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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 9

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iflO Cl EjTY DELIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE SOCIAL The women of the Bapi ist church gave a delightful Social at- the homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Springer last Tuesday evening.

Each had boon asked io earn one dollar. and Mrs. I. A. Tolman embodied their experiences in earning them, in most witty and amusing which she read to the delight of the audience.

During the evening Mrs. A. Camp sang several beautiful selections. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant social occasion. EL NEPHEW IS WEDDED DOWN IN PANAMA The Panama Canal Gazette gives a detailed account of the wedding of Edward Shannon, secretary to vice president and chief engineer Stevens, and Miss Sarah Anne Dougherty.

The ce rem oi iv was portormed by Rt. Rev. Xavier Junguito, bishop Panama, assisted by Rev. father Isidor. The groom is a nephew of Henry T.

of 1020 Wyoming street, El Paso. Charcoal Kills Bad Breattt Bad Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking Or Eating Can Be Instantly Stopped. Sample Package Mailed Free. Other people notice your bad breath where you would not notice it at all. It is nauseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath.

It usually comes from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have it in the awful sour, Unions, bad breath. You can stop that at once by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenges, the most powerful gas nd odor absorbers ever prepared. Sometimes your meals will reveal themselves in your breath to those who talk with you. had or been eating and all of a sudden you belch in the face of your friend.

Charcoal is a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one knows. That is why Charcoal Lozenges are so quick to stop all gases and odors of odorous foods, or gas from indigestion. use breath perfumes. They never conceal the odor, and never absorb the gas that causes odor. Besides, the very fact of using them reveals the reason for their use.

Charcoal Lozenges in the llvst place stop for good all sour brash and belching of gas. and make your breath pure, fresh and sweet, just after eaten. Then no one will turn his face away from you when you breathe or talk; your breath will be pure and fresh, and besides your food will taste so much better to you at your next meal. Just try it. Charcoal does other wonderful things, too.

It carries away from your stomach and intestines, all the impurities there massed together and which causes the bad breath. Charcoal is a purifier as well as an absorber. Charcoal is now by far the best, most and mild laxative known. A whole boxful will do no harm; in fact, the more you take the better. Charcoal Lozenbes are made of pure willow charcoal and mixed with a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, lv .1 not too sweet.

You just chow them like candv. Thev arc harmless. a new, pure, sweet breath, freshen your stomach for your next meal, and keep the intestines in good working order. Those two things are the secret of good health, and long life. You can get all the charcoal necessary to do these worrderfyl but simple things by getting Charcoal Lozenges.

We want you to little wonder workers yourself before you buy them. So send us your full name and address for a free sample of Charcoal Lozenges. Then after you have tried 1 he sample, and been convinced, go to your druggist and get a 25c box of them. feel better all over, more comfortable, and inside. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free.

Address E. A. Stuart 50 Stuart Marshall, Mich. German Players "Who Make Their American Debut CARL MM.E Baroness Hammerstein, is a leading SOCIETY EVENT Charming El Paso Girl Married to Tucson Tour to California Follows Wedding. Mme.

Dirkens, in private life the soubrette of Germany and Austria. She has been engaged by Mr. Conreid for a brief engagement at the Irving Palace theater, New York. Mr. i- chold will play heavy roles at the German theater.

tulle were placed at the corners and a triangle of red shaded candle sticks was a unique and pretty feature. The punch room also was in red. A canopy of red lattice work was suspended over the table. A meric in Beauties, ferns, crimson candles and were employed to advantage. The table, bearing the cake, was in white.

In cutting, Miss Eliza Berrien drew the ring; and Miss Sue Crombie the dime. Those who presided over the cake table were Miss Sue Crombie, Miss Margaret Martin, Messrs. Richard Wilder and Will Crombie. Miss Hallie Irvin, Miss Novel Wilson and Messrs. Rob Martin and l- gar Kayser served punch.

The wedding room was in charge af Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Council, who wore assisted by Miss Alma Jones, Misses Anne Kemp, Lucy Goldberg, Emma Jones, Anna Shelton and Monica GaU- agher.

Those assisting in entertaining the guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. Newman, Mr. and Mrs.

M. O. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. E.

S. Rood, Mr. and Mrs. W. Launcelot Brown, Mr.

Wallace, Miss Carmen Ainsa, Miss Eliza Berrien, Miss Margaret Christian, Mrs. Isabel Flato, Mr. and Mrs. H. Walthal, Mr.

and Mrs. W. II. Bryan and Maury Kemp. Those who first greeted the guests were Miss Mamie Sixton and Will Brady, the brother, from 'Austin, Texas.

Those in the receiving line Mr. and Mrs. James Brady, parents; Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr.

and Mrs. H. Kettler, Henry W. Moore, and Mr. and John L.

Dyer. The many beautiful gifts were artistically displayed in an apartment especially assigned to that purpose. The happy couple left the following afternoon for California, where they will remain for some time visiting the coast resorts, and important inland cities. Upon returning to El Paso they will visit Mr. and Mrs.

Dan White before going to their future home in 'Pueson. The traveling gown was of blue cloth, tailored and trimmed with touches of white. Her hat was of frame velvet of the same shade, trimmed with white breasts and blue ribbon. Miss Bradv was one of El most charming and accomplished society girls, and Mr. Wilder a prominent civil and mining engineer, who is a favorite in professional and social crcles.

Miss former home was Austin. and her brotner is county attorney there. An event of interest to El Paso and Austin society was the wedding of Miss Agnes Margaret Brady and Fred Blaisdell Wilder, which occurred Wednesday evening at 7 oclock, Rev. Father Roy officiating. A reception, following the ceremony, was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.

Dan White, on Montana street. Richard Wilder was the groom's attendant, and Mrs. Dan White matron of honor. She was gowned in lavender panne chiffon over silk, trimmed in Irish baby lace, and she carried a boquet of American Beauties. Miss Brady and Mr.

Wilder were preceded by little Dan White, dressed in white, and carrying a ket of flowers, in the midst of whieh the wadding ring rested. Miss Hallie Irvin played the welding march from Miss Irvin is a musician whose skill was well displayed upon this occasion. A vocal solo, For was artistically rendered by Mrs. Henry W. Moore.

The bride was attired in a robe of white rose pointe lace. She wore an Egyptian bridal veil of net, hand embroidered in silver, a gift of the mother. It was held in place by a cluster of Prince of Wales plumes. She wore also a rare old pearl bracelet that has been in the family for more than an hundred years. Her boquet was of roses and ferns.

The house was lavishly decorated in American Beauties, palms, ferns, tulle, ribbons and smilax. The parlor was entirely in green and white, being decorated with palms, asparagus ferns, white satin streamers and tulle. The dining room was in red. The refreshment table was bare, being spread with two runners of broad red satin ribbon. The center piece was a huge boquet of American Beauties in a cut glass vase resting on Duchess lace over scarlet satin.

Bows of -ed THE STORE OF QUALITY. J.Callsher Co. (Incorporated) J.Ccdlsher ioods Co. (Incorporated) J.Cah&her DryrGoods Co. (Incorporated) Fall Dress Goods Abundance Thousands of yards of the most popular fabrics are here for your inspection.

Enthusiasm over this superb and wonderfully complete exposition is, with us, naturally intense. It could not very well be otherwise, as it is the greatest showing this store has ever is the finest exhibit El Paso ever saw. And there is economy to the buyer in choosing here. 25 $1 oo EXCLUSIVE DRESS PATTERNS is a feature at this store which women appreciate. You can buy here with the feeling that you will not run into the same pattern every time you turn a corner.

CALISHER BLACK SILK season we try to add glory to our already established reputation on black silks. And we can unhesitatingly that no such materials for the money have ever gone over our counters as we are showing this fall season. TAFFETA SILK wide, our own guaranteed brand, $1.75 and I TAFFETA SILK own guaranteed brand, 27-inches CHIFFON TAFFETA SILK- euaranteed wide TAFFETA SILK- warranted -27-inches wide, extra heavy, TAFFETA wide SILK value, 24 inches $1 25 TAFFETA SILK wide guaranteed LINING 19-inches wide, guaranteed a 85c 5Qc A LINEN BARGAIN Read this item over carefully and ask yourself just ask you think you can afford to overlook it. 72-inch Satin Damask double finish, in an assortment of apple blossoms, spots with fiur de lis border, scroll patterns, tulip designs. and many others, at a yard I NAPKINS TO MATCH size, Kit a UU BARNSLEY complete line of this celebrated crash in different weights, prices ranging from 25 cents down IUU NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS.

The trimming is half the gown this fall. Even the tailored suit and jacket are brightened up with braids and pendants and appliques until they scarcely knowr themselves. So it follows our fall display of trimmings is richer and more beautiful than ever. If you ask what we have, that is good and stylish. COATS.

WOMEN'S COATS length, made of Lancashire woolens, in large gray plaid designs, and trimmed with braid to match; exceedingly stylish garments, cut very full, and Worth $14.50, special price WOMEN'S COATS length, made of black wool Venetian cloth, cut with loose tourist back, and trimmed with velvet and silk braid; worth $20. Special 7T price 1 4. I Sale of Laces and Embroideries Monday will be a great day for the shopper who is in need of laces and embroideries. A special purchase, much under price, makes this offer possible. Lace appliques, laee and inserting, in white, ecru and cream; Venetian, oriental Irish point and Baby Irish, in narrow and medium worth up to have divided the entire purchase in to two lots, at 25c In this purchase were also a lot of allover, oriental, Valenciennes and Venitian laces, to 22 inches wide, in white, cream and ecru, worth up to $1.75 a yard, on sale Monday A group of odd patterns and broken lots, from the narrow widths up to the wide corset cover embroideries, that are worth in one lot at one price 19 25c 8 12 HOSE.

Attention is called to our extremely large showing of fall hosiery for women and that is shapely, well made, and that will not lose its style after its first introduction to soap and water. WAYNE KNIT PONY For children, fast black, solid and split foot, a BASEMENT BARGAINS. BLEACHED Soft tinish, 10c quality 'U CAMBRIC- kid finish cambric, 20c PILLOW CASES of durable linen finish muslin, size 42x36 that are well worth your consideration. A Special price, each UW BELTS AND BAGS. Fashion strives each year to excel its performances of the past.

How well it has succeeded is amply shown in these new belts and bags. CARLETON BAGS very newest thing- an excellent assortment ranging in price from $8.00 down to PLAID SILK BELTS light and dark color combinations, with different style buckles, and the new wavey edge 75c OUR MILLINERY OPENING. For the special showing of all the meritorious creations and styles that will find favor with women for the fall and winter season, will be held Tuesday, October 2nd. See special announcement elsewhere in this paper. You are cordially invited to attend.

$3 00 the Dan Mi 3. Mrs. Enamelware at Half and Less Inis announcement in rimrsday papers was the means of crowding our basement expectant customers. And they found that we had not overstated the values one iota. In ay fact.

with thev saw hundreds and hundreds of pieces that we had said nothing found that the values were even better than we said they were. It was, indeed, a fortunate purchase. Divided into lots from 5 cents to S3 cents J.Callsher Co. Co. (Incorporated) J.Callsher DryrGoods Co.

(Incorporated; SEE OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT ON PAGE 16 DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE PARTY Alma Anderson I lon- by oung Friends With Partv. A delightful surprise party was given evening by Miss Alma Anderson. Many entertaining games were enjoyed and refreshments were served. Those present were Mis: home on North Florence street. An interesting game was enjoyed, after which luncheon was The house was prettily decorated in red.

Miss Nannie Lackland won the first prize and Miss TUiffie Roach was given the consolation. Mrs. guests were Miss Ruffie Roach, Miss Nannie Lackland, Miss Laura Townsend, Miss Josephine Marr, Miss Carmen Ainsa. Miss Marie Longuemare, Miss Ellie Shelton, Miss Florence Leamaster, Miss Kate Krause. PURELY PERSONAL Ruffie Roach loaves tomorrow to attend serva tory of music.

turn to the Loretta academy at Las I Cruces this fall. Mrs. M. Mdlspaugli and son, I liilip. have returned from York, I but Mr.

Millspaugh remained for another month, under treatment. He is improving considerably, it is reported. I Capt. M. Page of east Texas is in the city en route home from a summer on the coast.

Capt. Page owned Spindle Top. the noted Texas oil field, at time it was just coining into selling out to a syndicate. MARICOPA COUNTY TICKETS ARE OUT COMING SOCIETY EVENT. Democrats and Republicans Strongly Against Joint Sept.

28. Republican MISS BRISSAC IN STRENGTH OF THE WEAK Phoenix icopa era tic ed tic demning joint statehood in terms. The tickets nominated Maraud Demo- county conventions met here, nominat- vcts and adjourned, after con- strong are as i Leo St rauss ill at his home is convalescing. who has been seriously on Rio Grande street. New York, Sept.

Virginia Brissac, a niece of Miss Mary Shaw, has been engaged by John Con io play Kitty in Strength of the v.a erson. man. Mar Must Go On or Before September 30th fo get the benefit of the summer tourist rates to ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY and POINTS EAST Ask McGregor for particulars. Montgomery, 1 Nelson, Jessie Bennett, Katie O'Connor, urn, Eleanor Hagans, Be Pansy Briggs and Svbil Messrs.

Ross Hiil. Moffitt dolph Nelson, Joe Doyle, fort, Roy Darnell, Ewen Ralph Scott, Willie Gooch Montgomery. 'sie Mary Kate ki- Gilson, Anderson; Dean, Ran- Edwin Robertson, and Eddie Miss Anna Leo Gaines entertained, on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Montana street. Miss Sarah Curtis left Thursdav evening for a visit with Mrs. J.

W. Ward at Big Springs, Texas. Mrs. Helen Roberts arrived home Friday afternoon on the Golden St-iIe limited from a visit in California. PARTY IN HONOR OF MI8S ROACH Mrs.

Sidebottom Kntert-ains in I)eligh1 fill Manner in Her Honor. Hotel Sheldon Block. KING, GenM Agent. Phone 594. R.

STILES, G. P. A. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. E.

E. Sidebottom delightfully entertained in honor of Miss Ruffie Roach at her Horace B. Stevens, in Now Jersey and i his studies at Montclaii acaremv. has arrived now pursuing military Miss Adine Noake her parents, Mr. and left for Washington attend school.

accompanied In Mrs. H. P. this afternoon to Mrs. Flora Hague, who has been ill at her home on Santa Fe street, is reported better today, much to the gratification of her friends.

Miss Evelyn Byrd leave New Mexico. For the pas she has been the guest of and Addie McFarland at on North El Paso street. today for two weeks Misses Lily their home if follows: Democratic Ticket. For Legislative Brady brother to the late Lower E. Bunch.

J. Crenshaw, Wm. Wallace, W. D. Beil.

For District Purdy Bullard. For Hayden. Babbitt. F. Leonard.

Probate H. Langston. School 11. Fulton. Orme.

Leo Hogue. Republican Ticket. For Pickrell. House Rumors of a Big Skating Party At An Early Date At New Rink. The first of a series of delightful skating parties is scheduled at new rink for next week.

It has been definitely announced as yet bv whom the party will be given, but it is an easy forecast that nothing for next week will be of just as much interest as this party. Skating in other cities is fast taking the place of dancing and other forms of winter diversions and it is a certaintly that El Paso will keep pace with other metropolitan places. Bringing in Steers. An importation of head of two, three and four year old steers will be made from Mexico at Columbus, N. Monday.

A Mr. Kingsbury is making the importation. PASS CITY FILES A PROTEST ON DIFFERENTIAL W. W. Attorn For Lower rederick field Scott.

For Sheri ff- For District For Probate Judge Superintendent Anderson. Supervisors t). Evans. Elliot I Reed Evans, and Wiu- E1 Paso Wants Rate Privilege Similar to Other Texas Cities, She oays. 1).

Sept. -The El Paso, Tex, eomplained Cook, W. E. Minor. II.

Phillips. Lewis. commission Santa Ft El Paso are I rates I other Texas They ask of I Sept. chamber of commerce has the interstate commerce the Atchison. Topeka railroad that the citizens of denied the benefit of equal accorded Worth and fit ics.

tor redress in the the committee mav W. J. II. Christy, D. W.

Country Club Has a Dance. A dance is being enjoyed toni; the Country club. nt awarded them. Free Developing. Monday's the day.

Make your rt- posures Sunday and we will be glad take care of your developing Me i- Out-of-town people should age of this offer. Hum- El Paso, Texas. free to days take advanta phries Photo Miss ing the alderman Etta litt, who has been spend- summer here with her parents, and Mrs. G. L.

Ilitt, will re- and La Sirenetta in Gioconda," with Miss Florence Roberts Miss Brissac created the latter role in Miss Robert's first English production of the D'Annunzio play in this country. WeakLim It is the old story of a weak throat, a tendency to weak lungs in the family. ou no sooner get rid of your old coid than a new one takes its place. Cherry ecieral breaks up this taking-cold habit. It strengthens, heals.

Ask your doctor, the very next time you see him, what he thinks of J. C. Ayer Lowell, Mass. Cherry Pectoral for weak lungs. no neeretn publish j.

C. frt i a formulati of our BIHIM.

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