All parties Indebted to, or having claims uKalnst the above mentioned firm (now dts- solved) are hereby noliried to pay their debts or lneir U) tho undersigned. who alone is authorized to wind up the allium ui Liiu iitm mitt ut ub uniiimjiiyu. JAMES BENNINC. No. KG und Sri SU Peter street, Montreal.

118 Aslianlt-c Ilaiimtock.H Ashanlce IIumiuockN! A slum (t'' Just Received, a consignment of all tlzcs. I'ltlCEH LOW. FRANK frlAGOR Cor. Common Port S.ts., Solo Agent for the Dominion. 40 E.


MUH. HMILLIK, Late Matron of the University Maternity Hospital, Montreal, and Licentiate of the Royal Maternity Hospital, Edinburgh, 1871 Huvlneronened at 87 8t Antoine street a pri- tlents, Dcs to suite mat sue win nave rneoesi 1 t' 111,, Il 1 1 1 11 1 .11 il 7 accommodation to be had anywhere. Marriad I as well as others will be received, and the best attendance and nursing iriven to those who ravor ner esiaoiisnment. rauent may have their own physician. C.

McCallum, M.D.. Arthur A. lirowne. M.D.. Richard (i.

Kennedy. M.D. K. f. ttOWarU.


The secretary of the Central Board of Health will Issue this week a circular to all the euro thl province, requesting a report of the sanitary condition of each parish wl'h respeel to Smallpox, Diphtheria, and Scarlet Fever. Families Intending to go to the country for the summer season can obtain information by apply I ng, In the course of a fortnight, at the office of the CENTRAL BOARD OF HEALTH, SO St. Jamen Street 84 SUMMER RESORTS TL'KfPAV, MAY IN. A MODEL PATRIOT. Mr.

John U'Ponohun Iim airing lii grieaiic in tho lie com plain that in not a inc-mlipr of the (iovtrniiipnt, notwithtUnJinn that he came within an aen it in 1 Ac coniing Uj hit own utory he Iim bwl, in hit ixilitical effort through life, but one ohj(ct, namely, the proper rejireneiilii ton of hit co religionist in the ailmini tnition of I'ublio alliiirs, anil that thnt Iroer reiireoenUtion can only be tnetby hi being the representative. In 12 ami as it iiriieara, Mine lulsguiileil Men-Is, jireueJ hi claim very strongly ujHin Sir John MaolonaUl, strongly that the Premier for a moment yielded and expreixed hi will ingne to accept him a hi colleague. Tiie rumor of this caused an outburst of indignation which compelled iU uhun donmi-nt. That indignutinn did noteome from any one section of the 'oiworvutivc arty, but froiii all, and from none with more firmncM than from iho Irish Cat ho-lie Conservatives, of Ontario. They urgel that if one of their countrymen wan to be token into the (iovernment there were many Irish Catholic gentle men, who had always been Conservatives, who were better entitled to the portion, and thnt the elevation of a trader upon his nationality and religion, a re no gade politician like Mr.

O'ltono hue, who was willing, according to his own statement, to help whichever side helped him, wax simply an insult to those gentlemen, and to the Irish Catholic Con servatives generally. That fact, made known to the Premier, caused him to in form Mr. O'Donohue of the impossibility of his being taken into the Government, and he was, we are sorry to say, given a seat in tho Senate. The Hon. Frank Smith wan sworn in as Minister, and in this way the Irish Catholic Conservatives secured as a representative in the Privy council a gentlemen of large business ex perience, of high personal character and well established reputation as a Liberal Conservative.

It was, however, it appears, understood that if Mr. O'Donohue could succeed in overcoming the bitter opposition among his own co-religionists to his obtaining a seat in the Cabinet, if the Irish Catholic Conservatives came to recognize in him a fitting representative of their interests, that Mr. Smith would gladly make way for him. This opportune time never came. On the contrary, the more such possible representation was thought of, the more repugnant did it become; and Mr.

O'Donohue, tired of waiting, haj at last justified the dislike in which he was held by airing his personal griefs before the Senate, and in the doing of it making use of correspondence, some of which, as the letter to the bishops, did not belong to him, which every man with the instincts of a gentleman would have regarded as confidential. Having based his attack upon Sir John Macdonald and Mr. Smith upon the ground that he was not, as he expected to be, their colleague. he went on to refer to the Government generally in the following terms I have no doubt that when they do appeal to the country it will be the last of them. Their acts are viewed by tbeentlghtened peopleofthl Dominion as corrupt.

They stand to-day In the eyeeof the community as a stranded eld hulk that Is about to be dashed by the waves the rock of public opinion and will drive them from power for ever. They are not the govern ment for a country like thin. They are a gov- ernment that sustained by plunder, by charter selling, by bribery, by every sort of corruption. That is not the kind of govern ment that this young country of ours, great by nature and with a real destiny, should Every day li causing to ooze out th 3 price that members have been receiving for their support. That must come to an end.

The sooner it comes to an end the better. Let the people who love Canada and desire its future prosperity, rally to the support of a man of illustrious family possessed of great pjwer, who is pure in every sense of the word, a man that Canada can spent of without having to blush for this truckling, this trickery, this mean device, thai is nsed to keep the present administration In power. Buch a day is shortly to come, I wish it were to-morrow, because then I think there weuid be an end to one of the most corrupt systems of government that ever any country had to deal with." That is a severe indictment, or is at least intended to be, and yet by Mr. O'Donohue' own statement he would have become a partner in all this iniquity if he had only had a chance. As late as the last quarter of last year, he fcas demand' ing the fulfilment of what he called the promise that Mr.

Smith should go out and he should be taken into the Cabinet Only when he found that his chances of becoming a minister appeared hopeless did he discover how corrupt and unworthy were the men whose colleague he was demanding, almost with threats, to be permitted to become. Mr, O'Donohue has overshot the mark. Ilia bombshell was permitted by him to explode some time ago, when he procured the publication of his griefs in the newspapers. His own recital of them, his confession of a willingness to enter a Cabinet which he described in the words we have quoted, for the sake of the salary, will have but one effect, that of making people feel how narrow an escape they had from having such a man a member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. It should have another effect, that of alienating from him the sympathy and support of any portion of the Irish Catholics of Canada, to whom his statement is an insult of the most cruel kind.

It is an avowal that he has been trading upon the pretended adhesion of a warm-hearted gener- MOfTRSAl..

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