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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 9

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ifllnneaata The Minnesota Aaaociation met Thursday evening at tha Emerald Club rooms, Mr. P. Johnson in the chair. About seventy-five ladies and gentlemen were in attendance. Judge Raid, of Minneapolis, a visitor recently arrived, being called upon, very happily tha meeting Col.

MoCrory. of Minneapolis, also a reoent arrival, then spoke in very enthusiactio terms of tbe lee palaces of the old horn; and expressed his pleasure at meeting so many old Minneaotans in thia distant land. He feared there had been a large depopulation of tbe old State by what he had seen siuce his arrival here. LOUISE PERKINS' PLEA. The $500,000 Breach of Promise Case Still.

YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. The Plaintiff's Cross-examination Finished-Her Mother Tells What She Knows. At nine o'clock yesterday the caee of Mies Louieo Perkius against Mr. K. J.

Baldwin, wherein the millionaire ie sued lor $500,000 for breach of promi.e lo marry the plaintiff, waa reeomed. The first hour or mere waa oooopied in some corrections of the minuter. They were corrected aa suggested by Mr. Bal us At a little before II th. plaintiff agaiu took the She we.

dreaaed a. been each day of tho trial in the aame becoming and well fining coatum. som. time wl oh enough on the atreet not to require detailed deioription. She waa aa (rash aa a delay newly waehed by the morning daw.

Iv apite of the trial of the two preceding daya, her eye waa aa bright aud the delicate flush on her check as fall of health aa when ahe waa lint Although Col. Wells had thought on tho proceeding evening that half an hour in the morning would be enough to wind up hia cross-examination, yet it wae nearly four o'clock In the afternoon before Ihe wilueaa got off the aland, and her re-direct questioning under Ihe hanfla ol S. M. White, Esq occupied bat a abort time. The cross-examination took the drift of tbat Mile Perkins' state menla at the present trial were oontredioted by those the made on a previous ocoaaion before the Court Commissioner.

There wae a great deal of sparring between conntel as to what waa admiasable aud what waa not. Tho Judge ia very prompt and positive iv hie rulings and therefore interposed his dec-isiousat all points with remarkably little delay. He finally forbade reading question! from any private memoranda of a previous examination, and so ended the legal disputes as to whether these reports were enact or only The next trend of the orosseiamlun- Uou was lo show improper relations between fair plaintiff and direra ana persons st many places and dorms a loug period of time, The court ruled that these questions must be confined to the time of Miss Perkins alleged engagement with Mr. Baldwin. As the embarrassing questions were put with blunt directness Ihe witness bit bor pretty Hp" end from her lustrous dark gray eyes shot flaming indignation, sa if she fain would born the Colonel up.

When the objections of her counsel and the rulings of Ihe court had determined aa to tlie fairness of each question, if she were ordered to answer ahe did it with direct and positive promptness, in each and case denying tbat there bad been any impropriety iv her relations with any erf the persona named. The attorney attacked Miss Perkins on the charaster of certain intimate acquaintances waa ia the habit of associating with. Tbe witness always denied any knowledge of any faultiness in tbe character of aaeh persons. There wet no new matter brought out in the re-diieot testimony introduced in rebuttal. THI pr.AiNTIfT MOTHER Mr.

Brandt, of New I 'lm, the next speaker, aaid be couldn't adapt himaetf in thia hot climate to ipaeoh if the thermometer waa about thirty degreet below zero he thought he could make an addreaa. Col. Kiefer, of Ht. Paul, followed to a bright aud sparkling addreaa, expressing his surprise at meeting ao many Mlnnesotana in l.os Angelea, but from what he had eeen since hia recent arrival he waa not surprised that tboae who came here to viait remained here to stay. He thought that Minneaotans had a great work before them to aaaist in bettering the aewerage and improving tbe streets of thia beautiful young city a city with a prophetic future, "lint with the new love don't forget the old." J.

K. Moore, of Ht. Peter, next apoke briefly of hia admiration of the new home of so many old Mmnoaotans. B. D.

Merrill thought with all the attractions of Loa Angeles, tbe climate waa tbe chief part of our attractions. The principal buaineaa of the men here, however, he thought waa "cheek," especially among the real estate men. However, tbey were an admirable and hospitable lot of men here, and he thought in Southern California the people had a jolly good time. He had been moat hospitably entertained sinoe hia arrival and he could not help but be in love with the oity and ita people. Professor Ira More, of the Normal School, an old time Minnesotan, then in hia genial and inimitable way spoke of the good old times of Minnesota, and remarked tbat the cheek of real eatate men of Minneapolis could never be rivalled by those of any other city.

The humorous recital by the Professor of the dark and peculiar ways of tba real eatate agents of early Minnesota fairly cultured tbe audience, fie took the "Minnesota Mosquito" a symbol of tha energy and enterprise of that State, He never saw ita qnal even in the regions of the lower Mississippi bottoms. The Minnesota climate reoeived a panegyric for the upbuilding of the worn out and broken down malarial sufferer The meeting resolved to join in the State Association picnic, to be held on Washington's birthday. The balance of the evening was devoted to music, social intercourse and forming acquaintances. Tbe following viaitors signed the visitors' roll book: W. McCrory, A.

ft. Kiefer and wife, p. U. Merrill ami wife, Hattie K. Merril, Mra.

J. field, S. B. Johnson, St. Paul; Johu Little, Mrs.

M. S. Utile, Miss P. Little, Mrs. J.

K. Gil man, Minneapolis; Lizzie G. Perry, Summerville, Macs Miss Lena Miller, Miss Ida Miller, New Ulm; Horace Hawks and wife, Owatonna; C. C. Brandt, New Ulm; Mrs.

J. K. Moore, St. Peter. In from the Pasadena depot, to be established on the bank of the Loa Angelea river near Aliao street, aod en tend to Santa Monica, lt waa stated that one of railway officials said that tbe L.

A. S. V. R. R.

had too light rails, too steep grades and sharp curves for tbs pur poses of an overland road. An examination of the profile of road and the weight of rails aod manner of haliaating by a Hihalu reporter, abawa that theae representations are not accurate and tend to do an injustice to that road. The rails are all steel, fifty pounds to the yard, wjth a solid square end, such aa are need on tbe Denver A Rio Grande Railway, and will wear ten times as long as an iron rail aod will support more than tbeheavleut iron rails aver used in the United States, while tbe curves are less than tbe Baltimore A Ohio or tbe Southern and Central Paoitic. The tits are laid more oloaely together than were aver before laid on any new road in the State. The heavieat grade is jnst at the north city line, where for a snort distance tbe grade is 110 feet to the mile, while the O.

overcomes grades of ISA feet per and instill an "'ovarland" in good and regular atending. The road is wbat is called "rock ballasted" with gravel, free from iiuoksands, and by measurement not a longer than tbe S. P. to Colton. The distance lost to tbe I.

A. ti. V. R. R.

tn going to Olivewood is recovered by passing above the Puente Hills and saving tba detour around them and the loss of speed hy a descent and ascent of 400 feet between San Gabriel and Pomona. There aro no "Cheap John" railways in this part of tbe country. AU ars made for the heavieat service and will tbe weight of locomotives that would crush tha railways east of the Mississippi. Opinions about railways should be founded on scientific know 1 Took tha aland at abont 4 o'clock, and in about Ihree-quartors of au hour Mr. White obtained irom bar all aba know ia tba premises.

It ia, all summed up, a lontl and wearying detailed accent of frequent visits to the boaae on the Santa Anita rauch occupied by the Perkinses aa part of their lease-hold under Mr. Baldwin, and bis taking Miaa Louise thence, sometimes to ride and some, times to Mr. Baldwin's home to pay a lisit. It all waa given in detail when ilea ferkini' story waa first published, months ago. The only purpose in out ting the mother on the stand was to corroborate tha statements made by the daughter.

There was all through tbo same careful weighing of her words by tbe mother which characterized the manner In wkioh Ihe daughter gave her testimony. They are both what the lawyers call "good witnesses." Mrs. Perkins in the greater portion of her answers gave them very muoh as an automaton would apeak while some one pulled Ipe strings. When Mr. White got through it was pearly thehour for adjournment, so the east waa continued uolil 10 o'clock tbis morning, when Mrs.

Perkins will be oroas-eiamined. The plaintiff will probably have other witnesses to pot on, and then when the defense lakes the laboring oar they will bring oa a "olond of witnesses," so that the trial will occupy a good big slice of next week. Following are two letters written by Miaa Perkins to Mr. Baldwin put in evidence by the defense, which bave not yet appeared in tbe They are given entire: "ArjucsT 34, IMA "Duail: I thought of a few thlnga I wanted to tell you, co I will write a little more.

I want yon to bring down tome new I ace curtains for the parlor, for tha ones that are here are Tory old and ban bolaa in them. They will do for your bedroom, aa yonr room baa no nice curtains aod new ones will look nicer. I will tell yon what I want the money for. I thought I would not tell you and surprise you; and then I thought yon' might be from tbe oity jperhepe, so I would tell you Mrs. Laird is going to San Fraucisoo in a week or ten days, and when ahe geta than I want to start up if 1 can.

Mamma said I could go, and I knew yon wonld ba delighted lo think I could come, and ao am ao 1 want yoa to me the money. 1 told Mth Carroll tbat Bfre. Lejrd wss going to' San Joaa, then waa going there, ao nobody Till know where I go. I tell them lam going to San Jose to ace Mrs. Laird.

1 will write to you and tall yoa when I am coming, so yon can meet me at (he depot. lam going to gin my name ac Julia Richards, and I want you to oall ma tbat aad introduce me by that name. So now write and tell me what yon think. I would go with Mra. L.

now, bnt am not ready and bave no money. Now write right away, and tell me what yon tbink. The little stable boy says ho yon; would and come lisok. Ba does not like tb work for Mr. FaHey, bnt likes to Work for you.

Mr. Carroll gave up the keya to tha store yesterday to Unruh. Felvey said yon said for Unruh to take the store. If yon don't want to ba robbed, you better take bare of Unruh, for I don't think much of him. Mr.

Carroll was doing well, 1 think I don't think much of any of lie i.nruh. ton better not pat too touch confidence in any of tbem. I must dose. Bye-bye, Dearie. Love and klaaes.

"Lop." icrm siookd. "At Hona, Feb. 12, 1882. Dearix: want to ace yon ao much. Won't yoa come down as eopn aa yon git this Mamma will not lat ma come up there.

I want to ult with you. Coma right away aa soou aa you get thia. Anl pleaae bring my things down. Ask Clara (Mr. Baldwin's daughter) lo pleaae pat my things all in my basket, yon bring It down, wpni you! Give my love to Clara; thoold like to see her.

Now coma soon aa you get (hia. from yoar Chances for Health and Disease. Man is dependent npon bis surroundings lor the necessities of life. Alt and walar are necessities ot life, but Impure air and Impure water are roost proline sources ot disease, food Is also necessity ol Ills, hut numerous discerns are trsoeable both to the lack of necessary food, and an over Indul- Kaee lo special kinds of nourishment, sides these external sources of disease, there are other more subtle and Internal causes. Each Individual Inherits from bis parents a certain physical constitution.

Each person, therefore, derives his chances lor health and disease from ndoublesourco, namely his Inheilted constitution and his aurruundings in life. Hanltary science dc votes attention to our surroundings. to tbe oohst lutlortaTor Inherited weakness by medlolnes that supply what is wanting In the system. Haven's Dyspepsia Cure sup piles tbat which is wanting to Insure proper assimilation snd digestion of tbe food. Try It.

Por sale at Littlenoy's drug store. Ursula Hawthorns. The sale of seats for neat week opened at the Grand Opera House yesterday and the demand waa very large, promising a good week's Chisago referring ta her engagements in that city, says; That Grace Hawthorne can act Camille and Miaa Multon so well aa to compel her critics to compare her to Clara Morria Is proof that she does them more than well. Manager Kelly haa vindicated bis assertions as to the talents of his star, and haa laid the foundation tor an enthnsi aatic reception at her next visit. In our jndgmont the ia the finest emotional actress that bas ever appeared ln A Walking Skeleton.

Mr. K. Springer, of Meohanioaburg, writes: "I waa afflicted with lung fever and aboese oa lungs, waa redoped to a walking aitelefon. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's 1W Discovery lor Consumption, which did me so muob good that I bought a dollar bottle.

After njdng three bottles, found myself once more a man, completely restored Hi health, with a nearly appetite and a gain in of AS lbs. Call at C. V. Helmsman's drag store and gat a free trial bottle of tbia certain enre for all lnng diseases. Large bottles tl 08.

Wise Escape. The Han Jacinto mob that destroyed the saloon of Bspelier, nt that place, saddled the coonty with a tai of 11000 Repelier haa resumed his bnsineaa, by making thia excellent sale of 11000 to the oounty. Hia eucoeas haa aroused the cupidity of other saloon men, and now two others are preparing to start saloons in that plaoe. Tbe fable of tbe fox and tho brambles is in order. Tbe steamship Collma on Monday laat aailad from San Francisco to New York with a large amount of Los An.else wine on board.

The following were tha consignors, with amounts by them: Rippers. Qellons. Vslus. Kohler A Fruhllng 10,400 li.JOO 00 B. Dreyfus ACo a.tto 00 lachman A Jscnbt evggg sau so Walter, Shilling A Co gen ti Uundlacb A Co.

3,347 1,494 66 et. Leobinan A Co oeo 34110 Fl. olng A Stetson 164 tl oo Williams. Dlmond A Co 81 MM Koblsr A Van 40 no an I Chandler an -a ii as be obaerved that the wine is Sued at 60 cents per gallon, a price Is certainly very profitable to the rrapo growers of California, especially to l.os Angelea ootrnty, where ball the wine the State is mad. uIVS inoCB CHILUBBN, for coughs and fc; M.

D. aiodirar, Nadeau Block. It bas bam demonstrated beyond the possibility of a donbt that Abietsne has great medical properties, both aa an external nnd internal remei. nod we claim we hare in Abietene CouA Jtalstun. Abietene Ointment, Fryers Abytene nnd Abietene nnd Yerbn Hants CVugh Candy, remedies tbat never fail." See circular with each remedy.

Sold F. Heinzeman. IIV. B. KKgKIX, ot Pavilion, N.

says of Ollmore's Aromatic Wine 'ibe Here lt to he a most desirable remedy to he ntacad tn every family." Por aala by 11. D. Qcdirar. Nadeau Blook. LOS ANGELES DAILY HEKALI), SATURDAY MORNING.

FEtiRUAKY ISS6 THE COURTS. JMiperlor niirt hesir, People vs. E. discharged. People vs.

John Heady--Seme order. People vs. Mitchell for the aeasion. Information tiled charging W. P.

B. Davis with grand larceny, Juan Lopec with assault with intent to commit murder, and F. S. ODell, embezzlement. Attachments ordered to issue for A.

(lilmore, T. J. Harlln, H. H. Boyoe, Win.

Hunter, J. E. Parker, Jacob O. Shoemaker, Gee Ueatb, J.Uriffitb, K. P.

Johnson aud S. H. Olmstead, defaulting jurors. HATCH, PRWUDINU. Sepulveda va.

Sepulveda-Teu days for defendant to answer amended coin plaint. Hanael vs. days granted defendant to plead. Perkins vs. trial.

Tbe nno.r catarte. JUHTICK RAN NICY. People va. Bravo, fend ant acquitted. People va.

Jerry Cornocy, battery- Set for February 12tb. People vs. J. W. Heart, assault with a deadly to answer; bail $500, MKT FOR HATtTRDAY.

Clark vs. Bright and Springer. JUSTICE AUSTIN. Mulrain va. Biddy to be subsequently set.

People vs. Theo. Friese, for February nth. BET FOR SATURDAY. People va.

John Zens. Cure For Piles. Plies are often preceded by a sense of weight In tbe back, loins and lower part of the abdomen causing the patient to suppose he haa some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of Indigestion are present, flatulency, un easiness nf tbe stomach, etc. A moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagree able itching, after getting warm is a very common attendant.

Bund, bleeding and itching piles yield at once to the application of Or. Boaanko'a pile Kerned which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing; the tumors, allaying the Intense and effecting a permanent cure. Price SO cents. Address Dr. Bosanko Medicine pinna, Ohio.

Sold by 0. Helnsetnau, agent, Loa Angeles- Board of Supervisors. FRiday, February 6, 1888. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Supervisors Macy, Undley, Ross and and the Clerk.

Thirty dollars waa allowed for indigents. The Orr and Day road waa declared a publio highway and the following amounts allowed for land: E. F. Gravea $40, Wm. Wagoner $40, C.

K. Haddock $60, E. San ford $200. The Compton cemetery road was ordered a public highway, and that roada through Carter Gilraortt's land be abandoned. The Ellis road, in Vernon district, was declared a pnblip highway.

Cisy Board of Education authorized to purchase lot 11 in block 2, Ooean View traot. Adjourned until February 6th. Wild Cherry and Tar. Every body knows the virtues of Wild Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for any affectlona of tbe Throat and Lunga, combined with these two ingredients are a few simple healing remedies in composition of pr. Bosanko's Cough and Long Syrnp, making it just the article you should always have in the house, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Branchitis.

Price 50 cents and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by C. F. Heinzeman, Agent, Los Angelea.

Solid and Strong. Band Concert. Lut evening tbe Seventh (ufantry Bend gave ita first annual concert at Armory Hall. There was a (air attendance, aad tbe following programme waa admirably carried out: Overture, "Poet and Peasant," Band Horn Quartette. "The Chsppel," Bartlett, Godfrey, Vocal dolo, "Aria from Somnarnbuli," Madame Pertet Cornet Solo Blanche Uoloh Serio comic Medley, "The Black Brigade," Concert Keisler Band Cornet Duet, "Andante and Polka," Mies Dolph aud Mr Godfrey Vocal aolo, "Btacoa.o Polka," Madame Perlst National Medley, of tbe Band Tbe laat seleotion was illustrated with the following tableau, given by members of the Battalion and their lady friends: "Kally Round the Flag," "Off for the "The "The Battle," "Victory," "The Vacant Chair," "Welcome Home!" The tableaux were ander the direction of Major VV.

H. H. Ruaeell. Tbe band boys looked very handsome in their showy red uniforms. Passengers to Arrive.

Tbe following passengers sailed yesterday by the Orizaba from San Franoisco for Los Angeles: Mrs John Boucher and daughter, Manning, Mrs Ellis, Elliott and wife, Page, Miss A Snyder, Mrs Swan. Mrs A Martin. A Man, A Cat rick, and wife, Van Porn, Nicholson, Nioholson. For Sau Travis, Dr Pardee and wife, Kitchener, Lloyd, Meyerhoff. White, Naylor, A McDonald, Diokelspiel, Ousiciu, Mrs Clark, Mils Clark, .1 Kllingham, Grove, Grove.

Johnson, Bagnall, U'Shea, Mrs Dillon, Master Riddle, Moore, McDonald, Mrs Stan, ley, Grape, McGowan and son, Parker, Agnes Corbett, Pergrot and wife, 0 Hocnig. A Very Narrow Escape. 11 Yes. 1 bad a very narrow escape." said a prominent oitlaen to a friend. "I was confined to mr bed for a year and my friends fsve me up fore consumptive's grave, until began using Kemp's Halsam for the Throat and Lungs, snd here I am, aound and hearty." Yon will Ind 11 for sale by K.

IX Godfrey, Nadeau Block. Price SO cents' sod, SHIP BELVEDERE. Tsna Well Ins lon Com I al lasa Pedro. Direct from tha Mlaee- Beaucea Bales tar anil Beta.ll llasantltlea. Tbie superior eoai hat uo equal iv this market, and ie guaranteed to give batter and greater satisfaction for the money than any other olaaa of fuel used.

It can be used ps ordinary grates or cook stoves and will outlast two cords of the beat stove, wood. Special rates will be given for carload lota and over, delivered on the line of the 8. P. K. K.

For aale at all the retail ooal yards in this city and county. Aak your dealer for it. Yard, corner Alameda and Jackson streets. Telephone, 313. ran S.

a vu Wholesale and Retail Denier, 10 Conrt street; telephone 33, The Impending Danger. The recent statistics of the number of deaths sliow that a large majority die With Conaumptlon. This dfaease may commence with an apparently harmless oough, which can be cured instantly by KeiafTs Balsam for ibe Throat and Lungi, which is guana teed to cure and relieve all casaa. Price 50 cents and $1. Trial frte.

Tor isle by p. QodfVey. sfadeau Block. Telegraphic Orders From Headquarters. Mr.

D. G. baa received, urdara from the New York owners of the marble and alabaster works, of art, to out immediately at any sacrifice, and be vow wishes to state to the public that he will poaitjvely aell without reserve, the entire collection at public auction on Tlmrtday afternoon, from I to 4) o'oloek, and from 7 to 10 o'clock ThqnwUy evening, February 4, IftSfl. N. B.

Come all in confidence ai lam ordered to sell, and shall obey ordera. P. SfKTR agent, No. South Main street. Candy Experience.

Soldiers Notice. If you want an increase of penaionand arrears, write to tbe undersigned. If you are charged with desertion and want a discharge and back pay, or if yoa liave a rejected claim, or any kind of a olaim that ta knotty, tend to him and he will get it for you. Addreaa ii i U. Claim AgeWt, Camden, Mich.

They Never Fall. City Railway-Notice. On and alter Monday, Febrnary lat, 1886, the City Railway Company (twohorsacarsl will run ita cara every nine minutes to the Kast Loe Augeles bridge, i connecting with the San Onbriel Valley Railroad. Dr. Henley's Remedy for Ladies.

Ladies suffering from uervousnesa, or amy nervous trouble liml immediate relief nnd ba cored fusing Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Chicago Grain and Provision Markets. I Specially reported for tbe Daily lIaaALD by 11. Wtswell Chic ago, February 6, 1886. Liverpool advicea quoted lower, aod the market opened off from yestenlay's uloaing.

The trading was mostly local, and owing to the faot that tbe local tradere are largely beara, the market for a time looked as if it would aell considerably lower, Ou thia decline one or two prominent ahorta tried to till on the decliue and caused an immediate advance of IpC, and cloaed strong at 85c for May. The wheat market has been largely oversold, and any damage to the growing wheat will cause a sharp advanoe. As we look at the market, on any such break aa yesterday, it is a good purchase, for the reason that the maiket being so largely i vcraold tbeahort aellers will undertake to till, aud the moment tbat they attempt it un advance will occur. Corn steady; reoeipts small, good shipping demand still continues. Pork sttady.

9:45 AH, 12:90 ph. 2:90 I'M. 2:45 PH. Close. May wheat 81 I com 40 40 4uU pork 11 80 11 40 11 11 oars wheat, 174 cars corn, 000 hogs.

The Excitement Not Over. The rush at H- D. Godfrey's drugstore continues on ace unit of persons ailllct el with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis Consumption, to procure a bottle of Kemp's Balaam for Throat aud Lungs, which ia sold on a guarantee aud is giving entire satisfaction It la a standard family remedy. Price fiO cents and $1. Trial $ize $500 Reward.

Tbe great California Golden Age Hair Reproducer and Tonic is demonstrating the'fact that hair can be grown on the baldest head. Not a week passes but some resident of our city calls our attention to the fact that where he waa once bald he haa by the use of the Golden Age found a new growth of hair. The Golden Age is prepared from California roots ana herbs, with one exception, whioh is a native production of England. The above reward of $500 will be paid for any nitrate of silver, sugar of lead, sulphur, or other poisonous substances that can be found in this truly wonderful article. It contains no oils, and has none of the objectionable features of other preparations, thereby making a perfect dressing for the hair for ladies.

The California Golden Are eradicates all dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, curea all diseaaes of the scalp, and gives immediate relief in caaes of nervous headaches. It is prepared and put Up exclusively by Brown and bears their lignatue on every wrapper. The great success of this article has caused unsorupuloni parties to put up and offer for sale to the public vile imitations, some calling it Golden Era and similar names. The genuine article is named in large letters on the face of the wrapper and label "Califori)ii Golden Age, and the public are cautioned against taking any other if good results are desired. They also manufacture tbe wonderful California Sea Foam, for shampooing the head.

These articles oan be obtained of druggists or at their factory, '213 South Spring atreet. A Card. Having bought the grocery business of A. q. Cbauvin, No.

IS. Main street, and proposing to keep conn tan tly on band a full and complete stock of the best goods in the market at the very lowest prices possible, we hope to be able to retain Mr. old customers and make a hoat of new ones. If low prices and fair dealing will accomplish this end we have no doubt of success. cordially invite inspection by all.

We are new nan In the city, hut we have come here to etay, and propose to make an honest living by honest means. All we want is a chance- (lire us a trial In-fore pur ohaaing elsewhere, and yon won't regret it Tbe popular man, Tom 4. Juden, will be found with ns at all times Respectfully, Taylor, 9 AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. a SUMPTUOUS DRAMATIC BAKQUET, Week commencing MONDAY, Feb.

Bth. Souvenir MaHsees Wcooesday MwrUi A McLatnA Lehman lake great easure In announcing to the public of this rlty og tbr Mtasje, GRACE HAWTHORNE, The Grandest Kmotloual Actresa LlvtUff, wbo will make her first appearance here, supported by her own exoelleut compsuy. In the following repertoire of auoceaaful plays: Monday night, Feb. The NKW CAMILLK. Tuesday night, Feb.

v. Q.UEBNA. Wednesday Matinee, Feb. 10, KAST LYNMK. Wednesday night, Feb.

10. lilt A RISK. ASK, Thuradsy night, Feb 11, fkoli FHOH. Friday night, Feb. 12, MIBtIMUI.TOHior.The New Kasl l.yune.

Haturday- Matinee, Feb. 111, (by special recusal) FANCHON. Saturday night. Feb. IS, OI.IVF.K TWIST.

I'l I. A ohanve ol bill at every performance aud no advauoe lv price. Opera Houae Box Office open for the aale of reserved seats Friday morning at 0 o'clock. febSld FOE THK Beneflt of IHe Ladles' Hebrew Aid Soctetr, To be held at New Armory Hall, Mott Building. Monday Evening February 8, Continuing during the week.

1,1 NCH SERVKB from 11 o'clock until 2. FAIR WILL CLOSE SATURDAY NIOHT WITB (IRAND VALENTINE FARTY. No extra charge tor admittance during the day. A Musical Programme will be given esch evening uuder the dlrlction of Prof laoeb. The celebrated llnardmaii A Gray Piano, Trom Lneb's Plauo Parlor, will be used on that occasion.

SECOKD MONTHLY EXCURSION! RICH VALLEY LANDB WITH AN Abundance of Water. THE EXCURSION TO THE CREAT Salt Hirer Valley, Phiftnfz, Ariaona, takes plaoe on Wednesday, February 10th, 1886 B. rare, Bsaad Trip. A limited quantity of these Linds and Water Rights will he sold at from 110 to 815 per sera, on easy terms.

AH who desire to avail themselves of this opportunity to investigate or purchase these cheap lands will he cordially welcomed. A number of Loa Angeles capitalists and businessmen bave signified their intention to go with the Excursion. Provision has been made for all who may desire to see one of the most fertile valleys in America. No better opportunity to make a fortune upon a small Investment waa ever offered to the publio. Those of smsll means who desire homes ln the Future PAHA of tbe Pacific Slope should see thia valley.

XiOOATUB About 400 miles Southeast of Los Angeles in Ariaona, the "Town" of Pboanlx located In Itg center, having a population of 4,000, growing rapidly, and through the agency ol the Pnnnix Irrigation Canal, now com- Jrieted, it Is destined to be a place of great port ance ss sn Agricultural aad Mann featuring Center. Wheat, Corn, Barley, Alfalfa, Fruit, Flowers snd all kinds oI Semi-Troplcal Productions 4 ew to great Perfection. The contract is let to construct a Railroad from Maricopa to a distance of 29 miles, through the beautiful valley For further Information apply to P. G. EDDY A CO', Jsnlltl No.

10COURT at Loe Ani.les. Cheap Hones for Settlers. In Parcels or Acres Or More In Kern and Tnlare Counties. MB. W.

H. NORWAY will remain In Loa Angelea about weeks for the purpose of selling a large amount of choice sgrlcultu rai land in Kern aud Tulare counties In par eels to anlt, ranging from ICO to S.OOO acres, with abundance ed for domeatlo use and for Irrigation. Thia land Is adapted to rapes, deciduous frulu, barley aod alfalfa lehes sections in the center of the nrteslen belt, lo Kern county, at L-to as per sere, sll good land- Will sell altogether or In sections. Also lauds In the Sacramento Colony, located south nf tbe town of Traver, containing MO acres, subdivided tn 10 and A) acre lots. First class colony lota will be sold, with water right, at from to 140 per acre, according to location.

Also a fine grazing and stock ranch in Santa, Barbara county, comprising acres, at a great bargain. The proprietor can be seen for the next 2 weeks at tbe Pico House or between the hours of 10 a. h. and 3 p. at the offloe of W.

DENNIS, no. 212 N. Main Baker Mock. JsnSOiw Greatest Healer Wm DR. MacLENNAN, At Hia Office.

11l South Main LOS ANGELES TESTIMONIALS: For want of -pace I aanant five more; be it is unnecessary, for if you cannot believe theae you would not believe the others. 1000 Will bu given far any ol them tbat are not genuine. Hitr.lmli'i lid la Elan. T. E.

Janes: OfnCK TBE ATTOaN aY-IiRMK-Ui. Or THK) 9TATB Of CALIFORNIA, was TaAHCisco, March ia, lass, i Hon. E. Jo waa-My Dear Sir: I aavo lust received your letter of 15th. Dr.

Mao Leunsn has wonderful power He waa of great snd very singular service to me. I would certainly try him If I were tn your plaea. He has worked some wonderful cures within my knowledge. Respectfully, F. MARSHALL Charles Crocker, the inroad Uloaatre, cored of Rheumatism in three treatments.

Professor U. tiouaales was given np his physicians to die of Vitality snd Fs rmlyaits, was esrried perfectly nelpless to Dr. Msolennan snd cured. now ears: "In less than oue month I wss enabled resume my occupation professor of mnslo and viollnlat st the Ttvoll opera Honse. and ever slnee (for over three ha ye can tinned ln good health, without tbe slightest return of my weakness or disease." Dr.

0. Davis, St. Helena, cured of Prostration, says: "After four days' treatment I wss entirely relieved. I have now a good appetite and feel well." Miss Kmma Jones, flan Leandro, for six years a crippled invalid, unable to stand or walk, given up by ovei a dosen doctors, took two weeks' trestmentof Dr. MacLennan and recovered.

Mr. C. Kennedy, Cloverdale, proprietor of tha stage route to tits Geysers; daughter cured of spasms by Dr. MacLennan, after the doctors had pronounced her eaaa incur able. 1 Mr.

A. capitalist, Nevada City, oan.s to Dr. MacLennan two crutches I and returned home in eight days a well Mr. J.

fl. Burliugame left Eureka, Nevada, 1 on a stretcher. After taklug a few treat 1 ments of Dr. MacLennan he returned a well man. Consultation Free at Our Office.

DR. MacLENNAN, 111 SOUTH MAIN STRBBT Qm lb. American Th t. to ft. to jeutti ARIZONA! For Homes aod Investment For reliable iuformatlou concerning- lie MINKS, CATTLE RANGES, TILE FARMING VALLEYS, CLIMATE, Addreaa PATRICK HAMILTON.

Oommltwloner of Immigration, jis lm Phoenix, Ariaona. 81,350 WILL BUY 5 ACRES ofIMPROTED LAII On LX A DING AVENUE IN PASADENA All set out with a ebolee selection of tree and 10 shares of water piped to thi land. IU market value ii ri.OOO. Uwne muit have money. WARD RKAL BBTATX, LOAN and INSURANCE, Postofflee Blook, Mo.

6 North Pair Oaka Avenue, "Drug Store for Sale. AT WEST MUBROOK, SAU DIICO COUNTY, loa fine pleasant climate, a growing drug business and practice for a (rood puyslaiau. One who la able and wining to reapond when called oau build up a one buetuess both tn the drug line and the practice of medicine. Terms, very reasonable. Reason for selling, poor health.

Address Howe Ssn Diego county, Cal. ah- M. CANTERBURY, IX The CKLKBKATIU TROTTING STALLION MONROE CHIEF, The largest, gamest and finaat look'ng trotting stallion ou earth. He haa a record of ISL mile boats lv a race, aud a record of 4 46 two mile rests, tha bast ever trotted lv a race. Mourae Chief wlil be at Hancock M.

Johnston Ela Htiu atoek Farm on February lat to make the seasou of IfWfi. This Is sn oppor.unity never before had and nuex pec ted for breeders that should be appreciated H. sf. JOHNSTON, Janatl lm GRAVEL I GRAVEL! GRAVEL! SAND! SAND SAND The undersigned baa in hia property discovered the best kind of gravel and sand. Tbe gravel is coarse and boulders.

Tbe sand also tha same and fine as gunpowder. The above artte'ea fnruiahad to any party in tha city CHEAP. Call on BALLERINA, or at La Hantaan. jgj FOR SALS QHCAP. NICK HOME of acres It healthy looa Hon and on good street, with of 5 rooms, pantry, closets and porches.

Stables for horses and cows, milk house and other outhouses: new Perkins wind mill, large chicken corral and aenneiy, water piped over entire place: some fruit trees, strawberries and nursery stock, all fenced. Owner haa no use for this place audwillsell Call on VER. II JenJa lm Room Temple Block MISS ETHEL HOWE Will take a Uiaited number of pupils In the ART OF BINQINQ SOUTH HILL STREET. MIBOKLLANEOTJB. MISCELLANEOUS.

A successful adaption of the Oau of Coal Oil as a heater Given a better and mora ore than wood or coal. Will Broil, Bake, 801 or Roast to a degree of perfection attained uo other fuel. Ai easily lighted aa a lamp, is under as perfect control as water or gas, and cau be extinguished as readily as lt is lighted, thus aavlug expense of fuel.f We want every man and woman to examine this invention and con vince themselves: 1. ita safety. 2.

of labor and money. All of which are proven by ita very extensive use in our own city. Call in and see the Burner on exhibition at the office of the OIL BURNER AND SUPPLY COMPANY ill WEST FIRBT STREET, mm "ROSE HILL," The Loveliest Spot in Pasadena, For Sale, THAT CHOICE BUILDING SITE, The Home of Thomas Croft, on Orange Orove Avenue, Opposite the Grand Home of B. F. Hurlbut, ia Offered for Sale for a short time AT A GREAT BARGAIN! The folio are some of the command ingr points 1 st.

The Finest View, excepting the Raymond, in Pasadena. 2d. It is Entirely Free of Frost. 3d. Thirty Minutes' Drive from Los Angelea.

4th. Five Minutes' Walk from Postomoe aod R. R. Depot. sth.

Five Hinues Walk from Street Oar Line to be built at onoe. 1800 Bearing Fruit Trees of the beat varieties. Drives, Shrubbery, and an Extra Amount of Water. Call on or address T. P.

LUX ENS, jan24 lm Paaadena, Oal San Diego County! El Oajon Rancho! 16,500 ACRES, Situated 13 Miles from SAN DIEGO, SURROUNDED BY HIGH HILLS. PROTECTED FROM WINDS AND FOGS. The most equable climate ln the world. Rich soil and lovely surroundings. Will be offered ss a whole or in subdivisions, from ID acres upward, st prices according to desirability, from $10 to 175 per acre, part cash, balance on time.

The wonderful Raisins and Olives grown In valley command the admiration of every one. Water from 6 to 12 feet. NO IRRIGATION, and fruit and raisins cured by solar heat. Enquire U. W.

rmiK, General Manager Pacitic Coast Land Bureau. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Montgomery Street, San Francisco. R. J. Firth Street, San Diego, Branch Office, or dl9ja7 PR.

JOSEPH JARVIS, Riverside, Cal Electric, Medicated, Mjte, Msii, STEAM AND RUSSIAN BATHS. Tbe Bath Department in Dr. MM Eleciro-Mapetic Institute, Oor. First and Spring Streets, (Entrance on First Street.) Now Open for tlio En 110. Tbe Baths are under the eupervision of a thorough physician and are excellent for cleansing purpose, and curing Rheumatism, and General Debility.

aVPerions attended to hy tirst-olasa Hhampooers of their own Hi. Omci 8. Patients Ireated skillfnlly by Electric, Meilioai aad Magnetic treatments. deem LEWIS 4 BARD, Proprietors. T.

J. McDERMOTT, Sole Agent. Fruit Trees! 90,000 Fruit Trees! THE LARGEST STOCK IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. immense stock of choice Fruit Trees, Pinnae and Prunes. Neclarlnee.

Cnerrlea, Walssti and Almonds. Httotrd urapff Vines, Cannot be equaled in Southern Callforuia. We warrant all our stock to be absolutely free from scale or aphis. We have nothing in particular to do with Sau Joaa fruit trees or locally grown treea. Our treea are all grown io FRESNO.

Our imported stock ot choice JassasM Pciilnuanni, Canaellaa, Daphuea, s.mffted hentntits, Lillet, and Tree Peanlee ai InlmfuUie. KOSES aud Flowering plants of all kiuda, etc. Per 1.000. IVx. 150,000 BLUE GUMS and MONTEREY CYPRESS transplanted in boxes at lowest rates.

tPPMra most cordially invite au Inspection of our irtoek before purchasiag. 130 Fort.St., between Second and Third, snd No. 14 First St. near Main, and City Halt lot, Spring near Second. Address T.

McDERMOTT, Agent. P. 0. BOX tSend for Catalogue.) LOS ANOELES, CAL. febJltl TOYS An ENTIRELY NEW aad VERY COMPLETE 3THOOK of TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS Will be Ready for Exhibition on or About December 6th at 111 N.

Spring Street, Next to Oity of Paris. LAZARUS MELZER, noT2Stf X.OS ANOBXiXIS. To ICE Consumers THE UNION ICE COMPANY Have located their offloe and depot it Ilea. 15 mist IT Alawsealsi street, corner of Klral and Alameda. They will keep ln store aud for safe Very I3ont STatural 100 Ever delivered In Loa Angelea.

This loe iafroienonthe waters of tbe Truokee Hiver.which receives lv supply from LAKE TAHOE roTe hy scientists to be the purest water known. Prices will always be moderate and within the resell of all consnmers. The company have agencies all over the State and Coast aud deal only to am- w.s»>a?TTm.sffA.xa xojdi -w jiaim REMOVED PROM 228 to I OFFICE HOURS FROM 237 S. SPRING ST. 3:30 to 8:30 P.

at. MASSAGE Manipulation and Swedish Movement Cure, BY CAROLINA STAPFFR, LATE OF BOSTON. above treatment is especially Indicated iv Indigestion, Rheumatism, and all wanttag nervous and is haaetl unon no thoroughly -cient flc and phYsiolitgi principles that all sohool- of practice recommend it, and I refer to all well known physicians of I-oi Angeles. South Sprta-ar betweca Third aud ji.Mtn SOIaMBS ate SCOTT. 157 S.

SPRING BETWEEN SECOND THIRD, WEST SIDE Gallnp and Sydney Coal. -fttfAll kinds of DRY WOOD, hard and soft. HAY. FEED. CHARCOAL aad COKE Taiephoua 146 Prea and prompt dellvarr.

Jua NAGASAKI TBA STORE 113 Mouth Sprint Street. Teas, Coflfeei, Spices and Rioa irom Japan, China and India. We make a specialty of nil natural leaf, unoolored teas. We gutr intee our teas to ba pare natural leaf Wa aaapactfully Invite al! coummers of taut to call and set sample free. The Waaaaakt toa wagon will call once week or oftcner ti deulrsd to mi all ordera.


WATER PIPED TO EACH LOT A.NIJ SOLD WITH THE LAND. MORE THAN AMPLE SUPPLY OF Pure Mountain Water. lost Desirable Location I Excellent Soil I The Best Section in the State for Growing All Tropical aadgemi Trvff ical This tract haa a natural slope from the Mountains on the north to ley on tha south; is dotted with beautiful oaka and laid oat with broad avenues. The Duarte on the east and the beantifnl Santa Anita on the ONLY 12 MILEB FROM LOS ANGELES. Soon to Be Traversed by the San Gabriel Valley Railrtai.

And But 2 Miles from the Southern Pacific. Now Is the time to see and be convinced that this is the plaoe to make yoor homes. The town of 33AL13WI1V, Now Being Surveyed on the Santa Anita Tract, Will ba laid out iv Town LoU and Villa Site, and aold in lot. to euit. Tha SAN GABRIEL VALLEY R.

R. CO. HAVE ARRANGED TB LOCATE THEIR Depot Baldwin 99 And already a large number of lots have been sold. Nearly one-third st tract now in the hands of well known citisens of Los Angeles, who pro- pose building and improving at once. Only one and a half hoars by team and 40 by rail fril Los Angeles.

THE SAN CABRIEL VALLEY RAILROAD ntrafnlar traina within two miles of tha tract mad will Rm Traifls to "BALDWIN" WITHIN 60 DAYS. Prices $175 to $200 per Acre. Rapidly toasinf in Yalie. REASONABLE TERMS OF PAYMENT. BAaTTartiea wishing to ace the land can obtain all information by applying E.

J. BALDWIN, NO. 47 NORTH SPRING STREET, (UP STAIRS) LOS ANGELES. ftm lc, Improved Nest Grenade Fire Awarded First Prize tfioM Medal New Orleans exposition. No Hotel, Store.

Private or Public Dwelling Should bo Them. EXHIBITIONS GIVES IS THE STREETS OF LOS ANUELEH aad ail world, have proven it to be the most wonderful Fire Kstinguisner. Ita work Is asagteaL It gives safety to til combustible property. Its contents sre perfectly harmless ta finest fabrics or paints, snd can be swallowed without danger. Tha Improved sre madein and will break instantly, even if thrown into a pile of shavings, aad sre stopped with a rubber utopner forced in by hydraulic pressure, absolutely pnTSttttiSf the escape of tbe trasses, without which tlie Grenade is valueless.

Mutual Benefit Life Association of America, OFFICE, S4O BROADWAY, PI. To those who wish to insure life at cost and fwith absolute safety, wa isspwatfatty draw your attention to this Association. It Is purely an association of business sjm men, and hundreds of the orominout business and professional aaen of this Coast have endorsed it by becoming marnbnrs. The a iraes of the Directors and are familiar to almost every nneand are sufficient guarantee of the stability nfllis Isjiiatrtj H. PIERCE METCALF, rai Agent Southern Califarasi, P.

O.Box 266. OFFICE, 12 COURT STREET, LOS ANGELES. Oak Knoll Ranch, Sao Gabriel, Near Pasadena, Los Angeles On. Bounded on tbe South hy Governor Stoneman'a, Ellis', and Mayberry'' Resiliences, by Wilson's estate, North by Paaadna, Weat by El Molinn Avenue. CoDtaining 188 Acres of Gheicest Land 30 Acres of Old Bearing Orange Trees; 30 Aores of Matured Bearing Grapes; Acres of Four-Tear Zinfaodel Vines; 22i Acres of Four-Tear Berger Vines; 30 Acrss of One-Year-Old Matero Vines.

Family Orchard of Deoiduoue Fruit Tree, and 150 Young Eartlett Pear Treees a. GOOD RESIDENCE stories, brick foundation, eight rooaaa, hot and eoid water gentleman's country barn, corral, shada, two attwr house, for employee. ranch has ITS OWN aaore than enough to Irritate, the whole of lt. Water eouducls of iron three Inch main, anil 4 inch hraaejaaa; puree power engine to throw wa'erou tbe capacity. gallons per hour.

Partiea purchasing could sub-divide into lota and sell three-quarters aad have he balance left. Apply I'll lilt ((lAM BaSAC, W. niDK, nnuagrr, tS iWwetsr.weery See Pvuelwe. gtW Partiea visiting the property will be ahown all over It hy occupant. Is WELL KNOWN DENTIST, Has opened a Branch Dentiatry Department adjoining hia premaft offio.



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