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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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TKUUSAY. OCTOBZS 17, 1811. FIGHT STEADILY AND GET NO REST Four Near, But Ttti DirkioM Appear oi Ui FUidm Lis. THEY HAVE KITS PACKED READY TO SURRENDER All the Sabs. Beei Re- moved From Their Bates at Ortead.

'WTrH the allied armies IN Wednesday, Oct. 1 (I p. m. By ths' Associated Press). Bruges; Turoolng and Roubalx ar bMa emptied of 'all elvlllana and ths Germans hart removed their mUttery sstabllshtnenta tram thoM oltlsa.

AH submarines luiv besn hastily removed from th U-boat baa at Ostend. ana it would appear, from information, that German naval baaea all alone the Belilan coast are either being moved or are being made ready for Instant removal, "probably In the rear of the German mine-fields in the North Sea. Prisoners Complain Four new. but tired. German divisions have appeared In the Flanders battle.

All the prleonera captured complain bitterly that they are being compelled to continue flrhtlng steadily without real Many of them have been treating or lighting since August I. A large number recently captured admitted that they had packed their kite ready to eurrender when ueueveu, iney wore sv- taoked. On thsj -Whola Front. PARIS. Oct Allied armies which era lighting under the high eomraand of King 'Albert of Belgium, have, after a stubborn, struggle of 4t hours, triumphed over the resistance of the enemy and driven -at on the whole front of the attack, according to an official review of the situation Issued hsre tonight Continuing, the review eays: 'The Germane fell back today, harried by' light Infantry and artillery formations which prsvsnted the enemy from palling himself together.

Notwithstanding the. bad weather, the rain-soaked ground and the rivers and canals, the Allied troops made a considerable bound forward today. German rear-guards-wlthr machine- guner only-temporarily checked the Allied forces. "We have reached Key em and have cleared the outskirts of Dlx-mude for three miles towards the north. Thourout Is.

outflanked and the Oetend road la threatened, making the communication of the enemy forces front the Tser to the coast most uncertain and pre-eartoua" EXACTLY WHAT WAS REQUIREDFOR HUNS Asquith Af aintt Girinf Foe Any Breathing Time. Ml. LONDON. Oct IT. Ex-Premier Asqtrith In a speech yesterday re ferred to President WUson's latest note fa reply to the peace proposals of Germany, saying: "The reply which President "Wtleon has sheen to Germany Is exactly what was re-aulred, It la terse dignified and outspoken and goes to the root of the matter.

It leaves no loophole to escape. "We cannot Imperil the ascendency ws have gained on see and land or give breathing time to an enemy who could not bo trusted to observe either the rules of honor or humanity." Mr, Asquith said the mala objective of the Allies was to destroy Prussian militarism. "There Is no one in the civilised world who does not fee that the doom of war is sealed." he added. Mr; Asqulth declared that the overtures of the snsmy cams from people -who knew In their hearts of hearts that they would have to give up the game. The reply must corns from the German people thsmsslves.

He said there, was no one better qualified than President Wilson to be the spokesman for ths common cause. -Saved the World. "Back of the enemy's proposals, continued the former Premier, purposes which we have confronted and endured during the most trying ordeal In our history. Wo might bare held aloof la August, 1114, when the great dsolakra was seed by the British Government, lot nobody in England can era that tha country had anted otherwise at that time. la savins; saw goal, Gnat Britain has saved the 'If wa had stood aside Germany would have established herself as a standing and commandtna menace, potttleal and commercial, to tbe rest of Europe and the world.

But the material penalty would have) aeon comparatively light in view at the fatal blow nshich would have been mflloted upon the higher Interests of srienklird. "Wo yield full" measure af ackiiowledgment and gratitude to our Allies, particularly Belgium, which bora the ftrst brant af ths German Invasion. Ths Belgian army Is today under the personal leadership of Belgium's Indomitable king, taking Ms stxirs In the struggles and success of ths AlHea la as eptrtt of egotism or vain-glory, we uprose our prlds ths auMevsmenta our own army and navy. Kavy. "TVs mlf.

not forget that while Veld Marshal Halg and his gaHant troops ars clearing 'Belgium and northern France of the invader, it has been the British nary and Its auxiliaries from the mercantile sas ne whose vigilance and persever ing activity which baa taken away or by drop, the enemy's enormous reservoir or power, both for egression and defense. Kever has there keen la History a snore etgaal rrlbats than this -essr has afforded Is the power which en-iss from the command af ths eeaa- TLB STOP rOOTBALU TORONTO, Oct IT. Unless there Is aa' early and general abatement of thcepidema) af Spaa la unweasa there will be 'Tory Irttre srgantjed football as Teretrte had roughest the piurlncs. Officials af the various leagues and anions ars son-stsntly receiving notices of default from slabs which Bad It neat to Inv estor saeuga aiaysra EXCITEMENT IN LONDON OVER RUMOR ABOUT KAISER Mack ActiTity Dowaiaf Stmt aae at the Foreifa Off A see slsied Press ay Isseed Wire. LONDON, Oct IT.

Whaa Loa-doa'a population waa going homs from work last night newsboys wsrs lustily shoutlna the nsws of ths abdication of ths Emperor Wllllsm snd Germany's unconditional surrsndsr. Papers sold Ilka wildfire, the rumor causing Intsnse excitement' snd gratlfteatloa; but there were no unusual demonstrations. The publlo la becoming surfeited with news of blg-svents. As ths evening wore on. groups of men and women gathered In venous parts of ths city to hear the lateet news.

Newspapers were swamped with telephone Inquiries of ths earns chsrsctsr. thsrs being the greatest curiosity on the part of With Lacey Amy at the Front FINALE WAS WARLIKE TO MEDAL CEREMONY AFTER AMIENS BATTLE Fiflrt With (strati 'Plane Tell i AOieV Ftror; Corretpoa-Attt Describe? Preet atioi of Medab ia True -War Aba otpker. By LACEY AMY. special Correspondent of TtM i Journal. WITH THE CANADIAN FORCES, France, Sept.

If. After the battle the honors. Ths first presentation of medals won In the Amiens bat tle was wrapped In all the atxnos-phsrs of Not many miles back of ths line It occurred yesterday, in a land of devastation. Not a human habitation In sight, not a green tree; and from the eminence on which the ceremony was held was a view of mile on mile. The sweeping' elopes and valleys of ths Arras front were patterns of brown and white and lifeless green.

Great scars of whits marked the line of trenches bathed In blood not two weeks befors. Ugly stumps of trses protruded Into the scons like the last wavs of a dying man'a arm. Clusters of black trunks told of wooos inai naa oeen sougni owr for days at a tlms. that had withered under weeks of shelling. Be neath their gaunt branchee gallantl men have faced hidden machine guns and won out fey sheer recklessness and grit 2 bars looked oa them when the ehrapnel was burst ing black abovs them, when clouds of earth amoks shot up from falling shells snd ths way was clearer after, when khaki crept la at one end and pressntly drove out field grey before It or sent It back prleoner.

But now hey ars not disputed, savs by vicious shells from afar. lorn Rains. And the background of the presentation field, a height from which I had viewed the attack of Aug. Zt In the pouring rain, wag a heap of dust, oneo a little French village. On neighboring heights wsrs-other ruins standing torn and vgly against ths sky.

Soma of thesa wsrs Oer maa strongholds which ho asvsr thought to lose. Others have bean disputed for years, strafed out of all snaps so long that the grass has overgrown them and ths paths ars solid ana whits from ths fsst of German. French, British, Canadian. Australian. For almost all ths Allies oa ths westsrn front havs bled la this sector.

But active war was thsrs eisw. Into a neighboring rain big Oermaa sheets wars falling at long intervals. Aa the cloud of dust hung long In the quiet breeas. Far ts ths east a ridge was constantly breaking Into shell elouds; but the sound was wsfted away. Aeroplanes hovered about, 'diving and dipping and swooping closs to tng earth la the joy of sunsniae again.

And la ths eastsrn sky hung a Una of our bslloons fading Into ths hass of ths south. And ths brlgads opened to the sunehlne; for there had been ten days of rain and cold winds and though they wsrs snug In their funk holes, ths Canadian never forgets ths brightness of his native land. With ths sun cams heat, and the waves of If from ths dry grass spoks almost of midsummer. And the shadowless landscape bathed sleepily ones mors. At Church Parade, TV waa a.

church parade and presentation Ths brlgsds wss drawn up la a hollow square with ths pulpit In ths centre facing ths detached group about ths corps com-' mandor. Every Item of accoutrement waa ths officers gloved and trash. Ths corps oomasaader pinned the modala to ths breasts of tha fifty heroes who had won renown with thslr brigade In ths. capture of Fouquesoourt and Its surrsundlng aests of machine guns dowa before Amiens. And ths officers clapped.

And la the snd ths soldiers cheered those who had so grandly risked their, lives. Th. battalion Bands. forming on slds of ths square. played alternately during th ceremony and- ths march past which followed.

Ia tha end the oorpa commander mounted the-pulpit himself snd told of. his gratitude for the light they had put up. He compared tho re- HORLICK'S Malted Milk for 11m Bomt nourishinM food-drink. For A.D Age. Anywhere at anytime.

Usaeeoso, eaissiciog ne ssoaiaa, Tls'rawhUi THX OTTAWA JOUEKAL v. ths psopla to learn of the latest do velopmenia The fact that the meeting of the Relcbetsg, scheduled for yesterday. waa postponed, coupled with the, menacing aavanco or tne troops In f'lsnders; crested a general dlepoeklon to 'believe that. Oer. many would accept President Wilson's tsrma There yes aa air, of great, expectancy.

In the lobbies of Parliament snd there was much activity In Downing street and at the Foreign Office. All ambassadors now In the city hurriedly visited Government offices to consult Ministers, but up to It o'clock no official lnformstlon as to ths situstlon In Germany had been received st the Foreign Office. utts of th monih ith th month at Vlmy 21,000 prisoners to s.000. 10 ties of sdvsncs to 300 guns to 0, 14 Qermsn divisions beaten to "Now ars you satlstled?" laushd. And which is ma seiEcontroi tnst manes you ao ttoe rlcht tisins," as ho put it.

broke loose at last and tour ringing Canadian cheers told ihe commander that what he had said or them they would turn back to him as their chief. Warlike; Finale. The finale was warlike enough. About one of the distant balloons broke a rapid strafing the popping of anti-aircraft guns and shells, the white dots in the sky. Then two objects shot from the balloons, and presently two white parachutes opened up and drifted gently downwards.

A single plane swung about and mads for the east, but Just then the guns broke loose again, and a flock of our machines dived from the sky. And the enemy plane, wounded wavered and dodged, but over fell downwards, our planes on his tail. Lower and lower fell the foe, closer and closer came his pursuers. And when he was so close to the earth that his capture- was. certain they struck upwards and left him.

It waa a cheering climax to a touch of battle's glory. For one of our bla helpless balloons ir had taken toll of a German plans and a Oermaa pilot. The exchange was all In our favor. THREE UU DEATHS OCCUR IN MPMOR Health Official Says No Increase ia tna PUfue. The Journal.

Ont, Oct. 11. I Three deaths Is 'ths toll taken in ffbwn yesterday by. the Spanish In llusnaa epldsmlc. This Is ths heaviest sines ths outbreak, ths plague being at Its height but ac cording to Mr.

Jr. S. Molr. chairman of tho Board of Health there la ao Increase In ths number of easea All schools, theatres, churches, and publlo assemblies ars closed Indefinitely. The deaths today In-eludsd two womsn and ons man.

Lsna Noack, aged II years, wife sf Mr. Herman Schwab, McDonald street, died Wedneeday noon, after an Illness of nine daya Pleurisy resulting from tho Influensa caused death. Deceased Is a daughter of ths lets Mr. Mathsw and Mrs. Noacavot Klllaloe, and ia survived by three sisters and four brothers.

Hsr husband Is eeridusly ill with ths mllusnsa as Is slso their Infant son. Interment will be made In Klllaloe. Mim. Patrick Cunningham, whoso maiden name was Mary Ball Ha-gsrty, dlsd at her home. Elgin street, yeeterday, at ths age of 11 years, after a brief Illness of Spanish influsnsa.

Besides her husband she leases three of a family, four brothers and ons sister. Ths funeral will be held sn Friday morning to ths R. Church and cemetery. s. Ths third victim of th epidemic Help Urgently Needed sUHaf Conmittco) Btpaaa Towoihly V-fiJ.

aa so sjiy ptssisa erne? ha la hian All Apply at Town Bl vrUUng to si Mp vrtU bs ahe tltfcs el Ml. sHSSbV' emBasjsjf Da Jtste r.t.s IWtaWfly eiM el MhfM HSYel (Oninr DwU fTY es WmthiMi (jntr Hm.iI. jKeetrtW wnamrtf ie el 4 etwOdl wWfyTeSMI1IMlEej SsuTw! waf MM tsyiifws-llJmetSIfW sneklrtf tmm mmmm. titleeieVea esesaiees mm ITtejsaewww sffso) seise sss, sgSssPBsMet I mm WiM rmtm I NO RISE IN i jm fear Jlllll lK Lft kiv. Canaillan Scottish barbers use the clippers rlosrly on a midsummer dsy when eo dfilng-Canadlan official' photograih.

Copyright, Canadian War In town is Mr. Albert Bastlen, who leaves a family of Ave. Deceased ill only three days, bavins; re covered last week from a similar attack. WcLamchtin Bros' sawmills hsre. which employ 1,000 men, are billed to closs for ths season next ed-nesday, Oct.

21, after a six months' run. This Is considered an excep DALY'S DAILY STORE NEWS Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Are Please Shop Early i TO Prices Values in Petticoats That are Worthy of Emphasis Black Moire Petticoats, finished with sectional frills: tucked and plaited. Lengths I to 40. OCTOBER Cotton Jereey Top Pet tlcoata.

with plaited sateen frills, and elsstlo waist band. ogths It to 40. OCTOBER SALE PRICE SAUK $1.44 $1.95 $2.19 Soda Fountain Week by 'week mors psopla are forming the Dally Daly light Leracb: Habits or are dropping' In for a cup of 'tea la ths afternoon at our FounUIn on ths Main Floor. Clean, quick eervlce In attractive Ws cordially Invite tov. For Knitters Now that thsrs Is so mnch knitting aoas; we suggest that Xoa sea oar ghcU sluing Ptae (or prartl-cal Chrlsunas UlM-blTlng.

Three pins havs beea much in demand, but. It la Impossible to secure any mors, so earry selection Is advised. Prices range from lee to ti ts a pair, according ta trtonnlng. Also Neat ThlmMea, la a seat koa, 1 silver sad I celluloid. Complete, sao, Stiver TUmble, very nsatly pot ap a mlnlatura phisa aoldlere' ap case, aoo Mala Floor.

GROCERIES ao oratBsi uvt Fine Tsble gall, bags sae I Ma Flee Boees riesr aag 1 Km, Cora Flour ate 1 lb. pal( ahertenlasT sae Jlacarenl. Paoolnl Brand. I pksrea- sas gtraerberrr-Apple or Ksep- berrr-Aasle Jem. 4 lb.

pall Tae Preeb roans Coffee, sae aalesea, B. Ull casa alsk. rsr sas Freak Cresss goaas, la balk. i ibs. aae Clerk's Perk sn Bene, te- ensts easee, eaas sas Barler Floor, lbs.

sas Cera grrap, I ib. palls gks Kebia iieoS ee parltr Oats, vkee. see Rolled Oata kba SSe gbreaaeal Ceeesaat. eb. ass Celiroraia Prases, 1 lbs.

vaiioea Pears er Poeekes, I sai Cleeer Hosef. Ik. pall Cleeer Heaer. In settlea eaeh aasina Ceaitert, tesMckt. Barprles Sose.

I' bars PRICES THERE FOR IIAIRTTTIXJ. tionally good eoason consider! njr tho scarcity of men. The mills have been hard hit lately by the Spanish Influenza. Better In Quebec. QUEBEC, Oct.

17. The situatldn with retard to the epidemic of lnttuenta here is showlnr considerable improvement. The CONCERNING OTTAWA'S LARGEST Our Phone Shopping Service Should you find it inconvenient under present conditions to come to the store, phone QUEEN 5040, ask for "Shopping Service," and experienced shoppers will carefully and promptly execute all orders you may gioe for any kind of merchandise we carry. Girls'Newest Winter Coats Uses From to 14 Tears. Coals of Toinhful, sprightly style, with all tha snugneee and warmth demanded during cold weather.

They are made from warm materials. In a line range of new styles and colorings practically any tests and any preferred expenditure can be readily met. Jitmr Immediate Inspection of thesa charming new coat la urged. $6.75, $8.50 $10.50 and up floor. Black TarMeen Petticoat finished with colored frills and slsstle wslet Lengths It to 4.

OCTOBER SALE PRICE PRICE Seamless Wilton Rugs We liopa no lover of finely woven, beautifully colored, and handsomely designed fug will fail to see this splendid collection before it ia broken up by the buying. They represent kiffhert expression of rug quality at a moderate prica, Sizes Prices $37.50 $65 esWsBSS "tW ws i as ii Timely Helps For Present Needs Ke. S-ISTSS. rrnrr gcALrrr. Oat near.

lbs are Cooking kesuses. 1 cans ae Psltereoas Butter Cream af. large. page. at Rice riour, I lbs.

see 2l' eane as. Ceraisl. large settees- aijee SZi' ase saa ea, Ceoas rrtoas. Magi, K.0 saaiaer Peeraer, .1 a. ess sis re uraags Marsaalsge, Ik.

XTf! lb. aall riaaas. Ki rlskle. paerea. hu' aae sas gJea ea snd make thcfnaetvrs comfortable Itecords.

ileaih rale appears to he lower thai on previous duys. Few New Caw. SYDNEY, N.8., Oct. 17. But one death occurred here today from influenza and the victim was not a resident of the city.

City Medical Officer. McAulay states thut si- thouKh the present cases are serious there art but a few new cases. New shipments have been added to our already Urge assortment. It Is alTan-tsvgeous to buy Furs now, one gets longer serTloe from th furs purchased now than If they were bought In December, and tbe point want to emphaslso Is that thfry oust keta now. Please allow us to say that only furs of Reliable quality are to found here.

Second Floor. 4-6x7-6 6x9 Furs Spanish Influensa continues to sprentl among the civilian population gen, rally, a continued decrease in th number of new cases at army camp today led army medical officers to believe that the peak of the epidemic among the soldiers has been passed. Hecretary Baker, lh announcing thr good reports, said they Indicated thai measures takon by the surgeon-gen-cfsI's office had liruubht the dlseas' under definite control. New cases of Influenza among the troops reported during the ti hoim-enilliiK at noon today toulled 5.6CS. uKninst yesterday, and ugalit more than twice that number out) a ft-'W duys ago.

OFFU'EIl PltOMm(NS. LONDON, Oct. 17. Brlgudler-Generals H. M.

Dyer and It. Itennk-are gazetted area commander. Capt. H. J.

Taget is gasetted An aide. Major H. Molson Is apolnted assistant adjutant-general. Major V. assistant quartermaster-gedt-rnl; and Major V.

JennlnKt a staff Ulcer. The followinK ar gHxrited to command battalions: let -Col. II. D. Gardner: Major A Dubuc.

8. I'aulln. MedlratH. Is promoted a lieut. -colonel.

Capt J. Ieroyer is seconded to the Flying Corps. Ueui. E. W.

Edwards la transferred to the Chaplain Bet DEPARTMENT STORE Boys Must Have Good Warm Clothing These Hers In the Boys' Clothing Section you will find a full assortment of boye' warm suits and overcoats, made up In handsome -models and In th most careful way, Thry stand for warmth, for fur style, fr satlsfaHliHi, for trr-ryUilng that any boy or his mother or ether ran desire In a suit or sn overeoat. And be assured of the greatest possible values for tho pries paid. Boji' Suit At $6.75 BoyV Butts of Worsted, mostly in dark patter nil. Large bloomer pants. At Boys' Suits of Dark Tweed, with two pairs of bloomers.

Other Holts, priced from $95 $105 Best Rug Choosing Where The Most Rugs Are Ths assortment la so large In ths DALY COlaPANT KUO DEPARTMENT, and so well selected that anyone need In floor coverings can readily make a satisfactory selection. Only dependable weaves are shown hsre. but the Tar let In thoss ts very Mlsfylng; ws have all standard sties In stock In the etandard Tules. Ton will And our prices consistent with quality. WINDOW SHADES IN ANY B1ZK MADE TO ORDER.

We use only standard quality Holland or it pays to jiy for quality. -v Third Floor. LINEN DEPT. ToWels, 27c to $1.35 each. Sheets, $2,50 to $5.99 a pair.

Sheeting, 55c to $1.15 a yard. Flannelette Blankets, Grey Wool Blankets, $850 to J575. 'White Wool $850 to $18 15. THE J.DALY COMPANY 00HVAU0HT KA0S LESS INFLUENZA AMONG SOLDIERS CivilUni in U. However.

Are Hard Hit. Oct. Prompt Service. Bol EtefeTl. Warmth and et ltshness are com blned in the Reefer Coats, made of Mackinaw.

Frlcse, and Chinchilla cloth. Priced from H.tft to $tM. Boji' Overcoats The highest possible quality with ths lowest prlcru ars crowded Into these Overcoats for boys of all alses S.tS to IM.N. -Main Floor. Children's Warm Heavy Underwesr of a weight that win do for all Winter has now arrived In time for October's coldest days.

CIIIL.DIUCN-8 UNION WKIOIlT V'KKTS AND DRAWERS The Veete are high neck, longer eleeveo; drawers are ankls length. Priced from ftor In aac. CIIU.nRKN'8 FLEECE LINED CORSET WAISTS la White or natursl; sll slxre. 456 rmrh. CllII.DKKN'8 BLACK.

WOOL TIOHTS Prloed from 8so to tl.te) 8-3x10-6 9 VI DRUGS cocoa srnrre am cold clbes. Daly's fiyrup Llsssed and Turpentine SSe aad SSe Dalr'e Brrup WMte Pino and Tir as, aad SSe Palr'e llmbr Ceugb Hrrup SSe IMIr'e Emulsion of Cod Liver oil. te per cent. Cod UTer oil si-ape aaa Chase a Chamberlain S6o 26c 23c 23c 23c 60o 23c Coltsfoot Norway Pina Four T'a Pinex Spraoin Oars is er eprey LIMITED OTTAWA. The new flavour mm 4 This new, thick, fruity lauce from England is simply de licious, and such a welcome change to the old-fashioned 6 sauces.

Wocldn't it be worth your white to try toe ooe and only H.P. Sauce? IS L.Al NtlIKD. HALIFAX, N. Oct. 17.

A-three-masted echooner. 133 feet keel, built by the Brldgewater Shipping Company for the Emergency Kleet of. the American 1-urau of was launched at Bridnewater today in the pree nee of a large crowd of cltlsens. Tli schooner wss christened sCdlth Dawson. In honor of the youngest iiiiuxhter Kobert Dawson, presl- dent of the Brldgewater Shipping Store Closes at 4.00 p.m.

MA Underwear Mala Floog. FOR MEN TWO EXTRA BPECIALS. Men's Heavy Weight "Hanson's" snafcsr 100 pes cetit. pure wihI. 4 1b 76o 5 lb.

85o Men's Fine Bibbed Osslunera ascks, la braiher mlxtares; 10 ooe-en oolr to close oat at ins Tery fcnr prion of, a pair aoo Mala Floor. Ribbons at Special Prices -Washable Ribbons in irtute, blue, pink, maiie, and mauva. l'riced from 6o to 26c a yard. Satin Ribbons, in erery conceivable shade, from the narrow baby width to the wide width used for camisoles. Priced from 4o to $1.50 a yard.

Fancy Ribbons, satin striped in red, rose, yellow, and blue. Priced at Mo a yard. Mala Floor. The Prices Include War Tax, Ayera Cherry 23c, 47o Ransom's Hive Syrup 88o Bromo Quinine Tablets 26o Caaeara Bromide of Quinine Tablets 3S Catarrhozone 23c, 47c, Mo Hall's Remedy T8o Japanese Catarrk cure are Aetnaia Remedy Sas, aae Warehall'e Caurrb ayrep SSe Fernaasalst BHrate er Ter FSs Forsselld Tkroat Base Browa's Trookee Pepe Parrlmlnt Vlrals Oil al Plas rse sss TPs ta sose sad, tfcreat a Of Hydrogea see, ese et Otyeethyenellne sae, sas, Feraeeiid Aatieeptle Soletlee. ea aaa, saei 11 es.

aae Ploxyges SSs aad Deetblee Atomisers, essay styles, prices as be BUS.

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