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The Lindsborg Record from Lindsborg, Kansas • 6

Lindsborg, Kansas
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AND fi.I....8i,;..I..I...I.,H..I..I...,I..l,..i..;..T..i..i.K I KANSAS STATE HEWS Out(The(Minm arsaparilia G5 Is of Scotch Origin. Ellen Key, who has written a number of books and has had much to do with molding public opinion in Sweden, is descended from a Scotch highlander, Colonel McKey, who fought under Gustavus Adolphus. In 18S0 her father lost all his money and Miss Key went to work as a teacher. She then gave lectures and has for 20 years been lecturer on the history of civilization at the Popular University of Stockholm. Experience may be the best teacher, but some people prefer a more fashionable school.

So combines the great curative principles of Roots, Bark3 MPROVMENT Strange Cactus in Arizona and Herbs sas to raise them to their highest efficiency: hence its unequaled cures. Get it today in usual liquid form chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs Believes In Plying. Although in the flying business only two months and having been the victim of six aeroplane falls, Arch Wood-lief of Ottawa is attached to the sport and is going to follow it again next season. Woodlief is the young pupil of M. Benoist, who has had a class at St.

Louis. Woodlief i3 visiting the home of his father, and is nursing a broken bone in his left foot, received in a fall at Chillicothe, Mo. Woodlief was a conductor on the Santa Fe before learning to fly. He will go back to the rails for the winter, but says he will fly again next year. bear in combat with hi3 pet mule.

Contrary to the established custom the mule was using his front feet In the battle and peppering bruin a. regular-tatto over the head. One savage slap by the mule broke one of the bear's front legs and the bulky animal fell prostrate. Then the mule reversed himself and let loose the death dealing assault from his hind quarters. The bear died shortly after Shawiey reached the scene.

It weighed 262 pounds and showed the markB of eight bullet punctures. "71 it 3Z mm iTO SEPARATE SMALL SEEDS 'Old-Time Gravity Method May Bo Used to Advantage With Seeds of Egg Plant, Tomatoes, Etc. The seeds of egg plant, tomato seeds and other Email seeds may bo separated, showing the good and the bad, by means of weak brine. In the Rheumatic Pains quickly relieved Sloan's liniment is good for pain of any sort. It penetrates, without rubbing, through the muscular tissue right to the IS! vriK tfewiPi pis bonevrelieves the congestion and gives lwrm'iTipnt'ieTi-oll oc tAtnnnrinr relief XOy.Y.

Here's Proof. She Sues To Be a Lawyer. Miss Anna Parrett of Topeka and Fayetteville, has brought a suit against the board of law examiners of Arkansas to compel that body to let her take the bar examination. Arkansas is behind Kansas in that it has no women lawyers and its official bodies frown upon the activities of women in professional and public life. But Miss Parrett is a lawyer and proposes to practice in her native state.

A. W. Lay of Lafayette, writes: I had rheumatism for five years. I tried doctors and several different remedies but they did not help me. I obtained a bottle of Sloan's Liniment which did me so much KICK THAT SAVED A LIFfe While running his train out of Dent, the other day, W.

A. Beardsley, engineer on a freight train, saw what seemed to be a blue parcel lying between the rails about twenty car lengths But It turned out to be a child, who arose and sat down on one of the rails. The emergency brake was applied, but it was impossible to stop in time. Beardsley ran out on the pilot, intending to pick the child up. He reached the pilot too late, but had time to extend his foot and kick the child off the rail and down the embankment.

The train was stopped, the child picked up and brought back to Dent. A doctor was summoned and it was found that the child was unhurt except that it had a bruise where the engineer's shoe had struck it good that I would not do without it for anything." Thomas L. Rice of Easton, writes: "I have used Sloan's Liniment and find it first-class for rheumatic pains." Mr. G.G. Jones of Baldwins, L.I., writes: "I have found Sloan's Lin- Egg Plant Fruit, bottles shown here, the cne on tho left contains pure water, upon which many seeds are shown as floating and a larger number at the bottom.

In the bottle on the right, it 13 a 20 per cent, solution of common salt in which egg plant seeds that sank in pure water were placed, with the result that many remained at the top. All seeds that swim In water should be rejected, and a further separation can be made as shown in the illustration by placing the seeds that sink In water in a weak solution of sugar or salt The percentage of seeds, large or small may be determined by the density of the solution employed. Those that float may be removed. This gravity method Is simply the old-time practice of "brining" wheat. I have used it for broken sinews above the knee and to my great satisfaction I was able to resume three weeks after the iment par excellence, cap caused by a fall, my duties in less than Pellagra Alarms tola.

it has been decided by Iola physicians to urge Dr. S. J. Crumbine, se-iretary of the state board of health, to visit Iola at once to assist in the study of the cases of pellagra under the care of local doctors. Two persons have died with the malady and two more have been stricken.

One patient has been sent to the hospital and the other, a woman, is being cared for at her home. i mm MKlM NOVEL WEDDING CEREMONY To the long list of weddings in automobile, on horseback, in balloons and in other surroundings selected because of love of notoriety, has been added the marriage ceremony by telephone. Out in Iowa a minister yielded to the novel request to declare a man and a woman husband and wife "by wire." The three were separated by a very few miles. There Is nothing in the accounts of the affair to show that they might not have met and gone through the ceremony In something like the usual manner. But they earned notoriety.

Remarry After 27 years. After a separation of 27 years, Ira Brown was married to his former wife at Seneca, he having satisfied her during that period of probation that he had overcome personal habits to which she took exception when they seperated, and that since then he ha3 led an exemplary life with a view to becoming her husband again. is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma. No rubbing necessary you can apply with a brush. Those who are familiar only with the small cacti of the ordinary garden must find It difficult to realize the great size attained by the cacti In the southwest, nctably In Arizona.

For that, reason this photograph should be interesting as showing a giant of the species compared with a horse. It Should be ramarlced further that the form taken hv thm nhnt that 9 cnnp Address sioan ioK on Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry sent iree. a Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS.

is decidely curious. This was brought about by strong winds, which gradually bent the cactus over until its top touched the earth, when a second root formed. The type illustrated grows with remarkable rapidity. 1 J1 FIRST AERIAL POSTCARDS FORTUNE IN A SMALL DISC DUDCET'TfniVT SMOKELESS Mil Will Check Babies. Arrangements are being made In connection with the immense tabernacle now being built for the "Billy" Sunday meeting, at Wichita, to install a nursery to be used in caring for babies during the time Mr.

Sunday is talking. An announcement that Mr. Sunday cannot or will not talk against crying babies has caused this step. Bottle with pure water; bottle with 20 per cent, solution of common salt. barley, oats, but can be applied with advantage to seed3 of much smaller size.

L.ll LV. 1 lVJU OIL HEATER In every cold weather emergency you need a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. Is your bedroom cold when you dress or undress Do your water pipes freeze ia the cellar Is chilly when the wind whistles around the exposed comers of your house A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings complete comfort. Can be carried anywhere. Always ready for use-glowing heat from the minute it is lighted.

Ask your aWer to show yea Perfection Smokeless 03 Heater; or write for descriptive circular to any agency of Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Early Day Editor Dead. West E. Wilkinson, who came to Kansas in 1870 and for 20 years was editor of the Seneca Courier, died at his home in Seneca, of typhoid fever. Mr. Wilkinson was a widely known newspaper man in the early days and was a contemporary of Sol Miller and John Martin.

thatched roofs. Growing upon the land are groves of wild palm trees which lend to the beauty of the tropical scene. The distance between Brownsville and the mouth of the Rio Grande in a direct line is approximately 22 miles, but the river has so many curvatures that its course between the two points covers 110 miles, according to the survey of the international boundary commission, which is composed of the representatives of the United States and Mexican governments. Before the river empties into the gulf it makes a sharp bend to the southland this rounded peninsula forms the most southern mainland of the country. Most of the territory between Brownsville and the Rio Grande's mouth is covered by a dense winderness of chaparral.

The soil is of primitive richness, caused by the periodical deposits of silt from the stream's overflow. Owing to the Inaccessibility of the little Mexican ranch, which holds the distinction of marking the most southern spot, the place, has been visited by very few Americans. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by 9H CARTER'S UTILE In the radium institutes like the one recently opened in London there is nothing more wonderful to the visitor than the little square or circular trays of metal containing specks of radium in shellac varnish whose rays hold such vast possibilities in the future of mankind's struggle against disease. The disc illustrated contains 70 milligrammes of radium, worth 1,350. The trays when applied to the patient are covered with metal caps or screens which lessen Dodged a Car, Hit Women.

In attempting to dodge a street car, J. B. Smith, fosmerly of Kansas City, made a sharp turn of his motor car, at Pittsburg Kansas, lost control of the machine and it plunged into a crowd of people waiting for the car, slightly injuring two women. UVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely and ir A DTr DC gently on th liver.

Cure When Friendship Counts. The doors of the deformed man are always locked, and the key is on the outside. He may have treasures of charm inside, but they will never be revealed unless the person outside cooperates with him in unlocking the door. A friend becomes, to a mucn greater degree than with the ordinary man, the indispensable means of discovering one's own personality. One only exists, so to speak, with friends.

It is easy to see how hopelessly such a sensitiveness incapacitates a man for business, professional or social life, where the hasty and superficial impression is everything, and disaster is the fate of man who has not all the treasures of his personality in the front window where they can be readily inspected and appraised. From the September Atlantic. Biliousness, Headache, Dizzi or intensify the power of the rays Though the carrying of malls by aeroplane has been tried in America, France and Germany, England was the first to establish a regular aerial postal service, that between Henden and Windsor. For this service the British postofflce issued the very attractive postcards here illustrated, and they proved decidedly popular both with the English and with visitors from other lands who wished to send a novel communication to friends at home. The profits of the cards are devoted to charity.

Mowing Machine Hits Child. Emmet, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A.

Connelly, living near Wichita, lost his left leg when he crawled through a kaffir corn field and got in the way of a mowing machine the childs father was driving. ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must Lear Signature according to the nature of the disease, in the basement of the London institution is a strong room holding the largest stock of radium In the MULE AND BEAR. FIGHT DUEL The story of a duel to the death between a mule and a bear comes from Chambersburg, Pa.

The mule came out victorious. Aroused by a commotion in his barn, Dan Shawiey, lumberman and farmer, found the world The scale-room where these tiny black speck3 of radium are weighed is a broad, lofty, white-tiled room absolutely vibration-proof. Two More Bankers Paroled. The "bankers colony" at the federal prison at Leavenworth lost two more of its "stars" when Harry Ulmer of Chicago, and E. N.

Dexter of Fort Wayne left the prison on parole. WHERE EGGS A1E BLACK BULLETIN ON DUSTLESS ROAD Department of Agriculture Issues Statement Giving Methods for Examining Materials. Dust prevention and road preservation are almost inseparable subjects in the study of good roads, so insistently demanding the attention of road engineers and chemists interested in modern road construction. Therefore the bulletin of the United States department of agriculture on methods for the examination of Bituminous road materials, prepared by tho office of public roads, and issued as No. 38 of that series, which contains complete descriptions of the methods of examination for that class of materials, as employed at present by that office, should materially further the adoption of standard methods, a matter which is of the utmost importance at this time.

These methods are presented In Such a form that any Intelligent person may, with a little practice and the proper equipment, make such examination. With this object in view, the bulletin describes the various tests In greater detail than would have been necessary for the use of chemists, and Illustrations are presented of practically all the apparatus required. Also a list of the necessary equipment for a small laboratory about to engage in the routine testing and Inspection of bitumens Is given. The maximum cost, exclusive of platinum ware, solvents and chemicals, would not exceed $300, and probably could be purchased cheaper by securing bids on the entire equipment from several drug supply bouses. For the extraction of bituminous aggregates, the recovery of the bitumen and examination of the aggregates, an additional outlay of $125 would be but this expense seems to be entirely within the means of most road commissioners charged With the construction and maintenance of public roads.

It is to be regretted that no standard methods for examining bituminous road materials have been generally adopted, as the necessity for such Every one has heard of the black No. 2 Smith Premiers 12.50. So. 6 Remingtons rTT.SO, former price SUA. 8ena Unlay forratali-t; Harrala lis and terms.

We hareail makes. nMTicriiinci kuM CllJ, K.k.LdnU,iCn Triumphal Arch Bangkok SPOHN'S DISTEMPER uitE will cure any possible case of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, and the like among horses of all ages, and prevents all others in the same stable from having the disease. Also cures chicken cholera, and dog distemper. Any good druggist can supply you, or send to mfrs. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle.

Agents wanted. Free book. Spohn Medical Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. broth of the Spartans over which the fastidious Dionysius made a wry face.

kjlrtX, glfc'y'V. 'I 'and was' not convinced when told that For the treatment of I lironie I liona Ulcera.Sf rof nlnns l'lrrHJVarlro' it was enjoyable with Spartan sauce, the ingredients of which, in the Syra-cusan's opinion, could little alter the taste. The housewife would, however, probably be shocked to find the eggs doient I loera.Mercnrtai I icers.n MitereU- 31 Ilk Leer, ever ore. tt firif-r-f)fol. Miy matt SO cent.

lpUA5, St. 1'aul, Minn. Farmers Identify a Negro. Thirty farmers about Sabetha have Identified the picture of a negro held in Kansas City as that of David Woods, wanted for the murder of Dennis Casey, a lonely farmer, three years ago. The negro was arrested there for attempting to pawn a stolen watch.

The Kansas City police sent his photograph to C. B. Andrews, sheriff of Nemaha county. left by the milkman jet The tblack Cayuga duck, a South American Quick Action. "They tell me you took a flyer in Wall street." "Yes," replied Mr.

Lambkin. "For a little while I was considerably ahead." "How much?" "Can't say. Before I had time to figure it out the market dropped and wiped me out." PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanae and beaonfie th hate Never Fails to Bestore Gray to lis xoutarui toior. Cunf acalp diarar hair iaiacg. fry, ami a at rirtr'a bird, frequently lays black eggs.

The black coloring does not penetrate the shell, being due to an oily pigment which can be rubbed off. In successive layings the coloring fades and disappears. Mrs. Wrnsiow's Soothing: Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. Celebrate Golden Wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Conwell celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in Oneida.

Their seven children, with sons and daughters-in-law and grand-children, were all present Many of the friends and neighbors were invited for the All sizes; money rowers 11TU heary corn, alfalfa, cotton, fruit and truck city buys evfrythinp; coal, oil and pas below; pood health, roads and nchools; price 8 15 to SCO an acre. Reference any bank. Write laioroialiaa Bareaa. Taisa. Okia.

Lsdy Agenfs Wanted Part of your time S2.00 to 55.00 a day all of yon time 5.00 to 10.00 a day. Write for particulars. LLOYD MANUFACTURING Menominee. Mich "iSSSSSl Thompson's Ey Vater A man may consider himself truly famous when he has 2ve-cent cigars and yellow dogs named after him. A woman apt to regard a bachelor as a man who is too much of a coward to get married.

SOUTHERN POINT OF NATION The most southern point of mainland territory in the United States is on a sharp bend of the Rio Grande river about 20 miles southwest of Brownsville. The government official survey shows that its latitude Is 25 degrees and 9 minutes, which places it below the most southern part of the peninsula of Florida, but not as tar south as Key West. The spot is marked: -by a group of picturesque Mexican ranch buildings with their III! standards has become imperative. The Business Man Drops Dead. J.

S. McCauley, former secretary of the Wichita board of trade, dropped dead of a heart affection at his home in Mulvane. He recently retired from the grain business in Wichita to engage in the mercantile business at Mulvane. office of public roads has given considerable attention to this matter, both As the accompanying picture shows, the Siamese have a very picturesque notion of street decoration for processions and other ceremonial occasions. This triumphal arch in Bangkok has a baroaric splendor much more striking than the arches that are erected In Occidental lands.

Sf You Slave a Sickly Youngster Try This with respect to Investigations conducted in Its laboratories and through co Free operation with certain technical 'soci eties interested in the testing materi als. While It Is realized that the scheme of examination presented Is by no means perfect, and may in the Rifled Purses in Mail Boxes. Seventy-seven rifled purses and pocketbooks were found uuring carnival week by the postmen of They had been dropped into mail boxes, as the robbers did not care to take chances on getting caught with the goods on. future be improved, it has neverthe of finding the trinket With a number of campers, John Clark of Tomp-kinsville, S. went on a fishing trip a day or two after and at noon returned to camp with a dozen eels.

As Clark slit one of the eels for cooking, his knife caught a hard substance. Then he peeled back the eel's skin and drew out Mrs. McCourt's diamond ring. It was returned to her. less been of great service in classify ing bituminous road materials and de MOVING LAND IN FRANCE One of the bread slopes of Mont Gringuez, France, is reported to have become detached from its foundations, and to have moved over a distance of nearly a quarter of a mile, carrying with it the soil, meadows and woods, and covering up in its passage roads and bridges that stood in the way.

A chestnut grove has traveled 500 feet without suffering any apparent damage, but many small lakes have been formed by the damming of the waters. termining their suitability for use ac The family with young children that Is without sickness In the house now and then Is rare, and so It Is Important that the head of the house should know what to do in the little emergencies that arise. A child with a serious ailment needs a doctor. It Is true, but In the majority of Instances, as any doctor knows, the child suffers from some intestinal trouble, usually constipation. There is no sense In glvlnjr It a pill or a remedy containing an opiate, nor Is flushing of the bowels to be always recommended.

Rather give It a small dose of a mild, gentle laxative, tonic like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which, by clean ing out the bowels and strengthening the little stomach muscles, will immediately correct the trouble. This Is not alone our opinion but that of Mrs. X. II.

Mead of Freeport. whose granddaughter has been taking It successfully and of Mrs. J. R. Whiting of Lena, who gives it to her children and takes it herself.

It Is sold la fifty cent and one dollar bottles at every drug store, but if you want to test it la your family before you buy it send your address to Dr. Caldwell and he will forward a supply free of charge. For the free sample address Dr. W. B.

Caldwell. 201 Caldwell building, Monti-cello, 111. cording to various methods of application and construction. FEATS OF A GIRL PRODIGY A wonderful girl Is Winifred Stoner, daughter of a Savannah surgeon, who, the American Magazine states, was taught to operate a typewriter when three years of age and at eight was writing poetry- Mrs. Stoner began to train her in linguistic ability, with the result that today, though not yet nine years old, Winifred can carry on a conversation In English, French, Spanish, Latin and Esperanto.

She was far advanced In Esperanto at four." She has already written a play in it, and many poems, and at the International Esperanto congress last year her proficiency as an Esperantist occasioned widespread comment. Farm Leaks. No The temporary injunction against tie Emporia board of education, brought by the members "of high school secret has been revoked by Judge Meckel. One of the worst Jeaks on many farms comes direct from the manure heap, by leaving it piled up near the barn, exposed to storms, so that the better part leaches out and goes to 4 Lamps and Lanterns waste. The first principles of agriculture demand constant and liberal fertilization of the soil, and as the average farm Is never over-supplied, no County Seat Ended.

The county seat fight In Butler county of 40 years' duration was wiped from the slate here when 10,000 persons nearly half the population of the county met at Eldorado and celebrated the record breaking Kaffir corn crop. man should neglect to apply the man MAN FINDS HIS OWN "GRAVE" That his body has been Interred and a suitable headstone erected by the family was the surprising news which greeted Van Hoopes, aged, 60 years, when he returned to his home in Emigsville, the other day, after having been in a hospital in Savannah, Ga. He suddenly left his borne about two months ago. Nothing was heard ram him, and when a man of similar age was killed by a train near New Cumberland recently the body was Identified as his by a minister who knew him. There was much rejoicing at the reunion of the "dead" man and his family.

The strong, steady light. ure as fast as made to those soils HOES AT 102 FOR HEALTH At six o'clock the other morning, in the village of Balaton, "Grandpa" Shequin, who is one hundred and two years old, was hoeing corn. He has planted corn for ninety-five years. He was not doing the work, because of necessity, but because he needed the early morning exercise and the morning His wife is still living with him. She is past ninety-two years, and they have lived together nearly seventy-five years.

where it will do the most good. Care of Onions. Onions should remain in the sun LOST RING FOUND IN EEL Mrs. William McCourt, wife of the owner of Camp Warren at South Beach, S. lost her diamond engagement ring one day while swimming nesar the camp.

After the beach had teen searched she gave up all hope Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light for the oil they burn. Do not flicker. Will not blow or jar out. Simple, reliable and durable and sold at a price that will surprise you. Aak your dealer to bow'yoa his line of Rayo lamps and lanterns, or vrite to any agency of Standard Oil Company Iaeorporatad Kansan Dead in Iowa.

Benjamin Zaine of Protection, died at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines from injuries suffered when he fell into the basement of a new building. until thoroughly cured and the tops so dry that they will not add molsturs to the mass when they are put under cover..

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