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Evening Journal from Vineland, New Jersey • 3

Evening Journali
Vineland, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dsnee in the Armory every Saturday W. K. Bates, undertaker and embalm-r. Lady amlstanta, 64'i Landis Avenue. Ilestdenoe 708 Elmer St.

Interstate PEUSON'AL MENTION. Mr. Arthur WUIUuis sod wife sis boms vlsl tots. J. E.

Chew, Carpenter, 723 Wood. 8m! Cbalr oauloir, F. VV Piake, Main Ave. aprlS I rsrimDAY BtPTtMrin 19 I E. WILLIAMS.

533-535 Landis Avp, A Great Sals of Women's Tailor 1 1 TO Made OUi I NOW IS THE TIME to secure your all and Winter Suits away below former prices. Stylish, Spring models at these price rcduc- tious: f0 reiioced to 8.S0 8 7 -T 10.13 'i(K 18.5( 14.00 U00 t0 1 oo An oo 0.00 10 ot ia.ho As stated, the above are the Suits left from Spring sales: Blacks, Grays and Fancy Mixtures. Here's a list of some suits. "left overs" from previous cuicnrx: midp from excellent all wool cloths, just the thing a as .1 tor cool tan weaker, in mobt cases the skirts; above are worth more than ask for the whole suit. OO suits now '0rt hi a to 8 7S MWl fi tO to no 4 io on a no l.m 6 50 UftO 7t-' l5rt 6 0J liisfv -4 10 mo, 2w 15W f'0 6.00 Some of them abosa in our East Window WE ARE SHOWING REMARK-ABLE VALUES IN NEW FALL Ar WIMTKR SUITS.

lust re ceived, of Black, Navv, and Plaid Broadcloths real vaiuo At $15 Suit These suits were made for us under particularly advantageous circumstances. You'll find tliemto be as we claim. Worth $20.00 for $15.00. tatm 535 36fir 1 i -i WE HAVE IT. SPEG1AL NETTING To GQYer Tomato Biskets.

width to cut no waste. bth and Peach Su. GfflDrSKUL'NEII. CHILDS' COFFEES Tbnrti's bo mrrrrt sbotit our Lsvlrrsbip. Ws get them direct from lbs Importer.

fUiiattud Hleid thrra csrefully. Every grade must mrasars up to ths highest sU' dsrd. We're osreful to see thst the quslity of our Coffaes sre slwsys uniform snd sell to consumers vritb ths mlddlti oisb profit cat-out. A FEW PENNIES CUT OFF THIS WEEK 0ur2oc Pcaberrv I7C lb Our 17c Sautes 15c lb Uurisc liio I2C1U -JKfQVVUI tilg'it. aug) th fr sa Black Flag Insect Powder at Conwell'e ding Fountain syringes.

A fresh stock at Con well's drug store. 7wl Lowney's Chocolates. A fieeh stock at Con well's drug store- Ovstera. clams, fresh-- every day at Speucer's, Boulevard and Wood St. augS tt'sTberc It there is anything new In furniture Loppy has it.

Drop ia and see. 6wl Tbe Crtla Cootany- Crimson clover and seed rye at the Grain Co, 's store, 7wt UtnOlSttrlBf Old furniture made to look like new, and Fibre Seating. Wm. T. Uamiyn, N.

W. Cor. 7th aud Pear St. 8w4 Purity of Goods Ansthlng you buy at Sharp's' bakery vou oan depend upon. Tbs Ingredients ais pure.

Cream, pies, oaks, everything Bwl A New Public Conveyance. Sued at Baker House, 'Phone to Askew'f drug store from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.

week day. Owner John J. Williams, De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are best for backache and weak kidneys. Bold by Baker iiouse rbsrmaoy. Saturday will be ths biggest day for bargains on acooun' of Hebrew holiday.

We will close the 9.h, 10th snd IStb Goldberg, lit At' Mrs- Mckusos's Lot of velour remnants 80 snd 33 cents a yard. Percales, oallooes aud auitings. Embroideries and new lot ol vl lace. Farms Wantel If you wish to sell your farm list It with The A. Strout Company, Post Olllce Building, and get the benefit of their extensive advertising.

tpi ftlselnw. ths Rscslrsr. Best of leather guaranteed. Years of experience enaoies us to rosse doois ana shoes look well as well as wear well. 7s 1 OiS ao9 EnJs- Odds acd ends in paints.

Best materi als. Suitable fr roof or barns. Only 53c a gallon. Tbe Kegal Paint htora 12wl A Souveolr of VlDelaail. A new line of many dlffereut d3sios.

very beautiful, must be seen to be appre ciated, at Taylor 1 haruiacy, Ota Lan die Avenue. 6wl Vineland Band Laundry, (formerly Madden Lore's) Is now open and ready for business. JUiss sladdeu will assist. All work satisfactory. Hive us a call.

aug21 Mrs. J. Marscb. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Or Sboop, Racine, Wis. 4 These tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost tbs great value of this soieotiUo prescription known to druggists everywhere ss Dr.

Slump's Catairh Remedy, Sold by Taylor's Pharmacy, 543 Landis, Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Tbe prompt aud surprising relief which this remedy Immediately brings la entirely due to its Itestorstive sotlon upon tbe controlling nerves of tbs Stomach, etc A weak Stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermit tent pul-te, always means weak Htomaoh nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strength en these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Sboop't Restorative and see bow quickly these ailments disappear.

Dr, bhoop of Racine, will mall samples rree. writs for tbeu. A test will tell. Your health is certainly woith this sim ple trial. Bold by 'laylor's Pharmacy, od anais.

A Gtntltmifl Shaves Himself Tbs Philadelphia Press makes tha un precedented offer of their excellent paper dally one fall year, a guaranteed razor made rrom best Sheffield steel, a strop made from oiled porpoise leather and webbing, flat handle, army swivel 24x22 In all for $3.75. Priced at retail in the best stores (ths only place the manufac turer will permit tbe sals of these goods) this means razor 13.00, strop (1.00. Tbe U.ily frees one year (3.00 or a total worth of 18 00 for Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents. Send your order by nexi man to me Department, ne i-ress, rniiaaeipma, a. it will re ceive immediate attention.

TUAT Paint must be specially mixed for each individual job to give tbe best service THAT Puro White Lead Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint ia not sold ready for use for this reason and ftir no other. THAT other paint are less valuable thsn Pure White Lead Zincaotl-trinseed Oil Paint in direct ratio to the amount of inferior materials which they oontaio. THAT all other paint materials are inferior to the three named. THAT Pure Wbite Lead Z.ino aid Linseed Oil boinir staple and the bgftt for paint, are sold st leas profit than any other paiut materia'. THAT this is the reason why so many paint dealers recommend other paint which anord a greater prout.

THAT any of these other painU worth considering oasts no more by tbe gallon or by tbe bouse than Pure White) Lead Zno and Linseed Oil. THAT none of them Is as durable, as economical, ss or as good in every way. You can see tbe abovs materials mixed to your order any color (Kegal House Paint) while you wait, thus insuring a reliable fresb paint. THE REGAL PAINT STORE, .538 Landis. Telephone Coubwtion.

SPECIAL ItOTICES. lVVWS.VANV NrtrVSrV-X 'll' Hr On TrLH-iS- jrv- TOH work or diivlng num. nuucOflll, rutStallty, liml IfOm KAI.b- it Whit cockerels nin, ul.l llfiMimui, Ave. Br West 7Jl IljK Hal.tNicliohnivr serawlterrr plant sue fwr liiiiulrd lr. Inaao VB iHiusn, Park 1.0H A1X- Full bnlMlus lot on I.tmlis vemiti mil SlVl.

bur aiut hiilid 'aud iske lOpot oei t. J.t-ph AU.un, 112 l.iudn. A l.K IMjtaiiii By ami buil(ttiii suitable dr tin. All lir Jiwcnll Mason 4Uwi OK 8A1.K lient's hd ri le In (romi enull. baii.

urn a. Vt. itoulevard. luwl KORKALEJP.c.,w. J.

Cock Ins; Aie. Box to uwi KOK HALK-Uuod furm horse. Apply to lln lrt I'yoler, bo to, Lincoln Hwl 1 Losr- (irmrsviHl froio ml vard ytiuui: wo.iU-11 onillw. reward If re turned to Ailam Uiacb, lwoud bu wi B8. WKlisTKR'H HOMfc HCHOOL for i Uencutr atu rvtardtHi, uot feeultiuliitlfMt.

gllU. 106 N. Kast Atenu. Juiwll 'I'VPfcWHIINil In all It liranoliM. two work vrtlIUPtly dim.

aeaonable tt-t4a DpauMat'icmfrKe. Slu uimli WANTS. SEAMsThKNM would like work by day, J.aaaonal,le Kline, 4.1 Plum, 121 niTHLKKITPKH WAVTKI). iKia, 7i reacn oi lZwl to butf lurtiotus la Finlshln; koniu. Mvillar A Holni 1101 N.

till tjtravt. cor tie irue I'liiUdeliilila, ANTKD-Manstrer for Mors. a luan, oil-diess XX orrii V.Vi vv AKTEfi-Jlflnjat per cent on Landis tiuiieu tiUH-a. Alex i.iatior, septU VV 7 work In nfti.w. ANTKI tiirltotulat with homework Mr.

Uturite ievenon. Varl r. ANTtllOirl for ireneral houeework. Mrs.Jolia Mi-Mliaa Hwl VANTKD -Two gentlenian boarders A p- piy sn 7in ntreei i ANTED A Kirl for general homework urape Ktreet. owi XlTANTt woman to do eooklnK, AssUtanv Ki-en in liundrv work.

Wajtvs i- a week. Apply to Mr. 1) Ulil, Uoiutu bl Avenue, Miilvillo, N. J. swl ANTED-Hoy tn drive horee da t-e aetiuaie wi REM ESTATE FOR SALE, OH MA LK Ktokes tliree-ator biik blm 40Sand 4'0 Laudis, Willi two Irim' two fine oellara.

brirk oven ill baeiiient. tao piltate eutranwe to second and tkltd alorie or tent-OjeulH ouniamu.R rooms sai n. iin. hut nd eold water all eonveoteiH-S and iu Kood order. Kins two xtory Ore proof rooted him I2z4i.

btrH' yard: 111 tier nl Invefttment. Jueepb Msuui, Heal state aud ite liisuraure. BALK Th Kejser property on 4t li Hf riarxain ir (Ola tuis week, a. AcKiey, Ul3 a FOKS Al.B l.arite btlr-k reldoqee 7th A rtuiu. tt.

Huirud, 70" Urape. mugli fjOK HI.K-Tn acre fruit farm, near bor J7 o)-b, aereu rotmi hoiiHu, bath, and otbrr cjnvemeroe. barn auti ttitir ttuiiuiUKe, all in voh1 order, etraui of tiure water. IliMt the pla-e I. cbii-kens, duck ami piKeou, IJ.Oooi ail or part caan, juf epn maeou, real esiaie avu i i tn KOHHALE-tiuil caab and lid a month will buy S-looiu houw, larice lot.

coiner property, in KoroUKli, near stali in ana truliey. Joepn Mason, 7wl hEAL K8TATK EOK tJALB- Horougb and Kesidenee pnerty, soiju toliooo. imiiroveil 10 to KSi aire farm. Si two to llu.uuO. New lnd.

exoellent soli. In Iruorori-d. well settled ieihborbiM)ds rear to per -re. Charles K. Indi, ku lndi vineland n.

on oi id oriKinai owner aud fouuder of Vineland, Oltle i over Forty Year aero frous i'suosyivaul it. H. oiation. FOR RENT. 1OK KENT room h.n bath hot and 1' eold water I IU meniii, irar.Hharp.

liwl KoK KSNT Hooa of 11 rooms, south-i eat oooner Landla and Valley A venua. all oon veniaoftea inuulr of Wiabaiu, LAodia, near Howard Streat. luwl FAB SHJCNT-T deelrable rooms on 2nd iL flour, casual KH-aLion, snitalil for dwell iiK and office Alex M. Taylor. ffFOK RKNT Th Hlmkln Rn'peHy, 4 Ianave.

srooui, oatii.Kae, ranie lame barn. Slot. Ale. M. Taylor.

l'wi tatYtlH EST-Houe at Mh snd Plnm Htreete The sumtuer tenants hava ri-oati-d. All lonvealence. Vinelaud Urain Co. 6wl F'OK RKNT Four rooms at 130 lnrti. epU KOK HA l.K Ott liENT Two larr farUiry iiiiiiuiiiK- apply Henry Morris, mat Street.

1nnn (11 A SIudy of the Eye AND ITS AILMENTS, DEFECTS OF VISION AND THEIR TREAT MENT, AND1IA THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO Use ma Sight. Now is the time to save your eyes nnnnhfiV Optician, T. UUllUilU. 014 Landis Cradaate Optician. U.

DuBois, Ti'i Wood Milk, Oo a quart C. Flahet's home-made bread, i worth a trial. ,71 TOt Greatest Vsrlctv You'll find pleuty of variety at Scln ei der's bakery. 1 De Witt's Little Early Kiscrs dou't ickeu or jrripe. bmall pills, easy to take.

Hold by Baker House Pharmacy. Kodol for Indigestion and Dyspepsia Is a preparation of vegetable aoids and Odi ums tn same (uioes luuna in a ueaitny stonisoh. It digeats what you eat. hf Haker House Pbarmary. WarDUff.

If you have kidney snd bladder tiouble and do not use Foley' Kidney Cure, you will uave only yourself to Dlame lor re- ult. as it positively cures all form -t kidney nd bladder diseases. Lonsell a t'toneer ltug More, 7smhonc'a. Have riHuwil our aommer -Ojda to dear them out. On our fj table you ill tlud figured lawns, dimities, pique, madras snd ootton voll.

Also short remnants of ooloied lioane, and figuied aatlue. Kveo if you ao no neea mese goons now It still pay you to buy them for ueit year. To cheok a cold nulokly. et from your diuggist some little Candy Cold Tablets oallod Prevsntlos. Druggists eveiy- where are now dispensing I'reveiitio, for they are not only safe, Cut decidedly certain aud prompt.

Preventive contain no Quinine, no laxative, notblng tiaran nor alokeuinir. Taken at tbe ''aneeie Preventlos will prevent Pneumo- niA, lironoliius, urlppe, etc nenre lbs came, Preveutics. OimkI for feverish ohlldran 49 Preventlos S3 cent. Trial boxns cents. Bold by Taylor's rhaima- oy, 513 Landis.

CASTOR I A For Infants aid Children. Ths Kind Yea Hsys Always Bought Bears ths Slgnatu' The Auctioneer Will nav cash for Personal Pro- ertyof every description, or anything that you may have that you may desire to turn Into ready money, Drop him a postal, tell what you have to sell, and he will call on you or buy from description. If you prefer he will sell for you on your premises or at nis regular auction each Saturday, at 2 o'clock, of Household Goods and Store Stock. Ackley's Auction Hart 9 and 11 North 6th St Vineland, N. This Machine Does the Work.

P. Pennino Repairs Your Shoes WHILE YOU WAIT He makes tbe old shoes look like new ones. He can burnlab tbcm by tbe electrical machine In a few moments. Ghe him a trial aud see bow quick your shoes sre repaired. People from out of town my have theirs done vc bjle they sre doing their slhoppiug.

Work promptly dot by the two shoemakers. Price ia very reas'inahle. Tbe number is 602 Landis Ice Ice tJtTl AM PREPARED TO FURNISH TIIE BEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE RATES All Orders will Recelie Prompt Atteitlot. W.N.Smith. fhone 200 Lesv ortas at Chtw's Restsract.

'era" isseu a permanent ro- Dr. snd Mr. H. Csmtibell. of Phila delphia, are visiting Mr.

Campbell's sister, Miss Landis Jamea Vierce. of Norfolk. Mrs. Sua 1'ieroe, of West Philadelphia and una lampoeii, 01 Baltimore, are visiting Mr. R.

M. Marley, of Park Drive, William Laneshswbas given up bll farm on Main Avenue to take tlie man-sgemeut of the poultry department at the Wldener country place, Ogoutx, I', Mrs. Rtmell and two children from Ban Sba, Ttxa are visiting Mr. Emn'a Johnson, of North Boulevard, ilrs, Mussel's father and mother are In the Bo'diers Home here. Baby Foods.

All kinds at Coowell's drugstore. Parifflne Wax for seal lug preserves at Taylor's 1'bar. mscy, oii) usnnis Ave. Viwl At Kluft'l- Two oars of feed and bran and mid dlings just arrived, at lure's feed store, 12t Souvenir Post Cards- Midi new snd beautiful designs, alto writing pads oontalulng Iceland views, 10j, at laylor's Pharmacy, l'Jwl A. Arklrv will ell tha ITevaer property on sin Direct at oig Bargain if haver comes Immediate).

Several parties want to rent It, but be will wait a few days tor a ouyer. iaio Mrs- J- Wood' School of Music 210 N. Oth St. Fall term begins Bept 16. Voice culture and cut singing violin, cornet, piano, organ, mandolin, guitar, banjo.

lowi ml. a mat Ail at J. U. Green's, 200 Plum Street, on Saturday evening. Something new snd novel will take plaoe at 9 80.

Everybody welcome. ueneut lor tne union vnureu. imu' Do you Intend to have a watermelon party we wouiu rje.piea.ea to u.t. your order for fine melons. Tbe Allivine IK Am9 Crsncers, Notice 1 TliAr will an own meetlnir of the Grange, next Saturday, for the Children's Prl Frhlhltlnn Alt members snd their friends are Invited.

Bring exhibits early as possible, not later man i p. m. -i, l' 10 Him Stind. David Kotok, the successful fruit and vegeuhle dealer, is establishing a stand at 7th and Landis, a branch of the store at otn and Landis. ue win seep every thing in season.

Open Friday morning 12t3 Vr AIIim has moved th Ktiwk at the Van Meter erocerv at Park and Fourth Streets, wbieb be recently bought, to his property on the soutbwest corner or toe uouievaro. aoa Park Avenuer. All Work Satisfactory. We ar in posltiou to do your painting in the best manner by competent paint ra mt. miiRnnahle rates.

21ml Hegal Paint Store, 528 Landis Ave. A Carl Bavins Durcbaotd the express and oartlng business of Mr. Fejd Fix we re spectfully ask for a share of public patronage. All patrona will receive care full attention. We have tbe best of fapi' Hie now for all kinds of hauling.

1H2 Isaac Garrison. How is This A few tlO and 1 13 suits a little out Of style but excellent for work suits, only (3 and 3 50. S'zes 84, 85 and 86. This la sn eiceotloual oner Dul someooay must bay them soon. Don't miss ths ohanoe.

Ths special sale Is still going on at popular prices. Krusen's. iwl School SuDDllCi. Abe Stern's middle window will oon UId all tha necessities in the sobool line, such as pencil boxes, slates, pads, lunob boxes, rules, straps, bags, note paper, pouohss, and casket. There is also a Dlos line of literature for boys, snd a few dictionaries.

To make It abort, come and see our line. Abe Stern. 6wl Constable's Sala. On Saturday, September 1037, at 2 p. the undersigned will sell at public vendue to tbe highest bidder on the farm known as tbe Mlllman property, o.

oor. Wheat and East, Landis Township, the following persona property: Lot of bay, 9 to 13 tons, 12 acres of standing corn, patch or growing lima beans. Seized as the property of Mary Weber. Terms aetw Wm. M.

JHIlo, 1U3 i Constab'e. Prlza Wlnacrc Oeorife Mavtrott, Charles Chalmers, Anna II. Ellis, Frank MoMahaa and Miohael N. i orgo are each J.K) richer InrouRu tne enterprise oi i n.aier, mansger of the Strout Farm Agency over the post-office. Mr.

Kaler believes in interesting tbe people while at tbe same time be is winning snooess for the company. Tbe checks he mailed yesterday to tbe above named persons were prizes for reports or tne Deet results attained In fruit, berry, vegetable, poultry and iqiisb raising tn tbe township. Mr. Kaler is a worker and is bringing a desirable class of citizens here Mr. Souiers, proprietor of ths moving picture parlor, has bad considerable buffeting In tbe financial world.

He is the Inventor of the once celebrated Ferris wheel. Os built and ran them in Atlantic City, Asbury Park, ney bland aud Kockawsy Beach. In 1301 he was making big money Id Atlsntio City. Tbe big-1 gest day he remembers was when bs sold 10,000,1 diets, and tbe money Is took in during the year amounted to A company of men with Mr. Ferris built ths great wheel at the World's Fair in Chicago and endeavored to ignore ths patentee, Mr.

Bomers. Ue asked tbe court for an Injunction but was refused, because tbe court thought tbe mora money the company made the more easily Mr. Somers eould get redress In court after -tbe fair. Suit waa -com. menced, and Mr.

Somers won in two courts. About this time Mr. Ferris died, and in the end Mr. Somers got nothing. Bs has bad numerous law suits and never mads much money with the patent, ex- i i i cepi on ine macuines luai ue vuirc muu operated, THE WEATHER.

Indications for tomorrow, fair, with I'ght to fresh west Temperature 1I07. ltK'6. Msiimura 75 P3 Minimum 50 70 Bun let tonight at tt.17. 1 Local News. Cove oysters at Barlow's.

Stationery at Galloway's! Trip around world tonight. Stevenaon, Messenger, "243 Market. Chlr caiffog, Unnlyaf-jUi aud Taar. The new advertisement today are the Regal Paint Store and Oordout a e. Fresh flah, Wilhelra's, 410 Landis.

Al-ao prime and call oysters. Always fresh. ept7 Th Shower. 1 UO luuwu MBb uigufr UlauQ Ik uvura ary to postpone the Methodist entertain- TL. .1 1- M1.V I.

U1VUI Ui UII) IIUUUU IUV IHIU tonight. The meeting of the Woman's foreign Missionary Society of the M. Church was postponed nntil Friday, Sept. 13 at 3 p. to be held at the parsonage for the election of offloers.

AH members are urged to be present. The Schools. The schools art going on smoothly regardless of the inoonvenient accommoda tions iu several of the grade. The pupils adapted themselves quickly to the conditions tn Cosmopolitan- Ball, and the other halls and rather enjoyed the novel ty or tne occasion. The Republican County Convention for the nomination of a senator and coroner will be beld at 9 on September 24.

in tb Court House at Bridge- ton. The Assembly Convention beets here in Cosmopolitan Hall loursday, beptembar Sfu, at noon. Governor Is Comlor- Rev. J. R.

Mason, of Colllngswood, N. 4 candidate on the Prohibition ticket for governor, will scares an open sir meeting, corner 6th and Landis, row evening at 7.30. Prof. Lough and wile will furnish the) miulo and Prof. Lough will make an address.

Trip around world tonight Union Lake Park bss been olosed for tlie season. The management is well satisfied with the success during the hot months. The entertainments at the Casino are said to have been the best in general ever presented there and many people were traded the're for thai reason. Gravel to give away. Gage.

lbwl There seems to be no donbt about tbe increase of basinets on the West Jersey Railroad st tbe Vinelaod station. August this year was away ahead of last year both in freight and passenger receipts. The increase at tbe passenger depot was something over 11500. Lower fares have increased travel as well as tne receipts. ......1 tli Miss Rose Kohn, of Rosenayu, Is re ceivinff the thanks of tbe law abiding citizens for rounding op the hoodlums thst gather around this post offlo at night end disturb tha peace.

Anyone they take a dislike to nods traveimg on the street at night very disagreeable. When Miss Kohn waa booted for her stand for law and order sue was sur-prited. Then she cried, which is a fem inine privilege, but the. next thought was to teson trie boy lesson, as a consequent's uslice Williams put all tbe ac cused under bonds to keep tne pesos. Trip around the world tonight.

Annual Reunion. Mrs. C. Pearson is entertaining between thiity and forty people today. The occasion is the annual reunion of tbe pioneers of New field.

Of these there are bat three of the origins! settlers left. One is William Tyler, of this place F. S. Diugberty, the only one residing in New-field, and Alfred Howes, of Downer. Dangherty and Mr.

Howes are neariug the B0 ear mark. These gentlemen, with their wives, and children and descendants of other' pioneer families, held tbe reunion today with Mrs. Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler.

Of course there was a big dinner and a good time. Tbe old days of scrub oaks mud mosquitoes weie talked over and also pleasant reminieoeucos indulged In. Trip around the world tonight. The weary look Township Clerk C. V.

Marshall Is wearing, was drawn across his usually natdsoroe countenance In this way. According to law be tunst wait at the committee room on election night to receive the ballot boxes and returns from the several precincts- Tuesday evening he sat up, between snoozes, until nearly four o'clock 'Wednesday morning waiting for tbe South Vlneland board to appear. Becoming desperate he went to the telephone and burned the batteries-out before be got an anawer from tiidaey Gardner, who was dreaming of when he would become postmaster of Vlneland. Oardner said tbe election board had borrowed hisetrrisgeat 12 o'clock to come to Vineland. Marshall immediately secured a horse snd buggy and started southward searching the highway and the railroad fur wreck, while visions of mangled human beings and sm asked, not stuffed, ballot boxes, filled his brain.

Arriving shortly before) five o'clock he found the election board just finishing up tbe returns and preparing to start for town. One hundred and sixty votes were polled there, and It la believed this election board will go on record as the swiftest ever was. Pearl Onions. 10c bot 8c Pure Black Pepper, 15c lb Egg Noodles 2 pkgs 5c Best Flour, 37c Toilrt Paper, 3 rolls 1Cc f.lsat Dept. Best Sirloiu Steak, 22c lb Best Rump Steak, 20c lt Best Chuck Roast, 10 and 12c lb 1 L.hol:e Veal To-day.

Luncheon Beef, 5c lb Luncheon Ham, 14c I1! Dried Beef, 25c la Ctiilds.

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