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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 1

Portsmouth, Ohio
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FLORIDA DESOLATED E.NTEBEU AS SEt-OSU-CLASS MAT.TKR AT rOSlOFFICB, OHIO PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, MOKDAY, SEPTEMBER 1928 BY CARRIER. PER WEEK--Uitlj WEEK--Uitlj Sunda.T, only. ISc SINGLE copy-rjaiij. sc. BC Final Edition, 14 Pages Thousand Dead, Million Are Homeless In Porto Rico Spectre Of Famine Stalks Through Island Towns Where 300,000 Are Hungry SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Sept.

17 the hurricane death toll conservatively estimated at 1,000, the spectre of famine stalked through Porto Rico today. At least 300)000 persons were stated to be hungry. Disease was threatened. Half of the island's population of almost 2,000,000 was thought to be homeless. It was feared that the property damage would pass $100,000,000.

200,000 cattle have perished. One-half of all homes are destroyed. Many school houses arid other public buildings also were destroyed. The cane crop was injured to the extent of 25 per cent. The tobacca crop to about 50 per cent.

Nearly all tobacco farms were, destroyed. The valued at $10,000,000 was 75 percent destroyed; The fruit crop was totally destroyed and about 25 per cent of the trees were.destroyed. 1 (Continued On: Page Three) Army Transport With Food For Distressed WASHINGTON, Sept. 17--(UP)--Hundreds of thousands of persons are homeless and hungry in Porto Towner reported to the War Department today, in. a plea for immediate assistance of all kinds.

President Ooolidge moved immediately to relieve Porto Rican conditions, by. ordering the army transport St. Mihiel, which left New York Friday for Panama, to stop at San Juan tomorrow and discharge her cargo of 550 tons of foodstuffs. Towner forwarded estimates that there are 700,000 homeless. Towner said the hurricane disaster was the worst that ever occurred in the West Indies.

Porto Rico Laid Waste By Hurricane RED CROSS APPEALS FOR MORE FUNDS TO ASSIST STORM STRICKEN PEOPLE WASHINGTON, Sept. American Red Cross sent tele-. to its 2,500 in the United States, asking redoubled efforts rnio Inrge relief fund for Porto Iltco and other hurricane-stricken islands. Tlie telegrams snid thiit latest word showed the Porto Rico disaster fren worse thiit. nt first feared, and vast sums would be needed to i not only temporary relicfb'ut later rehabilitation of the vlc- S.

Smith, of ihe-National Red Cross slnff. arrived in New trxiny buying supplies to load onto a ship for Immediate to Porto Uico, He informed headquarters. He Is working in wltli the urmy quartermaster department there. It announced the U. S.

S. Bridge, a navy store ship, will carry 'hr worth of stiplies being honpht by Smith. It moved from the Navy Yards to the Nnvy Supply Base todny to take on'the Hamhone By J. P. Alky OME poYS 50T SONT To DE VJORK-HOUSE.

THbvJEP Hl ON DE O' PE HE WA'NT SO 4 BURN TO DEATH OTTAWA. Sept. -Four persons were killed when fire rl. ilrnyed a summer cottage todny a Brlttnnia; eight miles west of here on the bay. The dead included Mis Jean Apnp' I.ehlhnn.

22, of Syracuse X. nml three children of Mi? sister, Sirs. Wntprs The children were George, asefl 4. Mary Kdnn, 0, and Austin Joseph, 7 Mr. nnd Mrs.

Walters who owned the cottiiRe. were not home when the fire started from unknown origin shortly after midnight. Tnoy had left Miss I.cnlhnn with the children. Hurricane Flashes a KILLED FT. UVUOEUDALK-- A I Sept.

17-(UP)--An unconfirmed report that two persons were killed by (he hurricane- it paMd through Foft Laudrrdile, was transmitted to the Navy today by the com' mandant ot tbt Stventh Naval Dls- trict at Key Over Polk County Sept. (AF)-The tropical todny had turned nodlh-northcnst over the northern part of Polk county. J. Bennett, government mctcrol- ogLst, reported at 10 a. m.

Polk county is in the interior of here. It ia in the heart of the State's citrus lelt. A communication vtith cities nnd towns in that section have been; out for hours. May Hit Other States -The hurricane now crossing Florida mny hlow Itsell out over tht Onlf Mexico hut may extend to still other states, the hureau Indlcnted today. East Of Tampa NEW YORK, Sept.

weather biireuu issued a statement Just heforo noon snying that the Hurricane wns moving northwestward nnd now centered over the section east of Tampn. Falm Beaches Appear In Grip Of The Disaster Disaster, which may surpass that at Miami in 1926, appears to have into Palm Beach and West Palm Beach, on the back of the West Indies hurricane which struck Florida towns last night and today. Associated Press and United Press dispatches that have filtered through by radio-all wires being down--hourly tend to strengthen the belief that the Peninsula has suffered another of its periodical hurricane devastations. The hurricane having struck, first, just north of Miami, is sweeping northeastward inland and is believed headed for Tampa. NEW ORLEANS, Sept.

17 (AP)--General desolation from Pam- pano to the Palm Beaches in Florida from hurricane was reported today by Hal Leyshon, news editor of the Miami Daily News in a dispatch to The Associated Press by the Tropical Radio. 'Beautiful San Juan, Porto Rico, is city of sadness following tropical hur- icane which killed injured-bun: reds and rendered thousands homeless, tlap shown "progress' of storm which twisted Caribbean; near Virgin Islands anil swept 'over Porto Rico, riominkan Hnitii Islands, Bahama Islands find into street scene in San Juan of city; bottom left, Presbyterian. Hospital, almost demol- iKlted by tornado, and, "right, fnmovih Blanco, once the home of Ponce de (International. Xcwsreel). 300 KILLED ON FRENGHISLAND PABIB, Sept.

17--(UP)-Three hundred were lolled: by. a tropical hurricane on. the island of Ga'udeloupe, French 1 in the West Indies, colonies announced today. The announce. nrent said 235 bodies had been.

recovered! 1 The principal town Pitre, was most ly.destroyed,.-it,was said. Gn.iulelnupo the lesser Antilles, iino'ut SOO mites, southeast of Porto It 'consists, of two mnlir 's- 'narrow channel. several The to- It was. aBsiinied that saine that devastated Porto.tlico arid moved ''on flltliotigh the Paris annoHnccment'dld noted for.lis destriictlvd hurricanes. Ape-Like Son Committed Grewsome Crimes On Boys On Murder Farm, Father.

Says OS ANGKLES, Sept nmnzinp story of torture and the. murders of five boys was before Los Angetcs police today'as tjiey. renewed Cyrus Northcott "murder farm" near Riverside-for graves of the'- supposed victims of (Jordan Stuart Northcott, 21, fugitive. Questioned for two daj-s regarding the reported killings, the elder Northcott, held in custody here, finally opened up last night, police snid, ami "talking like A streak" unfolded a grewsbme nc- count of some, of the acts of his son, whom he dfcrihetT in appearance AS re- (Continued On Pajje 'Hirer) Extortion Terrorism Is Bared In Chicago CHICAGO, Sept. of the Ronlcri kidnaping today cnme revelations of wldwpreKd extortion and terrorism, striking de'ep into the city's Sicilian population.

There no. new word of tlie fate of 10-year-old Billy Hhn'lerl, kidnaped 12.dnys npo, but Attorneys from the State's Attorney's 'office said they bud evidence of extortion.FO extensive In its ramlflca- OHIO PLANES ARE STOLEN CI.EVELAXD. Sept. 17-- (AP)-Northern 'Ohio officlali todny had two airplane to solve. One.plane was stolen from Mnyfnir field, near here, iterday nnd cr.miiecl.

about TO miles, from the city, while another was taken from private field at Xortbfleld, A short time after plane, owned by Tlnlpli Cole of Cleveland, stolen, Alotizo Drnke FSW it crash on his fnrra south of Bedford. 0. Drake viiil he took the pilot, who waa rot hurt In- tfrurhnn station. Meanwhile, Walter Korenchan, reported that when went In his field at NortbfirM, he found his plane mlssinj. PUT.

flff. tlons DS to call for police measurc-8, During the past month, the pros; ecutors said, more thnri $75,000 has boen collected from Chicago Sicilians who piiid various sums demanded rather.than rlsfc tne denth they feared would follow on refusal. The kidnaping of lilliy nr.niori, the prosecutors were sure, was the work of the same extortion ring. A. Frank Itanlcrl, the boy's hnd un appointment with Tony.

Lomhardo the evening of Oie dny, on. which a powerful figure ID gaing'nffalrs was shot dead, police learned- Honleri sought through Lombardo to pain a reduction in the $65,000 rrnsom dc- mantledc for. Hie kidnaped boyJ The latest direct word from the kidnapers was-a special delivery letter, which threatened, the hoy If the ransom were.not promptly AMERICAN RELEASED WASHINGTON, Sept. 17--(UP)-K. J.

BuniBted, kiilnnpcd American miri- injj engineer, has been telensed by Meil- can bandits, according to apparently reliable information received at the Btate- dopurtment today. Bumstcd wns cap- tiirwl during the last week of August nnrt wns held for $20,000 ransom, which' was reported to have been forwarded to the bandits. Isst week. Palatka In Path ATKitiFlaV Henry- ulamage" to JMTJ'f 1 tills'parrot Floridrt; wns toflriy: by Power; company. A hcavy wind blew down 'awnings, trees arid, signs early today.

i APAtACHICQIWV STRUCK--, Sept, 17-- P)-rncpotfs before noon todny from.the Apnlachicoln section.snld a tht tropical hurricane a struck, there. Senator Robinson Offers Help To Stricken Florida MIAMI, Sepr. 17--(API--Via telephone to Navy Yard, Charleston, and nnval rndlo to Washinirton). Joo Robiuson, the Democratic Tlce presidential candidate this afternoon abandoned hln immediate political canvpalRP in Florida-to aid in relief work in the hurrtccne-slrick- en region. Senator nnd tonlRht said they would accompany the first rrtit'f train if their services were needed, to be sent Into the.hurricane area to assist the physician's nnd Pled Crovs nurses who have mobilized for relief work.

When ridvlscd of the hurricane conditions north'of here between, this clly and Jupiter, the nominee immediately offered the use of his private car the pullman used by newn- pnpormen during his campalRri trips to the Florida enst coast railroad which today assembled ft relief train to carry the doctors nnd nurses into the section. The train early tonight was standing in (lie station here ready to leave. 16KILLED IN WRECK M. "1LA, P. Sept.

persons were killed and 10 others injured today when log tniln derailed at Cadiz, In. the province of occidental colored people. Man ridding on top of the logs were off when the train hit a Flee From Hurricane Terrible! Hundreds of refugees were reported housod in the Harvey Miilding at West Palm Beach. At the Pennsylvania Hotel, the collapsed and crashed through'fifteen floors with a loss hut no' one was reported injured. At beiprht of the itorm two babies were born at the Good Samaritan hospital where She end of the maternity ward was ripped.out by the wind, Palm Beaches Ravaged By Storm JACKSONVILLE, Sept.

17-- (AP)--Gifford Grange, lov oal the following message from Station. I AEC'O, Amateur: "Lfljs.of' undetermined, needed'tpycope. 'with situation, we; Hami.di8b.ster:-'- 7 totally lost by closing'. banksi last.yeaf.Vi necessary." r. The.

message was signed chairman of Palin. Beach Bed Cross Chapter," Grange' did not know to whom'it- was addressed as he was able to pick -up only.part of the To Stricken Area JACKSONVILLE, Sept. 17--(UP)--A special train left carrying doctors and nurses into the isolated Florida east coast area' between Jupiter and Palm Beaches. Communication with the most southern part of the state has been suspended, evidencing the great scope and force of the blow which now appears to be headed direct for the extreme-west coast and Apalachicola. Several Hundred Injured DAYTONA BEACH.

Sept. 17--(UP)--Several persons were injured when the. hurricane from out of the West Indies struck Palm Beach, two telephone linemen, the first, persons to' get out of the stricken Casualties In West Palm Beach TAMPA, Sept. --A wireless dispatch from West Palm Reach', picked up by elation 4UN, here says two jtersons were killed and fifty Injured a result of (lie West Indian storm that Isolated that vicinity lust nlglit.Tliclie message vtns received from si a- tlon 4AFC, and was signed "Criniatli." It added that a uncon- firmed report from Roynton, south of there said forty persons were burled in a school building which colln.Nped.Anofher report from Deer- vllle said several negroes were dead. Many buildings were damaged, the message added.

Sweeps Inland From East Coast-i high pounding on tlie shore. WJiut was happening to humrr. lives remained temporarily a matter of conjecture. Jtcrt Cross nnd American Xegion units mobilized for relief work Mlninl, Jacksonville and HICAGO, Sept. said word, yet their lan- suago ivnn Icrrlble.

It wound up with gunflrt 1 At a, ho who got shot wrote i "I am Hobcrt first cook nt the Ohrltitlfln Industrial T-enRiio. I I'm deaf and dumb. The second cook, Wood, is deaf arid dnmb. Wo called eaob oilier namcs'ln the sis" language nnd I r.ot shot." TACKSONVILLB, Sopt. A motley stream of cars prisn northwurd through Jacksonville today as residents of cautious nature moved put of the state the hurricane hazards.

At Djytona, the. mnln highway' was clogged with traffic--bound for Georgia or further north. SCORES QF CHINESE IN TOPHOON SHAKCrHAI, Sept, typhoon that been'f raying for two dayi along the China coast has cauied enonnoui damage here. 1 Oomrnhnicttioni have been completely many icbrtt of Chinese drowned and many houm destroyed. The typhoon wu followed by torrential nins in of which Shanghai if wont flood 1906.

aad one-half inchet of rain has fallen in the put 24 honn. MAW 5AV5 WH01 SHE HEHA710TD60HOME WiO HE STILL DOES. 'Sept. A urent hurrirane froro out of thft Indies dnalt dcslruclion nnd pos- iilble dcnth to the Florida Peninsula to- clny. South of Daytonn on the cubt const, towns nnd cities including Pnlm Bnarli, were eut off.

The tempest wns soon ronrlnt inliind. Its fury of winds cut of! house low commiinlcutlon' systems and caused suffering nnd perlwps dcnth. For hours Iheie had heen no authentic word of what hnci occurred lit nfl-milc belt near West Palm Honcli. The United Press correspondent al i i todiiy telc-))houeil thill a screeching wind of perhaps JOO mile an iiour velocity wns rocking houses there. Then the line went nut.

Titusvitle is 130 miles north of Tiilm Bench. Before'wires to West Palm Reach failed, reports came ot house Ion." FfillinK through the air, trees pulled like grass and tens 35 to -50 Miami Escapes Serious Damage-- TAMPA, Sept. 17-(UPJ-- Reports to the Gulf Radio station from Miami today said com- pnr.ilively little daihage had been done there the hurricane, Darni broke dreary here. Heavy rain.war (Continued On Page Kiitfi!) BILLY BUTJN 8 THE TUOGS WEATHER MAN (Additional Florida hur- rietae news will be found on very year folks nay it lias never been this liot in September, yet the records flliow It runs just about the same, year in and year out. PORTSMOUTH-- Temperature Hi 8 m.

58. Temperature at 2. p.m. 8 5 Temperature a year today, CC. low 63.

Sim rises at 5:13 twwrow: at 6:01 o'clock. Moon tonight. OHIO-- tonljht tooirr Tufiday. ami OHIO ANO KENTl'CKY-- nljht ToescUy; WFAT and and in eut.

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