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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ttrtife jLYTHEVrLLE. (ARK.) COURIER NEWS THE BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE COURIER NEWS CO, PUBUfcHERS 0, R. BABCOCK, Editor H. HAKES, Manager National Advertising Representatives; 'The Thomas F. Clark Co, York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, San Aulonlo, Ban Francisco, Chicago, St.

Louis. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered as second class manor at the post office at BlythevUle, Arkansas, under act ol Congress October 9, 1917. Served by the United SUBSCRIPTION RATES carrier In the city ol Blytlicvllle, 15c per or W.50 per year In advance. By mall within a radius ol 60 miles, $3.00 net year, $1.50 for six months, 856 for three montlis; by mall in postal zones two to six, Inclusive, $6.50 per yea-, In zones reven and eight, $10.00 per year, payable in advance.

Creed And Depression Senator James Coumis comes closer to the out-and-out radical position tlian hu in the cause for Ihc present Ijusi- ness depression. Asked who responsible for Die depression, he remarked that while he not know who the Ktiilly individ- might be, ho knew very well what the underlying criuse restrained greed. This is coming cjose to, stopping over line into tho licltl of Uiu Socialists 'and the Conimunisls. It is one of the basic tenets of their creed. And we agree with it without in any way adopting socialism or communism.

The radical declares thai we shall be happy until we change our 'economic system. The present system, lie asserts, was built for the bcnelit of private profit. It sbn'os only the greedy; it promotes greed, makes it the only-' -mainspring of human endeavor. Consequently, he says, the ills that greed brings cannot be removed until the system is changed. Right now the rnost remarkable thing in American life is the way in which people who have no use for either socialism or communism are beginning to accept at least part of this vicw- DOint.

Senator Couzens who, with 30 -lions, is not apt to turn "red" on us i. overnight excoriates the moving force of greed. 'Henry Ford, equally far rc- moved from the isms, says that one i i. A of the chief contests in industry to' i'J (lay is between ownership and maiiage: merit; between those whose first interest is in making prolits and those whose first interest is in making filings. decade, In Del roil, for example, the "strongarm men" who were hired to guard gamblers got their heads together and organized a clique to kidnap the very men they were supposed to guard.

In other cities the ranki of professional gunmen probably furnish many recruits for the kidnapers. However, the problem is far from insoluble. Hncrgclic and courageous police work will nearly always break it up. Detroit proved that, about a year ago. Any other city can do the same.

The liidnnper is a dangerous outlaw, but he docs not occupy very strong position. The Kidnapers Thcj kidnaper seems lo have put on a revival in American city life during the -past few years. Until comparatively recently, kidnaping was a comparalivc- .7 -ly rare crime; lately, however, one can i hardly pick up a newspaper without of some citizen who has been and held for ransom. The cause probably traces directly back to the racketeering circles that have come into existence in the past Ihc Price of Collon Referring lo HID often statement by the American CoHon shippers Association and the cotton trade generally that cotton and wheat have declined In price Blua- llon of the Farm Hoard, II Is needless to point out that we urc In the mUUt of out 1 the worst business depressions or panics that the world has ever seen, and thai all products and commodities whose production Is nol completely controlled arc oiitrcrlng a similar some of much worse (hail cotlon and wheat. Indeed, one of the thief complaints of the opposition Is lhat the price of American cotton and wheat lias been held above world price and therefore lo that extent bus diverted consumption from our products in favor of those of other commies.

Uul for the activities of the Farm Uoard and the co-operatives It is generally believed Ihc prices ol cotton and wheat would have been materially lower than they mo today. Indeed, the argument of the is that the dancer of Hie holdings ol the Cotton Stabilization Corporation being plated on the nmrkcl is a menace to tho existing price. If the, possibility of ultimately ulnclng this cotlon on the market is ground for fear, then certainly the actual selling of the cotton would bring about Ih? lulOHmcnl of such fears. Every one who hns given any thought, lo Ihls subject Is awaro. that during the period of almost universal collapse In the price of all commodities, we have experienced the lowest price oi rubber and silver on record, and likewise other commodities have approached Ihe botloni of prices for all times American cotton prices have been much lower In previous years under more favorable statistical and economic conditions.

Cotton Association News. 8, 1931 SIDE GLANCES By George Clark A Texas man Is walking around the world backward. There's one man. at least, who puls himself a step forward every backward step he' takes. A New York woman suggests a "traffic dance" ns a means ot avoiding death and Injury.

The only trouble Is that it is liable lo make a "liil" with the motorists. The cruiser Chlcajo. which is soon to become the flagship of the U. S. licet, has it black goat named Al Caiwiic for mascot.

A black sheep might have been more appropriate. "I (icm'l seem to be improving any, MnUVe. I need a hand to practice with and I'm not good enough yet to get a job with IN Gilbert Swan rim Old Speakeasy Raid Isn't What It Used in Laugh at Officers Whn Carry on Their.) Wiirk Casually. NEW olher day, while strolling through the mld- I'ortlcs, 1 fairly stumbled over speakeasy raid. The casualness with which It was jclng carried out annoyed me slightly.

Somehow, 1 had expected far more excitement. As mailer of fact, Ihe crowd Lhat gathered around the doorway was no greater than one would fnul encircling a clever slrect fakir, A of the, rare, but a gambling raid not infrcnuent. when it makes dilfcrenc: lo my pulse, I fairly trip my iocs over there's scarcely a faint flurry of cxcite- meul anywhere. The two phenomenal exhibits in Manhattan's theater belt ara "Green Pastures." among the legitimate plays, and "Two Hearts ii Waltz Time," among the movies. I doubt if the latter has ever seen outside New York.

It arrived al one of the little art ir.ovie houses, slightly emotions were stimulated, l-'lve out of six people who were treated with the new remedy teemed to be cWlnUely relieved of their Irrcsist- Ibl desire lo sleep, and further itudy Indicates that at lust defi- nlle method of control for tills extraordinary disease'has been discovered. 3t SURE YOU'RE RIGHT- TODAY IS THE-, BILL IS REPUTED TO H.WE HILLED SCOPES ORNttftNs, BUT SUBSEQUENT RESEARCHES (NDICATE 13 DOU8THE KILLED EYEN ONE. BATTI.K AT I-KNS On May 8, 1911, the Germans launch(Kl a violent counter-attack against, the British line near Lens. Tills struggle was part the great Uatllc of Arras which lasted nearly a month. Philip Glbbs, war correspondent, colorfully describes (he flshthi3 here as follows: "I watched tills bailie ol guns from Ihc old trenches looking across lo l.eiis nncl giving wick 1 sweep of Ihc batlle from frtm tilt field of Loos to tile ground bcloiv the sloping shoulder ol Vlmy Ridge.

'This ground was the storm center of Ihc world's war last night jnst aller dark, and before tr.e coming of ihe moon, lights res: from the German rockets rose high lines. These some of them burned for a minute or more and tlie woods and irenches neath them were Illuminated with sharp while lights. One remained hanging high over Lens like a great star. "All through the night the battle of ihe guns went on and the sky was filled with ths rush of shells and tlie moon veiled his face from tliis horror which made tall on tli. But ill the little wood a nightingale sang all through the night." MOST VJiDELY READ BOOK.

-fH AT DISTINCTION BELONGS to THE TAE MOHAMMEDAN BOGrt. Merchant Makes $3 In Bandit Deal MAKANUA, III. W. Rendleman, who. was recently held up and shot by'a bandit emerged from the encounter three dollars to the gocd.

Rendleman, alone in his store when a mar. entered and offered a ten rtollnr bill to pay for a three dollar purchase, opened the safe and counted out seven dollars in change. Then the stranger drew a gun and demanded money. Rendleman. instsad of obeying, readied for a revolver and the bandit fired two shots, grabbed the seven dollars and fled, leaving his purchase and Ihe ten dollar bill.

CHURCH EXCUSES By George W. that Jim--that's nvy that she is old-fashioned. She that as scon as he gets a liulc raised a big family so she did not time he is going to talk to the have time lo attend social affairs Minister of one of the other Chur- nncl how she finds time to do so chcs and if things turn out just i much church work is a myslery lo right, we may not make any fur-; me. (her effort to get our Church Let- ters frcm back home, and just go in and forget the lettere. 1 know I was telling Molhcr, the other day that I could not understand why it was necessary to always some of the ladle; of that Church i doing something about a Church, and I doubt if it would suit me to I It era5 like lhcy are alway6 do get mixed up them.

They ing something lo make money off Die Iruck was at tho curb. Several hard nioaiUvny beaten track. It bad a working genls were carrying out German name and practically no bottles ml barrels. Individuals in advance ballyhcu. 'Ihe large mid- thc crowd were making wise-cracks town palaces, whore the products of laughing atxl kidding the Hollywood arc shown, had no room A few were to be heard here io: it.

and there., things went along pretty much as was. For raid ceased to llav, arc a dozen or more per clay. Un- -be there a year. This been, for lejs Ihe spot involved Is tlie last the most part, due to person-to- wcrd in swank or the rendezvous person adverlisiag: no elaborate of famous folk, the newspapers sum, display having been marie.

A up 12 or more in a single nara- I' 11 thai furnished the theme And yet (his picture is breakin; nil records lor long runs. At the in New York hasj moment, it has playing more any novelty. There 'nan -even inonihs nncl Is likely lo seem to confine their social activi- I ial (lo thcy do so muril lies to gatherings of various Church: money? Mother could not tell me departments. i tor she does not go very muchf Now don't misunderstand me for and she says the reason she don't I do not mean to say these wo- is that they are always after men are not all right, but I'm her to help out in something. Her just not suited to that kind of so-! children arc all grovn now so she, cia! life.

Jim says, and think he i she don't see the need of is right, that very few women fit! Church life. When the children' In Church work. He says the rea- were young it was different, son he thinks that, there seem to two shots struck Rendleman I be so few doing that, kind of work, Life insurance averages $23 for but the injuries were minor. Courier News Ads Pay. you Now his Mother was always doing each person In Italy, as compared of $1000 iii something for her Church, out if! with an average you could meet her you would see' United States.

No, Dcrothy, the Wilkins submarine crew won't drink no matter how cold is up al the role (his summer. Then there's the telegram messenger considers himself a "wiry" young mail. Co-eds at a western university arc reporting for Ihe men's track team. Probably they're a Kltle confused as lo the meaning of around on laps. paragraph.

of which makes me a bit sacl. since I can recall in my early days how Hurdling a thing music has become one ol tho hits of the year. The oilier "phenoin," "Green Pastures," recently its a raid was suppled to be. As 55fl111 performance, with no limi- cub reporter on night police, I cation of slowing down. Never hav, would all but pray that a "raid c.ill' would be sounded some night and tbat 1 would chase along with tlie tile old theater traditions been so completely upset, by any produc- Most, producers shied away police, thrilling to the sound axes from it- had an all-negro on wooden doors.

cnst ths Lord Jehovah OUT OUR WAY STAWO RIGHT CM BEE. OW? iT PEEL HcWD Voo BE. TrV OOGr, VMHCK GOOD A SMELL. Chinatown. In San Francisco.

In person and unconventionally presented tlie Bible story accorrt- i ing to old negro revival ideas. Yet it has remained to be praised by the clergy ot Ihe land; lo be lauded as an inspirational classic: to move imlliom of people ns few sermons have moved them. Charbs Harriscn. who plays "the- Lord." has been awarded national medal for contributing lo the uplift, of his race. And there seems no let up in its There would be photographs, an I drawing power.

how it all GILBERT SWAN, penal. A liquor raid'was ilir r.m-s-. (Copyright. 1031. NEA Service.

Inc) giand raid scene. There daik p.i?.sagcway.s, barred doors ind mysterious underground alley-. Drawn jznns would shine the half-light and the siirroimd- ngs would fairly bristle with dianiit. There would bo the if; ivr of feel: harked orders of the cops. 'ho newspapers wonl.l thrv events over vast space.

Desire to Sleep Sometimes Tunis Into Serious Ailment HV 3IOHKIS stem to hencntcd by a Vililiir. or (he remedy, sn far as modern Asscci.Uicu. aim t) i ticn is concerned, but dcve'oix-i cola, Ihc Health Tin- tlcslio to sleep. paiiif: 1 when it comes at the time goes to bed. and ronslslent with tlu- Irnancc ot hjaltll.

When the c'osire lo sleep i. without npiiarcnl tiiue and when it Mealed with a pronouncrri d-n loss of miiscular pnwi rau'C the pri-on to pathologic condition rrrcfiil alCntUin ncians. of years ago by th The recurrlns apparent caa sudden lo." lar tone and; 1 a j-alicnt lo fall t. of this condUMi: It has been lio.iti of vcmcdisc. that a siwcilir in.

yet been found. Sif.ii'ctl by menla! Ibc luc of vaviir.i., ials. but ihiss tl-'ai has uccii of Qiiilc recently hundreds Chinese. A man 20 of ngn foun that he fell asleep on all occasion scmctiines ivliil" on Hi i street and tilking to friends. I the attack occurred while he w.i on th-; street, he usually leaned something, but had two' nccidcnts from leaning aulonu-' biles which nway.

At first' lie slept lor Ihrcr or tour mlmitcj. but liuor as long as half an hour, lie civen the new remedy and reported cansidciaiilc Iiom its use. A boy 11 years of age had n- resisltble sleep and was finally dis- from school iKcauc other members of Ills tmitaPd hK behavior. He would sleep 15 to minutes al a limp. A uoniiin accxl -14 had a 1 cijey lo fall ar-leep at church and social gatherings, which is not in way an abnormal however, she developed loi-s of initiative ar.d on several hud faKcn aslceji nt the eonk stovr In each of Ihese cases lliere was ins pf mwiilar rawer whe tlie ROMANCE AND REALITY Sometimes, when you turn the pages of a book, your mind is seeking' romance.

You long to leave a too- familiar world to travel with the speed of thought to far-off purple lands to bathe in tepid, lotus- scented surf. But your daily paper finds you in a more practical mood. Interested in real people, in the facts of the day. Looking for news of things that you may buy and and now. You may find in the advertisement just what you want in the way of a better breakfast food, or a new radio, or an improved face powder.

If tho thing fits into your living, is practical and possible you are vitally interested. Because you are reading- about yourself! Today, a great many things that were romantic dreams only ten years ago are common realities. Life has more color, more charm, more adventure. And the things that give it all these may be found in the advertising columns. Advertising discusses realities-romantic ones often actual articles you can have for your own, new joys for your family, stepping stones to your happiness.

The advcrtiseincnlx in lliix paper arc written for you. They arc real. Then arc reliable. Take their advice..

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