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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 1

Portsmouth, Ohio
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stocking (silt of course;) -man -wlfh government Chilstmaa presents; today. Forty-one charging -violation of the liquor Jaws been left over nighr by a Sauli ClaTis who closely resembled Emory B. Buckner, C. S. District Attorney at 41 supper clnhsana cafes.

each was a credit card on which It -was moro or less agreeably stated that the sift could and probably vronld be exchanged for padlock within twenty days. Jt Is authoritatively leamJed thai each present was not inscribed with the following ynletiile message: "Best wishes fur a merry Christmas aud a happy New But sucto a message might -well have been given- as state statisticians have floured, 20 from December 23 is January 12 'and Christmas and New Tear's eve are sandwiched in between, these two dates. In the meantime federal agents will make no attempts lo dose the gilded cabarets, restaurants, supper clubs and "speakeasies." laal night's visit by the men of Buckner constituted tho largest single dry drive since the federal attorney introduced tho padlock into prohibition enforcement- Some of the iilght clubs soon to be inado arid have, blossomed forth on the same spot where (mother night club recently was padlocked. This was tlie case with the Club Kentucky, a luxuriously furnished cabaret which began operatin'u after the-Club Hollywpfxl. a ten unt, had been forced out of business by proceedings last spring.

Among the better known arouse the Interest of Buckner were the Maxlne.Supp'rC|ub, quipped with a dozen the White Horse Tavern, whose 'exterior architecture is that of old English I the Chummy which, boasts-It has not had table in months nnd the Texas Tommy, reported to be managed by Tommy Gulnan, brother of who recently held high revel as hostess of the Del Fey club. Two of the Cozy Step In" and the "Hop the same address. One is on the second floor of Madison-avenue building and the other is on the third floor. The "Hop UP" opened only last Saturday. An announcement was issued which described in detail the blissful brass rail of the bars pre- Volstead daya.

"Free lnn'ch'n everything" was advertised. "Breakfast? Ugh, no!" protested Broadway when it had examined Its presents. "Just bring me a pitcher of water, n. towel and some ice." Injunctions Clow Boadhouses CHICAGO. Dec.

24. (UP)--Tlie spirit of Christmas (liquid) may be found in downtown Chicago--but not in the outlying districts. Federal Adam Cllffc Issued 40 Injunctions closing that number of cafes and madhouses In the Chicago suburban district. MRS. COOLIDGE SOOTHES FRIGHTENED CRIPPLE WASHINGTON, Dcr, 21--(A.

scarnt. Won't you take me in your a- tiny cripple, ach- eil Sirs. Coolidjre wlien a fUihlltht flared 1 as she was making a. Christinas lour of a hospital. She kissed away the (ears and the tot smiled.

Xmas No rune To Be Sentimental EW TOEK. Dec. 24--rAPJ Chra-teius is so time Joe a holdup to jrt -M-nrhne-ntil. tn the opinion of ons -m-ho up Broadway milJineiT $900 from cash Srawer last midnight Mrs. P-ralme Tamer, proprietor of tie shop, her lister, durin; the three the armsd man irai in their him to a little money behind.

"Nothing dotes, 1 he "IVs too near Christmas." Russia Not Blame For a i a STANFORD UNIVERSITY. December copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Russian ministry held July 24, 1914, shed new light on the part Russia played Jn the stirring events preceding the World War has lecn found in the war--library here 'and has been by Robert C. Binkley. These- minutes, which ilr. Binkley says have not been cited in all the ten years' efforts to fix responsibility for the war, are said to show- that Rnsain, instead of helping to precipitate the war by.

urging Serbia to resist Austria, as has been charged, took exactly the opposite course. They represent Foreign Minister Sarzanov as advising Serbia to refrain from armed resistance and other ministers as approving this The document also records that the ministers gave their approval to Snr- zanov's proposal to get'in touch with the other European powers in an effort to persuade tho Austro-Hunga- rlan government to grant Serbia a delay in her reply to Austria's ulti- 'rhatum resulUng from the assassina- on Arch Duke Francis Fer- Inand at Sarajevo. The meeting uf the Russian ministry was held 1 on the ay after Austria issned her ultl- fiAMBONFS MEDITATIONS By J. P. AHey CThe three Mse Jtteit May Seal Mine To Put Out Fire BEfjLAIRE.

0., Dec. -till burning the AY ebb Company's Cambria mine in which nine liners perished early yesterday, may sealed today in a final effort to ex- ir-raish the flames. Jerome "VVataon, chief of the Ohio.Bu- eau of mines, who is directing the firr? ighters, said the flames were confined the main entry and that unless they were extinguished within the next few lours, the mine would be sealed. Bodies of the miners who were as- ihyxiated when they were trapped on a stairway leadinp to the main shaft, vere held in a morfrue hers this morn- nR pending a mass funeral which probably will be held late this afternoon or omorrow. WstBOn this mornin? said the flames had penetrated the mine r.o a depth 'of 200 feet, consuming super-structure, equipment-and piercing the coal walls.

Eighty men, working in three shifts, were combatting the flames. Officials have determined definitely that the blaze was caused when a bouM- er fell, severing a high powered transmission conduit, the sparks from whicii ignited the coal gas. Shopped With Knives ami CHICAGO, Dec. 24-- (UP)-- Members of Chicago's crime colony did their Christmas shopping with guns last night but a check up today by police indicated that the wives and sweethearts of the bandits are not going to fin-J their stockings overloaded. More fifty robberies and holdups were reported from dusk to daylight, but the total loot did not exceed $5,000.

Several stores yielded as much as in cash but moat of the victims were pedestrians, who were able to provide the holdup men with litUc more than pocket money. Police, headquarters announced that the number of robberies broke all Christmas records but the amount of the loot was "under normal." Former Secretary Of War Weeks Injured In Wreck Found On The World's Xmas Tree (United Press) NEW YORK--Isadore Godwin, four, had heard has older brother describe a Christmas tree at school. Thus, after lie. had been missing for 24 lie was found under tJie. 'tinseled Ills chubby fist clasping a tiny hum.

NEW. YORK--The' Xmas tree at Times Square hard rival the glare of the: theatres, sparkles with' 2,200 li(rhf-s hung its 50 foot length. NEW YORK--The Baltimore and Ohio K. K. announced that those who have to truv'el on Xmas Day its through trains between Baltimore ami Chicago or Washington arid St.

Ixiuis. will entertained at Christmas party in observation car. years old, a convalescent at the Children's Hospital. Miriam A. Ferguson of Texas was presented with a beautiful string pearls by her force.

Former jov. Jiiincs: A. l'rgiison, -who sits at a his wife's office, received a black silk scarf and pair of gold cuff links. OKLAHOMA CITV'-Santa whiskers do'not constitute' a maslt under Oklahoma's anti-mask law in flic- official opinion of Frutik Martin, Municipal Counsellor. CINCINNATI, threatened to kill me and offer me to Santa Claus as it Christinas pres- Mrs.

Henry Mnrhovltz told police when she had her luisbaml on charKos. iif miclty. Marhovilz 'salt So juil for days. So There! NKW YOUiv--IVrlmps responsible for iin onler that mcm- hers of the 1'rinccton mnsicnl clubs wear snvters because how sliii nn' thumped are doubting tlicir wisdom. I.euv- ins for llvrniuda the boys nil had pnrli-rs on view lelow their rolled up ImKs nnd furthermore an ami black cut her adorned cucli CAMBK1DGE.

of "sentimental tiiusli" on the Xrnm. tlic llnvvunl Olco Cluli Ims wiilulrnwn from forthcoming in- Olce Club contt'st in New York. XRW YOHK--Andre Cliurlol, jil producer, thinks if I'uris wants to keep her reputation for Kiiicty, she must New Vorlt. "For sheer levily, both in costumes Hinl imiller. the I'arisun stage has nothing on York." TAMPA, going to be lot of bull throwing here New Year's Day.

The champion mnlti- dor of Spun is coming from Spain and eight inritudorn and 27 bulls from Mexico. Spring swords thut won't hurt I lie bulls will be lined. NEW YOHK--in five months, F. K. Monkovico hns inmle a pnper profit of JflKU.OOO in an option on Stutz slock.

At Charles SI. bchesl Moskovico Itc- caino president of the comrinny Inst August. CHARLESTON, S. C. il (AP)--Three mm are Uuown to bo It-aid, ono is missing lusl sevrcal were injiireil, iitchidint Johp W.

Weeks, fornxr of war, a TOtult of a collision of, two Athuitic rosist-line passenger trains early today al Oalliarils erasing. A relief train u-iih doctors and is rtironto lo (lift scene. Ilerliort T. I'arlsh, uf norencc, engineer nf tho nortliboiiiKt train niiiii- bur TO; J. li CunimlnKH of Huvtinab, enirlncor of the southbound, were I'ound (ioiid iu tho wTOCknsts, Fireman of the inirthlioiincl, hns nut yet lieen located.

N'o iK'tnilM wvri! slvon hi ropovts- ic- cpiveil hcru uf the wreck us to tlie extent of the Injuries to Mr. Weeks. The locomotive, a pullmau nud club car of number K' iiiut Uio car 'nnil Ini'omotlvp of nunilHT S-" wore lie- rniled. IL is bcllcvcil tlml due to tlnvblock- liiK of tho nortulMiiml trucks by a freight train, which wns'dtrailel last nlglit, the two' uiissengcr trains were rnuniiiK on the southbound Iruclc at the time of the aopldeiit. FEN ENTERS I I A A A I SHANGICVl, ntc.

21 (AP) 'Li defeated MursliClrFCTiy Yu-llisiann at TifiitRln Is laktu.rrfuj^in the Japanese eon- session, accompanied by his Chinese Stidents In Germany Riot IlKRIAN, Itf. 24--(UP)--Chi- students of rioted in a restaurant following of the reported -capture of Tien Tsin by General Ffenjc. Yuh Slang. Beer gUstes. plates and cups freely and ten of the ers, wlw were from Communist Democratic ninhi, were- injnred before the police could intervene.

1'BKING, (AP)--Marshal Kenc yu-IIslang's national arniy iroops entered Tientsin this morning after several days fighting In which Continued -On Page Two cold last night when Steve Kreliek, a "night watchman Pennsylvania railroad, discovered ii hungry, shivering wayfarer -huddled near his sluuityl Steve, im- huwl with the -Christinas Kpirit, took (lip strniiRcr into hut, fed him, gn.vR him for night. Stovo arose today, his watch, his money ami the nuui had disappeared. NEW YOKK--Sixty-eight tenants were before Justice Blake Jn eviction proceedings. "I'm sorry think that any landlords would begin pro- feedings during Xriias anI the toiirt and he niade all Uiu plaintiffs to "liohl off a while" on their fharges. NEW i'OKK--Iay Beirlein, stenographer, reteived a S100 bonus from, the insurance flrni for wliirh the worked.

On the way to her bank she lost the money. DETROIT--Detroit's Santa Claus. who will tight a community Xmas tree late today, is Irene Holmes, three No Issue ol the Times Tomorrow There will be no editions of The Porfsmouth Times Christmas Day. Employes join in wishing The Times readers a -Very Merry Chnst- mas and Happy, Prosperous New Year. i I THK TIMES WEATHER MAN To Raise Fond To Fight Gas Hike MARION, Iec.

24--(UP)--The of funtl of $15,000 with which 1 to fiK'LL (lift proposed rule increase tlie I.oiS'in Company was started today, according to Grant K. Mouser, city solicitor. (eighteen of tho 72 towns affected ly tlift hike Imve ugreed to aid the project, Monscr sniti. The fund will be uscl to employ U. Cincinnati appro iml rnjine'er, tr appraise the property of the com- pnny, and.

ascertain vnlues believed tn be niore nearly correct ihiin tlie coni- The cities comribntins to the fund include: Bellcvnc, 5-175: Gnlion. $554: Lornin, Chillicothe $1,075: Clrclevillu, $402; SftT; Tiffin, (I Elyriii, Bandits Take Xmas Payroll and Then Shoot Guard Times Classified Ads will not be accepted Christmas Dav. Classified ads for Saturday a given up. to 7 o'clock Thursday evening. PHONE 2 9 0 0 PITTSBURGH, Dec.

24--(AD --The Christinas pnyroil of (lie Pittsburgh Terminal Coa4 was tulftn from car by six armed men at Moltai- aner, a mininp settlement near Pittsburgh today. The robbers made their escape' in an automobile. The handils shot I. Gump, a in the- abdomen. His condition critical.

Leroj- Hutton. for the company and Gump and another Kiurd, had just alighted from a special Pittsburgh and West railroad pay car lo to mine ber three whrn robbers drove up. The bandits opened lire immediately. The first volley brought down drew a pistol but was lo orop it. of the loUm's jumped from tlie machine.

took the tag cofetainmg the payroll and then returned to (he car. As the rohbers drove away towards Library, another mining settlement, they fired a. parting volley ef at Hutton and the guard. Baby Mine If the Rifts yon get tlon't please you and tba'weatlMT you had does not Hilt Merry Chririmas anyway. Here's he ilope: OHIO--Snow in north portion am! or rain in south pinion tonight and biday; eoWer Friday afternoon and nifht.

I'M WSH1NG YOU MLRRY B. 0, Bridge Barns; Building New One NEW LEXINGTON, Dec. 24-- on tlie Shnwnije brnncii of the Bnltimore and Ohio railroad was tied up toddy while workmen rushed construction of nciv bridge two miles Boiitli of City to replace one destroyed liy fire. The bridge discovered ablaze by farmers several hours nftcr I lie Inst regular train of the day liad jmsned over it. nailway officials were inclined to Ihe belief tbit train-wreckers were rc- Lsponsiblc for tlie fire, nlthoush there was nothing to substantiate this.

The bridge, valued was destroyed. KENTUCKY--Iixrratiinj doudinen foltoneil hy light rain in south and rain or SHOW in north portion Ute tonlftit or FrbUy: slijhlly tonifW, roliVr FYiday afternoon in west portion; collier nisht. The extremes in tlie local temperature today were. hiK''- low The' tem Iieratnrc year' use today, was, higb, 35, low 22. The sun will rise at 7 :22 o'clock tomorrow and set at.

4 o'clock tomorrow evening. The moon will set at 2:50 o'clock tomorrow morning. No Casualties OR Island of Yap TuKVO, Dec. repor from the navy department today stntei that the tidal wave and Btorm which struck the iilnnd of Ynp on December broke two wireless nntennne poles nnd damaged virtually every building along the coast. No casualties were re- liortfl.

Both cable and wireless commu. ni-ation suspended for a short time while repairs were being made. During the storm a wind of 150 miles velocity was reported, aci-ompanied W-IVPS a feet high. Today's Low ami Yesterday's Kith: Mlnncdosa, cloudy, 0 le- low; AVInnipcc, part cloudy, 4 Ix3 Angelea, clear. 70; San IMego, part cloudy, 74 DAILV TE.WERATCRE REPORT A II.

Yesterday's City ToOsy Maximum Atlant-i -G clear 3S Boston snow 'Jti Chicngo cloudy Cincinnati '-'JO cloudy Cleveland 'iS cloudy Columbus -0 cloudy Denver 'M clear Detroit- 2-t cteudy Kansas City clear Los Angeles CO-dear Miami 54 doud Orleans S8 clear Xew York 2fi clunr Ore. cloudy San JTrancisco 44 cloudy St. Louis "X- cloudy 28 2-1 'Jo 44 -JO.

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