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The Democrat from Wichita, Kansas • 4

The Democrati
Wichita, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ti 1C MIKKOK: 1HH1). 4 LEGAL BRIEFS. (t 0 THEY SAY 'I'luit eastern capitalist are again heading this way, I PROCLAMATION "Oh! wonderful, wonderful and most wonderful wonderful! and yot aiiain won-derful, and afler that out ol' all whooping!" tho above from Shako- Tho public aro quoting spearo, in reierouco r-o uio To bo given away to their customers by Locke Loper, tho shoo men. Tho following-is tho "proclamation" issued by those enterprising business men: i rY' Vx gwi xrirjrwmt i Puriiip the next four weeks every icron imn liiiKlnif from our Btorc piilr of Hoots, Shoes, Slippers or Rubbers, will receive it numbered ticket which entitles thorn to a place among the pcisons to he selected Irom. Separate cards with numbers corresponding to those on every ticket given out, will he placed In ii closed stiek, mill after they am thoroughly mixed, a little child or some disinterested person ill draw a nunihereil rani from the sack.

Whoever holds the ticket It i fit corresponds ilh the card so drawn will receive a beautiful oil painting framed complete. The paintings are now on exhibition at our store. See them. Also our New stock of BOOTS and SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, etc, winch we are prepared to furnish at Prices Lower than the lowest. HiOCK.ES LOPER, 157 North Maui Street, cor.

of First Wichita Kansas- First jointing to bo given away Monday April seeoml, May third May L'; fourth. May 20. The paintings will be given out Monday of each week at m. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, OUT CV TUP TinPnV r.nPTiV i bumt tii button oirrutbcrthan UU1 U1 1UrjI1UrtJJX the dignity of the court and yot it SPRIKG 1 UL 7 LU SJMMER 1B89 b.f. DljUiVMO DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, I'ast Douglas Avenue.

THE PUBLIC'S GRAND OPPORTUNITY. Prices That will Proclaim Good Will to all Mankind. (li'l our lako a general survey of 1 1 1 ci ikiiiiiiuihii OK H. lutlf ill tli ilintni't court. In an hiIk-Ill lii-nt Mend limy not know Hell.

I When mi tlm liineii liln feature, Iikti mi April ily, liy turn liccointi ntnniiy imtli wuum of Samoa or lu warm Han Klimiiig niiii'lnne. dim limy upprMprinlely my lie In a moody miHii hut, witlinl, (In! judge carries a liirge, warm lienrl an miMeptllde to the touch ol nj uipatliy as a clill'l'h; i not ton no lu iiiiiiiilnin that I llniiiienii ri'iiiialt In the aduiiiiMriiliiiii or iih-tii'ii. A (dear lirnd lia made liim Jnnt Jieltfo, 'Mm faith thut removes iiioniitiilna hna hia Judicial i) on Ills rourt docket until the, Mioiiii-t ni in of litigation are. melting away aul tlm I Judge begins to through tlm manidi'il iniiin-: mlea nf the motion docket, (ai up for thn moat part by piiiitiM-l to Impute ami dlHeonriig llti-' glint) ami ni rom tho valley of thu gid Jphoaa-I i'luit, wiii ro a akrletoii army of fortclonurna rlH to ilo him haithi, wlili li, when alain, will not iroiliii' eiioiiah llnnncinl oil to lulirlcato the riinnliiK Ki'ara of a Kati lild. Nnxttlie IiiiIkh will review tvio-thlnla of thn Jinliiiifnla romlnriMl by tl.B anveral JuatlKca of tlmcouiity ill thu two yearn ainl iMiiiillininit the Jiii--lli'i a hv Hill ii i i i ahniity niln ly-liillli oik of fvery humlri'il of thtt JtiilKininta, vihieh liavw bi'ei) aiirali'( by the li'lnllinta liiiily to coil, vlni'u thn ilnliitllla that twclvo ci'iit ia inori' iroiuiioin on a iwo year iiivraiiiniii man the pa'ineiit of thn irim iial ill ciiih lliivinx aui'i'i'HRiiiuy MfroiiiiiniiiMi una worn tlm Jielk'n limy 1'ontirntiiliiln himself that hit Ium "IoiikIiI a )iooi dKlit," ami on tlm aliore of 1 i I I'aiatlc, in tlm Kubli'ii iiiiiHliiiin of gomt will inliy ri'xt from hia inborn, or, itoiliiiK tlm iinlli'inl i riniiii'.

may nitnin whet his blaile for the eoiitest amoiiK tin' utriunii lori i'S of tlm Imr lnlr)inK to ron-V i mrt bin amiceaaor tluit tin; other fellow's client blioiil'l lie lini. v'im I fur i in iih ii upon tlm court, bj iioiei-utiin or ilcleii'liiix co iinjunt a eniist, ami in seeurinj? for liia client a position of mint ly Hplc'nilor. Ibiblerxlon, of tlm common ileas Court, i ltd bis kiiou liitu lii ail mill biK, Jolly face. carries uilli biin it htuck of gooil humor which IuihIics ilsi'lf down midur bin vi as though Hiircuiln llhi-ir aniong the bur in. if tn ey, "you i inay chcIi tukt' jour vliHre," mnl niBkcs one Icul, wl, en Judicially tut iloun upon, as thougli tlm court inteii'li it to confer uu i'ic ciid favor on thu ci'UhIiciI Thn JikIko, owing to liia lorini active political imbits, limit, great illlllcalty In keeping "lunula on," but hen his friends "nlii theircRKtors into the ring" be has his coat off anil uleevcs lip lo hce that the I'riuul '-ii, ueio ue.

utis unit 10 'Ml. coKiuiie. lie uieuiiH uiisinesB ail the tune ami the bar ''kind o' likes it." lie took occasion on the morning of the opening ol bin court to assure tlm members oi the bar that in all niattera before hi in, they should have a pntient ami ruhpeetlul hearing; that though tome of them had tried to put the knife in under the Bhtirt rib ilurinv hia candidacy, they need not expect to die the lirst time tliep appeared in court they mirflit btill look at thu Court and livu. II stated that bis court was organized fur biiHines9, and he intended to iimke the mill grind, and he has kept his word, although his eiilirt uu 'r! mil ...1 r.tli,, I.ivtr at its llrst term, nearly all tho cases traiibferred from the district court beinu jury cases. The practical ay of the Judge 1b rapidly inKratiat- Ing him into the good will of the bar, and when he gets a jury next term we may expect to see him "let go the dogs of war" in the common pleas court, and the legal oscillation, between the common pleas court and thu district court, ill be an Interesting process for the attorneys, espuciully those whose partnerships consiat of their front and rearnames.

TO 111: CONT1M EU.J A Great Bargain. A gentle driving horse and top buggy for sale also a first-class fresh milch ct vv. A great, bargain for anybody desiring to invest in this line. Call at Smith Stover's or at Campbell avenue, West Side. No Sacrifice Sales.

We have no sacrilice sales, no closing out sales, no days for special bargains, but we are here six days in the week to show our customers the finest grades of; wall paper and art goods ever brought to this market. Everything of the newest designs. We invite an inspec-; tion of our goods, feeling satisfied that i if you call once you will call again. We employ none but skilled workmen and i give estimates on all work. Remember I the place and don fail to call, SNortb Easter.

Several of the stores in Wichita have fixed up displays for Easter, Prominent among them is the St. Louis Progressive Fancy Grocery company. 1 North Market street, who have their window handsomely dressed. In tne center is a pyramid or mound containing fruits, flowers and grain, some of which are just beginning to sprout. Hanked up against the mound are wreaths of flowers and a eross.

Scattered through the window on each side of lie mound are nests of eggs of va- rlous kinds nnd colors. In the back- ground is a high pyramid of canned fruits while apple blossoms, are tastefully arranged. It seems the Easter hens have tried in many cases to hide their eggs as peeping out from behind stacks of brooms are several nests tilled with eggs, while here and there is seen a rabbit pcvplng around the corner. The upper window is handsomely dressed with evergreens while tne word "Welcome" is displayed in the back- 1 lie eliccl 01 iue note pleasing and needs to be seen to be ap- Oreeiated. S.1I ION" Main Stiwt, Our continuous cllort? to place real bona fide bar-trains licforo tho public lias ilaccd us as the leading liarain Ilousfi of Wichita.

Whon we 'say leading, we do not mean I that wo cover as much igruind as fomc others, but we assert, mora bargains each and every day can be found 1 at (ur great DOUGL'AS AVENUE BAZAR, jthan in anv Iioubc in Wich- ita. (Jur assertions we prove; we do not want you to tak our word, wet want you to see for yourself. Ladies.u rare chance is now offered you. We chiKi out an entire line of Ladies' and Misses' Gloves; they are plain and embroidered black, frame isle, real Lisle, spruce silk, Taffeta's Herlins, in any imaginable fdiade. The popular Green will be in various shades.

COMMENCING 'JTESDAY, APRIL 23, and will continue all week if they last, doxeti (or 'M pairs tiloves) Ladies' and Misses', not one pair worth less than and some are worth 50 and GO cents. Wu will let you have them VI cents a pair. In our Millinery Department we have our Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats marked in proportion to our Small percent prolit system. We charge you nothing for trimming a Hat, and you will find your Millinery from 25 to 50 per cent less than elsewhere. Look through and satisfy yourself.

A SPECIAL BARGAIN In our Dress Goods Department for the benefit of our Mirror readers. 10 pieces 40-incb, all wool Henriettas, worth .05 cents, can be had in all the late shades, this week at 49 cents a yard. M.B.COIIX, GLOBE, 418 Douglas Mr. Whitman's Reception. Riitlit rorally, as one whom the people delight to honor, was Albery Whitman entertained by his people on Thursday evening.

The array of local talent was no less frnrprisin? than the fact that the best sininj: of the oeeasion was by the purest African types. Mr. Jennie Stanton's roice is one of delicious melody and met with, slad approval. The poet, following a hearty in-) troductory address by Mrs. Naomi Anderson, spoke poetically and logically upon ''The Kace 'Problem," disclosing a rare knowledge of its real nature and only true solution, Mr.

Whitman, unique as a poet, rejoices in the fact ofbe- lng the Patriarch of A t'rico-American poetry. His first work was uraised by Brvant and other distinguished men of letters. Among other noticeable features, here all was good, was Mrs. Alexander's original poem, Mrs. Whit- man's rendition of his Stonewall Jackson, Miss M.

Perry's song and the "Whitman Graces" who won all hearts by their sw eet appearance and infantile grace. Sir. Whitman is now en-: gaged upou a revision and dramatization of his work "Not a Man and Yet a Man" kindred in its scope to I'ncle Tom's Cabin. It told in po-, etic imagery, and in the bands of Wichita amateurs, ill be a winning card. With a becoming modesty Mr.

W. will ii 1 1 a spherpof en-; during usefulness in future political and literary arena. P. Another Proclamation. This is not a new proclamation from President Harrison declaring the remainder of Oklahoma opened to settlement, but G.

F. Becker proclaims to the people of Wichita and to the rest of mankind including Oklahoma, that his spring and summer stock of dry goods, forms the finesfand most varied display that has ever been made cere. He announces through the columns of the Mikkok this mornicg that he has no 'special drives'! no "grand openings," nothing of this kind, but customers receive bargains every day in the eek, from Monday morning until Saturday night. You can find everything you want at Becker's in the line of goods, hite goods, furnishing good, in fact everything at prices to suit the times and the dimensions of pocket books. To be thoroughly convinced of all these truths call in at Becker's, 2A) East Douglas avenue.

Inspect the goods. Learn the prices. Don't be afraid to ask questions. A stock of the finest goods in the city for ladies spring and summer wear. Fietnres fine enough to ornament any parlor in the land at Voting and all going like hot cakes for a very amount of money.

If you don't ant the picture ask for k-ture frames or pk-ture inoaMhgs. Tfce stock is varied, and is ti Lrgost in the city. Remember the 1 1 are N'ortb Man street. That tlm majority of thn trampn have heeii driven from the city 'i'luit Vie. ('ole proposes to open up a lii hotel In Oklahoma That a search warrant khoulil In issued for thn cremator.

a That April Is dlfplaylnjr her tiBual amount of smiles ami tears. That there, in rellahlfi talk of more paeklnn; houses comlnjf tliis way. That the old soldiers Oklahoma colony will ko into camp near Ft. Ueno. That tho new Justices' are all getting aloiiK moderately well as law students.

That Jay Gould is trying to come thft Kplder atl(l tllR IIV a III j. on the Santa That the hanks report a mihstantial increase, in liuiiincss during the past week. That a Smart Aleck the original garden of lioma. Iiuh If covered Kden In Okla- That the hotel creased amount past two weeks. registers rIiow an In- of travel during the That as yet, there Is only a limited supply of milk and honey In the promised land.

That it is now about time for Wichita to get up the annual Gueda Springs: colony. That many of the gamblers have transporting green ciotu to (Jklahoi)ia 1 1 That there are distinguished citizens now in Wichita who never speak as) they pass by. That some men never know that they hate been hit by the engine until the train has passed by. That a colony of disjointed joint keePers wil1 lll0Ve out this Week. for Oklahoma Tli at Mr.

L. C. Jackson reports splendid progress in the work of putting down sewer pipe. That three covered wagons loaded with coffins passed through the city for Oklahoma yesterday. That in less than ninety days there will be another whirl in Wichita real estate, but not a boom.

That the Kansas City Times has stopped booming Oklahoma and will now give old Missouri a whirl. That the new police commissioners propose to disinfect that modern hellhole known as the "i'ive Points." That the man who tries to hold up creation will, nine times out of ten, get badly left in bis undertaking. That prairie schooners entering the Territory should beware of quicksands when they approach the banks of the North Canadian. i That enterprising capitalists of Wichita are making arrangements to extend and improve the street ear service. That some modern civilizer should come to the front and tell us of the fate of 70,000 Indians hen 200,000 boomers get into Oklahoma.

That a rouglas avenue physician diagnosed a case a few days since, and called it softening of the brain and enlargement of the gall. That real estate agents have again commenced smiling to such an extent that they can leave the prints of both ears in a pumpkin pie. That the settlement of Oklahoma will produce another crop of "Hiitlalo Bills," Texas Jacks and other long-haired gentlemen with leather hat bands. That the proposed plut.s for beautifying the parks we now have, and the formation of others, shoulJ receive the immediate attention of the authorities. That the theatric il season is draw ing to a close and some of the actors have already commenced drawing up new maps of tree lunch routes in New York.

The more fortunate ones, of course will go to the seashore. A Larg-e Silver Dollai Will be paid a a re a ard to any person who is anxious to purchase fine Imported finfenswar-. if C. K. Fion at atr.ue cannot take the gor-ulne at pricts tli -it will astonish m.

and I the nc'rnbors. Wall i'frer. at fat tee A Mirtin's art store i i 1 I ask questions. If you don't see what you want, Cull for it. We have no days for special sales, hut have special bargains six days in tho week for all customers Prices to suit times and dimensions of pocket-hooks.

Head SomeoHIie Prices and bo Convinced. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS! All New, Clean Goods; none carried over from last Benson. The Largest Stock to select from. The Lowest Prices. The Correct Styles.

A Few Specialties for the Coming Week. 100 '22-inch Plain Surah SilK Couching Parasols, all the new colors. Oik'; regular Price 200 22-Inch Plain Surah Silk Parasols, with oxidi.ed silver handles, worlh $2.75. 75 22-incli Fancy l'h'id Satin Coaching Parasols, Mack grounds. This same quality sold last soason at $5, Our price, $2.25 A full and complete assort meiit of Parasols and Umbrellas in all lie newest styles and coloring, from the cheapest to the latest novelties out.

HOSIERY. Ladies' Richelieu Ribbed French LUle Hose, in Mack, tans and a great variety of fancy shades, at -10c; regular price 75c. 12 l-2c a pair for Ladies' full regular made Fancy Striped Cotton Hose; usual price 25c, UNDERWEAR. One case Ladies' Jersey Fitting Gauze Vests, 115c each, or ttiree fur wortli 50c each. O- Each lor Ladies' White and Ecru Lisle Thread Swiss Ribbed T.Oj Vests witli silk tapes; worth (Ilk! Fine line Ladies' Muslin 25c on the dollar cheaper than any other house In the city.

FLANNEL SHIRTS. New styles mid colorings. Gents Fancy French Flannel Shirts, Hovs Fancy Flannel Shirts, OSc each; worth WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. We are showing a line of French Sateen such as lias never been shown In Wichita before. 501.

puttcrns to select from in Elegant Side Rands, Persian effects, black and white and solid colors. Hid piect of the very finest American Sateen In Persian and other patterns at ll)c yard. This is the quality that is being sold every-whero at 25e. See our beautiful line of French Design Sateens at lie a yard, the hatidhoincst patterns in the city. Beautiful and stylish patterns of imported Sateens 15c a yard; never known to sell for less than 25c.

L'L'O Knst Douiiias. (J. I HKCKKU. A TA1 ON TIMELY TOPICS. Si'iifortn'd Communiriil ion and Notnh on TIiIb, TliHtiuid tlm OMier Thinvr, Written for the Miuioui.

Hot iiinii mnl uniiiiiM can sew mi'l knit, Hut only a Hoiiinn luis a woiiiun's nil, -Phillips Our grandmothers art wont to snv i that the world of women has deteriorated since their girlhood, but I always feel glad to think that this remark must ho taken cum gnuio Balis in regard to many things. For Instance, in tho olden times I am sure tight lacing was more universally practiced than It is now, and It is with a feeling of thankfulness I notice the sensible footwear now so fashionable. No doubt It is because flat, low heels and braod soles are the fashion that they are worn, hut it is a sensible fashion and ane that outiht to be encouraged. Everyone knows how impossible it is to walk in tight boots. Aside from this they do not make tho foot look pretty as it was at one time imagined they did.

If one has a large foot it is not worth while to be ashamed of It, and alter all there Is much more beauty in Die shape, than ugliness in the size, of a foot. Then there are tight gloves. What Is more unlovely than a glove that makes the hand a still' automaton, or forces the llesh out Into prominence where it lias no right to be? Here again our grandmothers were at fault. One hardly every sees this sort of tiling now-a-days. Women value more and more the beauty of symetry and the i grace of pliancy, and they realize, miu'h more than they did a few years ago, the necessity of freedom of muscles and members for the accomplishment of this result.

Sh.akohtu, Wichita lias a number of young artists who are successfully journeying i along the road that leads to fame. Thev all purchase artists' material at Young; 240 North Main street. Publication Notice. In the Kistriet Court or Sedgwick county, Kan- SHU John N. Itowen, riaintilT.

VB. Ilert Thome ami II. ttennie, Defendants. To Itert Thome, the above named defendant Take notice that jou and II. liennle have been sued in the District court of Keclgttick county, Kiiiimis, by Itowen, who Hied his petition in thut court Bsaiiiht you on thetitu day of Ismi.

ami jou icunt answer that petition on or belore the letli day of June, lNi, or nod petitiou will be taken aa true and jiulciuent will be rendered Hsalnst you for nine bundled dot- l.r. .1 ma I'um mi uu. iv.i iiii ii-iii ni inr iniroi i is, twrhe per cent intercut per iinnuin on thlrty-tlx dollars from August IT, If-ss, and twidve per cent luteiert per milium on thirty- nil dollars from Kebruary 17, lsi; and twelve per cent per Annum on each thirty-nix dollars seiiii-anuuHl interest falling due alter February 17, am) for costs of I suit; and also for foreclosure of nmrt- sase on and sale without appraisement' of thu northeast ouarter th iiiitlu.M-t I quarter or the northwest quarter of seetk ilf-teeu, township twentj-scfen south of rane one u.l al.ll, 1. 1 .1 n.o, v. in.

I'm'. i'ni iiiiiiiiibii n-i uir inf i mnii in viqiiii, nui iums. us nrav eti lor in said petition. f.UCmnv Attest- Attorney ror riainiiir, f. II I i iti, Clerk the District Court.

IT is North GREAT liricos. Insnct'l the qualities. store and don't he afraid to I. A. UCHUIIAI till, Attorney.

MauulUctmt Millinery Display. nw millinery department at the Slort' holiday attire alul xvi11 rualn so, during me uiiiinK nrin. 1 1 uiHiMime ioiT eres. 1 f'stoons of ribbons, baskets of flowers Hlul I'o1Ub attendants welcomed the vt throng of ladies who crowded the rooms from early luoruinir until the closing hours. The display of millinery I goods at Hits popular store Is unusually line.

The colors are gay and the com- i bin at iocs peculiar, scvcal shades being used tui the same or hat and yet they are delicate hihI beautiful beyond description. The well known reputa- tion of this house in dress gnoiN, in hich line, it stands at the bead, is fu'! cm: sustained in tin ir slock tit signs and material. tif e- Will Reeves has the finest line of diMiitstif and imported cigars hi the city. Remember the place North Main street. 1 V.

II I-1 I l.K. Whinner. Kansas Abstract Agency. AHSTl! ACTS, LOANS, P.ON PS, A ES, PEPUIITS. Reliable Abstractors and Attorneys, Foreclose Mortgages, and Collect In-under bond.

in every County in Kansas, i terest. We make any jungle orders In Make AhMracts, Report for Loan Com-1 Foreclosure Suits, or furnish Mortga-panies and Attorncvs the coiidition of I gees desiring to bring suit, a Report of Suits and Court Procedures. lltiy and all lhcumbrunees. Sell County and Municipal Rends, Pay! Any work in our line promptly at-Tuxcs for Non-Ri siilciits. tended to in any county in the state.

Rooms 3 and 5, No. 137 N. Market St, Wichita, Kas. TKUC1 'I IONIC 373. Attention KniahU Templar.

A special invitation Is hereby extend- ed to all Sir Knights in tlie city who are not members of Mt. Olivet commandcrv appear with us and participate In our Easter services at the Prei-b) terian church today, and we earnestly request that all participants report at the Asylum in uniform promptly at LIIO p. m. and thus avoid unnecessary delays. Sir Knights possessing "Oram's Tactics" will please bring it with them, order J.

A. liot, E. C. C. E.

Mai, un, Rcc. Canned elegant lot of California canned fruits, the finest in Wichita, just opened and lor sale cheap 1 tiic St. I.cuis Pro-grcEsive Faiu-y (jrect-rj Ccmpanv, I CI Moiih Maikt-t street. IVAMHW. p-, 1 tare ol Call en PLEASURE To the people of Wichita ami vicinity to tiiul wlioro they can buy FINE MILLINERY at Popular Prices.

Styles exclusively our own and sure to please. rr I a 4 a I ')i' tl a. T- I ii 'v i It eir- i i 't 1 i ir; csr- 1 iktt 1 1 .1 r. i-m t. 1 XAT1IAX..

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