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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

.0 AHEAD UNTIL -KAISER'S CLIQUE IS MIMED AktwnCkm tU Air ReKsVc TtMtoa, Sy Actbf Prtaitr, HIT EKEMllfwrT ESCAPE CONSEQUENCES OF METHODS No ftu Affiet wai 1m FJ Result sf 1 Precedest tv-lleon' reply to Otr-Ml niitiirn Is regardad here as atlraly satisfactory. Bom anxiety had arisen whether tho eachang of MM might aot load to protracud rrspondno with prohebl loss to ths Allies of muck of tho advent-acoa they -have gained in tho fleld. Tho reply to regarded ee netually dlesoeing of any ouch likelihood. Show lata Clearly. la tho word of Sir George Tot-tor, Ac tint Promlor.

"tho ml lor. sue appesra la- definite nanftftir- tho nttf eontoat aoe straight forward until tho Kalssr, ad his clique disappear as a factor la Oorman nationality and tholr wloked aad menacing Influence to oHminatod from tho council of tho aatioaa." Tho toxt of Sir Ooorco Fotr'o statement follow: Tho President's- anwr to th note of tho Oorman Chancellor, of data Octobor aeqnloacod ia a It undoubtedly will by tho other Allied nations, dispose aetually any hop that may bar boon n-tortalnod by tho Coolral I Powtra that thoy would bo allowed to eecap th righteous eonooquoncr their four yeara of unjust and barbarous warfare, and of tho cynical and Inhuman method by which they have exploited the weakaeee of thoeo whom they may Bare lor moment ovorpewereu. It aloa rellrreo entirely a tsnslon which was clearly observable during; abort Interim. )t la aoma way by tho tedious and uncertain methods of dlplomatto discussion tho full result of tho sacrifice already made by tho AlUt might be delayed or diminished. Breath) More iTeclf.

"In both respects tho world now amathea mora freely: the real leeue appoara In definite elearnea; here-aftar tho treat contest foe straight forward antll the Kaiser and hi clique disappear a a factor Jn German, aatlonallty and their wicked aad menacing Influence eliminated from th eouncil of the nation. Thoeo who. knew President Wilson boot and trusted him moot have net been disappointed when Toad--las; hi candid and eoncluslv an- Hi BE BURIED Mf Captain Maekktot. Hi aW Braifht Hen Later. -U' Caplala Angus Alexander.

Mack- In tosh, oon-ln-law ot Their Kxcsl- lenoloa the Duke and Duchea of Devonshiro, aad former A. D. CL to tho QoeaiBoe-Qoaoral, I being Burma at Arlington, D. near Washington, Tho body may later brought tho Capital. Ami Aimm ta rha hri.

advu-e. which havo reached tho city. Cap tain Mackintosh wa a victim of Spanish Innuenaa, which developed Into pneumonia. At tho time ot his death, ho was engaged as en attach of tho British Embassy la th American Capital, to which poet ho was appointed ahortly following his marriage, on November 117, ldy Maud Ovondlah. Th only soa of Tho Mackintosh of Mackintosh, ha was a salient soldier, and served with distinction during tho early stages at th present war, being wounded la ono lung.

Ho was A. tl c. to His Royal Hlshneo the Iuk of Coaaaught during tho lat-tera tenure of ofllos as Oorernor- Oenerat. Her Excellency tho Duett of Ttovonshlr. 'accomoanled Cap tain Ridley aad Captala Cllve.

proceed ed to Washington following re-MinS ar word of the death of Cap tain Mackintosh, Their return b) expected today, when tho Durhea will proceed to carUorvlUo, where Lady Maud Cavendish ta-un-denstood to bo- In a serious condl. tloav th shock of the bereavement co mine shortly after the birth of her baby daughter. finMIURMU V. WAGNER WOUNDED IN THE THIGH Bombardier Victor Wagner, am of C. W.

Wagner of 71 Wavtrlty street I reported wounded and was admit-1mA la tha Military Hospital at Kndull Station, Londoa, oa October I. Ha wont over In ltl at th ago st It aad has sera much activvj esr-vlce. but eeeaped beta; wounded bp till bow. Ht mfrerlaa tram gunshot wound la tho thigh. Bombardier Wagner was employed la tho Militia Deoartmeat before bo en listed aad played oa tho department hockey aad bowuns teams, e.erai vam.r.f Ant TtnoDT.

Tha death occurred on Monday at hie lata residence, Murray etreet. ur. William J. Doody. Tho late Mr.

Doadwwa la hie 14th year, and re ceived hi early education at It. Hrlgld'a School. He was employed by tb Poet Oflte Department aad was a memos or tno atapio mu Lacroeso Team. Besides his mother, he leaves tw Bisters, Mr. W.

1. srUy aad Mies Jean, of Ottawa. Tha feaeral will take pine tram hkj late reeldenca, 144 Murray rei. Wednoeday morning to ftX Brig-Id' Church -and thane Notre CemoUry. Mrta.

V. EWIXa tr. Swing died en on-day a her lata IT Oil-manr etreet, after a short 111 is. h. lat Mrs.

awmw waatbsdaush-tr at Mr. Joha Olbbona, of Rest-frew. Bho IS surmised by her hus-head and two eoweT-Kdlaoa aad ampbell. of Ottawa: by twa Mrs, (Dr Olbeow, of BoatoB. nd Mra Kayhevr, Westers On; a ono brother, Joha bow wrlouelr wpueded, at the yhs funeral eervleo 1 at h-T- rldnc, IT Mf-'.

11 a. m. on weu takoa to iet l- hi i. PTE. CLARENCE HOWELL REPORTED WOUNDED AGAIN Mrs, Victoria Howell, of III King Edward avenue, ha received no tin-cation from the Casualty Branch that her husband, Pt.

Clarence hM beea wounded la -the thigh and I at preeent la hospital la Cambridge, Bngland. Ft. Howell was formerly a ser-geant la tho (1U Battalion, and In Kngland was transferred to the Scouts Section of a Hoyal Ottawa Battalion. Ft. Howell was pre-' vlously, wounded In November, lilt, and after spending" four month In hospital returnsd la.

the firing dine, Pte. Saitoh Howell of the Royal Canadian Horee Artillery, and Ernest Howell of tho I'lrst Tank Battalion are brother. Ounnsr lHnnle Manner, name appeared la recent lists, is a brother-in-law. Pte. Howell before enlistment wa oonnoeted with tho office staff of th Dominion Traneport.

SYDNEY CRIGCALLIS. OF EPIDEMIC ot Spanish InOwiua clvlmxS an Oth-r wtj 1 1 -known resident mm a victim, on Monday, when Sydney Crlr-tftll. tt, manaver for tho William Uold-ttln Company, aniccumbd to tho tffoeta of tho epidemic now racing-. Tho decoaaed had been til for a wNk, dUrtnjr which ttma the Influent, which first conAnd him to hlahomo developed Into pneumonia. The late Mr.

CrigraU was one of tho prominent young buelneas men Of the city, and; hod a wide circle of acquaintance. He was an active member of the Klwanls Club and of th Retail Merchants' Association, and also belonged to the Laur- entiaa Club. Ho had resided in Ottawa since October, 111), when came her from Toronto, where ho had been In th employ of the National Th deceased Is survived by his wife, who Is suffering: from Spanish Influenza, by two younsr sons, aaed six and three, respectively, and by his father, who la tho old country. A funeral servie will held tonight at Osslngton avenue, tho late residence of the deceased, after which the body will be taken to Toronto for Interment. 4 aVATB NEIXIB F1NLATSOIC.

Mia Nellie H. Finlayaon died at her lat reeldenoe. 171 Arlington avenue, on October II, after a short Illness ot pneumonia. She wa in her lith year and th dausjiur of Mr. and Mrs.

W. B. PlnlaysTm, formerly ot Smith's Fall. 8h was a member oi an unusually taienteo musical family, her father being Lieut. Flnlayson, lormerly In charge of the camp band at valcartler.

who has but rcntly rturnd from England, where ho wa in cnarg ot several of the crack regimental bands in ths training camps of the Old Country, and who organised ana led the ana Boys- Band of Bmiin Kails, which was heard at the Ot tawa Exhibition last month. With her sisters and brother, shs formed nart of th wll-knowar Finlayaon Family, who hav oftsn appeared In Scottish dance tnrougoout country. She was a greet clarionet player, and her loss will bo aeverely felt In th musical world, as she bed a brilliant career before her. She leave, besides her pe rente, two brothers. Borat- William Klnlerson.

at nreeent in France, and Alec re turned from tho front; and attending the Sir Sandford Fleming Voca tional school, and two outers, tne Misses Annl and Mary, at somen Tho funeral took place from her late reeldenoe. Ill Arlington avenue, Tuesday, at two p.m., to Beechwood Cemetery, and eervlc wa held at the houea by th Rv. Wesley Megaw. MISS JESMIF. WIMOir.

Mis Jeeele B. Wllao. a wan kaowa graduate of St. Luke's Hospital, oa Monday, was ana. sd to th lengthy list of pnsu mania victim, aueeumbing to an attack which seised her on- Friday of last week.

Her demise occurred tho Inetltutlon where ah received her training, ah having boon re moved there from tho Maternity lloepltal. where aha was ngagd at the time Became ill. Th ot cease a. iwno was twenty- three year ot ate, was In th Juno else graduate from. SL Luke's, and wbea take, elck ehe was en gaged In a poat-gradoata course st th Meternlty Hospital.

She was widely and popularly known lat the eityand- district, Mies Wilson- 1 survived ay ner aad Mre. W. of Pembroke: by two ateter Irene end Muriel, st homo, aad by three to. Harvey, of th Mechanical Traneport, Ottawa, and Reggie and Lorne, at homo, Mrs. 8.

A. Huntington, 111 Frank street, la an aunt. The body will be removed to Pern arose tonignt, ana interment wui oe mad at that MRS. LPCT CHARTERS. Mrs.

Lucy XHlarter died at the reeldeae of her father-in-law, 7T Margaret etreet. after a effort tllnei The late Mre. Chartere wee It year old, and tne wife of Fte. John char ter aow In Franco. Bho 1 survived by her husband, two children, Viola and Emtio, one deter, Emma, and twa Brother, wmiam.

on active ser vice, aad Barney, of Ottawa. The funeral will tax. place on Wednes day anernoon from nor lata donee, TT Margaret etreet, to Beech- wood cemetery. ELEVEN-VKAR-OLD GIRL DIES, Ella McOIII, aged 11 years, th youngest daughter of Mr. end Mrs.

Gilbert mcoiii died oa Saturday, Oct. 11. at -tha family reeldenoe, 4 Newton street. Tha funeral took place on Monday. Oct, 14, at 1 eeeaped the effect of th xploiona, window pan being ahattered In many homes, 2n the town practically all tha stores hav their win dow completely broken.

The alarming report excited consternation among th town large number of whom fled for a while ae far as they could get away from tho centra ot th nr and sx-plostona, while on tho other hand r.umetou folk drove from the surrounding district as far distant as it or It mllee to And out what had actually occurred and to wltneee th sight. I Th report were described hv the people of Trenton as terriAo and everyone marvels that the Uvea of those within th danger radlua war spared. FlylBai Fleers Everywhere. On man employed at tha work Stated that a piece of boiler plate was shot-about a mile In th air, and another spectator described the fir ball a going up Ilk balloon. Th Illumination epectacular, II terrifying.

When Tho Journal vls- Itsd tho spot about Ave a'clock this morning tho name wr still burning with nearly everything that over etood reduced to a mas of dhapeleee ruins "The nremen were still play-Ing their' hose oa the parts where Are was left, and guards wer also on duly. By this- time, of course, th peo ple ot th town had long gone to their homes, maybe with a little misgiving a to tho possibility of future oxploslona At half past o'clock another loud report Marled tho community and gav th buildings In th town a good shaking. A lady in th Gilbert House Mated that thle was sot hahT as bad as the othere that had preceded It, and that eh had been expecting' It from tho remaining portion ot the plant hlch was burning. If this was not half as bad Ba Its thoa ther must hav beea terrible enough. Charle Whltmors, th chief of tho night MafF.

aald tha men on th night shift hsd Juet come on sbout it, when tho alarm was soundsd. Fir had beea detected, and the toluol was biasing Its path with lightning-like rapidity. The men. fully sensing the grave danger impending, took lo their heel in all directions from moot of th buildings. Ths man who war accommodated In-their eleeplng quarters wars notlAtn right away ay tnetr comradeo.

and all seemed -to get away without suffering any sertoue hurl. Tim tn rixpeneeow. Tha first explosion ontiuriod shortly afterwards and a startling affair was. Bringing, in its inun wreck and ruin everywhere. In ten minute or ao despite tne Indefatigable efforts- of the fir brigade, who mads brave but-" an-uceoaaful attempta to cope with the ravagee ot tho burning flam re, tha.

buudlnaa seemed doomed. So awful were the exploelone that It was thought tno town wouio o. wiped out. but fortunately the scope ot destruction was more limited than that and whllo many windows In-storea and, house wer wrecked, th damag wa a circumscribed en to be considered miraculous. Thar wer many brave aouu) la th.

midst of the storm centre. -No Chance) Foe FtrerarB, 9. Smith, chief of ths Are brigade staff of British Chemical Company, Limited, who was Mill eeea at hie poM at Av clock morning. e- ys th. nr.

hrok. apt pecte to spend eome time at hi hojp Early Shopping ly and ther did not have a chance' after the exploeloas began. lhe explosion levelled som of th buildings before the Are got Bear them. Th company plant was eon- JOUIUTAL PATTIES. In co-operation with the Board of Tlealth; the.

retail merchants of Ottawa are closing their stores at 4 o'clock each afternoon till further notice. Physicians say that the' systems of those work ing all day are less able to withstand the attacks of the 'flu at 4 o'clock thai at any other time. To relieve congestion" in the stores, and thus assist in abating the epidemic, shoppers are respectfully requested to visit the stores inv the morning wherever it ia not inconvenient The merchants willingly and promptly assent- ed to the request of the Board of Health. It is hoped that the public will extend the same con-. sideration to the merchants.

THE NO ONE IS KILLED IN BlflMOoION OF TRIM PLANT Msxk Dtaugt Doat Ipdw MiracaloBj EtctpM Art WINDOWS IN TOWN ARE MOSTLY SMASHED Tk Workmes Cot Wtniiiif Be-Jtn Firs Cot Hold of the EiploMT. By a Stas! Keemrte. TRENTON, Ontr, Oct. It A remarkable feature of the Are and explosion which practically', destroyed the plant valued at 7.0,-004 of tho British Chemical Company, Limited, on tho northwest side of tho town ot Trenton, was ths complete Immunity from loo of lire. 'When a visit was made early this morning to the scene ot destruction, th belief prevailed- that not a single death had occurred, and that tho ecore or so of people who may havo been injured In the vicinity of tho worka or in tho town, were.

not In a eerlous condition. From two thousand do two thousand five hundrsd men are stated to hav been employed at the worka. The eet of the Are was the denization houee of the T. N. T.

building, and immediately the flamoe were detected the warning whistle was given snd ther wa a hasty retreat from the 120 pr lit buildings which compose the worka Thirty Explosions. Loud explosions, numbsring about S4, were heard at varying period, ad th whol countryside for mllee around was ahaken. th shock being distinctly felt at Belleville, which Is sbout twelve mile from hr. It (a said that scarcely a houee for a mile and a halt around Trenton THE OTTAWA JOTOKAI Ottawa's Shew tea Wimia." OFFERS TODAY Beaatlfal Model ke fall aad Whiter DRESSES .75 rersaerly IB. Bay Before) th Friers Rise.

-X. structed two years ago. It was ascertained today that three carloads of T.N.T. had been removed a ehort time previous to the catastrophe. But for this the consequences would have been disastrous, -probably entailing loss of lira.

Nothing was 'definite this morning as to th particular caus of th affair. The llydro-Klectrle eyetem wa damaged to' conslderabl sxlent by the disaster. No time Is beingiost in the work of reconstruction, for about 25t work men -from 'Toronto and other placee have arrived to begin the taak of building anew and their numbers are likely to be supplemented with Statement From Here. The chairman of th Imperial Munitions Hoard made the following statement to the free this morning: "8hortly aftr p.m. on Monday, October 14, a Are occurred at th plant of the British Chemical Com.

pany. Limited, at Trenton, Ont. 'The reporta befor ua indicat that th Art started In the trlnltro-tuloul plant. In which aeveral ex. Dloalon 'occurred, completely do- etroylng the trinltrotuloul plant.

From tha trinltrotuloul plant the Are apread to th two pyro cotton lines, which war also completely destroyed. "No loss of Ills I reported. The manarer. of th British Chemical Company, Mr. C.

N. Barclay, took neraonal charge of the eltuatlon on the spot, and It Is largely due to Kr. Barclay's splendid work that no loss of life I reported. "The yardmaster at th plant rode hi engine Into the yard and coupled up eome car ot trinltrotuloul which were' on the aiding and auecveded In moving two car loaded with trinltrotuloul to a plac of safety. 'The nower -plant and the acid line hav not been affected by the Are and are intact.

It la hoped that will be able to reeume opera tions shortly at these two plants 'It I believed that tn nr was purely accidental. PAYS OVER $300 FINE FOR -SELLING LIQUOR Patrick Dusslaume. -STA Vlttorla street paid a Ana of ,1101 and 110 costs when ha pleaded guilty In Police Court on Tuesday morning lo a charge of celling liquor with out A Uccns. PROMINENT BELL'S CORNERS FARMER PASSES AWAT Alfrc-d Lowrr died on Mon- day at hi Ut resideno. Bll' Cor- nvrta, after a ihort lllnen of pneumonia.

Tha lat Mr. Lowry mm born In ritmroy Townahip 49 years aso. and had bten ansmed la farm I rtr at tha tiro of hia lllneaa Ha wa 'well-known and raapacted throuahout tha district. Ho leave hla wlfa and fir children." hi father, Hamilton Lowry, and two brother. Meaara Herbert and Thomaa.

both of The' funeral arrant, menu hara not yet been completed. PRIVATE ALLAN CRIMES IS REPORTED WOUNDED $ord haa bean received tn tha city by hi father, Mr. Tho. J. Grime, of Weldon Court.

Laurler aranue we, that Pta. Allan Qrlmei hnd bean wounded In action and had. been admitted to hoepltal Franca. Pta. Urlme waa one of ha tint to enllat In the Slanat Sec tion of tha 207th Battalion and after arrlYina; In En Bland tranaferred to a famoua Canadian battalion which hj acconvpanled to Franca about 10 month aso.

Pta. Grime had Juit recently been from hoe pltal after auirerina; from trench fever, and had rejoined hla battalion when ha waa. wounded. Ha Is well-known tn tha city aad at one time waa Assistant Scoutmaster, of the Stewarton, Troop. CAPTAIN "BOB" VIETS HOME TO RECUPERATE CaptalB formsr Prlvats secretary, to Sir Thomaa White, Minister of rinanc.

arrivad la th city over the week-end Is 'spend a eouplo of days, Hs was re cently wounded and was invalided home to recuperate. He visited the office ot th Jdlnloter of Finance Tuesday morning. He is looking la Dlgby, Bcotia, eonvaicing. PRIVATE F. M.

EM0ND IS KILLED IN ACTION Mrs. r. M. Kmond has received word that her husband, pte. F.

M. Kmond, llth Field Ambulance, was tn sctlon on Sept. 17. Pte. Kmond niita in tn queen' Field.

Ambulance In September, 1111. and went over In December, 111. In November, went to France, where he had boon attached' to the lith Field Ambulance. During the pact eleven month had been through several engagements. Beside, his WW and son.

Earl, two year of ag. leaves two sister, Mrs. L- atawart and) Mrs. R. H.

Hughe, of Ottawa: two brothers, A. Kmond. ot Toronto, and H. Bmond, Bngland. Tho decead was an aetlv worker of Wesley Method lat Church.

Mrs. Emond and son are Molding with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R.

J. Waterman, 111 Drummond etreet. MORR C. KXAMITtATIOIfS. Cempetltive esamlnatlona under tha direct lea ot tho Civil nervlce Commiasloa wlU be held at the following points on November II: Prlno Rupert, Victoria.

Vancouver. Nelson, Edmonton, Calgary. Mooe. Jaw, Saskatoon, Reglna, -Brandon. WHinlpe-, Port Arthur, Bault at.

Marie. North Bay. Wladeor, Barn la, London. Woodstock. Pater boro, Hanr-Uton, Kingston, Ottawa, -Montreal BorL Bherbrook, Thiw fllvvra 90.00.

Fred evict on, Chet. bam, N.B.; Bt. Joha, Moncton. Char-lettotown, Summersida. Tarmeuth, Uallfax.

and Bydaey. $12 SPARKS STREET, riwne'tiis y. PRIVATE LABELLE RffflBTED.WOUNDED Screral Strict Me. bv tbt Latest Catmahy Litt Ottawa and district name th aoon casualty llat follow! DIED OF WOUNDS. IJ110I Pts.

Daniel. Doull. Taken on strength Ottawa, Ont. KID. Daniel Moult, taiott fte.

Duncan Dewar, Kin, Lanchlla Dewar (father), Cornwall. WOUNDED. IJltll AUgustlhs Lunelle. Taken on strength Cornwall. Kin, Mrs.

Helene Labella (wife), 44( Albert etreet, Ottawa. (III.) aottlot PI. Louie Roy. Kin. Napoleon II Hlnchey avenue, Ottawa.

i 411034 Pte. Hal Klrkland. Taken on atrength Montreal, Kin, J. B. Klrklnnd, Almonte.

41141 Angus Norb.t Mac-Donell. Mre. A. P. MacDonell (mother), Cornwall.

Opt. (Dangerously 111.) 144141 Pte. Wilfred Oough Tripp. Taken on etrength Ottawa Ont. Next of kin: Rev.

Frederick Trlno (father), Bhawvllle, Pontlao County, I I120III Pte. James Nicholas Taken on etrength, Ottawa. Ont. Next of kin: Mis Louise Nicholas (sunt), Whitney, Ont. 1041310.

Pte. Joseph A. Prince. Next of kin: August Prince (father), Wllno, Renfrew County, Ont lOSStlt Pte. James Joseph' atrength Kingston, Ont Next of kin: Alice Hunt (sister).

Cajabogle. Ont LATE -MRS. V. HUSBAND, Mrs. Vlbert G.

Youhghusband died on Saturday night at a local hoepltal pneumonia, 1st Mrs. Tounghusband had Just return ed from Calgary, where ah went to bring horn her sister-in-law, who was stricken with pneumonia, -and who husband had died. of th sam disease. she was born in Rlcevllle, N.8., It years ago. She was a Pres byterian and a member of the East.

ern Star. Decides her bus band, sh I survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O.

Fraaer, ot Coleman, Alb. The funeral took place from her late residence, III Nelson street, on Monday afternoon, to. Beechwood cemetery. STOPS BACKACHE IN FEW MINUTES Sab pain, Mreneii, itiffneu right ont with "8t. aeob'i Liniment." When your -back Is sor and lame or lumbago, sciatica or neuritis hss you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "8L Jacob's Liniment" at any drug star, pour a little in your hand and rub It right Into tha pain or ache, and by the time you count the soreness and lameness 1 gone.

Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating liniment takes the ache and pain right out and and tho misery. It la magical, yet absolutely, harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the ekln. Nothing else etepe lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly and surely. It never disappoints! For Constipation Carter, Little UrerPilU will tetyou right over, night Pvrfy Vg ta.blw MB. we'sIrenPais Man Hiinati ALASKA SABLE A PrRABLR ATTnACTtVl! w'l'B T'ECTTVa6 I ptSIUMB.

I I Amort Cape. 'Tsiraw Collars 1 and animal atyle COO Cfi II acarfa. From HudMn Seal Cepes and Scarfs I Slrurle) Fur Pieees foe Fall II In all sca4e turn at mod- oral price, I I NOLAN'S wa tiiMtaviBBss; va bark B-vja ea rhw btood. CONSTANT PAIN-' AFTER EATING lTia Tortures of Dyspepsia Corrected by. "Fruit- v' ST.

MARTIN. Nti "For two ysrs, I coffered tor. turea from Severe Dyspepsia. I had constant pains after eating; pains down th aides and back: and horrible bitter stuff often cam up In my mouth, I tried doctors, but they did not help me. But at soon as I started taking 'Frultra-tlvss.

I began to Improve and this medicine, mad of fruit Juice, relieved in when elie MRS. HUDSON MAR8HBANK. to. a box, for 11.10, trial six lie. At all dalr or sent poMpald by Frult-a-tlves Limited.

LATK KORMA F. JOHNSTON. Mies Norma F. JoHnaton, daughter of th lata Hugh and Mr. Johnston, until recently of it Driveway, died last night In a city' hospital from pneumonia, following anT aP- taxk of InAuenxa.

Miss Johnatfn waa Trlvnt secretary to tho assistant to Chairman of th Commission of Conservation, having been con nected with the Commission sine 111, prior to which ah waa on the start or tho Department of Justice. She wa a member of St- Paul's Presbyterian Church and waa an ac- tivs iworker.ln patriotic, charitable. snd church organization. 8h was also connected with th King' iMugnters and the Ulrl ouldee, and naa a wide circle or mends. Be.

side her mother, she leave to mourn her loss a brother, Lieut Charles F. Johnston, of the Canadian Artillery In France, and a sis- I nB A Today you havs a headache-tomorrow It Is gone the neat day It Is bsck again, and ttls conttnuse. If you don't know the csuee of your hesdschs have your eyes examined by our Optometrist? he will tell you whether or not your headachee are due to your eyee. Ifour Optometrist finds that glasses will relieve your headachee, and yon decide to pur-cha, ws furnlah them for as little as 12.00 a pair. P.

All stylee and shades ot sua glasees sod goggle from '15C Bp. Th Ottawa Optical Parlors J. H. de III sera. Kselaslv Oeteasetrlac.

Its a.rh. St. Ph.e O. 3a. Eb.

BROWNE CO. see tiaoasi sr. (Imssedlately west ef Beak.) TEAS Prom trirdn of Ilaw JMn. Jawm and CcrlM. in car-fullr MlctMl.

accnraulr blndd. A carablaUttoa Hriiwrth. with dtlleacy ot flavor witching maiB 4U pric. COFFEE "The UnbeUever" mmmhmr mt hmmm Will cavlacv mmm trial rl The Ohio' Vacuum Cleaner W.G. Edge.

Umitetl lit Booth Building Qiims forty-Eighty (iOSO) tUXJSDAT, OCTOSZZ 18, Wll Today we received, our Christmai shipment of School Girls' Wgtchei, Without s. tingle exception this the nicest watch of iU kind that we have ever handled. It is to ideal size. Cases sre Sterling Silver, Silver Dial with second hand, snd fitted -with s' dainty grey silk ribbon. They are perfect' timepieces.

Each one has our fullest guarantee. i C. Ar Olmsted Son Ths Btors of Modersts Prlcss JIW1XLEB8 ADD OPTIOIAKS 208 Sparks Street Big Boot Clearing Sale JL8 PREMISES ARK RENTED THE KELLS CO. BAXKRrpT STOCK ot Boots snot Shoes bought from W. A.

Cole at die oa the must be CLEARED OUT MONTH. Thousands of dollars ot Boots and Shaes for Men, Wimif aad Chlldrrai must be ssq Iflccd recardleas of eoat, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET TOUB FALIi FOOTW EAR AT LESS THAN HALF THE' PRESENT SELLING PRICES AoBt miss this Salo aa yoa can save at least half your nsooey oa every pair yoa boy at this big safes Corner Bsink and Somerset Do i ou oing or rlay If you or jiny one In your family sings or plays snjr musical instrument, you will find that to get the swing of new 'pieces or to accompany you in duets there is wonderful sstisfaction in hsving i the iNeyTiaiMKffr.or QUAtrrr CtCAR mm Aft A- CLI. -J Its tons is of crystal sad rare fulness snd. beauty. It is graceful in sppearsnce snd hu many im- portsnt exeliuiva 1 Every one of the sight LIHDSAT stores is Sonors stors.

Thst is tossy thst even though the Sonors Company were to operate its own chain of stores, with one in Montreal, in no one of them could you get better service nor wider variety of Sonors models thsn is giyeh you right here In ths LINDSAY stores. Don't Bay Phonograph Before First Seeing and Hearing tha -8onora at LIIIDSAT'S gonorss Ksngs ia Prios From 142.50 to Kasy Terms Arranged if Dssbwd, i Headojiarteri iW-Sonom: C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED fcr J89 EFAXES STSSET, OTTAWA. XontraaJ, Quebae, ter.

Must Vara, a V.A.D. Burs bow ia Plymouth, Ens land. lira. Harry Cslrns, wlfs ot th manager ot the llank of Ottawa, at south Mountain. and Mrs.

-Kelson Ksnnsdy. of Car-gary, are staters. The funeral. which win oe private, will be, held to- TOO LATK TO CLAHMH Y. V'ANTKl HOUMB fARLUK MAID: 1 ally refereae.alle al.uialf.

at. Ji-e THALSKD NUttBK a tT-BlKbt eunervisor at the Ottawa ins. alvlns uid salary pected, to Cunningham. LHIIIIIII, IS'S WOKK1NO (WIU--e-a. ow with girl golng-to school).

wants position Wlta snu reference. Bos '1I0A, Jour TTA WATT'S -r wanted Man with office and eome spare time sufficient. (las Control Co Limited. Toronto. ll-l CBIOGALL At II Osslngton Ave.

October It, ltls, Bydnsy Crlggall. Vunsrsl from above Tuesday svenlng at 1.15. to Central Depot for Interment at Toronto. Hervlce at the house Tuesday avening, at o'clock. 11-1 BMOKD On Bent.

IT. lilt. Pts. T. U.

Emoae, son of ths late Robert ttmond. and dearly beloved huabend of uertrude Emoad. IIOOHRS At Kingston, Bsrgt. H. P.

Rogers, sldeat eon of H. Rogers. jyi ncumoa st. Funeral notice later. ll-l MeCarPB.BV'-At Wetretead.

Que-beo, Monday, October 14, Ills, Catharine Keon, beloved wife of the late Patrick McCaffrey, of Wetretead, Que. Vunera! Tueedav morning, at I s'clock. at Walrstaad, Que. l-t ARDia On Bunday, XKt. -It, lilt.

Elnla Kmuv BridaeL ased years De dauehtar of Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Ardla, i 1-1 CENTRAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY A new line of Parisian Silk Shades, direct importatlone from Franc await your Inspection.

This Week Wo Offer Guaranteed Upright Toasters at th astonishing price ot $3.69 While Uiey Urt--Coroe and aee for yoanrlf. 255 BANK STREET Phon Queen 7007 The College sUBitaa, BreeltTillB, BeHsrills morrow' morning (Wed needs y) al It o'clock from tne noma oi vt. O. K. McMurtry, 11 Urlveway.

McGregor's Cooked; Meats gOMEONB hss aald that th difference between human beings and othtr animals wss hi knowledge 'of th us ot fir. la othr words that man trfer- red hM food "eooked." Cooking is an art Theee McGregor's specials ara eooked to perfection by aa artist. Ther ar prima food- made from selected meats ready to serve. All McGregor's quality. Don't worry about what to serve.

There's a big cholc hare. Jellied Trip Jllld Hock 25 (J Jsillsd Pigs' Fest fj lb. JellledPork "Head Cheeae, A for Sc, lVCt Cooked Ham" 7 0 Jellied Ox r7A lb. Tongu. I UC Caaada ft Beavd Ueeas i Me.

a ara. McGregor's S. McGregor, Limited Pta Oioeetlee .1 3S BA9fS STKEET. Pkeaes 3l-SOS oussea. M101 Jltll Girl's Watch Phone Queen 1430- 17100-sibsrtrs, and Thm SiTsri..

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