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The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana • Page 7

Kokomo, Indiana
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THE KOTCOMO FRIDAY, AUGUST -19, 1932 SEVEN FOR THE TABLE OF THRIFTY HOUSEWIVEf SALADS AID TO COOK By Sintrr Mary It your salad Is prepared in the cool ol the morning and the lettuce washed and crisped ready to use. you will find that the meal in practically ready when you want to aerve It. Many salads must stand several before serving. Jellied naiads usually require at least two hours to become firm and may aland for 24 hours without harm. Frozen salads may be left almost indefinitely in the drawer of an electric refrigerator or may be left for five or six hours packed in ice and if the salt water Is turned off occasionally to prevent it from getting Into the molds.

Cucumber and Pineapple Salad One cucumber. 1 1-2 tablespoons cold water, 1-3 cup boiling water, 4 Uiblciipoons sugar, 4 tablenpoona vinegar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1-8 teaspoon 1 1-2 cups crushed canned pineapple, lettuce, mayonnaise, French dressing. Pure cucumber and cut In quar- tern lengthwise. Scrape out large oeeda and chop pulp. Squeeze lightly in cheesecloth and let drain few Soak gelatine in cold water for five minutes.

Dissolve in boiling water and add sugar, salt vinegar and lemon juice. When jelly begins to thicken add prepared cucumber and pineapple. Turn Into Indivlclui-l mows and let stand on Ice until chilled and (Irm. Un- mold a- serve on a bed of lettuce. Pour French ilrcmtlnK over each fruit which has stood In a heavy syrup for one hour.

Season with salt and paprika. Pack in Individual molds and covor with two thicknesses of heavy waxed paper held In place with rubber bands. Pack in three parts "Ice to one part salt and let stand three hours or longer. Or freeze in drawer of refrigerator, Unmold and serve on a bed of letlucj with French dressing combined with one-half cup cherry Havered prepared gelatine. Let the jelly begin to set before beating In the dressing.

FACTS mold and naise. garnish with mayon- frm.nn Fruit Salad One cup diced fresh fruit, 1-3 cup jfrapc fruit pulp. 1 tcoxpoon granulated gelatine. 2 tablespoons cold water. 2 tAblcspoOnfl lemon juice, 1-2 cup whipping cream, 1-2 cup, 1-8 teaspoon suit, paprika.

lettuce. Soak fiolatinft in cold water. Add lemon juice slowly and add the mlxturo to msyonmils'e dressing. Whip cream until light and gradually beat in mayonnaise. Add rMENUSi Sugar for Bomln Urged By a new formula the resisting power of cement Is being strength.

cncd with a certain proportion of ordinary cane sugar, and It Is c-d that the product will make excellent, surfacing for roads. In Czechoslovakia roads are now being built of glass for automobile traffic. A mlxturo of gloss powder and cement is spread on a damp concrete base and then saturated with water glass. The new type of road is said to be superior in withstanding wear and pressure. The mixture sets so rapidly that the roads can be opened to heavy traffic within two or three days.

Fet Bird's One of the oddest casts taken in at big London hospital was that of a pet canary which was given surgical treatment at tho SeamanV hospital, Greenwich: "My darling canary has broken Its leg In the Of the history records that while in England they could not bear being chastised wiih rods, but in New England they scourged their fellow-colonists with scorpions. The capture of wild elephants in India is sometimes effected with the assistance of tame elephants who assist the beaters to shepherd their wild kinsman into enclosures and then go in and help to subdue the protesting animals. An officer demanding, with much importunity, an audience of his General, it, grant-d, on condition that he should say only two words. He accordingly presented himself with a. petition In his hand, in which he a pension.

"Sir," said he. The ancient Mexicans believed that eclipses -'-were caused by sun and moon quarrels, In-which one or the other was breater black and blue. In olden days, a young ambassador was once received by a foreign king with the words, "Does your master lack men, he sends me a beardless "Had my Sovereign thought," answered him the ambassador, "that. merit consisted i a beard, ho would have sent you a goat." A common "No lovu lost between 'us," has entirely changed its signification. It VEGETABLE COMBINATIONS as lasteJess because It is thought- icssiy prfiparccl and served.

It is especially good in combinations account of its bland flavor. Combined with tomatoes and cheese it offnrs a well-Hovered main dish oC high food value. Summer Goud. There are several varieties As each vegetable coines.into season and becomes plentiful, its possibilities must be studied aad carefully -worked out if the homemaker receives full vaJue and benefit from it. Ves-etables provide an abun dant.

varied'and altogether satis factory dlec at low cost this time of year, if time and thought are spent in their preparation. The cooking- of combinations is a worth-while way to save work and fuel. Mild flavored vegetables especially lend themselves to this sort of cookery, -'ai- bined with a strong flavored vegetable, the result is a pleasant, and out-oMhe-ordinary whole. Turnips and potatoes are a time-honored example of such a combination. Inexpensive vegetables combined with expensive onej) frequently make it' possible to economize without sacrificing'palatobllity, Summer squash is a splendid I dish is cjuite as" desirable for cjiil- but it is often criticized ns Cor adults.

Serve It with .1 of "summer" -squash and they are good sources of vitamins. Gym- ling or "patty pan," crook-neck, and all appeal" in market about the same time and arc all delicately flavored. These varieties, which are very fine-drained and tender, are seldom peeled and seeds are not removed. It Is at this stage of their development that they are rich socrcos of vitamins. Instead ot ir-ashing or fryiny summer squash, try steaming it and serving it with a -white sauce 1 Lo which cheese has been added, This crisp vegetable salad, brown and butter sandwiches and a friiit dessert.

A squash salad Is unusual and surprisingly tasty. Boil or steam squash until tender. Drain if necessary and- cool. Reject, seeds and cut the firm -part in neat cubes: Combine with shreds of sweet jrreeh pepper and serve with sliced tomatoes on a lettuce. Alternate layers of sauted, squash and tomatoes are seasoned with minced onion and celery, topped with grated cheese and baked in a moderate oven for 20 minutes to make appetizing baked dish.

A BOOK-JACKET TABLE, COOKING VEGETABLES. If you want a decorative card table save the gayest jackets on your- new books, and paste them, perfectly flat, over the surface of the table. Sometimes it Is wise to use heavy paper as a basis for them. The" effect isn't too bizarre to be Interesting. The black and white surfaces of the cards will show up quite 'as well against the colorfulness as against the usual background.

TRY A TRIBUNE WANT AD Vegetables will cook more quickly and retain their flavor better if they are placed in boiling water, instead of cold water, for Fruit Diet for Arrangements have been made to establish several "fruitarian hospitals" in London to specialize in healing by and medicines of fruit and fruit Juices. These will be the first ol their kind In London, although they have been, tried elsewhere in England. Inally implied that there was no grain of love loft ungarnei-ed: the meaning oC today is that there Is no love to lose, that Ls, no love exists. There Is a. story of un English WALTER E.

REMY CASH GROCERY 1301 N. Wabash St. KIRMA Member Dial 2159 wlrework of Its cage, please nobleman ignorant that being nomcthlng Cor it." a wonmn appealed to the wurscon In charge. The delicate leg of the bird presented unusual difficulties, but he succeeded in sotting It after working for an hour. told at Sir Matthew wrote St.

Matthews Goapcl. he not only believed It In hia will a large sum of money to Sir Matthew to be by him distributed amo' the poor. IJv Alrxumlnr Gcoree AN AUGUST SITVDAV Orange Juice Son Cookctl ECKS Broiled Encon Coffer CalCf. Cotfec I Dln-cr Roast Vent and Browned Potatoes Buttered Squanh Bread Butter Groen VeKctabln Snlncl Cantaloupe Supper Veal Sandwiches Pickles Chocolate' Calte Iced Tea Coffoe Cuke (Serve with hot beverages) 1 cnko yeast- ttible.ipoonH lukewarm water teaspoon Vi cup nugar -i cup wiuer Vi cup milk Vi cup fftt cup 2 ctrtrs rupH flour Crumble yeast mid add lukewarm water and milk, and when hot add fat. and cool until lukewarm.

Add to yciwt. Add Vi tho flour and rest of Ingredients. Beat 2 mimitos. Adtl remaining Mix well and plnce in bowl. Cover with cloth n.nd let rise In warm place i dough hns doubled In size.

Place In shallow groused pnn. Cover with and 1st rise until doubled in size. Spread with sulfur mixture and bake 30 minutes In moderate oven. Sulfur Mixture 3 tablespoons butter cup brown -sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mix and sprinkle on top tho. dough.

Paris DrMJilnjr (For vegetable salads) 1 tca-spoon aalt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon paprika 1. teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons catsup 2 horseradish 3 tablespoons vinegar i 1 cup salad oil Mix Ingredient''in wide mouthed bottlo or fruit jar. Cover tightly i and shake 3 minutes. Chill. Shake well and servo on salads which have been nranged on plates.

This! dressing will keep Indefinitely if I stored In.a cold place. i FRITCHEY ANDERSON VVHOLESAUB AJVD RETAIL Fruits -Vegetables- Meats 107-9-11 S. Washington Phone 5082 DAT A Trt Med size 10c I I UKL9 u. S. No.

pk. I4c Bananas Vlnc Solld 6 ibs. 25C ptT A CHEAT-JEST IrtICE IN TOWN (XV JT E.MV*I QUALITY PEACHES ALL WI512K Apples 'eHlthles--Muklen IlliiiJi 1U At)C Kre.h 4 25C Lemons Soll(1 Mc(lhiiii Slw dw JQC ORANGES PLUMS MELONS Green Beans lh 5(j Cukes 2 5C Pickling Vinegar Fllll 8lrejirMl ffal 23C QUALITY-- FREE-DELIVERY KIRMA Groceries Fresh and Smoked Meats Creamery Butter 21C Fresh Cottage Butts Kmuslill(f lh 10c Pork Steak Pork Liver or riccc Cored-- riwc 7c Hamburger --cL ml 2 15C KIRMA We Give Tickets KIRMA KIRMA i i i KIRMA J3M Flnnc releasing toy parachutes from an airplane at a Louth, Eag- Cctc. Mrs. G.

C. Cftrr-Grcgg jiccldently threw out her hanclbajr contninlnff more than 5500, representing pennies that had been collected, one'for eftch mile of recent tour matlc by General and Mrs. Higgins of the Salvation Army. The was found later, tut the money woe gone. Carr-Gregg made good the amount, flying 'to London to present It to General HiRglns.

ARMSTRONG'S FRUIT STAND Peaches Saturday 90 Bushel Basket. (ictivlics 111 Me. CarloRd at Missouri wntermtlons. we have lota of other, Corner Park Wnshlnicton Phone FOLLOW UP SALE TWO BIG BARGAIN DAYS--Prices Worth While. A visit to our store will convince you.

THIS IS THE STORE THAT PLEASES ALL SUGAR, pure '-j COFFEE, a real 17 1 cane, 25 tpl.JLlJ treat, Ib 1 FLOUR, 24 lb. OLIVES, full rtr quart Z)O( COOKIES assorted, lb JLO( CRACKERS -trj. 2 Lb. 1 BROOMS, a real Or one, each Mt)i SUGAR. powdered, 3 SOAP CHIPS lb.

box SOAP white dry, 10 bare. PEACHES, No. 2 can halves or sliced 2 cans CORN MEAL white, 5 Iba. 23c lOc Fresh Fruits Vegetables BANANAS--Large Yellow Fruit WATERMELONS, Large 20c CELERY, Fancy 3 Stalks DC TOMATOES for pres'ing, 7 lb bas. GREEN BEANS stringiest, 4 CORN, Golden Bantam, dozen BLACKBERRIES f)R ft 2 quarts CABBAGE, solid 1 A heads, 5 Special InOurMeat Dept.

BACON, squares SAUSAGE, pure pork, 2 lbs. DC OLEO, nut; 3 Lbi. PICNICS i Kingan, lb. HAM, center slicei, slice Also have Tender Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork and full line Cheese and Luncheon MeaU. SWAN FOOD MARKET AS TORE WITHOUT NAME Buckeye With a 14c Saturday Specials Kirk's" Hard Water or Camay Soap 3 Palm Olive and 1 Box Super Suds.

5 Lb. Box Clean Quick Soap Chips Gold Dust Scouring Powder, 2 for. Waldorf or Seltex Toilet Paper, 3 for Tall Nutro or Small Nutro Prepared Mustard, 7 oz. tumbler 5e Prepared Mustard, quart jar 15c Argo Starch, 2 boxes 15i Rice Crispies, Post Bran or Pep Large Can Libby Apple Butter. 15tf Large Can Silverdale Peaches 15 Large Can Hominy or Kraut, 2 for 15i No.

2 Size Corn and Peas, 2 for No. 730 Coffee or 3 lbs, for 53i Best Rio Coffee, 2 Ibs. for Peaburry Coffee 18f! Our Special City Club 23i Chase Sanborn, or Phoenix Coffee 33c Little Elf Cake Flour Little Elf Hard Wheat Flour, 24 Ibs. for Best Pastry Flour 5 Ibs. for or 10 Ifas.

for. Best Pastry Flour 24 Ibs. for Home Grown Potatoes, peck I5f fancy, large stalk, or 2 to 4 in bunch 10t Pure Pork Lard, 2 Ibs. for 15i or 5 Ibs Dairy Product Butter Wabash Valley, Cloverleaf or Perfection. Nut Oleo Standard.

9 Good Sugar Cured Bacon .12 Good Sugar Cured Bacon, squares. Sugar Cured Ham, half or whole Shoulder Pork Roast Baby Beef Roast Minced Ham Bologna or'Trankorts All Pork Sausage, 2 Ibs. for UEHLED BRQS.INC. IV 217 N. SATURDAY Phone Main SPECIALS 6015 Beef Pot Roast 8-12- 14c Nut Oleo 3 Ibu 25c Butter B-BCoffee 31hs 49c Boiled Sh'lder 20c Pork Liver I 8c Cream Cheese I5c Some Real BHSIIPR OCK BEST GRADE '0 BETTER BACON lie We Sell Inspected Whole Pork Shoulder 870 Round or Sirloin Steak Pork Loin Roast lb avp lbs.

Sausage or Hamburger Smoked Picnics A IOC Steak 150 1 Chops IOC tin" Chdp 8 15 PURE LARD AT COST Chunk Bacon MEAT MARKET PLUMMER --GARRISON Saturday Specials The Lu-fext DUpUj- of McaU In City I I A I PHONE 6981 Pure Lard J5JJJ" 8 and Tied PICNICS Smoked Half or Whole, lb. Beef Chuck Roasts lb Spare Ribs 3c lb 2Lbs. Pork Liver 7c Swiss Steaks llc lb SAUSAGE 5e lb Short Steaks 12c lb Pork Chops 10c lb Boneless Cubed Steaks 15c lb Bacon Squares 7c lb Pork or Beef Hearts Pork Roasts 8c lb 2 Ibs. NUT OLEO 15c Machine Sliced BACON GOODLUCK OLEOMARGARINE Lbs. for A BLEND Try It! Good Luck Mayonnaise No Oily Taate More Eggs Less Oil Va Pint Try Trading at An Irsa Store independent Retail Grocers Association All IRGKA, Grocers are'now.


19c PHOENIX COFFEE 33c IRGA COFFEE POST BRAN FLAKES 28c lOc HARDWATER TOILET SOAP, a We've line for the children. A itory bood o( with each pur- chime o( KEIXOGG'S BICE KRISPIES 9c Pork Beans, No. 2 1 9c Betty Baker Flour, 12 Made by the Makers of Soda Crackers, lb Grandulated Sugar, 5 lbs 24c Bananas, lb 5c Potatoes; peck Cabbage, 2 lbs 5c MEAT BUTTER--Cloverleaf or Wabash Valley, lb NUT OLEOMARGARINE 4 2 FRANKS lb 9c PURE LARD 15c BACON 2 25c BEEF ROAST 14c CREDIT TALKS--Why not pay your grocers up in full today; he needs the money to keep these prices low for you. It is your most important account. AERNE BROTHERS L125 E.

Mnrkland Phone 34H2 J. W.iCAROTHERS CO. 1235 S. Buckeye. Phone 41B1 MARTIN COADY 524 South Cnlon Phone, 31X1 R.

C. DENSBORNE IMS X. Kennedy JPhone 4385 JOE AERNE J10 S. Jny St GEORGE W. McCOY Indlaru- 1 FRAZIER BROTHERS Markland Park L'bnne S83t L.

J. WH1TACRE CO. Emit Bnwdwuy. Phone 81IW F. F.

HUNT 519. Park Phvat M71 WALTER WENGER 1006 Wafthlnfton, Phone 7181 WILLIAM STYCH Mi E. North St. Pboite CITY PARK GROCERY 1452 S. WfthMh Phone AMS.

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