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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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VOL. XI-NO. OTTAWA MONDAY. JUNE 8 1893 PRICE TWO CENTS. nnnilf I inilTllflfK, IkR.

ST. JACQUES APPRECIATED. I PnnnilO- PliniCTI rii i ii! inn i i nr aft. mrm am iiv mil i i iim i iuimil i IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Watch Daily and Closely- John Murphy And see what this great firm Business is good. Customers have Crowded daily.

"NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS" is a famous Baying Bnd our present gocd times mutt be a sure sign of the sterling value offered by this great house of merchants For Two Days In our Press Department we shall offer a few specials, clean, honest reliable dross stuff at special pricw, what intelligent people are foi'. WE KEEP NONtS OftlEK. we want voa to inspest tne stocx By this truth-telling light you can most satisfaction. 1 piece Black Crepon. small crinkle, regular 50c.

rljuM' (old. TO CLEAR 29 CENTS. I pieces only Broche and Stripe Lustre, regular 49c TO CLEAR 19 CENTS. Please note we have 2 pieces only. 700 yds all wobl Black GrenailtieJ, ui Broche and Stripe Designs.

At present so much worn (or over lining, regular 75c, TO, CLEAH 49 CENTS 10 pieces Fancy Black' Dress Goods, In-, eluding Armure Dresden Patterns. Fancy Check, Diagonal Lustres These are high class goods, regular il 00. TO CLEAR 61 CENTS 10 DRESS PATTERNS Columbian Tweeds, all wool, 64 Inches wide, regular. $1 25, TO CLEAR AT BO CENTS Send for samples to our Mail Order Department. JOHN MURPHY 60 THE OPAL OCTOBER.

October's child I born lor woe, I And life's vicissitudes must know I But lay an opal on tier breast, And hope will lull thoe woes to rest I We have a few very, fine Australian Opals at unheard of prices Not the former pries cut in two, as other ncuies may advertise. do not put on profits that admit of WE LEAD IN SOUVENIR, GOODS. I OLMSTED JEWELLERS fc OPTICIANS. Phone Crown Pressed Brick FINE PRESSED ORNAMENTAL CROWN PRESSED BRICXS Ar. the IftO Canada, bads uniform In slza and color.

A buiWpg mads ot CROWS Pit ESSE BRICKS la a thing of beauty and will asll for mors than tna extra cost which at our price Is trifling. For veneering they make a much' handsomer and warmer building, being closely presaed with a pound mora day In each brick of the sua Gst price and timplri at Haad Office. SPARKS STREET. J. G-.

BTJTTERWORTH, Managing Director 1 Lacrosse Sticks WHOLESALE IB) RETAIL. i Special Kates to Clubs. Write' for Catalogue. 182 SPARKS STEEET. SUMMER SUITS.

We have built up a reputation for elegant Business Suits- at a very low figure. We are complimented every day on the excluslveness of our assortment. We show goods that cannot be had in any other house. Most people wonder how we can keep the prices so low. The secret of it Is, we sell only for cash, and fifteen dollars cah for a suit, is better to us than the promise of twenty-five i THE BIG BOSTON.

P. O'REILLY! 111 Pi 13 111 -MOVEMENTS of retailers are doiug for you. kept us busy aud our shop is Dy me ciear wmw hk" J' your seteuuuus wnu Ut- Note There are only yards In each length. All tpring and Summer Tweeds reduced from 20 to 23 PER CENT. DELAINES.

50 pieces All Wool Delaines, light grounds, regular 35c. to TO CLEAR AT 19 CENTS 75 pieces All Wool Delaines, navy, black and cardinal grounds, regular 35 to (0 cis, TO CLEAR 24 CENTS SILKS. SILKS. Immense sale of Blouse Silks, 25 pieces Pkaa Surahs, regular tl 25, i FOR 75 CENTS 7 pieces Ehot Pointelle ISllks, regular J1.35. FOR 75 CENTS 10 pieces Figured Japanese and Chene Effect regular 31.25.

FQR 75 CENTS, HURDMAN 75. 69 SPARKS OTTAWA Mm Manufacturers of AND MOULDED BRICKS. finest In finish and color of any mads tn Sorted Into six different shades, aach ii IN" is 0 First Communion JJ 0' 55 Photos 0. 0 0. 0 0 0 0.

SUMS is sure to please you. 117 SPAEKS ST. 0 TANDEM BICYCLE To 7. it The Celebrated DAYTON Make your engagements In advance. See our range of Hammocks, from 75 cents -to 35.00.

Just the Hung for these warm 'days. Wheels to rent, both Ladles' and all up-to-date. Cold's National M'g Co i. SPARKS STREET, Two Aen Killed and Five Injured at Quyon. A BOLT STRIKES A SHANTY DURING AN ELECTRICAL STORM.

Tb Van had Don Thtre for Shelter-It nil a Small Bonding and all Wsrt Hnddlsd Together-Shanty on a Pier In th Ottawa Kiver Himei of th Vlctlmi aad Injurs! Lightning- was responsible for a lamentable accident at Quyon, 33 miles from here, on the Ottawa, on Saturday afternoon. Fran Ferrier, atred 17, of Mechanics-ville, and Nathaniel MacXell, also aged IT, both employees- of the Upper Ottawa Improvement Company, were struck and Instantly killed. Five other employees, Edward ItalnvUIe, Alphonse Therlen, Samuel Deroln.Anthony Cain and Moses Laplerre were rendered unconscious byj the shock. Six other employees of the same company, who were with the men struck, were also aflectcd, but to a less extent. The accident occurred about 4:30 o'clock.

Abojit this hour a- very severe electrical storm passed over the Ottawa at Quyon. Thirteen employees of the Upper Ottawa Improvement Company who were working on a boom took refuge In a seven feet square; that was erected on a Pier. In so small a bounding this number of men were naturally huddled together very closely. The Bolt Struck. With a crash ohe bolt struck the shanty above the open door and passed through to the opposite side.

Every man felt the shock, but the seven mentioned were rendered unconscious. Ferrier waa sitting beside the door, and MacXell waa In the opposite side of the shanty. The other five men rendered unconscious Were between the two tilled. Rainvllle, Therlen, Deroln, Cain and Laplerre were restored to consciousness after considerable difficulty by the other workmen, but efforts to revive Ferrier and MacNeil were futile. The Fatal Marks.

A dark mark behind Fcrrier's ear and one on MacNeil's neck were the only traces on the men of the work of the lightning. Strange to say, the only damage to the shanty was the loosening of a couple of boards above the door. The other men rendered un-l conscious were nqt 'marked. Rainvllle, Therlen, Deroln -and Cain were all sufficiently recovered this morning from the effects of the electrical fluid to resume work, but Laplerre Is still very in. He Is Improving, however, and no 111 effects are expected to follow his startling experience.

Brought to the City. Frank Ferrier Is the son of a Scotchman. John Ferrier, who resides In II e-chanlcsvllle. The relatives there were apprised of the sad occurrence as soon after the accident as possible. The remains reached the village yesterday morning about four o'clock, and are being Interred this afternoon.

The family are known as bard Workers, and industrious, and sympathy la expressed to-day by the neighbors. MacNeil's body was also removed to his home In Bristol township. Pontiac county, a few miles distant fyom the accident. He is also the son of a Scotchman, Christopher MacXetL and the funeral is taking place this after-neon. The shanty eras erected on the pier by several worklngmen who preferred to sleep there to escape the mosquitoes nearer shore.

Scene of the Stroke. The Quyon boom Is on the Ottawa river near Quyon village about thirty-three miles from this city. It Is situated at the Chats Rapids at the foot of the Chats Lake. It is one of the largest booms on the Ottawa river and is capable, of holding many hundred thousand logs. The Chaudiere mill owners use It extensively as a reserve boom, keeping their logs there until such a time as they require them when they are towed down to tne head of the Dechenes Rapids by steamer.

A large numberof men are kept In constant employment during the summer months sorting logs. ST. LUKE'S GUILD. The members of St. Luke's Toung People's Guild held a picnic at West End Park on Saturday afternoon.

A most enjoyable time was spent In games of all kinds. This park is a delightful place for. a picnic, as It Is fitted up nicely, there being a fine well sunk lately, and Mr. James Byers has a refreshment stand on the grounds. After the picnic was over the members took In the trrp to "Stock- and every one went home well pleased with their afternoon's outing, and they Intend having several dur ing the summer.

The next meeting of the Guild will be held at the rest dence of Mrs. McClenaghan. 117 Division street. The members are Invited to come early, as a very rare treat Is In- store for them. If It is a nice even ing.

It is the Intention of the Guild to hold a strawberry social in the near future. It will likely be held on the Primrose Bicycle Grounds adjoining the church on Bell street. JULES SIMON DEAD. Paris, June 8. Jules Francois Sl-mon; the celebrated statesman, life member of the French Senate, member of the French Academy, perpetual secretary of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and formerly prime minister of France, died to-day.

M. Simon had been III for a fortnight with neurosis of the stomach. Why are they all going to Edgar's for butter and eggs Ptotie 1203. 't5 Bank street. Presented by His Cailway' Friends With a Watch as a Token ofEstasm The Russell House was the scene of another, surprise on Saturday after noon.

The members of nhe citixens" committee for the Ii. of L. E. and a few of the remaining convention delegates, determined to show their appreciation of Mr. F.

St- Jacques' kindness to them during the convention, met und presented the genial proprietor of the hotel with a handsome gold watch, the U. of L. E. standard, the same as presented by the Brooks Lccomotlve Works to Engineer Wm. Tonkey for making his record-breaking run of 92-1 miles per hour on the Lake Shore road last fall.

The watch was subscribed to by the B. of L. B. delegates and the members of the citizens' and local B. of L.

E. committees. About fifteen" gentlemen quietly collected together in room Ct of the hotel at five o'clock in the afternoon to witness the presentation, among them Mayor Borthwick. A few minutes later Mr. St.

Jacques was escorted Into the room by Mr. W. B. Prenter, under the deception that one or two of the guests of the house were acting disorderly and should bt instantly removed. As Mr.

St. Jacques entered the room Mayor Borthwick In a neat speech. In which he referred to Mr. St. Jacques' eminent qualities as a hotel man.

his kindness to the visiting delegates and his Interest In all that pertained to the welfare of the city, presented him with a Ball. of L. watch as an evidence the respect In 'which he was held by hts friends in this city and the visitors, who had made his hotel their home during the past three weeks. Mr. St.

Jacques replied very feelingly, stating that It waa always his aim to attend to the comforts of his guests as well as he knew how, and In doing so he considered he was doing nothing but a duty. He expressed his unworthlness to receive such a valuable timepiece, but accepted It out of regard for the good will and friendship with which it wan given. Mr. Joseph Polite, of Toledo. spoke on behalf of the visiting delegates, after which Mr.

St. Jacques entertained his friends. Those present were Mayor Borthwick. Webb C. Ball, of Cleveland.

Joseph Polite. Toledo. Mr. E. M.

Stannard. Applclon. W. B. Prenter.

J. C. Walsh. R. W.

Botterell. A. J. Barr. Robt.

Dickson. Robt. Orr. B. Baker, Jno.

King. Geo P. Murphy. E. Parker and A.

Miller of The Journal. PUPILS RECITAL. Highly creditable to the performers and their Instructor alike, was the recital given on Saturday afternoon in the Opera House by the pupils of Mademoiselle Agnes Duhimol. There was a good attendance and much Interest taken tn the performance of the pupils. The ladles and gentlemen taking part were: Misses A.

Moeser, L. Dsvldwn, Winnlfred Masson. L. More- land, Laura Abbott, MarlH Charcb, H. 0Meara, M.

Rothchlld, M. Duhamel. M. Kee. Edith Stephens, Ella Curry.

Grace Glllelan, M. Gwendo-lln Church. F. Brown. Marie Muller, Louie Merrick.

Nellie Abbott, Edythe Forbes: Mrs. W. H. Fllgg. Mr.

A. Mas- son and Master H. Rothchlld. THEY GOT THEM ALL RIGHT The Following- Acknowledgments Tell What Became of tne Prizes Offered In Jamieson's Advertising Competition R. E.

Jamleson, City, lear Sir: As requested I hereby acknowledge receipt of bicycle In accord ance with Hie Judges' award in your advertising contest. Tours respectfully, ALFRED L. BRONSKILJL. E31 RIdeau street. Ottawa, May rath, ISM.

Tl. E. Jamleson. Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge the receipt of a handsome gold watch, given by you as a prize in your recent advertising competition. Yours respectfully.

M. A. McCLENAGHAN. Ottawa, May 2Sth, 1896. Citadel, Quebec.

May 29. I8D6. Sir I beg to acknowledge the re ceipt of and thank you for the beautiful gold watch you presented as third prize In your advertisement com- petitlon.and which I was lucky enough to win. I am delighted with my prize, though I must confess I had my eye on the bicycle. I was very much struck with the fair manner In which the competition was conducted, none of the competitors' names being known to the Judges till after th prises were awarded, thus Insuring for one and all a "fair field and no favor." Tours truly.

J. GRANT. Aylmer. May 30th, 1894. R.

E. Jamleron. Dear Sir: I have received to-day. the silver watch awarded to me, as winner of the fourth prize In your recent ad vertisement competition and am very much pleased indeed with It. Yours truly.

E. M. GARDNER. fHtawa. May 30th, R.

E. Jamleson. Dear Sir: I have much pleasure In acknowledging tne receipt of the splendid timepiece, set in a silver stand the modl of Columbus' ship Santa Maria, and awarded to me as wlnner of the fifth prize in the advertising competition Initiated by your. firm. Yours truly H.

PEREIRA. 109 James street. Ottawa, June 6, IS9C Sir. R. E.

Jamleson: Dear Sir: I hereby acknowledge the receipt of five dollars, the amount of seventh prize In competition. W. J. McGRATH. 224 Queen st The sixth prize has been delivered by registered package to the winner.

Mr. Edwards of Thurso, but as he Is away from home at present no ac knowledgment Das yet been received. Dr. Klock has removed td 195 O'Con nor street, pending the reconstruction of bis present office. ANNUAL PROCESSION TESTER-PAY FROM THE BASILICA.

A Largs Ton Out of Catholic, fodsUts Decorations as EonU-BsnedlcUons by Archbishop Duhamsl The Festival of Corpus Christ! or Fete Cltu as it. is called, was fitlngly celebrated ty the French Roman Catholics yesterday. The customary proreeton was formed and proved fully as successful as any held in previous years. Indeed many thought that It was larger than has been seen for a long time. It was headed by reverend fathers from the Ttnlveraity.

followed by the children from the Basilica parish to the number ot about 100 In their first communion cos-tunua. The children of the Boys' school and of the congregations ot We. Mary and Ste. Anne's, together with the Grey nuns of the Water street convent and Catholic members of the city council were also In line. Societies In Line.

The members of the Catholic Order ot Foresters, St. Joseph's Society and St. Antoine's Society, together with a number of the clergy. Archbishop Duhamel and Vicar-General Routhler. brought up the rear.

Accompanied by L'Harmonle band, the procession marched from the Basilica by way of Hussex street to Cat heart, down Cat heart, returning to the Basilica by way of Cumberland fcnd St. Tatrick streets. At the steps of St. Joseph's Orphans Home and fct. Bridget's church, benediction waa pronounced by the The people along the route of the pro cession entered fully into the spirit of the ceremony, and many handsome decora tion, were hung out.

Corpus Christ! Festival Is one of the most splendid in the Roman church and wa instituted by Pops Urban IV. in 1264. In honor of the consecrated Host, and gen et ally is celebrated on the Thursday fol lowing Trinity Sunday. BUSINESS FOR THE SESSIONS. There will be more business for the general sessions, which open at Jie court house to-morrow at 1 p.

rr.f before Judge Ross, than was anticipated a few days ago. The list of criminal cases now numbers five. Mrs. Eastman and Miss Lucy Davis, who were committed for trial on the shop-lifting charges, this morning, elected to be tried before a Jury. Then there Is a similar case against Mrs.

Jennie Nlchol who Is out on bail. D. Cameron will1 appear to answer td a charge of rob bery and Jan. O'Brien will be tried for arson. tt John's Church Garden Party RockllfTe, Thursday, June 11th, 4 to 9 p.

m. Guards' band. Admission 10 cents. AMTTHINa LOffr THB JOURNAL t9 SURE TO GET IT. 305- THE 2 MACS are now showing a new Una of Homes puns light-weight, patterns.

stylish; Just the thing tor a SUMMER SUIT Coat and Trousers mads to order $10.00 Bloomers $3 to 94 -St TRY THE PflLflGE ICE CREAM. WATER ICES and COOL DRINKS. Pure and Oood, MRS. A. E.

SLINH COR. BANK AND MARIA STREETS, P. S. Prices right Vncle Sam's Tobacco This cure destroys all tasts and desire for tobacco and does not Injure the system. WE INVESTIGATION.

CHALLENGE COMPARISON and DEFY COMPETITION. It you wish to quit uatng tobacco. now is the time and this is The Remedy. We Guarantee a cure. FOR SALE BY ROBINSON, Chemist.

AGENT FOR OTTAWA. DRESS GOODS We don't claim U. we KNOW, that we tats the FINEST. CHOICEST, CHEAPEST. LARGEST BANGS and sltogether the Best Selection of Dress Goods In the city.

Eeems a large statement, but Its truth la beyond question. H. H0LII! CO. Bryson, Graham 6c CO. House Furnishers Fine Art Furniture If you want a PARLOR SUITE, BEDROOM DIXINGR003I SUTTB or FANCY DRAWING ROOM FDRNITDRE of any kind, yon will secure and comfortable furniture of any and all kinds at a saving of 10 to 20 p.

at B. a.6t cevs Furniture Stotev.Spark8 St. Our Modern Boots. are ideal foot protectors. LIKE SADDLES.

for ease and comfort yet stylish, neat fitting and durable. CHEAPNESS marks the whole stock. Cheapness without trashy appearance. Cheapness without loss of durability. Bicycle Shoes both for Ladies' and Gent's.

Dress Shoes 'for ladies, Misses and Gents. These dress shoes are the very latest 6hoes out and are distinctive marks of style and good taste in wearers. Our Boot and Shoe aim is to RETAIN QUALITY REASONABLENESS OF PRICE for Trasli Boots are Bad Buying at any price. DEPARTMENT STORE SPARKS ST. O'CONNOR St, OTTAWA, it Hoi.

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