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Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa • 2

Sioux City, Iowa
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Rnasiana are erner.teA tn neennv the Paa. libraries for the Territories of Dakota and FOREIGN. WASHINGTON. DES4.10IHES. Nisch shortly.

at 7 257.27J for cash, $7-279730 for Marchv i boots ajt snoEs. Mr. Gordon reported, with fmrrt Vi rfimmittftfi on commerce. ine poara adjourned till Saturday. GENERAL TOPICS.

I CHINA Sae.Er'S England Commences tne AcoWy 7.000 S'as FaiKCTsco, Feb 21. Lum Bine. Proceedings of the General Assembly- McGregor Land Grant, and a i-rr 4 Congressional i Committees Take Action Upon Matters Com-mitted Ctarge. lationoi war materials 01 98.000 70,000 Wheat Corn DEALER III BOOTS AND SHOES rnff ECientiflc expedition, around the 10,000 80000 47.000 18.000 10.000 the Liquor Law. an Extensive Scale.

world. Placed on the calendar. Rye 34XK)0 2 000 10,000 Mr. McMillan announced that he and Mr. Spencer dissented from the majority of the committee in reporting this bill 1.1 i in ladles.

Office Orders Issued by the favorably. A.B.r.DiR,EL0 FIXE SIIOES. The Senate in Executive Session Does a Thriving Civil Service ft Business. The rresident sent: to me senate re-nnru of the peneral of the armv. Quarter Niw

Wheat In moderate demand. Ungraded SDHnfir. 1 .2 lal .23 Extra Session of the House to Discouss the Expediency of Repealina the' Wine and Beer Clause In. i the Liquor Law i for the Purchase bf 21.000 BURrS master-general and commissary-general HAND-SEWED SHOES Horses. spring, $1.27 Milwaukee, $128.

LILLY relative to the cost oi the taxe war witn the Sioux Indians, and the number of Cio 4 red winter. SI 83. t4 -Rye Steady and soldiers killed. The estimated boat of BOYSHois and tee Coodi anr I -toS: rat, A General ItQsume of the Situ the war is $2,312,531, and the. whole number of persons killed was 16 officers and --X" BBNAT2.

W111. O. Pollock Confirmed Superintendent of Indian AfV for Dakota. ation at Various Points before officers and 123 enlisted men wounded. of Interest, recieve prompt Uecl-ea 96 Fourth Sfrrr 'f xne senate, aiter agreeing tnat irom the close of the session to-day to adjourn "I'P lIBUbmril 1 over till Monday, went into executive session, and when the doors were re 1 ts Senator Speneer Introduces a Bill for Military Protection for Black Hills Settlers.

BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Rank Of opened adjourned until Monday. Chinese Military Officers of Visit Us ooi a Tour Inspection. a prominent Chinese merchant of this cityu and connected with officials of high rank in his native country, has recently returned from China. He states that in three or four months a Chinese war vessel withAmeriCan officers and a Chinese crejr will visit this port, bringing as passengers the Chinese consul to this port andlUargc number rf Chinese army officers of tank, who will take a tour of observation through the country.

He describes tfce famine in the northern provinces of China as terrible. In one distiict of the Stae or Saltony, last year, out of a population of 96.000, about 8J00 died of starvation ''k i TBR'KBSr 4 IS RdME, Feb. 21. PW Leo XII. held a congregation of cardinals to-day.

He announced that an encyclical to the Catholic world would be dtepatched to-day announcing his accessionVto the pontificate' It has been decided that the pope shal not for the present leave the Vatican. It ia said the pope will continue the policy of his predecessor. The coronation of Leo XIII, which vfrill be private will take place in SistJne chapel Sunday next. There will be no Ceremony John's. Lalerna te be sung in the chnrches to-morrow.

Oq good authority -it is stated that Pope Leo XIII was not chosen by by the requisite majority of the votes of the conclave that Cardinal Bilio having declined to be a candidate, his jjar-tizang, to the number of nine cardinals, gavel their votes to Cardinal Pecci, and that when the votes were counted all the cardinals knelt at the feet of the pope, and this act has been construed as an election by adoration. I TUB CUBAN TROUBLES. Washington, Feb. 21. Senor Eshev-erra, diplomatic commissioner of Cuba, HOUSE.

iKs moikes, Feb. 21. In the senate this morning the first petition of" the session asking an amendment to the constitution to permit women to vote, was presented: ft Petitions were" presented 'asking that the MeGregor land grant bo conferred upon the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt. Paul road, and for the repeal of the wine and beer clause In the prohibitory liquor law. Bills were introduced To lease new grounds and buildings at or near ML Pleasant for the reform school for girls, and appropriating $2,000 therefor.

j. To aubiect the interest ot mortgages of BOOKSTORE FOURTH Washington. Feb. 21. Mr.

Milbr of 78 F0URtH The U4KLKT-r irm ana nnchinged. Corn Ungradid western mixed, 50t5Sic Oats Dull and unchanged! Provisions Mess pork dull at $11.00 11.50. Lard, prime Butter, steady and unchanged. Eggs, heavy; western, 10(3 15c. Dressed Hogs Firmer at $4 7505 00.

Tl Lootk. Feb. 21. heat Opened higher bet eased off at the close. No.

3 red, $1 20ai.20i for cash, bid I for March. Spring higher at 6 Corn Higher for cash; 42l43e for cash, 43c bid for February, 42i for March. I Oats Firm and higher at 25c for cash. 253 bid for Rtk Steady and firm at 57a for cash. Provisions Pork firm at $10.75 for cash, $10.85 for March.

Bulk meats firmer shoulders, 8c. Lard, $755. The Report of the Elevation of Cardinal Honse Concurs in the Senate Amendments to the Bland SttVerBill. CO Pecci by Adoration Proves to be Unfounded. fered a resolution calling for the with Spain in relation to the seizure of the Virginias.

Adopted. Mr. Sparks made a short personal explanation in which he said that his opin-waa that not only Wells And Anderson and the rest of the returning board were a set of unmitigated' scoundrels, but everything connected with the presidential count was a swindle and a fraud. The regular order being demanded, the speaker called Committees for reports. Presl The Measure Now Goes to the v- dent for His Approval, or Miouum jjiujictij levy ana sea upon execution.

i Rejection. lo limit the terms of county treas- i- iciwa uuusecuiiveiy. A resolution was introduced by 'Sen CAPITALt NOTES. The resolution directing the court of aier uesiow, ana adopted, that a com mittee oi two on the part of the and three on the nart nf th hnn k. whisky eneaay at i.04.

COMMITTEE BUSINESS. Washington, Fetv. 21. The house Milwaukee. f' committee on elections to-day, .6 to 5, MWMV appointed to investigate the management of the State penitentiary at Ft.

Madison Books, Albums, Autograph Albums SMOKING SETS, WORK BOXES. JUVENILE BOOKS Seist Rap. in Price from S1. 50 to SO. 00 Writing Desks; Bibles; Statuary.

BACKGAMMON AND CHECKER BOARDS. CHROMOS, BOXED PAPESTRIEs POCKET BOOKS, POCKET DIARIES. ETC. aunng tne entire administration of Beth oyrsig, me present warden. Senator Merrell introduced aresolu tion providing for the sale of the-build ings ana grounds of the deaf and dumb says ei tne statement from.

Havana that the paoe propositions had been adhered to aBttlrtntl nn a i 1 ICO 21. Wheat Opined lc higher and closed easier. Hard, $1.11,. 'No. 1 Milwaukee.

No. 2, February, March, $1,071. No. 3 Milwaukee $1.00. Corn Higher and firmly held at 42 42c I Oats Steady at 2dc.

Ry Firmer at 54c. Barlby Nominally unchanged. LlT.e?poi, -1 LrURPOOL Feb. SI. by some of the insurgent chiefs, that it is on the condition that it pay thS but apiece of Soanish dcDl.citv.

and that I in nAAnao. agreed that iienjimen Dean, Democrat, was -elected from the Third Massachusetts congressional district, and that, Walbridge O. Field, Republican, was not entitled ts his seat. The vote was as follows In favor of Dean Hari ris, Springer, Turney, Cobb, Williams and EiJis; in favor of Field Candler (Dem) Wait, Thornburg, Price and' The senate conynittee on commerce to-day agreed to report the following sub-. I stitute for the house -bill concerning the Woodruff expedition: The secretary -of the treasury is hereby authorized to grant a register to foreign built steam- the gd-vernment of the republic of Cuba and 'SSSTt removal of tte only can accept cr reject the peace prop- institution to Des Moines, on the con- FURNITURE.

uaiiiona. dition that buildingr and grounds be London, 21. A special from furnished until such time as the old MadrW says ft was reported in the cortes capltol building may be occunled aa tnch VCSterdav that aftpr rtarlntlAn P.nh aavlnm Brkadstuvfs Firmer. Winter wheat. llsQlla HJL prinjr.

will Kave the same leirialatiTe nrivilpcpa 10fi10s 11; white. The Joint resolution authorizing the claims to take jurisdiction of the claims of Wm. M. Springer for services to the government before the supreme court was referred to committee of the whole. Thi bill to relieve the disabilities of women and providing that when a woman iS3 been a member of the highest court any State or Territory she shall on ap plication be admitted to practice before the United States supreme court, passed, 189 to 64.

After the morning hour, Mr; Bland moved 6 proceed to on the speaker's table. So ordered. The silver bill having been reached, Mr. Springer raised a point of order that the bill must go to the committee of the whole, and debate upon that point took The speaker finally overruled the point of order, and Mr. Cox of New York appealed from the decision of the chair.

The appeal was tabled, 222 to 25. Mr. Stephens then moved to concur in all the senate's amendments, and advocated his motion. Mr. Hewitt moved to table the bill and amendments, but the speaker ruled that Mr.

Stephens had the floor, and Mr. Stephens acceeded to the request of Mr. Springer to allow a few amendments until his motion was voted down. Mr. Stephens then allowed various members to speak each a few minutes, and thus consumed his hour.

Mr. Bland favored ihft passage of the bill in the present shape to avoid defeat of all tha legislation on the mihjpot hnt 12s ldal2a Sd: club. 12a 4.4.9 tni governor to employ a special agent to ship for the sole- purpose of the use of THE COWERS. ENGLAND. London, Feb.

21.4-An officer of the horse guards arrived at Bristol yesterday accompanied by a veterinary Burgeon to purchase 5,000 horse? for the war office. The officer states that this'is a part of a purchase of 21,000 horses which have been ordered; The war office has nvited tenders for the supply ef 150,000 tlenry rifles. London, Feb. suspicion is widespread that the government intends uisoivin parliament! about easter time. It is reported that the cabinet council was hastily summoned this- morning, Lord Cams, lord high chancellor, being called from hearing a case in the house of lords.

The stock market is dull and heavy in consequence of this report. Russian securities are lone per cent, lower than yesterday. Northcote, in the house of commons ihia evening, said: The result of the negotiations with Russians the understanding that Russia will not occupy any portion of Galllpoli pepinsula'or the Bon-tain lines or tho Asiatic side of the Dardanelles. England is not to land troops at Gallipoli or on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles. I 1 la the house hof lords this afternoon Derby stated that the difficulty as to the place for the meeting of the conference had been removed, and ilhat Baden Baden had been chosen.

Austria proposed that the meeting should take place the first week in March, but the, government objects to the shortness of the time asked. England will not deviate from "the usual course of sending an ambassador. BU8SIA4 St. Pkterbrcxq, Feb. 21.

It is generally felt that Russia's present relations with Roumania are extremely awkward, but the government shows no signs of relicquishing its demands for the retro- Corn. new. 27sra27a ZJ: old. MfZi the same by the owner thereof for wuvm war ciaima against -ine general government waa dmrpH scientific expedition around the world, The bill extending the provisions of provided jame u. Woodruff shall in four months after1 the TtaRAAITA nf this Uve Htcu Harketa.

ocuuvu to ine atate agricultural society was passed. chicAqo act purchase the steamship and obtain yThe billtnaking trustees or other officers of State Institutions liable to punishment for furnishing or being Interested in fumishinz snnnlfpn nv anh Hhicaoo. Feb 21. Hogs Receipts 20,500. Market opened slow and weak.

Mixed packing, 1015c off, selling at Light steady and 5s lower; sales at Choice heavy, $3 854.00. 1 Cattle Receipt 3,300. Nothing doing jivui me secretary i me treasury ms certificate that the same is in his opinion suitable in all respects for such tioay The senate railroad committee this morning heard Vice President! Hunting. institution, and providing finor impris- uuweut yi uuu iui Tiuuvioa.or me act, jun.oi me central Jf acme, and ice -President Brown, of thei Tpi wan vssen up ana passea. i IN THE HOUSE a large number of petitions and remon and representation as Portq Kico.

Gen. Martinez Campos will remain in Cuba some time. He is much praised by the Madrid newspapers. The cortes will gig him a vote of thanks. GERMAN FEDERAL AFFAIRS.

Berijn, Feb. 21. The federal council unanimously approved the Drinciplq of the bijl authorizing the appointment oi substitutes for the imperial chancellor. The bill will probably be presented to the refcb.8tag to-morrow. London, Feb.

22. A Berlin correspondent says: The hopes that some of the Rational Liberals wiI enter the ministry ha? been entirely frustrated. It is pesume4 Herr Comhovean, minister of finance, will become chancellor substitute when the bill providing for that office is passed CANADIAWfMPORT DUTIES. Ottawa, Feb21. The finance minister announced that the Dominion government intended to take off all import duty cm foreign malt entering Canada.

PIRB. BnubBs, Belgium, Feb. 21.The pal snipping graaes; sales at a.eo3.B5i. Feeders and etockert active at $2.65 3 90. Butcher steersj $3 253.80; cows, panies, concerning their proposition for Ji fi a 1-5 2 I I -IQ Mmi rj i 1 1 (- --3 -B 'If.

sirances against the repeal of the beer and wine clause were presented, as also ouiis, z.uus.oo. ST. IiODlS. I St Lodib. Feb.

21. a uuiuuer ui remonstrances against the Hogs Receipts, 3,400. Market slow repeat or tne railway tariff law. Bills were in trod nrpd 'v ana about oc lower on packing grades fair shipping demand for lieht weiirhts gave notice that it -was not satisfactory, and the war would continue until the silver dollar ranged alone- with thA crnM To provide for kindergarten' tchools in $3.503.70. Packing.

the southern Trans-Continental railroad. The elections committee to-day Imously concurred in; the report made by the the FrOst-Metcalf case, that no additional time for hearing testimony should be The senate postal committee to-day decided to report favorably upon the long contested nomination of paniel Q. Potts as postmaster for Petersburg, THE SENATE -in executive session rejected the nomination of Geo. Williamson collector at New by a vote of 37 aealnst 15. dollar.

He voted for the nresent hill vines ux iuo ursi-ciass. To improve public highways -and toll gates thereon. i. To amend the code in relation to- the under protest. HewTrk Maj and stock Market Messrs.

Springer, Ewing. Hale, Butler, Bright. Soarks. Whi tA And cessiua oi xessarauia Saw Tobx. Feb.

SI. denies that Tttifiatfl. The AgenceRum Bacon made minute speeches amid great HARDWARE. has demanded or intends to demand the powers or township trustees, To define negotiable instruments. To lease buildings and grounds for the girls reform school at 8alem.

i money per cent 'Gold 1011. jGovernmenta auiet. of this expulsion or any Mussulmans from Bui- TF1? P' governme: garia, except TurkiBh functionaries and citylias been destroyed by fire. tmnm on.H P.ettl Ta rsinV I OBITUARY. ace ofjthe provincial government Uoaoona.

8l. 105V i Xw JAMES BACOH, At 10 o'clock, the special order, being 1.111 I 102 l(M0a Kr nomiQWon of Northrup, to be 'United States attorney for South Caro- comusion. Mr. Stephens closeil theiSbate, having three minutes of hla hour left for that purpose, and in conclusion Baid: I shall vote for all the senate amendments lest we hazard the nd important prini 104 .119 1WK Mio miu. ior- me repeat ot tne Deer and coupons, TO 106J CnrrencT Cftnnoni.mi) inAi? I a Feb.

21. Charles, Francis the French Dainter and en. hv a' vnta Q-f una, was connrmed ww. A. V.

TT 13 i.itji W. Ui 'I'hfl Antmr Hnf sovo. TArothirf "uuiiur WnOLESAIJC AND RETAIL ovueas ami ana.ieaiireuess with the whole RnnBian nrpaa graven is dead. w. wiiuiuiabiuu wag lavOr" I auu 1 ed by both senators from South Ca-olina.

ciPle established in the bill. great St. 1 now ask peach servealy approve ot frtnee Bismarck's wine clause, was takeri up, and after several efforts to postpone to another dav, to indefinitely postpone and to lay on the table, all of which were voted down. Mr. Bloom of Johnson county addressed the house at length in opposition to the bill.

Pacific N.T. London. Feb. 21. The of th mi jjuuer, ana among i wuc ticiuuo uaaiiun.

Other KfinilhllVan i Mr TTonrlit nt XTi. Mr. HeWitt Of New speech. York nnv1 in l.n 185 Kaffir insurrection is broken. 9 -IX 35 i 1 1 i St.

Pan) preferred O. I-Ute Shore IUinoia Union Pacific Wabash AdSma ibe Agenx declares England's armaments ere ill calculated to inaugurate a Erlepref cxred. N. W. nrorerred.

HARDWARE, IN IV A uio uiii iuiu tusenumenis on the tame. 'v The'' motion was reiected. vpho 79i 'vuutuig W11U VUieU in the affirmative were Messrs. Cameron of Pennsylvania, Conover, Bruce and teller. Jttr.

Davis of Ijliaois, spoke against the pacinc conierence. CRI 1ES AND CASUALTIES. kHock nays zu. AUSTRIA. rhe main question having been ordered 1 a- in t.

iiioiu 4UCDUUU navmg oeenoraerea Aiter me conclusion of Bloom's speech the remainder of the entire forenoon was occupied in flllibusterinsr, led by Mr. Mueller of Scott county, and the house adiourned for tiie fnrth London, Feb. 21. Thejconviction pre- i nominatIoa U81 10 43 the house Proceeded to vote thifs spnnfA imnnfn.t. vails upon the senate amendments CHINA HAXL.

in Berlin that the military and court Arrcit and Suicide of a Con- SIOUX CITY, IOWA. parties at Vienna lhe first amendment nrnvMinv that vm induce the em-Icablv with Russia. peror to settle ai rieeticut Peculating: Po iucu was mat 21 Wlllttmson, to be collector of customs New Orleans, jind after some discos-sum the nomination was rejected, yeas 16, nays 39 The affirmative voteswere given by about an equal number of each political party. A Along discussion- then took place on "ached was that i VYilliamson. to be callentm- nfin.tAn.(nnon ne professions of the silver shall a legal tender except where otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract, was concurTert in -tin tn ko notwithstanding Hungarians.

Agt, for Jewett Root's StovesrMoIine Plow Co. and Fairbsnk's Scales. lice Clerk. The second amendment, that The Australian colonies are consider, ing measuresto be adopted for the de Mancf actum of. FLETCHERS- PATENT FIRE PROOF SHUUER strikes out the free coinage feature of the house bill and inserts a provision lim- The fense of thar coasts in the event of Great Sacramento Flood Continues to In- engaging in the war.

BOOTS AJTD SHOES. crease in Magnitude, and the ui.nuu.ui i-operttti Smith, to w.St0r jawJWM Mobile, and it was confirmed by the close-votM)f 26 to 26. The nomination of Parsons. fnr TURKEY. PerZ Feb.

21. Namvk Pasha'n mia. A 1: Destruction Widespread, mug tun cumsge oi me silver dollar, and providing that any gain arising from that coinage shall be paid into the treasury was conurred in, yeas 203, nays 71. The next vote was on the third amend-ment. nronosinc an intprmiinn.i BOOTS AID SHOES ation of the question until this afternoon o'clock.

THE HOUSE RESUMED CONSIDERATION this afternoon of the proposition to repeal the wine and beer clause In the prohibitory liquor law, the session lasting three hours, Speeches were made in favor of repeal by Mr. Brown and in opposition by Messrs. O'Donnell, Bleldung and Bolton. No vote was reached on the main question, but several amendments of minor character were passed. The house adjourned without coming to a vote, and the question will therefore come up to-morrow aa unfinished business, when the discussion will probably be resumed.

It is imposlble to predict with any degiee of certainty the result of the vote, as yote has been taken which can be regarded as a test, i siono St. Petersburg is to endeavor to obtain from the Czar a modification of Ileadnarfers for i. UB uisincts oi tjre terms of peace, especially those 3VT. Burning: of a Wisconsin Insane Asylum, -O Oil C1 was not reached 6t amnel Reid, nominated Vnited Statea m4rshal for the middle and il95 conierence ana it was agreed to, yeas hnd Four Inmates Perish touching the withdrawal of Mussulmans from Bulgaria and the limits of the new Drincinalitv. which, it ia stated, tho Rna.

UBjrs II. French China, Crockery. Men's best hand made French Calf Boots Thenext vote was on the fonrth In the Flames. senate amendment, anthorixinv tha inn. i 1V-10 Aiaoama, it was a ceurM of the debate that lieid.

duruiir th sians now' insist on bringing within a rcer- 6 a it oe it a too o.nkn. A i 1 and icw miles ui vonsianiinopie. Ginvinv i tj it Ling the ground was agreed to without divism GLASSWARE. 1 i mt CASUALTIES. London, Feb.

22. A special from Ber ine Dill now empa tn tha shon! tTr? or colored troopi lntad of accepting i in i. a uvw. lin says: William has assured the czar of his friendship, and begged San FRABCTgm. VpH 9.1 TTha t.1.a Lamps and Lamb Goods, bis approval Mr.

House, from the Pacific railroad committee. rerorted a WH in fArannA uw Hiv a Burrenaer as prisoners of warThei Alexis square-toed. 1 -r Hersem entirely new styte. French Kid Button Boots. Curacoa Tampico Goat, Button and Lace.

it 4 Curacoa Kfd. 7 1 -Pearl and Black, all stvles. Women's ii Misses i rom oacramento cnnim(ii th nnt mm io consider Austria claims and in- Solid Silver and Plated Ware, thority for the committee to senCfor ier ma iub isianas tn tne delta of the river lerests. it appears that Austria is it i ii ii are nooaea. i ou" nu papers.

to the Texas Pacific railroad. Ordered printed and recommitted. I Mr. Morrison presented thltnr- anxious to induce Russia toj moderate her IBB KniM ann.A. i'nri The town of Washiniytnn tJV n1.l,t.

Wood and WlUow Ware. I programme oetore the meeting of the wuuiuiea nm. I'ol. Children s' tantS. JOnnOSltA RtrrimantA' In Un.t cJ affairof wapannea ana ireseea Tinware, Pocket and Table CaUerr, the minority.

Ordered printed. Mr. Snrintroi- fhm wmierence, BERVIA completely inundated. Half' the people AH fitvlea of Boots and Shoes at Wholesale and kef ail. Postmaster at are maae homeless.

Manv hnnsM BELGRADBt Feb. 21. Negotiations be Bronzed Chandeliers and Brackets, 58 PEARL STREET. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. wrecked and awent nwir.

iivia tween and ftervla rnntinno TK. elections, made4 report on the Massachusetts contested election case of Dean against Field: that Pierd. urnsnes, anarrwine, by Carriages, Toy Carts. lAalalana ConrU and Criminal. New Oblbans Feb.

21. In regard to certain charges published in the Wells letter against the officers of the court, the foreman of the grand jury said 4 they would make an investigation, and wished all parties who knew anX facts in regard to the charges published to come forward and testify. The case would be open until the closing of term of the grand jury. The court stated j. that it would aid the grand, jury in these proceedings, and that all possible assistance should be given to that The trial of ex Auditor Johnson, charged with grand larceny in I taking been lost, but there have been many nar- oas couPAirr.

AU Russians have waived the Incorporation of Nisch with the new, province of Bnl. -ww Refrigerator, Water Cooler, Ice Cream Freeaen, rhina Ttnlla nrl Tnll I not enticed to a seat, and I 'that w' the contestant. ia 1 cottpeo. ine xotai crevasses in Yolo cokinty exceed six miles In extent 'dav sai.fh ine fiouse r-'A1? wa ee from bias or nnlit. Mantel Ornaments and Taaes, Mr.

Candler nf fJpnrri this: matter, anrtin. quishing Rlat and Akpolauka. This and arehourly The, 8acra- i manrv I rcoiogna sots, riower Pots, Glasa Shadea and Stands. mento levees are carefully guarded. No rennrt timtnH h.

vs i tnuees mucn inuignaiion in pervia Sioux City Gas Light Company CAPITAL PAID UP, 1100,000 00 au oe itepUDlican memha-n nf thA onJy 0.1 'acharser "to Tsun -achaMnr trains win De run on the Vallejo lines till further brders. The track Is badly washed and crtwprpi with vitav fn. mKtee. The rennrta i V-jirri VtW T. iae gap left in the WAR KOTJES.

MISCELLANEOU ITEMS T.V.VUIUHCU irimeu. Mr. Jlrace. rom "th miiiian. CALL AND EXAMINE shoniH it.

and said that tee. rennrtflri a hill i. -V. iUl UIUE9. The Sacramento river is falling.

London. Feb. 21. Tt totH nn.t did it wnr. ricliuiefwe than away me nooks of the office he had The Iira-eet Stock, tivelyin the lobbies of parliament; that xcguiaio ana umn allowances of officers of the Or-dered printed and recommitted.

impeaea on ine Bouthern Pacific by Washouts i between Mnhnn nl was commenced to-day before; the supe The weather is nleaaant tn-AT ttth rior criminal court. i The decision in the case of Thomas a The Beet saartiiaeal, C. E. HEDGES, Vice Pr-i i A-ujuarnea tui Monday. jo manner.

"Jp CpUnTDECISION. BOme TmsnPrt nf lt t. X. 8000S, FzeaUent TXO. P.

AUISON Beeretary. v. Anderson rerarainr a motion for a (iZOi WEAEK, Treu-rcr. i And the xVoweet Prieea. wo guYcrnment nas received private Information that the Turkish fleet is to be surrendered Russia, and that part of it has already been 1 The government has purchased another lhe UOOd in SUtter COUnt V.

nn the' Ri I nasr trl.1 v411 vT. Whita 4 TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. New York. 01 ramentn riv.r -1. mnnnj 1 1 ci "o- ed in th 7 be enter- Parties about to commence boosekenlnff arfll trmr.i fw vovex- oaiuraay morning.

ana treaur weir acraniara 10 tpmiuui King. in 7 vhi 7 ii ui. i irvnctau, duiu ior Turkey. it mounts 1 oner uonam. ssiir 7 aeir ontflta at tau popular sunuanmen(.

v. wuujr uitccu to twenty mues long and aa average of eight a depth of water of four to six feet. Yes- cn kweive-ion guns. lii.tJ. iH'-Ftrca.

1 1 -WAU Vt u(ri I waslnC 'tt Augusta. Me u.k Chtcaqo, Feb. 21. Early this morning! are concentratine bevond l-Il! 8 lasned lake into a fury. before he Colie.CoaloiidOoal Tar for Sale OBce East Habbard House Block) tor.

4th and Pierce Sts. 'hr l' Ad-rit J. H. DECKER, S.perlnteBdent Bemember the Place a iia a wbi iinm aa a tho hsii tTTlvT 1U 1118 senate troops, af'muncinr? elections troops I "uur -uuuuiaga are re- DOned uie oeei-pacung nouseoi neisonmoms, at the Union stock yards, the largest ia 4fl heinir nrrrtrl an1 The forei was indefinitely postponed. i in A f.lnpna that1 tka m- -No loss of life is reported, most of th i.

i -mw ua tuaa tuc in iiiiiiiii in nr ntm the country, was entirely; destroyed by fire. Twelve hundred carcasses of beef, ToLsbo, Feb. 21.Arrangements I P' Lgrain 411(1 otner Productslrom I teomenw peing proTidea -with-. boats are complete for the- holdine of thft Black Sea seaports has been mhnt netjuaxgia cube. postmaster flf8t, tant 40 Pearl BC SIOTJX CTTT.

IOWA. ior an emergency." 1 twelve nunarea hides, one thousand bar- rels of tallow and two dogs, Talned at i TNIiro a dw-y t.t iffhTf nv0n of the onal party torpeoea have not yet been r-moyed. ao 1 TTtTfk TraW" a S1UU eACII. VfiM 'lit 'Ihft Ml t10' kThA TOBACCO. X-L I I A aTHtTVTAtif iTI-v A v.

I i -a. vW, 41. All 1 11(1 ITPfl V01VM I BALTtwntJB' rr5Lifi ilf "aches here firm estimate their loss at $120.000 1 to 11 SO 000. Th known Inanranoa andl Mra r.T:: "Tk flM insane asyldm -at THE PRFftmw was $10,000 on the building and fixtures. has Aust contents were uninsured, -v masonic temple, and hpM to the interrnntion nf vf inmates.

LncreHa to-J buu c- vvaumuuityaiuiii iiv i -n i i ni rsi rt iai, a ception. Ti i6 NATrnic snow; troops could obtain supplies thmn T. thron and Rillv rino Av-tdt AiyW at Caoteanial: Expoattlaa far AtBAHT. mu ted TURAL TUM MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. v- v.

UIG W4J-. akewtiM 4tmahtimt and it is said Kus-ia stipulates for a date in the flames. For some reason no attempt has jbeen maUft to remove the 1 tfae --nate the removal of John Ti uy nu co inn maiv CONGKESSION rar aaada. Aa oar Ma atrip trsda-aaark fa ctoaatjr k-ita-Ml lnerfor frooda. thai Jadamt't Mia a nm Hnld k.

ail iImIm fa. w.HrJ uuuich. inn inn itn Ma ent of insnr.r signed at Adrianopj Tv" euaie will con- to C. A. Jxcajoa a Co- Klr- rtMobw.

Va. fe JThe Pro.Pe"-' Joss is only ii- ue are O.000 Kasslans at Tchal- Flour Quiet and; -strong. VYestern 4- IV 1J.IAIU. WlT.n nn 'I were in- ih i iney'are no aoTancing beyond that place. Rw vi.

o. A- the kfprte nmnul I mj CHEW i w.oDencer tn nNiw S. Bernard's horses were sold at auction to-day at the following prices Sprtngbceck, 2.500 Hampton, $800; DanV dilef tary cost fnV W. 72. for a milt was tne $4.405 B0.

lij Wheat Active, stronger and hleher. No. 1, $1.10. No. .3 gilt edge, 1.10r closed $1.10 for regular, $1.08 for Jgular, $1.08 for ne Russians are Rodosto.

0 0 Losdok. Feb: a. sf 1 7n.lcaLIMS ofcioia. of theBlack UUisSn People By Mr. Ma, i correspondent h.

rTv!" JHi Y4 FebJ 21-A casn or jtveoruary, 11 U7l.U8f Closed in spite ot th7veinhan, ffi "5 f.V.Ta. 6 S'S Matchless Plug Tobacco i'l fi.uoti.uot ior jtiarcn closed tl.OSIrt?) 1.09 fnr. between tha three "om York ran paymentof the he "Sfe memorialfof ment has been t' at J-ow Point awitch CHICAOO 91 nt 1 n.ia1 ftsi cin.Ad npii n.tMMii on l. Rejected, 00 toX'X, "Sine, and: one ex- Tf wJg w.wuwwk UIVtU (3911c. No.

1 Minnesota in store, tl.14. Hand mantel company. extensive'SSb qu8ti manufacturers, filed Jfr.81?"516 main ouestiona --vva uie i uichh rjtr vpfm naatAni "WOOD TAG. i-- i ind iaB engineers severaVbf the Tt ors Iointed after thXprorem? to and the Ohio Hver CoBir-oFalrly active and higher. I New mixed and nevr hfirh mlrpd Aila iiU( PHn remen li in bank-ranti-V pewiion in 'viuntary, petition debts.

$34MWsec2 eight car. (were consider' E1? No. 2 regular, GUt Vinpci Pn Toii In WnrW to wo unsecured debts I non Petersbnr? as th finHul It" lands, open aSsSPSi "sets, diplomatists atrtTwf i Co babgbs. busk. forcash, 4242c of of thelmni-fv ino quesuonf OWo rirer.

and wio, civ. aizmm vuuua idb inn i nwiiiitiim. n.i. vT ao as a mere local 101 THE PIONEER TOBACCO C0. '1 on aa qnes- ciosea tc ior April, 43i43jo closed 43r hid fftf.

Maw RfEAt R795tA natonalim'" great Oats Firm and a ahadA hlo-h 1 "Kn I Jfew Tark, Beatea, Jng the s5nth tow between IxndonAndE" atYnT coal, valued tO th 2, Ht(f4jc ciosea Z4jc ror cash, 24c for February. 2410241c closed 24o for to' aiMw Bwauiu ana-sunk at the declar ouj heretofore introduced bV Dl at07'f meaninfor the meanin- nim tyti DPT Mnt l2.i IBOniQ I vi w. section' or.thVPacSo Jni -wiuc. railroad March, 2425ic; for i April, 27i27c from H. D.

BOOGE CO. rtX board; addld' tTe ffi'z oIl ora or thi a nn 1 ciosea wtc diu ior aay. Rtk Better. No 2. B4 a as to u-dentofthe UaitPrt Pxesi.

WHOLESALE GRO OEBS the countv county'g Bablbt 46c for March, 461c for April, revenueT -T aim siich guarantees are Tri venhrnnpT ffiPim.l0TQ "ora "wpool or w. wklw0. Z1' I I K. IX consent of the senstVV "PPoint, by the Person ti siotjx crrr. iow 4 'i i 1 rsider that-thev onVht tn ikittiSS.i insider that-Th? nil.

Auwa Main in rani a a uiit a. 1 1 aw -bm Ljaiiiarii iiif nna ic 1 Dbxsseo HoQSQaiet Mixed riack She Is an Jrv. BRj- i theTacirS rai0' duty SlSffni and UB" 08 toestahliah 'i Wlations rul. iT I. ing to choice heavy shipping, 4.80.

Packers bid $4.25 at the ias tec a U1CO approval PRnVTRTnwa Pnrk in fair ituminil an R. SELZER'S oi tne secretarV is to arrahire jT 1116 object Special, r-n o- laierii and the ino Instantaneous Relief. Permanent Cure. higher at for cash; $10,324 010.35 for $10.50 for rAprH. of Iowa tdiStofl i ecursion cities sav T-iflmvt- capital I Feb.

21 Geo $10.62 J10.72, for May. "Lard fair road Pacific rail-m4 jecureA-ompaniea" mnti sii UH. JO lexaa. Th I 4a UO -1 T- -w WVBI L.t-l-. 1MH I ai IF IK lin mm fx and TPMnJ'T "warj, Jiansu jBeo.

J-a special tA erry or firm TVv'r. demand and higher at lor Cash, $7.30 for March, $7.407.42 for all tha-f "4 lle gov to t- tt IUOinenA t. I VI Ann tt wui Denison inr mi tr.n. ia aeo. i w-w.

via -o-1 events nave I w. (B aoppoaea to have taken' ni TEsriMosiAiJ-. -jiaumoai. Steam Brewerv for. Pan- April, ij.ei;tr.B5 ror Jttay.

Shoulders 3fc; hort clear, 61c; short rib, 5c- Butter, choice to fancy dairy, 2426c; Ko. 2 rAv.wfwa Te 8WUa Intellectually and PWge on the steamer Georgia PPrehen. UJ i' 4 I-- 'aTlaaa. tolated and defined Mp wo ol the aaid roadV and Tiri -f I ST.Loris.Febr.i.'jK.l; ri cheerfully add my tetimony to that of i- many elUaena of thla the Inatanuneoof effect r-a few drop, -Senril" le earie me of every annoylnz attack of I i HAi)iso, Febniary 1, 1W. This is to certiff that my wife was a great snf-ferer with Neralia, one application of "Nenrun laatsauv cored bur.

'w'U F. K. DIETRICH. Book keeper Bank of Madiaon, wea-ucry, iJ(CDiWC; lancy Q0, JRJQ4UC. PPr: Mi8lDoir SSf sta iB: lnnteers' wn.

vt Muiunx am. icia. ixew Jirltain an1 frrna'nra twrmn Clous City. Ioxvo. Wheat $1 061 for iMarch, tl.0711 07 court clerk there, was ar-night on the charee of ml- a The oldeat brawenr and makea tha beat er Ia roDriatfnrkvw Tvvt APru- 42c for March or April.

he had In the West eld bjr MAS, O. JEMBBEE, ST. LOHS, Preprleter ef the rormala. SOIJl BT DRUGGISTS COUSTST oreers Dj mail wm wcelve prompt personal at ention. vuvu.

ior iiarcn. lara sifiartv.

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