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The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana • 7

Billings, Montana
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SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER; 5. 1913. JUDGE BEGGED TO MARKETS SUSPEND SENTENCE TARIFF BILL IS FELT AUG THE TRADERS Hitter! Pleads With Court to Permit 1ST PESSIMISTIC Him to Heturii to His Wife and Children. THE BILLINGS DAILY GAZETTE. ft AN Gl AL REVIEW 4 TEN DAYS IN JAIL AND FINE iVuxiey of Future Causes Hesitation Possibility 'oi' Imports From Argentine Kepuljli', Frightens Traders.

Wheat Drops Off. mid Interniitteiit Weakness in Stocks During: Week. Jlay Appeal Cuse to Supreme Court- Judge l'ierson Willing to Sign Writ 4- of Probable Error Cannes Convict NEW YORK. Oct: 4. Anxiety of the ed of Misdemeanor.

ifTf 'Oh-the Better Sort future caused hesitation and intermit tent weakness 1 of the stock market duitnz the week. This foeline bad to do with the prospects for commerce "For the sake of niy. wife and chil-and finance abroad as well as at dlell Judge don't want my little OU'D, rle to learn liow The outlook at home, in fact, is now. Sin to be told that, I'm in jail." CHICAGO, Oct- 4. Sentimental effects of the signing of the- tariff bill showed themselves today in the wheat pit.

Toe market though steady at the close was to net lower. Corn finished to down; oats Off to and provisions varying: from 10c decline to a rise of 2y2c. 'Notwithstanding it has been a foregone conclusion in regard to the tariff measure receiving the president's signature, the knowledge that the law was actually in operation had considerable to do with depressing wheat. Deputy Sheriff Ed. Ritter of Broad more than unusually dependent upon many' of our new customers am view, convicted of assault under cov money market conditions eleswhere.

In relations with foreign markets er of office upon A. H. Stahlke, a character of the same brought in here by- former ones. the United States Is fortified with a whom he was attempting to arrest, favorable trade balance growing onl a mm of heavy imports of grain and manu- last night plead with Judge Pierson to The popularity of our clothes and the service-avo Tender works like factures. suspend a iu-aay jau sentence pro- For the first time corn traders took The home market for steel products nounced as partial punishment for the remains unsettled.

In copper the de- oitense ot which the jury loiincl him Diction of stocks is affected by the re- guilty. The man whom his friends fright at the new tariff. Possibility of. imports from Argentina forced a duction of the output in connection declare to be a victim of a plot to bogie. with labor troubles in the Lake Sui compel nis resignation accepted a line an endless chain.

It's. gratifying" to us njVd to everyone concerned; and 'it encourages us lit do the utmost in quality and value-giving each ea-son. The1 suit and overcoat models that we show Oats suffered from selling based on' free offerings of Canadian oats both lienor region. 01 f0" wunoui compiainc, dui wnen east and west. Atieust renorts of net earnings ot jau sentence was passed urged Weakness of grain and hogs pulled railroads made so poor a comparison his innocence of any intentional with last year's results to discourage wrong and begged the court to permit shareholders and all those looking for him to return to his wife and children.

I by for this season are very smart down the a-ctive deliveries of, provi December wheat opened 87 to 5ie high, 87c; low, 86c; 86c. The jury has passed upon that, increased buying of materials by the Mr. Ritter," replied Judge Pierson to railroads. the deputy's assertions of innocence December corn opened high, and it is now up to me to say wheth B9c; low, 69c; close, 69c. er this shall look lightly upon December oats opened 41V to offenses of that kind.

It's a most ser 4 high, 41c; low, 40c; close, 4iVs ious one, in my judgment." Boston Mines. Amalgamated Copper Arizona Commercial Calumet Arizona Calumet and Hecla Greene Cananea Nevada "I have a little girl that high, 67 .433 30 lereni irom tne orumaiy.Kinu tiic average stores. Beautiful new effects in silk mixe-dr-t-', steds, fancy Scotch mixtures and; the nc.fy club checks, featuring the snug fitting soft roll English sack coats and the very popular Norfolk coats in many different models. Overcoats that are really wonderful, you cannot afford to seeing these beautiful even though judge," said the officer, indicating a height of perhaps three" feet. I don 16 DECLINE IS NOTED want her to know that I'm in jail.

North Butte 27 "If I could see my way clear to suspend the sentence I should be glad to York Bonds. U. S. ref. 2s, registered 95 U.

2s, eoupbn 95 do 'so, interrupted Judge Pierson AUG STEEL STOCKS "but it seems to me that even a sen tence of 10 days' confinement almost U. S. 3s, egistered 1024 U. S. 3s, coupon 3 S.d .102 makes light of the offense.

You've U. S. 4s, 1 egistered ...109 abused your office to commit personal you do not Intend buying; it will be a feast for your eyes and us to show them to you. All the new shaggy Shetland fabrics, chinchillas and fancy back fabrics, with the big shawl collars and the convertible collars that fit up close to the neck. Suits and Overcoats priced: "Il5, $20, 25, $30, violence upon this, man, and while there may be circum Wall Street Quotations From One to Four Points Off.

Bank State- I meats Show Loss. U. S. 4s, coupon-. ..109 4 Metals Market NEW YORK, 1 Oct.

4. The metal stances you still stand convicted. It would have to be a very exceptional 4ase to receive as. light a sentence as I have pronounced In. your I market was 'cjuiet "and: practically nominal.

Lake copper, electro 40, Furnishing Goods and Hats. lytic, casting, can consider you innocent and it isn't within the power of my office extent favors" to anyone. Person 16.75. i' Local Wheat. ally I am sorry to have to do it.

So Reported byi Kussell-Mnler- com far: 88 l- personally am concerned I pany'. Northern No. 1, 67c; Turkey red, No'. 1, 66c. We have established a rcputatioiras authority for 'Ilats! and luirnishings.

You can never go wrong in your selections in tliese depart-' nients, where stylo and quality arc always right. Your back for any that go wrong. Why not buy the best! Tliey cost no more than the ordinary kind. NEW Oct 4-t-A general decline in the Steel stocks was the conspicuous movement 6f 'the- day in the securities market. Republic steel, common and preferred, Colorado Fuel, Lackawanna Bethlehem steel, common and preferred and both of the United, States steel issues, were under pressure and their losses ranged from fractions to four points.

In the remainder of the list the movement was wavering with a downward trend. At the outset the tone was firm, but in the second hour the list developed increasing heaviness. In the last few minutes several issues were bid up should rather have seen you1 acquitted than convicted. If the jury had stood eight vto lour, or if there had been even one dissenting vote on the jury it might be said that some of the jurors were prejudiced, but they were BETTER BABY CONTEST all agreed." 1 i Seeing that hi petition was useless, Ritter with bowed head accompanied Co. AT SHERIDAN EAIR Clot hi ng owe.ii Sheriff Orrick from the room to be gin his sentence.

His attorneys were granted 60 days in which to file' a bill NEXT TO THE POSTOFFICE, of exceptions TshouToT It be decided to Bronze-Medals Hare Been Provided appeal the case to the supreme court. For Best Girl and Boy Exhibited. Judge Pierson. indicated his willingness to sign a certificate of probable should they desire to take il lip with the higher court, (Special to The Daily. Gazette.) Cacges Convicted of, Assault.

Charles Canges, charged with sec SHERIDAN, Oct. 4. Interest during the season. These will be dis in the Better. Babies contest to be held in Slipi-ifliin four rtavs tiext week, is STATE ODD FELLOWS posed of to local jobbers.

ond degree assault upon Joe Madina, Following the canning of the peas growing intense. Already the limit ol oriental, was convicted of third beans will demand attention and lat 25 babies set by the committee for er the apples. All second and third the contest has been reached, all Oi COVE RANCH TO MEET AT IDZEHM babies having- been obliged to pass a grade apples will be canned at the plant. Apple butter will be niade and other by-products will also be given preliminary examination conforming to the standards of the National Asso attention. degree assault and sentenced to serve six months in the county jail.

The case grew out of a cutting affray in a downtown saloon. He was charged with a felony. The- conviction reduces the offense to a misdemeanor. Three other cases were reset, as follows: State vs. Perates, trial set for October 8.

State vs. Potter and State vs. Kem- ciation for Better Babies, The Cove property was originally The contest will commence next (jraud Lodge Session Will He Held There From October 20 to 23, Inclusive, Manager A. C. Alien Collects Two Two Hundred Pounds to He Submitted to Jf.

1. Wednesday and continue until Satur day evening, being open each after planned as a commercial orchard, the owners intending to place the land on the market, but since taking hold of the proposition Mr. Allen has found noon. Bronze medals nave been pro- viHprl frir thA hpst hnv and thp bpat girl entered and prizes have been put viuuci TO BUILD CANNING FACTORY Petitions for the appointment of that returns from the investment are so good that he will continue to conduct the ranch in connection -with the up for winners in each class. There will he three classes, one for babies from six months to one year old, an other for those between one and two, Tlionsuud Acres in Peas Plan of I'urui Management Garden Truck ami Fruits to Be Canned To Sell Small Charles G.

Logan as administrator of Harry A. Logan estate and Joseph Hanlon administrator of the estate of the late Dr. Edward Rochette were approved by Judge Pierson. Bond in the first instance was fixed at $500 and in the second at $6,000. canning plant.

A Ifew five, ten and fifteen acre tracts till be disposed of to farmers, who will be interested in the canning factory, which is to be operated as a co-operative plant. The company wMl employ an expert agri a third for those between two and three. Local physicians have agreed tc measure the babies an award the prizes. Tracts. culturalist to supervise the entire 4 LOSS OF APPETITE.

tract, assist the farmers and instruct them in proper methods. Beneficial; results from the "Great HEAVY WAGON CRUSHES quickly. Weakness of the steer group was associated with a reduction in-7 the price of steel billets, announced today. Instead of the small cash gain predicted, the bank statement revealed an actual loss of more than $9,500,000. Bonds were steadv.

Total sales, par value, United States 2s and Panama 2s declined a point, and the 4s half on call on the week. Chicago Livestock. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Hogs Receipts 12,000.

Market slow, mostly 10c under yesterday's average. Bulk, $8.20 (8.65; light, mixed, heavy, rough, $7.95 9.15; pigs, $4.257.50. Cattle Receipts, 500; steady. Beeves Texasi steers, western steers, stockers and feeders, cows and heifers, calves, $7.75 11.60. Sheep Receipts, steady.

Native, western, yearlings, lambs, native, western, $5.807.40. ew York Money. NEW YORK, Oct. 4 Prime mercantile paper, 56 per cent. Sterling exchange easy; $4.8185 for 60 days; $4.8590 for demand.

Commercial bills, $4.81. Bar silver, GlMsc Mexican dollars, 47c- Government steady; railroad bonds steady. Close: Money 011 call nominal; po loans. Time loans steady, 60 days per cent; 90 days, 45 per cent; six months, 45. Omaha Livestock, SOUTH OMAHA.

Oct. 4. Cattle Receipts, 100; steady. Steer3. $7.40 9 35; cows and heifers, western steers, Texas steers, range cows and heifers, -calves, $6.75 0.75.

1 Hogs 'Receipts, market Heavy, light, $8.15 8.25; pigs, $6.00 7.50. Sheep Receipts, 100; market steady. Yearlings, wethers, lambs, $6 557.25. Minneapolis Grain. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct.

4, Close: Wheat No. 1 hard, 86c; No. 1 northern, 831485c; No. 2 northern, 814 No. 3 wheat, yQSIc; No.

2 hard Montana, 8283c; December, May, Flax unchanged: barley, $5.20 5.70. 14 London Wool Sales. Big Baked Potato" luncheon given by The ranch will be one of the big Here is a smart shoe at a low price; 14-button patent colt with dull kid top and receding toe; notice the L. VX Cuban heel, it's a $5.00 French model priced at the chamber of commerce Tuesday (Special to The Daily Gazette.) BOZEMAN, Oct. 4.

Several hundred delegates from all over the state are expected in Bozenian to attend the grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, which convenes here, October 20-23. The Gallatin county lodges at Bozeman, Belgrade, Sales-ville, Manhattan and Three Forks, will unite in- entertaining the grand lodge. An executive committee has been appointed onsisting of A. Webster, of Belgrade, chairman; M. B.

Payne, of Mauhattan; Milo E. La-Rock, Three Forks; Mel Thomas, Salesville; G. Slucky, Lew Gracey and H. A. Bolluger, of Bozeman, and this committee is making elaborate preparations for the entertainment of the delegates from both the Odd Fellows' and Rebekahs' lodges, as well as planning the program.

There are 101 Odd Fellows' lodges in Montana. THEY MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD. gest fanning propositions in eastern promise to be far reaching. One im LIFE OUT OF FARMER The Western Bond and Mortgage company of Chicago, which portant development is the gathering by A. C.

Allen of Cove of 200 pounds of two-pound potatoes grown in the Is the first signal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite is often caused by functional disturbances in the stomach. The stomach fails to do the work required, the appetite is gone, and the body suffers from the lack of nourishment. Such a stomach needs to be cleaned and sweetened. Merited Tonic Digestive is made especially to assist the stomach to digest food, and promote a is backing the new industry, is planning to! spend large sums installing the canninsj factory and will have it ready for the harvest the coming year.

(Special to The Daily Gazette.) GLENDIVE, Oct. 4. With his body $3.45 Billings district which he will submit to H. J. Titus of St.

Paul, superintendent of Northern Pacific dining car service. crushed by the -wheels of' a heavily loaded wagon from which hehad fall A chicken dinner is served at the Mr. Allen is interested in a large en, Lewis Anderson, a farm hand, aged about 40 years, died on the Red- Underwood cafeteria, 15 North Twen ty-sixth street, from 12 to 1:30 and tract of land near Cove. He has been in Billings and vicinity for several days gathering samples of the big water road about 27 miles north of this city last evening. The body was 6 to 7:30 p.

m. Sunday. healthy appetite. This remedy is sold on our positive guarantee, and we ask you to give it a trial. It is a You are interested in "more than looks" in your shoes, you want quality in leather and in lining and you want a good fit.

Our knowledge of these things is at your service. brought to Glendive, an investigation genuine tome. Chappie Drug com PACKARD SENT UP FOR pany, sole agents. i The pleasant purgative effect produced by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the healthy condi TEN YEARS FOR ASSAULT BODY OF UNKNOWN tion of the body and mind which they create make one feel joyful. For sale "spuds." The Cove ranch this year has 200 acres in Early Ohio potatoes.

The management is sorting and grading the crop, the large ones to be crated and shipped east for the particular trade and the others to be shipped to market in car lots. The company will also have a large exhibit at the potato show to be held in Billings in December. The Cove ranclf comprises 3,200 acres, U00 of which are in apple trees made by the coroner and interment made in thelocal cemetery. Anderson was in company with a farmer named Arrestad, and it is said that both had been drinking considerably while in Glendive. Anderson, who was driving, dropped one of the lines and in attempting to secure he lost his balance and tumbled to the ground.

The wheels passed over his body, shattering the spine and he died within a few seconds. by all ioDERN Shoe Shop 2823 First Avenue North IS WD IN HILLS (Special to The Daily Gazette.) BOZEMAN, Oct. 4. A telegram re TO PURSUE ELUSIVE GAME GLACIER PARK COUNTRY and the remainder hi grain, potatoes ceived yesterday from Lyons, in the southern part of Gallatin county by MELANCHOLY, DESPONDENT WOMEN. (Special to The Daily Gazette.) FORSYTH, Oct.

4. G. D. Packard, found guilty of assault in the first degree upon Ole Holland of Vananda, was given a 10-year sentence this morning by Judge Crura. Packard shot at Holland a number of times, three of the bullets taking effect, but the wounds were not serious.

Robert Garney and George Graham, tried separately upon the charge of stealing a horse from Walker Barton-; of Sarpy, were each found not guilty by the jury. Dr. J. Piedalue, coroner, stated that and garden true. An experiment with garden products to see -what yields could be secured in this district proved highly satisfactory.

EGAN KARSTEN UNDERTAKERS a badly decayed human body had been found in the mountains near there. Dr. Piedalue prepared at once to go The Cove company next year will operate a large canning factory on Day and Night Service 119 N. 30t.h Street Phones: Mutual 1331; Bell 564 Lady attendant if desired. to the scene, but was delayed 111 starting until this morning on account of a storm.

Several cases of disap LONDON. Oct. 4. There was a its property, adding another industry by which Billings will benefit, as the factory will employ from 40 to 80 men brisk-, demand for the 11,847 bales pearance in the Madison mountains CHRONIC dYSFEPSIA. are recalled more or less distinctly and women.

Plans are completed for offered, at the wool auction today. During the remaining days of the Are always afraid "something is going to' happen," and will naturally see the dark side of everything when tormented by headaches; dizziness, nervousness, the torture of a displacement, or an ulcerative, inflammatory condition. Such women should remember that for more than thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the safeguard of woman's health and restored more women to health and happiness than any other remedy andl.where there is healih. there is i no melancholy.

FOR SALE. here, but conjecture must rest until a fuller report of the circumstances this factory, which will be what is known as a two-line plant, and wiil Big game in the mountains along the southern boundary line of Glacier National park will be hunting the tall timber before many days, as a party of sportsmen left Billings last night foi that district. During a ten-day hunting trip they expect' to get the limit of elk, deer, bear, mountain sheep and others of the four-fooled wild animals that may be shot under laws of the state. Holmes, C. J.

C. Smith Hedges comprise the party. They will go by rail, tas far as Skyland and from there pack over a rough trail 25 miles into the wiUW of northern Montana. A guide has been 'engaged for the trip; as the coun- bales, 32,000 bales will be offered. The following unsolicited should certainly he sufficient to Is secured.

It is likely to be several be equipped to handle peas, beans, apples and other fruits and vegetables Jiieajro Dairies. rlavs before further news reaches give hope and courage persons. -Butter 1111- CHICAGO, Oct. The-company will plant 1,000 acres to affected wutlv chronic "I bsye beeiir-if chronic for years, and "orffall the medicines. 1' have here.

EXCHANGE. peas. 'about half that number to. beans and in addition jaise, a large Amount .6,161 cases. Market Eggs Receipts, uuctiaiigedr of small garden 'stuff for' Will exchange for real estate, floor instruction in Muaic ALFRED R.

VViactN3 of Voice and'FiwCO 1 108 N. 31st St. Mutual 3392. $1.00 par U-jz'. lHHfH Peas will be the principal cropfQr cases, show cases, safe, cash register, Dniutli FJa.O next C-year.

Figuring "the basis 'of Chamberlain's, SJomacl and Liver Taldets have udone nie' more good than anything says tisou, Sherman'street; Horn-eilsvilla, N. Y.J-' Sold by all" druggists. I v- rauuiniR yi grow try in hich they intend to hunt la little known. and widow flxtures, at lioiaen rune. The Gazette is'tfce paper to buy Floor cases, show cases, safe, cash register aiid window fixtures, at the Golden Rula.

DULUTH, Oct. 4. Close: 1 Linseed, May, October, November, ers five million cans will be put up 4,.

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