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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 29

Portsmouth, Ohio
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PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1926 EXTRA PRICE 1 CENT IN WAKE A HURRICANE IN FLORIDA Homeless Highlights of Storm BY TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS) Steadily mounting figures on the toll of the rt'est Indian in southeastern Florida placed the dead at more than 1,000 and i dead in 2 at 500 and 250 -victims listed at Hollywood ami 184 at Hialeah, both suburbs of Miami. One hundred were beHeved to Imvo been killed at Fort I-. mlcr laic Three Hundred special police 500 REPORTED KILLED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI WEST PAIJl BEACH, Sept. 20-- (AP) --Southeast Florida, lashed by a violent hurricane for nine hours Friday night and Saturday, early today had an estimated death list of more than 1.000 and property ilanuigo in excess of SI 25,000,0 DO, with indications that the toll would mount still higher when daylight made a more complete check possible. The "playground of America" was metamorphosed into a- scene of desolation over a wide area.

Pleasure resorts were turned i temporary morgues and hospitals, and (rains bearing physicians and nurses were arriving in the storm-lorn ECftinn from many directions. Houses and office buildings were crowded with refugees. The Palm Beaches, on the fringe of I he, storm with loss severe damage a was suffered by their sister cities. The injured in tho ravaged district, were placed at 2,000, with rfS.UW homeless persons seeking relief. Tales of severe suffering and hardships were recounted by messages arrivinc here.

wt-M Manv pel-sons scan lied the ruins of their homes for lost members of )wpen 90 miles an hour. The ttcst their families while others anxiously sought, relatives and friends hospitals and morgues. Wafer was knee deep in the streets of Miami and Miami Bcacli. Ml public utilities were disabled and restaurants closed. Drinking water xvas served in half portions.

Fi-genf appeals for fowl, water and clothing were answered by special relief trains dispatched to tho storm area. DEATH TOLL NKAR MIAMI 804 The death toll in the Miami vicinity was placed a 804 by Jcrrj Owen. -eral siiperintenden, nf the OtheV estimates listed. 100 'dead at Ft. Landerdalc and a similar uum- at the were established to care for the vie JocUey Club and of the Miami Kennc Club were attain( all cslimatei escaped however.

Bread Lines Appear In Miaini; A Relief Train Rushed There bodies. CLEWISTOWN WASHED AWAY rn morning. of Pensacola, where it was expected to strike All precautions have been taken there. Looting broke out in the nesro sections of Miami last inglit. attained a SERIOUSLY It roared across the Everglades and passed into the of Mexico with only slightly diminished intensity.

The west coast was not damaged seriously. Fort Myers bore the brunt of the storm there. Public utilities at Ft. Myers were, put out of conumss.on and thcj were isnlalcd for several hours. Citrus fruit suffered some damage.

AL St. Petersburg several thousand trees were uprooted and water flood- the outlying districts of Tampa. PALM A Sep'- 20--(1-, a linos appeared in the down-town business district of storm wrecked i a i today, according to word ranching here. Tbe homeless filed in long lines to get first food and pure drinking water since tbo storm broke over the city early Saturday morning. The lines nro in ehiirgo Red OS Bread tickets nro issued only to the needy.

PARTIAL LIST OF THE DEAD WEST PALM BEACH, Sept. .0 (UP) Kollowiiis is a partial list if the hurrkmic dead grouped under he cities in which they were found: MIAMI DEAD Mrs. J. W. JlrGinnis child.

Alton B. Uttle. Mrs. Josephine Cochraft. Dorothy Wells.

IJenjainiii T. Watfs. Fred Shutls. (Jeorge Mellette. Venetian Carter.

.1. T. Phillips. Mrs. Edith T.

Raker. Roberts. Jane Criicliannt. Lydiii Brookshire, Johnson City, Tenn. Krank II.

Schwartz. Franli tinsUins. J. Kgiwv. A.

T. Phillips. Mrs. Davis Goulds. Mrs.

Dallas Harrison. Mrs. Edith Baker. Uttle One Fisher. Mrs.

Jenny Dallnu. Sarnow. Mr. Whitehursf, Gets Storm MOBILK. Sept.

20-- (AP)--Tlie weather 'bureau here reported at 7:20 o'clock that the winil velocity hail reached 100 miles nn hour at Priisacola. A relict a i bearing fifteen pb.i fici.tnp. staff of nurses, provision incilu-ino anil supplies nnd two cm of i i water hns arrived In Miaini--the first ont.sido help. Guard Relief Train State i i i a met. tho relief a i nnd closnly guarded its cargo, escorting physicians "'irscs 10 where the most seriously cared for.

Nation To Rush Aid A I Sept. 20-- I 1 -Washington today prepnred to lead tho nation in speeding relief to Florida iteuinsiiln. stunned by the taken by the hurricane which nl I I I i i a i i i i Striking the vast expanse of Lake Okeerhobee on its northwestern a sweep from the cast cnast the storm hurled enormous waves against Af U((1 i rity of Mooreliaven, where Dr. W. Mitchell, a Se-'jrmg nlinrtci l(U iin estimated at least 100 persons hal been drowned.

FLEE TO TOPS OF BUILDINGS Residents were forced to the top of buildings, he said, and .3 persons were drowned when a. story frame structure collapsed. He declared the drainage dam built around the town at a cost of hundreds nf thousands of dollars was wrecked and the, countryside flooded. Only the brick business blocks and a school house were on their original foundations, Dr. Mitchell said, and shells of small houses had floated hlocKb from their original positions.

TOSSED SHIPS ASHORE "The force of the winds ami waves at Miami tossed yachts and larger vej-sels in Koval Palm Park, where they remained high and dry when Hie water receded" C. F. Kidgcway. said. Most of the wooden structures in the city, he said, have been Mown or unroofed, concrete and steel buildings have Iwen twisted at i base.

Practically every piece of plate glass in the city was broken. Many of the injured and killed in Miami were hit by flying rooting the damaged buildings. Sam Smith, east coast nillman conductor Heavy galvanized iron shcelings of roofings were flying about the city ike scraps of paper and were wrapped around trees. Smith reported. Several sections of the county causeway across Biseayne Ifay, one of national beail- for milling to relief measures already taken, the army stood by, ready to add" its personnel and equipment if President Coolldpe considered it necessary to order i i a i Const guard and a a officials also were prepared to assist if reports from isnlaloil islands in tbe Bnluunns indicated need of relief workers ami i-quipniont there.

Oliio News (By Associated Press) TOLKDCI--Cnrl Aspbiml, -10. and O. H. Cinnquc, were killed in automobile accidi'ius. K.

i 44. aecirlenlnlly shni and killed by bis daughter. Ci- Stran- burj; while she wns a i i a rcvolv- XAXESVIF.I.K--Georsc "Cy" Mnr- 35, hnsnbnll pitched, died from injuries received in nn automobile accident Saturday niffht- Ships At Sea Escape Mid. like A I 20-- -Although grcitt was donrt lo shipping in 1-lnridn hnrbors by the hurricane, (fir ships at sea have sent out if tress cnllp. A i Fruit company ship, is two principal connections with Miami arc completely swept away and Sun Knlviiilcmr island.

0:10 ninrh nf the remainder undermined. A small house-boat anchored a short dis- the Eastern Hahnmas. and riestroyprs lance south of Coroanut Grove, with a ninn and his small son aboard was in break from its moorings and sweep helplessly toward Cape Florida ihc open sea; no trace ha.s been found of cither. SWEPT OUT OF HOME Mr. -John Neyland.

together with and Henry Cotter orcupving the same house al Miami Beach, were out of their home by rising waters at the height of the storm. The survived by clinging to floating wreckage, while the Cotters ilis- a PPMred in ihc high water. A large dredge anchored alongside Ihc channel, was wrecked with four! men aboard. Seven swam to the causeway while the others were "CK reported. small schooner was wrecked a short distance north of Fort Ijjuder- from tin; rninmandor of Ihfi d' i strryrr In its i nccrirdiiig to brief dispatch from th" oommnndor of nlulcstroycr f-ijuadron.

Tbf S. S. Sib. uipy nn nn i i i i ilrivcn Irish i dry in I i Pnrk and a i aboard sunk in i a i harlor. AMERICAN SAILORS WOUNDED PEKING.

Sept. 20--(UP)--Three Cnited States sailors have Iwen woundei fishling on the Yangtze river, acainl- Rto dispatch received foriay. Tlie United States guntwat Pidfteoit was at- tarlied with rifle ami machine gnu fire from Mayans and Wurhang. Alwnt 100 bullets struck tiic I'iilgemi whose crew replied with machine gun fire. The sailors' wonnils were sliehl.

According to the dispatch received here the attack occurred Sunday. A. J. Winueherp. Fien Biirlingfoti.

A. J. Harris. A. Harris.

Carolyn Beeni. Mar?" Hopper. HOLLYWOOD DKAI) Mrs. Russell A. Zcllmcr.

A. n. Browley. J. Story.

Ivan Austin. T. E. Gamble. Ralph McCUire.

Mrs. Anne Thomas and new born iahe. DANIA DEAD Mrs. Jaeger. Mrs.

R- W. infant. Andrew Peadlodi. Mrs. Coniy.

Peter McGalister. Bettv Krulman. J. F. Graft.

Benny Ferral. Peter, Broughes. HALLANDALE DEAD Mrs. J. H.

Kimbals and infant. Many Ohio Residents In Florida 0.. Sept. 'M-- i ted fate ot" hundreds nf Oliionns. scattered throughout storm swept.

l-Toridu was in douht today. Only in JL few CHSOS inivo In the a received any word over crippled wires of those who were in vangnnrrl the Florida developers, or who hnd gone- there to enjoy pleasures of slate. every city nml liumlct in stute contributed tlm viist throngs attracted ly I i ibo "Miign: City." iiiul other mirnele ies which have sprung up in Florida. Scores bad taken up residence In Florida, while many oil) rrs. fliitlcipnlini: revival of thii year i.ho unprecedented boom in Flor Idn, had gone curly to the, suuthnri state to prepare for the tourist Thousands of others ihrnughon Ohio were directly iiffneled throng the loss of property in tiic storn Tfiees investments cither i citrus or other suburban land or i hih pricel city real cstiito ii various Florida sections.

MANY FLORIDA TOWNS WRECKED BY HURRICANE BY AL KKCK Unitel Tress WF.iSTTALM HI-LVL'li. Sept A groat i hlow- ig r.W mill's nn buiir out of tbo YVost ndlos has devastated tho Floridu nst const from near 1'alm Honch to below Iloniostciid, wny lives, property nnd destroying i i mill towns. Two bundroil sixty ono porFons lire nowu in linvc boon killeil while osti- mtos of tho (lend by a In Ibo Itirgor cities GAL TWO Mobile, Gets Storm I A a Sopl. 20-- CTP1-- With wind velocity or nO-mlle an hour at o'clock Ibis morning, the tropical i a sweeping out the of struck Mobile. Tbe barometer was drop 01 nearly 30 poinls since o'clock la? i The storm thus far has clone nc ilamnfre to shipping nnd the city, fore- warnorl.

hnii prepared for tho blow. Hoports from Ponsarnln said the CARDS ARE DEFEATED BY GIANTS (By The Associated Press) rbo a i a league pennant was jammed still i lodny wit! St. Louis holding it single prnmc mnr gin over i i a i Tbo New Yorl Ynnkees hnd. spread their lead ovc Cleveland In tin; American lo tbrc half gnines. The i i Iripped tho to ri.

i i idle for he clny, burnished its nvinnr for bnl- tle i Ihc troublesome Boston Braves today. Tbe Yankees bfnt the, Indians. 'to 3. a losing four stmight, to them. Tho i of the lenders follows: National To Play Ave.

87 fi2 -S81 85 62 7 -578 American lone; Iho lied Cross bus recelvnil ro ports that, the (lend will ranch 7(10 mil some figures place it cloFc to 1,000. Team St. Louis Cincinnati winil there- wns miles and the barometer stood nt a drop nf 2O points in i hours. East Indian Boat Is Sunk; Many Drowned LCL'TTA. Sept.

NS i --A r.nttvp boat carrying more a UOO natives nnd i families ncross The O. Sfpt. 0 A Major Genl Robt. Howze, Succumbs New York R8 58 8 Cleveland 85 fi2 7 If tho ISPils win the rest nf i nothing the Cards can ilo will got them tbn fliic. Bm let tbe Reds tirop but one Minn and St.

I.onls by a i i their fivo can just Four out of five i for the nnd six nut of seven for the would end wnsnn i dendlock and necessitate playoff. The a i Pirates tbo i i i of th: son son i Brooklyn Ton innings were needed fur tbe St. Louis- Urowns to rinse out Pblbt- tn i linrlcrs licinpr i thousand petT'c nro estimated to be homeless. The diimngo In Mlninl alone is ret lit Hollywood. Fort T-nudordalp, niu- loah, Pompnno, Unnln, Hiilbinilalu Moorehnvcn, Clcwistnn, Key I.iirgo, Homestead.

Coral ilnlilos, Muckway, nml Key nil hnvn buffered In varying ilcjrref--the first six mimed ns woll i a i to point whero probably I hey will hnve lo i Tho cities which were I i almost overnight in prciitost era of Development, nil American i bns ever luivo overnight Iwnenth probably greatest disaster which bus struck an Ameri- cnn i since fire and onrtliqiiiiX-c leveled Snn Frnncisco In JtKMi. wns six dnys aco a hnr- rican wns horn out in West Indie? It rolled westward nnd at n. ni. Siitimlny it broke upon i a i from tho northwest. Tor Four hours the wind ronred nml whirled nl velocity of miles an hour.

Building Blown Tbe great tower of the Miami News over tho world for bounty of I arehoitertlire, leaned over nt an angle, twisted nnd wrenclied. The 10 story Meyer Keysor bnnk hnlldlnc IK ruined. after building was blown rtowii or was sbnttereil nnd torn. Hnnts were tossed, sunk or destroyed iH the bnrbor ns if they WPTP hut things of i tissue. People wore crushed.

Injured nnd 'wires were twisted into entnngle- menls such as on tbe fields of went out. Communication impossibility. I a i lines were disrupted tracks destroyed. i fell in torrents. not oven names of Ihc patients wera I ken.

From (ill roimrls Mint conlrt he gathered, however. It wns I was conservative, csti- nuilo of ihc number of persons The lied Cross, cUnritnble orgnni- x.ntion'.s of i kind, public service corporations and overy Imaginable agency Hint coulil give help, turned ID I lie work (if relief. slores nnd warehouses were wrecked--meaning Hint foml supplies wore dnptrnydd. Hnilroad service was Interrupted, a i II uncer- a i when moro food could reach hn stricken area. I meaiilhne tbe chaos in the stricken cities nml towns was intense.

Homeless pooplo wondered, the lie- brls-filled si rods. Chnrchos, homes--almost, all which have been left standing--In every city luivn Iwcn thrown oiion. Thoi-L- I be. homclcs.1 gather. Hremlllnes have been formed in i nnd other towns.

several sections, done! still wow in I be streets or bcuetilh tho wrockupo wberp Ilioy fell. The A i Lesion, the Itcd Cross nnd tho clinmbcr oC comraorca of rntm Bench linve orgnn- fiflO relief workers to ncnctrnte "carrying fool nnd supplies. Virtual i i a rule prevails in nnd other cities. There of trooops nnd tlio luck of a a i inn fees tbe of bringing there sufficient men to meet the difficult one. It.

wns understood that sailors and marines from destroyer sriunilron, ipuroiiic lo Cnbnn waters, would be untied to give nid. Guard Water Cars A guard was established about thu valor cars to prevent the exhausted icople from a i i them. hay of FJencal to a a i i a storm today. It. is iolicvcd there nre onlv 2(i survivors.

o. of rcw shore, while a comjianion perished just reaching safety. The survivor said he had left several children aboard. 11(1 too exhanste'd to give details. At Hollywood reports said only bread and water were available for while bread lines are reported at several places in Miami.

ily officials in Miami have posted orders outlining relief measures ar) 'l "aming would-be profiteers. Committees have been named to handle the situation in food, build" material, city relief, sanitation, the ire supply and other necessities. Hoarding of" supplies by merchants or individuals was banned, after a survey revealed a 30 day supply of food nnd water. Miami- Beach was placed iinoVr the saane regulation. In Fort Laiirferdale city officials planned immediate erection of "arraris to house hundreds nf refugees who have Blankets and wire placed in remaining offire buildings.

Auxiliary hospitals were in various downtown stmrlurcs, with all available physicians a i i 'l nnrcs ro rare for the inroming patients. TM i nf Miami in the little communities of Homestead. Paranja, I ct- -oulds, Kendall. Pcrrine and Black Point, hardly a home or store '-'aped. Tne large citnis crop, a.

chief source of revenue, was drowned oul, i a loss of more than half the trees, in addition to the year's otitpnt which annually runs into thousands of dollars. to urgent appeals for WIO troops "as quirk as possible" from the sheriff at Miami. Governor Ma rim dispatched several companies and lospilal i of national guardsmen to Mie scene. Tlie Pullman Company made, its entire resources of available and the American Red Cross offered ils full facilities. Fund for storm sufferers were beinc.

raised in the sister cities of Florida and all Ked Cross chapters in laree southern cities were called on to rush supplies. The tropical hurricane, originating in the struck Miami and that section of the east coast Friday midnight and raced for nine hours. A brief lull ahont 8 o'clock Saturday morning deceived hundreds inlo venturing forth lo salvage their only to be stnjrh hy a more terrific winil than the first. While virtually every building in Miami bore marks of the hurricane, the is story Meyer-Kiser hank building, recently completed at a cost of SI.OOOOOO wa.s the only large structure seriously damaged. Its was twisted so badly it wa-s feared building would have to he rared.

The graml- of the Miami Jorkry Club and of the Miami Kennel Club were demolished. Shipping seeking haven in the. Miami harbor, hard hit. mnrr than trO small rraft. including yachts and pleasure Imats, beinfr lifted from the water and splinlered on the slwre.

Hurricane, warniiip, ilctnain display? from Biinvood. to Appatachicola, Florida, and storm warnings from the 1 after point to Tampa. Funeral services for Major (lenornl Ixc Mowzc. H. commander of The Corps Area, who died yesterday, aro Ix'ing ik- ferrfrj p'iiling tbf- a i a of his son.

Ii. J. noww, Burial Water, hnnkoil up in the Imrbor by IS power of tbo i a swept Ibo Khoro wrecking in its a and leaving boats Hv" I Supplies Wnler supplies in i a i have run low and power is virtually unavailable. Medical supplies have Ircen practically exhausted. Disease is fcnrcil.

Dawit nnd bewildered refugees le- erin a i i today in West Pnlm Reach. They were cnred for by emergency relief orRnnlwillons bore. from the west const show a Tiiinpa wns lashed only by tho mil of tbe hurricane. One hundred ihouttind (Mllnrs wns the damage estinmteif Ibero. A liolel-bnnt on I be Fillsboroiigh river was overturned and the wore tliroivu i the choppy river waters.

All were snvod. Orlando suffered but little. Avrn- IIIMS were blown down nnii Ibe citrus was cinly slightly (Inmilled. In CleiirwaUM- tlirec liuiliT- IIIKS were unroofed and rnin i -oin- on In IIKS were i i i And while 1 1 1 0 Xr, lives wore lost. Damn to i a i other of rr i feareil.

FlorUIn oast were i kelim.l tho wind blow 50 will Io at West, point. fJoneral wns (12 of succuinlvd followliiR nn op- fnr enll lilmldor trouble. Hf i IK? siirtf-erlod in command of tin? i corps siren by Ffrisadifr 1 nil K. A i i Commandant nt Fort Renjamin Harrison. a i with 5orviir- in the I i a wnrfarc of tbo after his from West Point in 1S-S.

Howzo ivfl.i onf of tlic ont- cnlled to llie jnoiind. Seven piti-hors lierformorl when Del roil boat Washington to 7. Jolinson ninontr tli' jiclims-. Cbleng'i I i mod to Death Follows Stork's Visit A I A Sept. Li) I Horn in h'ni whiirb trpnibloil in tho lorrifyinir i which swept Florida, Iniby livorl hut momont.

liion rushod to iloatb i Mrs. Anna Thomns. Tho bulk's a bad rnstiorl out in the to i-alf a phJ'sioian. a i figures in fhf service in prncticnlly overy succeeding wnr in which the United Slates forces wro engnjwl. He was Ins-t tlio public cyo ,1 i less a year when bo wns called upon to preside over th a court a i i which tried Colonel i i a Mitchell fr.r his charges ngninst the War nnd Navy (Icnrrnl Mirvived r.y his widow, daughter and two sufferers.

Hollywood Hollywood, fif-rhiips i nioft fn- inns rif tho Floridu ilovelopineiits wrenched, find torn. Kstimntes 'lend I hero wore placed nt Fort r.siuderfbile. a a om Hi.nn Hollywood wns visited i biir'lly loss fifteen bodies have boon rerovorod from its wreck ijre tho dead there may 'y rare truck was i nnd IT wore reported killed. The storm swept inlnml over Okocchnl.eo nnd an who flew i i i came bnok. i nn I probably 110 Jial been killed in Moorohaven and Clewistnn.

Another man who bad been over miles iin hour nnd 10 itr cent of the^'e. lemon a a i crop da inured. In Little river and Lemon City hardly structure escaped darange but the loss of life apparently wns not heavy. i a i shores sfpnied to have suffered less than other communities in that region. In Ojus, Davie nnd Damn dozens- of buildings were twisted nml torn, nnd there was much the same story of desolation there as in Miami IloHywood.

The main hotel at Fort Landerdalc was seriously damiiKed that nil zncsls were ordered out. There the women's clnh building, churches and schools became the emergency shelters of relief organization hcadnuar- tho territory said be estimated tbe Coral Gables, according to persons nlonp: the railway Wweon ire-aching hero, bns teen comparative- Tuesdav Date for Atlantic Hoo-Off NKW YOHK. S-pt. Definitf postponement i Tuesday of the iiop-off Sikorsky bi plsno. on its prnjorted flight from Now York lo was nnhonnred Jute toIay.

lieno conmiandcr. hnd Lieutenant Lawronc William i as tbore wns a likelihood llie a i rofild not lie made earlier a Tuesday on account of weather conditions. Monrehnven nnd Murkway at -10. Key West also suffered IS wore reported killed there. There was no way to tell how many persons had hoen injured.

Hospitals were filled i injured hut could not hope to care for all. It is probable many who were hurt could not reach a place where even first nid could he Riven. Doctors, nurses nnd all who bad skill In treatment of tho injured worked as lonpr RS they cnnld stanrl. Their sole purpose to nid ns many as possible: Where records of casei could not be conveniently kcot. ly little damaged although' there were killed anil injured there.

The force of tlie hurricane struck Minmi at 2 a. Saturday and for four hours its fury dill not abate. Then its intensity Flackejifil hut i wcil into tlio morning it still howled closed to 100 miles an hour. It was estimated thnt the storm its mnximiim wns ronring over the Florida cast coast for nprcmmately nine hours. About a.

nn the wind's intensity npiin for a shirt time almost lo Ih' 1 vfoloncr of secondary hurricane and it cnujrht scnrc.x of those who ventured ont nnil completed to lu.

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