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The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 5

Montgomery, Alabama
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FIYE TIIE MONTGOMERY ADVERTISES. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1918 IICA1 TEMPLE wm BURNiNG AUGUST SALE of FURNITURE SCALP TROUBLE CLAYTON HANDS DOWN THREE DECISIONS IN THE FEDERAL COURT City Court Quickly Clears Its Docket For Thursday Judg Henry D. Clayton, of th United State dlatrlct eourt Thursday morning; handed dowa thra arrfsra. The Entire Territory of the Temple Will Be Covered Thoroughly-Ceremonial Proposed of them being th petttioa of Aldrldg agalnet th Loulsvlli and Naahvtll railroad company, which aakd that tb caas remanded to th circuit court of Chilton county Instead of being heard la th United But district Formed Almost i Crust. Could Hard Ijf Comb Hair Becauu of Soreness.

Hair Falling Out HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT 'T in (real sufferer of scalp trauhU which ahenrard iurmed almost i a srust, and I coo Id hardly comb my hair because at such itching, burning, and soreness, began to acntch which eourt. Judg Clayton' order overruled tn motion of Aldrldne. who waa a railroad conductor on th Loulavlll These August Days Present Price News of Extraordinary Interest To Homemakers No homeowner in whom the love of fine furniture or the instinct of ecomony is developed will be content with a mere examination of the offerings in these August days of the Fair's Furniture Sale. Its beauty, its appearance of true worth (each piece is a masterpiece), its solidity will make you want it. And if the graceful designs, the fine woods, the wearproof finishes are not enough, there is an added temptation to purchase in the extraordinarily low prices the lowest quoted in a Montgomery Sale.

and Naahvlll railroad and claim uev aamag for alleged Injur! received by a hand hold on on of th ears of th company giving away, precipitating him to th ground causing, Injuries. and wtf hair falling out. I wai reitleai 4l sink V.f I I In th eaa of E. L. Edward asalnat J.

S. Acre and other. Juds Clay wwi ucuire i cquiq Sleep, and mv tytrim thin ton ordered that, a Anal decree entered In favor of th plaintiff for lifeless. 107. II.

It appear that th defendant had agrd to furnlah a large amount MILL MAN SAVES WIFE AND SOX BY TIMELY AID Serious Mishap A oerled and Family Made Happy by Husband's Presence ojf Mind A story of eB interest come from' Blountctowa, fla. Thin uneventful llttl town recently br stirred by th rseu ef Mr. Rachel Henderson and bar llttl on, from great danger. Urav fears were fri, for a long tlm that both Mrs llniderion and hr son would succumb iQ tn, ravage of Pellagra. Being very food father, Mr.

Hsndarson wa deeply worried over their condition. Kalth In Natur remedy, however, saved th day for himself and family and they writs la most profound gratltud of th circumstance which have resulted ao happily for all concerned. "Mrs. Henderson writea, I want th who! world to know what Hul-ferro-8ol has don for myself and lit. tie boy after thre physicians had failed.

wer both In the worst tag of Pellagra and were covered with sore. I had not been able to do any work for a long time and had long given up all hop of ever being cured. "It was hard to fac the thought of my llttl son' Buffering too, and we were all at th last point of despondency. Pllgr Is auch a dreadful disease and robs th mind of all power to even try to get well. "On day Mr.

Henderson got me a bottle of Sulferro-Bol to try. We nad by then heard of a number of cases Ilk mln which this remedy had helped and healed. It proved to be the very thing for me. taking hold of the disease at and my Improvement wa noticeable from the beginning. After Just a few weeks.

I commenced to do my own work again and felt ao much betttr that I could hardly believS It myself. I am practically as well as Tve ever been In my life but am going to take another bottle or two to snake sure that the disease Is entirely out of my system. My llttl boy is well and sound and Is enjoying his little life like other children and I sm very happy to be able to aay this. I deeply feel that Sulferro-Sol saved from a painful death, and I writ thi in the very deepest gratitude." Sulfero-Sol 1 sold and recommended by all druggiats tn Montgomery and vicinity. Durr Drug Co.

and Oriel Wholesale Distributors. of lumber and did not keep th eon- tract. They went out of business and divided th holding of th Arm, It is claimed. A leaser Tempi. Mystic Shrine, has adopted the alogan "On Thousand in 1J7." This means that 1.000 numbers ar to secured on year from thia tlm.

Th Umpl now has a membership of Too. A campaign will carried on from now until th goal Is reached, and a general commute of thirty member ha been organised for th purpose. Th committee I compoaed of Alex Rice, chairman; C. D. Curtis, vice-chairman; Le I.

Betty, secretary, and Jackson M. Hobble, Farcy Black. Henry C. Cranahaw, William H. Cooper, Oaston J.

Orell, Thomas H. Hlnee, Alex Kaufman. Olll C. Humphrey, Thomas H. Batty, Owen T.

Kenan. M. B. Klrkpatrlck. Clifford Lanier, A.

I Lehman, Donald McDonald. E. J. Meyer, Ralph D. Qulsen-berry, Sam Helburn, Joseph Beeman, Walter L.

Shepherd, W. A. Seller. W. L.

T. Halgler akd to be mad Thi troublt laatad nearly month. I accidentally came across Cuticura, and tried free sample. Two large-sited boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the Cuticui Soap healed me entirely of scalp trouble in about six weeks." (Signed) Mrs. W.

A. Adams, 171 1 Cedar Rich.wood. 25, 1916. Sample Each Fre by Mall With32-p. Skin Book on request.

Ad dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept Bostosu" Sold throughout the world. a preferred creditor In th cae or th tstat of th bankrupt Arm of Mark and Oayl to th amount of fslS.60. Judg Clayton overruled th application aa regard being mad a preferred creditor but allowed th applicant to 1 be mad a general creditor. City Court Docket Again Is Cleared Again the docket for the dav wa Jack Stollenwerck, Oeorge A. Thorn.

ENAMELED KITCHEN CABINET Kitchen Cabinet like illustration, white enameled interior, equipped with flour bin, glass sugar bowl, coffee, tea and other glass equipments, metal bread and cake box, sliding metal top, wood biscuit and chopping board, extra special with 1 7 QQ all equipment 'O cleared Thurcday In th criminal di BICYCLES On easy terms, to re-Bnnnsibla ceoDle. at cash' vision of the city eourt with Judge Leon McCord presiding, and Friday will end the case for this week, ex M. 8. Whlefleld. Clayton T.

Tullis. O. A. Johnston Jacob L. Wolff and Duncan May.

Oat Tern Caatpalaa. The committee already has had three meeting and at the last one there were eight out of town member from various sections of the territory embraced by Alcasar cept a half dozen charging prohibition violation which will be heard Pnces. I I Saturday morning, and be followed by aentence of thos convicted. About th mot Interesting cas A luncheon waa erved on the roof of Thursday waa that of George Palg. a the Gay-Teague Hotel and tb movement was dlscuaiad In all of It negro, who forged the name of 8111 Palg to a will, in which ah be Green 20 Commerce St phase.

It waa decided that the eight out of town member return to their queathed several lota In various part of the city. In fact, the negro, Oeorge home and organise In each place a committee of Ave. Thia not only will Paige, wrote the entire will, signing th name of Sallie Paige and those of three witnesses. He filed It In th office of the Judge of probate and when It came to proving It, he waa unable to do and was arrested. tend to Increase the membership of the temple but will work up Interest In the Alcaiar candidate for Imperial outer guard.

A committee of five also was created to be known as a campaign committee to work for David Crosland for Imperial outer guard. The committee will be sent to Minneapolis to th Imperial Council meeting next June. Member will get plenty of sleep before going in order to keep awake throughout the cession there. What Beat Croslamd. When Mr.

Crosland for the office of Imperial outer guard at Buffalo at the last council meeting; the argument UBed attains him was that Al- Keep your furniture new. Use Wizard Polish. Buy NOW, a 50c Duster FREE with a 50c bottle. Ask your dealer. 227 N.

Court St. Phone 54 II Building Permits Are Issued Thursday The city engineer's office Issued eleven building and repair permits, totaling $770, to the following on Thursday: W. J. Dennis, Morgan avenue, $50; G. D.

Johnson, Pleasant avenue, $50; Mrs. Mary Stewart, Columbus street, $15; M. M. Sweat, Dorsey street, Miss Gussle Ledbetter, Holcombe street, $260; T. A.

Davis, Pelham Massive Mahogany Chiffonier Massive Mahogany Chiffonier, Colonial pattern, rope twist post, with long French plate mirror, four long and two short drawers. Regular price $72.50, special Mission Porch Furniture Solid oak, bolt construction Mission Porch Furniture, quantity limited, extra special, Settee $1 Arm Rocker Arm Straight (jjl A A Chair Circassian Walnut Wasfistand Circassian Walnut Washstand, fitted with mirror 24x28 with commode compartment, two short, one long linen drawer. Regular d1 A AO price $27.00, special l.O Paige pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery. The penalty for such an offense is from two to ten years. Quarantine Violator Fisted.

Howard McLaln pleaded guilty of violating the quarantine law and was fined $10. He brought cows here from Lowndes county. The case against Lee McLaln was not prossed. The case against John Alex Kelly, charged with embezzlement, was nol prossed. The plaintiff in the case waa an Insurance company with headquarters In Missouri.

At the last term of court Kelly was tried but the Jury Ed Redd, charged with burglary and grand larceny, was found not guilty, and Jake Williams, charged with stealing dbtton seed from William A. Gun-ter, pleaded guilty. large enough to be composed of strictly Shriner, thirty In number. Ceremonial I Plaaned. nn-r ovoma.

ha, hAen destcnated aTC0KEmfcssn.R caxar Temple was but a small organ street, $200; W. C. Fuller, McDonougb PAPER AWARE street, $20; Winter and Loeb, Sutter street, $100; Belton Murphy, Jeff Davis avenue, $10; E. H. B.

Warren, Warren's Court, $10; and A. J. Brown, Chandler street, $50. POSTMASTER IS APPOINTED. $65.00 Postmaster Clem T.

Fitzpatrlck has been notified from Washington, D. of the appointment of Fannie Mills as postmaster at Shortersville, Henry county, Ala. ization In numDers ana aiso young in membership and that Its potentate has been a representative at the council but twice, while other candidates belonged to larger and older temples and had been to the annual gatherings many times and also had been candidates before. With a membership of 1,000 It la believed that this will offset this contention, giving numerical strength, and will show to other temples and the Imperial Council Just what Alcasar Temple has done in two years, when It Btarted with a membership of but 216 charter meifroers. It is now larger than the one at Mobile, which is fifteen years old.

At the meeting in Minneapolis next June the band and patrol wiU attend. The band has been reorganised Heretofore, in order to get the proper Instrumentation, It was necessary to have a few musicians who were not Shriners. Now the band has grown to assist W. D. Hallowel lln the lead DAVIDSON JEWELRY CO.

17 Commerce St. HEADQUARTERS FOR JEWELRY WATCHES DIAMONDS Expert Watch Repairing. Phone 789 ership of musicians. Within the next week or two the band and the patrol will hold an outing near the city and practice marches will be the order of the day. ftu.

iv.i Kior K.r.mnrlal of the tem Dr. Arthur J. Jessel, the American dentist to the Royal Court of Sweden, who was recently knighted by King Gustavus was formerly a resident of Buffalo, N. where he was graduated from the University of Buffalo' dental school. ple since the movement to Increase the membership to l.uuo na dooh inaugurated, will be held during the month of November.

It Is expected that there will be a class of about 160 to initiate at that time: The Impe-j-. H.nrv Nledrlnarhaus PAIN Mahogany Chiffonier Mahogany Chiffoniers, fitted with oval French plate mirror, dust proof bottom, mortise slats, four long and two short drawers. Regular price $35.00, C1CQQ $10.30 Walnut Chiffonier Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, large French bevelled plate mirror, dust proof compartment, four long and two short drawers. Regular price $35.00, $10 QQ special 3 pc Living Room Suite Three Piece Living Room Suite, fumed finish, William and Mary period, cane backs, spring seats, upholstered in imported figured tapestry.

A $60 special of St. Louis, will be invited to be present. nrkn. iut YHr chairman of the general committee is out of the city. for the summer.

ut vice-chairman, will be in charge of the work. MANY DELEGATES HERE ATTENDING CHURCH MEETING TneFnlandef si -a Main Work Is to Raise ietfened New Englander Davenport Bed Money For Colored Schools INJHE BACK? Use Speedway Liniment It goes right to the spot and brings soothing relief. Makes muscles limber up oils up the Joints and makes you forget your trouble in no time. Nothing equals Speedway liniment for relieving rheumatism, lumbago and such ailments. It penetrates does Just what is needed for livening up the circulation and building up your system.

You can put it on full strength rub It on right out of the bottle. It does not harm or blister but It certainly does the business better than anything we ever knew of. Acts like magic never fails. Speedway Liniment has brought relief to thousands of sufferers. Sold in 25c, BOc.

and $100 bottles. Try a bottle and see how it reliever you. Money back Is It does not. Better get the large bottle and give it a good trial Use "it night and morning. If your case is bad.

soak a little of the liniment Into a flannel cloth and apply as a bandage. Leave it on over night. Step in and ask for a bottle today at McGehee J. JohnBton Moore, E. G.

Fowler, Exchange Drug Co, Hamrlck Drug Co. The conference and convention ns" the Methodist Episcopal church for the Montgomery district Is In session at the Saint Paul Methodist Eplscooal Responsible Banking Regardless of any special kind of service the banker may render, responsibility is a necessity. This bank has resources of OVER FOUR MILLIONS, and its fast-growing list of depositors eloquently testifies to its safe and satisfactory management. We invite YOUR business on the basis of our record for responsibility, and promise you the height of service and the depth of interest in your welfare. The Fourth National Bank church, corner Ripley and High streets.

Kev. William Jones, of this city, Is the president of this conference and lit isasil II convention. The Englander Davenport Bed, metal frame, upholstered in blue denim; one operation for open- A large number of delegates are In JsdD'van, attendance, coming from a territory including Union Springs, Troy, Booth, Mobile and Pensacola, Fla. ing or closing bed. Limited Regular 0 i rn 1 ij i price yiu.jv, $12.50 The work of this conference and convention is to raise money from among the members of the colored race for the schools of the denomination, especially central Alabama Institute located at Birmingham.

The work of the convention is also to reach the young people of this vast territory and save them to a life of right living. Efficiency Is the slogan of these meetings both in the addresses and debates. Among the most distinguished members In attendance are Dr. J. B.

P. Shaw, president of the Central Alabama Institute, Birmingham, Dr. G. W. Lewis, pastor at Mobile, Karpen Three-Piece Overstuffed Living Room Suite, full spring seats and back, upholstered in imported figured tapestry, consisting of settee, arm 7 1 rocker and arm chair.

$120.00 regular, special Is IO A Three-Piece Solid Mahogany Parlor Suite, upholstered in imported figured tapestry, consisting of settee, arm chair and arm rocker. 0 7 CJ GOOD NIGHT Makes Happy Homes because mosquitoes cannot stay in the homes where Good Night is used. You really tret a good night's rest by the use of a bottle of Goodnight. Price 15c J. Johnston Moore "Montgomery's Standard Drue Store" Phone 362-363 8 Dexter ptJS.f Regular $62.50, special Price ij 75c Massive four-shelf Mission Magazine Rack, well finished and strongly constructed.

Regular $1 .50, special Rev. J. C. Carson, of Pensacola, Rev. James R.

Houser, principal of the Industrial School at Autaugavllle, Ala. Rev. William Jones Is at the head of the district 'and is doing much to uplift the young negroes of this territory. Mrs. Shaw and Lewis have Just recently returned from the general conference of the church at Saratoga Springs, N.

Y. Several of these men are well educated and are doing excellent service for the race. The health of the colored people comes In for a large part of the discussions and addresses of the conferences. Dr. Shaw delivered the educational address Thursday at 10 o'clock.

Dr. G. W. Lewis, of Mobile, will preach tonight. The address of Dr.

Shaw made a lasting Impression on the conference. Rev. J. C. Carson preached an eloquent introductory sermon Wednesday night.

At each night of the session which will last all the week sermons and addresses will be delivered. Quincy, III, Papers Are Cutting Down (Associated Pre.) QVINCY. Aug. 17. Publishers of the yulncy Dally Papers took steps at a meeting tonight toward eliminating features, cutting down extra pages and hewing strictly to the line In an effort to economize on print paper.

Reductions in mechanical forces ar contemplated this week. Mahogany Sideboard, Colonial pattern, round posts, scroll feet, French plate mirror, long linen xlrawer, individual door compartments. C7at A Regular price $1 10.00, special pDsUU Sample Massive Brass Bed in satin folet finish, full size only. CCA A A $100.00 value, special ipuU.UU Commercial Body For Ford Chassis a flag Spoco 38x60 inch. fast die Thing for any kind of Light Delivery.

Doable doors in rear with glass, glass side lights: Substantial eonatraetioa, hardwood frame well ironed; auto steel panels, imitation leather cuxhim; hinged lasr back; high clasa painting, two shades' green. Shipped knocked down to save freight; any good mechanic can get up and place on chassis in two hours. Made in thousand lots, hence) low pries. Lettering by expert extra: 10c each for gold leaf, and 8c each for painted letters. Tmw $10 with mrdmr, balance on receipt, f.

o. b. Rock HUL No dUcoanf or commhmion to anybody, $41.83 iw absolutely lowmt price, so aWt Part rim by tenting. Send your order snd yon will receive the greatest bargain you ever saw. Reference: Bradstreet snd Dun.

ANDERSON MOTOR CO Successors to Rock Hill Buggy Rock Hill, S. C. Gray Kid Lace Boots For Women $8.00 the Pair. Campbell Shoe Co. 31 Commerce St.

One of the biggest legacies music has ever received la the $700,000 fund recently left by Bryan Lathrop of Chi. cago..

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