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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

See OurRrlces On Diamond Rings, prices from $10 to $30di No Goods misrepresented. See our Prices on Watches. LADIES' SOLID 14K. WALTHAM WATCHES, worth WO, tar LADIES' GOLD-FILLED WATCH IS, worth for I0. 4 LADIES' SOLID SILVER WATCHES, worth $5, for 12-60.

1 CENTS' GOLD-FILLED WATCHES, worth Sin, far 10V SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES ON OTHER LINES at tZ Spark S. a. McMillan Phone 1145. Eye examined Free of Charge. RIBBONS, LACES, COLLARS, BELTS, ETC.

lor you to wesr with your spring uosiums Ws nsvs also a Hns assortment of BLOUSES In all shades, styles and materials. TAILOR MADE SKIRTS suitable, for all occasions i34Sp.rk,st. The White Store F. Hosiery. Oloves, Corsets US amallwaies, ALL 'vrri We have iust received a shioment of- OUARANTBBD, tVisf Tests te S8-01 OoM 0.00 floU Tilling.

tits Silver Filling Cstnsnt Tillinc-. .50 IitTetin. 1281-8 BFAKKBSTUUt JAS. J. ENRIGHT.

lluifV, POSITIVE PAINLESS EXTRACTION OP TEETH. Ottawa Dental Parlors 140 SPARKS STREET. DR. BROWNLEE, Prop, to Bryeon, Orshsm A Co. Closed at night oVoopt by appointment.

Pb-ne No. 130. WE HAVE Some very nice ELECTRIC CTAjOLE LAMPS of Ibo laAeet Mp, We boy osreet from ttuutu lecturer and ema give yoa the boat prices, P.E.MARCHAISD6&CO, FhonaSOl. PHONE A4Q. GEO.

BAILEY CO. Lunn's Hockey Ska. tea ield Rubber Tires auent for Istehsmltha, Brass, Iron and Copper. P. Skate Knives, Shears, 'Carv Kelly Sprinaf CLOTHING k.7S ",5 wjtll roer l00" SltMtoalra'' R.


J. LEACY DENTIST HA Slllfkt SI aaaraaaat.a itt aisuiss tit Bryaos A arenas. Extra Heavy Bassnsss snake lareer araaalaaa neces sary. W. now occupy tha entire ground floor snare at la Sparks etraet.

aa have "targe- aWre-Tltsir oee AtatuwawL, Shade, neral Klectrlo Buppuee, Kov-auaarvJiM -Malarial- Umon. Tele phones, Medloal asoior repair kwuhq to promptly ana GarrioclLGodard Co WMOLiaALB AND RETArL. Dr. V. H.

Lyon Detitlsta 66J Spares PHONE 43. Street ATLANTIC CITY. NJ. The ST. CHARLES Atlantic crrr.

MOW OPEN. prtrata batna, aaa and frh '-watf. ahowar aUacamaaia. ate. Kodara and NEWXIN RAINES, lra riy of tha Clialfoiita.

POLITICAIT ST. JAVIES ELECTION CASE. Tha PL Jamea alretlon ca'ka wfll coin ab In tha Supremo Court on March -A a THE rEItNIB 8TRIKR. W. V.

Mackamlo Klmr. of Ottawa. in Wtnnltwit on hla way Frnla la oonnartlon with tba miner' atrika at that placa, a a a OK CUSTOMS BUSINSSS. John Batn, private aaorctary to tha Bitntatar of cuatoma, la la Winnipeg on puatoma buatneaa, a a MR. 8COTT GOES WEST.

W. D. Soott, tha new aupertntandtnt at ImolaTMton, 4a an Wliulpa. FORESTRY CONVENTION. Prof.

L. Ooodwln. of Quran's Vnlvarslty, ha notified tha Canadian Poraatry AraoclaiUon of hla acceptance of tha Invitation to at the annual meeting in Ottawa on (he Jib and th of atnrrh. The aubject of -roi. xwwwi paper will do aetry rMuratkn." Thl la a subiect apactai attention naa SiTen lately a Queen' Unlveralty.

TRANS CANADA RAILWAY aKerteefr Oeean ta Oeean. A Canadian- LIa- Par Canadian People. -STY Threufh Canadian TerrKory Canadian' Porta. I I 1 i THE OTTAWA" VENING JOURNAL, FEBRUARY- 24; fori. Jeweler and Optician SUr Safety Haw, prtoo SIASV rkere.

Machine Work, Door Checks and i'Sia, aharpante and ropaareA If you aran't eaaaa bora, com to u' r1 Ota and superior cjuewy V.b0w to your ttunti FssfcleetsM Taller. BJ WELLINGTON STREET. AMUSEMENTS. jNIGH Al AT EUGENIE I in a Ooroooua Praduotlan of AZ A Next WED, MAT. and NIOHT Tt tlAKr lTA PARRON BAKER" In the Delightful Comedy of CHRIS and LENA Hear Mr.

Batter'. Qraat Sanaa. SARQAIN Telephone fTitt-MllV rv-'ormn lOITRlS Tonight Wed. Mat AU HttVEl BIO BURLESQUE CO. I Burletuta.

with orlrlnal muca. and tt Ilia VauderllT Aeta-la7 Iataaaatinir llloitratad Laetnr. Vadee the diattncataaed patmaa a Intnardlata pnaence of Ilia JCxoelleney wm uvveniQr weneraj ana ue ueun teaa of allato. on THURSDAY tba Stth at 19, tm the o. A.

A. C. Qymnaiauai BalL XUuetratad br Toplev. Bubjart "Paraoaal RecoHactJoae of ay Town, wiin Kemimacant Aaecdotea. In aid of Lady kllaU'a Cottase lloaplial Pun.

Raaerved Seata He and ate. 'a General admtaa'on. Sc. aielfha aiay 4a awn. wr a.Wi ANNUAL MEETING OF 43D D.

O. R. OFFICERS Tha DlfrerenfCommlttaae Appointed lor tha Tear, Plnaaeea la a Oood Condition. The annual meeting of the officer of tna alrd Kagimant. Ii.CO.R, waa held hut -evening, eommlttaaa were appointed and diSarent mattara dia- cuaaed.

The flnancea are In a eery healthy condition, the recelnu amounting to and the expenditure to 12.1&4.M, leaving a balance of Thar la a propoaal to hold two ourvlona during tha earning year but nothing definite waa decided laat evening, the matter being referred to the committee 7'he following committees appointed: Finance Mai E. J. Sutherland, Ihi. R. A.

Helmer and i. Courteney. Band Major a M. Rpgars, Capt R. O.

Cameron and LL P. Matthew man. Eicuralon Qapt. 8. K.

la Rondo. IL R.J. Blrdnhlatle, Direr. Rifle LL-CoL A. P.

Bberwood. MaJ. B. M. Kogera, MaJ.

R. A- Belmer and the captain at companion. Mean, dresa and standing order -Capt. J. E.

Butobaaon. CapL R. G. Stewart, Lt. O.

A. Belt Regimental aecrelary, LL J. P. Dick-aon. Auditor Capt.

Dewar and It Blatoh. The" Toronto Olob lia the follow Ing remarka on the subject of the pro. gramme for the. Toronto Muiical re. tivai on A.pni itn to lata.

"I and that at the four eonoert Rlr Alexander MacKenale I repraaented by nine compoaltion while Cowen I re preaehted by only two, Sullivan by two. Elgar by one, miller Stanford by two and Hamlin McCana and Coleridge-Taylor by on each. With all due deelre to par honor to Sir Alexander Mackenxle for hla enterprlae In coming to Canada to conduct tha -Cycle of Festivals, tha echeme auggeit a dleproportlonat eatlmate of relative Tama," CURE FOR THE NERVE DISEASE dr. l0eb "of chicago a claim. Say That Calcium SalU Will AUay all Troublea Buck aa St Vitua Dance.

Baa Kxjwrimented. Chicago. Feb. 14. Dr.

Jacques Loeb haa discovered that muscular and nervous dajoaaea, suctv aa BU Vttua dance. Paralysis agltana, locomotor ataxia, and aleepleaaneaa, nan be cured by administering calcium sails, that Is. audi salt aa are found In well water and' many food. Announcement of thla dlecovery In aclentlflo research by the former head of the department of physiology at the Unlveralty, of Chicago haa Just been made. In one of the decennial pub Heat Ions Just turned out by the Unlveralty of Chicago presa Dr.

Loeb tella of hi experiment on lower form of life and the conclusions auggeeted In regard to human beings. -The subject of Ilia paper la "The Production and Uuppreaalon of Muscular Twttrhtng and Hypereensttrvenea of the Skin." In thia article Dr. Loeb specifically avowa a pathological object In the experiment op thl subject that la, an Interest in the effect on dlaeaeva. Musclee Need SaM. Simply stated, the whole story I that the presence of calcium salts In the mueclea I what pre van ta their twitching that practically all nervous Incases are caused by the absence of the calcium, and that therefor to restore normal conditions and effect a cure the thing to do Is to administer a doae of calcium sails.

Loeb say "Our muscle do not nortnnlly contract or. twitch rythmjcally, but they do so in certain dlaeaaea. Prom experiment I have concluded that we owe It to the calcium Ions) In the blood that onr muscles do not twitch or beat rythmlcally like our heart. "A aerie of observation confirm, the Idea that It I due to the calcium aalts In our body 4hat our mueclea do not show any rythmical contractions or twitching. When we tnjeet Into tha body of an animal any salts that are liable to precipitate calcium we notice almoat Immediately twitch in jrs of all the musclee It seenam.

thentforv rational that In tha pathology of muscular twltchtnaja the concentration of the calcium Ions (very minute particles) the blood should be taken Into consideration." Experiment on Progs. To work out the) problem Dr. Loeb and hla assistants experimented to And the complete Hat of salt that pre cipitate calcium. Ftogs were used by Dr. Loeb In hla Investigation on the twitching orig inating jn tb mueclea Tbo next atep waato find out the effect on "musculhr waa to and out the effect on "muscular central nervous system." This waa don by studying a Jellyfish.

In which animal the nervous system is contained In a ring around the outside. Physiclana have never found a cur for the nervous or muscular disease. Dr. Loeb state thla la his general eon-clualons on the three part at hi in-veettratlona. which follow; "The experiments mentioned In this paper war undertaken with two alms la view.

a practical and a theoretical As rar as the former la concerned It follows, from onr Investigations, that abnormal muscular twitching and contraction may be brought about In aa organism by a redaction In the proportion of calcium (or mag-nee, turn) In the muscles. "In view of tb fact that thus far no explanation has been found for pathological phenomena of tha kin A It become ef some Importance to whether or not tn aertatn of these Ale-ease the relative amount. of calcium In the blood Is diminished. If thla should be the ease the administration of calcium would be the cure for these diseases, which thus far have been be yond- meaicai conirur. bNYAftro ta th BECOMING MAN LESS Sdueatiom Department StaMstlos Shovr Ilcraaaine; Teadener To- lwarda Temala Teacher.

Toronto. Feb. It, The Increasing number of female teaehera la the pub lic schools of the province, and tb decreasing number of male teaehera, haa been regarded tor some year paat with considerable anxiety by tha edu cationists of the province. Ten year ago the ratio of male to female teach- era Waa about one to two; now it I nearly on to thro. The latest statistics compiled by the education de partment show that at the end of lWt there ware female teacher In tb public schools snd S.4U male teachers, Aa compared with the preceding year.

there waa an Increase of 22 female teachers and a sore as of 1T1 male Mince lfttl tha number of male teachers haa decreased by S1L while tb number. of fsmale teachers baa Increased by The low sal aries paid publlo achool teachers compared with the remuneration to be earned In business life or tn -other professions, la accountable for the dropping out of the men. Educationist fear that under present condition Ontario' schools must be to a certain extent emaavmiated and that pupils 1 -frequently go through, their whole school course witnoui getting any chance of character training from strong-minded. Inspiring men, who completed for the boy the gentler moral training of the woman COMING AMUSEMENTS. PETE BAKER.

The Ruaaetl management In (peaking of the attraction which come to the theatre for Wednesday matinee and -t "lip (taker will be aurrounded with an exceptionally strong cast. Mr. John 2. Oriffln, an Irish comedian with an equal rep- i.iiM. It.

In flinMirt and. no doubt, will divide honors with Mr. Baker. Tno otner memoere to inecnsi sre said to be' of equal strength in bis or her line allotted to them. A goodly number of specialties will be Introduced snd the musical numbers will be ana or tno leaiurew- V.

DUTY ON ASPHALT. Toronto, Feb. it. The mayor of Winnipeg baa wrmeaax-Mayor Howlaim. aa president of the Ualoo of Canadian Munclpa'itlea, asking thaa the union oppose the policevof Imposing a duty on California asphaat.

It hv proposed to continue the duty, which has been temporary Imposed, en the ground that tpu) sashes) la a product of petroleum. The sasrora ooatend that It I used ealy for maesclpal purposes and- that the duty would benefit only the trust which son-trol Bora-ode asphalt. A CELEBRATED CASE. -Toronto, Feb. It The islet-rated case at Dolap vs.

Char rebels la recalled by action Just begun by James B. Delap and Frank Arootdl asahaal John A. Codd, of Buckinghamshire, Ens land, for fll.m, and for on Judgments re-cure red la 1PM by the Dominion Bank against Codd, and since assigned to plaintiff. BOUGHT TIMBER LANDS. Halifax, N.S..

Feb. 21 Tb New foundland Lumber ConipaThy, composed principally of Iw York snd Bostou operators, and capitalised at at million dollars haa just completed ue purchase of a vast tract of the richest timber lands- In the colony. The pro perties pecurea the Lumber Company snd the Barraboro Lumber, Company, comprising 160,000 acres, sixty per cent, of which Is pine. The oomnsny expects to shin next spring tsn mill on feet of pine to Great Britain. THE CATTLE WERE BAFFLED THREE GUARDS PROVED TOO MUCH YESTERDAY.

A TUtinr OaU Seems to Fill the BilL Tests Will be Adjourned for Two Weeks. The cattle guard commission hav decided to postpone fur a fortnight the testing. of cattle guards. To-morrow will therefor be their lest day at tb Exhibition Grounds tor that period. Three device were ti med yesterday and all turned, the cattle.

Mr. M. McMillan of liladjtnne, had an automatic gate, tilting on brackets, faatened to ties and turned by a chain on an axle, Aa the cattle advanced from the highway, they stepped on to a snapeu pia.wrm wntcn waa oe-preaaed by their weight, causing the gate to be brought quickly square across the -track. It la supported by a brae which swings with ths gate, the gate, when In Hs normal-condition Uea clear, leaving 1 feet right of way on the track, the platform laying parallel with she track. The gate Is one of the etmpieet In construction that haa yet been shown.

The guard was tested for three and a half hours yesterday. put none of tno steers crossed. Mr. McMillan claims that Mr. Blckle of Gladstone and himself were the original inventors of the tiltlnc gate de vice and the former has been working on thi gats for about thres years.

Another stopper. A. D. Pillar. Ottawa, showed a breaching back platform gate, forming a cheneau da friese when sepresseo.

None of the rattle crosses. H. L- Jones and R. Byrne. Ottawa, showed a gate 'irtlrg towarda the cattle as they corns off tb high way.

The gate I secured to a shaft and tba shaft by a Series of abort cranks to a link which is fastened to a platform. The animal etopping on the platform causes the shaft to revolve, turning the gate vertical. The gate la locked by tha link assuming sn almost horrsontsl -position. This device stopped all tb cattle. At the Theatres.

AT THE RUSSELL. "Zasa," as interpreted br Mlas En seals Blair, draw a good-slsed aaidlenc to the Roseau Theatre last sv.ntnc, sett proved ghly ssti. factory to all. Tha store- Zaaa ta lha atorv af asJ French atngtcg girl, light- flippant who from eatongat suny of her admirer selects one whom she honestly fails ta love with, and forsakes her profession te be with him. Later' she finds Is married and resolve to go so hi bom and make a sotne with wife.

She gees, bee the prattJlrer iaro- of her lover's child, ssetta The next time her lover calls, a stormy scene en ha, sioaausnrnKssV xeeajrjaal stags and Into fama. Two year later her lover return ami egam protests bis devotion. fce one of the most smetlonal soma of the play. tails, hint ths old retet'on ea. never again be snd sends him back to hi family.

Mrs. Leeti Carter, vrRh whose same Zaaa has been, connected for sosas triae. gave tha play a free and rsnklat Inter pretatloa that made assay Otta- hesitsle about going last sestilng. In fact th play had the repotaUon of being rather But Eugenie Blair. introduce nothing that offends.

True ths first scene, the drsesmg room of a theatre. 1s given without any varnish or adornment, but It Is act Tepugnant and even the' moui disrobing scene could not be eompia ned of by the most crfrioal. It might be said that Buswnle Blatr la slightly too old for the part, but she certainly took the role la a manner ttrat showed exceptional abaity. Im the two stormy sosnea she was seen at her beet and fairly thrilled her audience. Bass rem to grow en one and each "act ssMusd more tntenas la Merest.

Miss Blair wearh some stunning gowns Snd the production la elaborately staced. Ths supporting company Is a good one and tba diaVrrut parts are eapabt al. nr.rve.n nuRLESQtrs Co. The resources -of the tnanagement of the Orand Opera Houa wss taxed to th utmost to -provide seating accommo dation Jar the lame audtreica, among whom ware a fair number of ladles, that attended last avenlng. lb lien, the old-time favorite esos seals made tharr appear anew st the Albert street bouse, and Jsilng from the reception accorded them have lost rrne of their popularity.

The bid of tare last evening eompraed two burlettae and a -eanatdSrabi number of specialties. The bur lei us revealed. Bomber of girl endowed errth tt-Joak and shapely Hmba, above, the average, their vocal abilitlas alee be ng of a high rder, and It waa noticed that there was sn absence of the segceetlve ness which too often mars a pood bur lesqus shew: i Of sours there Is usual libel en the Irishman, (lermsn and Jew, but as these characters seem indespensable to fun-making, am accepted la that I'ght and afforded eonsMeraJxe amusement. Th epectaltiee were as Mat Louise Auber in her songs, assisted by ths glrU, wss parUcularlr good. the grouping ta the living picture belag ae-eidedly Al.

Reeve proved that he bad lost none ef Ms deftness as a asanlpelator of th banjo and earned repeated recall. There will be a repetition of the show thl end te-merrew eveatsas, wets Wednesday matin sd tbsra sbeald be full beusea A each pert anas. i I i CsP.Rs's new: STEAMER LINE DESCRIPTION OF THEIR VESSELS. Fourteen Steamship of Modem Build W.11 Form Their Atlantic Freis-ht Service. Montreal.

Feb. St. Great Interest Is manifested in shipping circles here In tne purchase of the Klder-Demoeter line by the Canadian Paclflo Rallwuy. lt haa lone; been the dream of Hir William VanMorne secure a system by which the Canadian Paclflo Railway would be able to ship both passengers and freight under their own flag from Kn gland to the Orient, by which a man could practically go round the world on one ticket. A dosea years ago he predicted that the time would com when the Canadian Paclflo would be able to ticket a pas senger from Buston Station, In London, to Hong Kong, over steamer and railways' under the sole control of the Canadian Pacific.

If he ha net quit realised that prediction, to-day's news would go to show that the company baa taken a big step In that direction. They will now be able to accept freight in England for China and Japan, or vice-versa, and carry lt wholly over the Canadian Paclflo without paying tribute to any other corporation. Many people believe that It wlU only be a question of time before thls-frelght arrangement will be followed by a similar system for the carriage of pas. eager. Th Steamer Bought.

The following are the descriptions of the fourteen ships purchased: Lake Manitoba Twin screw, Bunt In lol; arose tonnage dead weight, 10.000 by Bwaa A Hunter. Lake Michigan Twin screw, built In lMtt; grow tonnage. 1,000: dead weight, built by Swan Hun ter. Montreal Twin screw, built 100: arose tonnage, daad weight, built by Swan A Hunter. Lake Champlaln Twin screw, built In 1(00; gross tonnage.

dead weight, 7.760: built by Barclay Curie. Lake Erie Twin screw, In 1000: gross tonnage, 7, (60: deadweight. 7.650; built by Barclay Curie. Milwaukee Single screw, built in 17; gross 7.1; dead weight, ll.tOO; built-by Bwan A Hunter. Mount Royal Single screw, boltt In gross tonnage, 7.0t4 deadweight, 11.160; built by Bwan A Hunter.

Monterey. single screw, built In gross tonnage, 1.441; dead weight, AIM; built by Palmers. Montcalm, single screw, built In lt7; gross tonnage, dead weight built by Palmer. Montfort, twin screw, built In IIM: gross tonnage Mil: Seed weight, built by Palmers. Monteagle, twin screw, built tn 1111; gross tonnage.

1.447: dead weight, 710; built by Palmers. Montrose, single screw, built In 117: gross tdnnsge, 1.41: dead weight 1000; built by Sir Raylton Dixon. Montezuma, twin ecrew, built In Hit: gross tonnage, 7.J4S; dead weight 10.100; built by A. Stephen. Mount Temple, twin screw, built In 101, gross tonnage, dead weight 11.144; built by Armtarong wniiwonn.

Of these, tn Lakes Manitoba. aula em am. fort, Montsagi end Montrose are lln ana tn roar vaiier, sua Monterey and Montcalm, are fitted for cold storage. Elder-Dempster Service. The Canadian service of the Elder-Dempster lines Includes th following hire Liverpool to Quebec and Montreal In summer and Halifax and 8t John, N.

If-In winter, weekly uea ver line). Steamer. TWar t-w- x-rie jk Manitoba Lake Megantlo Lake Michigan 1-ake Ontario Lake etimcoe Lake Superior Wasaan Oarth Castle London to Que bee weekly Steamer. Milwaukee i Monarch Mount Royal Montexuma Montreal Montenegro Tonnage. 8.000 f.000 A00O i.ont ouo dock) to Que- Bristol (Avonmouln bee and MontreaL weekly Steamer.

Tonnage. Montcalm Montrose 0,000 Monteagle 0.000 Monterey f.00O Montfort .000 Monmouth lore) Montauk I.OOO In on yenr th three lines given above, which trad LIverpooL London snd Bristol tn Cahede, contribute more than one-half of the whole tonnage which cleared from the port of Montreal. It la largely due to the foresight and enterprise of thle company (iilder-Dempster) that vessels of tons 'burden, fltted with twin screws, refrigerating plants, and accommodations for first and seennd-claas and steerage peeaenger have been put into the trade and make the-voyege In from eight to ten dsy Instead, of ths usual fortnight Nutrition for Nursing Motiiers Malt Breakfast Is a Marvellous Giver. The large majority of our Canadian medical men are convinced that Malt Breakfast rood -Is the best diet for nursing mother, a It provide full measure of nutrition for the maintenance of health, strength and vigor. Malt Breakfast Food wonder fully Increases the quality and flow of milk.

Malt Breakfast Is ths most easily digested of ail cereal foods, and no other so largely contributes to tb health, comfort, and happiness of mothers. Weak and frail women should use Malt Breakfast Food morning snd night; It will quickly, build them up, give them pure blood snd a well -regulated nervous system. Ask your grocer for Malt Breakfast Food. and Montreal A Twenty Per Cent. A discount Ori all Ladies'.

Children's and Men's II UNDERCLOTHING for ONE WEEK ONLY. Other special clearing linos at more than 20 per cent. off. J. Frank 20 Phono 1609.

Cypher's Incubators- We have been appointed Solo Agents for Eastern Ontario for these Incubators. See onr stock or write ua for price list. A. WORKMAN CO. Vs esef.

'j. Jff PHONB as Hardware and Housefarnishings W. T. Johnston Co. "jjj1 STAIR BUILDING a IsWiA, BT COMFETEMT MBCBANICS.

ORDERS sbOUICITBD. i omrm and factobti SI Is St BRIDOB STitaT. eerusr wsiusgios. Dr. D.

H. BAIRD SPECIALIST IN GOLD WORK. Cor. Sparks and Bank 8ts. The Busy Corner DH.

H. JACKSON. Assistant I a. i en-, ttre' WindoW Glass Twenty ears of all kinds just received Contractors Merchants and others will find it advantageous to ask our prices. 70SdMiiSt.

$2.75 per Sectioti THE FURNITURE MAN ONTARIO MONEY FOR CENTRAL AMERICA Toronto CapltallsU Have Purobaasd Tract of Land and are to go Into sTrult xtslsins. Toronto, Feb, it. An Important en- terprls in Central America, promoted by Canatslsn capital; announced In the. Ontario Oasette by the -incorporation of tbe Cukra Company, of Toronto. The provisional directors are i Arthur F- Choate.

of Peterborough, snd Uor-don Waldron, A K. Hagerman and J. O. Langton. of Toronto.

The capital stock, tm and th oompany will operate as a fruit-raising snd exporting concern on a large seal a Aa exten sive tract -of territory on the Atlantic ooastbt Nicaragua haa beeevpurohased, and there the oompany will st once be- its operations rruit raving ny the establishment of a banana pUMa-tloh. It will act Independently of the United Fruit Co. at Boston, which does new the lion's share of the banana ta to United state market. Builders-Vt Hardware Our stock of BUILDERS' HARD. WARB I most complete af the present time.

It comprise LOCKS of kinds, LETTER PLATES, PUSH FLATUS. MAILS. FELT, ETC, Call and Inspect our stock and get prices. CRAVES BROS. COR.

SPARKS AND METCALFB STB, Crosby Co. Bank Somerset Stsv 20 ELLIN OTON ST. U. KYLB i rhea uu. DENTIST OUR SPBQALTT IN DRT d-EAWIHQ LADIES avemns and party apera esuasay.

I.iuaea eie. OKNTLaUIKrt suits. lancy Vsetsi etc Also rlnsrilnr dvarins Biasing sua cmw varxsuues- Jtmim.ji, ,11 tit a. Boas. eVnpome, tana etc All -ana work ruuaned under Mrs.

ae Fonteny's Personal PAUL G. DE FONTENVS" DAT CLEAN INQ WORAA, TsL 1J71 Bank St, corner Nepeaa. One way eapresasge paid sa all sat sf tows order. DUPORD'S Sectional Bookcases ARE ALL GO 111 RIOEAU STr The Cukra Co. will have sn output ths first season of 600.00 bunches of fruit.

The company will Immediately con-atruot a short railway on the platatlen. -so as to load the fruit directly into sea going steameis. The-charter confers power to own snd operate railways snd flcrtn Bteamrr. As th climate and soli of Nicaragua are perfectly adapted tb enormous and rapidly maturing crop of troploal fruit, and aa th market fn the Southern Sale Is easily aeeeeslble by vessels from Minefields, Nicaragua, to the porta of Mo- bile and New Orlenne, an enterprise of considerable magnitude is contemplated. MR.

WHITNEY'S INTENTION. (Special to Th Journal.) Hewmarket. Ont Feb. ft. fn his speeoti kere but nlgbt Mr.

Whitney. rights, said that when tb House met ha would draw the attention of the mernhers to ths way In which son cessions wars being gran tad. and arse uiat they he conserved for the benatu of the people of the province-.

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