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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 15

Portsmouth, Ohio
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MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 22, 191, THE i PORTSMOUTH DAILY TIMES PAGE' THREE'l 1 i THE ONLY fcASEW RECORD. BUBCOEIBlIOH $5 00 FEE i The times Publishing Cb. OHILtlOTflE AND FKOlift VA1LBB HAROLD AND HARRY TAYLOR, aE0RGE lit. 1AYLOK, Managing I3itor AW AY, The Timei At TheFollowing News SUndt CIHCINNATI, P.ounUin Kews Fountali. COLUMBUS, OHIO: Butler (Hews.

Agent), Union SUtlu OppeuliBliii.Nowi Company, Gay auil Stieetl. OHIO: OB JO PiUr BDhn Bland) iUm Strest iiWL ADVERTISING Euterh Boproaonlative: HbbSH Niissad York. Ktproitntallv'e Alton 4 Ward AdrcrllBlng Sldg chloafio THE FLOOD WALL EXTENSION. In exifintlirig- tho flood tt'all, -it seems 'to its that it "should" go down to Mill sheet and lip that filKxt, inthu than up 1 rout sti cit 1 here me gicat homtb boulh IVdnt hticct mid luth the flood piotei'tion, it is cuhiiu lh.ll thcio i gfcuci il mi in the houses in tins section ilvtn too tlieit is quite important indnstn, tlifs Poitiniouth Yoncet PuncI C'o illicit wouJil roeeive by eft the'frail up to I'orlsmouMi grbivth'is the hick oE building sites an'area would 1e opened for. i in prove merit' if the will'ia extended.

Wt hopu tfi at then til ho no i i up on llm pioitct let the prrlirinilm'ifW lin Imn'ifMl 'o'n tlriiJ I work linn biYtriif the (jiirly siimmw. It. trim be Ibiiu "beUor.iJbw Svilli ifiiatci'Jal elieap- cr nnd labor j)jentilnl than Inter. 1 let Hie good- ivbi'k go. on.

of the town; and it will tlic 'cost an him- ilretl fold, ih conrtfe- ol' time-. I 15 peepecnv le Hie are employed For nut longer than five lonths tljen mid "soldier" on the, jo'b ihost oi' On; liiho. liy all menus let. Mr, J'lnch push his and bring juiilhed relreiiehcrs up to dance to some i'eal POETlFDQCTOR COOK, (Portsmouth, New Times) Wo Doctor Cook must wait for" another vindicate his ulnhiia to lhe discovery ol; the Is'oilh Polo. jjftiropctm wir with it's American an li fixation, appears ol! somewhat more consc- qiioncn just, how.than the relative veracity ol! Cortk find t'eary.

Nevertheless a' good many thousand Americans in many sections of llie country will own up to a sympathetic i'eeling for 'the cuigniutit! doutor. 'lie has niade. plenty ol! Friends hy liis persist i-iiue aml ciiudor. liis. ineessnnt; lecture tours have put liis cause before several millions oC people.

Many' them' ni'e convinced that he discovered tlic Pole. more, lire pcrKimncd uhclher lie arrived there or liot, Irt thinl.lie did, mid must he given credit lor sincerity as well ris fo'r tlie patient I'lidumnce of hnrdshij)Fi Mich as'seldom fall to the lot of (my'man. Tin; iinnl Vcrtliet oii Doctor Cook may be n-long this lihC. is less (lispositibn now'tO'sot down us a deliberate liar. It fa easier for any onVlvho has falked '-with this remarkable man, or heard him speak, or studied Mini anil his w'ritiiigs, copt his Htory aa oither a rather poetic presentation of real "truth, or elwo the 1'ruit bC a vivid iinagimitiou t'Hmpoi'arily disordered by tlio Imrdshipa.of ani Arctic Winter.

And whether.Coolc/nfitimily rertcliSd the Pole or npf, what riiat- tor? The Pole is Doctor Cook himself is so'meihing moi'6 important--a poet. He has. ns judges pronounce the l)6st portrayal, of "Arctic hoauty and of the inner spirit of Ptflftr 'dnyri and nights, that is to ho in.the whole literature oi: exploration. expect mathematical preci sioirin the creator" ol! such gorgepns and elusive dreams--if'they (ire dreanisV Tt is no longer a mystery Svliy Jlexicn lifl? so many presidents in so short a spell. Clnitlerex, who officiated in that eaijaeily for alinut a if-l iOOO.OOO nlicail a a oilght to satisfy nny reasonable l.nlin.' Down in Jlexi'en what's sance for the goose sauce for the wilder.

Villa has. proclaimed prohibition for all the republic, except in the lovvii.where he lias liis headquarters. Hpring "Iiaye eainc'', aceording to the blue bird's mont, lint she shows a' take-timid wing and fly-away. A POWERFUL REASON: I'jasi week, 'known 'tlio Ci'oih'loy liill and which rcpoiils the iiidiitcrminato defeated hy a vole about so'vcnty t'6 iol-'ty Thiir'sdiiy it -was rcedrifiiilorc'd lun'l 'Jiassci'l by, ft Vo'te. 6'J-72-16 40.

"flic'niiiaSiiVo iii.iftclf ol'no -csse'ntial iiilpoVllincc cor-', taihiy is not Miiili as on political cast, since it but sentence ot ennvicts dc'finitoly, and not leave of imprisonment .10 conditions. Yet, tW'llcpftMICiiii innjorily a petty party isBUC'Dl' it. T-Vi. 1 after its claiming sonic 1 Democrats had iiiade'lhq boast! tlm.t the assembly 'nit dare- iVpeid (iny net of its-predecessor, 1 tlio Ilcpublica'ns to'blc the inatter u'p aghih niid pVo- claimiriJiit it A truly: wpuderfitl reason, hnl at just an good as the 'peanut ai'c ill- the Rcpiiblienu majority haV6 yet bccn: 'ilcyisn for iis iidtion. (Oallipolis Daily Tribu'ne) A yodifg'professional ihaii iii, town rerjnests (p reptint the folloifihg lines to satisfy.a 'great public 1 i h'ack'w'ard, ph'Time, in thy flight; i i i a giW -girl whoso eharnis, many or Jew, Arc.not exposed inl'ich pceka'boo; Oivc lis fi no matter what age, Who'-ivo-n't, use the-stka for a- vaudeville Oive us'a girl not 'too shapely'in view; sltifts tliat-th'o MUCHlN (Baltimore American) "reports three cases of triplet's last year.

Jletal railway tics are used extensively in Switzerland. aged twelve, is il sftldielviu'the 'Servian a 3 i 1 West Virginia's-1013 mineral grbdnets Vali: 640,633. 'Jjike DenniinOi.n-Philadelphia;bcgg'ar, has to own property-valued, lieaiiiug.miiehiiics.imjiorted by Itounia'nia froin. th6. Uililcd States in .1911.

totaled ijil.oOO^OOO in value. The i''rauc6K3erinan war, which lastc'd 1DO days, -cost: flc'r-' many for an average Hghling Joi'ce of The firet regular standing iii ahout 1900 G. first modern 'standing'" force was' in France' iii'Jiio. the of castbr'oil German chc'riiist h'as exlracled'wha'l li powerful'poison Ithown. Tlic Sun co'pies the recent clcseriplioii'Of'the' crest on iliss Houston's ear, heading Ohio Bai'pncss." Valued at II.

u'f ilailisoiivillo, And Her Name Was Maud Georgia mule wns Maudie, Who used to gambol flic, Ihrough. verdant fiulds and past- there in Cherokee, Alas, one day a stranger' Led''Maud i'rom home And scut her swiftly sailing ai'. er the briny foilin, To wlie'ro the war Vvus raging-- rViit'l bullets fell like rain Mid iifk pits iml tunilics Oil Ucljiiuin's sodden jilain. They hitched her to a cannon, And ordered her lo go, In tongue of iimile Zohx-- A sound she did hot know I'oor. Slandie.

not Ji'appy-- Slio liidn'fcliki) theij'stylu-- nj hacked aguinst tho.Jj'i'onehieB And kicked 'eia bout A mile. She scattered Sikhs lind Tomiuiob Aiul kiVOekiid the-Tui'co's o'ut, 9he biistcd ailtos; And then she ahout. I And 'cbar'yed upoh kitchen; And overset tlie soup Anil 'round the gcliei'iil's 'noggin lieL 1 (hoy looped th'e loop leaped the naVi'ow ti'eneln. 1 Aiiil with wild Hhe hade the Allies A resonant adieu; Rlie charged Germans Without.n Hingle wincu-- Bile smnsliod'llii! line or hiittlc, Aiut Irrtniplcd on a jh'hnu 1 They for her And Krupps and 1 i i gufn They lore the IIVPS with shrainic And deildly meliil buns. liul.

just kicked' nnd hei lowed i And KWilched hei 1 tail at such, A gnllopi'tl into tlolhnid, And look up wilii'lhc Dutch. A. irt iVIlanlaM'oliriii) Would it Intorforo? 11! women ever net thu vot won't it inlerl'ere the eav parlies Times. Some bperatiou. This yoii Animal THE AlWEMTUKdtfS SEAL A shining boil sitting on a slummcung sheet ol: ico, 'see tiom hci6, bind 16 Jiuiispll, "I think that I And ice -nhat lies bcjond the places I must be 'interesting, I know, But when n) told his patents of: the trip that he had planned, they Happed tliLii llnppeis ad thoj balked with noe Mfy kOn thoj said, the woild i-, filled with enemies who OI(L shining beg 3 ou not to go 1 1'ooh, pooli and tush 1 tho cal icphcd (most indeljj don't jou tli iii 14io jou say arc foolish as Lin be I set out this veiv to see" the other words, this young Seal, went to see).

Before he'd -gone, rio very far he'saw a lot Of ni6n A ing up and down the shoie He stinted sunnining touaid them (he w1b not the least ifiaul), Although ho'd never secil a intin Ifc thought, I i go up to thein nnd the time oC clnj And (ind'oiU what they arc, and why thcyr're 'here. Just tlieii he of them say, never yet As many Seal-sluus as have this Quick as Hash this jonug Sell beneath the slnmmenflg JOL And sMiini us ho had swum bifoie Snid he, have a feeling that this is no plaeti for me 1 shall bo glad to be at.homo" once more. And when In, iciclu.d lui homo his pnunts l)ail eel foi I hen later, as they all sat on ice, Ihe boa! slid to llam, "Allhough didn Ijuucl lar 1 leariieit one time I'll lake advice. Copyright 1616 by tie Oontril Press that)" KldVnlor "AVIinl y'bil want.J'* nsKeiVR'ei' sternly: "None of your hnnihi'ss. my rtiiiiVi 1 CarolilwttB'.

Sonjj 1 governor Cole Wns a m6i'i''illd soMl-v A nlerry ol'iFnoill wns llo'j II 6 'didn't cni'i! 'ft hoot For llie enuvts and 'llie lawn And hi Ret tilt fici Aineilunrt More Ooiisorvativo Tin, Its mi, jji owing MrtW ladj m'ori! conservative', nnd Hid fashionably duMiul yo riniiinds the aulomohno ist less anil lens of. n.s'lriped Slnto Joih'li'nl. foriiior en'r, "the i'nbsl. Rticcessfiil 'Opel'il- tion ever perl'ornledwas the removal and trailsphlnting of And Are Soars, Please? "Iligh eost, of seeing Akron paper. Wher 6 diissbdhess la Agattst the Oeorgii of.

Coshoctoti, was liiied ijnOO iiild eosts by the mayor I'or noil, gen- Jltiplisl ehurcli, ileliv- ol-cd tl-iid sermons'at tiio'Keinlnll Avi'inic lluiitint elinreh Sunday inbriiiiift anil Tho couKiTfiiition in fiTcnlly. i Jtpv. Hurl's work. 1 The morning siilijeel M'lis "The. of lesilft." Tho eveiiiiiK wi-nuMi wns on tlio BiYlijeet, "Kiilmbs rratcction." i i tin) illy itov.

1-lnii ivns Ihe llr. nnil Mrs, Charli'3 J(n9- ifll oi' 18SI iliirliliiii'd f.ti-ecl. Wants to Go to Infifnlary illrs. Kosinn Uilincr, 77, a Gc'rnian woman who came to- this city from I'ike'connty four years iijiplicd' to the public s.lffty Saturday for admission to tlie county infirmary. end enssedness.

'George 1 is certainly some had. 'Coiinly Karmc'iv Wan'tea to Know Too Mu6h. Elevator 31.1^1 to Pa-sifenge'r-- "Floor, 1 please?" sourly Council, ia talking many big things; if it will do a few poo-' pie. will he pleased. Ami this is ejection year.

cease. These' be stirring not "a cheep" has been uttered, by. one T. 1 So far no one scenis to have observed that the surest sign spring has arrived is the increased talk about Plans arc already set that assure th'e Peerless a big 'biiilfling PresiUeiit Wilson wisely oiiough concludes that hi; has enough vexations without having an extra of hand. Iii 'hitch endeavor to preserve its' neutrality the Marion StaV agrees itself that it' w-e have 'the Bullish sparrow we also have with iis the German carp.

No, Willis isn't biiiiding iip aiiy personal machine, lie is only filling every job worth while with his old chums from Ada college. Must'Ank Por'Oho A. gill doesn't mind IniMiig hei heart bill nhu i llm man 'in mk for Inrf Plillailulphin Uncord. Could ShTpInd It An Allooim wife'is ipioleil" IIH Compelling heft Inish'nud tn vend nlonii the first sect (ah of tlio lV.d- i onstittition night when'he slnys oiit until inidnight. wonder' how iniiuy would in.Iho home library should -she decide to try tho her veercant hubby.

1 --Enst Livrirpdol Tribune. aigi aiidiiin.i i li limitation iiiniHWid In htratlf 11 on- titlul i Ask Dad i i i of ago nnd tin uui a i iilninb i hht bus iho i i of a i sin, Ihto i ol I i InHi ami a NMiuWslmiK vllOol itii dent of i i a i a irt fllllOlMi Dl i i nil lias luuein Col i Oigi i Aljilidnjo Pi jortts limn wishes lo raise a niirH 1 ilj RrtiWiholioiit Ind) Svho tfi clow' lull-I Inoi )iiiius MISH lain a A i i a In i him to be hltfnd i --Warjo'rie lliiniiinge'r, Jim llolchliis ion iilolhu Kali--Oalhtl alllnrtill Miss a ttotiliim, (I bniilirill i i i Snnir lYlortnlim' a hnulKnltlrt Miung widow in seniih of a hift Pettrt Jhs bcinv-nj winnnil wanted 16 gol lal--Oiuiirt Jei'dtins. i i i plnnip io bi, I niig Jlliud a iinnd ul )Mtn a pcciiliai gnit--Olnin ttnghti Ocllnrs kpumped. out, 10 oents per tour Walters Co 1 The entertainment-ami box supper, given by. the Whcelersblirg Athletic Association Satuut iy cVc ning in.

the. Whcclerslnii'g high school was the gicatosf 1 mil of a success, exactly being cleiiixd Ihc pioceeds ill go lo wants inuclmmg baseball plies. Iho school was idled and e'yeryono pi sent dnjoycd, the especially the playlet iintillul Di Geoi't, 1 1'iLston who pljyed the part ot Di (jiinall was tin 1 hit of the evening. lie played his part like a piuftssional 1 aiih te.r'ciini'c ill for i 6und of up: plaiisC at the Hie 'performance. Besides the play Miss 131nor: JAmes made a hit with, the Your small negatives' will make good enlargements at FOWLER'S 717 Second Street GOSH, IF AUNT MAGGIE.

HAD ONLY KNOWN! Says We Itfust Keep Feet Dry, Avbid and Meat. Stay off tlic damp ground exposure, keep'" Ycct dry, ca't less iiicnf, drirtk. water a'lid 'above, all take a salts occasionally Rliciimai sm is c-ii scci by poisonotn called uric acid 1 ritcd in and iiVw tlic It is 'the ftinctioh oJ- Ihc kidiieys to i i A i i I fro.tii (K blood antl'out the pores of the are" also a means freeing tlie.blooflvof'this In damp and chilly, cold the skin pores are dosei Huts forcing the kid ncjs to do double vtork they become and sluggish ind fai 1 to eliminate this uric acid irvhich keep's "accirmulatmg and circiilatiiiff tlirongh eventually, settling in 'the-' joints and miisclca 'ctiusing soreness and pain called' rheumatism. At the rhmimatism from my rhannacy about four ounces of Ja! Salts put a tablespoonful fjlnss pt vntcr and drink before breakfast each niorning-for a said to cl nnniU. uric acid Vy stimu- htmg the kidnos to normal action, thus ridding the.

blood.of!these, impur- Jad Salts is incxpens ve Inrmless nnd is nrxde from ihte acid of grapes aid lemon jti re comnmcd with lit ma and is used with' pand3 of folks are subject hi rhe'ii- Here vou Invc pldsaht cf- fcncscent litlii? drink which mcrcomci nnc acirl nnd is beaeficui IQ )T3ur kiduci'S as well.

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