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The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana • Page 8

Kokomo, Indiana
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8 KOKOMO (lr.d.) TRI3UNE Monday, February 9, 1948- Tipton and Miami County News Cass and Miami County REMC Toj Meet Tuesday Blue, clerk-treasurer, to co: Leppcrt bus line officials re; thc posdibllity of adding fcus i rvicc South Peru, Kcpreiicntativea of the bus firm ill be asked to meet TA-ith the I board of works, at 1:30 o'clock day afternoon. Mrs. Slue also was Instructed to for bids for a new police! Hospital To Revise'! i jBuilding Plans TJpton, Feb. Show JPalace Tuesday, ifere than i 1,000 persons arc expected to nt-' ttnd, Manager Alvin A. Snyder has announced.

The morning session -will open at 10 o'clock and thc afternoon session at 1:45. Features of the afternoon xualon will be an electric cooklnjj school at 2:45. Luncheon jg.ig wil. available at thc snack bar In tho lobby of tho Show Palace. A demonstration of the new two- radiotelephone communication system will he given and a hour will provide enter-! hospital plans at thc X1 aI scheduled for Thursday nighi-i the electee Ught plant.

board cnalrinan Appeared con- will be sold to highest bidder.jf^^^^^j^ means i be foan(J lo It has been appraised at $1,500. to I limit of Mayor George Wolf was author- rmancinff thc project without ser-. ized to appoint a safety director to lious lm airlnent: of the original' serve on a pan-time basis without; ns -pan compensation for the remainder of! I Fire 1'roti-ction Cost Eural fire protection will tfost seven adjoining townships 55,520 i year instead of 0P the to- Martin said a slight reduction in the number of rooms together with eliminating the hospital laundry would reduce by about 5100,000 die 5780.000 estimated coot of the hos- paymont madc year by'tho ates sa 515,000 a room. He said N'cw Bus Sr-rvlcn 550,000 but believed the sum could An effort Is being made at Thco OJ(t jn lce ls made nec be provided without much trouble. request of the Leaguo of Women CSSI1 because of Fire Chief Jen-1 He sc ltj tnc issue corn- Voters to obtain bus sen-ice to klns om endation that the'P Ians and arriving at defi- South Peru no people can enjoy the; men to i decisions so that the architect jiark and civic center.

service be increased from two tol i complete plans and spcclfi- The board of public -works nr( i safety has asked Mrs. Relief At Last For Your Cough 'Creomnjaton relieves promptly bc- it goes right to the "seat or the trouble to help loosen and expel icerm laden phlegm, and aW nature to tootne and raw, tender, In- Uarned bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to havo your money back. CREOMULSION men. The additional $2,520 covers the salary of the added fireman.

Russell Keith, city attorney, sent letters to the township trustees notifying them of the boost- atarle Boldry Rites Funeral- Xervices for Mrs. Marie Luulse Boldry, 85. whose homo was three miles southwest of Twelve Mile; were held Sunday afternoon at the residence, followed by bur- In Greenlawn cemetery at Mexico. Her husband, Frank Boldry, preceded her In death several years ago. for Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis 104J- W.

Mulberry, Ph. 7322. Revoked license insurance, Kokomo Finance Company, BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS-DEALERS can now offer IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on Arlington Homoc and aro granting exclusive franchises for the sale of Arlington Pro-Assembled Cottages, Garages and Utility lolldlngl. A COMPLETE HOME, WITH LAND, TO SELL UNDER $6,000.00 ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF HOMES, 2 TO 4 BEDROOMS IN 1 STORY, 1Y 2 STORY and '2 STORY SIZES furnllh Inildo trim, oak plumbing fixtures, hearing etc. AM leotoned lumber.

FHA and GI approved, tinder roof tn I day! Cottages, and Utility Buildings offer must be prepared to up display to: ARLINGTON HOUSING CORP. 50O Starwood Columbia 9, Ohio cations by April 15 to meet the first government requirement for Ho ward Township Farm Institute To Open Tuesday A joint meeting of thc Howard Township 1'arm Bureau and the Farmers' Institute will be held a 7:30 o'clock Tuesday. nipbt at the) Howard township school, followed; by an all-day Institute program I on "Wednesday. Feature thc Tuesday nipht program will be the showing of motion pictures by the Rev. W.

J. BriRgs. The films -were -taken by the Rev. Mr. Briggs on his trip to Europe last year with relief supplies.

On Wednesday, the morning session of "the Farmers will. start at 9:30 o'clock. Speakers -will include Miss Lucretia Ann Sounders of the state board of health and Albert Ferris Milton, Ind. A dinner -will be served a't noon. The afternoon session will bcrrin at 1:30 o'clock.

Election of officers and announcement premium awards for the various exhibits will feature the afternoon program. Tuesday night- Members are urpca to nucv.d and hear the news, from Washington. RAY DIEDEN--UNDERWRITER AH CUB CAST Opening the'celebration of National Boy Scout week, Tipton Boy'Scout Cubs. of 3091 and 3092 and their parents held a carry-in dinner at the West Street Chris, tion church in Tipton Friday night which was' attended by 165 Cubs'and' parents. Shown in the picture above is the cast of a playstaged by Cubs which depicts the activities of a bride shopping for a trousseau.

Left to right, they are: Terry Morton, Wright, Bobby Tice, Geor.gie Pike, Jerry Enneking, Gary Walz, Jackie Jacobs, Murray James, Gary Gordon and David Kinder. trio comprised of Connie Jo Fox, Jo Ann McLcland and Joyce Burk- the grant of a third of the hospital tt, won Jirst division, Barbara cost to be made available this won second division honors Tho second federal requirement is that construction must be started by June ,20 in order to preserve the approved grant for this year. with her soprano and Sllcn was third division honors soprano solo. Mr. Sawyer and Mrs.

Frances Ed- Thore were also several pledges wards, music supervisor of Tipton of large sums made contingent on the beginning of construction by Juno 15, but It Is believed that with definite assurance that 'Construction will be started before June 30 the contributors will not Insist on the earlier deadline. Martin said that the Citizens National bank, of i is president, has purchased $83,000 of the 5200,000 Issue. County Auditor H. E. Castor was recording coupon numbers Monday and said he notify the purchasers at once that thc bonds are ready foe delivery.

Bond coupons run from three thc first bond to 39 on the last one to be paid. schools, accompanied the contestants. Students Win Musical Honors. Members of the Tipton High school band -won signal honors at the-Ball State college district solo and ensemble contest at Muncie Saturday, Paul O. Sawyer, band leader, reported Monday.

Out of nine entries, five Tipton contestant individuals and groups won first division honors and four won second division awards. Joe O'Banion won first in the cornet' solo contest; Mary Jo Re- cobs won a. first in the flute solo contest; Loretta Jo Martin won .1 i-H Club Leaders Meet Adult and junior 4-H club leaders met Saturday at the Tlpton- Tipton county library for the purpose, of outlining the program for the year. It was voted to take a tour to Indianapolis on April 1 at which time a. class on "Appro- pralteness in Dress" is to be held at one of the stores.

A factory and thc city market arc also to be included. Other outstanding features of'the program as outlined are a lesson on "The Insertion of Zippers," "Wrapping and Handling of Frozen Foods," and "Care and Use' of the' Sewing Machine." Four-H officers tl'aining school will be held on the evening April 19; 4-H roucd-up at Purdue! on June. 16, 17, IS; County 4-H pic-! nic on June 24; County 4H exhibit on August 10, 11 and 12. Junior leaders in attendance at the meeting were as follows; Dolores Clouser, Barbara Lindley, Carolyn Rose, Catherine Qunken- busb, Madonna Quakenbush, and Ann Sellers. Vocational home eco- Josiah Eirby Lilly, Indianapolis Pharmaceutical Company Head, Dies Pension Club to Meet The meeting of the Kokomb club No.

1, American Pension committee, will held at the home of ilr. and Mrs. Orval Mote, 74S. South Diamond street, at 7:30 o'clock TODAY and TUESDAY VIOLENT ACTION when the West was youngl' loan VCKA UULSXOK CARTOON VARIETY and. LATE NEWS Indianapolis, Feb.

Kirby Lilly, S6. chairman of the directors of Eli Lilly pharmaceutical manufacturers, died in the Methodist hospital Sunday at- ter a Ions illness. He was. one of the four Original employes of the firm, founded in 187R by his father, Eli Lilly, and 10,000 items and now is on display at. the.

University of Pittsburgh. He was co-foiinder of. the Indianapolis Foundation and the Purdue Research 'Foundation for' ten years was a trustee of Purdue university. In 1942 he received the Remington medal for distinguished service to 1 pharmacy. In 1SS2 he married Mias Lilly Marie Hidjrely, Lexington, who was president from 1S9S until in'1934.

He married Mrs. Lila Apart frorn directing- growth of Allison Hume in 1935! Two sons firm to one oE the world's lar-iborn to the first nr th marriage are now pest, J. K. Lilly was a noted patron; executives of the firm. They 'are of music.

His collection of Stephen B1I Lilly, president, and Josiah 1 1C Foster's works contain more than first division in her flute solo con'-! nomic instructors and adult lead- test, and the clarinet quartet comprised of Roberta Henderson, Vir- Kclly, Marlene Mason Jeanettc Eicri, won a first. Winners of first division honors will be eligible compete in the state high school musical centos scheduled for. Terre Haute or. ruary 21. ers.

in attendance were: Thc Misses Edna Johnson. Bessie Beckett and Mesdarnes Gladys Cummings, Schwear, Leo Clouser, Otis Small and Clarence Llndley. Religious (Continued from Page One) Second division winners were Brethren, Rev. F. B.

Jones; iSTorth Carolyn. HoJe, alto sax solo; Xazarece, Rev. Layland Smith; FirstPresbytorian, Rev. ur'ccntown Methodist, Rev H. W.

White; Nazaronc, Kcv. W. otto Bieri, Clarinet Sawyer, piano solo; clarinet quar- tett A'umbcr 2, comprised of Evelyn Parncll, -Ann Anderson and- Ann Martinson. In the vocal group, the girls' WHY YOU'RE NEXT IN LINE FOR THAT NEW GAR AUTO SALES Corner Taylor and Union Mrs. J.

E. James Is New President Oi Y.W.G.A. Here Mrs. J. E.

James was elected president of the board of directors of the T. W. C. A. Monday afternoon at the' February meeting of the board following' a noon luncheon for members and friends of the W.

C. A. building fund cam' Lilly, executive vice-president. RADIO PROGRAM J. 21 NEW ALL MAKES MODELS and BODY STYLES PICK YOUR COLORS--NO WAITING Drive Home We Finance Our Own Gars Pay as You Drive LOWEST DOWN PAYMENT IN TOWN You Can Buy Your New Ford Chevrolet or Plymouth For As Low As $300 Down.

Kokomo Auto Sales Trinity Methodist, Rev. John Retherford; Main Street Dr. Clctis Brown; Taylor Street Evangelical United Brethren, Rev. Robert Ray; Wayman A. M.

Rev. Robert Byerjy; Mt Zion Evangelical' U. Rev. Edward Smlthee; Salvation Army, Rev. Fred Clarke; Darrough Chapel -Rev.

H. L. McBride; Alto Methodist, Rev. Everett Looker. Grace Methodist, Rew Jo M.

Riley; St. Luke's Evangelical U. Rev. Allen Watson; Mt. Fisgah Rev! George Eolston; Courtlan'd Avenue Friends, 1 Rev.

E. W.Hamilton; Main Street Christian Rev. Thurman Morris; South Side Christian, Dr. Hurd Allyn Drake; South Side, Wesldyan, Rev. Rich- nrd.

Coil. Calvary Baptist, Rev. Nuel Ellis; North Side Wesieyan, 1 Charles Kramer; Hiilsdale Evangelical U. E. LV Ferris; South Kokomo Pilgrim Holiness.

Rev. C. MT Alliance, Hev. Walter Speck; Fairlawn United Brethren, Rev, Joseph Youmans; Parr-Methodist, Rev. Patterson; Union Street Friends, Albert, Kelly.

Paul J. Mills wants to see you VALENTINES--SWEETS. MONDAY NIGHT Indicates BrondensU.) Wkmo. Supiicr Club. Wiw.

Mymeryot tho Wi'ck. Sports Slnntx. Wkmo. SmlLh Show. Wrbm.

ot the World, Wlw. Show. Wowo. Lono Wowo. Club 15.

Wkmo. News. Wlw. 7:00 Inner Wkmo. 'Cuviilcado of America.

WUv. 7:30 Voice of Wlw. Arthur Godfrey, Wkmo. Tclcuhonc Hour. Wlw.

Radio Dr. I. Q. Ouiz. Wlw.

9:00 ContonU-d Hour. 'Wlw. My Friend h-mn. Wlmo. 9:30 Screen Playora.

Frod Wnrlnf Show. Wire. Cnint. Wlw: Farm. Home Burns West of Walton- Walton, Feb.

8--(Tribune Area Specic.1)--Tho Walton fire equipment was called to the home of Mrs. west Ot Walton, about o'clock Sunday- morning, but was unable to save ttn two-story structure. The-house was on the Lenna Zollman farm. It was thought tho' blaze started from a- defective JTiue, after an Jordan was re-elected treasurer. morning fire had been started Following the election or officers, in.the 'reported the 20th annual dinner, meeting of to be estimated at about $4,000, Uic'Y.

W. A. was discussed. It Some household furnishings on the will'be held February IS at the Ma-j first floor were saved. sonic temple.

At noon the board of- directors i and interestea friends met. to report results of canvassing for larger gifts lor the building fund. A' total of -525I500 was reported to date, or approximately one-eighth of the amount estimated to be needed to rebuild and improve the T. W. C.

A. building. Mrs. Lloyd MoClure is general chairman of the campaign; Mrs. Other officers chosen included: Mrs.

F. O. Life, first vice-prosi-j dent; Mrs. Frank Kellie, second vice-president; Mrs. L.

Jordan, treasurer, and Mrs. Gayl E. Cooper, secretary. Mrs. James, who hold the office of first vice-president, has been serving as acting president In the absence of Mrs.

Perry Avery, who moved from the city. Mrs. Life, who Avas secretary of tho board, assumed the office of first vice- president in Mrs. place, and Mrs. Cooper succeeded Mrs.

Life as A second vice-pTesident en elected heretofore, but with thc building fund drive under- Mrs. Kellie was chosen to as- the duties of that office. Mrs, IF YOUR FEET HURT let us fit you with a pair of the Velvet-Sole Arch Restorers Soft, flexible, and comfortable. No metal, awkward or rigid to restrict the oarunll action of your feet. 1 j.

RELIEF GUARANTIED OR 1'OUK MONEY REFUNDED FITTED. 214 North Main St. J. M. High is chairman of the -women's group, and 1 Leroy Lacey ihairman for the men's part of the drive.

C. A. former state secretary of the Y. W. C.

A. in Indiana, present as an assistant to Frank ZoII, campaign director. ITUVBattle (Continued' from Page shop. the. employer is.

bound "to nire only union rr.embers and to 1 fire naybody who leaves the -union.) The five-man'XLRB will rule on Sut today's Denharri'- sCatemcnt said if the union's policy is -halted by an injunction now, future NLRB action be i. Tuc of dealings in the last faw months Uvaa traced at great length and (specific situations were described- jfor Chicago, Detroit, Rockville 'Center, L. Bedford, St. Cloud, South -Bend, ar.d Hammond, Ind: The granted in the form would order the ITU, its national and its agents not "to insist on closed- shop conditions, coerce em- players "In- their choice oi men, and not' to restrain in their'legal-rights by refusing'to bargain, in good A specific local' acts, such as tlie Chicago strike, hard to say advance pi-oposed injunction have on them. Officials in Denham's office have explained that they could come back, to thc judge -and start contempt proceedings to halt specific acts considered in violation 'of the'injunction.

They declined to say flatly whether they would start -such proceedings, in Chicago case. DR, HEWITT. Will start taking patients a by appointment Ph. 22464; Were Stomach Ulcer Pains Napoleon's Waterloo? The jrrcnt Nupolcon who conquered WHS himself vSctjm'of after-cntinar atomdch, acidity cnuaeu -your 1 trcss nftcr'" or pn-inful hcnrtbucn. Kvift sour stomach, indignation even- atom-- nch ulcer painB, then try Udgo or quick relief.

Udjrn Tablets 1 'contnln 3 proven Inntrnctinfc medicinal inirrcdicnts. i a doctor's Description, Udpru worfcfl. aooth- noJd and fast. (. in co 1C2S.

More than 210 million Get a box of ttnd if you. too, don't relioC within hour, you DOUBLE I TODAY IS IS 2 BIG KITS 2 MONEY "BACK--Adv. TODAY TUES. HIT--PLUS NEWS Dare Devifi of Lines! BIG BOY WILLIAMS "Crashing Thru' Danger" ROY WALKER'-- SAtLY BLANK TODAY TUES. They're at It Again! Those boisterous.

Boys up to their necti in trouble'' in a battle of hexcxl EXTRA-r-3 Comedies No. 1. Vera No.j2.' Sterling No. The 3 JUNE HAVER MARK SIEYEIS NANCY COIEMAlT-MICHAEIO'SHEA IMOKY A I I I A PLUS LATEST WORLD WIDE NEWS TODAY thro WEDS. WHY DID THEY WHISPER ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN "THE RED HOUSE?" WHAT MYSTERY DID IT HOLD? ROBINSON ION CALLISTER KM msixm- AIM DIMS -ALSO- JACK In his very own very special romance! It's got comedy, songs a ROBERT' HUTTON MARTHA VICKERS JANIS PAIGE Today Thru Thur.


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