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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 1

Portsmouth, Ohio
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ritain Ignores Nations' Leagu I flews While It News And Best Features Obtainable Associated Press And United Press Leased Wires 1 ill ftllll fllti -'ICE POUT.SMOtiTH. I AS SECOND-CLASS MATTtiB PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, THURSDAY, D.ECEMBER 4, 1924 1 Not Recognize Any Riglit Of Egypt To Make an Appeal CBNEVA, December (lie Associated Tress)---(ircsit Britain liss informed tho league of Nations Hi at the British government will not recognize thai tiny signature by Kgypt of (he iwiicc protocol will giro Egypt Ilic to to I he Kcngnc of Cations On mutters connected xvltli rno Vmlo-lvgyplian dispute. Tlio Hritisli to the league'says Tiritain not accept any. interference, whether if. bo by Egypt, Ix-ague, of Nations or any Individual government on matters i Sudan, Traction Crashes Into Turpentine Truck; Five Dead DO'lUHT.

December tho United Press)--A coroner's jury was to start Investigation here today to rtetmnlne. cause of the. collision nf a Detroit-Toledo Interurhan of the l). V. It.

iJncs and a motor truck here last nlsht tha.t resulted in tlio death of tivo pet-sins ami injury ten others: TUB DEAD Daniel B. Calllian, 34, Toledo. Jin. Harnct Kisscrbcrtli Mrs. Mary O'Brien, 07; Mnry CTBriiyt, 5, grand-daughter of Mrs.

O'Brien, and Mrs, Dmvcy Gcttlns, 24, sll of Toledo. These last are supposed to a been mother, daughter and granddaughter, and to have been residents of Toledo. Among tie injured -were Mr. and Mrs. Carmen M.

TJfer, To- Mr. and Mrs. Olyd.) Pierce, Toledo. Arlington J. Byers, conductor, Toledo.

Hurry Gulp. Xorsvnlk, O. Fraak W. Wilkes, Huron, O. C.

Gall, Huron, O. Chnrlrs Sprcckcl, Huron, Louis Sprnnkel, Huron, O. Henry I Huron. O. Tlie interurlian train on the Detroit Monroe nnd Toledo Itailway left Detroit nt 5:20 p.

m. It was five min tea inte and was traveling at high to a up time. It was due in Toledo nt 7 :20 p. m. The truck owned by the Liberty High vavj Company, of Toledo, with a trail t'f.

south bound out of Detroit, crossw a i a tracks in the center i i immediately ahead of tin i i a i The leading car of the a i struck the trailer which was stil iho tracks. On the trailer were drums, each containing 50 gallon! turpentine. Tlie car was moving a rr.out miles an hour nnd crashed inti trailer. Bolh cnrs wer'i plungei a OTie force of the colli sin trolco tho heavy nnd tb front trolley was drenched i tur- i i i and children screamed. in the a a re--: i bruises.

The men in 1 car hastened to assist- nx' 1 nf the wouie.n and children. At i a a moment the col- i i i caught fire, en: 'k- i forward car in flumes and i i i fumes. who bad escaped from cnr nnd those who had coin'- rear car became hysterical. i to rescue tho women who '-riliped i the forward car, but i hack by the llnmcs nnd the Mtioke. a i wns operated hy Motor- iicl fVillnlian.

Toledo. As stopped ho the i i fir rs to get to escape. he was i in ilamcs ami was a Thought Police Station Was Hotel ETROIT, MTCIL, December the United Press) ---John Dillon walked wiile a up the street to "hotel." "A tin pie with hath," said John, and tossed a half dollar to the "bell boy." "Ice water," were his lirst words this morning. "Honest judge, I 1 was in a hotel," ho told Judge Harry B. Kelman, nn hour later.

"Thoia) cops looked like hell boys." Sentence was suspended. Yawns--Breaks Jaw NEW 0... J)ee. the Associated I'rcss) -James K. David, is in a serious condition at his homo here.

Ho took lonp yawn last night nnd ills jaw bono In tiro. I'lvyslciajis say tliat nJthoush tils Jan- was diseased, tlie case is unusual. DALE A (L'nitM Staff Correspondent CHICAGO, December i Press)--Without referring by uauie i League of Nations, the v.orld court, or form of in- a i a machinery I'rcsidciit liilge tortny made a a i a apiieal for bympatheiic co-orient lion with other as the one firm foundation for i countrj-'s well beins. Speaking nt a luncheon of the Clii- ixh'o Commercinl Club, president asserted a just as the common prosperity ol and industry in i country depended on their a good relations so did the continued pros- i of the United States depVaid on co-operation i other nations. ''We cnnnot In the IOIIR course of events lo i i a i our country on a permanent level of general being above that of other people," said Mr.

Coolidge. am profoundly impressed with tho fact, that the structure of modern so- cic-ly is essentially a i desuned to stand or a as such. "At the last, those of us who are partners in the supreme s' irvici of building and i our civilization must go up or go down, must succeed or fall together, in our common enterprise. Co-operation In Peace "We ran no more assure permanent nnd stable peac'. without co-operation among nations, than we could assure vicfory in war without allies among President Coolidgc was cnreful lo avoid committing his advocacy of ihtor- national co-operation to any epecilic ternational legal machinery, either istcnt or "I would not have you mistake meaning, 1 he pointed out- ''I- shonl never advocate the sacrifice of nny par of our prosjttr.ity because- ot-the-vngti hope that in following infliscriminnt impulses of kindlineRa 1 might hel some who are in worse condition ourselves.

"Nor would I sacrifice our imlcpom ence and freedom of action. I do no believe that we are strong enough, i on Pago 10) Sixty-Eighth Congress Opens Second Session A I A December United Press)--Two com- i i tnilns, Inndcd with imiplc to worh in San Francisco, were wrwhed lure lortliy wltli a loss of i as yet undetermined estimated at from (ra to tweiily-flvo. Thirty to forty were, rcpcrtcd seriously injured. Intcnsn TOiiftJsion followed the wrccli. which occurred on Key Kimfo Intel-urban system's "Mole" of rnrMcth juid Hollls kind.

Rer. Sbcra Montgomery offering inrocnlion nnd Speaker residing at the Bosaion of tlita congress i of the second Years Of Prosperous Healthy Business Conditions Check of Hie accounted for i to Imvo lost tbeir lives. Three of were nt i Kiiu-r- i a oac at thn JSerkely i a one at. a branch Emergency Hospital in at a braticb I i i in llerkeley nnd nt the Merritt Hospital in Oak- i company employes believed lire detid or will die from tl.eir wns a pnstf ingcr aboard the TwelftJi otreel I a i for Key K. W.

of Ibe Western r. a told tlio i "Our a i on tho Key Mole, a nliout to run out ou I work i of plcv. A a i iihend of us was i more and I felt Ibe brakes applied to a i to prevent ns i too A local ou Francisco-Sacra- i Line waM miming behind ny. "As ivo down. Ibc Short I i i uson our a i appar- Vntly its brakes failed to i or wbeels did not bold on the west M-tu-k.

'Vlie platform of Sbort l.lno a i hit tho rear of our I i iibove the floor level and It seemed to uwcen right Uirotigh the car. i i nni' i i as It "it was a terrible scene. "Men leaped from thi cars; women screamed nnd tllcre was general confu slon." Ureet In IS a Ahead For U.S., Says Mellon SLEET AND SNOW HiTS MANY STATES; COLD SPREADS CHICAGO. December Associated Prfces)--A chilling grasp, strcLrhinK out of the southwest, nnd Rocky a i rcirion, brought sleet, nnd snow today to the mid-west, the plain states and Ohio Valley. In the Texas Panhandle the coldest weather in a decade was forecast a a fall and early winter which h'a a been free of freezing F.lsewhere considerably lower were The winter's first extensive damiiKc to wire i a i was reported, caused by sleet in Nort.hern a and Western Nebraska.

a i and snow fell in lower Missouri and middle Mississippi Valley a. The low pressure area was expected to move elowly eastward, over- spreadins the i A a i New a states and New York tomorrow. President SceSidge's Place In History May Be ISade On Sehievement--That of Economy LDcsiroyed by Quake A I A A A December The a i HY A I T.AWRENCF, (C'opyripht 1DLM by Times Publishing Company.) WASHINGTON. Dec. 4--President e's phice in American history will be made on at least one achievement if he cets the cooperation of ron- in Res-1 namely may yet be i'is been ('Jistroyed in the recur- i shocks and it is feared toll will reach ninety.

HAiilBONE'S MEDITATIONS- ByJ. P. Alley A 12 GIN'ALLY GOT BY PE ONE HAN' rcH I ToTHER HAN' I32, by The Bell SyncJicite. Inc.) known ns the moat eciinnmicnl prcsideni the country has i a The word "economy" occurs again nnd apiin i a a IIKWUIKF lo con- ress. He cmpha-sixes it.

reiterates it and drives it home the of hour. Tax rwlut-tion, perity and the general welfare i de- pcrul upon it. Hriofiy. surplus i i a for the fiscal year 1st next is nliout SG7.000.fXX. Mr.

Coolidfre i this is too narrow a margin nbove receipts to reduction but it is only nn estimate and he i a if Congress doesn't spent any more ami revenues increase due to letter business conditions a program of tax reduction will bo presented. He cnrcftiily i from saying when and leaves tlie door open to ihe summoning of special session before next December if a should he required. The president draws a distinction between tax "rnluetion" nnd tax "reform" ami cays Hint congress can RO ahrad i a nf I a i likes when the nre hette revision of snrinses a nnd the removal of i i i in the tax svstem ilself. Kelief for AsriciiKure Pointing out that, "our domestic problems are for the most part economic, "there is a reference to dollars nnd cents a i a nil the recommendations made by president, lie appreciate? a a i i.s not yet "permanently on a ous basis" and hopes the new agricultural commission will report relief (Continued on Page 10) Tells How Postal Dollar Spent "WASHINGTON. December ApsfK-inted Prees)--Tour postal dollar of the spent for every man, woman and child in country for postal service last year, has Ir.en traced hy postal experts of post office le- partme-nt to show exactly where it went.

Their study shows a out of it cltrks in post offices received 2-1 railroad a a i 10.2 cents, rural delivery service, l. ,0 cents, city nnd vil- hice carriers, cent, postmasters nnd assistant postmasters. S.S crrnt a i a a i S.5 cent, relit, i nnd fuel, 2.0 cent, i the re- i i going into miscellaneous penclitnrcs. Kirst class contributed CMits of every dollar received for post jj.rvice; fourth class mail 21.0 rents; third class mail. 7.0 cents; sec- nd class a i 5.5 rent.s and the a i came from services performed by post offices.

WASHINGTON', Dec. Years of "prosperous and haoithy i i tions sucli as Bticcecded tho election of! 1SSK5" were forecast for the United States by Secretary Mellon in tho I of the Treasury sent to i congress today. Tho Secretary's views nrc based, he said, on the repudiation of "various theories inconsistent with economic laws" nnd tho indorsement of program of constructive handling of government affairs piven in the last election. He counselled the nation, however, to approach its problems with intelligence that the progress made and the groundwork laid in the last four yearn a not come to a The United States, ho asserted, was the first world power to come through the post-wnr 'transition stage success- and tlie first be. able to present "reasonable assurance" that "true progress" will continue within its borders.

Mr. Mellon urged penctuation of program adopted by "tho great ma- i of our people in a Infft election" which he interpreted as one of "hard work, economy and sound policies." Per Capita Ta.t Cut In general economic conditions 'll as in the domain of federal fiscal operations, Mr. Mollon recounted how complete the a i i lirid been. He said a in the last venrs per capita a on citizens of tho Must Pay Penalty in Electric Chair if He Doesn't Eat Himself To Death COLUMBUS, December -1. --(By tho United Press)--If James Avant, 41, colored, doesn't cat himself to death before the law can take its course, he i credited in the electric chair at the Ohio penitentiary tonight for the murder of Mrs.

Elizabeth Hlitlc. Hero's the condemned man's for his last Rabbit, chicken, ono dozen legs, four pork chops, ono dozen rolls, one pound butter, one of milk, ono of buttermilk, onD. gallon of lemonade, and $1 worth of cigars. A prison pf.Credent provides condemned man can have anything ho wants to eat hia last day on earlh.

Warden P. K. Thomas said Avant's order would bo filled. i i CHICAGO. December United I'resw)--Mental derangements, ohum'jj j.rmiasfonB, "Broadway Mnnia" nnd various otlier explana- i were conjured up today by 13d- ward I i a socially prominent i l.eir to millions, as Ihe reason for i I i of his brldn to N'cw York, for 1 tbo third time since were married States had been cut 'from $54 to or exactly one a public expenditures which in J020 qicet-ilcd were only 53,500,000.000 in the fiscal year which last 1.

a "complete disorgnnizdtinn" of tho econ( on Pago Ban Cross-Word Puzzles at Michigan ANN A I D-occmber 4. (Uy the United Press)--Professora at the University of Michigan, placed ft ban" on cross-word puzzles in their class rooms today. Professor Fred N. Scott, head of the a of rhetoric and journalism, said the only benefit ho could in cross-word puzzle was "an incentive to use the dictionary to discover i i meaning of short words." i A i i ic operations of the present law er lly i he means a ITAXG SOME ACCKSSORIKS ON TUB MOTORIST CHRISTMAS LOOK IN I I SIIOP-0-SCOPE Declare War On Road Petting AUSTIN. TEXAS, December (By tlio United Press) Town, gown.

i i nnd the sh.trilt's a today were involved in attempts to i "pelting" nlong A i byways. Sheriff W. n. Miller, wns considering deputizing preachers to help him curb Hondside Inn love mnking. i indicated that co-eds of i i i of Texas, were nmong chief offenders.

A not." was the a i answer of Mies I-ucy Newton, dean of women to question "Does the nverage co-cI pet';" "Just try it nnd see," she suggested, i i a perhaps," "we're invcsiiKatins." voiced the of involved in i a Glass Booth for Traffic Oops CLEVELAND. December By the United Press)--Glass enclosed booths for traffic policemen will be provided by the city ns soon ns possible. Safety Director Harry made i r.n- today following action from the Women's University Republican Cluh, which went on record a ing shelters for corner a i policemen. "I ngrec a i i the women'" Hub a traffic policemen must be pro- from the cold," snid Harry. 'Baby Mamie" lion.

Ready Sale for Long Term Bonds A I December the Associated I'rrhM)--Subscriptions to the treasury lonp terms bond I issue of S200.000.00O opened yesterday. exceeded ball a billion dollars twlay nnd Artins Secretary i announced a the offering for cash rale i he i a at i i of busitKes tonislit. POP A FELLOW WHO Gtrc'WHAt HE WAMTC AQJCCECC-HUHIMAYBE HE WOULD BE HAPPIER IF HE WANTED WHAT HE GET? a OIHCAOO, December tho United Press) the influence of Leopold murder case ivns Been today in tho acf)iiittal of minors on charges of murder. Jn the same court room where a a nnd Itichnrd conOpaed murderers of Hobby Franks, escaped tho death pen- a nnd went io instead, Liucille Marshall. A a i A Val- anis nnd i i a IX Tydon, all 31), were found not i i of the charge of i i Mrs.

Bessie Gnmsslen, rooming house harl confessed ti i denied they hod killed her. The Marshall ffirl told a sordid slory of hav- injf been nn i a in tho woman's rooming She charged that wornan robbed hir of her wnRes." 8tafs A liobcrt K. Crowe, who played but losing part in Ihn rnse, a i "Tin- eff.ct of Jnpold-rorl case i not jtaps for sotne time. 'Hie evidence in this r.ssn was unquestionable. Hut.

when yot: consider 22 is the overage ajre i i and court has held a is ft defonjfj. Tlio Dorolhy i i i (lined. "Tjittlo Jesse wns duo to rive in I lie llroadwny yesterday, hut she failed to let whether shu did or Tiot. Ho tried to stop her at Ind. i the nid of police-, hut she a police when they seized the nuto- inobile in which wns traveling nnd whisked a lo Fort in a a i i alii: i i i i i i his liridn niny be a a resulting from a a i last Wednesday A i of hers, tie said, vis- them Sunday urged Dorolhy to a the trip.

Sbc p-fnsed at i hut may have changed her i Monday, when ulio fled, he snid. lie more atook in the "Jtroadivay a i a cause, i i out. liftr two previous! trips out ou the Orcnc i Wiiy fiinrti i marriage. Vice Orysader yrdered KCIiNIIC'rADV, December -1. (By the Associated Press) I i gation of tbo i of Acting a i A ni.ius, vice criMdor.

has led to the discovery a Ilic i of I worhl," his and his a bile a a i Kvidence has also been found a tlie slayer fled from Iho sccno nf Ihe crime in an automobile. Joseph I'nrHiso, fricmd of "king" was held by lli'j police today on a vagrancy charge in order to be questioned. I A Hocciiilwr (liy tin 'tilled t'rpss)--Overrent plilos, spat- ering rain imif SIIOTT, a greasy fenl Hie loop wcflther for I'ls dnio of t(K) 1'rMl- imt and Mrs. wlson tiltcj- iu Ivol hero nl; a. in.

to i IJvestocJi iloro a 1(M) uniformed nnnet! an avenue for tho presidential parly. While many plnln clolhos men iiiRlfd M-llh tho crowii. Halo 11 ol dot, president of tho Unr- IlngUm Hailrond, mid' proslctoif; of the Ciimmerr.lul before which Mr. Coo. lldgo innliM luncheon aiklrfiis, Iwjidea the roccpliim committee of business men and civin traders.

After greetings tlio party ch'ovn to Iho IIraise Hotel. Tremendous cbccra boomel out at. apixnranco of Mr. Coolidge. It ia tArst appearance in the middle, west since ho'took office Rented nn opportunity for thousands of voters who helped give him an overwhelming majority io Illinois lo voice fci.tliugg.

The president's list of callers, Included Vice President-Elect Dawcs, former Governor Jxn-ilen, of Illinois; i i a Wrigley, rhewing jrum kitrjif, Pietl Upham, Kepublicau Xt- tioiuil from Illinois. The trip from Washington to Chicago wns iiniironUid. Coolidge's party traveled on an ordinary a president deciding lo eliminate expense i in the, use of a privntt cnr. 7'rcsidcnt. mid Mrs.

Coolldgo dinn.d In- foniinlly in tlie regular diner. At breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge bad a Finnll a to themselves. Across the nisle from them ent Senator-Elect, of Dakota.

The president and McMnstors had novel- met. Mi-Masters sent his curd lo president and chatted ns they Comparatively few of the people in tho cnr were a a of i distin- jruished company. When president nnd Mrs. arose, nono in car paid i rvspcct by rising. 's Forces Blow Big Bridge A I A December i Asyoeiated Press)--Followers of Oenernl IVi-Fu, formerly mili- of i Peking govern-, ment.

nre to a blown up ih'.) a Peking a i a bridge over thn Yellow Hirer, snid to he the longest bridp- In China BSIfly Butt-In THE T1MZI WEATHER KAH I rlr.n't juries. bow yon can rxpect Bill Would Permit Doctors Pulling Patients To Death A Dccrrobcr the Associated Press)--A bill which would authorize doctors under certain conditions to a the lite of i i without incurring i has been i in the Danish parliament by i i of Justice Ktciacke, QUTET XKWSISOY.S KRIyIN--Berlin newsboys must call i wnrcs in i or not at i A recent i a prohibits the shouting of papers on the streets of the The newsboys' cries disturbed business men at work in adjacent office buiMingn, it WRS pointed SCHOOI, nv A DK ID--Master Itoderirjura Ma- clora, one of the most famous elementary school tenchers in Spain, has declined to teach classes beneath rlectrur lie says glare of these lights is ruinous to pupils' eyes and a they nlso serve to distract attention from i Bludies. has ronndod a candle liglit lie restored jn his class rooms. The a o' kcepin' sleet storm, row i i in' oilier parts o' III' nation.

from i i this section, oi.gnt plrnsf. somrfKxly if it Hi-re's for tomorrow: OHIO-- Itain In toutb porMor, tonicht; irarmcr i soulli Friday r.iin and warmer in west tonight. Warmer in cast and central portions tonight. Colder in irrst anil central portions Friilay. I to i (lone.

and nortn in west and nd warmer Coltlrr FVKlay The extremes in tho local re lortay werp; High, low, SS. Tfio tempernture .1 year ajo today was: High, 57; low, 37.

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