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The Howard Courant from Howard, Kansas • 3

Howard, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I legal xotices. liTJ-lilVESS NOTICES. 53 Ten Cents Per Line For Each and Every Insertion. "g3 Election Notice. THEREAS The Board of Counfv Commissioners Elk County, iu the State of Kansas, at a Special Meeting duly held ou the 1Mb dav of March.

A. D. Is70. The reason the Elk County Store can sell goods cheaper than any other house in Southern Kansas, is because they carry the largest stock, buy for cash, sell for cash, and keep "their stock fresh and clear. If you don't believe it, just step into their New Stone Store, and examine for yourself.

made the following order, to-wit HOWARD, KANSAS; THCESDAT, MAR. 27, 1879. Election Notice. The Bora of County Commissioners ot Elk County, in the State of Kansas, at a Special Meeting, duly held on the 19th day of March, A 179 made the following order, to-wit At a Special Meeting of the County Commissioners, duly called by order of the Chairman, on the rejuest of two members of the Board, at the oflice of the County Clerk, in Howard City, on the 19th day of March, A. 1879, there were present rr rrf BUSHELS of Barlev wanted at the Win- vt a special meeting or the County Commissioners, duly called by order of the Chairman, on the request of two members of the Board, at tho ofilce of the County Clerk, in Howard City, on the 15th day of March, A.

D. 1879, there were present J. F. Hillis, N. It.

Luther, nfi, W. H. Wood Members. .1 UUU field Brewery, by FRANK MANEY. Kan 11-4 sas City price paid.

53Senator R. II. Nichols has moved into his new residence in this city. jnThe Steele Brothers are swinging their paint brushes lively this nice weather. 33-When shall we have the first picnic? It's about time to think of the matter.

J. F. HlLLIS. Chairman A petition was presented to the Board, signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax jiayers of Wild Cat township, in Elk County, State of Kansas, which, with FOli SALE One set of Double Harness, one 12-inch breaking plow, one gent's riding saddle, one half-breed short-horn bull, and one good hi inch Schuttler wagon. Will exchange part of the above property for a good young mare.

Wm. Dkiscold. N.R. Luther, Ar W. II.

Wnor, Members Howard, Kansas. 12tf 53-Soonbe time forearly vegetables. Hand us the par-agoric makes us feel cholera "niorbusy" to think if it. tnesignaturesomitted, is in the word loliowmg, to-wit: To the Honorable, the Board of County Ccmtnissiontrs, of Vtt County of Elk, in the State of Kansas TnF undersigned, being more than two-fifths of tho resident tax payer of VVild Cat Township, a municipal township in said couniy and State, respect fully pray S-S-Miss "Beck" Thomas and Mrs. Mary Barber, of 'A petition was presented to the Board, signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax payers of Elk county, in the State of Kansas, which, with the signatures omitted, is in words and figures following, to-wit PETITION.

To the Board of Couniy Commissioners of EUc County in the State, of Kansas THE undersigned resident tax-pavers of the County of Elk, in the state of Kansas, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to submit to the qualified voters of the County of Elk, at a special election to be called for that purpose, a proposition to subscribe Fortv Thousand Dollars to the capital stock of and to take forty thousand dollars the capital stock of the Elk and Chautauqua Railroad Company, and to issue the bonds of the said County of Elk to the amount of Fortv Thousand lollrs your honorable body to submit to the qualified elector of said township, a proposition to subscribe to tho capi S3The highest anthority in New England, the State Asstiyer of Massachusetts, after a carei'rll analysis of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer certified that it is the best preparation for its intended purposes that has been exhibited for examination, that its constituents are pure and carefully selected foi excellent quality, and that it forms an eilicient preparation for promoting the growth of the hair and restoring the origial color. This would-renowned preparation is for sale by all druggists. Record, Bed OaJc, Iowa. New Goods for the Millions. 1 S3Our new Spring Stock, purchased in Chicago, for Cash, has arrived.

It is the largest and most complete stock ever brought to Elk county, and all we ask is for every lady and geDtleman to call and examine quality and prices. Momma, McKet Eby. SdFoR Sale, At a bargain, my entire stock of drugs, and notions, together with all the furniture, and my business house. If you want a bargain, call on me within thirty lays. Wm.

Crooks. Howard, Kansas IdThe rush from the east to Kansas 13 just beginning to assume the form of an immense tidal wave, which will before the season closes, be the means of rolling half a million more people into cur young, glorious and thriving State, than there are at present. Every day train loads of immigrants arrive at the "Golden Gate," seemingly but the advance courier of those who are making preparations to come. Wagon after wagon of families cros the bridge for the west. They are of the stripe that come to stay, and just such as will greatly assist in the present "boom." Atchison Champion.

53 We might as well be understood now as any time, that we do not wish any man, woman or child to take The Cocran-t in order to keep it up. We are not publishing a charity institution, but propose to give our patrons a paper worth every fraction of a cCPt that it costs them. Jf any one does not think The CoubanT IS worth what it costs them, we do not want them as subscribers. This has ever been our motto, and we do not mention it now to insult any one, but to inform those who make such a loud noise about this or that little trouble that we can get along and run our own" shop At least we will either attend to our own business or go down with colors flying. SCf'Railroad excitement is getting at white heat in Elk county.

An election ha.s been called f-r the 20th of April to vote township aid to the L. G. R. R. running east and west along the south line of the county, through Liongton, Elk Falls', Wild Cat and Greenfield townships.

Prior to the above date an election will be held for the purpose of voting county bonds to the T. S. F. road, which proposes to build to Howard for 940,000. The people of Elk county will be wise enough to see that their interests depend largely upon the completion of the latter road, which will give them an outlet and a market in any direction, and at comyjeting rates of transportation.

Sedan Journal. Longton, will open a dressmaker shop in Howard a few days. 53Some people are forever spoiling a good thing by keeping their months ehnt. while others spoil it by not keeping them shut. Elk County Store firm is building a large addition to the back end of their store to make room for their spring stock of goods.

editor of The Courant was presented with a handsome walking-can one day this week, by Captain J. M. White, of this city. Manythanks. 1.

L. O. R. li. Citizens of Chautauqua and Elk counties, when you visit Philadelphia, or other of the eastern cities, always pat ronize the reliable line.

"L.L. It is Prompt, reliable and make sure connections at Kansas City for all doints east or west. Through tickets and baggage checked to all points can be obtained at Independence and Union depot Kansas city Mo. We repeat, when yon go east or west, take the Lea ven worth Lawrrence and Galveston 53From the piles of goods our merchants are piling up in their stores, we are led to believe that spring is piling in upon hs like a pile of bricks. 53Put in your corn early, and as much of it as you can take care of, but bo more.

There will be a home market for corn during the coming season. Railroad. It is the best route the western states. FOR SALE. A number one sett of double wagon harness for sale cheap at the Elk County Store.

13 Election Notice. WHEREAS, The Board of Connty Co'mmisioncrs of Elk Countv, in the State of Kansas, at a Special Meeting duly held on the loth day of March, A. D. 1879, made the tollowinar order, to-wit At a special meeting of the County Commissioners, duly called b3" order of the Chairman, on the request of two members of the Board, at the office of the County Clerk, iu Howard City, on the 15th day of March, A.D. 1679, there were present t.

F. Hillis, Chairman, W.H.AVood, 'Members. A petition was presented to the Board, signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax. payers of Lougton township, in Elk Couuty, State of Kansas, which, with the signatures omitted, is in the words following, to-wit: To the Honorable, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Elk, in the State of Kansas THE undersigned, being more than two-fifths of the J. resident taxpayers of Lougton Township, a municipal township in said county and State, respectfully pray your honorable body to submit to tho qualified electors ot said township, a proposition to subscribe to the capital stock of the Southern Kansas Western K-iilroad Company, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of tho State of Kansas, which proposes to construct a line of Railroad into and through said township.

That such subscription may be to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and that in payment thereof, bonds of said township muy be issued iu sums of Five Hundred Dollars each, payable in thirty years from date of issue, with interest payable semi-annually at the rate of seven percent, per annum. That the conditions upon which it is proposed to make such subscription, are That said Railroad Company construct its railroad of standard gauge, from some point ou the east or north side of said township, and run-thence through said township, to some point on the west thereof, and have the same in operation on or before the first day of October, 1879, and that within sixty days irom the time said railroad is constructed to the Longton depot grounds, it build within five-eighths of a mile of tne corner of Kansas Avenue and Fifth Street in Longton, a Depot, and put in a convenient side track, and maintain the same. And that it build a depot and put in a convenient side track within a mile of Johnson's mill within sixty days after the railroad is constructed through said township. That Fifteen Thousand Dollars of said bonds shall be issued and delivered to said Railroad Compauy when its railroad is constructed and in operation to the Longton Depot Grounds, and the balance thereof when its Railroad is constructed, and depots built, and iu operation to the West line of said Township. That a Special Election may be called in said Township, in pursuauce of Chapter 107, of the laws of the Acts of the Legislature of the State of Kansas, amendatory thereof to vote upon the question of subscribing for said Stock, and that the form of the ballots to be used at such election for such proposition be: "For subscription to stock of Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company," and those against such proposition be 'Against subscription to stock of Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company." And the said Board of County CommissionerSj having examined and considered said petition, and being duly advised in the premises, doth find that said petition is in due and legal form that it is in writing, and that it is signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax payers of said township of Longton.

It is therefore ordered that an election be held in 6aid township on Tuesday, tlie 29t7i Day of April, 1879, To vote for or against the proposition in the foregoing petition, and said election shall be held, and the result ascertained and declared according to the provisions of the Statffte and the specifications of said petition. It is further ordered, That notice of said election be published thirty (30) days before the same is held, in some newspaper having a general circulation in said township of Longton. It is also ordered. That the said Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company shall make adeposit of Thirty-Five Dollars with the County Treasurer or some responsible bauker, or give bond and good resident security in double that amount that it will pay the costs and expenses of said election, iu case the honds should be voted and said Railroad Company 6hould fail to comply with the conditions ot said election and if said bonds ZDOZLSPT DO IT. Don't neglect your Cold Go to your druggist and get a bottle of Marsh's Golden Balsam, the great Throat and Lung medicine, and cure it immediately.

For Colds, McFarland is building a handsome new residence in the south part of town, into which he will soon move and become one of as. Good boy. 23" Judge Cartmell, who has been suffering from a very severe attack of erysipelas for the past three weeks, is improving slowly. He has had a serious time of it. 53-There is no use talking, the busy whirligig of trade has to stop, in the locality when a fat country women prepares to climb out of a high spring wagon on the street.

3dThe Santa Fe proposition to build into Elk county is the best and cheapest proposition any county in the Mate has ever receivt from any responsible company. tJougns, Croup, Hoarseness, hooping cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption, there is nothing superior to it. Dor neglect vour Cold, iry a sample bottle price 10 cents. Two doses will benefit. A large bottle will do wonders.

For the prevention and cure of Consumption of the Lungs it is the greatest remedy Nature has ever conferred to medical science or human research. Don't ne glect vour Cold. If you haveany Bronchial or rulmon- CfThe provisions of the law passed by our late Legislature, with reference to the sale and payment on school lands, will be found of interest to present and prospective purchasers of such lands. The law provides-that parties delinquent in the payment "of interest or principal shall be notified by the County Clerk, of such fact, said notice to be served by the She'riiT of the county, and in case of their failure, within sixty days, to pay the amount due, and cost of notice, they forfeit all title and interest in the lands, and action for ejectment shall be brought by the County Attorney. Parties at present delinquent can have six moths from April 1, 1879, to redeem their lands.

The time for planting trees is here and The Coubast discharges a duty it has never overlooked, in urging the farmers of Elk couniy to give this subject attention. There ought to be a grove of young forest trees on every tal siock or me ffouttK-ru Kansas iV estern Railroad Company, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the SiHte of Kansas, which proposes to construct a line of Railroad into and through said township. That such subscription may be to the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars, and that in payment thereof, bonds of said township may be issued in sums of Five Hundred Dollars each, payable in thirty years from date of issue, with interest payable stmi-ainiually at the rateofseTeu per cent, per annum. That the conditions upon which it proposed to mako such subscription, are: That said Railroad Company construct its railroad of standard gunge, from some point on the east side of said township, uud running tlienco through said township, to some point on the west side thereof, and have the same in operation on or before the first day of February, IssO, and that within sixty day from the time said railroad is constructed through said township it build a Depot, and put in a convenient srlo track, and maintain the same at some convenient and feasible point in said township. That said Bonds shall be issued and delivered to said Railroad Company when its railroad i.i constructed and in operation to the Wet line of said township.

That a Special Election may he called in said Town-, ship, in pursuance of Chapter 107, of the laws of 1870, and the Acts of the Legislature of the State of Kansas, amendatory thereof to vote upon the question of subscribing for said Stock, and that the form ot the ballots to boused at such election for such pioposition be: "For subscription tostock of Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company, "and those against such proposition he "Against subscription to stock of Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company." And tho said Board of County Commissioners, examined and considered said petition, and being duly advised in the premises, doth find that said petition in due and legal form that it is in writing, and that it is signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax payers of said township of Wild Cat. It is therefore ordered that an election be held in said township on Tuesday, the 29th Day of April, 1S79, To vote for or against the proposition in the foregoing petition, and said election shall be held, and the result ascertained anil declared according to to the provisions of the Statute and the specifications of said petition. It is further ordered, That notice of said election bo published thirty (30) days before the same is held, iiv some newspaper having a geueral circulation in suid township of Wild Cat. It is also ordered, That the said Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company shall make iwleposit of Thir- ty-Five Dollars with the County Treasurer or some responsible banker, or give bond and pood resident security in double that amount that it will pay the costs and expenses of said in case the Nmd shonld bo voted and said Railroad Coii-pany should fail to comply with the conditions of saift election and if said bonds should not be carried at said election, or if the Railroad, Company should comply with the conditions on which, they are voted, in case they are carried, then in cither, such case, the said money t-hall be forthwith returned to 6aid Railroad Company, or the said bond shall bo discharged in full. AVitness our hands, this 15th day of March, 1879.

J. F. Hillis, Chairman; MSSSli arj uiteasL, iryi, xry 11 ai unc-e. 11 111 uo you goou. Ask your druggist for MARSH'S GOLDEN BALSAM, and take no other.

Regular size, 50 cents and $1.00. Trv a 10 cent bottle first. 8-51-ly iu payment of said stock so taken, to aid in securing the construction of the line of Railroad which said Railroad Company proposes aad intends to construct into the County of Elk. The terms and conditions of said proposition, and the subscription of stock, and the issuance of said bonds, are asfoilGTf to-wit The amount of aid intended to be hereby voted by said County of Elk to said Railroad Company, and the amount proposed to be subscribed to the capital stock of said Railroad Company by the said County of Elk, and the amount hereby petitioned and asked for, is a sum of four thousand dollars per mile, and the proportionate amount for the fraction of a mile of main track and sidings built and completed in said County of Elk Provided, however, that the total amount of sidings for which aid is intended to be voted and stock subscribed for shall not exceed a total of one mile in the said County of Elk And, Provided Further, that the total amount of main track and sidings for which aid is intended to be voted and stock subscribed for shall not exceed a total of ten (10) miles in the said County of Elk And Provided Further, that the aid hereby intended to be voted, and stock subscribed for, shall not exceed the said sum of Forty Thousand Dollars. The bonds of the said County of Elk to be issued under the authority hereof, to be of the denomination ot" One Thousand Dollars each, to run thirty years from the date of their issuance, to bear interest at the rate of Six per cent, per annum, the interest to be payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest to be paid at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Kansas, in the city of New York.

The said Railroad when and as built shall enter said County of Elk from the South Une of Greenwood county, and form a connection with the line of the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railroad Company as the same may be located and built, thence in a southerly direction by the most practicable route to the city of Howard, in the said County of Elk, with a station and suitable sidings in the township of Paw Paw, ts well as at the city of Howard aforesaid, which last named station shall be not to exceed one-half mile from the Court House in said city. The said Railroad to be of standard gauge, and to connect with the line of railroad of the Kansas City Emporia and Southern Railroad Company at the North line of the said County of Elk, and where and a3 the same may be located and built as aforesaid. The said line of Railroad is to be built and completed and have cars runniug thereon from the North line of the said County of Elk from the place and connection as aforesaid, to the city of Howard by the first day of November, A. D. 1879..

When and immediately after the subscription of stock and issuance of bonds of the said County of Elk have been voted and authorized to be made and issued as herein prayed for, according to the terms and conditions herein, then the said Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Elk shall order and direct the County Clerk of the said County of Elk to make said subscription of stock to the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars to the capital stock of the said Elk and Chautauqua Railroad company according to the terms and conditions pro Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. 4Syl tJTliere are four good reasons why you should not learn to use strong drink Your head will be clearer, your health better, your heart lighter, and purse heavier. 33The Church soda, which is advertised elsewhere in this paper, gives' the best satisfaction of any ever brought to this market; so the Elk County Store boys inform us. sdSome of our blooded stock was just a little enthu LOCAL NOTICES. Final Tax Notice.

CorjNTT Treasurer's Office, Elk Kas March 5th i 1879. NOTICE is hereby given that the following is a list of unredeemed lands and town lots sold at delinquent siastic one day last week, and run up the stars ana stripes above the Court House, that they might flutter in the gentle breezes. J-'That wife of mine" has left again, girls, but only for a few days. If you would gret your work in on us, yon will have to be quick about it. Don't all come at once, and, don't mention it.

farm in the State. Every farmer's home ought to be surrounded by trees. The roadway ought to be lined with trees. "Tree planting pays. Nothing adds so much to the beauty anil value of a farm.

The farmer who neglects tree-planting does not understand his true interests. He fails in discharging a duty he owes to himself, to his family and to the State. He neglects making an investment that will return an hundredfold interest. Every Kansas farmer ought to regard the planting of trees in groves and about his house and roadway, as an imperative duty, never under any circumstances to be neglected. tax sale byr the Treasurer of Elk county on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th days 01 September, 1876, lor the taxes and charges due thereon for the year 1875, which, if not redeemed before the 9ta day or September, is9, will be deeded to the purchasers according to the provisions made by law.

N. MOMMA, remains ot I. M. Steinbarger, late brother of the editor of The Courant, who died at Elk City four years ago last October, were removed to the Cemetery near this city, one day last week. Treasurer Eix Co.

Kansas. a a a. at re 69 STATE OF KANSAS, County of Elk, should not be carried at said election, or if tho Railroad Company should comply with the conditions on which they are voted, in case they are carried, then in either such case, the said money shall be forthwith returned to said Railroad Company, or the said bond shall be discharged iu fall. Witness our hands, this 15th day of March, 1879. J.

F. Hillis, Chairman, MiKI "-hers. dIIattie Stanlev, a girl under 15 years old, who has been residing in the woods, about four miles above town, deserted her home one day last week. Her father, Mr. Stauley, found her in an Indian wigwam in company with a big, loafing one-eyed Indian, to whom she asserted she had been married, in Indian fashion.

The father endeavored to persuade her to return to her home this she positively refused to do. He insisted on his request being complied with, whereupon the Indian pitched onto Jack and pounded him unmercifully. Jack came to town Friday to have his wounds dressed and to invoke the aid of the law, but for some cause or other the officers refused to interfere. Several parties advised Jack to take the law into his own hands, and if it should happen that one red skin should fail to be present at the next annual payment. Uncle Sam would be note the poorer.

On Saturday the illmated pair departed for MUle Lacs Lake. The girl has been considered a "wild one" for a year or so, but why she should become infatuated with the worst looking Indian that roams the forests is a mystery to most people conversant with the facts IVwJield Telegram. 53The Oswego Independent of the 8th inst. contained an account of a visit to that city by Mr. Joseph Seligman, head ot the banking house of J.

W. Seligman Bros, of London, accompanied by other distinguised capitalists interested in the extension of the St. Louis San Francisco and theMissouri and Western railroad, through Southern Kansas, to the Wet. An objective point in Kansas is Wichita and tworoutcs are spoken of in order to reach it, the adoption of either to depend upon the encouragement given and the amount of aid. voted.

The routes referred to are through Elk county and up the Fall Burntside, Aneliza se sw same nw sw same sw sw Hanks, JoelE nw sw same sw SW Haigler, Enoch ne nw same nw nw same sw nw same se nw Bennett, ne sw 3Captain Dick Walker, of Winfield, formerly Sheriff of Cowley county, has been appointed and confirmed as Register of the Wichita Land office, in place of H. L. Taylor, resigned. Congratulate yon, old boy. JCfMrs.

Cartmell, the popular milliner of this city, will return from Kansas City this evening with her new stock of spring millinery goods. She will have the largest and finest assortment ever brought to Elk county. Commissioners met in special session last Saturday, to consider the petitions for the creating of a new township of the territory between here and Elk Falls. The matter was laid over until the 10th of next month. 5j 'Whig" Southard, of the New York Store at Independence, was in town one day last week, supplying nar retail merchants with what they mitrht want.

He poked his head into The Courant oflice and yelled "Howl" 53-The way Sheriff Burchfield makes "Old Hundred and Kill" rack around, one would think he had discovered a gold mine. But this is not the cause it's another nice little boy, and we believe Burch. is the proudest man in town. Allen and Walt. Ellis mourn the death Of their dog "snifter." He was hurled intoeternity without a moment's notice from the heels of a horse.

He lied without a struggle, and, from what the boys say, we should say he died happy. JQThe pr-! all over the State are arguing the opening of the Indian Territory to settlers. This is the right time for Congress to take action in this matter and the bill which was not passed by the last Congress for want of time should now lie revived GEORGE THOMPSON, County ClCrk of said county, 1.) do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the proceedings and order of the Board of Connty Commissioners in the matter of th lion'i and, stock election of Wild Cat township, in said comity, a appears of record in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, on this lsth day LS. J-of March, A.

D. 1879. Geoiiqk J'iiomi'sov, Countv Clerk. STATE OF KANSAS, Couxty of Elk, same same same I GEORGE THOMPSON, County Clerk of said cojifoty, do hereby certify that the above and foreeroinar is a UEckhart, David true copy of the proceedings and order of the Board of OW, therefore, pursuant to the above order. the mnil- IN' ified electors of 6aid township of Wild Cat.

In the 26 46 54 56 54 5(i 13 04 20 96 30 43 30 43 30 43 23 00 15 26 10 11 80 23 03 49 02 24 83 24 S3 31 07 25 51 25 54 28 55" 28 55 130 9S 130 OS 130 98 130 93 61 19 61 19 61 49 10 69 9 67 6 00 47 48 47 43 56 53 56 53 59 00 75 85 93 30 37 25 47 43 sw sw se sw ne nw nw nw sw nw se nw ne nw tse nw sw nw nw ne nw nwnw sw nw se nw nw nc sw nc nw se sw sw nw nw Pt ee sw se River valley through Greenwood It was with a view of County Commissioners 111 the matter of the houd and stock election of Longton township, in said county, as appears of record in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set mv hand and affixed the seal of my office, on this 15th day L9. of March, A. 1). 1879.

Geokgk Thompson. County Clerk. NOW, therefore, pursnantto the above order, the qualified electors of said township of Longton, inv.he. County of Elk and State of Kansas, are hereby nonned that an Election will be held in said townsh'ipat the usual voting places therein, upon tho proposition above set forth, on the 29th day of April, A. I).

lr79. Given under my hand this 17th day of March, AD. 1879. J. BUUCHFIELD, 13-5 Sheriff of Elk County, Kansas.

ascertaining the feeling of the people along the above-named possible routes that Messrs. li. F. Hobart, of Oswego, and C. Wood Davis, of Sedgwick county, visited our town last week.

The building of this road would give us a direct line to St. Louis, and at the same time place us in reach of the cheap pine lumber of Arkansas, and give us the cheapest and best coal yet found in the state. The capitalists named in connection with the en same same same Austin, S. II same Cunningham, TD.OS same Sawyer, M. same same same Allen, I.

same same Cooley, Frank same Reynolds, James Craig, Jno same Hough, W. same same same same Craig. J. I County of Elk and State of Kansas, are hereby notified thatan Election will be held in said township, at tho usual voting place therein, upon the proposition above set forth, on the 29th day of April, A. D.

I879. Given under my hand this 17th day of March, A.D. 1879. J. Q.

BURCIIFIELD, fia-o Sheriff of Elk County, Kansas. Election Notice. WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Elk (Jounty, in the State of Kansas, at a Special Meeting, duly held 011 the irth day of March; A. D. 187, made the following order, to-wit At a special meeting of the County Commissioners, duly called by order of the Chairman, on tho request of two members of the Board, at Hie office of the County Clerk, in Howard City, on the 15lh day of March, A.

1879, there were present J.F. Hillis, Chairman. N. R. Li'theh, W.

H. Wood, Member. A petition was presented to the Board, signed by moro than two-fifths of the resident tax jtaycrs of Greenfield; township, In Elk Countv, State of Kansas, which, with the singatures omitted, Is in the words following, to-wlt: terprise, are among the leading moneyed men of the 53-J. D. Baxter, of the firm of Baxter Wade, "wholesale grocers at Independence, who is so well known and liked by the merchants of Elk county that they always hold their orders for him, was in the city last Friday on his 'regular round." country, if once set on foot it will become an assured success.

Eureka Herald. 3The following lines from an exchange, though tinged with a shade ot humor, do nevertheless reveal a too well understood truth, which makes them very sug gestive and worthy of perusal "In the whole range of 5trThc question of a Constitutional Convention is submitted to the voters of Kansas at the election in November in I S). And at the some election, the Constitutional Amendment prohibiting the sale or manufacture of spirituous liquors in the state will be submitted. saereu ana proiane literature, perhaps there is nothing se sw ne se -1 nw se ei sw se se se se se nw ne ne nw interest of all that part of Howard City townsite lying west of Oak street, also all that part lying west of Perry street, in recoraeu wnicn nas such staving properties as a good Shannon, Alex Bruce. healthy" mortgage.

It can be depended on to stick closer than a brother. It has a mission to perform which never lets up. Day after day it is right there, nor does the 23Mr FI- "I Butcher, of Wilson county, a regular correspondent of the Fredonia Citizen, was in our city slightest tendency to slumber impair its vigor in the niirht Night and day.on the Sabbath, aud at holiday times rruiay ami Saturday, attenamg tne teachers examination and "lookingaround." Mr. Butcher is an intelli-jrent and well-informed young man, and we were 31 43 30 10 out a moment's time lor rest and recreation, the biting ou-sprmg 01 its existence interest goes on. The seasons vided for herein, and the said County Clerk shall make such subscription immediately thereafter.

Upon the ratification of this proposition by a vote of the qualified voters of said County at said election, and upon the subscription of stock being made by said County, the said Elk, and Chautauqua Railroad Company shall exeoute and deliver to the said Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Elk, a bond in the 6um ot two thousand dollars, with good security thereto to be approved by the Chairman of said Board, and conditioned that said Railroad Company shall, in case of a failure on its part to build said railroad according to the terms and conditions herein stated, reimburse and pay unto the said County of Elk the ordinary expenses attending the election hereby petitioned for, and for which said couniy would be liable. When the said Railroad Company shall have built, or caused to be built and completed its line of railroad from the north line of said County of Elk from the place and connection aforesaid, to tho City of Howard, with suitable siding as aforesaid, and cars running thereon from a connection with the line of railroad of the Kansas City, Emporia Southern Railroad Company, as aforesaid, the said Board of County Commissioners shall thereupon, immediately and without delay, cause to be executed as the law directs, the bonds of the said County of Elk, of the denomination and on the terms heretofore stated and described, to an amount equal to four thousand dollars per mile of railroad then built and completed in the said County of Elk, of main track and sidings, (such sidings, hoover, not to exceed one mile) and shall deliver said bonds when so executed to the said Elk and Chautauqua Railroad Company and the said Railroad Company shall at the same time that it receives said bonds, make out, execute and deliver to the Treasurer of the said County of Elk, for the benefit of saict Connty of Elk, certificates of full paid stock of the capital stock of the Elk and Chautauqua Railroad Company to an amount equal to the amount of bonds of the sai 1 County of Elk so received by it, and in exchange therefor, and in consideration thereof. That all the County, Township and City taxes levied upon the property of said Railroad Company and collected therefrom, within the said County of Elk, shall be set apart for and applied exclusively to the payment of the coupons, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment at maturity of the bonds so issued by the said County of Elk, in aid of said railroad company, until the same shall be fully paid Provided, however, That 6aid Railroad Company may pay all or any part of the County, Township and City taxes levied upon its said railroad and property in said County of Elk, in matured coupons, on and. of said bonds aforesaid. The said Railroad Company shall have the right and authority upon the completion of its said line of railroad to mortgage, the franchises, privileges and rights of said company, and its line of railroad and other property in the said County of Elk, and to issue its bonds secured by the said mortgage to the extent and limit of eight thousand dollars for each and every mile so completed hereby giving and granting to said mortgage and the bonds secured thereby the first and prior lien on said franchises and property aforesaid.

The said Railroad Company when its said line of railroad is so built and completed as. aforesaid shall lease the same to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company, on the same terms as the said last mentioned company have leased other roads connecting with it. That the form of ballot to be used at such special election for and against the proposition to take stock and issue bonds therefor, as above described, shall be in the following form, to-wit The ballots in favor of said proposition, shall contain these words "For the Railroad, Stock and Bonds of the Elk and Chautauqua Railroad Company." The ballots against said proposition shall contain these words "Against the Railroad Stock and Bonds of the Elk and Chautauqua Railroad Company." And your petitioners will ever pray, etc. And the said Board of County Commissioners, having examined and considered said petition, and being duly advised in the premises, doth find that said petition is in due and legal form that it is in writing, and that it is signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax-payers of said Elk couuty. It is therefore ordered that au election be held in said connty on Wednesday, the 23rd day of April, 1879, may change, days run into weeks, weeks into months, and months be swallowed up into the gray man of ad vancing years, but that mortgage stands up in sleepless 6 55 5 75 2 64 pleased to mate his acquaintance.

53 Advertisers will please remember that The is an excellent advertising medinm, through which to secure the trade of the people of Elk county. It has twice the legitimate circulation that any paper has ever had in this county and it will pay every'business man to "put up his sign" in its columns. vigilance, witn tne interest, a perrennial stream, care lessly running on. Like a huge nightmare eating out HOWARD CITY. Unknown, LotllO, Block 62 Unknown, Block 20 ELK FALLS.

Unknown, Lots 256, 254, Osage street LOXGTON. Timmons, Lot 173, Knnsas Avenue Roberts, E. J. Lots 209 211, Kansas Avenue. Jackson, D.

Lots 33, 45, 5th street tne steep ot some restless slumberer, the unpaid mort gage rears up its gaunt front in perpetual torment to the miserable weignt who 13 hem within its pitiless clutch. 21 23 1 72 1 77 It holds the poor victims with the relentless grasp of a giant not one nonr 01 recreation not a moment's evasion of its hideous presence. A senial savase of molli woman in town cured her husband of staying out late at night by going to the door when he came home, and whispering through the keyhole "Is that you. Harrie?" Her husband's name is John, and he etays at home every night now, and sleeps with one eye open and a revolver under his pillow." fying aspect while the interest is paid a very devil of nopeiess uesirueuon wneu tne payments fail." Election Notice. WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Elk County, in the State of Kansas, at a Special Meeting duly held oa the 15th day of March, A.

D. 1879, made the following order, to-wit At a special meeting of the County Commissioners, duly called by order of the Chairman, on the request of two members of the Board, at the oflice of the County Clerk, in Howard City, on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1879, there were present J. F.

Hillis, Chairman, N. R. Lt'THKIl, W. II. Wood, Members.

A petition was presented to the Board, signed by more thau two-flffhs of the resident tax payers of Elk Falls township, in Elk County, State of Kansas, which, with the signatures omitted, is in the words following, to-wit: To the Honorable, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Elk, State of Kansas THE undersigned, being more than two-flfth3 of the resident tax payers of Elk Falls Township, a municipal township in said county and State, respectfully pray your honorable body to submit to the qualified electors of said township, a proposition to subscribe to the capital stock of the Southern Kansas A Western Railroad Company, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, which proposes to construct a line of Railroad into and through said township. That such subscription may be to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, and that in payment thereof, bonds of said township may be issued in sums of Five Hundred Dollars each, payable in thirty years from date ot issue, with interest payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent, per auuum. That the conditions upon which it is proposed to make such subscription, are That said Railroad Company construct its railroad of standard gauge, from some point on the east side of said township, and running thence through said township, to some point on the west side thereof, and have the same in operation on or before the first day of December, 1879, and that Within sixty days from the time said railroad is constructed to the Elk Falls depot grounds, it build within five eights of a mileof the Elk Falls I'ost Office a Depot, and put in a convenient side track, and maintain the same. That Fifteen Thousand Dollars of said Bonds shall be issued and delivered to said llailroad Company when its railroad is constructed and in operation to the Elk Falls Depot Grounds, and the balance thereof when its Railroad is constructed and in operation to the West line' of said Township. That a Special Election may be called in said Township, in pur-uance of Chapter 107, of the laws of 1876, and the Acts of the Legislature of the State of Kansas, amendatory thereof to vote upon the question of subscribing for said Stock, and that the form of the ballots to be used at such election for such proposition be: "For subscription to stock of Southern Kansas and NOTICE is hereby given that the following is a list of unreedeemed lauds and town lots sold at delinquent tax sale by the Treasurer of Elk county on the 7th, 8th, 9th, and loth days of September 1875 lor the taxes and charges due thereon for the year 1874, which if not redeemed before the 9th day of September, 1879, will be deeded to the purchasers according to the provisions made by law.

N. MOMMA, Treasurer Elk County Kansas. 53A gentleman working on the survey of the K. S. W.

railroad, which is an extension west" of the L. G. from Independence, writes to the Lawrence Standard as follows "Our camp is on Elk river, at Elk City, which averages with many of the prairie cities of our beautiful Kansas, we urove the tirst stake of the W. railway at the terminus of the G. at Inde pendence, and ran a line to this point.

We then return ed to Elk and ran two new lines in order to get the best crossing ana cneaper route to tnis city. Expect to run To the JTonorablc, the Board of Couniy Commissioner of tho County of Elk, in the State of Kansas THE undersigned, being more than two-fifths of the' resident taxpayers ot Greenfield Township, municipal township in said county and state, respectfully pray your honorable body to submit to the qualinl electors of said township, a proposition to subscribe to tho capital stock of the Southern Kansas and Western Hail-road Company, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, which proposes to. construct a IinCof Railroad into and through saiil township. That such subscription may be to tho amount of Eighteen Thousand Dollars, and that in payment thereof, bonds of said township may be issued iu sums of Five Hundred Dollars each, payable in thirty years from date of issue, with interest payable semi-aunuaJiy, at the rate of seven per cent, pernnnum. That the conditions upon which it is proposed to makrT such subscription, are That paid Railroad Company construct its railroad of standard gauge, from some point on the east side of said township, and running thence, through said township, to some point on the west sl'lii thereof, within two miles of the center of said (own-, ship, and have the same in operation on or before the first day of March, 1880, inul that within sixty days from the time said railroad is constructed to Cana creek, In said township, it build a Depot, and put fn a convenient side track and maintain the same at fome convenient and feasible point in said township, on the east side of Cana creek, and within a mile and a half thereof.

That Ten Thousand Dollars of enid Bonds hhall be issued and delivered to said Railroad Company when its railroad is constructed and in operation to Cnna crefck and the balance, Eight Thousand Dollars, when its railroad is constructed and in operation to the East line of Cowley County. That a Special Election may be called in said Township, in pursuance of Chapter 107, ot tho lawofls70, and the Acts of the Legislature of tho Statu of Kansas amendatory thereof to vote uprn the question of subscribing for said Stock, and that the form of the ballots to be used at such election for such proposition be "Forsubscription to Ptock of Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company," and those ngainst such proposition be: "Atrainst subscription to slock of Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company." And the said Board of County Commissioners, having examined and considered said petition, and" being duly advised in the premises, doth find that said petition is in due and legal form that it is in writing, t.nd that it is signed by more than two-fifihs of the resident tax payers of said township of Greenfield. It is therefore ordered than an election be held in said DESCRIPTION, C5 a tnrougn ana sivmner counties. The people are enthusiastic oyer "the prospect of a road. and well they may be for a better asrricultural district spreading itself Kansas well watered, well timbered.

well settled, they need a road for the transportation of immigration and merchandise and the exportation of produce. Major Gunn, Chiet Engineer, is looking after the interests ot the people ana company selecting the 12 30 $60 71 $23 40 ne se nw route. G. M. Walker has charge of the locating party 26131 ami ispusning tne survey, tjonstracion will be begun soon and by the 4th of July the road will be completed Notice of Final Settlement.

ana in operation to tnis point at which time the screech of the eagle and engine will be simultaneously heard for THE STATE OF KANSAS, Elk County. the first time in Elk, as the people intend to celebrate largely on the occasion. Wintield is one of the objective points of the road and the surveys will be rapidly pushed In the Probate Court in and for said county. In the matter of the estate of L. D.

Blizard, Deceased. "CREDITORS and all other persons interested in the lorwara, as last as money ana men can carry it." JCt" About one hundred teams are now engaged in the grading of the Emporia Eureka railroad, ancT the force v- aforesaid estate, are hereby notified, that at the next will be largely increased the course of Western Railroad Company," and those against such regular term ot the Probate Court in and tor said county, to be begun and held at the court room in Howard City, county of Elk, State ot aforesaid, on the first Mon-dav in the mouth of April. A. D. 1879, I shall apply to proposition De "Against subscription to stocfe orboutn ern Kansas and Western Railroad Company." few days.

Some sixteen or seventeen miles of the grade along the road bed is still to be completed. The new line will intersect the A. T. S. F.

in this city where the water tank now stands. Mr. Severy is pushing the To vote for or against the proposition in the foregoing betition. and said election shall be held and the result said Court for a full and final settlement of said Estate And the slid Board of County Commissionerf having examined and considered said petition, and being duly ascertained and declared according to the provisions of the Statnte and the specifications of said petition. worK wim commenuaDie energy.

cmpona meager on the second Tuesday of April, lt-79. JOSEPH B. DOBYNS, Adm'r de bonis non of L. D. Blizard, Deceased.

March 12, A. 1S79. Pr's fee $5.00 Paid. 12-4 It is further otdered. That notice of said election be published thirty (30) davs before the 6ame is held in' W.

Reich, of Eureka, traveling agent for the To- peka Markle works, was in town Tuesday. He is doing Sheriff's Sale. a good work lor his house this section, getting about -all the work that is to be done. He comes in town, picks up what work is to be had and then skips out for anoth er held. In short he is one ot the best salesmen that vis its Howard.

STATE OF KANSAS, Elk County, 83 W. E. Roller, Administrator JdnThe Teachers' examination held in this city last week, was largely attended, and everything seemed to pass off nicely. There was an unusually large number 53s' "Tis sweet to hear the watch dog's bark bay deep-mouthed welcome," murmurs the poet, and from a poet's standpoit it may be all right, but when we are coming down a lonely alley or back street after chasing down an item for the public good, we don't want any watch dog in ours, and but very little "bay." 53Seience says now that kissing on the lips must be abolished in the interest of health. Most potent, grave and reverend seignors, scholars and philosophers, there are moments you know nothing of, when a man don't care two cents for science, and when he is going to plant kisses where they belong if the laws of health are torn from Alpha to Bersheba J3The people of Elk county are invited to take hold and make their Agricultural Association an honor to them elves, and not expect others to do their work.

Come to the next meeting which ill be held on Saturday the 5th dav of April, at which all who propose to become exhibitors at the coming fair, and all others interested, can have their say in regard to the Premium List. James L. Hart, who has been staying in Howard the past winter, started for Colorado Monday morning. During his stay here Mr. Hart erected at his wife's grave a beautiful and costly monument and enclosed the lot with a substantial fence.

It will be remembered that Mrs. Hart died here last July while her husband was in Colorado. Mr. Hart is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs.

Asa Thompson, of this city. received a letter a few days ago from a lady in Ohio, who is a subscriber to The Courant, saying that she can hardly keep her paper long enough to glance over its columns, as her neighbor? are greatly excited about Kansas, and that they nearly go wild over a Kansas paper. She says that The Coctsast goes the rounds every week nntil it is entirely worn out. and then they sit down and wait for the next number which suffers the same way. commence, on our last page this week, a new continued storv entitled "Silas Marner," which our lady readers, and no doubt many others will admire.

We have received many flattering compliments for having published the story, the "Lost Bank Note," which was finished a few weeks since, and we are prompted to try to do better this time, if jiossible. The story is taken from George Munroc's publications, which are second to none in'the United States. Don't fail to read 'Silas JIarner," commenced this week. JtfMiss Mattie Davis, who lives with Mrs. Albright, in this city, met with a serius accident on Wednesday evening of last week.

She was riding into town on a pony, when the boys were firing anvils, and the pony jumped from throwing her on the ground and dragging her several feet by her foot hanging in the stirrup. The pony kicked her on the forehead, inflicting an ugly but it turns out not to be a serious one. Dr. Lucas, the attending physician, informs us that she is recovering rapidly from her injuries. 53-John A.

nelphingstine, one of the earliest settlers of Independence, and one of the best and most accommodating young men in Southern Kansas, has been in our county for the past week making loans to those in want of money, lie gives our people a lower rate of interest than any other gentleman in the country can, and, as a natural consequence, is loaning more money than almost any one else. He will be in the county hereafter about one week in each month, and will always be prepared to furnish monev at a lower rate of interest than it can be got for elsewhere. 53A certain man got mad at the editor and stopped his paper. The next week he sold his corn at 4 cents below the market price. Then his property was sold for taxes because he only heard of the sale three davs after it had adjourned he lost S10 betting on Moilie McCarthy two davs after Ten Brceck had won the race he was arrested and fined S3 forgoing huntingon Sunday hepaid 8300 for a lot of forged notes that had been advertised two weeks, and the pnblio cautioned not to negotiate them.

He then paid a big Irishman with a leg like a derrick, to kick him all the way to tl.e newspaper oflice. when he paid four years snbscription in advance, and made the alitor swear and sisrn a written agreement to knock Jiim down and rob him if he ever ordered his paper stopped again, no matter what might turn up. Stolen. of the estate of Joseph White-neck, Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. A.

B. Hicks, John Rambo, P. C. Topping. Defendants.

01 "pretty school marms" on the streets during inter missions and it was hardly safe for bashful youths like ourseii to be out aione. NOTICE. All those indebted to me, will please call and settle. due and legal lorra that it is in writing, aud that it is signefl by more than two-fifths of the resident tax payers of said township of Elk Falls. It is therefore ordered that an election be held in said township on Tuesday, the 29th Day of April, 1879, To vote for or Against the proposition in the foregoing petition, and said election shall beheld, and the result ascertained and declared according to the provisions of the Statute and the specifications of said petition.

It is further ordered, That notice of said election be published thirty (30) days before the same is held, in some newspaper having a general circulation in said township of Elk Falls'. It is also ordered, That the said Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company shall make a deposit of Thirty-Five Dollars with the County Treasurer or some responsible banker, or give bond and good resident security in double that amount that it will pay the costs and expenses of said election, in case the bonds should be voted and said Railroad Company should fail to comply with the conditions of said election and it said bonds should not be carried at said election, or if the Railroad Company shonld comply with the conditions on which they are "voted, in. case they are carried, then in either such case, the said money shall be forthwith returned to said Railroad Company, or the said bond shall be discharged in full Witness our hands, this 15th day of March, 1S79. J. F.

Hillis, Chairman. STATE OF KANSAS, County of Elk, I GEORGE THOMPSON, Connty Clerk of said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a either by cash or note. I am tired of looking over old accounts, ana preier a cnange. s. LrcAS.

Genuine Cook's Pills, in old style wood boxes, 15 cts each, or two boxes for 25 cents, at D. H. HATTON'S. some newspaper having a general circulation in said connty of Elk. It is further ordered, That the said Elk and Chautauqua Railroad Company, upon the ratification of the proposition by a vote of the qualified electors of said county as foresaid, shall execute and deliver to the said Board of County Commissioners of said Elk county said bond in the sum of two thousand dollars with good security thereto to be approved by the Chairman of said Board, conditioned that said Railroad Company shall in case of a failure on its part, to build said railroad according to the terms and conditions hereir.

stated, reimburse and pay unto the said County of Elk the ordinary expenses attending the election hereby petitioned for and for which said county would be liable, and further, That said Railroad Company shall execute and deliver to the Treasurer of said county within twenty days from this date, a good and sufficient bond with approved security a3 aflore-said. for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, that said railroad company shall fully comply with the terms and conditions of said proposition upon their part (time being of the essence of the contract) in case said bonds shall be voted by the qualified electors of said Elk county, it being made to appear to the Board that said last-named bond has been guaranteed to the tax-payers who have signed said petition by those who have circulated the same for signatures and that such guarantee was made by authoritv of said Railroad Company. Witness our hands, this 19th day of March, 1879, J. F. Hillis, Chairman, STATE OF KANSAS, oa Eljc County.

i83" I GEORGE THOMPSON, Connty Clerk of said county, 9 do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the proceedings and order of the Board of County Commissioners in the matter of the liond and stock election of Elk county, Kansas, as appears of record in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office on this 19th day LS. -of March, A. D. 1879.

George Thompson. County Clerk IIoxor from Europe. It is conceded on all sides that BY virfnre of an execution to me directed and delivered, issued out of the 13th Judicial District Court of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Elk county, in said State, I will, on Saturday, April 5, 1879, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day.

at the door of the school house, in the city of Howard," in the county of Elk. and state of Kansas, the same leing the conrt house of Elk county. Kansas, offer at public sale and sell to the hiarh-est bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants, in and to the following described Real Estate, situated In the county of Elk and state of Kansas, to-wit The south half of the south-west quarter of section one (1) in township thirty (30) range ten (10) east. Said property appraised at seven hundred and fifty dollars Said property levied on, and to be sold as the property of the above named defendants. J.

Q. Bitrchfteld, Sheriff. Elk County, Kansas. Sheriff's Office, noward, Kansas, 1 Feb. 25, 1879.

L. Scott, Attorney for Plainliff. No 9-5 weeks 4 sq Printer's fees $12. Dr. Aver's pills are above comparison with other medi cines.

Uniting the best elements known to the chemist township on, Tuesday, the 29th day of April, 1879, To vote for or against the proposition in the foregoing petition, and said election shall bo held, and the result ascertained and declared according to the provisions of the Statute and the siKjcifications of said petition. It is farther ordered. That notice of said election be published thirty (30) days before the same Is held, in some newspaper having a general circulation in said township of Greenfield. It is also ordered. That the said Southern Kansasand" Western Railroad Company shall make a deposit of thir-, ty-fl ve dollars with the County Treasurer or some responsible banker, or give bond and good resident security in double that amount that it will pay the costs and! expenses of sajd election, in case the bonds should Iks voted and said Railroad Company should fail to comply with the conditions of said election and if said bond shonld not be carried at said election, or if the railroad company should comply with the conditions on which they are' votftd, in case they are carried, then in either such case, the said money shall be forthwith returned to said Railroad Company or the said bond shall be discharged in full.

Witness our hands, this l.Mh day of March. 1879. J. F. ", Chairman.

W. Wood, jMm tCT, N. R. Lcthek, ncmiXTA. STATE OF KANSAS, County of Elk.

GEORGE THOMPSON. Couniy Clerk of said county, 9 do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true copy of the proceedings and order of the Board of Countv Commissioners in the matter of the bond and stock election of Greenfield townohip, in said county, as appears of record in my office. In Testimony Wiif.keof, I have hereunto set mv hand and affixed the seal of my office, on this 15th day i ls. J-of March, A. D.

1879. Gkobcf. Thompson, fNunty Clerk. NOW, therefore, pumi.ini to the above order, the qualified electors of said township of Greenfield, In the County of Elk and State of Kansas, are heieny notified that an Election will be held in said township, at the usual voting places therein, upon the proposition above? set forth, on the 29th d.iy of Ajuil. A.

D. 1P79. Given under my hand this lth day of March, A.D. 18,9. J.

Q. BCRCHriELD, 1.VS Sheriff of Elk Connty, The John Deere planter, plow, and cultivators, for rsVf at hard pan prices, by Momma McKey Eby they are particularly effective against the numerous stomachic disorders for which they are recommended as a cure. These Pills are so mild, yet searching, that they are ouen prescrioea by doctors wno otherwise no not favor patent medicines. Indeed, with the fruits of Dr Ayer's genius in the wav of Pills, Sarsaparilla, Asme Cure and Cherry Pectoral, one might with impunity travel through the swamps of tropical America, or follow Stanlev on his travels through the interior of Africa. Amsterdam can den Day true copy of the proceedings, and order of the Board of Connty CommUsioners in the matter of thebond and All shades and colors of mixed paints for sale cheap.

at HATTON'S DRUG STORE. 13-2 Notice of Appointment Administrator. Don't buy your Farm Implements until you have seen stock election of Elk tails township, in said county, as appears of record in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, on this 15th day ls of March, A. D.

1879. George Thompson, -v-. County Clerk. TVTO therefore, pursuant to the above ordr.the Dual C. T.

AIAMS, and learned nis prices ana terms. uj STATE OF KANSAS, Elk Couxty, In the matter of the estate of Samuel B. Notice of Harbur, late of Elk county, Kansas. Appointment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 12th dayof March, A.

D. 1S79, the undersigned was, by the Probate Court of county, appointed and qualiQed as Administrator of the estate of Samuel B. Harbur, late of Elk county, deceased. All barties interested in said estate will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. M.

S. Maxweel, Administrator. No 13-3 weeks Printer's fee $3 00 ly ified electors of said township of Elk Falls, in the County of Elk and State of Kansas, are hereby notified thatan Election will be held in said township, at the usual voting place therein, upon the proposition above Great attention is attracted by the recent discovery in applying Concentrated Blue to paper in such a way, that when stirred into water, it instantly becomes extra fine Blueing, either for laundry we or for writing fluid. The great advantage of this Wafer Blueing is, that it never freezes, is cleaner and much better and cheaper than any other. One package which costs 10 cents will make ten ordinary bottles of bluing.

Try the common Sense Wafer Bluing, and if you are not pleased your money will be refunded. Hatton is sole agent for it here. NOW, therefore, pursuant to the above order, thequal-ified electors of said County of Elk, in the State of Kansas, are hereby notified that an Election will be he'd in the said at the usual voting places therein upon the proposition above set forth, on the 23d day of April, A. D. 1879.

Given under mv hand this 19th day of March, A.D. 1679. J. Q. BURCIIFIELD, 13 5 Sheriff of Elk County, Kansas.

sec ionn, on tne clay ot Anni, A. U. Given nndermy hand this 17th dav of March. A J. Q.

BUUCIIFIKLD, 13-5J Sheriff of Elk County,.

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