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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TWO THE DAILT COURIER, CONNELLSVILLE, PA. iftAftUH 17, 1919- James Boone of Meyersdale, Shulta ol Braddock. A supper for the'cjttraciera meat Friday financial drive of tie First Presbyter- at the borne of Mrs. Samuel Goodwin at. The.

member are asked to 'leave here on the o'clock' street It is the. quarterly dollar meeting and a large attendance is desired. church wilUbe, given Friday eren- Ing i 6:30 o'clock 'in dih- iacroom bj- ladies ot the church. About eighty" men will" be invited. A few short addressee will be made and instruction given as to the purpose and nature and as.

to manner Is, to-be-conijuptedr As the regular meeting ol ie PhiHp Freeman DiugWers of? the Tbe attendance at the Presbyterian Sunday school Increased-wlth another bound-yesterday- when a total of .479 irere at' th'e, services, an increase of 36 over tbe previous Sunday irben a record ol was attained. and! American Revolution," Trail. SaturdayiTbe'-membership campaign being con- afternoon at tie haute of Mrs. Ralph! ducted is for 500 members by Easter McCorxnick the following officers were nominated: Regent. Mrs.

J. A. Lyon; ifint vice regent, Mrs. Karl K. Kramer; secretary.

Mrs. Ralph McCormiek: Mrs. C. E. Wilson; treasurer, Mrs.

Lydia Percy; registrar, Mrs. John. P. Torrence; his torlan. Miss Margaret Freeman of Jonet Mills.

Miss' Freeman adopted Frtach war orphan through tbe local chapter. Officers' for the ensuing year will be elected at tbe April meeting. Miss Sauter-- 25 Wm. Thomas--," 30 Miss 30 3 0 35 Mrs. Proudflt tte "ion 30-The Toung Ladles' 'Guild" ol tbe Mrs.

25 Trinity church, meet Miss Herpick--. 20 weekly meeting ot the Business Women's Christian' association'will Thursday night in Odd Fellows' Temple. Friday-evening it 8 at, the home of Hendersbff in Iforrell avenue, Greenwood. The regular meeting of the" -Ladles' auxiliary to.the Order Railroad Conductors be held Wednesday afternoon in Odd Fellows' ball. The regular meeting of the Woman's Guild of the Trinity Episcopal church will be held Wednesday night Jn the church house in East Pairrtew avenue, with Mrs.

G. N. Wood hos- less. Bdie tbe First' Presbyterian- chufcK -'will-meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the church. All.

men of the church are invited to at- tend. A musical progra'm, including selections "by the.Sunday school or- and a male (lUM-tet, vocal solos by Mrs. "William Brickman, Mlsa EHiabetl Mae Brown, Mr. Hague and 1 readings by Miss Baker, will be reu- entertainment committee is composed of A. 7.

Norton, J. F. Van 0. R. Berwick, H.

P. Bafley- and W. A. The regular meeting of therJWoinH an's Benefit association of the Macci- will be held tomorrow, 7.SO o'clock in-Markell hail. Wtonan's Bible class; church will PERSONAL.

i Bower returned last night I to the iaJteivood hospital, New after spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bower pi South Arch street.

Everything that's new in style and fabric for -1 Look! 'em over! Liberty bonds Dave Coheu, Dr. and Mrs. Grothaus ot 0., were called here by the death of Che brother, C. McKee. The b'est place to shop, after all.

Brownell Shoe Lloyd Canning of Fairmont was visiting friends in the city yesterday. For.the lest and cheapest repairs! on roof, conductor or spouting, see F. T. Evans Prof. Guy Kline of Hafjerstown, fa in the city today on business.

We- offer Tuesday 1,000 baby chicks. I Visitors welcome. Connellsville Foul- try Company, Srautz building. West' Side. Tri-State phone Quota' March 9 March 1C Mr.

and Mrs: J. E. Dock of Pitcalrn uj were, visiting-friends in tbe city yes-i 20 terday. 68 Have thav old suit of. yours cleaned, 21 pressed or 'repaired.

Called for and delivered. Bell ph'oni, 757-J. Dave Cohen, Charles E. Stout went to Pittsburg this morning on business. Tuesday, 1,000 little strangers.

Bring the CoanellsvlMe Poultry Company-, Smutz building. West Side. Tri-State phone 1S-31. Mrs. Emma Laughrey York! I has returned to Pit'tsburg after a lev ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3O Years Sunday.

It is expected that the goal will be reached by neit Sunday. The records of different classes follow: Attendance W. Jos. McConneli 35 T. J.

H-ooper 75 H. May 30 J. A. Armstrong 15 John 23. Miss Ruth Mrs.

Young Hall 323 20 55 -16 8 IS 13 16 13 13 24 17 15 15 16 10 34 Mrs. Whiteley 4 0 Teachers and visitors 32 Total attendance 443 17" 12 II 25 18 13 IS" 17 12 4S 22 479 -I, Always bears tbt filgnatuie of MRS. A. MITCHELL PALMER It is not only the fact that the Hats are new in shape and material, but the inspiration of this- millinery section is the unmistakable air of high class "professionalism" of'the various types shown. That is because they came from hands of millinere of experience, guided by designers who divide their time between.

Paris and New The season is developing many original modes. These hats are arriving daily and should be seen promptly: The prices range from $6.95 to $20.00. The engagement of Elizabeth FulIerPosej-, widow of Louis Pliimer Poaey, andi J. Miller Fraiior, manager hotel, shipment arrives TueBday. Con- delphia, announced Mrs.

nellfcvtilo Poultry Company, Sciutz Posey. who has been mating her home building. West Side. street. Two weeks ago Mrs.

Laughrey accompanied her sister, Mrs. Cora Altuian from Jacksonville, to Mercy hospital. Plttsburf, she having been ill for some time. Bring the children to see.the chicks. at Bellevue-Stratford for several years, is the niece ot the late Alfred M.

the Perryopolis millionaire. At his death In October, 1917, she In- "herfed property in real estate worth millions of dollars, and the personal property -was valued at $1550,000. Mrs. H. L.

judge of Wheeling. W. has returned home after visiting her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Airs.

I. W. Mrs. Myers accompanied her to Pittsburg. JUrsi Sarah B.

Cocbran and. niece, Miss Marie Moore, of Linden James.Park, H. McDonald of Dawson, J. tore and Isobcl, and son, Hurst, and Dr: Maryr Mills of Unlontown, havev.retunied.home; from a trip to points of interest in California.and' to Tucson, Ariz. Thi party traveled in a private car.

of- Hiss Margaret Louise. Kress, daughter of Mr. and meet Thursday.afternoon ir i arr Fredrick Kress of Pitts- Hrsr-Tau'ra" "Jaynes -in -Eighth- -burg; and Kennedy" Price, of street, Greenwood. The regular meeting 1 of rtherN. C.

D. class-of the Hrst Methodist Mrs. Kennedy Price of Brownsville, Mrs. D. P.

Paterpon of Morxon avenue, will go to Flatwoods tomorrow to visit her brother, David Cook. Frank Cunningham of Pitts- bury is the guest ot Mrs. George Dull of 'Wiest I'ayette street. Sirs. D.

P. Patteron. and baby of "Wheeling, W. will return home tomorrow after a visit with Mr. and D.

P. Patterson of Morton avenue. Miss Ltona Gordon of itcCormick avenue is spending a week with friends in Pittsburg. Mrs. A.

Mltcnell ratmer, wife of jallen property custodian, has for several years been a prominent social fljft tire in Washington, since her husband! jwas' a member of congress Before his! present GREENSBURG HIGH LOSES CLOSE GAME TO CONNELLSVILLE Eeal Hattle for In Fint Half; Locals Finaijy Victorious by Score ot 40-30. Connelisville high school won another victory Suurday night when the GroeneburB nigh team was defeated, 40-30. The locals did not "get a good lead until the second 'half. During the. first two quarters the game was exceedingly close.

Connelis- ville had the lead for a time and then Greenuburg forged ahead by one point. This close battle tar tbe first place was continued throughout the first half of the game. In the third and fourth quarters pAce did not slacken but ConnellsriHe Increased the lead sufficiently to leel tbat the game was safe. A ten-point margin bad boon established when the the Oakland Methodist Episcopal Dr. copal church which was to have beeni Avery'NeKd officiated.

Tbe bride, was held tomorrow night at the home of, attended by her sister, iflss Mrs. Michael in JIc.rrell avenue, Owens Kress as maid of honor. James Greenwood, has been postpones Tuesday evening. March 25. was solemnized Saturday companion the show.

Manager C. A. BIG ADVANCE SALE Crowded Homo Indicated for Picture, "IleurU of.the World." The salo of tickets for "Hearts 1 of the World" Wednesday and Thursday foai -jrhistle blew. at the Soisson theatre, which start-! The game was late in starting, some ed Saturday, indicate that the theatre tag visitors not getting here unlii 8:30 o'clock. The game was tbe first ol the entire season which old not begin at 8:15 o'clock, the scheduled time, and the delay Saturday was no fault at tho local management will packed for days.

There will be two presentations daily, 2.15 and 8.15. Tbore are no reservations for the afternoon.shows. A special symphony orchestra ac- fd to bis" brother's best man. Following the ceremony a breakfast was served at the The monthly meeting of tne Van-1 Hotel Schenley. Pittsburg, with spj-ing derbilt Fancywork club has been postponed from Wednesday, of.this week to Wednesday, The will be Clara- Baiser "it "VandeYMIt." The monthly.

meeting, of the King's Daughters of the Trinity Lutheran church will he held tomorrow evening at tbe home of Mrs. William Storey East Patterson ayenuf. blossoms forming the table decorations. Covers for .16. were laid.

Fol- Wagner looks upoa this as the picture supreme of his career as a picture manager. VIRGINIA HOUSEKEEPER Tells of Rcmedf tot Cknnrfc Conghx, Crockett, a chronic cough, was run-down, overworked and hardly able to keep about and do house- trip to eastern i work, when my druggist ashed me to points of interest Mr. Price try Vinol. I quickly improved by its j. will be at home Brownsville.

after April 1. In The regular meeting of the T. C. T. Fancywork club which was to have been held Thursday night at the home of Misses Elizabeth anil Clara Patterson in Porter avenue bas been post-.

Wrlght-Metzler company will be held on Wednesday, at which nificent display of merchandise wiil be exhibited. The Women's Bible class First Baptist church will meet Thursday afternoon at the Some of. Mrs. Mary Robinson in'South Eighth street'. Greenwood.

All womeo of the con-j Angeles, and Francis Sauder of gregation are Invited. The Ladles' Braddock, who arc home from France; use, my cough has disappeared and It has built me up in every K. The reason we guarantee Vinol is because it is a constitutional remedy containing beef and cod IJver peptones, up the entire system and removes the cause of coughs and colds. Laughrey Drug Connellsville, D. C.

Eason, Dunbar, and Druggists everywhere. P. Sazdl Salve Is truly won- wardXaadenfleld at his First dcrtul for Eczema. We guarantee It' street. South Connellsvllle.

Games. music and-dancing, were the pastime In which 50 pcfsohs Indulged. At a late hour lunch was ervert. Among the wefe L. of''Los The soring pona evening, March a birthday, surprise party Saturday flight in honor of Ed- --Adv.

Son Is Born. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bryte of East Fairvjew avenue are receiving congratulations upon the bijtth of a son, the first child in the family. BOXSOCIALSUCCESS Affair at Juniata Tialds 11'eU for Those in Charge.

Tbe festival and box social for the benefit of the Juniata public school on Friday evening was a complete success. Captain and Mrs. Milton Beai, assisted by 'the Jady teachers, Miss Fftrn. Shearer, Miss Hazel Strong and Miss Mattie Gicfiso, and local social workers, Mrs. Perky, Mrs.

William Hex, Mrs. Crosslanci, Mrs. George Jamison, Mrs. Malad, Mrs. Gough; Mrs.

Bradon and others, so efficiently' conducted the affair in hamj Ihat those In the large audience had the tima of their lives and gave liberally. James G. Robinson, assistant superintendent of schools, acted as auctioneer. Boxes sold at good prices, one, a teacher's, bringing Jll.50. Acknowledgment is given R.

V. Rex, superintendent of Juniata "works, Siore i Manager Perkey and Band Leader William Zolasky and his 14 musicians of Juniata ind Leieenrlng No. 1 for delightfully entertafning life big crowd throughout the evening. Millinery Ideas Crowd Each Other in the Section of Shapes and Trimmings For the hat of personal style specifications come to the section of shapes and trimmings. This section has a wealth of variety and' presents suggestions of color harmonies and striking contrasts, and of trimming motifs without end, from the simplest, littlest tailored hat, to the chapeau of the formal hours of afternoon or evening.

Visit the section of shapes and trimmings tomorrow, when you will find it at its zenith of attractiveness. HOME of QUALITY and SERVICE; PITTSBURG Stj CONNELLSVILL.E; December 4, 1864, at Louisville, surviving. They are: JosepJi his term of enlistment having Brownsville; Corporal Harry mo- his returned to CotnellsvlUe. March 25, 1869, 'the deceased was married to Miss Mary Jane Hager ot Upper MIddletown. Practically all their married life was spent in ConneiJflville.

Mr. Newcomer was a member of the Methodist Protestant church and ol the William F. Kurtz Post, No. 104, Grand Army of the 1 Hspublic, for many years. He was one of tie boat known residents of Connellsville and vicinity and was highly esteemed by all.

He is survived by the. following children: Mrs. Samuel Sims, Smithfleld, Mrs. WilHam Garlits, Seivickley; Mrs. George Pryor, Atlantic City: William Henry Newcomer, Rockwcod; Mrs.

Martin King, South Connellsvlile; Mrs. H. E. Pean, Mrs. George Mrs.

Hoben. McCutcheon. Mrs. Charles Frederick and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman, all of Con- his death.

Mr. MclCee was a widow and had resided with his son for th past month, coming here from Pittsburg. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge of Pittsburg. One son, J. E.

McKee, Connellsvflle; one daughter, Mies Ella May McKee. Pittsburg; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Grothaus, -wife ot Dr. Grothaus, Cincinnati, 0., and Mrs. Martin Cable of aellsville; S4 grandchildren and one lato- home Tuesday at 2 o'clock, with great grandchild.

tor transportation service, Newport News; Howard Ella, Elizabeth, Anna Kate and Grace at home. Anna Kate is a nurse at the Cottage State hospital. Grace is a teacher in the Crawford school. West Side. Ella Is employed at the offices of the FayeUe County Gas company.

There survive also the following brothers and sis-! Rochester, and on brother, Wllter: John B. Workman, Gilmore's Uam McKee of Pittsburg, survive Mill; William Workman, Councils-j Private funeral service will be held at the the McKee home tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Dr. Bills B. Burgess of Trin- Hy Lutheran church will officiate.

Interment will be in Hill Grove cemetery. MRS. GEORGE C. POWELL. Her.

R. C. Wojf of West Newtoo, a former -pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church here, assisted by Rev. W. B.

Purnell, pastor of the Presbyterian church of. Dawson officiated at the funeral services for ville; Allen Workman, Footedale, and Mrs. Mary Herbert, ConnellsriHe. Mr. Workman united with the First Baptist church in 1876 and was an active member.

He bad been a deacon for more than 30 years. He was a charter member of the Ancient Order of the Knights of the Mystic Chain at Moyer and a member of Eureka Grange at Scottdale. The funeral service will be at the Kev. Wilbur Nelson officiating. In- jAjrnerica's Own The same jjood product -v raise in price.

LAKCE BAffKISC. The Citbeus'i'iitlonail Bank Transacts AD Itiiibs of Business Banking. There is banking service that does not come the ability of The Citizens National Bank. While a. Savings Account of a dollar is acceptable; yot a Commrciai Account of large volume can be handled accurately and promptly.

This Bank is at ia8 North Pittsburg street---Adv. Mr. Newcomer will be buried with I terment will be in Hill Grove cezne- Mrs. George C. Powell, held Saturday Kurtz Post in charge.

Services will be held tomorrow at 3:30 o'clock at the Methodiist Protestant church, with Rev. H. LambertBon officiating. The interment will be made in 1-Ilil Grove cemetery. DAVID L.

WORKMAN. If Ion Hani Something Advertise for It iu our classified column. One.cent word- Sims' undertaking rooms at 1 o'clock for persons -wishing to attend the 1'uneraL JAMES McGKATH. The Immaculate Conception church was the scene another large funeral this morning at 3 o'clock when ser- David L. Workman, 68 years were held for James McGrath.

former Cpnnellsrille business man; Solemn requiem high mass was cole- aud retired farmer, died at -iJo o'clock Saturday afternoon at his homo at EellvJeWi Bullskin township, from pneumonia. Mr. Workman was taken previous Sunday night with ptomaine poisoning. Later he contracted a heavy cold which developed into pneumonia. A year ago in.

January he suffered a slight of paralysis and since then, although he brated by John T. Burns, assister by Rev. Father Lawrence Mc- Nmamy uid Rev. Father Henry De- North Pittsburg street. Many relatives and friends of the deceased attended.

The floral tributes wero numerous and beautiful. Grant Myers, James C. Munson, John Franks, S. T. Beaiord, Roy Sparks and J.

B. Henry were pallbearers. Interment waa made ia Hill Grove cemetery. SABRATORA CALDARONA. Sabralora Caldarona, 50 years old, died Saturday night at his home on' Eleventh street, West Side, of pneu- Vivo, in lie presence of a large gain-; monia.

The deceased was a miner for the H. C. Frick Coke company. Funer- aral services will be held tomorrow of town points. The floral tributes I morning at St.

Rita's Italian, church ering of relatives and friends of the deceased from Connellsville and out were many and elaborate. Edward McHugh, J. R. Wiiliam Rush, Thomas James McGrath, C. N6w used in prehference corf ee in-tens of-thousands families, because of rtst Jt economy, delicious Tieyor and heaJthfulness as ei-table beverage.

"TReneJs C. Ralston, James Patterson and Charles McGratli, grandsons of the was able to be about, he had not- been strong. Mr. Workman was a son of David aad Elizabeth Wilkinson Work- Ceased, were pallbearers. terment was made in St.

in the West Side. Interment will be In St Joseph's cemetery. ELIZABETH SASAK. Elizabeth Sasak, eight mouths old, LINDLEY NEWCOMER. Following- a lingering illness Lindley Lutellis NoVcorner, .78 years old, a vfiteran.ot the Civil Saturday night at 9:30 o'cloeic at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. H. E. Sena, 356 Arch street. Mr.

Newcomer liad been failing in health siuce the death of his wife, which occurred about two years ago. He was able to 6e 'about unti! last Christmas, when bis condition became more serious, compelling him to take his bed. Tbe deceased was born at Broad Ford "February 15, 1811, a sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomer.

He spent his boyhood days at'Broad'Foi'd and in his early manhood learned the carpenter trade, fallowing that occupation.for a num-! her of years. Ho was employed by H. C. Friek Coko company at Trotter and Davidson and also by the vwnla.Bailroad company. Of late years he lhad lived Newcomer enlisted for' service in the Civil War on 1.

Company Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania'Cavr alry and was honorably discharged man aud was born at Perryopolis on December 9, 1850. He lived there until he was 15 when tbe family removed to BuUskfn township and the remainder of Ills life had been spent there with the. exception of 10 years in East Crawford avenue, Connellsville. In 1913 returned to the farm, which bad since beon hi? home. In 3877 Mr.

Workman married 10 years ago. cemetery. The in-1 daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. John Sasak Joseph's of North Union township, died Sunday of pneumonia.

MRS. ROSAN'NA MARTIN. Mrs. R'osanna Martin, 36 years old. Saturday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

James Stephens at Dickerson Rua. Death was due to the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Martin was tbe widow of Jacob Martin Miss Katharine Beidler, who died and previous to making her borne with There ara seven chil-! her daughter, Mrs. Stephens, she had dren, three sons and four daughters.

for Coughs and GUARANTEED resided in Franklin township. In addition to Mrs. Stephens she Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. James Musser of Dawson, one son, Calvin Martin 'of Vaaderbilt. The funeral will be from the JOHN E.

MARTIN. John E. Martin, 61 years old. died Saturday at his home at Fairchanee following an illness of complication of daseaes. MBS.

ELIZABETH HADH. Following an illness of heart troabis Mrs. Elizabeth E. Haun died Saturday at. the homo of her daughter, Mrs.

Martha Hickle, at Fairchanca. JOHN A. M'COMBS. John Allen McCombs, a promln- bj Salem, died Sat- Stephens home tomorrow afternoon urday night at hie home. 87 at 2 o'clock.

Rev. D. C. White, pas- years oli GEORGE A. YtTONG.

George-A. Young, 70 years old, of West Brownsville, died Sunday morning at the home of relatives In TFelli- 12.30 burg, W. of paralysis. tor of the Presbyterian church at "Vanderbilt, will officiate. MICHAEL C.

MTCEB. Michael Cochran McKee, 59 years old, died Sunday morning at o'clock at the home of his sou, J. E. McKee, in West Fayette street. He had been in poor health for the past' few months arid contracted pneumonia.

MBS. CATHERINE H. WOUTS. Mrs. Catherine Harmcl! Wolfe.

8a on rasl Tuesday he years old, wife of Petc-r F. at -which CentervUle. died Sunday..

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