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Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa • 2

Sioux City, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SIOUX CITr JOPItNAL; MONDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1895. THE WHITECHAPEL UURDERS INTERSTATE DKILL CLOSES. wounds a crime which Is generally classed with the "Ripper" series, although it has a marked difference from the rest. August 31, 1888 Murder of the woman Nicholls in Buck's row. "Aye! There's the rub!" And that oWht to be enough in itseirto seal th i 1.

1. Goom ox Dar soap. i ma ruuuin vitn soap may get clothes clean, if you work i hard enough-, but can't, you cec how it, wears them out? Follow" the directions that "come" on 11 every package of Pearline, and you'll find you: not only do away the hard and ruinous work of rubbing but that you save time and actually get better results At: every point Pearline is better than soap. But the mere fact that Pearline saves the rubbinqf--that ouht to settle it "Xfir A "OUT PeJlers wiU leU vca "this J-JCr VV Xl.X.XZr good as1 or the as PearU IT'S FALSE Pearline is nevet peddled. II yoa, grocer sends FEJVLfiLE Any afiXletedL woman can adopt tbls simple "Home Treatment witnont submitting to an bamil latin examination or consulting COST OP THJCATMITJCT.

Esltld cf Cardxl, Jf.OQ FteTtESfssElsciDraLt, .25 Tctll Ccsf, 51.25 A 123 sags book, bound la cloth, giving 00Ite Instruction for snceessful home troatniontof femalo diseattf will mailed (N. rtr a Be. B. l. UcELf.LZ, 5U Elms, Teno, t-t yoc mmmmMmm i That could possibly; be granted by the Wforld's Fair Commiioners, was given WiUimaailSIarTMiaeac3 For quality, strength, smoothness, uniformity of texture for everything: that enters into the manufacture of perfect spool cotton Willimautic Star Thread afcvays leads the world.

One trial will convince you of its superior value. Ask your "dealer for Bn4 Sic and rSr tlx apocla cf thread, anyoe-lor or eumbtr, tosretbe with fear btvbUisa ftr yor rnaebjae. tAj wound, s-al bj low-reaiir. bookoiltireaAaadMiwLniz. Tha Belief that the Perpetrator of tho Grimes Is How Dead.

UYSTEBIOUS SERIES OF OBIME3 The Connection of Man Jsnmed Gram' grer with Thea Tin accounted Tor "When They Wew Com Pall Mall Gazette: 'Since tne" cessation of the Whitechapel murder there has been no lack of theories account ing-for the disappearance of the author of those orimea. "Jack lha Ripper, as he Is called In consequence of a series of letters so signed, purporting, rightly or to' came from the murderer. The theory entitled to most respect, because It was presumably based upon the best knowledge, was. that of Chief Inspector Swanson, the ofilcer who was associated with the Investigation of ell the murders, and Mr. Swanson 'be lieves th? crimes to have been the work 'of a man who is now dead, latterly.

however, the police have been busy In vefetisattng' the case of William Grant Grainger, who was caught in the act of wounding a woman'ln the abdomen in a street cUme by. Buck's row, the scene of the first of the real series of Whlte-cbapel murders, those outrages In which the victims were killed and left horribly mutilated in the streets. Grain-j7frs crime so much resembled the former outrages that Infinite pains were taken to trace his antecedents. Nothing- was found, however, to warrant placing him upon hla trial for any previous outrage, and nMay 27 last he was brought up at. the Old, Bailey charged with feloniously wounding Alice Graham.

Police Constable Fraser related that at 2 in the mornings on February 10 he was in Butler Spitainelds, and heard a moaning. He went to the bottom of the street and In Tenter street found the woman Graham lying on the bleeding. The prisoner was stooping over her, and another constable was approaching from the other end of the street, blocking the prisoner's- egress. On seeing Fraser the prisoner stood up and stepped away a few feet. The -woman.

Who ellegred Bhe: was bleeding to death, was taken on an ambuJence to the hospital, and Fraser arrested the man, who mid nothing until on the way to the station, when he volunteered re marks to the effect that the woman had been extortionate. The officer afterward returned to the spot, and found a knife: The woman's story, as she subsequently related it, was the man was a stranger, to her. except that rhe had previously seen him treating On the night of the stabbing she had met him In the street at 10:30 and had wandered about with (him from public house to lodging house, trying to get a' room, It was while on the -way to a'-coffee house in White's row at 2 In the morn-" ing that the prisoner dragged her down "some yard," as she described it, threw Jier ora the ground and ripped her in the stomach. She was quite sober, she asserted, and a3 though the prisoner had been drinking he was not drunk. The house surgeon the London hos-.

pitaf-described the wound as a perloua one, but not dangerous to life. It waa -an inch and three-quarters long. The recorder, declaring that the facts would have fully justified a verdict of wounding with Intent to-rourder. had such an indictment been preferred, eentenced Grainger to ten years' penal servitude. There the matter rests, an.t must rest doubtlees.

for all time; but "the results of the police inquiries concerning the prisoner are. "perhaps, worth re- oordmg. He is man of about 37. five fat ten inches in height, slim built, 1th gray, eyes, pale complexion, no bHrd and a. black JIo lias sears on his cheek and, throat, on dancing women, anchors and fo on tatroed- on hU arms a-nd hands.

was kni at Cork, and left horns at the ajre of JZ to go to sea. In Decern-ber. l. he enlisted in the Cork City artillery, and attended the trainings annually from 1881 to 1889 Inclusively. In 18VJ In- wac discharged, his character bc.l-vx tad.

The Whttechapel munlirt chiefly In 1838, but. of course, there if teething inconsistent with OrIngjr bc'nfr in London during lssV as w'U ii r.t his artillery, training, for VifiX tta n'ng only lasted, one mouth or tl-ut although thertf Is jnothlng In tiynslt tent with his presence In JLbndo.t ii: there in nothing to prove that ne was here, ami nothing. Indeed, to prjve where l.e wr at He described him-as sthip'4 fireman, but the ships ho hus teen on cannot be traced. Ills mother Is unabla't give; the name any ship, and states that forbears he has not stayed with tier for longer than a week at a'tlme once in two: years. When in Ireland, according.

to a royal Irish constabulary report from Cork, he had been known to associate wlh loose women, and had been frequently robbed by them; and the last time he was with his mother he told, her that about: four years before his clothes were ail stolen from thim at Whitechapel. Even this does not give any idea whether he was in Whitechapel in 1SSS, because the mother cannot say how long ago It was that he spoke of the Incident, which hod occurred four years earlier. All the police could do -was to compare the dates of the Whitechapel murders with the dates on which Grainger's whereabouts were known with this result: May 16, ISSS-July 7, 1883 Grainger in Cork workhouse. July 9, 1888-August 4, 18S8 Grainger with the militia at Cork. August 7.

1888 Murder of the woman Turner, who was found2 dead with thirty-nine stabs, apparently bayonet 1 i i TNLY pure grape used in Royal A C01ITI1IEIIT Xlim SCHEUE Farther Plans for Breaking tha Bell Tele H02XE 00HPANY UAY BE "HT 0V IT" Proposition to Buy or Gain Controlling in the Postal Telegraph Com pany, with View to Using- Its Wires- Standard Company's Idea. While on his last visit to Sioux City the principal, argument advanced by A. F. Cutter, general manager of the Iowa Union Telephone company, in the matter of the superiority of the service afforded by his corporation and that which given by the Home Telephone company, was that his sub-ecribers, had the advantage of out of town connections. lie said no matter how good a service was given the city by the new company the field was too small 'without toll stations.

i There is no denying out of town con nectlons are advantageous. But a new factor, has arisen, in the bitter fight now on against the Bell monopoly The Standard Telephone company, which is backed by the Standard Oil and Sugar trust interests, is said to be negotiating for either, the purchase outright "of the Postal Tele graph company's plant or a controlling interest in the stock of that company. The lines of that company run into Sioux City, and the war would be fought here more fiercely than ever. 'In addition to that, the Home com- pany has bought the Standard instru-ments It Is reasonable to. suppose if this gigantic deal is consummated the Standard' company, as far as Sioux City is concerned, will join hands with tne liome company, -The Story in Chicago.

The story of this latest move is given by the Chicago Times-Herald as fol lows; Fifteen million dollars has been offered for a controlling interest in the Postal Telegraph company, that the wires of the corporation may be used to destroy the Bell Telephone It is stated that an offer was made of tl5.OCQ.000 tor the plant of the Postal com pany, mat tne par value oi ait its capital stacK. This orcer was aecunea. and then an offer was made for a con trolling: Interest' in the company. Nego tiations In furtherance, of this offer are said to be still irolner on. 1 The obvious advantage to the Standard Telephone company of such a purchase.

if it could be made, gives plausibility to the story that it is belnjr attempted. The Postal company covers the country pretty well with its -wires, There is no important district that it does not reach. Be tween ell the principal cities of the coun try it is well equipped. Its wires are nearly all copper ones and most of them large wires as well, admirably adapting us plant for the use of a long distance telephone system. To duplicate this plant, as telephone system such as the Standard contemplates, would not only require an immense amount, or money, but what is more to the purpose would take a very long- time.

Starting with the Postal plant as a the Standard company could at once go full armed into the field as a competitor of the Bell. it wouia avoid an tne delays ana uncer tainty connected with the petting1 of franchises within the umlts or incorporated cities- and towns, an item in. Itself of no inconsiderable moment. To adapt the language of railway operation, It would at once give it both trunk line and terminal facilities. The advantage of euoh a purchase over having to construct from the ground up are almost Incalculable.

The system can be inaugurated at once and can at once, compete for the most profitable part of the telephone business, extensions additions can be made as they are demanded by business, and business need not wait for construction. The Postal company is controlled by Edward S. Stokes, John W. Mackay and James Gordon Bennett, It Is said to do. on a capital of $15,000,000, one-third of the telegraph business of the country, while the Western Union, on a capital of does the other two-thirds.

There have been rumors from time to time that the Western Union was trying- to buy the (Postal, but none of them have been verified, and the latter has gone on improving Its service and extending its plant as a competing concern. It is the only competing- company of any Importance which the Western' Union has not succeeded in The Standard Telephone company proposes to use the devices of Allen Nye, who carried on some tedious but unsuccessful litigation with the Bell company several years ago. Time has done for his device what the courts refused to do at that time. It has extinguished patents that stood in the way of the use of his Inventions. One of the particulars In which his system differs from that in use by the Bell telephone is that the electricity required is not derived from a small battery at each Instrument, but is supplied for the whole svstem from a central power station.

This, it is claimed, gives a posi-tiveness to the system that reduces to a minimum the annoyances and dlsadvan taces of atmospheric conditions. The directors of the Standard company are all men whose names have weight either In financial or political circles, and some of them in both. Thurlow WM Barnes, a grandson of Thurlow Weed, is the president. The Standard Oil and the sugar -trust Interests ere allied with it. In the organization; of companies to operate the system In different parts of the country, the same policy, has been followed.

In the selection of directors, as was followed in the orgs nlz-ation of the parent company. The men chosen ar all influential cither in finance or politics. sssmWSsjssssmbswS' WON'T DELIVER THE WARRANT Nebraska State Auditor Still Refuses to fSIve Dorsran that $33,000. Lincoln, July 7. Special: State Auditor Moore declines to deliver, the state warrant for to Bill Dorian, the penitentiary contractor, despite the decision of the 'district court dissolving the Injunction on petition of Galva Dixon, 111., creditors of C.

W. Mosher. The Farmers and Merchants National Galva, has filed an appeal bond, taking the case to the supreme court, which will hang the warrant up until September. Because of this appeal the state auditor will not surrender the wararnt, notwithstanding Attorney General Churchill's opinion that he may do so If he will. The bond filed in the appeal case by the Illinois bank is signed by local sureties, who are indemnined by cash deposits for the full amount, The bond is for STRUCK BY A FREIGHT.

Electric Car Loaded with Pcojila AV recked at Niles, O. Niles ,0., July 7. An electric car loaded with people returning from Riverside park was struck by a. freight train on the Eric railway here this evcnlr.rj end reeled -I. The car was r'irly nrrrs 9 the track when the loco-r'-llvo ttruck It, hmllrs It uprn St? merchant, was killed instantly and Mrs.

G. W. Holder, of was dangerously and per- laimiy Several other persons were seriously though not fatally hurt. Among them were Frank ta.rasiy, or warren; Samuel Graham. ine car; Edward jvauer, tne motonnan Moody Ripple.

tncL. "Uam Iewis, of Nlles, and Miss "lUB ot warren. SUSPECTED 0T Verv SasplciAns Circumstances. Pierre, July 7.Special: A man sty ing the name of Ne3s Carlson was ar rested et Miller yesterday and brought to Pierre thla morning as a suspected murderer. Nela Carlson was here last fall with a bunch of horses, and this spring wrote parties here that he would arrive aajn aoout the 1st of.

July, About ten days agro the party now under arrest arrived at Fort Pierre with horses sand gave his name as Nels Carlson. He sold the horses at a very low price ana started t. rerrRpntr himself aa Carlson la business transac- wna at towns east of here. While at Jfort, Pierre he gave away a coat and vest which jwere too small for him, and in one of the pockets was a letter re- tmuigjo iransactiona of the real Carl many confiicting stories: The We an- pears much like a near her eu wnue nere six years aeo. wh r- sva- i.

Hi TVs. Duncan, of Baker City, and took Woman Caases a Tragwly, inaianapoiis, July 7. -At Riverside park, a road house resort near this city. Si Eaglen, a saloonkeeper tnnirht emntied two lnnfl. emptiea two loads from a shotgun into a miv rt zr JZL "nennan, anotner A 1 lit.

lailpr. WnilA Ann pulled his revolver and before Eaglen could escape, shot him three ymes, juumg mm almost anstantly. Another man named Hughes was in jvxru. uy a siray touiiet. a woman caused the tragedy.

Zimmerman went to the road tiouse ta find his wife "who naa preceded mm with another man. He was looking for trouble but killed the wrong- man. Tonlarht went- to the police station and grave aimaeu up. Struck with a Coupling Pin. Fort Madison, July 7.

Al 'Peck. of Dallas City UL. was assaulted last night at the. Santa Fe depot by a col ored man named McGrew," who struck Peck on the head with a coupling pini Peck was believed to have considerable money, none of which. however, was secured Dy nis assailant, no made his escape, -but was pursued ar rested this evening, at Wyaconda, ana piacea in the penitentiary for safe keeping.

Feck's recovery is dou'btfuL Piano Swindlers In Iowa. Creston, Io July 7. A gang of smooth plana -swindlers, driven out of Hlinois by newspaper exposure, are now working in southwestern Iowa. A salesman called-, at the farm bouse of J. A.

Thomas, in Union county, representing- that he was with the American Piano company. He asked permission to leave the instrument In the house. -The farmer receipted for it and the receipt turns up as a $700 note. Many farmers'in adjacent coun ties have been 1 swindled. Detectives are after.

the TILUEE BUBNED TO DEATH. The Deadly Gasoline Gets In Its Work in Chicago. Chicago, July 7. By the explosion of a gasoline stove today Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Ounnwald were burned to death and their residence burned to the ground. (Mrs. Ounnwald, without ex tinguishing the started to pour oil into the reservoir of the stove, when there was o. terrific explosion. She was covered wrth oil and in an in stant every portion of her clothing was in flames.

Her agonized cries brought her mother and husband to the scene. The old lady was so overcome at the sight of her daughter in flames that she was powerless to act. The husband, unmindful of. his danger, tried success to put out the flames. He then picked up the burning form of his wife and, carried her into the yard.

this time his clothes were on fire and he ran frantically around the yard crying for help. Final ly by rolling on the ground he managed to put out the flames. Mrs. Gunn- wald was so badly burned that recogni tion was Impossible. She was dead when picked up.

Gunnwald was taken to the hospital! but there was no hope for his recovery and he died in a. short time etrter being brought there. A po lice officer rescued Mrs. Meyer, the mother of Mrs. Ounnwald, from the burning building.

The old lady is prostrated by the shock. While applying: gasoline to the bed room furniture at her home, 4313 Prince ton avenue, last night Mrs. Alfreda Bortle lighted a match to enable her to seethe crevices, Almost Instantly there was an explosion and the room was a mass of flames. The urges of the gasoline had filled the room and as soon as they were ignited the space was a mass of fire. Mrs.

Bortle was. frightfully burned. Her clothing caught fire and (burned the flesh from her chest down to her feet. In her terrible aeony she thoutrht of her little babe Who was sitting on the floor in one end of the room. She leaped to where the child was and despite her agonies she dragged It to the' door where she sans unconscious.

Mrs. Bortle's sister. Miss King, was burned about her face, hands and back but managed to reach the street. The baby, 9 months old, was only slightly burned about the race and arms, one root was aiso sstorvueu. Mrs.

Bortle died at the hospital after five, hours of dreadful agony. 3llss inns" will recover aitnougn Dauiy burned. BIG CALIFORNIA FIRE. Pacific Lumber Company's Mill and Warehouse Destroyed. Scotia, July 7.

The fire that burned the Pacific Lumber company mill, store and warehouse and lumber yards adjoining the mill was, under con trol this morning, mere were no cas ualties. The estimated ios3 is i.w-i. The burned, but the mail was saved. The express, telegraph and nfT: ees were burned. This was the largest fire ever experienced in the -county.

Gcotia Is a town estaD- Hshed by the Pacific Lumber company about thirty miles from iurtKa, in Itumbolt county. TJie mmoer rnius were amor? the largest on the coast. Iry Sun.iay in New Tori, ew Ycrkv: July in police parlance, a dry Sunday. Accord ing: to the police, all saloons were closed mi tha excise laws were oems tmoiteu cntirtly. At urtown hotels tne excise liw v-c-11 otervex uruz t-oll little Altogether tne ae-t police CTci5C -iv carried terniiB; "1 int? tp.iii-iuitv.

Forty Thousand People at Camp Hancock Yesterday. t. Joula. July 7. Between 25,000 ana 0,000 people were at Camp-Han cock today to see the wind up of the interstate drill and encampment.

The programme today consisted sacred concerts by the bands In camp. An me arternoon the last contest of the individual drill for four prizes, ae- sreeating in value When th drill commenced twenty-five men; resenting each of the companies in camp," were In line, but soon all were dropped out put four. The competition between these was close, the drill being very rigid; and soon all fell ing Corporal Arthur K. West, of the rauemi tagnt inrantry, of Dayton, winner of the first prize. In the free all lnfa.ntrv for.

five, prizes, the Branch Guards, of ana in tteiicnap uines ox an Antonio, won the first and second prizes respectively. The first prize of $3,500, with a SLOOO cup, which went to a home company, was declared by one of the Judges to be entirely out of proportion to the other prizes of this The medal offered for: the Sapln.maln the 'be8t Personal score during the drill was awarded to Capt. Sinclair. rnmmrmT Sinclair, Branch ouards. won the first prize In the maiden In fantry class with the National RlfiesJ' or washing-ton, D.

a close I crack batteries were entered. Indiana In the artillery contest, in which four commands carried off the two- first i prizes, in tne xiaiias nattery nut a few points ibehind for third orlze. i i in the zouaves class point of. ac- I 7n.tavm feet, while their mark for inspection was as high as, if not higher, than in the cases of their, competitors They; however, came far below' the -other companies in the number of movements The Neelys, of Memphis, were the win-; rrers of the first prize, with tjae waisns; of St. Louis, second, and the Hales, of Kansas City, third.

Following is the list of prize winners, with percentages; Jb ree ror an inraniry, sue eninee First prize, $3,000 in money Na-; tional Drill association (St. Louis) cup valued at 11,000, Branch with a percentage of 1.151.50 out of a possible 1,220 points. Second 91,000, Belknap rifles, of San Antonio, with a percentage of Third prize, S0O, National rifles, or Washington, D. with a percentage- of 974.75. Fourth prize.

S500 Bullene guards, Kansas City, with a percent-a-e of 957.75. Fifth orize, 1300. Phoenix Light infantry, Dayton, with a percentage of SS6 I Maiden infantry class; four entries- First prize, 91,500, Bullene- guards, of Kansas City, with a percentage of 1,900.25 out of a possible 2,020 Second prize, $500. National rifles, of Washington, D. with a percentage of 1,893.

Third prize, Company First infantry, of St. Louis, with a percentage of 1,717. i Artillery, four entries First prize. 92,000, Indianapolis Light artillery, with a percentage of 1441.25 out of a possible 1,270 points. Second prizes Rock-vflle Light artillery, with a percentage of 1,040.50.

Third prize, 9250,, Dallas; Artillery with a per centage of 1.038.75. Zouave, four entries First prizes 91,500, Neely zouaves, of Memphis. with percentage of 1.321.95 out, of a possible ,500 points. Second prize, 9500, Walsh zouaves, of St. Louis, with a percentage' of 1.318.25.

'Third prize, 9250." Hale zouaves, of Kansas City, with a percentage of Individual drill First prize. 9100. Cor poral Arthur West, Phoenix Light in fantry, of Dayton, O. Second prize, 950, Private W. F.

Thompson. Branch guards, of St. Louis. Third prize, 915, Sergeant Chariea Durfee, Walsh zou- aves, of St. Louis.

Fourth prize, 910. Corporal Fred W. Albert, National rifles, of Washington, D. AT THE SCHTJETZENFE3T. Forty Singing Societies Make thai Air Vocal at Glendale Glendale Park, JU July ,7.

The singers had a call today at the national echuetzenfest, as it. was Over forty singing societies from New Tork and Brooklyn were in attendance during the afternoon and rendered vo cal music Fully jolly Teutons congregated. In the park and made this the gala day of the fest. The shooting for the several prizes will close tomor row evening. The leaders in the differ-' ent events up to the present time are: George Helm, 75 at the ring target; A.

Strecker, 97 at the man target; Gus Zimmerman. 49 at the standard target. and Wm. 72 at Columbia honor target. CATHOLIC SUMMER SCHOOL.

The Fourth Annual Session Opens at Plattsburg. S. X. Plattsburg, X. July 7.

The fourth annual session of the Catholic Summer School of 'America was formally opened at St. John's church today. Fully 2.000 persona were seated In handsome church and thousands lined the-street when the procession of bishops and priests started from the residence of Be v. Dr. vWalsh, pstor of the church," At 5th conclusion of the mass the sermon was preached by Most Rev.

M. A. Corrigan. D.D., archbishop of Jew York, on "The Nature and Necessity of Religion In the evening, at vespers Itev. Dr.

Conaly, of Worcester, i Catarrhal Affections And kept, my head la constant uain. I frequently be cams dizzy aud had vomiting spells. Cramps ta the fttorsaeh 2nd together with pair ia lacl: rhI I adJi-d to my rury. Itrettci with doctors without Mood'G SaroapQiillG wror-Lt a wonierfl clian.e. It has built irs cp and Etrcn-ttfned my nprves.

It h3 rerfr-ctly crr llzz. I.zxvz .0. L.I i it i ill 1. tot a of it. -j September 8 Murder of the woman Chapman in Hanbury street- September 30 Murders of the women Stride in Berner'a street, and Edowes in Mitre square.

November 9, 1888 Murder of the woman Kelly in Miller's court. March 23, .1883 Grainger, in Cork workhouse. April 22-June 6, 18S3 Grainger again in Cork workhouse. June 10-July 18S9 Grainger with the Cork militia. July 17, 1889 of Alice MdKen-zle in Castle alley.

September lSS3Gralnger In Fulham workhouse. September 10, 1889 Discovery of a human trunk under an arch in Pinchln January 29. 1890-March 6 Graingerjn Cork workhouse. October 24-October 29 Grainger In Fulham 1 November 22-December. 4c -Grainger again in Fulham January 30, 1891-February 12 Grainger again In Fulham workhouse.

On February 12 the man was removed to Banstead asylum, where he was detained until March 26. After that he is traced once more, to Fulham workhouse, yet again to Cork workhouse, to St. Pancreas workhouse in 1893, to Stepney police cells in custody for drunkenness in 1894, and to Spltalflelds cells for drunkenness last January. It will be noticed that Grainger's whereabouts ore unaccounted for at the time of each of the undoubted Whitechapel murders, the murders accompanied by mutilation. But on Sep-1 tember 10, when thej.

Pinchln. street corpse was found, and on February 13, 1851, when the body of Frances Cole-ir an was discovered in wallow Gar-j den, Grainger was. on the former occasion, in Fulham workhouse, and on the latter. In Banstead asylum- It Is a little curious, therefore, to Cnd, on referring back to the newspaper reports of these two cases, that both of Hie at the time were regarded -by men a having no connection with the Ripper." crimes. Both were absolutely different in their characteristics from the former murders.

The body of Coleman was left for. instance. Added to these circumstances, there is one person whom the police believe to have actually een the Whitechapel murderer with a woman a few minutes before that woman's dissected body was found In the streets. That person is stated to have Identified Grainger as tha man he then saw. But obviously identification after so cursory a glance and after the lapse of so long an interval could not be reliable, and the inquiries were at length pulled up In a culde-sac.

We have not given this statement with any view of holding a brlef against Grainger. On the con trary, there is absolutely nothing at an tangible to show that he ever stabbed any woman besides Alice-Graham. But the statement may not prove uninter esting as a record or the enormous txains which the" police devoted to any thing like a clue to that series of crimes, which will doubtless remain an Impenetrable mystery for all time. One other small step may be suggested; lor it doea not appear to have' been taken. Cannot a specimen of nanawnung be compared with some of.

the Ripper letters? There could-be nothing con clusive aTaout it, because; of course, the authenticity of those letters is regard ed rightly, with the greatest distrust. UUt lit wouia, ail me came, ui uw estlng experiment. IOWA' WSl VERSITX AFFAIRS. Changes In the Faculty New Psychologic cnl Professpr. iowa CltV.

July 7. Special 'the last meeting of the board of regents tfie chair of1 modern languages was divld-; ed. thus making another chair the collegiate faculty. Charles B. Wilson, formerly professor of modern lan guages, was made professor of German and F.

C. "Van Steenderen, former assistant professor, was elected to fill the chair of French. Instructor G. I. Houser was made as sistant professor In charge of animal morphology and physiology.

B. with an ad va nee in was made assistant professor in botany. One of the interesting advance move ments at the university Is in the department of psychology. During the past year Prof. Patrick granted four rooms, that is, the whole lower floor of the brick building formerly used by the homeopathic medical department for a psychological laboratory.

Already a considerable amount of apparatus has been secured for the experimental study of psychology and more will be added the coming year. At the last meeting of the board of regents an assistant professor of psy chology was appointed and the man chosen for the place is Dr. J. A. Gilbert, of New Haven, Conn." Gilbert is a doctor of philosophy in psychology, of Yale university, and during the last year has been assistant In the Tale psy chological laboratory.

He is special ist in experimental work and has distinguished himself by his investljrar' tlons. particularly in child study, un der the direction of Gilbert and Prof. Patrick a course of experimental psychology will be given the coming year In addition to the courses hitherto given. Cards have been received- here an nouncing the marriage at Glens Falls, N. on July 1, of William C.

Wilcox, professor of history, to Miss Mary. Frances De VolL They will be at home in Iowa City after October Invasion of Grasshoppers." Valparaiso, July 7. The farmers in the southern part of this county are suffering from a raid of grasshoppers. A va army of the pests have reached here during the past week and whole fields of com and hay have been destroyed. 8 yelks and whites' separately; mix yelks with the bread and milk; stir in whites, add teaspoonful salt, fry brown, Tiila is sufficient for 6 persons.

Baked Omelette 4 to 6 egsrs; beat whites separately; small teacup millc. butter size of walnut; 1 tableapoonful flour, a Uttls salt. IJeat yelks, add butter, milk, fiour and salt, lastly the beaten whites. Butter a dish just the size to hold it; bake in quick oven. Horse Radish Sauce 1 dessert fpoonfcl of olive oil, same quantity of powdered mustard, 1 tablpcxmful of 2 of grated horse radish and 1 ul of ealt.

an i uution ds toe est zetz DISS ASS5 to the raanu-icturers of Tmtziztlz, Cczz. Seems to be tfit fal, and whila disco sin them you should not overlook tlie fact it at la crdfr to he la Itoe rou sIiotjJcI be pe rfect totA -ptiyeicia-llv asd mentally, troae nerren ara t-aif ntlal In tTcra-itnl br.nlar-ea. Pre tiood -laneceassuT for foocl hea ts. How to obtsia theao la the aacm oi the stcUltul DK. 1IA.TIIAAVAY tc TVho have grlren dia9 cf the fiirtn an4 Jxrvcu Systia a tboronpa more aucoc-ssfui la tnn tr-iiLmcTjt ct auofa tltf-aees thaa.

te ttdvtTt's'u? pceciallht 'ho claim to treat anil cure fitii. HA ill A WAY A CO. are true fcnJ f-catne1 er-ecialina and limit j-wlalty trvtlci to. atiOT arid all cic-is p-culiar to in i a nJ woman k.ul. Cvl cr wrtto tors' free ni expert opinion of your cstsfl.

SYPHTLtS -ThU terrib'-o dlscaaa la trate4 by ua with the l.tst t.nd uur exrert- ect at Ilot an eAtern honpitais us to entire -ly erscicat ttis en "Ible poi.wn from the tjMem. 'i riDld, cats knd effecUrs remely, A cumpits curs i anteea. y- D1SCI1AUCW promptly! rnred in a lew days, tri'i-k. srure and aale. Tlti incjndes Oltet aul Uo.jrriiofea.

A new infUiod. So Th cr-ly rational mrtlioii to ct a complete cuie. l.I.r;.S Great care ted. No kmfe. cattmg or ligature.

I-ArIKS Vouwho tur- infrtnc- frcm fjes pwu iarinyfurses, aknti. UT our n.enoa or. re a to ct. which fctir-lifc- old.xnetli-.". aui does away-t rar.cb paia.

is tTtunejiW r'c-a Try our treHtTtnt fintl yoa will at i Mood poisnning, r.rvoua debility, ia plwoa face, urlriary cuitlc--. Ul i.r csiarra an ttlsase5 cf J. cr call oa Ult. HATHAWAY CuJ 1 Cor.

Fourth ad Nebraska Pts Com re lerd Ucck, rooms 14 ani l41i. Stuux City, Iowa. Mill ireattert rira ly -jilnr for srajp or lixnz. So. He.

lor-om l-f lie kin 4 ceases. No. 4 cstArrb. tlour: to 12. to 5 7 to e.

ti'jniaya 10 tol. zl. sun Th Pioneer Dealer la VT Pric ii-e on Cr. tract. 330 jasEs st.

ail den And Furulturo pairing; iso to 'suw1 arJl -a j-t pn- i 1 i i u.ii on ahcrt ix v.k i TVTT.T.TnA?rnC PERSONAL AW OH DER FU FOR EC ASTER AND IMIIETIC JEALER. lime. Prof. Za Chere. the Egyptian life reader, who is now In Sioux City, has proved herself a marvelous suc cess and godsend to her patrons.

Mme; ua. v-nere is recognizea py Tne press, public, medical faculty and scientists of two continents as the most distinguished medium of modern times. If you are in doubt she can and will perform all she claims. Feel yourself invited to call and she will, give you more substantial proof her marvelous powers than you have ever before received from mortal. She reads the head, hand, form end face.

Men who tempt fortune. by? dabbling in -wheat have found her services Invaluable. And men who tempt fortune over the grreen cloth believe in her "tips." Don't faij to see her if you are Interested in the affairs of life. If marriare, death," changes, travel. divorces, separations, lawsuits, business transactions, wills, deeds and mortgages, lost or stolen property, hidden treasures, lost or absent friends interest you.

She tells who your friends are and who are not, who Is whom and what is what. She tells you what you should do to be successful, where you should so and whom and what to avoid. has in her possession the famous Cleopatra amulet. The madame ts noted for her- wonderful mesmeric and hypnotic influence. Breaks arl evil Influence," points the way to success'and fortune.

She will keep you out of trouble from whatsoever, and describe your most cherished wish. Each person granted a private Interview. Office hours 9 a. m. to, 9 p.

m. Sunday 2 p. m. to 7 p. m.

0 cents, and SZ. president of the school, preached an eloquent sermon on "Primitive and Mosaic Decease of Judge ITIripatrlclc. Butte, Mont, July 7.A diypatch from Bait Lake announces the suSden there of Judge Mosos Kirkpatrick. of this city, one of the foremost in the northwest. The past ten years he baa been principal attorney for the Anaconda Mining company.

mmm Gov. Jvirkwood'e Coatin. Dcs Moines Capital: "Daniel Kirkwooi. couEin of the late Gov. Klrkwood, died Riverside, CaL.

June 1L He was a very distinguished mathematician an i astronomer. lie rpent half of Lis us ful life at the Inciana university. waj nine months younger than hi, born on the STth of Ept-m her, isii. The same county, that of Ila.r-ford, Maryland, li which Gov. KJrkwoc-i frst saw tne I'rht, v.

a that cf Prof. Klrkwood was a native. He was a mathematical instructor in the Cf York. liS-li3: principal of Dancajgter school in the s.ime ft ate for the nest years, and Tor the following three years principal of PcttaviUa saca-lemy, all in the state of reriDs-lvania. He Lecarae professor of rcathern.mi.j3 at cf.Ue'rs et Ne ark.

In ll'l, p-i rrs: icr.t of the institution in li. ii liKS tie enteretl upon Ms -career the same profes-asrshlp ia the -In-nva. university. He was the -author, cf and "Cornfti end t-ors," fctfldea many a.trc sir -stl rrtrj. Goixl lo.

Atkinson it ICS. vet -V rf is t.e rcru l'-f i wt- r-. of 'i i-f 'ff i '-3 creahi of tartar is Baking Powder Un-Iilie otKer powders, Royal leaves no acid or alkali in the food Lettuce Salad, with Cream Dressing new milk (cream is best), 1 tea-spouu corn starch, whites 2 epgs beaten xtlfr, 3 tablespootifuls, vinegar. 3 table-epoonfuls best salad oil, 2 teaspoonfuls powdered nustar, 1 teospoonful salt, pepper, i teaspoonful freh m-ifl mtigtard. milk (or cream) almost to boillngj-stir In corn starch wet up with cold milk.

Then boil up, add Fiifrir and take from lire. Cool; beat in frothed whites, oil, pepper, mustard and ilt; when lettuce is shred fine, add vlne- ir to dressing and pour over it. Stir with a fork and srve. Oxnt-lette Sak teacup bread emmhs ct'-p swpt overnight, 3 egg's, lct.

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