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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SHERIFF SALES (Con tinned From Preceding Pafe) street, snd on wiv through the center of th tMirtltion wall of a Dlr of bouses to be erected ninety (90) feet to the northern line of a lifteen feet wlde alley; thence westwardly along said alley twenty one and five tenth (21.5) feet to a point: thence northwardly, at right angle to Paxton street, ninety (Ml feet to the out hern line of Faxton street: thence along said Paxton street, twenty one and five tenths (31.3) feet ta the nW. TtEftTffinNQ. SOLD as the property of W. Stanton Barm, Mortgagor, ana Margaret jjrowa and Samuel J. Brown, terra tenants.

Having thereon erected and now being dwelling house known as No. K3S Pax ton street, aarriiourg. ra. 1IKTZOER WICKERSHAM. Attorneys.

ALL. that eertaln messuage, tenement ad tract of land, situate In the Tenth ward of the City of Harrisburg. County and State aforesaid, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the north aide of Schuylkill street, which point is seventy (TO) leet west or tne nortnwest corner oi seventn ana scnuyiKiu streets: thence in a northerly direction and through the center of an areaway be tween nouses No. 682 and (84 Schuylkill street, and in a line parallel with Seventh street, seventy five (75 feet to a five (5) feet wide private alley; thence "In a westerly direction atone said orl yate alley and In a line parallel with Schuylkill street, seventeen (17) feet and ten (10) Inches to a point; thence In a southerly direction and through the center of partition wail between bouses Nos. (82 and (80 Schuylkill street.

aevemv five (75) feet to the north side of Schuylkill street; thence In an easterly direction along the north side of Schuyl kill street eighteen (18) leet to a point, the place of beuin.mnu. With the riKht to use the five (51 feet wide nrlvate alley In the rear of said eremises in common with the other owners of nronertv abutting thereon. Having thereon erected a two story frame and stucco bungalow known as No. C82 Schuylkill atreet, Harrlsburg, Peunsyl. vanla.

Sold as the property of Bentley J. Crouse and Ida M. crouse. nis wiie, Mortgagors, and Virginia Murr, terre tenant. FOB TTOI Into Virginia A.

Murr, sea Deed Book H. vol. 30, page 3:. 49 James a. HATZ.

Attorney. ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OP LAND situate in the Second ward tne City of Harrlsburg, County of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BBQZNNTNO at a point on the north' astern corner of Dock and Hershey streets; thence northwardly, along the astern line of Hersnev street, one nun dred three and nine tenths (103.9) feet. more or less, to the southern line oi Grayson alley; thence eastwardly, along the southern line or urayson aney, twenty (20) feet and nine (9) inches, more jor lets, to the western line of lot No. 2)7; thence southwardly, along the western line of lot No. 27, ninety eight (98) and seven tenths (98.7) feet, more or less, to the northern line of Dock street; thence westwardly, along the northern line of Dock street, twenty (20) feet to the place Of BEGINNING.

Sold a the property of Horace K. William and Florence M. Williams, his wife, mortgagors and real owners. Having thereon erected the westers half of a two and one half story brick dwelling house known as No. 1708 Dook treet.

50 JAMBS O. HATZ, Attorney. All that eertaln parcel or tract of land situate in the City of Harrlsburg, County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, more fully bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the west side of North Fourteenth street, which point 1 sixty and twenty eighth hundredths (90.38) feet south from the southwest orner of North Fourteenth snd Walnut streets; thence westwardly through the center partition wall between the house erected on the lot herein described and the house erected on the lot adjoining on the north and bevond seventy two (721 feet to a four (4) feet wide private alley; thence southwardly along the line of said private alley thirteen and nine tenths (13.9) feet to a point; thence eastwardly along the line of the adjoining lot and through the center of the partition wall between the house erected on the lot herein described and the house erected on the lot adjoining on tne couth, seventy two (72) feet to North Fourteenth street; thence northwardly along the line of North Fourteenth street thirteen and ninety two hundredth (13.92) feet to the place or Beginning. Sold a the prooertv of Grace Kane, Catherine Lelb. Edward F.

Lelb, Al. K. Thomas, guardian for Mahlon W. Leib, John Kenneth Leib and Anna Jane Lelb, Mortgagors and real owners. Being thereon erected a three story frame dwelling known a 70 North Fourteenth street.

51 WOOD5IDE. Attorney. All that certain messuage, tract or Blece of land, situate in TownshiD of Washington in the County of Dauphin ana state oi Pennsylvania, oounaea ana described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone at lands now or late of Alfred Klinger, (late Adam) Tawver) thence by land now or late of Robert Lenker, late George Webner, south eighty seven and one fourth degrees east, lxty two and forty three hundredth perches to a atone; thence south four degrees west, along a new line and formerly a part of the same trsct, now or late lands of Robert Lenker, one hundred and twenty and five tenths perches to stone; thence by lands now or late ef Robert Lenker and Daniel A. Wert, north eighty nine degrees west, fifty evea perches to a stone; thence by lands now or late of Daniel A. Wert and Alfred Klinger, (late George W.

Lenker nd Adam fawver), north one fourth degree west, on hundred and twenty three 7(100 perches to the place of beginning, containing forty five acres and thirty and one half perches of land, thereon erected a dwelling house, barn, road stand, potato chip factory and outbuildings. Being the cam premises which Catharine Bowerman et vlr, by their deed dated April 1, 1919, and recorded in the office for the recording of Deeds, In and for th County of Dauphin, In Deed Book VoL 17, page 493, (ranted and conveyed to Harry E. Hoke. Bold a the property of Harry E. Hoke.

53 D. M. WALLACE. Attorney. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land situate In the City of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded nd described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side of North Third street at the line of property formerly of C.

M. and C. E. Reily and now or late of Bridget Connelly, which point Is one hundred five (106) feet north of the northeast corner of North Third and Hamilton streets; thence eastwardly along the line of said property, one hundred nine (109) feet, more or less, to line of property formerly of Jacob fltroh and now or late of Theodoie Lampas; thence northwardly long the line of said property, twenty (20) feet to line of property formerly of Caroline M. Reily and now or late of Elizabeth 8.

Helster; thence westwardly long the line of said property, one hundred nine (109) feet, more or less, to the eastern side of North Third street; thence southwardly along the eastern line of North Third street, twenty (20) feet to the Dlace of BEGINNING. HAVING THEREON ERECTED a two story frame dwelling house known as No. 11711 North Third street. FOR TITLE see Deed Book Vol. 33, page 509.

SOLD as the property of John E. Reber. mortgagor defendant, James W. Barker, I present owner. WALLACE.

Attorney. ALL THAT CERTAIN hereinafter described part or piece of two adjoining lots of ground situated in the Borough of Middletown, In the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, on which la erected a two story frame dwelling house, limited and described a follow, to wit: BEOINNINO st post oa Ann street (on lot number two hundred and seventy nine, three (3) feet east of the northwest corner of said lot); thence south twenty five and one half (25 14) degrees west one hundred (100) feet (Including ten feet of an alley), to a post; thence north sixty four and one halt (64'Ai degree west thirty three (3D feet' to the line of Rett's lot; thence north long the iine of said lot. twenty five nd one half (25tt) degrees east one hundred (100) feet to Ann street; thence south (along the line of said Ann street) sixty four and one halt degrees east thirty three (33) feet to the place of BEOINNINO. Taking three (3) feet of the western part of lot number two hundred sod seventy nine (279) snd thirty (SO) feet of the eastern part of lot number two hundred and eighty (280) In the general plan of the town ot Portsmouth, (now part of the Borough ot Middletown). Being tblrty three (331 feet in width and one hundred (1001 feet In depth, Including ten (10) feet of an alley, the alley to remain open until all the owner of the lots from which said alley Is taken shall unanimously agree to vacate and close the same.

ALSO a certain psrt or small oiece of ground situated In the Borough of Middletown. County and State aforesaid, 'adjoining the property oi Allan B. Jort ney on ttt east side, and bounded and described as follows, via: BEGINNING at a corner of the property of the sale Allen B. Portney on Ann street; thence along the line of said Allen B. Fortneya ground southward ninety (90) feet to a private alky; thence eastward along the line of said alley one foot to a stake; thence northward on a line parallel with the line of said Allen B.

Fortney's ground ninety (90) feet to Ann street; thence westward one foot to the place of BEGINNING. Being one toot in width by ninetv feet in depth. FOR TITLE aee Deed Book VoL 12, page 600. SOLD as the property of Leo Aerl and Elisabeth Acri, defendants. No.

6 HARVEY E. KNTJPP, Attorney. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of land situ HARRISBURG tfggTELEGRaPH WEDNESDAY EVENING? MAY 9, 1934 ated in the Tenth Ward ot the City ot Harrlsburg, County ot Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as iouows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on North Fourth street, two hundred and thirty five feet, more or less, from the southeastern corner of Fourth and Woodbine streets, at the line of property now or formerly of W. H. Kendig and Company; thence southwardly, along Fourth street, fifteen and seventy nv nunareains ieet, more or to the line ot property, now or formerly of Thornton A.

Bell; thence along the line of snd property, towards Fifth street, eighty feet, to a four feet wide private alley; thence up along said alley, fifteen and seventy five hundredths feet, more or less, to said property of W. H. Kendig and Company; and thence along the line of said property, eighty teet, to the place of beginning HAVING thereon erected dwelling house known as No. 2133 North Fourth street, Harrisburg, Pa. TOGETHER with the use of the two private alley at either end of this property and the four feet wide private alley th rear in common with the owners and occupiers of other property in the row oi houses oi wnicn mi i one, we said two alley at end of row adjoining house No.

2127 at other end. being the fame DroDertv which Annie E. Fager by deed dated February 19th, 1923. which Seed Is recorded In the Re corder's Office of said Dauphin county, in Deed Book Vol. 19.

Page S87. con veyed unto Max Williams, Mortgagor hereto. Sold as the property of Max Williams with notice to Philip Williams, terre tenant. No. 55 MILNOR.

Attorney. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or tract ot land situate la the Township of Middle Paxton. in the county and State afore said, bounded and described a follows, to wlt: BEGINNING at a set stone at corner of land ot Pennsylvania Canal Company and land now or late ot Conrad Brothers; thence south thirty and one half (3014) degrees west along last mentioned land thirty three and two tenths (33.2) perches to low water mark of the Susquehanna River; thence along fald low water mark North sixty one (61) degrees west seventeen and seven tenths (17.7) perches to nronertv of Charles F. Hoover: thence along last mentioned property north forty one (41) Degrees ten uoj minuies thirty six and one tenth (36.1) perches to the aforesaid land of Pennsylvania Canal Company; thence south forty nine and one half (49H) degrees east eleven and two tenths (11.2) perches to the place of beginning. Containing three (3) acres and fifteen (15) perches, more or less.

The said party of the first part also grant aud assure unto the said party ot the second part, hi heirs and assigns, a right of way across or over the lands of the said Anthony Speece from the public road leading from Dauphin to Clark's Ferrv to a point at the Penn sylvania Canal; said right of way shall not be fenced, and shall be of sufficient width for two vehicles to pass each other in safety, and shall be the same road or right of way that may be In use by the farmer or owner of the Speece lands. Together with free Ingress, egress and re gress to ana tor tne saia party oi tne second part hereto, his heirs and assigns, and his tenants, occupiers or possessors of the lands above conveyed. Having tnereon erectea a two story dwelling house, two story garage and other buildings. For reference to title see Deed book Vol. 18, Page 166, etc.

Sold as the property of Harry Cooper, defendant and real owner. No. 56 MILNOR. Attorney. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of land situate In the Thirteenth Ward of the City of Harrisburg.

Daunhln County. bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING on the east side of Garfield street (now Benton), as laid out on the Plan of Lots of John Elder called "Eller at a point eighteen (18) feet, four (4) mcnes south oi Enersue street; tnence eastwardly by a line at right angles to Garfield street (now called Benton), and through the center of the nartitlon wall between the house erected on the lot hereby described and the adjoining house on the north, ninety (90) feet, more or less, to a private auejc tnence south wardly along the west side of said alley, eighteen (181 feet, four (4) Inches to a point; thence westwardly by a line at right angles to Garfield street (now Benton), ninety (90) teet, more or less, to the East side of Garfield street (now Benton); thence northwardly along the East side of Garfield street (now Ben ton), eighteen (18) feet, four (4) Inches to the place ot Beginning. HAVING thereon erected a two and one half story brick dwelling house known and numbered as No. 703 Benton street, Harrisburg. Pa.

For reference to title see Deed Book Volume 21. at page 549, etc. Sold a the property ot Clayton Flckes and Ora Fickes, hi wile. Mortgagors ana real owner. No.

57 MILNOR, Attorney. All that house and lot situate In the Second Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Couity, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the line of Derry street about twenty six (26) feet and three (3) inches east from the eastern line of Sixteenth street and at the northern terminus of line running through the center ot a block ot two frame houses erected on the land herein conveyed and the land adjoining on the west; and running thence In an easterly direction along the southern line of Derry street twenty six (28i feet and three (3) Inches; and extending thence in a southerly direction parallel wua Buieenin street one nunarea liuui feet to Cream alley; thence In a west erly direction along the line of Cream alley twenty six (26) feet and three (3) inches to the southern terminus of the line aforesaid running through tne ceuicr ox d.ock oi nouses; ana thence in a northern direction along said last mentionea line one nunared (1001 ieet to tne place ot beginning. The same being the eastern fifteen (15) test and nine (91 inches of lot No. 2, and the western ten (10) feet and six (6) Inches of Lot No. Plan of Brookwood, recorded In Plan Book at page 79.

Having thereon erected a two and one story frame dwelling house known as wo. leou uerry street. For reference to title see Deed Book Volume 17. at pace 372. etc.

Sold as the property of S. H. 8tormfeltz, ucicuuaut iuq real owner. No. eg MILNOR.

Attorney. ALL that certain lot or piece of (round with the buildings thereon erected, situ ate In the Seventh Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, more particularly bounded and described as xoiiows, to wit: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Herr and Twelfth streets, in the City of Harrisburg aforesaid; thence in a northerly direction along the western side oi iweiun street, eignty tnree (83) feet, more or less, to a point on the southern side of a three (S) feet wide alley; thence in a westerly direction along the southern side of a three (3) feet wide alley one hundred fifteen (115) feet, more or less, to a point; thence In a southerly direction seventy two (72 feet, more or less, to a point on tne line of land now or formerly of T. A. Smith; thence In southerly direction along the line of the saia a. smith, twenty seven (271 ieet, more or less, to point on the northern side ot Herr street; thence in an easterly direction along the northern line of Herr street, one hundred and one iiui; ieet nve (a) inches, more or less, to the northwest corner ot Herr and Twelfth streets, the place of beginning.

For reference to title see Deed Book Volume 22, at page 400, etc. Sold as the property of the Harrlsburg Mattress Company, mortgagor and real owner. No. 59 J. O.

SWARTZ, Attorney. ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Pax tang, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the north aide of Brlsban street, one hundred fifty (150) feet west from the western aide ar Swan street; thence northwardly through tuv wan oi tne properties numbered 2520 and 3522 Brlsban street, and beyond, one hundred twenty live (1251 feet to the southern iine of Pear alley; thence eastwardly along Pear alley, thirty (30) feet to point on the line of Lot No. 16 In Block of the Plan of Lots laid out by Henry J. and John C. Forney; thence southwardly along said lot, one hundred twenty live (126) feet to Brisban street; thence westwardly along Brlsban atreet, thirty (30) feet, more or less to point, tne place of beginning.

HAVING thereon erected a two and one half story Xrame dwelling bouse knows as No. S523 Brlsban street. Pax tang, Pennsylvania. BEING tbe same premises which John H. Fought and wife, by their deed dated June 6, 1919, recorded in the office for tbe recording ot deeds in and for Dauphin County, In Deed Book VoL 17, nags 192, conveyed to Edgar W.

Davis. Sold as the property ot Edgar W. Davis. No. so J.

O. SWARTZ, Attorney. ALL that land in the Ninth Ward of the City of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING on the south side of Chestnut street one hundred and sixty five feet eaat of tbe southeast eorner of Chestnut and Twentieth streets; thence southwardly one hundred feet to Austin street; thence eastwardly along Xustin street seventeen feet six Inches; thence northwardly snd through tbe center of the partition wau one nunarea ic Chestnut street, thence westwardly along Chestnut street seventeen feet six Inches to the place of beginning. HAVING thereon erected three story brick dwelling house known as No. 3019 Chestnut street.

BEING the earns premises conveyed to the said Elisabeth Miller Wilson by the three following deeds: Deed oi William A. Mcllhenny and wife, dated March 20, 1924, recorded in Deed Book Vol 19, page 388, to Elizabeth Miller Wilson and Ray B. her husband; deed of Elizabeth Miller Wilson and husband, dated April 11, 1925, duly recorded, to J. o. Swartz; deed of J.

C. 8 warts, single. dated April 11, 1928, duly recorded, to Elizabeth Miller Wilson. Sold as the property of Elizabeth Mil ler Wilson. No.

(1 PAUL O. SMITH. Attorney. ALL that certain lot of ground situate In the Ninth Ward of the City ot Bar risburg. County of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at point on the south' em line of Derry street east of Sum' mlt street, which point is on the eastern line of land formerly belonging to George Gaveriek and now belonging to H.

E. Eves; thenee eastwardly along the south ern line of Derry street twenty nve (u feet to a point: thence southwardly by a line at right angles to Derry atreet, along properties or B. r. ssiaerg ana Florence EUenberger, Ninety six feet nve Inches (90 a I to the nertnern line oi Mul berry street; thence westwardly along tne northern line of Mulberry street twenty eight teet eight inches to a point: thence by a line running at right angles to Derry street, along lana ot E. Eves, one hundred eleven teet six Inches to point on the south ern line of Derry street, the place ot beginning.

said lot nas erectea tnereon two story brick dwelling bouse known as No. 1225 Derry street ana two tnree story frame dwelling houses known as Nos. 1Z24 ana lZiO MUioerry street. BEING the same premises which J. Frank Barley, and Samuel L.

Sloane and wife, by their Indenture made the 27th day of September, A. D. 1930, and id ee recorded nerewitn, grantea ana conveyed unto William H. Nelson, Mort gagor herein. aoia as tne property oi wiuiam a.

nel son, mortgagor. 2 JAMES G. HATZ. Attorney. Ail those certain two nieces, parcel or tracts of land situate in the Second ward of the City of Harrisburg.

Dauphin County, bounded and described as iouows: Tract No. 1. BEGINNING at a point on the west side of Tenth street (for merly called Catherine street) one hun dred (ioo) teet nortn irom the nortn west corner of said Tenth street and Carrie avenue; thence northwardly along said Tenth street forty (40) feet to a point, the line of adjoining lot; thence westwardly along said Tenth street forty (40) fee, to a point, the line ot adjoining lot; thence westwardly along said adjoining lot one hundred and twenty (120) feet to Schafter avenue; thenee southwardly along Schaffer avenue, forty (40) feet to a noint. the line of adjoining lot; thence eastwardly along the line of said adjoining lot one hundred and twenty (120) feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. Having thereon erected three two story frame dwelling houses fronting on Schaef fer's alley Nos.

552, 554. 556 Schaeffer's alley and two two and one half story frame dwelling houses fronting on South Tenth street and numbered 552, 656 South Tenth street. Tract No. 2. BEGINNING at a point on the western side ot Tenth street, said point being twenty (20) feet north of the northwestern corner of BerrvhtU street and Tenth street; thence northwardly along Tenth street fifteen and one tenth (15.1) feet to the center of the frame partition between houses numbered 450 and 448 South Tenth street; thence westwardly at right angles to Tenth street and through the center of the said partition and beyond one hundred and fifteen (115) feet, more or less, to the eastern side of Paxton Creek; thence southwardly along said Paxton Creek, fifteen and five tenths (15.5) feet, more or less, to a point; thence eastwardly at right angles to Tenth street one hundred and nineteen (119) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.

Having thereon erected a three story frame dwelling house numbered 450 6outh Tenth street. Sold as the property of Anna Brenner and Joseph M. Brenner, her husband, mortgagors and real owners. 63 WILLIAM J. LESOURE.

Attorney. All that certain lot or piece of land situate In the City of Harrlsburg. Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the northern line of Catherine street, said point being ninety seven and five tenths (97.5) feet eastwardly from the northeast corner of Sixteenth and Catherine streets, at line of property No. 1(10 Catherine street; thence northwardly along 'said line and through the center of a partition wall, eighty seven and forty five hundredth (87.45) feet to an alley nine and seven tenths (9.7) teet wide; thence eastwardly along said alley, fourteen and one tenth ieet to line or oroperty No. 1614 Catherine street; thence southwardly along said line and through the center of a partition wall, eighty seven and forty nve nunareains (st ui ieet to catnerine street; thence westwardly along the northern line of Catherine street, fourteen and one tenth (14.1) feet to the place of BEGINNING.

Thereon erected a brick dwelling house No. 1(12 Catherine street. It being the plan of John L. L. Kuhn.

Trustee, which pian la recorded in Plan Book page 12. For title see Deed Book VoL 1, page 216. Sold as the property of Earl W. Straw, hecker and Eva. J.

Strawhecker, his wife, uioj bgagurs. (4 WILLIAM J. LESCURE. Attorney. All that tract or parcel of land situate In the Fifth ward of Ahm Citv of H.

risburg. County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEOINNINO on the western line et Montgomery street, eighty (80) feet south of the southwest corner ot Montgomery ana (Aimoenana street, tnence west wardly through the center ot a partition wan thirty four (34) feet and nine (9) Inches to land now or late of David Mayer; thenee northwardly along said land parallel with Montgomery street, sixteen (16) feet to land now or late ot Joseph E. Rhoads; thence eastwardly along said Rhoads' land and through the middle of an allev two and one half feet wide (to be used In common bv the owners and occupiers of the said Rhoads' lana ana the land hereby conveyed) thtrtv four (34) feet and nine. (9) Inches to Montgomery street; thence southwardly along Montgomery street sixteen (16) feet to tne piece of bkuinwino. WHEREON li erected house No.

1122 Montgomery street, Harrisburg, For title see Deed Book VoL 22. page 235. Bold as the property of J. Edward Dehner, mortgagor. 16 HOOVER, Attorney.

ALL the following described land situate In the Township of Lower Paxton, County of Dauphin, state ot Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described a follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a white oak: thenee land of D. E. Cassel. south 32 degrees. west 12 nerchea ta a stone: thane south 78V degrees west 4.1 perches to a stone: thence south degrees 81 perches to a stone; thenee south 38 degree east 16 perches to stone: thence by land of J.

H. Crum. south 65 V4 degrees west 31.1 perches to stone; thence north 22 de grees west 64. 1 perches to stone: thenee souui nvi degrees west 6. 6 perches to a post; thence by land of J.

Mllllsen north 814 degrees, east 45.5 perches to a white oak: thence north tiVt degrees west 49.3 perches to stones; thenee by land of S. Shirk north 1 degrees east 33. perches to a stone; thenee north degree east 60.6 perches to a block oak; thence north 8V4 degrees east 45.8 perebes to a whit oak. north 1614 degrees eaat 4.1 perches and one tenth to stons; thence by land of J. Stouffer north 88 Vt degrees east 58.2 perches to a stone; thence by land of S.

Bhooo south 8BH degrees esst 6.5 perches to a stone; thence by land of S. Hanshoe south 22 'A degrees east 17.4 perches to a stone: thence 89 degree east 6.5 perches to stone: thence south rt degrees east 51.2 perches to a atone: thence south 79 3 i degrees west 5 7 perches to stone: thence south t4 decreet eat percies snd two ten Uu to ft stone; thenee south 3 degrees east S4.6 perches to a chestnut oak; thence north 77ft degrees west 13 perches and five tenths to the place of beginning. Con taining 1JJ acres, strict measure. Having thereon erected a frame dwell' tag house, frame barn, frame garage, two silos, frame summer house, and five frame sheds. Being the same premises which Adam J.

Shope and wife, by their deed dated Marco list, 1920, ana wnicn aeea is recorded In the Recorder's Office of Dauphin County In Deed Book Vol. 17, page 89, granted and conveyed unto Artnur v. nou. Sold as the property ot Arthur V. nou ana aaran A.

xtou. oil wua. No. Co M. W.

JACOBS. MOVER. Attorneys. ALL those certain parcels or tracts 01 land, situate in the Township ot V7a suing ton, in the county of Dauphin, ana Stat of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scrioea as iouows, to wit: BEGINNING at stone and lands ot Adam Lime and William Boyer; thence by lands of William H. Boyer, soutn three (3) degrees, west one Hundred thirty two and ttve tentn (132.6) perches to stone sna Unas ot Aaem Lime; thence north eighty nv (65) degrees, east tnirty eigni and nve tentne iga.i perches to point at the Lyken Valley Kauroaa; tnence oy 4na ot wmiam D.

Klinger, formerly Adam Pawver, north three (2 degrees, one hundred twenty seven and eighty eight hundredth (127.88) perches to stone; tnence in lane north eignty eignt (88) degrees. west thirty six and eignty aix huna. redths (36.86) perches to the place ol Beginning. Containing thirty (30) acres and six and one half 6ta) perches ot land according to a survey made July Mth, 1877 by P. a.

Bergstresser, ourveyor. AND also the spring ot water sna ground, with the privilege, rights, lib erties, ss mentionea sua comamea oy deed ot Alfred Klinger and wife, dated March 19th, 1919, recorded In Deed Book Vol. 17, Page 532, and also the water pipe tine to said spring oi water and easement rights, liberties as mentioned by deed of Adam Lime, datea May 19th, 1919. recorded In Misc. Book "40." Vol.

1, Page 487. etc Having thereon erected two (1) story frame dwelling, bank barn, tram road stand approximately 35X40 ieet, and gaso Una service station. Being the same messuages and tract or pieces of land which Robert B. Koppen naver and wife, by their deed dated August 11th, 1930, and which deed is recorded In the Recorder's Office of Dau phin county in Deed Book VoL it, Pago 604, granted and conveyed utfto Henry E. Kiaenberg and Blanche N.

Eis enoerg, nis wue. Sold a the property ot Henry E. Elsen berg and Blanche N. Eisenberg, his wile. No.

HARVEY E. KNUPP, Attorney. ALL those certain lots of lana situatea In the Sixth ward of the City of Har rlsburg. County of Daupnin ana state oi Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEOINNINO at the northwestern corner of North Third street and Basin avenue: thence westwaraiy. along tne northern line of Basin avenue, sixty eight feet, more, or less, to Linden alley; thence northwardly, along the eastern line of Linden Alley, thirty three feet, nine Inches, to a point at property now or formerly of Eliza Eberly; thence eastwardly along the lino of same, sixty eight feet, to the western line of (aid Third (treet; and thence southwardly, along the western line of Third street.

thirty three feet, nine lnohss, to the place ot beginning. WHEREON is erected buildings known as Nos. 1418 and 1420 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. being tne same property wnicn tne Trustees of Fountain Lodge No. 1120 O.

O. F. of by deed dated April 7th, 1919, which deed Is recorded In the Recorder's Office of said Dauphin County in Deed Book vol. 17. page 145.

conveyed unto John Q. Haas, Mort gagor hereto. sold as the property of' John a. Haas, defendant. no.

os OLMSTED, Attorny. all that certain tract of land situate in tbe Seventh Ward ot the City of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning at a point oi west side 'of Cameron street, two Hundred fifty one teet. six Inches north erly from the northwest corner of Cam eron and Cumberland streets, st the line of property now or late of Simon Cooper; thence in a northerly direction along the line ot Cameron (treet forty nine teet (49'), more or less, to a line of another property owned by tbe aforesaid Simon Cooper; thence In a westerly direction along the line ot said property one hundred feet (100') to a ten feet (10 wide private alley; thence In a southerly direction along the line of said alley forty nine (49) feet, more or less, to line ol property owned by the aforesaid Simon Cooper: thence in an easterly direction along the line ot the said property of the aforesaid Simon Cooper, one hundred feet (ioo') to tne place ot beginning. Together with the building or buildings thereon erected; being sometimes known as Numbers 1232, 1234, 1238 and 1338 North Cameron street. For title see deed of Simon Cooper and Sarah Cooper, hit wue, to HarrisDurg uement mocic ana Construction Company, recorded In the Recorder's Office of Dauphin County in Deed Book VoL 19, Page 1(3.

Sold as the property of Harrlsburg Ce ment Block and Construction Company, with notice to J. Lewis Ness, terre tenant. No. (9 WALTER R. SOHN, Attorney.

ALL that certain lot or piece of land situate in Bwatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, to wit; beginning at a point on the south ern side of Mohn street, one hundred and thirty eight (138) feet dlstsnt In northeasterly direction from the eastern line ot Cumbler street; thence along the southern line ot said Mohn street. In a northeasterly direction, twenty seven (27) feet, to land of Jacob Hoffman. Thenee along the said line ot saio land, in a southeasterly direction by line parallel with said Cumbler (treet, one hundred and sixty (160) feet to Short alley; thence along the northern line ot said alley. In a southwesterly direction, twenty seven (27) feet to other land of Joseph Serjek; thence along said last mentionea lana in a northwesterly ai rectlon in a line parallel with said Cumb ler street, one hundred and sixty (1601 feet to Monn street, at the place of be ginning. Having thereon erected a two story irame dwelling nouse.

Being the tarns premises whlsh Wll 11am H. Emanuel and Katie Emanuel, his wife, by their deed dated Feoruary 11, 1930, and recorded in the Dauphin County Records in Deed Book I' Vol 22, Page 383, granted and conveyed unto C. A. VOCK11H. Sold as the property of E.

H. Cock un. CONDITIONS OF SALE THE HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDER SHALL BE THE BUYER rsKsia roe purchaser will be required to pay the full amount of his oia oy twelve o'clock noon on day of sale and If complied with, a deed will be tendered by the Sheriff at the next Court of Common Pleas tor Dauphin County, conveying to the purchaser all the right, title, interest and claim which the said defendant has In and to the said property at the time of levying tbe same. If the above conditions be not complied with on the part of the pur chaser, the property will again be of icrea ior saie oy tne sheriff at two clock p. m.

on the tame day. The aid purchaser will be held liable for the deficiencies and additional cost ot said sale. The Sheriff shall charge and receive as an official tee a commission charge win on every aouar oasea upon the total amount bid for the property whether paid to the Sheriff to the purchaser provided mat am amount or same dnea nni. av ceed on thousand dollars, in hich case one half cent (Vic) on every dol mr in excess oi nis amount shall be charged In addition. Seized and taken tnio i ntUn snd to be sold by OBORGI N.

BARNES, Sheriffs Office. April 30. 19S4. VINARDA BAKER GIVEN AUDITION Vinarda Werner Baker, prom inent local artist of postels. was given an audition by William Kin caid, first flutist of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, recently, at his studio at Philadelphia.

Mrs. Baker, wife of Milton M. Baker, a local musician, has been sNdying tne iiute lor approximately sl months and will begin a course of study with Mr. Kincald in the fall. Mrs.

Baker, who presented Mr. Kincald with a pastel painting of a flute, was in turn given an autographed photograph of himself inscribed "To Vinarda Werner Baker, in appreciation of her art." Under the Dome ill Capitol In the next four weeks, the De partment of Public Instruction says, between 60,000 and 65,000 young men and women will be graduated from Pennsylvania's 878 four year and senior high schools. A survey bf the department shows also that many of these 878 schools will dispense with the usual routine commencement or graduation ex. ercises, made long, dull and dry by valedictory, salutatory and special addresses, and instead will substi tute pageants depicting the 100th anniversary of the public school system in Pennsylvania. Adding the June high school graduates to those who received their diplomas in February the 1934 production of high school graduates in Pensylvania will be approximately 68,000, a new high record.

Today is the day fixed by Grover C. Talbot for Senator Reed to reply to his telegram demanding that Colonel Vincent Carroll, of Philadelphia, resign either as chairman of the Reed Senatorial campaign in Philadelphia or as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Talbot pointed out that Reed has repeatedly said that his candidacy is not linked with that of any other candidate. VOLUNTEERS MAN NINE PLAYGROUNDS With volunteer, pay less super visors in charge, nine city playgrounds were opened yesterday. They were: Emerald, William Chenoweth, director; Maclay, Stan ley Hitz; Hamilton, Robert Book and James Green; Reily, Dorothy Hummer; Calder, Dorothy Grigsby; Vernon, Richard Sellers; Melrose, Richard Martin; Shimmel, Richard Peiffer; Foose, Vernon Berry.

No director has yet been chosen for the Harris grounds. The school board, Y. M. C. and city park department worked jointly to arrange for the emer gency operation of the playgrounds after the board was compelled to eliminate paid playground super visors as an economy measure.

The grounds will be open from 4 to 5.30 each evening for the re mainder of the school term, and from 9 to 12 on Saturdays. Neces sary equipment and supplies will be furnished by the school district and park department. Horace Geisel, supervisor of phy sical education in the schools, who supervised the arrangements for opening the grounds, is seeking to have paid directors provided as a Works Division project so that the playgrounds may be open longer each day. EARLE AND GUFFEY ATTACKPRIVILEGE" Philadelphia, May 9, VP). Georee H.

Earle, Democratic candidate for governor, says there is no better evidence of "the desperate plight in which Republican machine leaders find themselves" than Senator David A. Reed's attacks on the Roosevelt "humane recovery program." Earle made that declaration last night at a rally at which Joseph P. Guffey, candidate for the senatorial nomination, blamed the Republican "voice of special privilege" for subjecting Roosevelt policies to "the most intensively organized propaganda in the history of our country." Labor provisions of the Guffev Earle platform were praised by Thomas Kennedy, mine union leader running for lieutenant governor, as deserving of "united and active support" of organized labor. PURPLE HEART ELECTS Luther O. Smith was elected second vice president last night of Capital Chapter No.

11, Purple Heart Association, at a meeting held at the chapter house, 22A South Pourth street, to fin a vacancy caused by the resignation of Stanley Shoop. Samuel D. Koons was elected finance officer. The Department Convention will be held June 29 and 30 in Philadelphia. Delegates will be James B.

Stein, and Smith, with Koons and Prank R. Dallas as alternates. Refreshments were served follow ing the session. Leon M. Sterner, commander, presided.

WORKER ELECTROCUTED Lewistown, May 9. William R. Ingram, 38, former Lewistown resident was electrocuted at his work the westinghouse plant near Philadelphia, meeting death in the same manner as his brother, Clay v. ingram, wno was electrocuted here In 1907. He is survived by his widow and by his father, Howard Ingram, Lewistown; two brothers.

Ralph E. Ingram, Harrisburg, and Kooerc Ingram, Lewistown. REVIVAL The revival, being conducted at Harris A. M. E.

Zion Church for the past week, will be concluded Friday night. The Rev. Mrs. G. King has been in charge.

A sacred pageant, "The Un shadowed Cross," will be given by a cast oz eighteen, Friday night. WOULD OPEN STREET R. Frank Shaffner, E. W. Cowden and Daniel E.

Lucas today were named a board of viewers by the Dauphin County Court to hold hearings and report to the court on a petition to open Wayne street, susquenanna Township, from Twenty second street, west 1200 feet. TO GET DIPLOMAS Frederick, May 9. The twenty third annual commencement exercises of the Frederick City Hospital School of Nursing will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the Georgianna Houck Simmons Nurses' Home. Six nurses will receive diplomas. .1 MISSIONARY GROUP HOLDS YORK SESSION York, May 9.

The fifty seventh annual convention of the Women's Missionary association of the Pennsylvania branch of the United Brethren Church opened yesterday in the Second Church. Several hun dred delegates are attending the sessions which will continue until Thursday. Among the convention speakers are Miss Elizabeth Reed, missionary to Puerto Rico; Miss Chi Kwong Leung, a student at Otterbein col lege; Mrs. Alfred K. Mills, general thankoffering secretary; Miss Nlcil assa Martinez, a teacher In New Mexico; Mrs.

Ella B. Black, presi dent of the State W. O. T. and Miss M.

Katherine Kuhlburn, secretary of the otterbein Guild. The Harrlsburg Oestopathle So clety will meet tonight at the home of Dr. M. S. House, 1712 State street, at 8 o'clock.

A round table discussion will follow the meeting, Is Doing Pumped Out of Pennsylvania To Do Distributod To Tho South and West Whether you are a job holder, merchant, business man, banker, or one engaged in a professional pursuit, you are paying these dollars and at an average rate of $100 GOING OUT FOR EVERY DOLLAR THAT IS COMING BACK The question you have got to decide is whether you are going to have able, experienced and courageous representation in the U. S. Senate in these all important matters, or representation that has pledged itself to "yes" all proposals, good or bad, in which you are made the object of some new experiment Nonnally Pennsylvania pays one tenth of the whole national tax bill. So, when the Federal Government hands out ten billions of dollars in various kinds of subsidies, a billion dollars of that sum is a mortgage upon Pennsylvania and must be paid by the people of this State. How much is a billion dollars? It is the equivalent of a dollar a minute from the beginning of the Christian Era to the present time.

And that mortgage already has been created against this State and its people. Directlyand indirectly you will shoulder that burden when we begin to "pay the fiddler" through crushing taxes that will bear down upon every man and woman in this Commonwealth. BUT THAT IS NOT ALL The Federal Government (under A.A.A.) has entered upon a constantly expanding program of paying the large producers of Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Hogs, to curtail production. The object of this curtailment is to increase the prices of those agricultural products. The money for this particular subsidy does not come from the general tax fund, but is derived from special taxes imposed upon the processing of these subsidized products.

These taxes are added into the retail prices of foods and clothing. In other words, to prices that already have been raised through controlled production, there is added another increase to pay for the subsidy which caused the first increase. If you buy food and clothing, there it noway that you can escape your share of the 100 to ratio in which Pennsylvania are being assessed to finance this subsidy. HERE ARE THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN FIGURES ON THE SUBJECT For every dollar that Pennsylvania consumers pay in A. A.

A. taxes, the people of this State get back, in A. A. A. benefits, the munificent sum of ONE CENT.

But Arkansas is the State of Senator Joseph T. Robinson, Democratic leader of the Senate; and for every dollar the consumers of that State pay, they get back $26.37. Mississippi is the State of Senator Pat Harrison, chairman of the Finance Committee of the Senate; and for every dollar the consumers of that State pay, they get back $23.20. Proportioned to what they, pay in, Arkansas gets back 2657 times the amount that Pennsylvania receives; Mississippi gets 2320 times what Pennsylvania gets; and so it runs, throughout the list of southern and western non industrial States. THOSE ARE SOME OF THE FACTS THAT ARE JUST COMING TO LIGHT Few States are so vitally affected by national legislation as Pennsylvania, and no State has greater need for a U.S.

Senator who, in ability, courage and experience, is fitted for the rigorous requirements of looking after his State's diversified interests. In these circumsUnces, failure ot Pennsylvania to retain Senator David A. Reed in the U. S. Senate would be almost inconceivable "and especially so since his principal opponen for the Republican nomination has pledged himself to ALL the policies ot a Democratic Administration, irrespective of their consequences to the people of this State.

Senator Reed is rounding out 12 years of service in which he not only has acquired invaluable experience, but also a seniority by which he is the ranking member of the powerful Finance Committee and an acknowledged leader in the upper branch of Congress. Outstanding members of both political parties characterise him as one of the ablest members of the Senate, and that ability is an asset of highest value to the people of this State. In the Primary, on May 15th, Senator Reed will be a candidate for the Republican nomination to succeed himself. We urge you to vote for Senator Reed and thereby help Pennsylvania to retain the advantage our people have in his ability, experience, seniority and of leadership in the United States Senate. Sponsored by Pennsylvania Protective Union Red Campaign Committea Claude T.

Reno Chairman.

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