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Brewster Gazette from Brewster, Kansas • 1

Brewster Gazettei
Brewster, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Governor. LYMAN TJ. HTMPHKEY. Lieutenant Governor, AXDliEW J. FELT, Secretary, WILLIAM HIGGIXS.

Treasurer, JAMES W. IJ A.MILTOH Auditor, TIMOTHY McCAIlTHY. Attorney General. L. B.

KELLOGG. Bupt. Public Instruction, GEO. VTIKAXS. 8enator 40th District, HILL VILSOX.

Congrcsnian 6th district, E. J. TUEKEK COUNTY OFFICERS. 6 6 THEIR BRAGS. The Democrats of the 1st district brag that if they elect Wilson, in the 3rd district this that they will and can, raise $1,000 if necessary next year in the 1st district to elect a Democrat Commissioner, so thatthe democrat party of this County will be in p'oWer and controll tha affairs of the county.

This is the tactics of that party. It lays with each and every Republican of the 3rd district to help defeat their scheme, and iil fl II III 01 I ar-sa az? y-jJj. it? toe OwTT Is headquarters Good driving Rigs of ft Stock is now complete, and will be sold at livings prices. Repairing Harness or Harness to Order a speciality. Satisfaction gnarenteed.

Givens a call. Representative-elect Tavlor Illinois, is in Washington with his bride. He says the Illinois delegation is solid for Mr. Cannon for Speaker and that they believe his chances of election are as good as any one else's. Secretary Blaine has devoted considerable time tnis week to a aigid investigation of chargesmade against W.

R. Lewis, U.S. Consul at Morocco, of extorting money from certain parties for United States protection in Algiers. Mr. Lewis, and his accusers, natives of Algiers, have been present at the investigation, the result of which: has not yet been made public.

At the farmer's institute last Friday Ben G. Rich introduced a reso. lution requesting Hon. Martin Allen, commissioner of forestry, to plant an acre of ailanthus for the purpose of experimenting with reference to its value as firewood. The resolution was unanimously adopted.

High priced fuel is one of the serious drawbacks to western Kinsas today We hope Mr. Allen will thoroughly- investigate the feasibility of tkisidaa, and that at once. WaKeeney World. BREWSTER, imp I Careful- driver acquainted with 5 alj parts of the country can accompany teams. Good sale and feed stable in connection.

Specia 1 care taken to accommodate travelers. Will close out our entire Stock of Seal, Wui City Dray No. 1, is run in ff 3 At COST for next' THIRTY Days C. C. Hem, Jlahcifjer.

The Is Published Every Day 6f the ear and is the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OP THE KORTHWEST. Price, exclusive of Sunday, by mail, postpaid Price. Sunday included, by mail, postpaid Aro AgsntsfbrtfiaCehhratsdONlTOB swivel aeared W5NBMSLLS eiihsr open or solid wheoL They Also Make A Specialty Of Borings Wells and finishing up the well with pumn windmill complete. At Prices that Defy Competition, either cash or time. We take young Cattle in Exchange.

Call on or uddress thm at Brewster or Lambom, Kansas. Parties writing us, give numlers ofland. Utspectfully, Bear Bros. the; semi-weekly inter ocean. Is published on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and besides the news condensed raCb th Daily, it contains many speciil features of great value to those 60 situated that they can not kecare'the Daily every day.

The Monday issue contains the sermons printed in The Daily Inter Ocean of the same date. THE WEEKIV INTER OCEAN. Is the Most Popular Family Newspaper published Wegt of the Alleghany Mount-mins. It owes its popularity to tha fact that it is the BEST EDITED and has the HIGHEST MTEKARY CHARACTER of any Western Publication. It is CLEAN and BRIGHT, and is the able exponent of IDEAS and FIUKCIPLES dear to the American people.

While it is broad in its philanthropy, it is FOR AMERICA AGAINST THB WORLD, and broadly claims the best service that can be done FOR MANKIND IS iO INCREASE AND MAKE PEKaANENT THE PROSPERITY OF OUR GREAT REPUBIiIC. Conscientious service in this patriotic line of duty has given it an unusual bold upon the Z.merican people. Besides, no paper excels it as a cisseminator of news. THE MARKET REPORTS ARE RELIABLE AND COMPLETE. THE NEWS OF TEE is found condensed in columns, tad the very best stories aafi THAT MOISEY CAN PURCHASE are rejralarly ound in its cvJumns.

Amonr th6 special family features' are the departments THE FARM riOME," OIvlAif'S I'IKCDOJl, and OUR CURIOSITY SHOP. On the whole, it iB A MODEL AMERICAN jSETTSPAPER, end richly deserves what it has, THE LARGEST ERCUI.ATKXN of any publication of the kind ie America. It is the best paper for the home and for the workshop. The price of 3 v7eekly is $1 OO per year The price of The Semi-weekly is S2.00 per year Tor the accommodation of its patrons the management of THE INTKK OCEAN has made arrsngremsnts to club both these editions witb THAT BRHXXAKT AMD SUC-CESSS-CIj PUBLICATION, SCRtBNSR'S MAGAZINE, Ono of the best Literary Monthlies in America, and vrhich compares favorably with ny et the older Magazines In illustrations and literary matter; THE PRICE OF THE MAGAZINE IS 33, but we WiU send THE WEEKLY ESTER OCEA1 and SCEIBNER'3 MAGAZINE, both one year, for THREE DOLLARS. Both publications for the prico of one.

THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN! and SCRBSJiER'S MAGAZINE, both one year, for FOUR DOLLARS. In the political campaign that ended in the election of HARRISON and MORTON nd THE TRIUMPH OF PROTECTION no paper had more influence than THE INTER OCEAN. It has been first, last, and always Republican, and during tho campaign came to be recognized as She LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE WEST. It wiU maintain thiB position, and wiU eiye special attention to governmental and political affairs. Bemittances maybe made at ourrisi.eitherby draft, express, order.

expresa Ofdsrs, or registered letter. Address THE INTER OCEAN.jDJiicago. 8 an1 WkVVL II, fi. 11 73 ill miwrn 11111 if i tlld 5rsrri.rn. ITin Ti Jt ft a p.

eierlr, JAMES SUMMERS. Treasurer, C. II. IIOVET. Kegister of deeds JAMES C.

pass EL. Sheriff, M. V. WITH AM, of Instruction, W. P.

SULLIVAN. A tt rr Ait .1. L.LOAiw. cierk of District Court, w. bobbins, i I7C IT I Probate Judge, himi, Representative, J.

M. STEWABDSOX, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. First District, W.II. Smith. Second DIM rict, A.J.

Seutre. TMrd District, i. M. Ball win. HALE TOWNSHIP OFFICERS.

Trustee, G. 11. STRAIN Clerk, A. HAWK Treasurer, EOLLEN HOCKKTT. Justices of the Peace, E.

L. TEMPLE, S.D. MILLER. Constables, C. Ii.


Every third Sunday; at the Brewster school house. Rev. Kinley, pastor. Union Sabbath School, every Sabbath at m. J.

V. Logan, Superintendents REPUBLICAN TICKET. For County Clerk, D. S. KARNES.

For Treasurer, J. F. ROWLAND. For Register of Deeds, JAMES PASSEL; For Sheriff; ALEX. SHO WALTER.

For Surveyor, W. H. EATON. For Coroner, SCOTT EARNER. Commissioner 3d District.


E. MEEK. For. Clerk, EDD. KOVAR.

For Treasurer. J. H. MURPHY. For Justice of the Peace, ROBERT WATERS.

For Constables, C. K. MURPHY, W.W. WATERS. Daily papers report the failure of the largest bank at Abilene, Kansas, which was also the largest in central Kan.

Its liabilities are $400,000. Real Estate speculation two years ago, was the real cause, as they got too much on their hands and could not sell. The Free Press was not satisfied with publishing a lie about Showalter being a renegade democrot. but they published another as foul a one, last week about Thompson trying to compell men who had borrowed money of him, to vote for him. A paper that will publish such lies without any foundation or authority which they can prodnce, should not be relied upon for any statement regarding a republican candidate.

The Free Press is arain trying to prejudice the voters again-t Thompson by publishing a duwnrigtit falsehood in saying that Thompson is trying to compell those who have borrowed money from him to vote icr him, or. he will make it hot for them'. The Free Press cannot produce the authority for such a statement, but it is in keeping with their policy in this campaign. Next Tuesday is election day, and every republican voter should be at polls, and vote a straight ticket, as we well know that the opposing -party will vote tlieir ticket straight. Republican party have as capable and good, or better representative men in every respect, on their ticket as have the Democrats.

For that reason we say "don't The Dude Editor of the Colby Free Press, who not very long ego got the grard bounce from the Government printing office at Washington, by the Harrison administration, think we write silly editorials. Thdy have stumbled into the very trap we First class in every Respect, special Accommodations tor the Traveling Public. Also have a good Livery and Feed stable in connection with Hotel. or fine Carriages, Horses and good all kinds. connection with Stable.

per year 10.00 per year TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been re -stored to healthby simple means, aft--er suffering for several years with a bever lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to maiie known to ins leilow burterers uie means ot cure, io tnose wno desire it, he will cheerfully send (free oH charge) a copy of the prscription used, they vill nnd a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaxuaole. Tiioe desiring the prescription, wh'ch cost ihern nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rsv iLavrevd A.

Wilson, Williams -burg, Kings County, New irork The Color of Eyes. Extensive researches into the heredity of eye colors have led M. Alphonse de Candolle ta consider it certain that women have a larger proportion of brown eyes than men; that where both pai'ents have eyes of the same color the chances are eighty-eight to twelve that the children who reach the age of ten years (when tho colors of eyes are fixed) III have eves of the same color; and that where the parents have eyes of different colors the chances are forty-five in favor of brown as against blue or gray for the children. He claims that brown eyes are more favorable to health and longevity than the blonde types. Arkansaw Traveler.

Morning Conmibialities. Husband money, eh? Same old story. You seem determined to keep' my nose at the grindstone." Wife "Humph! I should think the grindstone would be pretty red by this time." OmaJia World. S8- Solsd OcIJ hi tin world. linn tiiaekeeprr.

War-J. II 1 1 I'. Jt-e. actu latest" isnC reals' firrrL wiih works Tinted. Ii' "7 ealCr can secereone free.

1 i T- line of iXcuBeTol Samples. Tbv sample aa well as 19 watcb, we aend Pi m. and after Toa kept I fliem in -ronr bona fjr ZS tnratna and laomi tiem xamoam who become roar own prapntr. Tho- vcho -t oace can fao at recoiTiiiir th Wfntea n-l Kainplen. jvi ezprm, freiKfat, nc AMmm I Oeean elect IJbompson commissioner.

If you don't want the county affairs run by the Democrats, vote the straight republican ticket, and see that your neighbor does the same. Vote for Alex. Sho valter, the capable, honest and hardworking homesteader of Hale township, for Sheriff. He is the homesteaders friend, and is in every way competent to fill the office. His opponent on the Democrat ticket is not a fi-iend to the homesteader, only as he wants our vote.

He is the aristocraS butcher of Colbv, who arrested and prosecuted a homesteader -for selling dressed beef on the streets of Colby, as is shown by the records of the Justice or police Judge's books in Colbv. He is also the man who was untireino- in his ef-forts to get certain ordanances passed prohibiting the homesteader from peddling any kind of farm produce upon the streets of Colby. Is he the man for the homesteaders of this county to put in office? Do you want such a man to draw a fat salery or fees in this county? Besides this he is a man with his "'thousands" anu does not need the office. While Showalter is virtually a poor Hard working homesteader and needs the benefit of the office. He has stood by and helped to improve Thomas County, while Tom Feehen makes his money; by having money and trying to 'corner" the meat trade of Colbv, and debar the farmer trom selling things that come in campeti-tion with his trade.

Which will you vote for, lay aside party lines, and which is the man that should have the office Take Yorir Own Medicine. The Editors of the Free Press, of Colby, dont like to take their own kind of medicine. In their issue of three weeks ago, they insinuated that The Gazette was subsidized by Banker Thompson, to work for him. The Gazette in its following1 issue denied their false insinuation, and re taliated by saying thatthe Free Press had been subsidized to the extent of $200 by the democrat leaders of this county, which is the undeniable fact. The dude editors of the Free Press in their last issue, gets very wroth at us for making the above fact known and fairly paws the air, aud says it could pay us back in our own coin ten fold, if it chose to "stoop so low." The editors of that sheet must have very suddenly gotten pious or very "honorable." Don't insinuate or keep your readers wondering what you know about the azlite or its editors affairs.

Speak up'; give our rec- ord if you choose. We defy you or vour Democratic backers to show up any crookedness or boodle or anything dishonorable connected with The Gazette or its editor. You are not to "honorable" to publish what you know to be untruths about certain Republican candidates, don't be so modest in our case. Bscause we checkmated you, you howl. Our advise to you, as we would give it to little boys, is; if you don't want to -ret vour lingers burnt, non't monkey wi th fire.

Why don't the Colby Free Press howl because a banker, Lauterbach is on the Democrat ticket in Colby for township treasurer? Or why don't they howl because L. L. French is cn the Republican ticket for this same, office? What does either of these men want of that office, unless, it is to get to use the public money? It is all right in the Free Press' views that a Colby banker wants to use the public money, but because Thompson is running for omiaission-tr a nd might make his bank a de-pository for part of the County mon-ev, it's a terrible thing, and "should not be allowed'' so the Free Press says. "Oh! consistency thou art a iewel." Mr. Halford, the President's private secretary, gone to Fortress Modi-oo for a few days before actively resuming; his arderous duties.

His health is very much improved r.nd his phys'c'ah thinks the sea air will complete the cure. May the doctor 5 v. Y-' 'V, A ''V i 'I iU NT Hum? PROGKAH3IE, Of Thomas County's Teacher Read ing Circle to be held at Colby, SOt! at 1 P. M. Music.

Exciting Interest in Study, by Mrs. N. E. Pratt. Right modes of teaching, Miss Doom, Responsibilities of teacher, Mr.

Blake Music. Spirit of the Teacher, Miss Talbert. School Government, Mr. H. Williams School Arrangements, Miss Hatches, Music.

Miscelaneous Business. Fifteen minutes allowed for dis cussion of each subject. CORRESPONDENT. HERE AND THERE. Mr.

Editor-as last week was an un usually 2-ood week to sleen we over slept ourselves and consequently not report. Mr. James Johnson of Crete Neb. was visiting his three sons of South eastern part of Sherman county last week. Mr.

Johnson has four sons in Sherman county, three on one section. The late rains are wonderfully in creasing the acerage of small grain in this vicinity. The acerage of rye and wheat this fall, will far exceed that of auy season since the settling of this country'. We unders.and that. "Here and There" is to have a "paper;" not a news paper, but a paper to open up the public highways now closed by wire fences.

We think this the riodit move in the right direction, as the public highways are for the benefit of the public, and should not be ob structed for the personal convenience of private individuals, Social dances are becoming quite popular now-a-days. There was one at the residence of Tom Black on the irgbt oT the 18th. W. T. Brooks and F.

Webster attended the public sale of Donelson and Ienedv in 10-0-33 and reported it the largest sale ever in Thomas county. Frank drove home a fine looking team of mules. Another social hop reported at L. Dean's last Friday night with a large attendence. The music was furnish ed by Miller and Nelson from "near Colbv, which needs no comments.

Mrs. Kingery, wiTe of our genial K. Kingery has been in poor health for the past fortnight, but hopes are entertained for her speedy recovery. The potato harvest is aboutthrough with 'in tlrs vicinity, and both the veld, 'and qual'fv. sseern to be quite satisfactory to all.

Joe Shields of South street holds a well "Its a grl" anyhow. Democratic candidates are visible on our streets about every day, thicker than -Hale Columbra," rustling bv you-cigars aud cider to beat the worid-Vell let em go, yer shortlived no -how. Alias Pat. hobkibles. This vicinity has been blessed with a beautiful rain, and consequently farmers aia happy over the prospects for a good stand of fall grain.

'Politics are waxing warm, with a good prospect for the entire Republican ticket to be elected. Those fals-boods in the Free Press are enough to disgust any fair-minded man, be he or republican-, which they will certainly iind out on election dav. 017 ACQTJAHTTr WITH THU GEOGEAPET OF THE COtTKTIiT, "vTILL CUTAHf MCJCE VALlTABIiE HIFOSJ.IATI03V FEOM A STUDY OF THIS ilAP OF We were startled from our peaceful habitation the other dav by a man coming toward town, riding a large bay horse, without saddle or bridle and with his hat off, belaboring his horse unniersifully, and yelling at the top of his voice, "I'm dad I'm dad, and it's a boy." Of course we rushed out to see what it was, and say my dear reader, it was Ilarve Johnson; yes it actually was. Mother and child doing- well. G'icars Harve.

Mr. and Mrs. Boyd of Friend Neb. father and mother of Mrs. Dave Dai-ley, are here looking at the country.

They seem to be well pleased withj Sunny Kansas, and talk of making: their future home among us. We extend to them a hearty welcome. "Off" Clark packed his grip, and started east last Monday. Joy go with him. Charley Trotter who has been workincr in Denver during the sum- mer, is back on his claim.

Laurence and Taylor made a bus iness trip to Brewster Sunday. Crab tree and Murphy lefc for 111,, last Tuesday, where they will make their future home. 2sText Tuesday is election. Boys vOte the straight Republican ticket, and thereby help to elect the officers, rrrrc P. The country is full of trav eling democrats with their false statement; and purchase money; so beware them.

JONK. NERVOUS DEBiL A o-ftntleman havintr been cured of Nervous Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Premature Decay, ami all the ivil effects of early inaiscretion and youthful folly, is anxieus to make known to others i I I- the simple mode of 1 To those who wish, and. wall htm heir symptoms, he will send return mail, a conv or' the rec-'pe so successful! used in his case- Address, in coorldence, James W. Pinfcney, 42 Cedar St-VN. incluoi Imss, brc.r;cj--a ej-tcarions Est and V7ezt the Misso lri Tiio route to a-ni from Cnicaro, Joiiot, Otta-wa.

Peoria, fie3ie. ui.otim. in IIUiTOIS Ottaavra, joss. AuduTscnHafJ an, and Ocupdl in IO v. iwirr-t-yi and PatU, 12.

IIINIIILSOTA Watertown and Siqu; lalla, in KCx'A Oemeron, Bz. Joseph, and. Kansas Cicy. in MISSO o'lil Omani, bt'r and KEBEASKA EJKon, Tope'Sa. -Hutciiinson, vVicnita, Abilene, Caldwell, in KAisSAS Pond Creelr, liingnsL-er, Fort Xlcro, in the INDIAN TSEP.ITOSY end Ortn'wJo Springs, jOer.ver.

-ue-blo, in CjLGSijJO RecjiEinff Chslr Cc-e to and xfoa C-ce-o, Cld ell, vcIrson, City, end Sleep-mg fers oetwssa Vicaica, and Kufcofcinson. Tracj-sP3 new and vast areas of ncn end lands, afiordic the best faciiitiea cf to ell tovvr cu-u oaa c-zzt saddest, nordlwesi and soutnwes: cf Cnzco, a-d Pacific and -mrujoccanic Seanorts. VESTiSLE SPKSSS TRAINS, Loading- ad comp3trs in splendor cf equipment, cool, well "re-itHated. and frea trom cvt. abroneh PvtUinaTi Sleepers, FlIiB 3rIinincr -Ouair Cars, ana (sast cf iasouri Hiver) Dicing Cars ISallv fceieen Clicio.

Des Moines, vai-n A vr.ta Fre? Bcc'dEancr Chair Csr Us SS-''-' bscween Ctica- and Colorado Serines, Dwer, 3- als at s.srs-.nai-le aotrrs) west of Iiasouri r.iver. -crti'UC, 1,02 lCS. 1 toe." a. iron? Cardan of n-rd. tha fia jlaid for them.

Because we used thet words and phrases, as near jas possible, in the heading to cur re-' tport of the democratic Count- Contention, as the Free Press did in -its -report of the Republican convention, they think our editorial was hilly." We wrote that piece for. their special I benefit and they were not smart! enough to catch on. Try it arraln Cbicao sud Minneapolis and St. Paoi. xans, z.nL Gri.r.aaiuti iorad-3 SoM E5rsre53 C-ly between lianas 3 city.

VfirotiTij i- ea xpvm, fcicirr and xzjh THS SHOSTLIJIS VIA CEIvECA ArH and from those points and and Hunting iagr II A KXAKES offers fkcillia Conncil i'lui-ti. bs. meapolis, and Sc. Paul. apply to any -ickcs ttsttsi Dsraeen iccinnaa, lccianapots, J.aravette.

and Josepn, AwC.rii3on, iavenwertn, Kansas Cliy, tax r- i.yOTs, oiacre, or desirea imormation, I prove apropliet. 1 dudes, try it again. E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEOASTIATi, CHIOAOO, ILL.

Caal ft Fao. Acr".

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