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Daily News du lieu suivant : New York, New York • 41

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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DAILY NEWS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1934 Jf 2 KIT 1A Sn IS13 Heads Up! Soccer Champs Win PALETTE By PAUL GALLICO Jim Leonard Leads Philly In Grid Upset By JACK MILEY. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2, THERE was so much drama, tension, interest and excitement in the Army-Navy game at Franklin Field last Saturday that there was but little time and space to tell of the amazing color of the spectacle. Wind and weather and nature set the scene.

Of all the Army-Navy games I have seen, this was by far the most beautiful and the most awesome. Almost every mood of nature was reflected before the afternoon was over. There was sunshine and rain and a roaring windstorm, and there were those curious half lights and mock twilights that alternatingly illuminated and changed the scenes and colorings inside the gigantic fortress of the field. There was one weird moment of flatness such as I have never seen before, in which, due to the way the light struck from the storm overhead, and the mud that covered the football men from head to toe and rendered them all an even, ghostly gray, the whole scene resembled nothing so much as a photographic negative. Everything was inverted.

Blacks were white, whites were black, and the gray men running on the field shining with mud and water looked like the negative film one sees run through in the cutting rooms of the newsreel studios. f'l I -V vi I It was a case of the man biting the dog when the proud and mighty New York Giants, one of the two strongest outfits in pro football, were humbled, 6 0. by the lowly Philadelphia Eagles before a crowd of more than 12,000 appreciative fans at Daker Bowl this afternoon. Thump Mieth, Newark Germans right halfback, heads ball out of danger. tircaLnf up Brookhattan attack at Starlight Park yesterday.

II ih mates lost pro soccer league match. 4 to 1. Brookhattans are city champions. mat it matters that your Giants were beaten, for as the acknowledged leaders of the National Professional Football League's Eastern Division thej will play the Chicago Bears for the championship next Sunday. But when the fourth-place Eagles, who are to their game what the Phutile Phillies are to baseball, knock them otf on the eve of their title tilt, this setback scarcely adds to the prestige of Tim Mara's Polo Grounds pets.

But the prettiest trick of all was played by the crowd shortly before the start of the game when the sun was blotted out by black clouds that came whirling down out of the West, forerunners and mesesngers of a cloudburst. With the first slanting dash of rain, the massed thousands on the sides of the stadium turned themselves into a tapestry woven of colors as the ladies doned their colored rain capes against the downoour. Powder and marine blues mere the prevailing colors with sprinklings of reds, greens, yellows and whites. The West stand, whose bleacher sides rise less steeply than the North and South fortress walls, resembled a tulip bed in Holland in in Springtime. The colors were so clear and sharp, and well defined.

Jim Leonard the Villain. WARRING REDSKINS RAID DODGERS 3-3 tff Currry.niptit of The Sew-) Dec. 2. Boston's Redskins, owned by Play-loy Grge Marshall, a pagan Broadway celebrity, won their first game in history from Brooklyn's Dodgers by 13 ta 3 before BJ.000 frigid fans here this afternoon. It was one of the hardest games of the season.

Tackling was spine cracking and blocking was performed with gusto. The boys went to it hammer and tongs and neither side Stopped until dusk crept into the Red Sox orchard. Brooklyn could make little hal-' Way ripping up the turf. When ScfllpCfJ! I the Dixlirrs went into the air their i Sunlight is not the best friend to true colors, but rather that gray half-light that turned the gigantic football stadium into a Bastille, a Bastille whose high, ominous sides appeared to be covered with flowers. There were so many beautiful sights that day that it left one breathless as miracle after miracle unfolded.

There was that storm tortured sky to the west seen over the grim ramparts of the stadium, with three ships flying formation against the black, billowing clouds, while to the east the sun still sent slanting raya I'--' i frActrs Vieree wires, WArres wech W-bCK, 1W Qitm MEN ON THE- Fl.D OF Mu5 AND VWTEft. thrusts bourne-ranged. Pug Rentier, former Northwestern star An uncouth fellow named Jim Leonard, who learned his trade from the master Knute Rockne out at Xotre Dame, was the cause of our undoing. This stalwart sipnal caller, who didn't seem to realize that we'd journeyed here merely for a bit of exercise on a quiet Sabbath, had the temerity to make a touchdown after he and his treacherous associates had marched 7 yards to our froal stripe in the second period of play. This cad and bounder Leonard was aided and abetted by Ed Storm, Roeer Kirkman and Joe Carter in a running and passing attack that brought the Eagles down field from their own 24-yard line.

The damage was done in this manner: Leonard darted through the big red forward wall for five yards and Storm sliced off tackle for a yard or so. Then Leonard nearly FILM. fjrhered in three Dodger aerials mix-1 McPhail and Edwards took Car of two others. AH rive intercept ions brought sudden endings threatened advances. The Dodgers are rH pitching to the wrong RednLins Air-Minded.

I Tim. Kr.lrkNS IHMH.KKH i Vxlour RiMrll V. Kajward Luhratut U-h I 1' ft ir Morri'M-! I I K. i Wn nrik-a R. O'Brira Fl i K.

Brtkrf I' um-k rrt lnntEmr I richt Mnrlmal Knlwl Hmn I lfl Korrit i nM.rn KriMiklva 3 Tii-hdow MrPhntl. Point ftrr tain-hdown Mc fhail. VirH krrrhvikl IptmnrMO. Krtfrr HiUiM HiHri; umpire n-t-n lkp; linrntMn J. Hnnnrwi Th.

Redskin air clicked. Wvcolf rirled to riving Gv to the earth and illuminated the massed throngs in the east stand like a stage set lit by spotlights from the balcony. There were all the phenomena of light as the storm drew its dark mantle across the sky, and there was, too, that moment after the game when the corps of midshipmen swarmed across the field to serenade the cadet corps which, obeying the ancient etiquette of the series, remained seated solidly in the stands. the ta 1 end of the first that covered 45 yards fcattles a period a Md pro. (Continued on page 1,8 Touchdown! six points.

Han's rang it up to seven when panted via placement. gesture of the that bore fruit came in nd chukker. It came from toe of Ralph Ker-i i wa one of the greatest ii- ot the season in Bean- be The the thi Cheai field g-, It was then growing dusk. The East was still dark with the passage of the rain, but the West had brightened and broken. If one half closed one's eyes and looked down, one saw an immense, nodding patch of daisies growing beneath an old slate walL These were the white spots of the caps of the midshipmen grouped beneath the gray-clad West Point Corps.

Football in the mud is a much more fluid and rhythmic game to watch than on a dry field because the patterns that are begun by the evolutions and intentions of the twenty-two men do not come to a stop as abruptly as they do where the turf is solid and sure. The pile-ups dissolve in the grease and the ball carriers move to some sort of completion, either forward or backward depending up on how hard they are hit until they skid gently to a stop. Blockers, too, sent through to take out the secondary, instead of falling in a heap as they missed, would slide gracefully on their chests for five and six yards at a clip, like streamers thrown out from the central mass. But it must have been profoundly uncomfortable for the players. One more startling note of color.

"At the end of one of the plays, a Navy man arose and walked toward the sidelines. He was gray from head to foot, his helmet, his face, his jersey, pants, and legs, were veiled in mud. But he held his left hand out to the sidelines to his bench, and that hand was pure bright red as though he held in it a piece of colored paper. It was blood. ta A b'-i't was the Fenway Pa -k at the time Kenthevai aim on his 4t yard line.

His pendulum swinsr arch 'd the spheif into the wind and it sailed straight through the alabaster tranows. Pun Pave-. Wav for Score. Thus the tally stand through the tir-t three essions. Pusr Eent-tir the setup for the! Kdkin cnre in the fourth chapter.

The old Northwestern ace fanned a Montgomery pass deep in Ked-kin territory and did a ttht rop- up the sideline to the IKtdirers yard line before Re was planted. Wright ripped the heart of the Dodder frontier to he til yard mark. Flave Tosi snatched an over-center pass and had his leif sick'ed from under at the two foot mark. The Dodders braced on the tirt buck, but McPhaii bashed it across on the next venture. The pot point i orf target and that was the win (up of a battle.

clot th Beaton a Jimillutioned and JiterediteJ prophet, far down in the standing. But one cherished prediction came through for which I am willing to cry quits and receipted in full. Tulan heat Louisana State. The football has a funny shape. So apparently has the skull of Ko Ko Long, the Lord High Executioner of Louisiana Tsk, tsk, tth! Off with their heads, Ko Ko.

I'opjriKtat: 1134: by Chioaeo Tribune New York News Syndicate Inc.) OPEN NEW GYM LABASCI AT STAR Another foreign wrestling im-, portation will be seen in action JUST SlJrS Bfi Amateur and professional boxing bouts will feature the opening of a newly equipped gymnasium at the Heckscher Foundation tomorrow night. Leaders in all sports have been invited to attend. DO Ol HOC THE 5FOT LIGHT? few avJW B'ak vs mhmvt tSmt mmMmlmm Th- tmimrtnmttmm 8m- im 2 St I. V. v- Thursday right when Salvatore Labasci of Italy meets Andy Meix-rer in one of the limit wrestling exhibitions- at Star Casino..

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