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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WE LEAD THE IMITATORS! But never imitate. Let us impress this on your mind so.that you wont forge.tit:--AH job lots, old styles, shelfworn goods and odds and ends are not Sample Shoes. We are the Only Sample Shoe Company! Every pair of shoes in our store is a San pie Pair. The best that can be made, We have a buyer in the market all the knows how and where to buy- for cash 6nly-we know how to sell. By offering Honest Goods.

Your money back if you want it Ladles' Patent Leather Oxford Slipperf, always stll at Our price oro. $1.23 Men's Coopress, or ball creased Vamp shoes, warranted solid throughout, worth $2. Our Boy's solid calf Jace shoes. Sell everywhere at $1.50. Onr price We've got more Savings Banks for tlie Children, and some little Photograph Cameras that will take pictures, for the older ones Come in Saturday and get one, Thev're Fine.

Infants' Patent Leather or Donjjola kid button fine kid, heel orspring dress shoes, flue and dressr- Made to sell at $2. Our price Ladies' fine Dongolakid shoes soft and flexible and war ranted. Hard to (jet 'em at $2. Our price We have a superb line of Ladies' Slippers at just about half price. Everything guaranteed as represented.

l-HOElSJl I Ike Oppenheimer, Manager. 322 Fourth East Side. Cffsla Is a combination of ffi Wheat and Corn! and is absolutely pure Do not tike an inferior brand. Insist on having CRYSTAL. Alvrajs ready.

CRYSTAL WHEAT FLAKES ARE THE BEST Ask FISHI If yon want a flue fresh PISH leave your order with F. KINNEY, -TELEPHONE, A fine variety of fresh lake fish received daily. No cold storage goods. dress and deliver without extra charge. H.

E. TRUAX, M. D. Special attention given to Nose, Lung, Llier Chronic Diseases. Ofltae and over State National Bank.

Hoars 10 to 13 a. 2 to 4 p. and 7 to p. m. AU calls promptly attended.

DR. F. M. BOZBR'S DENTAL PARLORS. Over State National Bank, Logansport, Ind.

WANTED! REAL ESTATE. Wanted, Cheap Cottagos For Sale. Wnnted Lots an4 Acres Vor Sale. Wanted Small Farnit For Sale. Wanted Bloajta For Wanted to E-tchnrure ifartns lor City Property.

Wanted Merchandise to Tr Farms. ADD3E33 Jl. 31. GORDON. Spry Block iLojanjport.ilndJarja.


MARCH 7 Natural gas bills for March now due and payable. The County Building and Loan Association has on hand for borrowers. Crepons, the most fashionable fabric of the day in endless variety, to be found only at the busy Bee Hlva. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the 0. R.

will serve supper Tuesday evening, March 19th, at the home of Mrs. Riddle on Railroad street. Insurance and few hundred dollars of local funds; also Eastern money In any amount, to loan on mortgage M. Cloeeon, No. 319 Pearl street.

A Crowning Succem. C. E. DeVos. editor of the Cooperville (Mich.) Observer, is a worthy example of what push and energy, with keen business propensities, will accomplish.

In a conversation with your correspondent, Mr. DeVos said: "I was born in Keene, Canada, In 1855. In 1857, I migrated with my parents to Pelle, Iowa, received a common school education, drifted into the printing business, and removed to Battle Creole, where I became foreman In the large printing bouse of Gage Son, I recently purchased the pfiper of which I am now editor. My life work has been very confining and exacting and, as a result, my health gave out and I broke down with norvoua exhaustion and sleeplessness. I was in such a condition ttat I could not sloop until completely worn out, mv appetite failed me and I had to choke down what little I did eat.

Abou two months ago my attention was directed to Be. Wheeler's Nerve Vitalizer and I concluded to try it. It had a wonderful effect on me; in a few nights I was able to get all the sleep needed, my appetite returned and became as ravenous a wolf's, my weight increased twelve pounds, my mind became clear and active, in fact, I was restored to health and I look and feel an entirely different man Inquiry and observation has proved Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Titalizer to be ft truly wonderful cure for all nerve troublee, such as nervous prostration, spaeme. His, mental depression, ex.

nauateel general debility. For sale by Ben Fisher, Druggist. New Hlcb School Inafraetor. B. F.

Long has been engaged as an instructor of science In the high school. Mr. Long recently graduated from the university at Bloomiigton. Ha arrived here yesterday. Beware of OlntinentH for Calwrrli That Cantata M.t*rcary.

As mereurr Bill surely dwitroy tie or smell anrt completely derange the whole system when entering It through the rcracous sarfaces. Such artltles should new be us-d except on prescriptions from reputable phjslcmrii. as the damage they will to Is ten fold Co the good yon can postJ- bly them. Hill's Catarrh Cure raita- ufacteired by J. 0., tains no mercory, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the and mucous or the system.

In baying Hall's Caurrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Iv taken internally and made In Toledt, oklo, by F. i. Caemej Co free. by ArogHrti, price Tic.

per bottle EXGINEE3 SCHWIERIKG HCRT. Pan Handle engineer Wm. Schwierlng is laid up at his home on Canal street from the effects of a fall. Several nights ago he left his horns for the round house to take out a train but hsd just got across the street when he slipped on the lea. He managed to get home and a pbysiclan was called in who pronounced the injury a serious one.

He is not able to leave his bed and has the injured limb done up in splints. It will probably be some time before Mr. Schwiering is again able to mount bla engine. F. P.

Jackson of the Pan Handle repair tracks is sick and off duty. Pan Handle engineer Jacob Moak who was in the cltj visiting his family returned yesterday to Chicago. A new supply and storage room for the M. of W. department is belag constructed at the Pan Handle shops.

The condition of engineer Sam Bricker Is not improving. It is now nearly two years since be has been out of bed. Two more class freight engines are expected to arrive at the Pan Handle round house today. They will bo numbered 356 and 378 respectively. Tbe six P.

F. W. C. locomotives that have been helping out tbe Pan Hindis during the freight rush have all been sent home again tbe last one going yesterday. Vice grand master J.

J. Hannahnn will arrive from Lafayette on Wabash train No. 44 todayaod at the station will be met by a committee of the local B. of L. F.

lodges. C. S. Crane, general paseonger agent of the Wabash, says that their mileage books are only accepted for pasiage on trains, excess baggage, for seats in parlor oars and for meals in dining or cafe cara which are owned and operated by the company. The Chicago Southeastern (Indiana Midland) Is again in financial distress.

Among other suits against that company is one brought by Wm. Black an ex.conduotor, for several month's back pay. Black was merly a conductor on the Big Four road bit loat his position during the Debs strike last summer. General Superintendent Magee of the Wabash announces by circular that hereafter, all covered cars containing commercial coal loaded at stations, on the line, or received from connecting lines, must be properly sealed at points where loaded or received from connections, except that It will not b3 necessary to seal cars loaded with coal at local stations for other local station on the Wabwh. The Chicago, Burlington Qulncy la introdncing from time to time many of the features of management of the Pennsylvania lines.

Its present system of keeping accounts is much the same, its mileage books are of tbe same style, and, like tbe Pennsylvania, the C. B. books are the most carefully guarded and good on only their respective lines. The has a voluntary relief department after the same plan as that of tne Pennsylvania. In the fall of 1893, a son of Mr.

X. A.McFarland.a prominent merchant of Live Oik, Suiter was taker with a very heavy cold. The pains in his chest were so severe that he had spasms and was threatened with pneumonia. His father gave him several large doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which broke up the cough and cured him. Mr.

McFarland says whenever his children have croup be invariably gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always cures them. He ooEsiders it the best cough remedy in the market. For sale by B. F. Keesllng, Druggist.

Tbe Sunday School The work canvassing the city and taking a census for Sunday school purposes, was being actively pushed by Christian Endeavor workers yesterday. The New The Her. H. A. Perclval expects to take up bia new work at the Broadway Presbyterian church tbe first Sunday in April.

CHARGED WTTH GRAND LARCENT. Cure Heidiche, As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Blttera has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure aid the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge sll who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give ibis remedy a fair trial. In oases of habitual constipation Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long- resist the use of this medicine.

Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at B. F. Keesling's drug store. Joel Wicker.

Itt Taken to Fern on a Bunch A bench warrant issued from the Miami circuit court was yesterday morning served on Joel Wicker of street, and he was taken 10 Peru, where he will be required to answer a charge of grand larceny, on which accusation he wa; recently In dieted by the grand jury. Wicker is a baker, and has a wife and four children In this city. The allegation of the prosecution is that a bakery at Peru was purchased by a man named Volght, formerly of this city, who gave a cote for 175 on the establishment. Joel Wicker, it is alleged, afterwards secured possession, of the note, receiving $8 for it, and the paper was destroyed. Tne alleged theft is said to have been committed last fall.

The Discovery SSTPI! lUrLife: Mr. G. Callloutie, Druggist, Beav. ersville, save: "To Dr. King's NBW Discovery 1 owe my life.

Was taken with la grippe and tried all the phyeiclnna for miles about, but of no avail acd was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. Kick's new Discovery In rny store I sent for a bovtle and its uso and from tbe first dose to get better, and after using three bouleo was up and again, Is wi.n-ib lis wulght in gold. We won't keep i-tore or bouso without it. a.

trial bottle at B. F. Kees- llng'd drug store. Out 100 Fire. Tne F.

C. Wilson foiopraf gallery is now open for business. New and and refur- nisniSJ tbrc-niif''- 1 Hiiil see our boautifu' Kud nl.iUuo work. We are in Brood way, 510. Ulirkli'M'" Phe best salve In the world for cuts, bruUea Milt rheum (ever tetter, cbapotd hands, chilbluins.

corns, and all ekln tions, and positive); cures piles, or no pay required. It, la pjuranteed to give perfect money refunded. Price 25Vents per bor. For sale by B. F.

Keeping. I.OW.T Karen of The new (or foreign postage and registry have just gone into effect. Tbe rate of letters to all parts of tbe world, excepting Canada and Mexico will remain tbe same as tbe domestic rates. Postal cards to all parts of the world to be two cents. The fee for regleterlng a letter will be'elght cents Instead of ten cents.

Printing matter charged one cent per pound. Have You Kidney Trouble? Have You Threat Trouble? Have You Rheumatism? Have You Bladder or Urinal Trouble? TRY "SAN-JAK." Sold by HKV" SHER, Druggist. CHICAGO, Jlareli 1S9J. DB Buim-VAN. CHICAGO, MY DEAII My attention was first called to SAN-JAK last year la the ciise of Ciiptiiin J.

M. Broslus. Terre Haute, who was utc-wked In tlrs City witli acute nephritis am! cystitis (In- Humiliation ot iue bladder and lddnnj'8). prescribing the usual remedies without avail San- Jak was sns2--sted, and tmprovt-meiu was so marked alter tuelirsi dose, ami a complex care fullowHd so npoedlly, that I at once commenced UD ot its merits and since prescribed It In almost every koown form of kidney bladder, and caiarrbal troubles, followed in e-ich Instanc-t by the hapuiest results. A rase of enuresl.i(lnvoluntary How of urine) In myown famliy WHS very much Improved by a few doses, and radically cured In less than a From practical experience In a number of bad that I nave found no remedy that Is to SAN-JAJE.

while have never before given a professional Indorsement to proprietary remedy, I say and Mthont reserve that i con BKler AK a veritable boon to humanity and alter applying it to the surest prolessioniil tests, can saj wl conndence, It is better than it Is recommended to bo. 1 shall continue to prescribe It In all cases of eenlto-urluary or catarrhal troubles, In preference to all other known remedies. a NERVB TONIC, SAN-JAK can be relied upon fully and entirely. The delicious taste of medicine Is -vlso In its favor, In prescribing It for children. I am at present using SAN-JAK as an alterative in skin dlseasas, and In several rates of chr nlc eczema liave yielded so readily to Iti Influence that continue to use 'It In similar cases, feeling confident that It will aU the Indications in such caots.

Yonn sincerely. (Signed) WO BEN FISHER DRUGGIST You say a collcr cuff that arc CS. And perspiration will notafTccl them? Yes. Asd when dirty you need only wipe then: off with cloth or sponge Yvoadcrful! HOT nrc they A liacn collar covered on bo'-h waterproof "CKLi.ur.oiD." Looks exactly like a Hucn collr.r. Is only waterproof coiir.r cuff made? No, but it is the only or.c with tic linen interlining and UK only one that can Rive oiitire iiatii-- lUction, because it is the How can I know that I gel the r-t; 1 kind Because even- piece is Inquire for that refuse r.TiytL:;:;^ else, or you will Iv disappointed- Suppose my dealer does

h.v.-~ He probably has. bv.V if i-r-l, direst lo us, enclosing -1 Cufis 500. v.jicthcr collar wanted o-: l-irticd-dovi-n. THE CELLULOID A VALUABLE HORSE KILLED. An Owned by the Struck by a Pen lliiudle TralB und MUol.

A fine young horse recently purchased by John Baker for the MoAvoy Brewing company's wagon was shot last evening about -I o'clock. In charge of a hostler, the animal was passing Third street, when It became restive, and Breaking away from the attendant ran toward the Pan Handle crossing. In attempting to Btop suddenly at the approach of a west bound train, the animal almost fell, and the pilot of the engine struck the left foreleg, breaking It about half way to the knee. A physician examined the broken member and decided that the horse could not be saved, and a ehot from a rifle put it out of Its pain. How IA Cure HhcnmillNm.

4KAGO, Coos Oregon, Nov. 10, IS I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlains Pain Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled with rheumatism ot the arras and for six months, and has tried many remedies prescribed for that com plaint, but found no relief until she used this Pain Balm; one bottle of which has completely cured her. I take pleasure in recommending it for that trouble. Yours truly, C.

A. Bullord, Fifty cent acd $1 bot-tles for sale by B. F. Kaosling. Drujrgiit.

A wise person will always gate a new thing to of Us merits and demerits. We solicit investigation, our prices, goods and methods of doing business will do the Sample Shoe 322 Fourth street, east side. A silk bargain for a few days at the originators' of low prices; a. beautiful Japanese silk for 22 cents in many colors, at the Bee Hive. Chamberlain'! Era and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Rhenm, Scald Head, Sore Kipples, Chapped Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.

TO For putting a horse in a fine healthy dition try l)r." Cady's Condition Powden. They lone up the system, aid can loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by I presume we have used over one hundred bottles of Piso's Cure for Consumption in my and I am continually advising others to get it, Undoubtedly it is the Best Congh Medicine I ever C. MILTENBEKGER, Clarion, Dec.

29, 1894. 1 sell Piso's Cure for Consumption, and never have any com-, SHOEEY, Postmaster," Shorey, Kansas, Dec. 21st. 1894..

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