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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PACB TWO BLYTHEVILLE. COURIER NEWS FRIDAY, MAY 8, Society Calendar Friday Tlie Dorcas Sunday Echool dnss ol lijc First Baptist church Is meeting at the home of Mrs. W. E. Marshall with Mrs.

S. J. McDcur- maur.imd MK, J. M. Fowler as Tile! Sas Kak Ra Rook club is mooting will) Mrs.

'ilieodore Lo- Saturday Mis Peggy McKcel Is entertaining the Saturday Night Supper There will bo a free story Hour nt tht library for children HI 10:30 Sunday Tii'ere will 'tjd a Mother's Day program at the Temple Israel us a part, the Installation service lor Ihc'B'uai IJ'rlth lodge. Win-'Honors, Miss Martha Chambers, daugh- ter bi Mr. nnd Mrs. fl. L.

Chambers, auxllMtss Elizabeth Haley, daugh- tcr Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Haley, hart'' won new honors at Blue college, Blue Mountain, nest year Miss Chambers elected president of the sopiioniore class and Miss Haley, vhdMtliis year, served as president of fie junior class, will be member ai the annual staff for her senior year.

For Vanity's Sake Tarty. i Mrs- Ben Cooper was hostess to six of bridge players lust cvcniiig at Vicr home on Davis avc- nuei'Pink Radiance loses enhanced Iheicplor scheme of green and pink alsrf'carried out In other pretty gar(Ien' howcrs and in the refreshments: of Bavarian cream, individual sandwiches and lemon Book ends went to Mrs. Marvin Chappelle for the high score prize and cut prise, a set of plaques, Miss Morion Burns JiSrs'- Marvin Ctoppells and Mrs. L. Bt'Story were guests of Stewart yesterday afler- uooivwhen she also entcrlained the Matinee Bridge club.

Carrol Blakcmore won the club; prize, bath powder, and conipact went Mrs. Stoiy for hieij'jimong guests. 'Hie hostess served strawberry shortcake with coffee. 1 Entertains Club. Thursday, medibtrs and one guest, Mrs.

Jas. H. were guests of Mrs. Everelt Gee yesterday for luncheon bridge game. tulips nnd roses formed preily- centerpieces for the small hmthcon tables arranged for (he 'Golf balls went lo Mrs.

J. A. the high score and Mrs. bride, was presented an ivy Mis. Victor Bray cntertalnrxl members of the Young Matrons Bridge club and a guest, Mrs.

John W. Thursday afternoon. A-double deck of cards went to P. Veaiey for the and Mrs. Snydcr was presented a guest Refreshments were pineapple sa strawberries topped with whipped cream and iced tea.

IVirii' Atmi. Ivllss Mary Virginia Capcharl daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Noble of Holland, won firs' honors in the piano contest of the district meet in southeast Mksotir May i'. Mis? Capchart Is a pupil of Mrs John R.

Priest of this city. Complimented Mrs, C. H. Morgan was hostcs. shower party at her hom at Thursday evening complt renting Mrs.

J. E. Krcch wh her recent marriage Owens. She now livesTat Yarrb. The assortment ot giftSj were displayed and later in 1 the, refrcslimcnls of peach dessert and cake was served 1.1 wltBJ'hot chocolate.

There were 15 guests. Club J. H. Elkins was hostess to the i. members of the Mid-Weck Bridge club and Mrs.

Earl Koontz BY JOAN SAVOY Service Writer (Coato from Lord and Taylor, New York.) because it Is mighty smart ove white a bit later on, mid right nos It you linvi-n't chic separate dressmaker coat hanging In your closet, your confidence should be near low ebb. For not only are they necessary articles in every woman's wardrolic but they arc so flattering this year liat even if you didn't need one ought to have it anyway, just 'or vanity's sake. Soft, sleek, they look like dresses because! they' fit so beautifully and actually are dressy. them do astonishing their sleeves, daring Most of hlngs to them, flaunting them, buttoning hem or puffing them so that you nimediatcly grow a little bit arm conscious and are apt to make sure you liave good gloves to go with lie in. Dark blue nnd black arc the best for the average wardrobe, hough there's no denying the aii- henlicity of brown this year.

As a matter of fact, It you're Miss Modern you'll probably preler brown good over all kinds of prints am plain things. Two of the newest coals accent uate the way sleeves and neckline are stylized. A lighter than nav blue wool crepe hss a youthfu looking monk's collar fringed a around Its outer edge anil where 1 -fasletis xm one shoulder. Shouli you want to open this collar who; tlie day grows wanner, it swing down Into a scarf and there yo are. still smartly fringed.

Th sleeves open like shirt sleeves, fns tcnlng with white buttons, and illicit is ver ymodcrn. The other coat, a very soft, slice brown crepe, has the most Intrigi ing sleeves lliat round out, are ope along (lie lower edge of ttiat cape cull nnd then have narrow, tight culls around the wrist. Tliesc cuffs, as well ns the entire facing of the coat's front, are finished In brown grosgrain, with a piping of while that trickily tells the affinity brown and white have this year. The brown lint, is banded in while. Bits Mostly Personal Mr.

and Mrs. J. A are In lemphls today. Mrs. T.

G. Seal and baby or went to Memphis today to rc- leivc treatment at the Gartlay- lamsey hospital. EvDi-olt n. Gcc is attending tc inslncss In Memphis today. C.

V. Scliaugh has returned fron trip Lo Walnut Ridge. Paul Ilotie will arrive homi evening from Memphis where ic underwent an operation for ap- ttndlcHls. lie will be accompan ed hy his parents, the Hev. am Mrs.

P. Q. Rorto, Mr. Rorle havlm jni- down yesterday. John Caudlll, who attends th University of Missouri at Colum bla, Is spending the week-end wit ils parents, Mr.

and Mrs. G. 3nudlll. Mrs. K.

Alexander, who ha icen ill from influenza for a week is belter. The Rev. Alfred S. Harwell an J. P.

Tompkins attended meet "ng of Hie board of Jonesboro col cge in Jonesboro last night. Mrs. Clarence Vollmer an (laughter, Anne, spent, yesterday 1 Memphis. Mrs. George M.

Lee is 111 at he home on West Ash street. Mrs. Joe Von Almen is vislttn her mother in Trimble, for several days. J. E.

Crlln Is in Memphis at the Polyclinic for an operation to remove rools from his gums, lie expects to return home tomorrow. Mrs. Crllz is with him. Miss Corn Colcman. home agent, is nl New Liberty this afternoon for demonstration in cunning chicken given before the Women's Demonstration club.

Miss Willie A. Lawson returned If st night from Hot Springs where she attended the nnnual meeting of the National Congress of Parents-Teachers. Miss Mnmie Blythe will arrive tonight from Llttlo Rock to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Greene.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stevens hnvc as their guests for several Mrs.

A. L. Pentecost and T. J. Edmondson.

of Rnlcvlllc, Miss. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Greene, who have recently returned to Osccola to spend the summer nftcr visiting In California, and Seattle, for tlie past nine months, arc guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Roland Green for several days. Mrs. J. J. Reeves of nipley, Is the guest, of her daughter, Mrs.

Petty Crawford, this week. Chnrlcs Crlgger who underwent a minor operation at the Memphis Baptist hospital Wcdnes- BRIDGE BY mi. E. McKENNEY Secretary American Rridgc League- Tile forcing system Is without a doubt the most popular bidding system used by contract bridge players today. This system cannot be credited to any one particular authority as live expert players throughout, the country have all contributed sonielhlnu to its cle- velpmcnt.

Tliere nre iwi'liajis more books written on the forcing system than on all other syilcins cosn- Eacli authority lias his particular variation which he feels comes closer lo producing satisfactory in particular situations. Every authority today uses ionic find of forcing or demand bid. A forcing or demand bid is declaration made which signifies certain card holding and requires partner to keep the bid- yesterday for game. a luncheon and The 1 luncheon table for the course menu was set with crystal glassware and white dishes "with pink Radiance a crystal bowl. Red and other flowers from the 'hostess 1 own pretty flower gar- suit.

c. g. You held: Offensively this hand will take day will return home tomorrow. His father, his sister, rs. Bernard Gooch and Mrs.

Crigecr. Imv already returned. Mr. and jjis. P.

N. Luttrell leave todny for Memphis nnd Dycrsbiirg, to six-nd Mothers' Day with their mothers. in case the left hand arranged in the the bridge game. living opponent of tlie forcing bidder passes. Our nc.xt few articles will explain the straight forcing system with all of its popular variations including those of the writer.

It is not necessary that a player understand auction before he take up contract. As a matter of fact it Is more difficult for one who has just a fair knowledge of auction to change over to contract, as they will constantly use auction tactics which will not produce satisfactory resulls due to the exactness cd in contract bidding. The first thing the beginner at contract must learn is lo value his hand In ways: equir- won the club prize," hosiery, and Mrs. Koontz was presented a set of individual powder puffs. Wait Meets The Upstrcamers Sunday class the Church of the Nazar- c-ne met last evening at thchome of Miss Imogcnc Morgan 0:1 Ihe North) highway.

The: 11 members present played games after aUending to the bus- iness.VThe hostess served dainty retrehments. inarriagc of Miss Lillian In- and Qal- IXtcnsivcly-thc number of tricks It will take if opponents the hand. probable, number of tricks it will take when played ot your own or partner's best six tricks if played at liearls. but us say against a club declaration by is doubtful if it will even take trick. The ace of hearts will naturally kill olf the king of hearts and in all probability your queen of will be trumped.

While if you held the following: Spa i Olfcnslvcly yon can count the ace and king of spades for two i tricks, the fourth spade if played spades as one probable trick, and the ace and king of hearts and ace of diamonds, giving you six probable tricks If played at spades. Defensively you hold live quick tricks. While the first hand contains six probable tricks if played at hcartr. It has no defensive value and therefore does not have the requirements for an original bid. The second hand has the same number ot probable Iricks.

but it also contains five defensive tricks high ci.rd tricks to make a forcing two bid, but. no', quito enough probable but is an unusually strong ing bid. (Copyright, 1931, NEA Service, Inci Mississippian Enlists Here Army Service MISSISSIPPIAN Frank Diliworth. of Blue Mountain, diluted in the United Stales army through the local recruiting station. He has been sent to Fort Uobinson.

for training in artillery duties. in the dough. Then In the oven. Vou can be sine of perfect bakings in ITfBAKING IW Courier News Want Ads Pay. POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER 4O YEARS 25 for 25c MIUIOHSOF POUNDS USED 'BY OUR COVCRNMIHT.

Jv lian ot Roscland. took place here yesterday with Justice Ownr Alexander performing the ceremony." Has Mrs. Gordon Harris was hostess to 20 girl friends last evening for a "pajama" party. Dnncing and cards were enjoyed until late wijtn delicious refreshments were served. Read Courier News want ads.

Get Happy! DRS. MRS MES OSTKOP.YTH1C PHYSICIANS Hemorrhoids (PILES), VAicoscd Veins also Skin Cancers nnd Malignant Moles removed without surgery. Weak and Fallen Arches Corrected, Clinic 514 Jttln Phone 03 Formerly Clarence Sounders Store BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY Healthful Ib. Largo No. Keel Triumphs Povjud Large Ciiliforniit Dozen CABBAGE Fm 1 Cli (ir ls LEMONS ADPIfC 1)el 'S Newton's I LEO Pippins.

Pounds GARDEN PEAS Tcn: Mil I 1 1 1 1 Strawberries Evaporated 6 small or 3 large cans Standard Quality TOILET TISSUE For Jellies Preserves CORNED BEEF Sunset ol tl, Kiincy Fruit in Sunset Goltl or Minaret. Limit ound MUSTARD ROLLS Hcsl Ounnlaleil. Limit 1(1 Pounds Compound 8-Lb. Vail S7e a ii Piu-e S-Lb. Pail S1.C3 Pail Old Rose.

Plain or Sclf-Hising. -IS-Lb. Swk 24-Lb. Sack Avondalc, Fniu'y Queen, Full (Juart Jar. Each 2-l-Lb.

Sack -17c Sack l-ibby's Sliced No. 1 Can 12e; 2 1 Can CRACKERS Crystal White or 10 bars Country Club. Assorted Pure Fruit Flavor, a Pkus. PEACHES Stringlcss. No.

2 Cm 3 Cuns Kvi'r-Good, Ccnttr Slices, One-Half or Whole Pound Ji I 2 SPARE RIBS Home Killed 4 Pound JL PIG BRAINS NECK BONES PORK ROAST K. C. liecf. Shoulders LI), lilr: Thick Kih Uriski-l, Pound Full Dressed. Lh.

Hens, Pound VEAL ROAST K. C. iicef Thick Hib Pound PIG LIVER I'resh Pound Sliced Pound All Pork 1 Found iiu'si Side KB IA Pure or Compound.

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