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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 1

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
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STRICTLY PERSONAL HE Information Bureau gives authoritative answers to any question of fact, of a general nature. Thousands use the sen iec. free cxcept for return postage. Address Fredk. .1.

Haskin, ton, I). C. EL PASO HERALD Trademark Registered HOME EDITION WEATHER FORECASTS. El Pago and vicinity, fair; New Mexico fair; Arizona, fair; west Texas, fair. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS forty eiohth year WEEK-END PASO.


Here 9 PROTECTIVE TARIFF NEED OF EL PASO CEMENT FIRM Competition Of Belgian Product Is Felt Keenly Here: West Texas Oil Field Territory (iuod Customers Of El Paso Manufacturers. Bv H. S. HUNTER (Assistant to the Editor) sion of the Democratic party to the protective tariff principle. of a protective tariff on Just why the cement industry cement is felt not only by those needs protection is better explained cement manufacturers who make by Blair of our El Paso estab- and sell their product aiong the hy.

"r- 11.11 Foreign cement is produced at seaboard but also by the bouth- to gl 25 a dav for skiHed western Portland Cement one he said, against and 88 of El largest industries. a day in this country. Belgian might not think the com- cement is produced at such a cheap petition of foreign cement would labor that brought across the ocean and sold our country at less than our cost of production. are but two ways to meet said affect us at all, but it W. R.

Blair, sales manager. cement produced in Belgium and other foreign countries competition: either to reduce but in Belgium particularly, comes our abor charge to the European l.j standard, or establish a tariff dnfer- to our seaports and takes the mar- our cost handi. ket, the result backs up clear to us. cap cement produced at la- in this country desires to bor cost far under ours is comins? reduce laborers to the European into the United States in quantified I standard of living; no more than rr- the fest. The highest priced skilled sufficient to run at capacity two jn the ccmcnt in such plants as the one we have Europe is paid no more than the El Paso.

cheapest of our unskilled labor in Hi is is a part of the El Paso re- this country, action to an appeal for a protective tariff on cement sent out by Charles! cement comes into this F. Conn of Philadelphia, president country duty-free, but we encounter of the Giant Portland Cement tariff walls when we send cement stressing the losses he says the I into certain foreign markets. For a cement industry in the United local example, it costs this company States is encountering by reason of 20 a barrel to ship cement into the importation of foreign cement duty-free. He points out that the effect is 1997, importations of foreign not only the partial loss of import-1 cement amounted to nearly 1,500,000 ant markets in the United States but barrels. The El Paso produc- also price reduction below produc- tjon was 750,000 barrels, so you can tion costs.

Ihis has bad a serious! sec the importation was enough to effect upon the annual earnings of have taken the entire production of certain companies. two such manufactories as ours. realize there is little hope fori a general tariff revision by the present says Mr. Conn, that the fear of unsettling business conditions is an important factor in discouraging tariff revision at this time. it may be remarked in relation to such industrie? as which either are the free list or whose tariff protection is strikingly fhat continuing uncertainty as to whether a new' congress will offer relief does not contribute ther to business or political placidity.

Definite assurance at this time of ultimate relief doubtless would aid such industries in formulating future As to that. Mr. Conn is plainly, alheit tactfully, suggesting to the administration and the Republican side of congress that a right attitude in the matter of providing tariff protection for pledge, be helpful in thej now about to open. Mention of the administration and the Republican side of congress takes cognizance of the well-known aver- AUNT HET By ROBEB I 01 1LLFN. own way, but jf she can boss her husband ashamed of him she never Copyright, Syndicate.

how it affects us local-, of course not nearly so; much as seaboard the following example: Portland Cement Co. used to sell considerable cement in the Corpus Christi territory. We could not sell there now. the first of the year, three cargoes of foreign cement have been received at that port, and the ce merit has been sold back through that territory. result is that we Jose the Corpus Christi business, and more; nearby compet'tors who have been selling there have been forced to look for a market to replace the one have lost, and have had to reach back toward us in this field 1 of ours.

Corpus Christi situation is mentioned just for sake of illustra- lion. As a matter of fact the recent readjustment of freight rates shut i our company out of there importance of the cement appeal for tariff protection is better understood when it is realized that the industry represents more than of invested capital and normally employs more than 500,000 people. if. if. It is estimated that importations of cement in the past 12 months; have accounted for 165,000 lost working days in cement mills.

Furthermore, it is estimated that cement importations have caused railroad labor to lose 118,300 working days. This is on account of loss of tonnage in coal, gypsum and the delivery of cement from mill to con- 1 sumer. if. This column is printing what seems to be a nationally and locally important news story and not propa- gandizing for a protective tariff on cerncnt. If it were, the suggestion could have been made to Mr.

Blair, since he mentioned the labor stand-; ard. that cement industry in this country is between Scylla and Ciiarybdis, or the devil and deep blue you like that better. It is between cheap foreign competition on the one hand, and be(Continued on Page 15, Col. 3.) Senate Polities Entangled By His Passing 1 ashington March 31 sudden and shocking news of the death of senator Frank B. Willis, of Ohio, as he was about to make a presidential campaign speech last night at Delaware, Ohio, threw the second shroud of morning over congress within eight days today and embroiled the Republicans in a tight political tangle unheard of in years.

The senate had barely recovered from the death of senator Wood- bridge N. Ferris, of Michigan, who died here ot pneumonia March 23, when it received the report of the collapse and sudden passing of the senior Ohio senator and candidate tor the Republican presidential nomina- 1 tion. Senator death not only 1 brings to a eiose the spectacular drive against secretary Hoover he was 1 making in Ohio for delegates to the Republican convention and forces his supporters into a difficult situation, but it also means a considerable ing about of the Ohio senatorial campaign since undoubtedly a Democrat will be named as a successor to Willis. As tar as the senate line-up is concerned here, apparently there will be i no change as governor Green, of Mich- igan. who is a Republican, is expecte 1 to name a man ot his own party to succeed Ferris, who was a Democrat, and Gov.

Donahey who is a Democrat. undoubtedly will appoint a Democrat to succeed Willis. -Vs senator Fess? Republican, Ohio, will seek reeleetion in November, there will be two senators up for re-endorsement in the next in that state. seat which would have expired March 3. 1933, also then will have to be filled in the regular 1 way.

Willis, who entered the senate in 1921 by appointment to succeed Warren G. Harding, was considered one of the foremost candidates for the Republican presidential nomina- delegates to theRroftaoin shrdlu tion and was in the midst of an anti- Hoover speech-making campaign for delegates to the when his untimely death came last night in his home town of Delaware. Hoover and Willis were the only ones entered in the Ohio presidential preference primary which on April 24 will decide who will get the 51 delegates to the conven- (Continued on pasfe 2, column 6) Weather Prohibits Start Of Atlantic Flight By Germans Dublin, March 31 The Ger- man plane Bremen was in its hangar at Baldonnel airdrome today because I of adverse weather. The three fliers regarded a hopoff on their flight to New York before Mondav as unlikely. Free State troops guarding the plane prepared for a long siege against the weather.

They dug themselves into trenches with a shelter overhead, as a protection against the prevailing wind, rain anfl cold. Baron Ehrenfried Gunther von Huenefeld, leader of the flight, said: do not intend to make experi-! ments, but will wait in all calm- ness the development of weather conditions until a favorable period comes to Lindbergh flops Off To Get New Plane St. Louis, March 31 (APi. Col. Charles A.

Lindbergh and three companions took off from Lambert- St. Louis field at 1 :29 p. in. today for San Diego, to receive the new Ryan monoplane which has been built for him there. San Diego.

March 31 (I P). Charles A. new I Ryan monoplane is completed and I ready for use but it is not fitted for a round-the-world flight, B. F. Mahoney, head of the Mahoney Air- craft corporation said today.

The new plane, Mahoney said, is merely a stock model craft with a few extras and is not equipped for any long lights since its cruising radius is but 1000 miles. Mahoney said Lindbergh had ordered the craft ready on April 1 and had designated it was intended for short trips around the country. He he had no information of any flights contemplated by the air hero. Wife Gets Gun Mrs. Anna Hinckel Saturday was in possession of the gun with which; her husband, Paul C.

Hinckel, shot her in the leg following a quarrel! Feb. 19. She called at the district attorney's office and the weapon was given to her. Hinckel was charged with assault with intent to murder, hut the ease was dismissed i when Mrs. Hinckel insisted that thej shooting was accidental.

Heflin Urges That Death Be Probed Washington, March 31 suggestion to Mrs. Frank B. Willis that she have the contents of the stomach of senator Willis of Ohio i examined by a competent chemist 1 was made in a telegram sent here today by senator Heflin, Democrat, Alabama. Senator Heflin described the senator's death as since be was well and and added: me for suggesting that you have a competent chemist in whom you have confidence to ex- amine the contents of his stom- ach Gale Hits Ohio; Many Cities Isolated fLEVELAND, 0., March army of men in sleep burdened northwestern Ohio carried on today in an effort to connect nearly a score of cities with the outside world. A maze of broken poles, tangled wires and shattered trees lay over an area between Sandusky, Toledo and Lima.

More than 10,000 telephone and telegraph poles were believed to have snapped under the weight of wires coated with ice. Throughout the district transportation today was either tied up or seriously impeded. Property damage seemed certain to mount into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Findlay, and Wert, Bowling Green, Fostoria and numerous smaller towns continued isolated. As news of the isolated places became available, only one death was reported, that of Kenneth Phillips, 24, of Perrysburg, who died from exposure after he had been pinned beneath his automobile, wrecked on an tcy pavement.

Findlay seemingly was among the worst sufferers from the storm. Factories, schools and business houses there were forced to suspend when power lines and other wires went down. The streets were a mass of broken poles and trees. Norwalk schools also were closed, property damage at Tiffin in adjoining territory was estimated at $300,000. Lima, although at the southern edge of the storm area, reported damage of approximately $50,000, mostly to telphone and telegraph companies.

Interurban car service throughout the area was at a virtual standstill. Hundreds of automobiles were abandoned on throughout the storm area. Death Halts His Campaign For Presidency March 31 States senator Frank Willis, favorite son candidate for the Re publican presidential nomination was eliminated from the contest by death last night, while attending an old-fashioned homecoming demonstration. He was stricken a few minutes before he was to deliver a campaign address to his fellow townsmen at Ohio Weclevan university, and just as the Columbus Republican irlee club was sinking While the glee club was singing the senator left the stage, telling friends 31 he to get a breath of fresh Ticker Talk Albion, March 31 (AP). Gardner, former national commander of Vrmv of the Republic and commissioner of pensions in tho Harding administration, died at his home here this morning, dlowing a heart attack.

Mr. had been In ill health since he was injured in an auto accident in Washington. He was horn in Morrow county, Ohio, 83 years ago. New York, March 31 I Ml Saturday trading records on York stock exchange were broken today when a spirited opening rally was followed hy a swift reaction, which wiped out most of the gains ot SI to $5 a share and sent a number of issues $1 to $7 below' final quotations. The stork ticker fell hopelessly behind the market with tho final quotation printed on the ticker minutes after the market closed, the longest delay on record.

ira go, March -il I Mayor William Hale Thompson today was made defendant in $100,000 slander suit filed oy Chester K. Cleveland, a former, political ally. Washington, March 31 F. Ross Bartley, secretary to vice president Dawes, as operated upon last night for acute appendicitis. Hartley is a native of Indiana and a former member of the Washington staff of the Associated Press.

Udine, Italy, March 31 The inhabitants of the town of Tolmezzo, rarely hack at their homes after an earthquake Thursday, were again shaken during the night by distinct shocks. Property damage in Tolmezzo is now estimated at more than 50,000,000 lire iap- i at el $2,500,0001. Miami Beach, March 31 Heeney will fight (Jene Tunney for the heavyweight championship in July, Tex Rickard announced here today after a conference with Charley Harvey, the New Zealander's manager. air." His death, which five phvsi- eians said was caused by cerebral hemorrhages, occurred within live minutes. He was 50 years old.

He had told his private seeretarv, Charles A. Jones, he was very Soon alter the senator collapsed. Mrs. Willis, called from I the stage where she had been sitting with her husband, reached his side a few minutes betore he died. The audience first was informed the senator had been taken ill and would be unable to speak.

They sensed something more distressing had happened and they lingered to learn the truth. National Guard troops fliat hid participated in the parade and demonstration. took charge and dispersed the crowd. With the senator when the end came besides Mrs. Willis, were his brother, Buell W.

father- in-law. John Dustin of three brothers-in-law', his private secretary I and a few personal friends. Mrs. ilis was escorted from the chamber on the verge of hvsteria, and was taken to the home pf her father in Galena. Miss Helen Willis, the only child, was notified at Ada, Ohio, where she is a professor at Ohio Northern university.

National guard troops formed an escort of honor as the body was removed to an undertaking establishment. Maj. L. C. Riddle announced be would maintain a guard over the body until the funeral.

While funeral arrangements have not yet been made, burial probably will be at Galena, his birthplace, 11 miles southeast of this city. The hour just preceding the death had been one of pleasing triumph for him. In the town he called home the streets we re decorated in red, white and blue. He bad arrived in Delaware yesterday afternoon from Columbus, where he was met by a boyhood friend, Roy Brow er. Mr.

Willis told Brower he wished to rest and went to a hotel for about two sleep. Upon arising, apparently refreshed, senator Willis went to a Kiwanis club dinner in the hotel. Dr. I. McCarty, one of the physicians with the senator when be died, and who also atteneded the dinner, said senator Ys'illis bad told him during the course of the mtml that be felt better in my Telegrams, expressing sorrow and sympathy, continued to pour in today to Willis and relatives of the distinguished senator.

Political opponents were unanimous in their praise of the senator's character, ability and sincerity. A eric a F1 i Who Set New Mark Rest From Strain March 31 AIM. laurels they faction of in an airplane before them, I laldcman rom he lone so- 'orgc up heir Jacksonv iHe of the sought, with the sat i ing remained aloft longer than anyone Eddie St inson and today were resting gruelling strain of journ in the skies. Neither aviator would commit himself to any immediate plan, other than bit of when their monoplane came to earth at Jacksonville beach yesterday alter a sustained flight of 53 hours, 36 minutes and 30 seconds. A reception tonight in their honor was planned to supplement the $5000 check awarded them by the junior chamber of this recognition of their achievement.

Both Stinson and Haldeman have announced, however, that they expect to return to Detroit as soon as their of has been secured. In establishing their new record yesterday the of American fliers bettered the record of 52 hours, 22 minutes and 31 seconds held by two German pilots, Johann Risticz and Cornelius Edzard. Offers War Data Washington, March 31 France today asserted her readiness to suomit the (ierman, Biiiish and Japanese governments all the ranco-A merican antiwar correspondence, along with I lie draft of a general treat' pledging them not resort to war. KING HOPES WIFE WILL FORGIVE LOVE her and 1 want to be reconciled to said James Edgar King, who is charged with swindling Mrs. Lillian Mae Longton, wealthy English widow, out of approximately $30,000, when he arrived in El Paso Saturday afternoon with Alfred McMurtry, who is said to have posed as secretary, and Mrs.

Longton. Deputy sheriff John L. Buquor had the prisoners in charge. King was arrested in Greenfield, Iowa, and McMurtry in Fort Collins, Colo. hope that my second wife.

Mrs. Longton, will drop charges against me and live with me because I love King said. Mrs. Longton. when Interviewed by reporters, she does not know whether she will drop the charges against King or not King told me that he had secured an annulment from his first wife when he married Longton said.

that the marriage had been annuled, of course, or I would not have married him. have not decided whether 1 shall dron the charges against she added, haven't had time to think; mv mind functioned about it King is charged with taking 000 and diamonds valued at 12,000 from a safety denosit box in the First National bank which Longton had placed there. Officers say that King sent Longton tn Fort W'orth to look for a daughter by a former marriage, and while she gone be took the money and diamonds. King told reporters Saturday that he had not been 'married before he was married to the red-haired girl in Denver a year and a half ago. Mrs.

King said all of the diamonds had been turned over to her by King. turned them over to me without ficht and he fight she said. Buquor said one of the'diamonds was found in a haystack on the outskirts of Greenfield where King was arrested. rushed King out of the.state of Iowa before he had time, to fight Buquor said. am hopeful that Mrs.

T.ongton, I really love, will against me. sp we and happy life said, nice and I FIRE AT FALL HOME DISTURBS TEAPOT HEARING A FIBE at the Fall residence Saturday morning, supplied another dramatic touch to the wherein A. B. Fall, former secretary of the interior, is telling his of the leasing of the Teapot Dome to Harry F. Sinclair.

The fire, which originated around the fire place in the library, where the proceedings are being held, was discovered judge Daniel Thew Wright, Sinclair attorney. The judge had been standing on the veranda during one of the intermissions Fall was permitted to ivst. On entering the door he discovered the and be rushed forward to extinguish it. Judge Wright thought at first that some of his more valuable papers might have been involved. It happened to be a map.

The supposition is that a lighted cigaret cast away might have ignited the paper. Fall was not in the room. the wife whom dismiss charges can go on and King was very trip down here. he she rnc on think knows I love King said. His other wife, whom married 18 months ago is now in Iowa with her people.

King said, and she a I ready has agreed to grant him a divorce. so that he can marry his Juarez-wed wife. King said. alreadv made a settlement with he said. King said that he and Mrs.

Longton were married in Juarez Jan. the same time a Mexican lawyer told me that they had granted me an annulment from my other Wife No. 1 came FI unexpectedly. King said, and he was caught in a I suspected that the am.ul- ment would not stand up in court, so 1 left with mv first wife io take lur back Iowa, where she agreed to divorce me. I made a settlement with Indian Girl Slayer Fares Prison Term Alturas, March 31 (I P).

Turner, belle of the Pitt river tribe of Indians, Friday was found guiltv of manslaughter for the killing of her white sweetheart, Bob Declute. She said that she rejected proposal of marriage he had handed her a gun and commanded her to shoot him and that she had complied with his req uest. Natacha will hr sentenced Mondav. secretary after ex- dismissa I contract the ex- ASHLNGTOW D. C-, March 31 I proposal for an investigation of all oil leases on the puhlic domain and in Indian lands darlnff the administration of Mbert B.

Fall, as interior secrtary in under consideration by a group of senators. disclosed today by chairman Nye, of the Teapot Dome committee, who said he would not be surprised if a resolution to this end were introduced in the senate within a short time. is possible that such an inquiry would develop a situation that would put Teapot Dome to the North Dakota senator said. Such an inquiry would involve a considerable amount of groond work at the start with an examination of possibly scores, if not hundreds of leases both on public lands and on Indian lands particularly those In Oklahoma. there are any oil leases net already Investigated by the senate committee they, by all means should make their record 100 per cent and investigate was the terse comment from Albert B.

home when the family was told of the announcement by senator Nye, that a resolution to investigate all oil leases on government and Indian lands during administration, might he introduced In the senate. of the family laughed at the announcement, hot declined to say more. A BOVE picture shows A. B. Fall, former secreary of interior, and Mrs.

Fall. It is one of the last pictures taken of the former cabinet member and his wife. Littleton Hits At Walsh Replying To Resignation Hint New York. March 31 tin Littleton, chief counsel for Harry F. Sinclair, announced today that he would write an to senator member of the senate committee investigating the Teapot Dome oil reserve transfer, in reply to the suggestion of senator Walsh on the floor of the senate yesterday whether it mighf be for Littleton to sever his connection with the oil man.

Meanwhile, he issued the following statement: have been frequently tempted to say what I bad in mind about the ethics of senators, and even of the advisability of their withdrawing from their positions in the senate, but on each occasion 1 have been restrained by the fact that it was none of my rule, wihch, if' followed by senators, would permit them to discharge their constitutional duties faithfully instead becoming matties, and scandal Mr. Littleton expects to return to Washington either tonight or tomorrow to prepare for opening the Sinclair trial. Sinclair Renews Oil Contract With V. S. For Wyo.

Reserve Washington. D. March 31 AP). Seeretarv Work chairman Nye of the senate oil committee today that on February 20. the Sinclair Crude oil Purchasing company obtained a five year extension of its contract for pur basing go eminent royalty oil from the Salt Creek fields Wyoming.

rhc wrote in response a letter fi Nye. He said that the original contract was entered into by Albert B. Fall, former secretary of the interior for five years, with an option to the cpmpany to renew ils contract for an additional five year period due notice given in The not was giv en. letter said, and tended consideration and of certain protests, was renewed pursuant to pressed stipulation in the original contract February 2d, Secretary Fall advertised for bids on the sale of the royalty oils from lands adjacent to Teapot Dome naval reserves in I he ori contract was entered into January 1. 1923.

I he Salt Creek field adjoins I'eapol Dome. LAUGH THIS OFF adison, Mar.H 31 VI prisoners to take airplane rides, hold gambling and drinking parties and have access to jail keys has r'suited in the removal by Gov. Zimmerman of Walter Plummer as sheriff of innebago county. IMummer denied the charges. B.

FALL, former secretary of the interior, telling his story of the of the Teapot Dome to Harry F. Sinclair, wealthy oil ODerator, was delivered to Atlee Pomerene, special government prosecutor, for cross examination Saturday afternoon. Fall came through the Saturday morning examination iu fine shape, apparently buoyed up by the anticipation of again being matched against his former antagonist on the floor of the States senate. It was this anticipation, it is believed that was such an important quality in his recovery from the complete exhaustion he suffered after the Friday night session. He was kept going on this occasion only through the administration of heart stimulants.

Contrary to his belief, judge Daniel Thew Wright. Sinclair attorney, did not finish the direct examination by Saturday noon. This was again taken up at the 2:30 oclock session. It was believed that only a brief time would be required for the conclusion of the direct examination and then Fall would be turned over to Pomerene for cross examination. W'hile this is not definite, there is a possibility of a Sunday morning session being held.

Judge Wright stated that he would be willing to have such conducted, and have a postponement of the Sinclair trial from day to day until the completion of the cross examination. He said he wanted Pomerene to have plenty of time for this. Senator Pomerene said if the Sunday session was necessary he would be willing to carry on the proceedings on this day. The belief seemed to be the direct examination would be finished later'than Sinclair attorneys thought and this would necessitate other sessions in addition to the one Saturday afternoon. However, government attorneys were confident that they would have Fall some time Saturday afternoon.

Much depends on condition as to the time when the cross examination will be completed. Fall's story of the leasing of the Teapot Dome has been told. Sustained by an indomitable fighting spirit, the former secretary of the interior, fought and conquered a weakened physical condition so that side of the transaction that led to a joint government indictment being returned against him and alleging a conspiracy to defraud. Over protests of his physician. Fall insisted on the continuance of sessions wl he could complete the telling of his story.

Several times, at the point of sheer exhaustion. still Fall fought on, telling his story of the'oil leasing for the very first time. Heart stimulants were administered to keep him going. Without these, it is not believed. be would have been able to have lasted throughout the Friday night session.

Dr. Safford entered a strong protest against this being held, but was sidetracked in face of the tremendous eager desire on the part of the former cabinet officer to go on with his story. Fall had been exhausted by Friday afternoon's session and it was first stated there would he no night session, but the physician gave way' when Fall insisted on continuing his His growing exhaustion was rapidly becoming more apparent. Safford ordered Fall to cease narrative, but the former secretary bad reached what was believed to have been the incident of tiie sign(Continued on page 2, column 1.) Arne Shows Heels To Pyle's Pack In Long Jog To Palma Palmar N. March 31 Detroit, retained leadership the Los Angeles to New York race at sfarting time todav i111 an elapsed time of the 050.5 trom Los Angeles this point.

Suominen finished the lap, yesterday, a distance of 3S miles in Second place in the Moriart v-Palma stretch went to Demarr. Los An- geles, wno the pace for the major part of the jaunt. His time was 0:21 :30, his elapsed time 27:32. Pollard. Reno.

finished thied in 0:24:30, clapped ime 7 3o. Todav the runnels face a 40 mile trek from Palma to Santa Kosa. 38 Die, 55 Hurt In Earthquake Smyrna fONSTANTINOPLE, March 31 persons were reported dead and 55 injured in a series of seven sharp earthquakes which shook Smyrna beginning at 2:30 ocolck this morning. Constantinople, March 31 Thirty-eight persons were reported dead and 55 injured in a series of seven sharp earthquakes which shook Smyrna beginning at 2:30 oclock this morning. The famed since antiquity for its many disasters, saw houses rebuilt since the terrible fire of several years ago and the Turco- Greek war, crash down.

Half of the neighboring village of Tourbali was destroyed and in the village of Seidikeui 10 dead and 40 injured were reported. The Turkish Red Crescent society is rushing help to the stricken district. All telegraph poles in the Smyrna region were hurled down and communications were cut off completely. News of the quake reached Constantinople by way of Konia. Mrs.

Goodhue Stays In Same Condition Northampton, March 31 Mrs. Calvin Coolidge today neared the end of the first week of her stay here at the bedside of her aged mother, Mrs. Lemira Goodhue, ttie condition of the patient had improved slightly since her midweek relapse. Dr. J.

E. Hayes. Mrs. physician, said she was more comfortable but there had been no change in her general condition. Only one bulletin will be issued daily hereafter unless there is change for the worse.

Mrs. Coolidge was with her mother twice yesterday. Bomb Explodes In V. Y. Suit Factory New York.

March 31 of a small bomb on the 10th floor of a 18-storv building on 38th street today blew out all windows on the top three floors, the police reported. First reports said that a dozen persons were injured and scores knocked down by the blast. The building is used as a cloak and suit factory. 1 he 500 workers were panic stricken and hurriedly fled the building. The bomb was set off in a hall- wav.

TODAY'S ODDEST NEWS TKBANA, March 31 (AP). foot racing-needle threading-batlon sewing championship called forth today the best sorority and fraternity talent in these specialties at the I niversity of intramural athi.tic carnival. In this race the men sprint with thread to girls who thread it to a needle, vs hereupon the men on to other co-eds who use need and thread to sew on a button, after which the continue to the tape. News From The Classified Columns How El Pas i is looked to as a labor supply center is indicated in the help wanted column. Call for a carpenter comes from Boswell, N.

and all-round auto mechanic is wanted in Lowell, Ariz. Fishing begins April 1 at Elephant Butte lake, capitalizing which. New Mexico business asks the patronage of El Paso: up. We have everything, store, hot lunches, fishing tackle, licenses, boats and swimming suits. Fishing will be good.

Butte company. Elephant Butte lake, via Engle. N. Huof tnterestins news id daily on the classified pages..

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