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Daily News du lieu suivant : New York, New York • 74

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

BROOKLYN' SECTION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1932. Piers for Tri-Borough Bridge Near Completion Construction of piers in Astoria for the .25.000.000 Tri-llorough idjre will be completed this week, Commissioner AlU rt Goldman of the Mrs. Bachrach Made Head Of Women's Charity Work Ha tl-. 1 7J 1 ti ti i- Orsr. "'V'" -V.

3: Mrs. Clarence G. Bachrach has been named president of the Women's Division of the Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities, succeeding Mrs. Nathan Goldstein, who held that position since the founding of the organization in 1928. Other officers for 1932 are: Magistrate Jeannette G.

Brill, Mrs. Max N. Koven and Mrs. Albert A. Weinstein, vice presidents; Mrs.

William Linder, treasurer; Mrs. Archibald Palmer, recording secretary; Mrs. Isaac Meyer, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Abraham Pariser, financial secretary. Ann M.

Lesser, formerly with the Jewish Federation in Detroit, has been appointed executive secretary of the Women's Division. The Women's Division will begin a series of program lunches Tues Department of Plant and; Structures announced. The work in Astoria will be com-! pitted regardless of whether the1 Board Aldermen authorize additional funds seven other piers and the steel towers of the bridge, said. i.f Stone D-liered. The load of stone for the piits was delivered last in Ati.iia Park, Queens, and hi that is set.

the foundation tHe Astoria tower will have It en oipiideted. The contract for tr i work irk lodes the construction similar tower foundations on! Wards Island. 1 nU --s ffind are fciwever. (eddman said completion-ct the six pier on Randalls Island rni one pu in lit II would be (NEWS Giant concrete and steel anchorage for Tri-Borough Bridge at Astoria l'ark, Queens, is shown (right, above). Ejebars for cables are covered by heavy weather-proof canvas.

is chial School. J. Joseph Lilly head of the Legion committee. (By Blakemnti ami shutter) Mrs. Clarence G.

Bachrach day at the Unity Club, Bedford Ave. and Dean Brooklyn. 1 mai ii piers and the towers will cost The l-Mdge LEGION SPONSORS ESSAY CONTEST ON WASHINGTON FETE 5. SOU I'll 1 -I i piers ah-ne. on which i- is ready to ak for bids ABRAHAM FULTON ST.

of HOYT. is as fund; are authorized. is at An psay contest among pupils Sn far. at ii.riljng t. Coldman.

in the public, parochial and high the ity has expended of I schools of the Kings Highway seethe H.i, estimated COst of tion of Flatbush in connection with i iii.iv'e, arit eontiactors have the George Washington bi-centen-1 nial re'ehrfltion- is beintr conducted aheaii i llitir schedules. I on; Delay Foreseen. I w.t Jnr Kilmer Pnsf ss. i i toonev for the comtiletion Tries flf A zfe Ol uir -iinri i.t-iuii tr i and towers is author-j medal will be awarded the winner ed a rv seen. however ho from each school, for an essay on a subject relating to Wash- thi.UL"r;t the work on the bridge I Sunfast 30 inch Plastic WALL PAPER f.ight seriously delayed, as the with th Leirinn uro 'tel for the towers must Msgr.

Timothy A. Hickey of St. ed at the rolling mills for it have Dot yet been pnd oidet' Issued. Brendan's Parochial and High School; James J. Reynolds, District Superintendent of Public Schools; Dr.

William Lasher, principal of James Madison High School, and the Rev. Daniel A. Maloney of St. Edmund's Paro- It wsll take five months, he said, fter thf orders are received at the nulls before the steel arrives the seene of construction. NJJMMS 15 roll Fulton Street- TR iangle 5-5200 LUNCHEON SETS Embossed and Fluted to Look Like Wedgeivood! I 1 -1; tyl- 98 Think of if 32 Pieces i i ELECTRIC CONSOLE Sewing Machine 6 Teacups 6 Saucers 6 Luncheon Plates 6 Dessert Plates 6 Fruit Saucers Platter Open Vegetable Dish m.tJc to look the plaster w.i!!; popular in new suburban homes.

greens and other colors blended in an interesting embossed paper. Other all pjp-ers including Colonial reproductions, tiles, tapestries, and wood papers, 2c to 1.50 roll. Teacup and Saaeer Spotial at 12C (Not less than sets of 6 to be delivered) Mail and 'Phone Your Orders Early! AtiS Direct Shopping Wire Cumberland 6-6000 A4S China Dept. Fourth Hour, West BuiMiiit Made by "New Home" with latest type air-cooled Westir.ghouse Motor! Full set of latest attachments. Fully guaranteed! $3 DOWN Balance Monthly Third floor A.S Viftr Ik pi.

i I Onii.l.

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