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Daily News from New York, New York • 119

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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DAILY NEWS, NEW YORK'S PICTURE NEWSPAPER 31 ADVERTISEMENT. WAY TO PREPARE LAMB CHOPS 'Addition of Novel Seasoning Improves Their Flavor This new method really begins before the chops are put on the broiler or in the pan. First make a mixture of teaspoonful salt, 1 teaspoonful sugar, 1 teaspoonful vinegar or lemon juice and 5 tablespoonfuls of salad oil. Pour this over the chops and let stand for a few minutes, then fry or broil them and you will be delighted with the way this seasoning heightens the flavor of the lamb. If you wish you can use the mixture to baste the chops as they cook.

The sugar is a most important ingredient of the mixture just described because it blends the salt, lemon juice and oil into a smooth, piquant goodness. A dash of sugar to a pinch of salt is a good rule to follow in many other kinds of cookery. In cooking vegetables this combination noticeably and pleasantly emphasizes the flavor of carrots, spinach, string beans, eabbage and peas. Doctors approve the use of sugar as a flavor on these essential foods because it arouses the appetite to eat more of them. Good food promotes good health.

The Sugar Institute. Ingrown Nail Turns Right Out! Pain Stops Instantly! "Outgro" is a harmless antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. However, any one can buy from the drug store a tiny bottle containing directions. A few drops of "Outgro" in the crevice of the ingrowing nail reduces inflammation and pain and so toughens the tender, sensitive skin underneath the toe nail, that it cannot penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost overnight. Itching Stopped Now he smiles "For nearly three "writes one man, "I had a breaking out and itching on my body.

Within few days after I began to use Resinol, the sores healed and the itching stopped." There are few cases of skin disorder which Resinol Ointment cannot relieve quickly. Try Resinol Soap, too. Men like its thorough cleansing and its tonic odor. FREE Trial Resinol, size Dept.93, package on Baltimore, request. Md.

Resinol in 5 Hours -Comfort in 5 Minutes Ease Cold in Head, Chest or Throat? Musterole well into your chest and throat almost instantly you feel easier. Repeat the Musterole-rub once an hour for five hours what a glorious relief! good old-fashioned cold remedies -oil of mustard, menthol, camphor -are mixed with other valuable ingredients in Musterole. It penetrates and stimulates blood circulation and helps to draw out infection and pain. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses.

Keep Musterole handyjars, tubes. All druggists. To Mothers -Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Musterole. 'Sick!" Again the disappointment of a date that can't be kept.

It's always the day one would like most to go, Midol means freedom from these days of inactivity- days of suffering. You have probably tried other things for periodic pains, but so had thousands of women who today bless Midol. Try these wonderful tablets and be convinced that the normal monthly process need not be one bit painful. Midol is non-narcotic and harmless, but it does bring complete ease in five to seven minutes. Or prevents the pain even starting when taken in time.

Every drugstore has the trim little metal case to tuck in your purse, and Midol costs only 50c. Many have found Midol the quickest relief for headaches, neuralgia, neuritis, and other pain. MISTEROLE BETTER THAN PLASTER ADVERTISEMENT. FRECKLES A Simple, Safe Way to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There is no longer the slightest need of being ashamed of your freckles, since it is now an easy matter to fade out these homely, rusty-brown spots with Othine and gain a clear, beautiful complexion. After a few nights' use of this dainty white cream you will find that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely.

It's seldom that more than an ounce of Othine is needed to clear the skin of these unsightly blotches. Be sure to ask at any drug or department store for Othine double strength. It's always sold with guarantee of money back if it does not remove every last freckle and give you a lovely, milk-white complexion. Dizzy Headache often caused by Gas on Stomach Seltzer gives quick relief -Ask Druggists Write Worcester, Mass, for Free Sample Time For Thinking and -in Planning Is Never Wasted Revans 1 Huntington 5. Gladys Once there was a young man who was a draftsman in an architect's and engineer's office.

He wasn't experienced, but he had a fine mind and great concentration. He was given, when he was quite new on the job, a difficult piece of work to do. For half a day he didn't touch it. The head of the drafting room noticed it, thought he was either loafing or stumped, but didn't say anything. Finally, the young man got down to business and turned in his drawings in two days less time than he was given to do them in.

He had spent that half day thinking how to do the job in the quickest and best way. The half day of intensive thinking was at first apparently wasted time, because he wasn't making any motions and nothing was visibly happening. But it was an unusually intelligent approach to the problem and saved time in the end. Something brought that circumstance back to my mind, the other day and it seemed to me that it was parallel with the way we're bringing up our children. Some people say: I haven't time," or "I can't take the trouble to understand my children so deeply nor to answer all their questions, nor to think out what makes them disobedient, or pernickety about their meals," etc.

"They ought to do this and that I can't spare the time to see why they don't--nor to explain things." And their troubles keep up and up, and they lose more time and peace of mind and have sometimes serious behavior difficulties to contend with in the end because of this attitude. Other parents are like the young draftsman. They pause and think. This doesn't mean necessarily that they amass a lot of technical knowledge about children. But they care, and they're intelligent, and they have time for their children.

And SO this time and thought and caring that they give without stint saves them time, not to mention worry and unhappiness, in the end. The more time and thought you have for your children now, the less time and painful thought they need later on. (Copyright: 1930: by the Chicago Tribune) A book on the care of babies by Miss Carolyn Conant Van Blarcom, a noted authority on the subject, can be had at The News office for 50 cents, or by mail for 60 cents. ADVERTISEMENT. Hundreds of Thousands Of Wise Americans Demand Kruschen Salts Keeps you in good health all the time--skin clear and body free from fat.

Just think of it; these new, better and different salts were only introduced into America a few months ago-yet a host of intelligent Americans are healthier and happier because of their supreme goodness. Kruschen Salts are the daily health dose of millions of people the world over they are the largest selling medicinal salts in Great Britain. One half teaspoon of Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning gently but surely stimulates the liver. bowels and kidneys to healthy elimination. But the six vitalizing and rejuvenating salts in Kruschen do more than cause regular elimination--the man woman who takes them regularly need have no fear of poisons polluting the system which cause of many annoying and depressing, ills.

One bottle of Kruschen Salts (lasts 4 weeks) costs but 85c and one bottle will prove benefit to people who have constipation. headaches. indigestion. nervousness, rheumatism, depression, acidity and auto-intoxication. Not only but one bottle will bring about body activity--increase in energy.

vigor and ambition. sparkling eves and freedom from pimples and blemishesmillions know all this -you ought to know it. Sold 'by druggists America over. A CITY RADIOI ORIGINALLY 1197 50 50 COMPLETE SAVE $108. ON THE NEW 1930 MODEL 46 RADIOLA SCREEN -GRID DYNAMIC DOWN COMPLETE ETE The most astounding value that New With Tubes--Nothing Else to Buy.

FREE Yorkers have ever been offered. The superb Radiola 46, embodying all the important improvements to give flawless Delivery tone and great volume, now at a price Installation miss you'll this find no value it's trouble the in greatest paying. ever- and Service Don't at City Radio Stores! RADIO CITY STORES Cortlandt St. DOWNTOWN. ...42 Cortlandt Fulton St.

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