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The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 3

Montgomery, Alabama
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THREE SEPTEMBER 19, I9IO MONDAY HORNING THE MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER that Is all that Is necessary. If the publishers' of hymnbooks do care to print them, that's the publishers' concern; they will be handed down by New Sidney: School neressery, also what plants are best adapted to the soli of the vicinity. business men and farmers are deeply interested in the work, and It Is understood that the new departure, for this county, -In sclentitlo agriculture, will be In operation within a few weeks. oral tradition, as In the days when books were painfully band-written and too rare and too dear for the poorer fclk to buy. The mistake of Jadgroenl business TO FIGIIMEEVIL EfcoIcgislWill Tell Then How.

V- VVV will be not that of the people who ob stinately continued to love the good old hymns, but that of the critic who think that whatsoever things are sew. tangled are the things the people ought to be trained to me some Idea or comparison with the things of the world I have led, so 1 ran find myself and grasp this." said Balnt Peter, "you know what a cent was, down there "Ves." That's the same as a million dollars up And you know what a minute was down lucref -yes." That's the same as a hundred thousand yeara up here." The Jackson man pondered for quite a time. Then he approached Balnt Peter again, and said: "Saint Peter, lend me a oent, will youT" "I will," replied Saint Peter, "in a minute." Uatur day Evening post. Buckles probably will be as popular as ever en gowne and bate this tali. The satin-covered ones of unique shapes are being shown in some of the shops.

THE BH1TISH MERCHAKT MAJUMB- The British Government has issued a blue book showing the progress of merchant shipping in the United King REGRO CATERER AN MONROE STREET THOUGHT TO BE CRAZY Information was, received at the Montgomery County Jail Sunday that a negro Ellse King, who operates a restaurant on Monroe Street, bad become Suddenly crasy, or that he was In a moat peculiar Deputy Sheriff Borland Ellis brought the negro to Jail where he was looked up for safe keeping. The negro was not and Injured no one by his peculiar antics, but It was thought proper to look him In Jail where he would hava opportunity of Injuring anyone, and where attention could be. given him. Sunday afternoon the negro seemed to be erased of religion and was singing loudly and praying In the Jail. dom and the principal maritime countries, the latest complete figures be f'BAT JIAKE Experimental Farm Wirk lo be Kaiataisci ing for ltos.

In that year the total British and foreign steam tonnage in cargo and in ballast which was entered and cleared In the foreign trade at porta In the United Kingdom was 124.. 4TI.747, against 118.470,874 Jn 107. T.h proportion of British steam, tonnage ANNOUNCEMENT. mm who bellevM that the mad Bvery waa 60.1 per. cent, compared with to man's heart turona-h sua Mom' should by 6Udaaaoar Union, the pertci per cent.

In 1S07: The percentage or British tonnage has shown a steady ask your ameer. 111 i i i I i i decline smce 1(70. SCIENTIFIC AGRICITI.TIJIUS WILL BE IS OPERATION IN HOHTOOM. EllY COV'STY WITHIII A FEW WEEKS." An Interesting table- shows the con tinual predominance of British ships In trade with the United States, up PUNSFORCaSSIONERS IX9CRANCB MEM TO BE BHEAK-. FASTtfa AT EXCHANGE, Reevptloa Committee ef Oae Hamdree Hea Will Meet Train, and Take Delegates ts Aito Ride.

to the year I860 the United States merchant marine enjoyed by far the larger part of this trade, but In 1108 out a total tonnage entered and cleared In the United Kingdom of the tonnage of British vessels was Sacred Heart Academy, EELMA, ALABAXIA. Boarding School for Young Ladies and Little Girl. Preparatory, Collegiate. Special attention paid to Music, Stenography, Typewriting. For Terms Apply.

SISTER SUPERIOR. 479, and of tha United States vessels only 826.271. Excluding vessels registered at Final arrangements are being made for the reception and entertainment of the Insurance Commissioners of the United States who will be In Mont Shanghai the total amount of tonnage gomery September 16, for two hours, on register In' the British Empire has shown a steady progress slnoe I8i6-the first year given; the total rose from 4,231,861 In that year to 8.447,171 In 1eS0. 10.751,862 rln 1900, 106 and 13.263,364 In 1908. It Is stat ed that owing to the different scales of registration adopted by different nations, no trustworthy comparison Is possible with the growth of the merchant navies of other nations, i while on their way to the national convention to be held in Mobile.

Montgomery Insurance men will entertain the visitors, through the Business Men's League, at a breakfast to be given In the Exchange Hotel, and later, will take the Insurance men through the city in motor cars. A reception committee of 100 men will greet the visitors upon their arrival. Among those on the committee are: Mayor Gaston, Ounter, Lieutenant Governor Henry B. Gray, Hon. H.S.

Dent, S. J. Cassels, A. C. Sexton and others.

Addition to Montgomery System of Public Schools "Which Will Add Materially to Courses of Instrue- tion and. Number of Pupils. 1 iXEOICAL COLLEGE OF THB STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CtharlestoB), 8. C. Medicine and Pharmacy Hxt session opens October 1st, 1414.

Calm-passed CUnloal advantages ottered by the NEW ROPER HOSPITAL Ons of the largest and best equipped his-pltals In the South. Bxtenslva outdoor and Dispensary service ander control ef the Faculty. Nine appointments eaeh year for tradu-ntes In Medicine for Hospital and Dispensary nrvtcea Medloal and Pharmaceutical Lab. oratories recently enlarged and fully equip- nod. Praotleal work for medical and phsr-maosutlcal students a special feature, oi Catalogue oddress, JtOHEBT pvUiMN, M.

Dean, Or. Qaoosi aad Fraaklla Strest, I Charleston, a. of the' criminal court at a late hour last night returned a verdict of guilty Saint Fete Scored. Hannla Taylor, formerly Minister to Spain and a great Constitutional authority, once lived In Mississippi, and has a great fund of Southern; stories. He told, recently, of the man from Jackson, Miss, Who died and went to heaven After he had besn there a few days he went up to Saint Peter and said: "Saint Peter, as you I am from Jaokson, Mississippi, a middling small city, and I can't get used to this bigness up here.

It's beyond mi; I can't grasp It. I wish you would give Sidney Lanier HighSchool Per feet in Every Detail WILL ADVERTISE FAIR BUSINESS HEX TO INAUGURATE EXTENSIVE CAMPAIGN, of assault with intent to murder. Julian Suggs, the young white boy, was 'given a sentence for assault and battery of six months In prison and a fine of $250, and In default of payment he will serve an additional, six months. In response1 t6 en urgent request mad by members of the Business Men' League, Dry B. Hinds, pro-lessor of entomosolg-y at Auburn, will deliver an address before the members of the organisation Tuesday blRbt at o'clock.

Dr. Hinds has spent many years in the study ef the boll weevil and means of combatting-ttho pest will be -th subject of his speech. Members of the League says that this Is one of the llvest topics of the day In Montgomery, because' the city Is agricultural headquarters of the State and does most of Its business through the farm country. Because of the absence of President B. J.

Cassels, Second Vice President J. Kirk Jackson will preside. Other speakers to be introduced are: S. C. Phelps, who- acting for -the Government, Is arranging for demonstration farms throughout Southern Alabama.

He will place before the leading men of the county and city the necessity for the establishment of such a farm close to the city. It is the Intention of the Business Men's League to later Increase the value- of this farm to the proportions of an experiment station, dealing not- only wfth the boll weevil fight and cotton culture, but embracing demonstration and experimental work with corn, oats, peas and alfalfa. Government Funds. For the advancement of this work the government has made an appropriation of 625.000. This will be divided among the counties that show an Interest In the work.

The sum apportioned to Montgomery county will be supplemented by men of the county. The farm work, with stress laid on the battle against the boll weevil, is, in this State, to be under supervision of B. L. Morse, of the Department of Agriculture. Mr.

Morse Will be In Montgomery October 1. The following named counties have taken up the work by supplementing the-government appropriation as' follows: Sumter $1,200, Dallas 11,500, Mobile 11,000. Marengo county leads with reheral supplementary sums, maintaining sixty-two has been'-estimated that for an upto-date experimental' farm may be established from which the planters of he vicinity may secure all the information necessary, as governed by their Immediate surround- Ings, to- combat the weevil and also learn from the expert In -charge what grade and quantity atertlllaer Is Committee Will De II oat of Its Work Through Stickers oa Baggage Southern Casapalga Plained. dustrial and domestic science In the uew- high school. THE OLD HTM ICS.

KEEP COOL-KEEP HEALTHY' Pride of Montgomery Public School System Wilt Accommodate Eight Hundred Pupils on Opening of Year September 26. How They Have Beea Take lata the Hearta of the People. Philadelphia Ledger, The proposal to eliminate "From Greenland's Icy Mountains" from the list of hymns to appear In a new missionary hymnal has aroused both cler An extensive campaign will open Monday, conducted by the publicity committee of the Business Men's League, to( advertise the Alabama Agricultural and Industrial Exposition to be at Montgomery October 1S-28. The committee will dofhost of Its work through the placing of lota of stickers with the hotel people, trans- "When tired, warm or run down, shake gymen and laymen, to whom the old a little BATHASWfcfcTm the tub when bathing. BATHASWEET softens and perfumes the water instantly.

ajJofawiaatwaeosj. IT'S WORTH A TRIAL BATCHELLER IMPORTING NEW YORK ler men ana oiners in position place them, Different matters, relating' to gen Formal Eleerloa Today. 18 (Special) The city general election will be held in Mobile and several other Alabama cities tomorrow. Mobile will elect a full municipal ticket. Including mayor, president of the board ef aldermen, members of that body.

members of the board of publlo works and the Police commission. There Is no opposition to Democratic nominees, and as a consequence the election wllL be void of Interest and merely formal. Pali Lyons v. will be returned as tnayor for the third term; Francis J. Inge will be re-elected president of the Board of.

Aldermen, with these members: W. C. Carroll, J. C. Sullivan.

Arthur. B. Stiles, Joseph H. Nor-vllle, Thomas Smith, Foster K. Hale, John Craft, H.

T. Inge, Manuel J. N. McAleer, Thomas Kaver, Charles Z. Colsson, George T.

LyndalL Oeorge J. Flournoy. New members of the Board of Publlo Works will be Dr. J.ttD. Terrlll and Charles Shaffer--.

1 eral development will be treated of In articles to- "be sent to The committee will also Interview travelling men working for locar concerns, and get them lined up to for Montgomery. WILL REPORT OUT THE FAIR. Specialists of Diseases of 2nd hymns represent, a wealth of tender sentiment and association, which means to them a great deal more than considerations of rhetoric, metrical structure 6r musical science. The objection appears to have been made that Bishop Heber's famous mlsisonary hymn "apostrophizes mountains and winds and rivers" -but so does "America," With its frank reference to rooks and rills and templed hills. If those who object to the hymn on the ground that It "emphtsazes natural nature rather than reveal religion" are unable, to look through nature up to nature's God, to be consistent they should deprecate the Inclusion In their manual of worship of Addison's magnificent hymn, "The Spacious Firmament on High." The inspirational value of a hymn Is to be judged In large measure by Its pcpular reception.

The good that it hae done to thousands to sing It la -the true test and not the academic decision of a committee or council e- edt Mors. A hymn like "The Morning Light is Breaking" la nothing much as literature, it makes no pretension of Complete In 'every detail the Sidney Lanier. High School will receive almost 800 pupils upon the opening of the fall session of the public school system of Montgomery on September 2. For more than a year the construction -of tha building has been rushed, and even now there remains two unfinished rooms which the contractors say they will have In shape within the week. The new school is the pride of the School Board and of Superintendent Floyd, and was built after the most careful inspection of the model-schools, of the Northland East.

trip through the new' Sidney Lanier High School-building. at the corner of Scott and streets would be sufficient to convince the most critical eye that the building Itself as well, as the arrangements re In thts 'building there. class nouh to-accommodate altogether about 800 students Each room is arranged with a. view to having 'perfect The chairs, desks and blackboards, are of the latest design and" and each class room Is -perfect. la addition to the class rooms, there are laboratories, lecture rooms and ample accommodations for the officers of the school, a suite of six 'rooms having been set.

apart for use of the administration. off leers, Fate MoWIe Ceaaty Skew Ts Be Deterailaed Tonight. 6ept. Special) After twe postponements, because of the death In the family of President John Craft, the Agricultural Committee of the Mobile Commercial Club, In charge of the proposed Mobile County Fgrr," wtll 'meetr" nighty when. It Is expected Jthat chairmen -f the sub-corritrtltteet fwlll make their report.

The ezectuive body will hear the report of a committee named to secure a donation from the Board of Revenue and Road Commissioners. This report will show Ithat the commissioners appropriated $500 towards the funds necessary to make the fair a success. finance committee will report- progress. WB TREAT AND CTJU ALL CTBABLX DISEASES. Gil SPECIALTIES: IITOT TOISOK, BKIW QOfTmMTA, NERVOUHNTOS, RliPTURfJ, PII.1S, TrLA.

WOMB TBOTJBLR, FAI.UNO HATH, VAhiro-R AVft KSiOTTED KIONET AT ytAlll TROfTBIJaV AJiO OTUtal IllaEAoKS Of Ui.X AM) WOMJEK. i k' Remember Consultation ExanunafJoa Free If yoo want an honest opinion, eonsnlt us. We make no charges for a friendly talk, or correspondence. Come to us In strict eonSdonoa. We have been aaelosively treating special diseases of men aad women for 14 years.

Nothing that sclsnos can devise or money can buy Is lacking la our offloe eqnlpment Wo will treat you honestly and skillfully and restors yon to health In the shortest time, with tha least medicine, dlaoomfort and expense. Results assured. being a great poem, but It Is a great" CASTOR tiC For Infants and Children, Tlia KIr.d You Hava Always Ecjght SlgSAMtfO Of hymn because It has lent wings to the heavy-laden souls of humankind in every land. A hymn Ilka. "Throw Out the Life Line" may provoke the polite Mobile Births Ana Deaths.

MoUle, ftept. tS-MHpeeial) The following births were recorded at the office of the Board of Health for the' week' ending' September 17: Sam- and Mrs. Newell, Arthur (and Wilhelmenia Bergev Frank W. and Mra Dunlap, Dave S. and Lillian Harry C.

and Birdie Pierce, boys; Clarence P. and Llllle A. Hig-glns, J. H. and Jess(e Eva McEvoy, William B.

and Lula Lee Campbell, H. F. and Bertha Smithy H. Lv and Emily Bodden, Julius E. and Nellie Perez, Frank and Margaret Halght, W.

Tl. and Irene Herrln, girls. The following deaths were recorded for. 'the week ending. September 17: J.

McNeill, Adelle McFadyen, Alexander P. Jordan, Lea M. Jues-nard, Elisabeth, Manlev, Myrtle B. Chllds, Mary Agness Blrgess, Sarah J. Eddingtoh, riAnrnt Hherr.

Alice Nicholas. Max. ridicule of a professor of belle-lettrear If yes cannot call write. SNYDERS GET RELEASE, but roared out lustily In a sailors' mission or on shipboard it has had Its Own unmeasured influence for good. The Salvation Army used many a crude n.t OIBce Bears frass to 1.

to Saadays a to Will Be Trice! Today For Exhibiting fing fifty-two -rooms ln The and homely ballad, but the simple sin Dr. Thomas Spocialist Co. STH VLOOR VANDIVEB COMMERTB 8T, MONTOOMEHY. ALA. For Breen.

SAL i Istenh-tor Rubles. Loulisvlllev Septl 18 Dr. Douglas Snyder and wife-of Pittsburg, Who.were arrested last night follow-ingj the deatli of three 'incubator babies at the state fair here, were released on $500 bond today. Mrs. Snyder putting up her Jewelryj valued at $2,000, as security.

The cases will come op In a magistrate's Court Monday morning. The three tiny victims were burled today in Cave Hill Cemetery at the expense of the doctor. The physician and his wife were arrested on twelve warrants, sworrt out by County Attorney- Scott Bullitt, pharglna: "un-merciful exposure of a child" and "exhibiting for gain or reward an infant under 16 years of age." cerity of the performance by the street choir redeems the banal character- of the song, "Where Is, My Wandering Boy" Tonight?" it is easy enough to poke fun at such hatchet-made verses, but they have reclaimed more wanderers and prodigals -than have been, recaptured by highly paid warbles and cathedral organs. An old hymn Is an famallar friend, and It recalls the past as no power on earth can do. Tha multitude do not much care what the critics think of "Abide With Me," or "Sun of My Soul," or "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing," or "Lead, Kindly Light" or 'All Hall' the Power of Jesus Name." These hymns may or may not bt weighed in the delicate balances of purists and precisians, and be found wanting.

They have long ago been taken to the heart of the people, and Florida Odd Fellowa Off. Pensacola, Sept 18 (Special) A delegation of over fifty Odd Fellows left here today for Atlanta to attend the sessions of Sovereign Grand-Lodge, which convenes there Accompanying the delegation were Grans Benresentatlve Thomas .0 Watson apd Guard' ''U. Williams. The local delegates were Joined by the entire West Florida delegation, and the party, when It left Florida, numbered several, hundred, being the largest number ever to attend a session of the Sovereign Lodge from' this state. RESURRECTION DAY, Unclaimod Express Froigtil THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.

Will Offer at Publlo Sale, at Montgomery, September 24, 1910 Six Hundred Articles, more or less, of Unclaimed Freight, on which the said Express Company has a lien for cost of carriage, storage and sale, unless the same be called for, all charges paid and goods removed before date of sale. 4 1 1 I S. G. KIMSROUGH, Agent. LUCIAN MIIIOR, Ssrinlpnnl MEDICAL COLLEGE OPENS TODAT.

Dean Geede Expects Largest Attead- ance la Tears. Mobile, Sept. 18 (Special) The Mobile Medical College will open Its forty-fifth annual session tomorrow, four days being devoted to the examination of applications for entrance. The ceremonies will be Uriel President Abercrombie, or the University of Alabama, of-which the col IS NOW AT HAND The time has come to resurrect and send to Holt Dye Works all, the heavjjr clothes that were burled away last spring. Telephone 432 for wagon: Adv Schedule Cffectiva March 20 1910 lege Is the medical branch.

Is ex pected to deliver an address to the student body. Dean Ooode, Professor Moody and other members of the faculty will make brief talks to XOBTH BomnL Brealtfast v. We have just received i a large shipment of Fresh Breakfast foods. i If you would enjoy your first meal of the day, try one of these brands: Quaker Rolled Oats Quaker Puffed Wheat Quaker Puffed Rice PettijohnY Breakfast Food. J.

A. Schneider Ke. 14 Lv. ts ground flocuv will De devotea Industrial branches -of. study.j Including the woodworking department and several branches of domestic science as well as a general economical department.

The next two floors will be devoted to academic workv while on', the floor will, be located laboratories, lecture rooms and'rooms for' teaching' of scicnoes. Complete Cyssaaslnm. On the, top. floor -ne of the most complete gymnasiums, for the use both 'male and female students, at different times, of course, has' been On the main floor Is located the. as-' sembly hall.

This. hall Is arranged on the plan of a theatre, and Is in reality a perfect little theatre In Amateur theatricals be held here, and reading and literature societies of. the city will also use the hall. In each room of 4he building there is located clock, regulated, by a master clock in the hall on' the main floor. This has been established in the building to avoid discrepancies in time which are almost unavoidable In the case of a number of Independent clocks.

Also In the room of the principal of the school there is an electrical apparatus through-which the principal may regulate the classes as well as rin the bells In the class rooms signalizing the opening- of studies, and the elose of the day. There fs also a touch button in the office of the principal which will cause a to ring In every room in the building In case of a fire. i Big Fire Escapes. case of fire, a thing not likely as the building Is almost fireproof, the danger would be minimised by the numerous means of escape which have been provided. Each room Is located near a fire escape which leads from the top floor to the ground.

It is a large affair, and Is more on the order of a staircase. The sanitary arrangements In the new building are of the latest design, the rooms being tiled throughout On the top floor there are shower-bath arrangements for the Use of pupils who have been exercising In the gymnasium. Oh each floor there Is located a drinking fountain. In each room there is to be found a telephone which will permit the principal of the school to communicate Instantly with any class room. These telephones will also have a city-connection, and may even be connected with the long distance lines.

Besides the various industrial departments for the male students there has been established on the ground floor a completely furnished dining room with pantry adjoining, and a large kitchen In the rear. Here the girls will be taught to cook, how to set the dining room table, and other domestic features. Perfeet Veatllatloa. The new structure was built with students. Students from Alabama and various parts of the South began arriving here today.

Dean Rhett Qoode expects the number tp matriculate to be the largest In recent years. I Ar. BL Louis. Ke. 1M Lv.

Montsomery." Ar. Tuscaloosa Ar. Shreveport. La, Ar. Oallss, Tu.

Ar. Ft Worth, Tes.t:0 south Borhro. Ha US Lv. St. Ar.

f.l Ke. MT Lv. Tuscaloosa Ar. 11 All trains dally. For farther Information apply May Maaafaerare Colamas.

Tuscaloosa, Sept 18 (Special) For several days timber men have been In Tuscaloosa for the purpose of looking Into the matter locating a plant here for the manufacture of columns from gum cypress and F. Walker and associates of Birmingham, are the promoters of the new company and they have applied for' four acres of land near the Tuscaloosa 'hosiery 'mill. Beoker Gets Long Term. Pensaeoja. Sept.

18 (Speelal Charlffi the negro, who struck a small white boy over the head with a fence rail some weeks ago, and narrowly escaped a lynching at the hands of Infuriated citizens of Plne.Barre, will serve a long term in the penitentiary, as a Jury Oyster CoaunUataa Meets, Mobile, Ala, Sept 18 (Special) Members of the Alabama Oyster Commission will be here tomorrow in regular monthly session, considerable business necessitating Immediate action preparatory to the opening of the Alabama Oyster Commission. Besides disposing of matters concern-ins; the Industry the commissioners will name an inspector for the board. John Lilly of Alabama Port and Warner- Bosrage, of Coden. are 'Candidates T. B.

Ray. a. W. r. A.

1 Oommoree Montgomery. Ala, 'Phone Mil for the office. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrival and departure of trains Ualoa Pa. hdiw ataUoa, Montaomery, Ala Carnal achodulo correct to dats: VKPABIi New Bottitlng At Peaaaeola.

Pensacola, Sept 18 (Special) Excavations will be commenced to morrow for the foundation for another handsome Uulldlng on Palafox street, to be erected by William S. Keyser, who recently acquired a site facing 100 feet on that thoroughfare For Colon Springs. Troy, ADdalnsta. uiaula, Osara, anoricus, Aisuy, Columbus, Macea, Savannah aad innau .4:48 OBL 16 South Perry Street 'Phone 26 Far Union Sprlne. Troy.

Andalatta, on which he will erect a modern building containing several stores, the front to be of ornamental design. SnlauJa. on uames, wmmmtm, Americas, Albany. Columbus. Ma- oa ABBIVB.

The building will cost about $100,000. Free Rheumatism Cure Old, Deep-Seated Cam Take Netleet Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B. in the past 30 years, has cured thousands of Rheumatics after every known remedy has failed.

B. B. B. does this by purifying and enriching the blood sending a flood of vivifying blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, bones and Joints, giving strength and warmth Just where It Is needed. At the same time B.

B. B. kills the active poison In the blood, which causes From savannah. Ausosta. Staeoa, Oslambus, Aioanr.

amsriooa, Osarnv Kufaola, Andalusia, Tror. mnA iTnlnn Sorinas 11:10 From SaTanaab. Ansusta, Maeon. Colonist Excursions coiamnus. aidsdj, aiowiou Dawson, Ft- Oalnos.

Bataula, As aalnsla. Tror. Union Sprlnss. ALL TRAINS DAtLT. For farther InformaUoa wrlu or anlv la The greatest erltif in a.

woman's. Ufa Is when first alia becomes a mother. All tha physical strength of her nature is demanded at audi times; and It la necessary that hev system thorough prepared for the event, la order that her health be preaerred for future ysara. Mother's Friend On. R.

Wrtfht, 141 Monlaomory St, S. I- aurratl, D- T. Moatcomory. rheumatism. In- this way a cure-to- stay-cured is maae.

you nave cone naina. swollen joints, aching back or Seaboard Ut afontromsry tSa nv 4:14 n.m. la woman's safest reliance; it la av zoedielna for external use, composed ef oils Knd other tngredienta which assist nature in all necessary physical changes of the system. Ita regular use before the coming of baby prepares the muscle and tendons for the unusual strain, aids In expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. Mother's Friend lessens the pain October 1 to 15.

A comfortable lie economical trip. Co till Fall aii get a kome ii the fertile Sai Jot quia Yilley. Uni still aay be kit' there at strfaia prices-write C. SeagraVes, Gen. Colonisation Agent.

111S Railway Ex- ohange. Chicajo. for San aauln Valley book and six months' free subscription to The Earth. The expense of the trip Is slight. Railroad fare only IS4.50 from Montgomery to California.

Double Berth In a Santa Fe toorlst sleeper from 8t. Iouis, 66 extra. These cars are modern, sanitary, fully equipped, and are attached to fast trains. Btop-overs sllowsd for Orand Canroa and Palt River Valley, Arl-sona; also at most points ia California. Personally-conducted ex- curslona.

Fred Harvey meals, too. Ask Jaa. n. Carter, Soot a era Pasafr. Aa-t, T.

4 9. T. Ry, 14 H. Pryer St, Atlanta, Oa. Excnrtiou, Sontiwtst, first and third Tuesdays, monthly.

Low round-trip fares. Ar. Amerlcu Ar. Cordelo 1:44 p.m. 1:24 a.m.

Ar. Savannah 4:16 p.m. 4:24 n-m. a View- lO pf rivci TCHiiinuuB aiiu heating. Two enormous boilers will supply heat for the building during the winter months.

This heat will be regulated by a thermometer. In each room. Should the heat go above 70 degrees In the winter, time the apparatus will cut off the Should the heat go below 70 degrees the thermometer will cause the heat to be turned on. The building Is being rushed to completion, and, with the exception of one or two rooms, will' be ready for occupancy when school opens. It Is the Intention of the 'School Board to make the Lawrence street school, formerly the Qlrle High School, a grammar school -for tne seventh grade, and as soon as possible students will be given instruction in in shoulder blades, blood thin or skin even If bed-ridden with the worst rheumatism, give B.

B. B. a trial. We guarantee a perfect lasting cure. B.

-B. B. la a liquid, made up of pure botanic Ingredients and sold by druggists at 11.00 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. We will erad a free trial ef this srcelMn twaseay by saalt, MststaM. mmy mfferer eke write for It, aet fill Mt the arapa below ill saall It Doable finny passenser service to without chanao.

maklna eleoo ennnr. ttoa with Coastwu Stoamships (or all Eastern Points. JlOTiiElS ana danger at the crisis, and leaves the mother in such healthful condition that her recorery is always rapid and natural. Mother's Friend 1 sold at drug stores. Write for ear free hook for expectant mothers.

2AFTLD EEGTJLATOB CO, Atlanta Oa. For fall Information appiy to, S. T. SUBRATT. V.

T. a C. HUMPHBET. C. Ezchanso Rotsl R.

H. BTAKSELL, A o. P. Savannah, Oa. C.

B. RTAJf, O. P. 1 Ports moot h. Vn.

BLOOD BALM CU, Atlanta, Ga. .15. Name Address iuimu juoom Abere schsdole effective January 44, 1414..

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