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Daily News du lieu suivant : New York, New York • 162

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY; AUGUST 1934 14 claim for back wages of Nicholas Heiser, a former employe. Sheriff Attaches Shop Closed as Heiser claimed $93.60 was due him for overtime hours he put in at Ulram's shop above the 48-hour I minimum working week allowed I I by the code. Protest to NRA Ulram's version, when he locked the door, was that he could not make a living if he charged the i code price of 50 cents for a hair Richard Ulram'i protest against the NRA yesterday by closing his Jersey City barber shop rather cut and 25 cents for a shave in a I poor neighborhood. I can open only when i can charge 30 cents for a haircut and I I I I IT 1 il- 1 1 1 Triri Tin I lliivii Bi iinij 20 cents for a shave," he said. Ulram recently appealed to Gen.

Johnson for protection against "the persecution of State code authori ties. His case, it was believed, was discussed yesterday in Washington when Johnson talked with Gov. A. i i jfe it wow ft 1 Harry Moore of New Jersey on the relation of state and ederal codes. Ehret Grandson, Student Flier, Killed in Crash Norwalk, Aug.

21 (U.R). Louis B. Conley 28, of Nor walk and New York, a grandson of the late millionaire brewer, George Ehret, was killed today when he attempted a practice landing at Norwalk airport. Conley, who purchased the plane two weeks ago and was training for a pilot's license, died at Nor walk Hospital shortly after he had been taken from the wreckage. Conley loik home was at 5 E.

96th St. The pilot's father was the late Richard I'lram, the barber with the heaviest eyebrows in the orld, ho has closed his shop because of the NRA code, than submit to code price regulations lost some of its seeming audacity last night when it became Inovvn that Irani had no legal choice. Two minutes after he locked up the shop, apparently in voluntary protest, a constable lacked a writ ef attachment on the door. The vrit was for SI 28.10, representing Col. Louis Conley of the old 69th Regiment, New York National Guard.

He left a wife, the for mer Catherine Schumann of Brooklyn. Witnesses said Conlev apparent ly banked too sharply in circling Ben ffiti--, Jkih.fe&.afe i Kii fiifilBnni i iiiitonith(ftfiiiiiiiMiiiii m)ih limlii iiii i -jfirTiflHnnrtrtnwimrwihm fiiTnir- Turf- itiitf rnwit-i niMwnfirTrrm'irt--" rm preparatory to landing. SOLID OAK! with Host Armchair ITTE Complete with Tubes for this Regular $49.50 We bought 'way ahead and bought big quantities to bring the August Sale price down so low. Every inch is solid oak! Armchair and three side chairs included. Table is exceptionally sturdy and provides ample space for six.

1 DOflA DELIVERS Hiiiinmmimii Pincli-Ploated! Ready to Hang! Stunning Fall Colors! Repp fess in HALF PMUCE rapes ii kit i) -vf I 5i 1 4i Vii 1 i V-1 I. fty "If -ft' j. 5 Only 1.50 Donn nh 6 ricQi III Ill- 1 1 I I'llj I i effects in b- ff ri'cs are i'' or ja Zudiciff Bauman Price 'Art Cath Price; the Onlw Charge for Credit a Jtenth. Regularly $8.49 Specially Sale-Priced at Baving. Interesting texture in handsome spiral repp.

50" wide. Finished length" r.J 2 yards. Patented non- REMEMBER Tfier It Only ONE ILueWIG lAUMMN sag lining. Blue, Gold, Green, Red, Rust, Wood-rose. OPEN AIV B.

ACCOUNT 35th Street EIGHTH AVENUE 36 Streef JAMAICA. Merrick Rd. Jomoico Ave 144 W. 25 STKEET, Bet. 7ih lenoa WASHINGTON 650 W.

18 St' DOWNTOWN. 41 Cortiondt Street BROOKIVN. Hoyt tlvlngston 5918 3d Bet. 151 152 Sts. 100 I.

42 Opp. Grond Cenlrol NEWARK, 5S1 him 'miirnii I ill 1 HI 'II'" Iff" III ll'ffl'TI mmmm Open Wcfliitvsclay IVight Till 9 o'clock.

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