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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


charge of abduction agaiaat four defendants was dismissed upon payment ot costs and tho custody ot the 11-year-old cliild In the caso was given the mothor. Mrs. Llzzlo Hlgbee, until the court In Unlontown renders a ruling i.nd then the child will be restored to Its "rightful" narent or guardian. Mrs. Hig-bee and Warren Boon ot Grindstone, Clark Boon of Star Junction and Constable Enoch Burns.worth cf Porryopolis were the defendants.

Drover Boon of'Adelaide was the prosecutor. Tho plaintiff said that ho had raised his sister's child from IS months ot age until It Is now 11 years old. Tho quartet were alleged to have driven to Adelaide In an automobile- while Orovcr Boon was absent and taken the child to Grindstone. The child, when asked by the Justice whether she desired to stay with her mother or Mr. Boon, said that preferred the former.

Tho Justice's office was crowded with curious onlookers. Twins Born, One Dies. Twin daughters were born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Arnett of Pittsburg street.

One died whllo the other is getting along nicely. There are three living children In tho family. Mrs.Aruett prior to her marriage was Miss Daggs. Benefit for Band. Tickets have been placed on sale for tho entertainment Monday night at Bast Liberty Presbyterian Church for the benefit of the American Logion Community Band.

The Phllathoa Class of Philip Cochran Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church is presenting tho playlet under tho direction of Mrs. William F. Settlor. J. Allen Crawford is teacher of tho class.

Playlet Ecliearsnl. o'clock this evening, there will bo a rehearsal ot the cast for the Christian Endeavor Society playlet to bo given next Sunday at tho Christian Church. JloTlval Services. Preliminary plans aro under way for the annual evangelistic services be held at the Christian Church. The date has not been definitely de- cttlod ulon but the meetings will probably bo held two weeks prior to hstcr, closing on Easier Sunday.

The revival meetings will be conducted on the samp plan as have been followed for tho past' two years. Different speakers will appear on the program every evening. Chain Boone Castle. Knights of the Mystic Chain, i meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock In Junior Hall. Building' Corag-p.

Tony Orlando is erecting a gurago In 1'emii-ylvanla avenue. (5ninsrcrs to Install. Installation of officers Is scheduled Tor Friday night's meeting of Dunbnr Orange in Junior Hall. Personal Leslie- Shallenbergor, Harry Shal- lenborger, Tony Hull), Edward Marotti, Mrs. C.

C. Collins and family were among tho tri-towners who were at the State Theatre, Unlontown, last night to seo the motion picture "Ben Hur." 'John Durblu, Ptttsburg Jirle Itallroad employe, who has been on tho sick list for the past week, able to be about. He managed the championship baseball team last year. John Frazior, West Penn Railways conductor on the Connellsvllle-Yan- dorbilt line is ill with grip. Mrs.

Brady Beabout of Pituburg is vlBltlng with Mr. and Mrs. David Brown ot Union street. Iow1s MaroMI, William H. Jacobs, Tony Bonauio and Edward Marotti will attond tha Veterans of Foreign Wars' banquet in Connollsvillu this evening.

A. W. Smith'of Union street, who luis been confined to his bed since Duoombur 2(j, Is able to sit up. There is a good improvement in his condition. Classified Advertisement When uaed in this paper bring results.

The cost is but a trifle--one cent a minimum chargo 25o. To Make Pine Cough Syrup at Home no equal for prompt but moment to make. Suvo. about Pine i' used In nearly all prescriptions and remedies for coughi. The reason is, plow 1ms remarkable effect in HootKIng jind healing tin? membranes of the tlirout and chest.

Pine cough syrups lire combinations pine nnd syrup. The "ayrup" purt is usa- iiilv plain suRur syrup. To iimke tliu best pine cough remedy that money euii buy, put 2M( ouncea I inex in a pint bottle, and till up with home-inftOe sufjar uyrup. Or you can use Hnrilied honey, hittcfid of sugar ayrup. This mukcs Cull pint--more tlmu you en buy roiiUy-madi 1 fur three times tha It j.s purp nut! taates good.

You ctm foul thin tiikv hold of cough or cold iustautly. The cnugh may be dry, hoarse and tiyht, or umy he persistenfly loose from the formation of luilugm. The cause tin Jwiuo--inHimicu nienibrauts --awl 'tLia riiiex nnd Syrup combination will stop it--UHtiulIy iu '21 hours or less, ypltmdin, too, for bronciiutt usLlima, bronchitis unil houraciH'ss, 1'inex is a highly coru-cncrateil compound of Norway pine i'xtrwt and liultitahle Kuaiacol, ttnd in fuwmts tJie wurltl over for Us ttftwt upon CJUfilt9 J'i'warf of snbstitittt.s. Ask your drug- pist for "2Mj ounces of with ilirec- Gutiruntecd give ubsu- lute vntiffaction ur money prompt- Iv fffiinttttl. The 1'iuex 1ft.

fnd. "Weauty is skin DEEP" it needs SOAP I work into the skin's tiny valleys a nd melt out the pore-debris nothing, is finer than the creamy lather that Sweetheart in any water. Its thorough cleansing helps activity char through the skin aids the health-aud- beauty bloom. Cream-white oval ca.ce. Low-priced--at your srocer'i SWEETHEART At your Grocers T.QI.I.E.T it to then SAFETY STRESSED AT FRICK BANQUET ATTENDED BY 200 Feb.

in all its phases was stressed Tuesday evening 19 tho 200 guests at the third annual KrJety dinner oC tho northern the H. C. Frick Colce Company at -Mountain, View Hotel. Tho need of extreme vigilance in preventing accidents was particularly emphasized. A fllm, entitled "Two "Ways," wits shown.

It had been taken En the community where those attending resided. The right and wrong ways of working in tho mines woro brought out showing miners at work aiitl their methods in preventing falls, cave-ins, and numerous other accident mediums. C. b. Lrtitton, safety director of the H.

C. Frick Coke Coaipany, was toastmaster. He told the accident and fatality record of the. company, declaring that the record was an excellent one insofar as the number ot fatalities refill t'-ng Irom accidents and the of serious injuries suffered by workmen was tlvely small. H.

CUnyerman, president company, congratulated the men for the splendid record established in tlte number ot fatalities, hope the fatalities will become less, ror eternal is tho price of safety. You can't let up at any time, but must always safeguard yourselves and your men from accldonts, which are the result carele.ssnen'b," ho said. Clay F. general superintendent, stated that the "interest iu safety must bo kept up." lie said that when th') foremen are employing men they should consider his physical capacities, hH mentality and whether or not ho is alert. "The mine a is tho bobs and inspcrt the men at leusc once a week." C.

B. Ross, state mhju inspector ot Uurobe said. "He should go to all comer 1 of the mine and he- should be alone." J. J. McDonald, state i inspector oC Greensburg, also gave a talk.

Attending The dinner were employes from Brinktrton, Culumet, Dorothy, Hecla No. 1. Heela No. 3, Hostetter, Mammoth, Marguerite, Standard, United nnd mtu-cs. How Piles Can Be Quickly Ended matter how many other remedies have disappointed you--do not despair.

Ono or two applioatlnns of Peterson's Ointment will proVe to you that Its mighty healinc power brings blessed relief so rrulckly that you'll be happily aitontailed 1 It's worth ItH n-clelit 'n for pilen and a genorou.s box costs but 35 your News of the Courts Special to Tho Courier. UNI ONTO WN, Feb. tlie sight, oC both eyes threatened by die- W. G. McCann, a prisoner in.

tbe county jail, was -paroled yesterday to enable him to undergo treatment in tho Uniontowu. Hospital. A petition, presented by M'bCtlnu, vvas approved by Judge D. W. Henderson.

two stipulations that McCann must return to tho county jail as soon as he regains his normal sight and that tbe hospital bill mut be defrayed by Iho man himgclf. McCann was -placed in jafl in November charged with violation oC the uor laws and sentonc-ed to serve a term oil 3S months. His Bight, never good, became worse and after two Uniontowu and ono ConneUBville doctor had examined him, tho petition for his removal to tho hopital was vjs-ed. iVrs. Lucy McCauu, his wife, stated the petition slio would see that all details the paroto woivld be obsorv- in case It wpuld bo granted and aaslst her husband iu tbe hoa- pjtal bill payments, Theodore Bai'oui, Unlonto-wn man, denied toduy in a statement liled tbat ho had ever urged Philip and Elizabeth of! Unlontown.

not to pay money to tho Standard Wholesale Foods Produce and Supply Company. The company through its receiver, John Hobinson, ik seeking to recover a sum owed to it and iu answer made by the Torch man aniJ woman ihe allegation waei made that Baroul had urged uon payment, A bill costs was filed by John Kisner today in tho Kism'r- Kelley S50.UUO a bishn caso. The original bill of $130 was objected to by Kclley through his attorney, D. M. Henzog.

T-he new bill culls.lor about or less. Marringc Marriage lienseg we issued In UnJontown yesterday as Tolllows: David Baer, Hopwood, Ivouio Howard, Uuiontovn. Charl-ea DroTik, Mount Pleasant. Anna Gnry. BrowaavllU Frank Andrew "Uniontowu.

Anna Mae Konalcheck, 3'airchance. John KarpeJ, Star i on. Anna Ihmit, Star Junct oh, Goes 18 Miles, Does Own Housework "For years I couldn't ach was so weak. "W-cn Adlorlka. A a Tew to fo-el better and nov A Because Adlerlka ai upper and lower bo we system a real cleans IE out old poisons which sour, gJiKsv- stomach, sleeplessness, spoonful stops i a i Cull, bloated feeling so c-at better and sleep bt bnwels move ilnilv, A out a i i i poi ied wiis in a winch may have No matter tried for stomticfa an 'lerika will surprlfcf and lea--Advertisement.

oat, my stoin- IS miles for 1 began do my owa A i la upon botli gives the 5, and clears usually causo nervousness. Just one relieves that that you can Her, Even it lerika brings on which you your system long caused liar you have bowels, Ad- At Connells- Ing 'druggists. Mine Safety i Made in West Virginia Children like KE P'S BALSAM Jbr Tho mobt pafety record in tho hiMory ot coal i tilling was established in by Uic West Virginia division of the United States Coal Coku Company, During tho jcor 4,6 tons ot coal were produced -h Lhe loK3 of bin tbre'f I I niakli tho a a i rule DHL' to l.o'fOpOOO J'aironUu tlioue who idverUso. Everson EVIilHSOX. Kcb.

H5. Hough ot Smith to a was au Kveraoa business caller Tuesday. Alex Deyo bpcut Monday in Mount PleasanL at the Memorial Hospital' with hia mrither, iNTrs. Mary Dtiyobb, who was admitted for obs'irvaiion. Mrs.

DeycXblf will uudorgo an tlozi iu the near future. LaVerue and Junior, ainaJl aou aud daughter of Mr. and Mrh. SValUir Iilnd. bavu boon i at their botuo for several day.s.

Taomas King lias returned to homo hero after spending several months iu Vouugsttnvii, ObJo, vlaltinK relatives. Use our clasaifiod advorllauiueutu February 'J, DEAR FRIENDS: Vcsterday I applied for a job here at '1 Air. Coughenour asked mo if i knew a i i about dry t-leatiUig told him I had often ot H. Then lie asked me if I could i said 1 didn't know I'd nevur tried. Ho i ask me if I run a o- niotivo or play the piano.

IT ho had, have told him same tiling. never uroto an ad in my life, hut I ot tho job! And now 1 suppose it's up me to deliver or starve. Thid Is my open or. won't try to Ik shop i time because can t. Next i maybe can tell you something a i mi re interesting.

Pull for me! I'm going to need your ho p. B15N ZE13N (Thai ain't uis rual nan c) Out Tomorrow! New Orthophonic Austin and Johnny Marvin double up in one of fea- records this week. 'Another of the new releases introduces a new Victor organization--Ben Pollack and His Californians. Hear the wonderful new numbers at Aaron's--on the world's finest musical instrument--the new Orthophonic Victrola! Price I've Got the Girl! r. (-'cue Au.sljn 10 "Deed I Do i Thinking of You--Fox Trot, Georg-i! Oiscn nnd His Music--20304 10 .75 I First Wot Mnry--Fox Trot.

Ren Pollncl; nnil His a i Tell Me Tonight--Fox Trot Roger Wolfo Kulin nnd If is Ort'h--2039S 10 Tenderly Think of Me--Fox Trot sKaJin'f Oi'cliestru Hiisli-n-Byc--Widtz Goldliiitte niui His Orchestra--20270 H) .73 Idolizing--Fox Trot lean Goldkette and His Orchestra avorites Heard anew, and wonderfully improved through the Orthophonic Recording. All excellent numbers to round out your musical Ask to hear them! Standard Vocal and Instrumental 'Hie Sivoclcst Story J2ver Told i Trio 20278 Simple Confession Neapolitan Trio Over tiip Waves Waltz (Accordion) I'erry 20282 Sirens AValtz (Accordion I'crrj- Sometime Victor Salon Orchestra 11I022 -T Xercr. Krietv Victor Nalon Orchestra A1 Daivhirip; (Pipe Organ) Cnnvford 20110 of 1'fcnrily (Pipe Organ) t'nnvford When tho Work's All Done This Fall Spnitriie ii)7U Bad Companions The Hotelier's Hoy 1 Wish I Was Single Girl Again Hymns Hnrroll 20242 Harrell H) 10 fi) TO 10 10 Jesus, Kose of Sharon Where They Xever Sny Hood-Bye Tell Mother I'll Be There Sometime We'll Understand Nearer 3fy Hod to Thee Jesus Saviour, Pilot 51e Uodehoavor--200S7 10 Itodchcnvcr Peerless (j mi 10 Trinity Choir Peerless (Jiinrtet--20277 10 Henry Burr Hawaiian i i i a Porora-ranliihi--20131 10 KUIiini--IVaJtK i a Keryra-L'aalulu a a i i a Jlarch (Guitars) (Drowsy Vater.s) Ferera-Paaluhi lon'i SIiiw A 1 Oo Koiir I- 10 Shft's Still My llnhy Aristocrats Savings Throughout the Store in the February Furniture Sale Continuing all Month Cozy, i i Booths on I lie Street Complete Home Furnishers Since 1891 Hour linilio-Viet rnln Combination Satisfied That is tho expression we from hundreds who use our Classified Columns. The cost is moderate aud the results big. One cent a.

word pays for a. Want, Kor Rent. Kor riale, ad. in our Classified Columns. Try tlicm.

Be one ot" our Customers -CAJL'" STUJJBS 1'UOK U'JL i'E'LLKUll liy BE HE. TO OUCM-VTVB, WOT. HE. I LEMr-lE. NEVER.


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