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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 8

Logansport, Indiana
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SECOND WEEK OF THE Monstrous Smash-Up Clearance Sale. THE GOLDEN RULE. This is the second week of our Grand Clearance Sale. We will in conjunction with the articles previously mentioned, inaugurate a Grand Special Sale ot i Table Linens, Towels and Bed Spreads! Prices will be slashed right and left. Housekeepers and Hotel- keepers Take Notice-This sale will benefit you.

We have too big a stock for this season of the year and we intend to get rid of it if prices will do it. SCHMITT HEINLY. To The Ladies This is tbe season of the year when Ihe unpleasant but necessary work of Souse-cleaning claims the attention of tho housekeeper and not 11 little depends on the appearance of yoar lace curtains as poorly done-up curtainispoil effect of a well-furnished home quicker than anything else. We have experienced help In this class of work Tvho do nothing else and we K2ow we can give you perfect satisfaction. We are also making a specialty this year ot laundering shirt waists, being the.

only nrm In the city using machinery, exclusively for the purpose. We will your patronage, Campbell Bros. 429 Market St. A Stolen Bicycle Mean-s a great deal to the one that is a foser, W-hy run any risk when you can Have your wheel insured against -theft at a very nominal figure and get its val- ue when stolen? Insure at once and be on the eatc side. "PnnctDred I ires Repaired From this date on for 25 cents at the Burgman Cycle Co Are You Out ol Employment.

Hare you a horse, buggy or otber personal property, or vacant lota you would like to exchange for a business big returns? at 703 nichigan Avenue. DAILY JOURNAL TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1SOG. Ladies, Otto your shoos free. Genuine cut price sale of waists at tlie Trade Palace. lOc a line to Indies' old slioes equal to new is what Otto pays the Journal.

Tlie deepest cut ever made in waists and wrappeis te at the Trade Palace 'clearance sale. Cass Council No. 42 Oder of Chosen Friends meets 'this evening. Business, initiation and Installation. The will the late Joshua Williamson, Ms been admitted to probate.

By its provisions the is given the property during her Mife. A basket meeting was'held at Pipe Greek which was very largely attended, about 1,500 people being present. 'were'conducted tuo BUV. Mr. McNocly, of Argos.

Tlie sucnetary of tho Suite Board Charities has decided to -Investigate the atarpes maaiagement tho -Eiist'cna Hospital for the 'Insane, at filchmond, unless. Mi-s. George Alex- RuishvlUe, uiiUtes tfioreto. Mre. Alexander claims' that her latehusband, who was a'patient, died of Injuries received at the hands, ol in attendant.

PERSONAL. l.e\v te Ivore fi-oiii llochesler. Miss Clara WUer is visilrag a.t Toledo. Ohio. A.

Lewis is vwlvlujr at Mislia- waka. William lios-s lias retuiaed from Clucaso. 10. D. Gamble rern-luis.

roturued thai, city, LL-W Portor anil wife- are visiting at BurnetisviJle. Deputy Auditor is back from Chk-ago. C. Nelson is visiting at An- Ionia, AVJseonsLn. 11'i'ii'i-y Burgnuui of Chicago was lifi-e to spond Sunday.

DoiMldson Is liis par- eaits at Jlontitvllo. Moroy Wa.lke.r spending a tow clays al Fletciier's Lake. T. McNaiy spent Sunday with friends at Wabash. Glen Sha-fer was bore yesterday from lonllicello visiting.

Mrs. 51. fisher Is visiting her parents nt Toknlo, Ohio. Arliue Moore is here from Kokomo v-b-lri-ng rclattves. Deck Howe was one of the McKluloy "rooti-cs" at Peru Sjiiturflay.

Edna and Putnam are. visiting rehitlves at Tlptou. Mr. L. Ma-isli Burnettsvillo was here yesterday on business.

Bert Gould lias returned from Chicago where he spent a week. AttorneyG. W. Walters was at Grass Creek ywtercl.iy on business. Attorney Fred Landls te at Lake ilaxin-kuckec to spend a w.eek.

Thos. Ma honey spent a week at Mon- ticullo retuniios hojnc yesterday. 'Miss Bertiia. Roach of Delphi-Is the guftit of friends here far a few days. Mrs.

X. S. Fisher has uetnrned 1'roin Monticpllo after a vfelt of several days. Di-s. Busja'liu and Holloway have re turned trcxm a business trip to Chicago.

Miss Anna Hnnley of Biwdway is on tertaiiung Katie of Peru. Jibs Celia WHer of Chicago is visit- ins relatives In this city for a. few days. W. Hardy has returned to Delphi a visit wiith relatives in the city.

William Aldrich. went to Springfield, Oh'lo, Sunday naoainins to visit friends. Senator Marcus. Collett was at Peru Saturday attending the Republican Mr. aud Mrs.

L. A. Warden at Monticello, are visiting friends and relatives in flic airy. Burton- oC Wlnamac passed tbrousli the cltj- Friday onroute Lafayette. of Peni works here, visltkl nte family at-that city over Su'iulay.

Ohuule Buchanan returned Sunday from an extended visit with relatives at Dayton, Ohio. Bruce Miflnell is a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee -in the hope of benetltlnc Iris health. Miss M.IIT EcMer has -returned to Wabatsh after Visiting Logansport friends several days. 4 MLss Grace Swadener Is here from Cincinnati for a vbit wJtih Logansport 1 fiiionds and relatives. Mrs.

McKeon and daugh-ter of Dan- villo, are visiting George Zlnn- and family ot Noble township. Mrs. Emitna Delroney of CoffeyvUle, Kansas, -Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Dimkle, of the Eastond. Wabash Tribune: Miss Arneta Bnll- liiRer retuinfid to her home In- Logans- after spending several days In Wn- bash the guest erf Miss Myrtle Millllcau c.

Dedeflick and wife returned their home Ira Logans-port after a pleasant visit with S. T. Jones and wife on west Maple street Mrs. .7. T.

Me- Xa-ry, of Logamsport, arrived In the city and wUl remwln several weeks with, Mrs. Florence Mackey. Wlnamac Republican: Mr. Hurt, who recently went from here to ran'a restaurant Jins sold Jt and moved back to this town Tuesday. He now resides in the' South worrli property jnst cast ol' th.e briilgn.

li' rents and prospects are altogether reasonable lio will up new liidiistry here. Mrs, AV. H. Banilvai-l, son a.n'd ver. anv spcnd'iiii'g a few days with Mi-.

C. W. Graves. Fred Murdock and Allen Nelson will riile to Lake Maxiu.kin-kee. in- a few aiwl visit for a "work.

BluiiK-lu; honio at New a.fti.T a ol' several wof.ks with Miss-Mamiu Gr.llTlu'o!' Sinead streut ha-s gone to Lafayntte to spend Llio milr. Shu will vi-sit at. Attica. George Ilelvie liiis been- called to I'liiladi-lrJiia by a telegram announcing ill ness'of a relative. Mrs.

Charles Kuger of ha? beein the guest of Mrs, Tames-. O'Donnell, ha.s retiuuied'to her. home. B. Stanley, will hold a series of tempera nco meetings next week at.

St. Paul's church in Washington Mrs. Sclillttng is her two Mre. Claud and Clara Tlircss, of EvivnsvUle, Ob-fo. Mrs.

EH'as Winters smd daughter, Mildred of: Linden; avenue are the guests of the Miisses-Greshiiiim at Dalplii. Miss Lottie Glenn for her home at Van W'ert, Ohio, pleas-nit visit with Logansport 1 Mitteh-ell has to- her liou'fe at Effluglwim, 111., after a visit' husband, E. C. Mltc-liell of this city. Delphi Times: Mrs.MaiT Wtoters and.

daughcer, Mildred, of Logaiwiiort, are visiting Misses Eanina 'and Martlia. Miw. C. Roiie' and daug-liter are here Erwn 111., for a visit wMh Mr. and Mrs, Joluu- Cordeii of Fitch street.

Frank'fort Times: W. Tnom'us OL Logaivsport, 'who lias been visiting friends here, Moram last even- Ing to visit reUutiives. Momtioello Journal: Miss Mao has been the, guest "of Mr. and. Mrs, Hairy Lowe for week, rcLurued to her Logansport home at noon.

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cordoll were nt New Waverly Sunday attending a Sunday scliool Dr.

Overholsei! and Miss Grace Barker, 'were in attendance. Para S. Kumler went to Logausport today and from there will go tio 0., accbre- pamlftd by his sister, Mrs. Landls, calletl by the death of tlieii bro.ther. 'MI-.

and M-i-s. of Chk-ago who- have'been guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ovei-uian 'of Westside have to tJielr home accompanied by M.UW Overman, Mis? Jennie who was employed at Chicago diiVliug' the convention as stenographer to Hbii. SI.

Sheei-in returned was accompanied by Kokomo Llzxie Blons- or -is tlie guest' of' her sister, Mrs. Thompson, at Olive Moreland, of Lo'ganspbrt, is the guest of her parents, Mrs. Moreland. Plymouth News: schmidt drove through to Logaasport today, for a' -Miss Myrtle Dougliiss returned to her home In Lucerne, this moroi'lmg. after a week's the family-of Geo.

Kleln- Converse Journal: May Kimball and Marie Lawshe went I.oganispo'rt.Fnlidaiy, and remained until Monday Miss Edna Mr. and Mrs. Ttirplo Miller of Logansport; Saturday, and Sunday with Charles Miller. Peru Joiumal: Jobii'T. Annltage and Miss hi Logansport today on-a-JBbort IDaniel Bunker-Hill was in the city last iii-ghit on his way -homiB from- gamsport where yesterday he had two 'toes, of tUe right foot scTerely mashed by a heavy tliniber SOME ECHOES Of the.

Democratic Notional Con vention. Arthur Sewall's Identity Established. Bryan a Populist Two Years The Staats Zeitung's Reasons for Bolting. It has a-t last been learned who Arthur Sewaill Ls. Me Is a capitalist of Maine wlvo believes that Uie speculation brought a-bout by free silver would enable the capitalists to make more money.

Ho is Hie President of a bank and also of a ra.ilway company and made liiis money, in ship building. He was a delKj-'ate to tho Cliiicago convention and Iris companions voted for him never dream-ins tinit the convention nomiaiflite him: but every one else witlid-ivw, a.nd was Hi: is about; 'twice-as old as the candidate for the presidency. It seems rhait Bryan was a Popultei two years d-csertiug: tho Democracy in the campaign o-f 1S04 and com- ing'back'as a contesting dciciravc to the Chicago convention. it 'is a OUOL-I' mJxup and the Populist coii.vciil.ioii at St.

Louis July 22 wi-11 further complicate matters. Local Populists are emphatic in their thait tlK-y will not vole fov Bryan, even if he is endoi'sed at Si. a.itd riiac they Intaid to preserve parry orgartiKatirtn. All the tauliujr Gnrina.ii papers of the coiuttry clenonut-wl the platform. The New York Staats Xoltung, the great Gernuwi Democratic daily "CircumstaiRi's have made William the man around'whom ail must rally wiio dusi'ru to defeat determinedly the candidate for the pscudo- Democnicy.

AA i.ll-iam who stands for fiat money under the 'b-f blmctnliMam; for nullification of lawfully contracted lMiblllr.liis for communism aiml liKwlossiiess. -McKiin-ley and the parly he represents have until now induced Demo- cmtlic and iudependou-t voters to look 'for. meaiiis b-y; which, they could avoid the necessity of isupiwi-Hmg. the Republican fic-ket. This has bceusDown to be hopeless, and there is no oUier way but offer our support, to our old opponents.

inquiry develops the fact that the aiaV pL-itfonn will have little sup- ixirt in. this county. Over one hundred business meii-aml workingmen have already declarwl' UMjiir opposition to it mid intention of voting against it. Most of Uve.m wrc men not In politics anid that choir names be not used for public discussion. A number of fat-mere also, who recognize that the piilce of their wheat Is fixed in Liverpool and that wheat would not go up while everything else might, are declaring in" favor of sound money.

A PLAIN STATEMENT. "Xue wuosc whole existence has been spent in battling for Democracy, rejects the new fai-th of and nnarchy which the Chicigo oonvcatioui 'has proclaimed 'as Democratic and refuses to sup- pOT.t Courior- J-ouirnail ( Deim.) CHARLEY JEWETT WITHDRAWS. A 'specM from New Albany says: "The Hon. Cbairtes L. Jewett of this city, this afternoon ainnounced his withdrawal' from Che race for the congross- uomfoatlon in the Third district, his ftnamdnl riews not beiog in.

accord 'with the platform adopted by the Chicago obWeotioiii. His wltlndirawal. it is wiM.result in Judge W. T. Keillor's notmlnatLon." W.

D. BOLTS. Han, W. D. Bynum could scarcely be expected his support to the party that, so empliatteally and sat upou.

him When lie- dared to speak his' imitad iii Ms State convention. BynAjm "wl'li oppose Populist Bryan, and Iras 'so. 'announced. WHAT'S THE NEXT GAME? 'Several citizens have called at the Tn-cker house a-eceintly In scare!) of a young man named represented that he was taking orders for a Chicago crayon proti-ailt house. It is said that 'he.

took a number of small first payments In advance together with photographs that customers wanted enlarged; and there to reason to believe tunt he will -nof return. Next. LIVED IN ROCK, work at the Talbott Lux -qua-rries one day last week, workmen found a'mutniber of liive lizards imbedded in solid- rock fifteen feet below the surface. Some them, were put in bottles and lived several hours. They about three Inches long, copper colored, and have no eyes, Frank, has returned, from a trip to'Rlchjnond.

OF ALL THE PANTS DOWN SALES that Harry Frank has ever originated and carried out, this one will surpass and will positively be our Farewell Pants Down Sale. To give you an idea how extremely low we will sell them we quote a few of the many lots Our $6 and 6.50 Worsteds now $3.25 Our $6 and 6.50 Fine Cassimeres 3.25 Our $5 and 5.50 Doeskin 2.75 Our $4 and 4.50 Fancy Cheviots 2.25 Our $3 and 3.5O Fancy Cassimeres 1.75 and 1.25 Cotton Worsteds 75 Cotton Worsteds 68 Boy's Long Pants 43c Childrens Pants He In fact every pair in the house goes at 60c on the Dollar to give every citizen in the country an opportunity to help themselves. HARRY FRANK 313 Fourth Street. ASSAULTED AND ROBBED. Strange Lady Attacked by a Fiend and Beaten.

Lon Saxon is wanted by ilie police. A was-issued for Ins arrest yesterday on two charges, larceny and attempted rape. complaining witness is Florence a traveling saleslady from St. Paul. and slic charges that a young man, representing himself secretary of tlvc T.

M. C. induced her to accompany him from Uie building of the railroa.d branch of the association, to a point near the Eighteenth street, bridge, where he insulted iier, and. on her trying to escape bis clutches, assaulted her viciously, beat Ing lioi- outrageously, and partly tearing tin; clothing from her pereou. She also charges that the stranger secured Iwr purse, containing $1:5.

The victim of the assault, the w.hich was witnessed by several persons, one of rushed to Die assistance the liidy, was badly hurt, and wiM be confined at the hospital, wlieresin: was taken after the villan had Sett her more dead than alive. Her teeth wore many of tlxan, broken, her eyes were swollen shut, and many bruises were inflicted on her person, besides the shock of the fright and excitement. From the description given by the lady, and Crom the fact that It Is claimed Lon Saxon was seen, in her company Sunday a short time before the assault Is said to have occurred, the police are of the opinion that the offender is Lon Saxon, and'every effort has been made to capture that young man. A POPULARITY-CONTEST. Yesterday was the opening day for voting contest for the benefit of St.

Jaspeh's The contest; will close at the close of the bazaar in September. The prize is a $100 bicycle. The contestants arc Robert Green an employe of Panhandle company, Mr. W. E.

Widgeon, of the Vandalla li'nes. The contest will be watched with much Interest. HE WILL ACCEPT. Prof. W.

T. Gilfe yesterday received a telegram from Lewis D. Eielihorn, who was recently elected supervisor of music ta Logaasport's public schools, Buying although lie had received fluttering offers from other cities he had decided to take the position offered him here. He will arrive in time to take charge of the'work, FUNERAL OF AUGUST SMITH. August' Smith died ait Ms home in Kansas City, July 13.

at 11 a. in. The remains were shipped to this city and the funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of on Race street. Interment will be made In Mt. Hope cemetery.

'Den-by Goldman received a severe scalp wound wJrilo diving at the "tumbles" in 'the Eel rirer Saturday. The young man almost knocked senseless by the blow, but his friends assisted Mm to the bank. The injured bov Is a son of Dr. A. Coleman.

The fire department was called to Toledo and Seventeenth, streets yesterday 'morning to extinguish a small blaze 'in a pile of shavings. No water was thrown. Every lady takes delight to new footwear. Otto shines' old equal to new free. SALE OF SHOES.

SiOS For Choice of the Store. Except Men's Cordovan. Two dollars and ninety-eight cents rakes choice of our finest shoes aud $7 footwear. This sale Is strictly cash and will a few days. We expect to remodel our store and have made these extremely tow prices to re-duce the stock.

$2.48 for choice of all shoes that retailed at S3 to Ifl.OS for choice of all shoes that retailed at $2.50 and $1.48 takes choke of all $2 and shoes. $1.24 take choice of all $1.50 and $1.75 fine shoes. 9S cents will buy a very good shoe that others will charge you $1-25 to for. 22c for men's or -women's carpet.slip-. 33c for women's fine serge the thing for hot vreatber.

PILLING, the shoe man. 412 Broadway, Logansport, Indiana. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. The family of George Forgy wen: to Maslukuckee yesterday. Howry S.

Jox has returned to his home in Chicago aifter a pleasant visit with, friends here. Mr. Dooley, the Panhandle passenger conductor, and faniiily are visiting relatives at Fletchers, Ohio. Mr. S.

Kern and family are epend- ing the summer at St. Joe, Mich. They are pleasantly quartered at Hotel WMt- oom-b. Peter Schrader, the Wabash cat went to Delphi yesterday to assist in settling the estate left by his father. Great sales prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparillaj and great merit enables it to accomplish wonderful cures.

Cough, Remedy cures coKte, croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant, sure and reliable. For sale by B. F. Keeslimg, druggtet.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto CHne and son will go to Milwaukee, today to visit Mrs. Cline's sister. They will also attend the B.

Y. P. U. convention. The firemen of No.

4 have tested the patent respirator for use in-case of fire. The contrivance is on his back and as the air passes through the tubes it becomes purified. The condition, of a number of alleys in the city is something fcanful to think about much less see or smell. If. property owners will not keep tlieir premises iii decent condition.they should be compelled to do so.

Julius Leffel, who is -employed by. StenQ, the butcher, was kicked by a honse Sunday evening and was painfully bruised about the breast and liead. His injuries are not considered serious. Yesterday, morning the following persons were before Mayor McKee, Frank Lynch: Oliver Navln, Lewis Kouder, Mose Dazell, Rose Tukesbreo, Dudley White, B. F.

Lehem and F. FansJer. Minnlck of West Broadway dtal last evening at his home at 10 o'clock. The cause of Ms death was heart trouble. A full account of kis life and death and the time of'the funeral will be given later..

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