The Democrat from Wichita, Kansas • 1
- Publication:
- The Democrati
- Location:
- Wichita, Kansas
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
a fin BEMOC Volume 39 WICHITA, KANSAS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922 No. 50 SAYS DIOGENES JR ARMER "PROSPEROUS" BUT 'DISTANCE LENDS ENCHANTMENT TO ACHIEVEMENTS IN FRISCO 0 jp For Christmas Emerge cy It may be expected that the "Is it BUT LOCAL MARVELS UNHEEDED hot enough for you" fiend will now "EXTRAYGANT," SAYS REPUBLICAN SHIP SUB-SI DITE Farmers who imagine they are ex 1 1 be echoing. "Is it could eonugh for you?" WE CAN SEE A BIG 17 MILLION DOLLAR BRIDGE IN CALIFORNIA ALMOST RESENT A 7 MILLION WORK IN KANSAS periencing hard times will receive as glad tidings the statement of Repre If you want to know how lovely young woman really is, DON'T sentative Snyder (Republican) of New COME IN CONTACT WITH HER IN York that their condition in 1022, un der this Republican aelniinistration. Magnify the Great Advantages of Public Utilities Elsewhere Seen Through Telescope, But Use a Miscroscope to Minimize Tremendous Events at Home BUSINESS WAY. What inducement is left to join the much better than it was in -1909 under previous Republican administration.
This is not much consolation, but it may pass. for information, church if the peace officers are going to knock out raffling and other chances anyhow. "We must all admit that conditions tion of a plant which will be connected with Wichita BY AN UNBROKEN BRIDGE over which will be flowing an electric current of 132,000 volts fro mthe plant direct to Wichita. At an expense of $7,000,000 this great public utility has provided the method That $2,000 saved by the city hall in on the farm have changed since then 1j gF fe-cS 'T-iz) November, will make a very pretty (1009), and changed for the better, nest egg for the Eagle's swimming pool. and these improves! conditions must bo retained," t-ard Representative by which Wichita can grow without Snyder, in discussing the ship subsidy Counting today you have seven bill which he supported." interruption.
But while our vision reaches the bridge which enables Tan Francij Then Mr. Synder began to give more shopping days until Christmas. The real question is, have you the money or the needed credit? proofs of the farmer's relative prosperity, lie said: to grow; while we wonder and applaud at the enterprise of a million people in spending we "We must not forget that even as When you find a wheat farmer sat late as 1913 on 1911, there were very look with suspicion upon a local in isfied with the price of wheat, or a dustry which at the ver ytime the few farmers who had automobiles or power-drinven machinery. Now all The Eagle last Monday morning in editorial eloquence eulogized the enterprise and energy of San Francisco in erecting a bridge 6,700 feet Ion? across San Francisco Bay. The' cost is estimated at $17,500,000.
The purpose is to extend the residence soc- tion of the city. Too much water is the great obstacle which checks the urban growth of the' city. The Eagle then goes on to state that Wichita has no obstacle to its 'tuture growth and can become a London in size without expensive engineering feats. Only the day before the news col-ums cf The Eagle told of a $7,000,000 project already underway, by which a' bridge is to- be constructed from Eastern Kansas to Wichita a distance approximately 165 miles to overcome a very serious obstacle to the growth of Wichita. Curiously our obstacle is exactly the reverse of that in Frisco.
WE LACK WATER. Wichita has actually reached its limit of growth and could not add more persons to its population unless this obstacle is removed. The local plant of the Kansas Gas Electric Company uses practically all the water available from the na school teacher who thinks her sarlary city fathers and the critical consum those htings have come, and some of is high enough, you will find a public ers are putting every obstacle in the way of proper recompense for this official satisfied with his salary. the farmers have not made enough money te pay for all of the improve great work, has kept its courage and Does it occur to you ever that laid its plans to supply 125,000 in ments htey have purchased; arid it maybe as the President suggester in habitants of Wichita if we can induce in the toher day, that it will 000 years hence there will be just as much prejudice, just as much ignorance and just as much crime per hundred persons as there is today? them to come. Compare the telescopic vision of th Electric Ccmpany with the microscopic views of the consumers, and you be necessary for this country to aid the farmers in some manner until they are able; to meet the payments upon there things which they bemght on more1 or less of prospect." If you want to comprehend human (Copvrltlil.
may perceive the absurdity of prais-ing San Francisco energy, while urg nature, watchi the vitriolic comment Mr. Snyejor, in this latter statement, on the old jail immediately after the KU KLUX IN HIGH FAVOR GO ABOUT IT RIGHT lecuses the farmer of having trieelt people have votod to build a new one. LIRERLVN LOAN, NO LONGER NEEDED TO FOOL ing every possible obstruction to the growth and better service of the Gas Electric Company, The Telephone live beyond his means and says some Instead of rejoicing in the new, we NEGRO VOTE, KILLED From Wellngton esmcs the story thing will have to be elirtio to relieve Company, The Street Railway Com are still enjoying the ugliness of the old jail. that the city authorities, believing lim from the distress into which hit; pany, The Water Company, The In- With the latest election a month that one member of the police force tural sources. If an increased demand of ten per cent were made upon 1 teiburban and local deevlapment of exlravagence" has plunged him.
How happens it that Mr. Snyeler past and the next some two years dif- I do wish the public schools would the big railroads. was a niAibcr of the Ku Klux Klan, ordered his discharge from the teach the children that the letter linows to much about the farmers, tatit, the Republican aelniinistration But the microscopic view satisfies is dropped before an annexed syllable feels somewhat free to permit the ele the average fault-finding citizen. Un the'ir condition, and their fault? His hieigrnphy in the Congressional Di Then the scene changes and the Ku der the heading "Asinus Asinorum" feat eif legislation which was propeisee Sedgwick County can get any legislation it desires. The city h'all has never failed to get anything of an extravagant nature through the legislature; the school board has never missed out ten an extravagant, debt creating scheme.
The salaried officials of the county havo found it easy picking to gain larger pay cheeks. But the taxpayers have never obtained recognition because they have had no intelligent advocates to aid them. The law requiring all money re beginning with an I. I have noticed vieing, (for vying) planeing, (for latory may give the clue. Here it in Klux frames the city authorities and the chief of police and a newspaper meaning The Ass of all Asses, largely as a bid for American negro We are told that Homer P.
Synder, votes, classmate of the editor at college in 18G7 described this particular citizen planing) retraceing, (for retracing). And almost everyone writes gauging, guaging. Republican, Thirty-third District of New York, in "interested in industries The resolution authorizing a loan of this plant, IT COULD NOT BE MET. How can Wichita reach its 100,000 count, unless electric light, heat and power are provided to meet the consequent demand? Among the holdings of the Kansas Gas Electric Company along the bed of the Neosho River, are large tracts of land close to a lake which by a moderate expenditure will afford unlimited water for condensation which is necessary to the success 1 'operation cf the' big Turbine Ele jf Generators, hence unlimited electric power. owner, and causes the attorney general to believe that they are in cahoots with the bootleggers and arc conniving at the worst crime known in Kansas, selling intoxicants.
and banking." to Liberia, the "black" Rc On North Maui I saw this sign in as follows: His microscopic talent, when espied Through lens of self conceit, is mas nified To such extent he sees but part of it, public of Africa, has been -helved, with CHAIRMAN HULL TO BEGIN 1921 the window of a store. "Guns and the help of slandpnt Republicans, in Carrie Nation stands very high in Amunation." I think the proprietor eluding Senators Watson, of Indiana CAMPAIGN WITH JACKSON DAY DINNERS must be a university man. And knowing this believes it infinite Cameron, of Arizona, Nicholson, of T'would lose much of its vastness if Coloraelo, Fernald, of Maine, and liar ceived in fees to bo paid into' the county treasury, was one of the best laws we ever had. It can be duplicated this year if we vvant it. If our representatives seek to put through a bill applying to all the The Turks are removing their gov the knew reld, of Oklahoma, Corelell Hull, Chairman Democratic National Committen, has taken the inital steps for' the holding of Ja-kson ernment from- Constantinople to of the? he-' sees5' it The Dyen' anti-lynehing bill, which At this point the Kansas Gas Company has begun the erec through.
also was used as a bail for 'negro vote Angora, because they fear the ex ample set by the Europeans in di in the recent election, itt yet em the counties in. the state, they will face vorce and unfaithfulness to marriage the worst ever organized. If calendar of the Senate, having pas leading to the big lake, located just vows. Contact with the Caucasian NEW COAL FIELD AND POWER, SITE TEEMS WITH ACTIVITY the House lust spring. There Is not thry will determine what Sedgwick east of the site for the plant.
race is fatal to heathen morals. niuih prospect that this bill will be County needs, and will frame a bill esverinir this county alone, nobody passed at the special session eif Con Mr. Eads stated that about fifty men and teams were being employed the annals of Kansas reformers, because she used the hatchet instead of the law in breaking up saloons. She- Is-; a ami will rank with St. John, and our several Attorney Generals, the real protectors of Kansas youth against the assaults of John Barleycorn.
In the Ku Klux Klan has framed up some officials at Wellington, and can make the people' believe that the order is enforcing the prohibitory law, it can join Carrie Nation, St. John and others as doing the most Godly work. It is not necessary top rive the civic authorities guilty; anybody accused of bootlegging is guilty without trial. Thus the Wellington Ku Klux Klan has vindicated its order. There is no crime as great as to peddle liquor, If you will permit a heaten to have grers, or at all.
(From the Oswego Independent) Eight Diamond Core drills, and one will interfere. in making the excavations for the his say, it looks very much as if mod Wlie'ii the exigencies eif the ne'xt County is the only county Day dinners, on eir about January 8, throughout the United State) in order lo to promptly and properly utilizo the fruits of the recent Democratic victory and initiate the Democratic Presidential campaign of 1924, lie also suggeists that other Democratic anniversaries and appropriate 'wcasions be utilized in the same way. Charimnn Hull had addressed a let-or to Democratic National Committeemen anel state and cemnty ehnirmc.i -iugge'sling that Jncknon Day bo made the! occasiem for gathering of in every section as a means of foundations for the power plant. em theology consists chiefly in de Presidential campaign oblige, the Re except Wyandotte which contains will be almost square and about th nouncing the other fellc.v's religion. publicans, it is expecte'l, will devisi size of two city blocks.
Three towers aacn seeks to emphasize his own another legislative program de'signi goodness by depicting the vileness of are td be constructed, it is said, each io annua umi iieiuelu the negroes the other. Meantime, since' there are not vele to be 300 feet in height. The size of this institution is just so much bigger to be obtnine'd by such decoys as th Have you noticed that in this Well than the average person in this conv Liberian loan and tins anti-lynchinj. ington political row, the saints are munity has any idea it is going to be bill, they are pretty to be i ispiring members of the party to keep that it is pretty hard to give an ade pigeoiihnle-d indelinittdy. the only ones who have any evidence of boot'egging and lax morals? HOW more than 100,000 population.
Wyandotte' County has above 112,000, possibly 115,000. The desired law can read in "All counties in excess of 100,000 and below 115,000, it. Khali be the law to (here inset the desired Sedgwick County cannot control the entire, but can easily lose all desired advantages by urging general measures. First learn what you want and then hold your representatives responsible! for failure to ge't it. quate description.
Much of the con and virtue so grand as to stop the peddler, even by the burning at the DO THEY KNOW? struction machinery in the way of Speaking of fooling the Negro with towers" and runs for the concrete mix- Those parties said to be planning promised legislation before edeetiem and then ri-jei-ting the measure, it is ers, is now on the ground, being Standard drill rig, running, others being added, punching the territory three miles northeast of Oswego full cf test holes. -Fifty men and teams at work on the excavation for the mammoth power plant up the river, carpenters building bunking and feeding quarters for hundreds of men, are making things hum. The grading work for the new railway to the town of SERVICE is well under way, and the old river landmarks are being transformed. Tuesday the editor of the Oswego Independent made a trip for information and inspection up along the east side of the" Neosho river, north of here, where transformation is the watch-word and where more of real change is going on, than perhaps in any other like area in the Middle West. Things are happening along this placid stream never dreamed and an anti-vice campaign in Wichita are transported from Strauss in trucks, not; fair to accuse the; Republicans of also to be depending upon the right Carpenters are at work in the tim fooling the- Negro.
The average No eous for their evidence 1 If the Phar filive the! eternal principles and sounel policies eif the Demiocratic party and to reney their activity for the restora-tiem of that parly tei complete power in 1924. He ititenels, so far as it lies in his' peiwer, that the Democratic Party in nation shall be a militant party, anel can be 110 more appropriate time to infuse the spirit of militancy, into parly organizations everywhere Hum en the" birthday of the greatest of the militant Di'inex-ratic party lead-' grei (we know a few exemptions Wichita) would rather be fueled by ber, hewing out the places for the big bunk house and dining hall, each of which are to be 200 or 300 feet in isees were not well understood this situation would be humorous in the extreme. THE SHORT CUT Republican than bene'fited by a Demo- stake by a masked mob. If the Ku Klux Klan let innocent Catholics and unbelieving Jews alone, and not-mix up too much with the private affairs of its neighbors, but devotes its energies exclusively to exposing hard cider joints, it will become sanctified. As the sanctified Carrie Nation was not satisfied with wielding her hatchet, but felt it her duty to snatch dirty cigars out of the mouths of jrontlemen shj did not know, so the Ku Klux in its zeal to Americanize the country, goes too far and becomes tyoannieal, length and capable of caring for crut.
big force of workmen of several hun Jc nathan Davis has promised to pay dred. The new town was laid out on JOKERS IN FOUDNKY TAIIIF the penalty of being Governor of Kan either side of the river at that point FURTHER AID GLOV INTERESTS ers. sas. He has pledged himself against junketing. What greater penance than to stay perpetually in Topeka? and a bridge across the stream was in the plans.
The river at this place will be easily bridged, having good high lucky language writte-n into the FordiH'y Mc'f'umbor profiteers' tariff banks on either side and quite a bluff bill, is now being "intorprote'd" by the What a blessing it is tolive where on the We were shown here natural gas is obtainable. With the I'edcnil eustonis officials to increase the loll.l taken from the people by KM IP DK- the route of the new line railroad SUBSIDY CANDIDATES 1 FATED. i 'soon the greatest power plant in the West will dot the spot, a modern new city will adorn a place that up to now has impressed one as being almost the "jumping off" place. A. new bridge will span the river at the new town equipment now provided gas is the which has been staked out for the en An ambitious young man went to a university professor and sai'l: "Sir, I deviro a course of training which will fit inn to become Hit speriiitcnderit of a great railway system.
How much will such a course ceist, ami heiw long will it take?" "Young man," replied the professor, "such a course would cost you twenty thousand dollars and require twenty ycurs of your time, But, on the other hand, by spending 'three hundred eled-lars of your money and three months of your time yeu may be elected to Cemgres.i, Once there you will feel yourself competent to direct not one, but all the great railroad systems of our country." -New York Evening Post. the beneficiaries of the law. Th cheapest fuel offered. tire distance of something over three (ilovn interests which one eif their spdkesme ti admitted we're representee I miles, and upon which the work of grawing is now going on at, the north end. This connects with the Frisco on the Senato Finance.
Committee by Popular disapprocal of President Harding's ship bonus bill i given by a Republican Representative as an explanation of t.h6 defeat of many of ite p. N. ai at Strauss, but the trains on itswill unieitig the first, to gain by the decep his colleagues in the recent election. I received another invitation to invest in oil stock. My safety deposit box is so full of non-dividend paying royalties and oil stocks, that I could not possibly find room to store any new oil stocks I might buy.
I hate to rent another box just to chuck away worthless stocks. be operated by the Kansas Gas and tive verbiage of the new tariff law the great part played by the press of the country in the recent campaign under his national leadership, Chairman Hull is deserous of the fullest eemperation between party leaders and the Democratic press in making the fei Ihcoming Jackson Day dinners the greatest sucess of the kind, in the history eif the party. He believes that the keynote of victory in the 1921 campaignis a united democracy be has elevoted much of his time ami ability to bringing together every discordant ekmcnt and fusing tedim into a harmonious whole. The results of the late election bear evidence of the soundness and success of this organization policy. If the plans of Chairman Hull for the Jackson Day dinners throughout' the nation shall be carried out in tho manner in whic hthey are the leading Democrats of the nation as well as Democrats of local prominence will be speakers on this great occasion, anel with the aid of the press, both in Electric Company.
We followed pretty closely the line of the road from the In erne paragraph the law fixes per cent ns the; maximum rate plant on into Strauss on the return nu'y te D(! paid on gloves imported trip. into tins country. In another para graph, crowded with the names of JUDGE CAMPBELL DID RIGHT RECRUITS FOR THE SRI'PPING articles describeel as "sundries," it is provielod that all fabrics "composed This Republican Representative in J. M. Nelson of Wisconsin "The farmer has made himself very clear on this quejestion," said Rcpre-senativc Nelson, in the course of his speech against the President's pet project in the House.
"Have oyu read the election returns? Did you see the men elected who ran on tnti-ship subsidy platforms? ran on one. It was a platform denouncing this bill, and I won overwhelmingly. Those who did favor it went deiwn BOARD If the Attorney General visits Wichita and asks me where vice is exchangeable for cash, 1 shall prove a poor witness. I WISH I COULD TELL HI MWIIERE LIGHT WINES AND BEER COULD EE BOUGHT. in any part, however small," "laces," "embroide'rioB," "braids In a moment of eloquence on the "edgings," etc, "sdudl pay an import subject of ship bonuses, Representa site of "SERVICE" which according to the engineer is laid out and will be built on bcth sides of the river.
Leading down from the north and follow-ng along the east of the stream will be the privately owned and operated railroad, connecting with the Frisco at Strauss. Coming up from the southeast, where are the coal liields now being rapidly tested for future development and which will furnish the cheap fuel that is to be used in this mammoth plant will be an electric railway, which will transport" the coal to the plant and connect also with an eectric ine now buiiding west from Coumbus to a Connection with the Missouri Pacific Raiiroad at Sherwin Junction eleven miles east to Oswego. The field wa3 full of men and drills running in every direction. It is stated that if the coal shows as good as expected that the company now has enough land under lease to furnish coal to last the plant 30 years. Right jam up against the east bank of the river we finally located the site of new town.
It is a beantiful tive Edmonds (Rep. who had duty of 90 per cent ad valorem." It 1 .1 charge of the. President's pet project is 1111:4 sngnt or words upon which the customs authorities have in the House, said: placeel the interpretation that me-ans a The most needed instrument for weather is a thermometer which will register ten degrees below actual heat in summer and ten above the true measurement in Leaving the law rucstions with the courts, The Democrat unhesitatingly protests against the hobit of interfering with the courts as ha3 been custom, in Wichita. Scarcely an important trial has been held in which the daily papers did not stir up prejudice on one side or the other. The wome nare less to blame because they know less about public affairs.
The courts have tolerated this thing too 'ong and Judge Campbell showed courage and patrieitism in calling attention to the evil in a way that will eventuate in gejel. "The compensation feature of this bill stands in this way. You pay all of these people (private coropations and Shipping Trust) a subsidy. They promoting the dinners and in reporting the results, the campaign of 1924 will be niitiated in a manner to inspire general party activity, prophetic of national victory. The DemeK-rats of Sedgwick County might have a sweet cider.
and doughnuts feast Ukju that occasion. have to be men of ability. Of course, to defeat, "Have you noticed the fatalities? Thirty-five per cent of the vacancies on the Republican side of this Merchant Marine Committee! They prepared this bill; I presumethe ytold their constituents all about their arduous labors for a subsidized merchant marine. Five out of fourteen defeated!" And next to this is a clock which will point to 8 these winter mornings when it is 9 by the you are not goingto pick out Tom Jones and Bill Brown away out Arizona, where there are no ships, bigger haul'for the profiteers. Gloves that cost $18 a dozen pairs under the Under wood-Simmons law are now $21 a dozen pairs.
When the "joker" is applied, the cejst is raise'd to something more than $27 a dozen pairs. This increase is pyramided all along the line from importer to retailer. The price paid by the consumer will be from $5 to .1 dozen. Discoveries of "jokers" in other schedules anel paragraphs are excepted when the customs officials shall have time to "interpret" the law as a whole. and pay them a subsidy." If the taxpayers of Sedgwick Coun i a.i.i picturesque spot, with heavy tim- Mrs.
Diogenes Jr. knows more of the details of housekeeping in a minute than I have been able to learn in a life time. It is not surprising that I know more of civics and financial affairs than she has been able to acquire. Equality of the sexes does not mean equal ability along all lints. Hunting Ducks on ihe Amaion.
The alligators vt1IH1 live in the Amazon river are espe'cinlly fond of "patos." A duck liunier is therefore compelled-tit take an extra 111:111 atoiiir, to rescue the freshly shot birds be-fere an alligator bus a chance to'swaU When Bill Allen White accuses Governor Henry J. Allen of Ku Klux-ing him, he serves future relations between the two men. Henry would rather be called a horse thief than a Ku Klux. ty want my opininn of the outcome of the winter's legislative action on salaries, I will predict that the cost at the court house next year will be jei- to the north and an open alfalfa fie'id to the south. The big hole we sanposed to be the foundation for a The district judge at Emporia, before whom William Allen White was to appear for trial, settleel the matter off hand by finding Henry Allen guilty as chargeel.
v03 foot smokestack is to be a tunnel, greater than it has been this year, low them..
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