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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Clark Co. Ncv York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, SUB Antonio, San Francisco, Chicago, 31. Louts. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered as second class matter at Hie post office at BlytlievUle, Arkansas, under act or Congress October 9, 1917.

Served by United Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier In the city ot BlythevUle, 15c per week or $6.50 per year In advance. By mall within a radius ot BO miles, per year $150 for six months, 85c for three montlis; by mall In postal zones two to six, Inclusive, $6.50 per In zones revcn and eight, 510.00 per year, payable In advance. Our School Finances Objection to the plan to raise $10,000 by private subscription to insure full term operation of the Blythcville school system next year has been made on the ground that it provides no solution to tlui problem, but would leave the necessity of raising a similar or larger fund the year following ami indefinitely thereafter. This objection has not come from those merely looking for an excuse to refuse to bear their part of fi public burden, but from men who recognize that the financial difficulties of our schools will never be eliminated until fundamental defects in our taxation and assessment methods are cured. There is nothing to prevent our subscribing the money to meet next year's deficit, while at the same time taking the necessary steps to insure adequate tax revenues' for future years, but if, as opponents of the subscription plan declare, nothing but actual closing of the schools can arouso the public to the necessity of equalizing assessments and possibly scaling them upward, then tlic sooner that crisis is readied and passed the better off we will be.

of our economic structure which the abnormal activity cssc-nlial to a great war always involves, and which beyond doubt has been largely rcsiwnsible for the present unsettled condition of'bus- iness in this country and throughout the world. It is not that eilher military or the effects of Iho war are fundamental in I lie present situation. It goes much much deeper that some economists see in the waste of war the only possibility of the kind of prosperity this country enjoyed in the decade recently ended. It is desirable to eliminate the waste of war and of preparation for war. Hut to enjoy the benefits which such saving should bring we must also free our economic system fiom dependence upon tho stimulation of destruction and waste for the activity that means prosperity.

SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Peace and Prosperity In urging curlnilmenl of iinnnmenU as part of a program for the restoration of prosperity President Hoover, it is pointed out by the Arkansas Gazette, fails to consider that, so far at least as is concerned, the bunion of preparation for possible future wars is extremely light compared to that of paying the bill for past wars. A world wide program of arms limitation, says the Gazette, might permit us to cut as much as from the $820,000,000 war and navy department estimate for 1032, but would afford no relief at sill from the chargeable to the military activities of the past. Nevertheless the president is on sound ground. Disarmament implies peace. We may not be able to cure our present troubles by cutting down military expenditures, but if we can avoid wav in the future we will avoid not only future debt and pension burdens, but will also escape the disruption Cotton Coiisun iplioii-Coiiiicious Tin 1 movement (o popularize umi promote tlic use o( cotton In tlie South rapidly Five hundred cotton carnivals me to be lield In various Southern cities In (lie next several weeks, according to report from the "Wear Cotton" headtmarlcrs ill (iiulouLi, N.

where the flrst of these festivals Mas held this spring. "Wear Cotton Campaigns" nre yalnlng In ln- vor and are a move In Ihc right direction to make the South cotton consumption-conscious. In the past tho South has put all Its thought ami eirorl Into cotton Profilnble production requires an sdcmiatc market. Cotton dress goods, cotton for household for Industrial purposes, for packaging wrapping commodities, and col Ion coveiiug in place of jute for the cotton tale need to be popularized nml more widely used by Southern people. Containers lor fertilizer, cottonseed menl, Hour, sugar, potatoes, feedstuff, cement, and practically every sacked commodity the Southern farmer buys should lie ol cotton.

As the Manufacturers Record has repeatedly emphasized, the. Southern cotton farmer Is himself most lie continues to employ Jute Lagging from India lo bale the cotton he grows. cotton were used In place of nil the jute Imported Into the United Slates, It Is estimated thnt domestic cotton consumption would be increased by at least bales a year. The consideration of what such an increase in consumption would mean In raising the level of cotton prices, visualizes the direct benefit to every cotton grower and to the South at lurge. Cotton bags for collonscrd meal would add 50,000 bales annually to cotton consumption, and commercial fertilizer used In tlic South would require another 100,000 bales.

The Augusta Chronicle paints out thai sugar of the principal crops in the Oulf Stales- Is now sold In cotton sacks from five pounds up, and one prominent sugar refinery In the South is said lo consume 50.000,000 yards of cotton cloth a year tor this purpose. The chronicle feels Iliat every cotton manufacturer, banker, cotton dealer, merchant, and the southern generally should more seriously enter into the movement to promote the use cf collon. Augusta Is to stapj a "Wear More Colton Campaign" the week beginning May 18. Tu the past, cotton manuraclurcrs have done practically nothing toward advertising their product. They have largely depended on others to create business for Oiem.

while competitive products were being widely advertised and their use enormously Increased. We believe the time Is opportune for Southern cotton mills (o conduct an aggressive and intelligent advertising campaign to create a greater demand throughout the country for cotton goods. Record. 1 1 I'm due at tho dull in 10 minutes, to make ddress on preparedness." WASHINGTON LETTER MOTHER NATURE'S CURIO SHOl 'ruly, Tins Is Era or Harsh Jimmy Walker and Tammany Hall, anil MclVhiirtrr 1'lans to AiJ only lo IK braiidDd ns bolshevik in Jublcss liy llavhif; Moulh Kvcryoiif'; nr iionNEY IHITOHKR NKA Writer is r.n evj' harsh feelings, according la Senior J.

nc-omboom McWhorter. return. "Even President Ilcover forsook his accuslomcd calm the other day io deliver fearless denunciation ot Sandino, the Nlr.irasunn rebel, call to mind good old days when we were all comparatively iiy when we had any spleen If everyone who Has been our systems we look oul on ng ether people bad names were! Now we arc razzing have hir, mouth washed out. tiie the Russians more cnthiisiastlcnlly wnalcr suggests, most of the 0.000.-1 'nan ever, the res 1 the world is 000 rncmployed would be razzing the United States-and of jobs In soap factories. I 21 lks McWhoilcr will introduce a bill io life bearable any more unto wash all those mouths but has! less they are picking fights with (Continued from page one) aven't stayed within the law.

He cclfircs tlie miners not only fired his men but. they marched thru ils property, two automobiles with sticking oul ar.d at least ICO irmcd marchers. The unionists deny this. "There was only one gun in the rarade," says W. 13.

Jones, lore- nosl organizer. "Ami the.s- flus" eel the way," lie added a weep of Ills arm coward a corner of Ills office where the Stars and Stripes leaned against the wall in company with Winchesters and shotguns. Wages Net Only Issue Childress says he coulti give 400 men employment ami thai Ihey could earn Sli a day, dcspile Ihc recent wage cut. ADD KY MINE WAR- Miners who have worked fcr him retort: "you'll do well to SI.50 lo 52 a day. They say Ihey have an eighl hour day at iiis mine, but ihey give you 11 IJDULS to do it in." IJut Hie matter ci wages is in'.

Che only issue. The men say chcy want heeler working conditions, and they want to be free to trade with merchants who. they say, charge less. Above all, Ihey wen: Iheir union recognized as it once was in the days before they waxed so prosperous that they quit the Unitet' Workers of America. And iht operators, above all, insist that this is something chcy will never grant.

We'll never leave the union again" is the slogan of every meet- of the jobless miners as they assemble under the guard of pa- of their members shouldering rifles and shotguns. The nntianal organization has not yet. th? locals of the Harlan Held. Apparently It is waiting imcil the members can show an indisputably organized body of workers before it will consent to take them back. The orgunizalion, In fact, denies Iliac- it is taking anj pan in the present agitation here.

But these men oi the Kentucky mountains are confident they can take care of themselves, regardless of outside aid. They are hospitable and friendly 13 the extreme once PQMB. BBSS' en THE iNNea. SURFACE NO t. FISH is CHURCH EXCUSES -By George iV.

Probable lament Mils summer: life if you don't week-end." OUT OUR WAY VvlE VJA'i OoT MOM HAD A SOU trt t-IAZtl-f T. ME AM MET HER ASJ'- no that it will pass because i majority of the members of Con- jrcss would be affected. has been many months sin 1 the newspapers reported an in- sUnce where someone thought ol something nice lo say about, imy- Ihing or anybody," the ECiwler observes. "The. Republican National Com- mitlee Is priming -Mr.

Hoover, radio pay liouiage. Co certain looth pasles and rubber tires nncl belli Washington and Lincoln came in for moderate amount oi commendation on their birthdays this yenr. Everybody Is 1 "But in balli politics business everybody is so sore and zlctl that thrre has been more general and whole-hcarlcd Ihan during any previous period within my memory. "li every knock waliy 3 bcost Ihc mllic'iiium would I)? here now. nobcdy would have Co work and life would just a beautiful bore.

"Diplomats nre supposed t3 te Ihe cagiesl, most tactful in the world nnd you gel an id.M how sour Ihe world has turned 0:1 icself when even. Ihey tegiu to nasty. "We exchange ambassadors with Spain and ambassndci-s. exchange rpithels. One clay our ambassador Ihrrc was attacked by die Madrid press because he was sup- to have said that- liie members of Ihe new provisional 'wvern- nicnt looked like 'a bunch oi Thai same tiay r.ew panish govcrnmcn'.

apiiointod r.n each other. "Incidentally, there's dirty skunk out In my slate who made a speech (he other nljht and said the only excuse for the people sending me to Washington was that It made the slate SD much better a place to live in." TODxW IS THE- COJH'KH'S AVPEAI, On May 7. 1917. Samuel Gompers, president of tlie American Federation of Labor, srnl an appeal by cable lo (h; executive committee of the Council cf Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates at I'ctrograd af- cer (lie czar had bten overthrown. Tho anpttil said in part: "The gravfsl crisis in the world's history is now hanging in the balance and the course which Russia will pursue may have a dc- Ur.r.ining influence whether demu- crar.y or autoi-riicy sliail Riiss-ian autocracy is overthrown, neither the American i government nor Ihe American pco- ple apprehend chac the wisdom and experience of Russia iti Hie coming conscitulioiial assembly will adopl any form of government ether Ihan Che one best suited lo your needs.

"The American government. Hie American people, the American la-1 tor movement, are yoii have vna thctr gcod graces, but they are a fighting lot when crossed. Last year there were'34 murders in H.irlan county. The March grand jury returned 11 indictments for murder, while eight killings werj in "simultaneous pairs." These were cases in v.hich cwo men louglH to death. One of the pairs were brothers and John Bailey.

Jim got a job as a guard at a mine. John "cussed him cue" for it at the courthouse. John got drunk thai night and shot Jim. Dying, Jim got his pistol and killed Jijlm. Such is, the background of the war between capital anrt labor in Harlan county, where union leaders fay 5000 wives and children cf jobless miners now face hunger.

The industrial mines, suoh those controlled by U. S. steel Andrew Mellon's mines at Coxton. arc operating without trouble. operators who arc feeling die pinch are those who must go into the open market to sell.

They paint to the in "lake orders" (shipments to the iron fields of Wisconsin and Michigan) and io the tremendous encroachment thai the development, of hydro-eleHric power in the Carolina: has nnrie 0:1 their coal market. Tr.ay look. tuo. with a fearful eye toward Muscle Shoals. Tlic operators say Ihey have been forced into a position where they have to Tight lo survive.

Tiie miners say that, loo, of their own case. And In Harlan county, fightine means righting. I don't wnut yon to think that I proper one tanghl Ihem shl don't love Sisler and Junior, but i was lo see that they came straight do wish school would start thru home when it was over. But sine! I could get a iittlc rest. Sisler and this good woman moved away theJ Junlnr ar: tho best and swestcs'.

have had lo slay at home for 11 children on earth and if anything impossible lor me or my husband I should ever happen lo cithc-r o- take them regularly, and if the; Ihem I just know 1 would die and can't go regularly they might a. if it should become necessary I well not go. would die for them. I'm a 1 i My husband works hard all wcell in every sense of the word, that's I except Saturday afternoon. Then on the reason I am trying so hard to i two or three nights each week hi give them proper training and I i is out lale.

Salurdal don't think children are properly nighi which is our regular nighl trained if their religious training is for our little crowd. So you see Sun-I neglected. day morning we just can't get uq Now you can see why I have been Jin time to get ready to take the trying so hard lo find someone dial I You see people of Bur standing I can safely encrust them with on must keep up wilh our social con-f ErnciaY at Sunday Selioal and i neclions. If don't do Ihis yo Church. Someone lo take them ana arc not even considered.

So I see lilac they have proper attention been thinking thai when and training, for you know at most, starts I can get a litlle resl Sunday Schools they just pick up the aild tlle maybe some' anyone to teach. The last one of my neighbors that took them had Sunday, for they must have propcij strict instructions to see. Iliat lr.3 training and association. The No''se Have "It" If Doctor Knows His Cosmetic Surgery 1)11. MOKKIS I'lSlllJEJX tainly inartistic contours as td Ijlilor, Journal of Ihc American make the relief clearly apparent.

I AssocLUinji, and of Hj- The mere fact, llierefcre, thai joia, the Health Magazine (he person is dissatisfied with Thr- ruse is one of the most dif- nose is nol considered lo be a snf- ncult ci'G-Uis of the human coun- ficicnt indication for an operation ter.anec, particularly ns concerns The presence of a noticeable humd iU relationship to beauty. It is thsjcr depression is, however, a condij jii'jsl conspicuous fealurc and any lion which may be relieved witq exaggeration in iUs size or any loss rome satisfaction, of ils contour ncl only makes it a target for unnecessary aUenlion, but makes ils possessor the rormance. The ncse is com; issue Clements, and carl is possible to transplanl -one or cartilage-to'takJ tricks with the nose, carc o( Scr i ou5 depressions, but! placing r.n atvuilme thc rocc( jure is technical and ci classical proportions on a I musl face, oi 1 putting a proboscis on a countenance of tremendous proportions. A ne'e -of any shape or size may function perfectly for smelling and brrathinj, hut still fail to give satisfaction to its possessor. It should be understood that an operation Li a fairly serious of a psychologist complex which i 0 6 Uli ItacU to unhappinefs.

In molding agc liic human body, nature plays i picccs of aaib.issador to us who nn roe- itll ii uss the Kus- nccusins us of Mirk Ekron News Notes Miss Jessie Jewell Hence, surgeons alive ttollc i cr the hcst 0 rcr conditions Humped no may be too long or too short an have a drooping tip. Tlie removal of a hump requires the use of aj saw, chisel or flle. Like the carl pentcr who cut out too much doorj American wa pot himself into a lie was saitl to have insinuai General Smcdby ISntler .1 fake And Uvitler. who c.i'--1 a hit-and-run was accused of 'obscene' hivtiu.v when said 'Hell' on the r.ulio. only ot our public men LI-IS into on duel ol harsh words another.

"No chapter of sa many adjectives the word 'liar' as Iho iv.d Ueinccrils man Fcss N'o president wiihin habitant's memory galcd r.s has Mr. Ilcvm aiiatiiema hurk-d Republicans and excelled by Ihc maledictions cxc-luu-. regular sive Republicans Ucmocials jWlicn you hcnr I Julius the rcnnsylvaiiia i-. r. tiie pi'f'l? 1 iiv- 1.1:'...

nnd oil how pood and al Alter 5 tiling and cv, Ing i ChicaRn Kr. ralthii i I "Now VVt -vJ her in jally CAmpsIgn or.d cause vith us abolibh ali of a ricspclisin and to establish ar.d U-is'-'iiii" rclativis maintain for yi'. mi- bcrn lo cf justice, freedom, democracy and humanity." Career spent Tuesday at Number Nine Zoo Attendants Find Cure for Mrs. Noah's Cold ST. LOUIS.

Noah. 103-year-old giant Oalr.p.i<:-: Mr. Norton had as his Friday. Mr. Hcrrchcl liustin of Nine.

Mr. J. p. Morgan had a.s their quests. Sunday.

Mr. Lott and fam- il; 1 Gosnell. James Smith and Miss Anna Ryan of near LK-ll were the cf Nellie Hart. Sun- in arc work on the human face! dcvolc Iheir atlenlion largely lo thc possibilities of rceonslruclion ol the nose. In a recent address before the Institute of of Chicago, an 'in cosmetic surgery em- Ihe fact that much depends en the parli-Jiilar point of, in tlic d'terminaUon as to; the remover of bones has exceedingly careful not to cut at any iinglc op( ra tioii.

tff nn car cr LO Cill Ollt to put back too much 1 een cut away. In restoring tissue, it sometime! becomes necessary to transplanl pieces of tissue from thc* or tlie cheeks to make up dcfectj in tiie nose. ly lo be salisfied with any result I not only the bes, of urgcr may t' achieved. For UnV, but a special typo ol surgcrj Tnv experts are cautious about: fact has drawn into Iho field in attempting ID correct slight de- numerable quacks who prornis reels, preferring to exercise their! far more Irian they can psrforn abilities on rjricus due io or indeed Iliat anyone can per either accidenl or disease, or lo fcrm-this indicates primarily serious deformities of such cer- mark of the surgical quack. line reason, Mr.

Riciiard'on of Clear i tprtoise. had a cold VMS obvi-j'is i Lake iiiitcd Mr. Andrew Clay, Fri- her r.T.;Iiiu: v.i:ceze but a i her was mr. sj obvious. in-'.

Mrs. No.ih is cold uioo.lrd. lore. nttendants c.iuldn't thc mine wliothcr she had a Irvcr. by When attempu were mado i h2r ov Icjk lit her lo: 1 1 and iiullnl into xilc- i.

I'" 1 1 Likewise IIP; 1 was i'rotectcd. And slic had de, wji she lor vats, i suv.Ovno Mrs. N.Mi. Tiiski'-ii i-vi-. days pl.ictd a le.i keltie of ihomns Smith ar.d r.mall iiarold an.1 Mr.

Jair.c-; Smith r.rar Del! wore gucsls of Mr. Sunday. Mr. Charlie hr.d r.s i his guests, Sunday. Mr.

Mcivin Ci. lamtly of Gosr.ell. Mr. of Half Mosn an Ekrcn usltr.r, Sunday. Little Maitha Hargclt is I-ovi: 1 r.i'.rr several days ii 51 CITIES peppermint p.iicj cf fviinc- has sre.uly im.v.,-ve^ claim trviM ID make up lor boo'y is her diet.

Shot lllous Up House AJO. Aiizona. Two boys took Mict at a day tlic of lives when a house hit by. tuilrt blew up. Tiie liouso with dynamite ar.d liio hi: hr-rd Ic- fivr miles.

Fiylu: broke fine boj arm. Tile cat nas r.ot injured. A.LI, YOURS! A home cf dcbi Froai rr.odjil monthly (56.50 up) Invtilou $1,000, 55.000 or $100,000 foi tnanl. for fully dzicriptive bockld "Enjoy Money." 200,000 INVESTORS r.OUN3tfD 13S4- c. i.

ir.MONS, cir.iicr MANAGER ELVTHEViLLE, ARKANSAS euiciris,.

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