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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 6

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nik BABLT MCBgm. rrEfPffl. raBBPABT la. im. SHOW GIRL" QUITS THE COMPAXT WHICH APPEARED HERE DISBANDS AT BIjtnche Aldracb, Leading Ladjr, Wants llvr Girl? 1188 Attachmpnt Issued.

p. A. LEFFLER, Jeweler. ijiT ,1 The "Show Girl," which played here VI to date went to pieces at Lawrence Thit or ih7t The Register pub- a Story of the troubles of the 7 lea-Jins lady and manager while in star performer refusing to Bepairing a specially. engagement here.

The Lawrence Gazette says: The troubles which have been following 'The Show Girl" for some days, culminated here last night when IJlanche Aldrach, the leading lady, cunsed attachment papers to be issued the manager, Mr. J. P. Goring, lor unpaid salary amounting to The attachment papers were Issued out of Justice Brooks' court last night and wepe served by Deputy Sheriff Woodward at one o'clock this morning in room at the Eldridge house, frhe deputy found two trunks at the Santa Fe dejKJt, two more at the opera Knuse and scenery, etc. The hearing is set for next Monday morning at o'clock before Justice Brooks.

The Ijawrence Journal says: No the "Show Girl" was not the show girl last night She did not appear and the company went to pieces here. When the comjiany had all as- I S. aiLFtLLAN, General Contractor. Flagstone and Cement Sidewalks an6 Curbing a Specialty. IIS East Jackson Are.

Phone S94. HARMONY. Mrs. Fred Day is ill. The doctor fears an operation will have to be performed.

Lex Booe went to Chanutc Monday and had an operation performed. Me Is getUng along nicelv and will be six chorus girls and the mu- able to come home Thursday it the demanded that they be paid weather Is favorable. i before they go on. with the show. The Jasper Cornell returned from inla his inability to pay Monday where he was visiting was declared.

The other lives.His father. Dan Cornell, of tlie company sided with malned for a few tiay.s longer to visit "i'' sirls and the thing was off. his sister, Mrs. Marv (lofT. I This haiTi while the crowd Mrs.

Nancy Cloud "who has been vis- was gathering and there were a Iting relatives in this vicinity went to'many people juc'sent before the an-j Plqua Saturday to visit Iter son. J. nounoemeiit was made. The fuss was Cloud, and faniily for a few weeks. jheld in the dressing rooms and the The pie supper at Harmony Mond.iy pnblie did not know anything about if.

night was quite a success, both social- From all accounts the town did not ly and financially. There were thirt.v- lose much. The "Show Girl" has been three pies sold that brought JlM.ti.'i., getting roasted over the state and The lowest price being paid for a pie was prejiariiig to go on the tallow thirty-five cents and the highest candle circuit from here. After the price paid was $4 .00. 'eoiupauy left there were some at- Word was received today of the laehmenls run and these he'd the ba.g- death of Miss Tlaiiiilion who iia.u'e.

died at her home at Center (irove. last 'Iliis has been a hard year on the; evening. She was well known sliow but the best have in this vicinity and will be greatly to iiieces and the best ones have missed hy her many friends here. experienced roimh sledding. Cary Cloud attended the funeral oT Mr.

Will Shack at Chanute Wednes.lay. Oii riace. Big Clean Up Sale of Dress Braids and Trimmings AT THE MEW YORK STORE MoDdai) at 6 O'clock All the ladies In lola and vicinity know the extensive assortment of Trimmings the New York Store carries therefore a word to the wise is sufficient. Come and be convinced what this BIQ CLEAN UP SALE of Dress Braids and Trimmings means. These trimmings will be divided into three lots as folkws: Lot 1 Clean Up Price 25c Yard Consists of heavy silk Persian bands, regular price 40c to 75c yd.

Point Venisc lace bands and ques in creaui ami white, regular price 4S0 to 75c yard. Silk appliques in black and colors, regular price 56c to gSc per yard. Clean up price per yard LoL 2 Clean Up Price lOc Yard The greatest assortment kinds of braids bqth plain and fancy, silk appliques in black and colors, Point Venise lace bands in EcJU and Cream, Black Silk Galloon trirainings. Linen color appliques bands regular price 20c to 40C yard. Clean up price per yd WG Lot 3 Clean Up Price 5c Yard Consisting of pretty dress braids in Pink, Blue, Red, Brown, Navy, Green White, also some nobby Persian effects in Mercerized Silk braids.

Clean up price per yard OPEN KOREAN PORT CIIKI.S. HKSTEK DIKS 100. Mr. Slacks death quite a shock to his friends. He was on the streets in "Consuuiption had me in its grasp; Japanese Resident's Action May Widen Breach With China.

ir uie s.ree.s reached the jumping, i Chanute Saturday looking and. advised to trv state de- as well as usual. He took sick Mon-: today announced the pro- day and died night. We of-Imperial Ordinance Xo. tend our sympathy to the llf.

tJnl to tr.ade on family and relatives. RURAL CARRIERS AT LAHARPE Annual Meeting Held This Mnernoon. 1 A I clamieilliy as a part of its ter- litcry. and which the resi eovery is supreme. and $1.00 at The rural alien county carriers as- -all druggists. bottle free. BOCiatlon is meeting afternoon sii is sirrKssFiL. at LaHarjie for the annual of CfBcers. Other of importance will also comei up this meet- ing. As today is tlie ''f Washington's birtl d.ay.

the carriers 1 ot onducting Series do not have to work and hence hdfd the meeting in day tiinr. the present time the Salvation of this city is wa.i-'iiig a jirngies- warf against the i)Owers of i kiicss. and a real siege is being car Times" writes: "In my opinion Ko- souis being captured, ley's Honey and Tnr is the best rem-, sofar this week there have been edy for coughs, colds and lung trou-; seven cajitures and the n.ghl is going ble. and to my own personal knowl- unabated, so there mav be more edge Foley's Honey and Tar has ac- captures at anv time, compllshed many permanent cures xext week is to be devoted to the that have been little short of marvel-: i.eople 's branch of the work, ous. Refuse any but the genitine iu features of llnTT nneVnfo riiirrolt'ti t.

dency general on of the Korean government asserts is a part of the of Korea. The effect of opening the port is Well known Kim Citizen I'assed Xnay Yesterday. Christopher Hester died at 11 o'clock yesterday inoriiiug at his home at I.4ii;e Kliu. -Mr. Hester had only been for a few days.

The funeral will he held at Kim suthe time next Sunday. Jlr. Hester. would have been 100 years of a -'e had lie lived until the day of was well in this roiinty. WO.HE\*S WOES.

lola Women Are FInging Kelief at It does seem that women have more to all foreign n.ifions the'same rights in the port of Chung-Chin as obtain at o.he- Korean open regulated by the Koi-ean treatvi or. Miieil-itions "'-'headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down As Japanis in control of the affairs an ti 3 If the joy of the hoti.sehola, lor it no happiness can be complete. How eu-eet the picture of motlier and babel Anjrcls smile at and confimend the and aspirations of -J bcridingover the cr.adle. Tiie ordeal ths c' wliicii the expectant mother must pass, ever. If.

BO full of danger and sufTering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite tiinll of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman siiouid know tiiat the pain and horror of cliild- birth can JC entirely avoided bj the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment it)r external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all the parts, and nature in its sublim.e By its aid of women have passed this jrreat crisis in per- Tsct safety and without pain. old at $1.00 per bottle by dniggutt. Onr book of priceless valtie tu all women scat free. Addreaa OKaOFIEUJ RZaUUtTOa 00..

Mmntm. mm MOTHER'S FRIEND the yellow package. Store. Burrell's week's efforts will be to launch iaii League, which will I be done in a Sunday afternoon's meet AUSTRALIA INVITES THE FLEET. Prime Minister Wants Batt'eships to Return Via the Antipodes.

the kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Read of a remedy for only that and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. Mary GrifTtth. of r.l7 South Jefferson avenue. lola.

Kansas, says: When was sixteen years of-age I Mlashingtnn. Feb. An exceed- beginning at 15 The speaker ingly cordial invit.ation to have the! Vn nTvTeVt horse, occasion wi he Capt. t. K.

Amercan b.att Heet visit as a result I was Teft with a weak! Willi taker take for his trabaha.s been by Hon. A in this part, and although there theme -some hvils Caused by Tobac-; fred Deakin. prime minister of not a severe aching I was both- cc." He is very anxious that as many tra.ja. Secretary Root, in acknow i ered most of the time. I also had fre- men and boys be present as possible, though the meeting is open to all.

All leduing the inntation. remarked: Uuent headaches and dizziness. Some eventual ir.ovements of our months ago I learned of. Doan's Kid- ney Pills and got a box at Chas. II.

through this coming week a fleet h.ave not yet been jsiiecial effort will be made to get the i it Is probable that the vesse's "st i children saved, and to get members will ly way of Suez, I would; proved of great benelit to me, greatly of the follow ing branrhes of the be slad if some of them could be sent relieving the misery in my side and people's xvT The company l.y the Australian route, but it there was decided improveiiienl in my pronrso this." jcondition every way. son. eleven meeting, or in other words, the Sun-i be lu'ematiire S.cretary in making old, complained of headaches, the invifHiion today, expressed sharp shooting jiains and his coin- UK- gratitude of the navy department I plexion was sallow, while he looked aid bad other ways. I gave him Doan's seluiol. also the Band of Ixive.

I the Young People's Legitm. Sunday's meetings are as follows: I At Holiness meeting, followed at for the cordiality and sf Effeetlre Fehr. The 1 by a conijiany mctin.g. At 2 t.le matter would be; under souri Pacific win place on sale a ioOO 'he company meeting a. serious consideration.

children's Salvation meeting will be- abuve mileage book, good for bearer. Price Good on all portions of followed at by the MlBBonrl Pacific in the state of Kan-: meeting. if saa, Nebraska. Oklahoma. At it.

ni. a great ra'ly of life. It mav not vet be' Illinois and Arkansas, limited ''a" late. Just order from vour grocer Are Yon a Pic Eater! not you are missing half the Kidney Pills and they soon brought about a noticeable change for the better. in our family h.ave used remedy with most excellent results." For sale hy all r.O IJnffalo, THOS.

H. BOW1.US, Cashier. GEO. A. BOWLUS, President.

ALLEN COUNTS STATE BANK Capital $30,000.00 DIRECTORS A. W. Beck, L. C. Beatty, A.

J. Fulton, W. J. Evans, J. O.


Try a Want Ad. in the RBgimisf year from date of sale. Please bear; Madison avenue, where the above packages of "OUR-PIE" and York, sole agents for the United in mind that this ticket is for! be held. Tonight loarn how easy it is to make Slates. bearer and any number of passengers Captain WTiittaker will jireach on the chocolate ai.d Custard pies that are i Uemember the and may use the same ticket.

Desiniciion of Sodom and Gomorrow. to please all who taste take no other. EffecUre March 1st, in rent package contains the Pacific, will sell round trip tickets to proper quantity of the choicest pie in- Hot Springs, for IIS.OO, via Wag-' rpady for instant use. Has, oner or White River route, and CHI Honey and Tar cures la thou.sands and will surely I some 'etters from Chester Long, is Busy. A number of lola politicians have via St Louis' limited 9o davs from coughs and picise you.

If your grocer won 't sup-: I. inqu rin date of sale Refuse any l)ut the cenuine you. go to one who no.u 1 situation hare. EHrectlTe March 1st to April SOth, In- Package. IJurreirs Drug The- Missouri Pacific wil! sell; Store.

one way second class colonists tickets 1 to points In West and Northwest at 1 EXDORSE BRTA.V. greatly reduced rates. For routes and stop -over privileges apply i Oklahoma Will Tote for as to the iioiitical 2 Cars of Implements 2 Fremh From Faatory We are prepared bet ter than ever to supi)ly everything In Farm Machinery and Harrows, Discs, Com Planters and Cultivators. i At PrioesVThai Will Move Thmm Two Bi '9 Uorom 11 im at Denver. to the local agent.

Effective at The Missouri Pa- clflc wUl sell homeseekers excursion' Muskogee. Feb. tickets tin the first and third will unanimously endorsed days of 4ach month until Januarv 1st, president by the democratic state 1909, to regularly authorized home, f'nveit ion which meets here today seekers' excursion territorv in the delegation will be sent to South, Southwest. West and North- instructe as a unit or west, at rate of one and one-half fare This as conceded ttxiay when many plus for the round trip, limited! gathered. 21 days trom date of sale with a few exceptions.

For further particulars address the local agent. C. IXr Miillen Murder and Suicide. Bingham. Feb.

A. Djaiie broke into the home of McKay at West Forks at midnight; last night, killed Mrs. McKay with an axe and committed suicide. It is believed that Deane was prompted by jealousy. I For Woman's J.18 occur regukdy at a certain time every month.

Beca -jse rr.ay iiave zo all your life, is no reason why It should continue. Many thousa.nds who had prevlcusiy suffered from troubles similar to yours, due to disorder of organs, have found welcome relief or cure In that wonderfully mc'dicine for women. if Me of Cardui Mrs. Lccta O'TS cf Tc vrites: "I am well pleased with the results of using CarduL I hm talcsn three ar.d am perfectly well, freo from pain and have gained 25 pounds In veight" WRITEUSALETTESSHS Book for Woncn. yon Mid Mr sympi.m'.k.

suiinz sgc. anj rrply will be In aUla scaled nr The MedfcSi.

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