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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 6

Portsmouth, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-The parlor Truld and tow ooquettlih sprca Ictex a touch taibrolfiery THE PORTSMOUTH DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, JULY 8, 1912. Mr. ami Mrs. John Carey, of Dr.

Frank II. Williams, relumed friends S'ora-ood, Cincinnati, 'who hare jo her home at Hock Camp -Satnr-! from a ten ceu the of Mr. anj -Mrs. R. iKf: I Crichton's In ri" Crawford, Yatcs, Jones Kilmcrl and MUV Kr-oker spn.t Sunday Miss Klb Evans left Snturdi; for Louisville, Kyi, vhtro slje ho the truest of Miss K'lith M.i.

Oji her to die u-iH i her John Conroy. and brother, Mr. Jolui Tracy, i i Mrs. i llc-rt daughter. Hiss Jean, Mr-.

J.nni-a Watkins an.l da-jfhters Miss Ehin. 'lieen M'irv, Ir-orot'ry lio.icrtfou (iil.l- F-lmi Uevare. aretit- Mr nnd fieorso Cook, ilaw, Mr. anil Mis. Charles.

OffnWc street, Sunday. 1 Tracy of Wnller street, went lo McDermott this mornniL', where an'i Mr. John Tracy ivill continue his rom a visit with relatire.s and -Sends in Columbus and Dayton. Mr anil Mrs. Joioph Appel who have iiiRhtcr MUs J.ticasvillo.'spending the past few days willi crc the guests of Mrs.

Appel's former's son nuil lUugnlcr-m- II r. ami Orlctt a i nf Sixth street, spent on Turkcv as thr -TI. Josenh Clrarlotte Bradford, of Mv.ido«- Hnrok coltasi-, on l' 030 Itoad. CHH'rtaiTicd Saturday Mr. an.l in honor of Mr.

Roseocj of IVirlKiiouth. (James ami Messrs. btarlin. the evening pleas-1 Vin-ngor anil Jacob 1' Jliil- Mr. A.

W. ainily, Mr. anrl Mrs. iinil family and Mr. and Mrs.

leorse Staker and family, of Twelfth spent Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. Henry fjlakcr, visit for several weeks. Mrf. Kdwanl of Third street, has n-liiriinl front week's visit to I frii was accompanied home isily illi.l at a ileliehtful hour tho M-rvxd dainty refreshments i he follon-iim i I Mr.

nnd Mr-. A. a daughter, Mrs. Myru Crouch and vcstrr.lay i.rr. Anna J-oii (iiiblc, Bessie Xocl, KIsic Woti-n.

Ida Kcasb-y, Mrs. Rra-lford I i and Messrs. jli-rSert Bradford, Harry 'mid Floyd Carl Corii-11, a CollU, Kov nivl Charles Oppy. Mey i Vititii llroermann. wlin will -Mr.

nnd Mrs. Jake Herman and at least one week here, on Vutltcr, of West street a returned from i A i i a where thev went to visit relatives a Btt end th( i -i eeip.j.lays his purcnts at Mis, Mae Silv'y, of'oak Hill. i.Wc.1 by Rev. Father returned hmiie. the guest of Miss Nora Massie, a dor Mary on! Sim-.

Mr. and Mr 1307 Franklin avenue. a visiting day ili.w Cicrtmu: rnerliup: of J512 Franklin avenue, Mr. and IfrT Brill, and friends in Chillico- at her residence ncp.r have 1-con relatives at Ironton, -were the Sunday guests the this week, of 'Mr. and Mrs.

C. Gray, of Franklin avenue. Mr. Andrew- Hubert end daugh- airmps OTer it? shoulders mi eprt3 verr ti smart orer tUck a on the A pretlj Jewlci apron, triinmrf 'lmce plak Is pictured. ter.

Miss i a and Carl, Mr. i.d Mrs. William Tufts. Mr. nml Mrs.

C. N. Smith anil family, crtha is Mr. and Mrs. Cla Spetnsgel of (Jhillicothe.

C. L'hl and grandson, Cot-krcll. of it reft. from Bowling Oreen, u-Jierc thev were the- puesis of i Ed Cork-ll. C.

W. i liuve rottirncd horr.p. tored lo Jackson EIK-nt the rlay. The marriage of Mr. Hani Snn.k-ri Sarah Dcbo ivcre day for the tirst lime in ehurch.

nn.l Futlcrton, have returned from tinirton, ivherc they ipsyt dny Mrg. Xichols' Mrs. K. KddT. ''H Mr and Mrs.

A. H. Ilammcl, of Second street, who hiivc! Klw.inl Clark, of visiting several days i has returned from a mrl Mrs. Brown and MIS! J.enora] am relatives at Ironton; Lit in and Ashland, have returned: Mr. i i a i.livarrfj, r.1 lome.

I i r.ngmc Company. Irr and Mrs. Chark-s Bomtser ye his parents, -Mis? A a Kendall, of io. who has hern Jda and i i of i Feurlh have returned home, Vance- visitin? D. C.

Hohcrts, of nnytr-n, has visititi- ld ami Mrs. David A. Greenup. tiiroiu-h I Sunday enrouu; home after a I of one MM. I 1 O.

Jlnlmert, Mrs. E. a returned home last night from a week's on the Dressier farm, near Sciotoville. Hoffman, vi.sitintj Charles of Fourth 1 jKrieker, of this city, und Mrs. At 1,1 of Jtolll! SOCIETY The young ladies of the Free will: ijive a social -Thursday evening at the home of OUss I.uey Long, of McConncll i avenue; One of the features of this'entertainment will'be au TrVilson, of Highland avc- JBiie, is visiting relatives ami 'friejida in Uuntingtob, 'William Strange and Tltomaii -ijraloney, of Greenfield, arc visit- ling Wends and relatives here -'this week.

Mrs. J. D. Bramcl and dangh- ter, at Tolcsboro, are the i guests of Mr. and Mrs.

J. Jor' dau, of 12-22 Franklin avenue IT. Bramel hns been foi training horses a' the driving park. Jlr. and Mrs.

Hoyd Shouk of Robinson avenue, hari I returned from a pleasant visi with friends and relatives a I nnlin aton. The Aid Society will meet Thurs day afternoon at the home 3lrs. Ida of Ilitfh street The Portsmouth W. C. meets Friday afternoon at th Jlrs.

Philip Plarr, o'' i avenue. All mem hers arc urged to he present. Fthcl Docrr, of Fourth, a -Davidson; Messrs. Wallace street will go to Ironlou this Kvan Williams, II. A.

Mart- week to Miss Gladys Keitcr. Graven and Jatnie WHiams an.l Charles 'J'nrley. Miss Anna.l'iWi, of I'on-clls- is the guest of friends in Miss Grace. Prellcr is visititiK liss Nell Uirclf, of Iroiiton. Misa Jfary has re- jniert from a days i i i vith home folks at Ironton.

Miss Anna Fowler's class of 1'hc lanly Sundny School kno-vvn ns 'The Glcancr.s", will give an en- crtainment and social Taursdiiy evening iu the basement of. the church. Mra. Wlliara Thornton a children, of Twelltli slro-l. turned Sunday from a two with friends and rcliHivi-s at Huntington, C'cutrul City and Oredo.

Mrs. G. W. Vandervort and children, Virginia and Charles, of Twelfth street, nrc visiting -her parents, -Mr. and 3irs.

Samuel Crickcnhcrccr at llavcrhill. T. Halileman and Idaughtors, Augusta, Helen nnd Kle- and 31 r. Kvan Williams re- i i lost from a delightful i lo Cincinnati and viein- Dorothy Knapp, of Cov- accompanicd them Mrs. a Walker and children, Young street, and -Mrs.

Floyd D'llouark have returned from Rlou a i where they visited ith Mrs. Walker's sister, Fred The Aid Society will meet Thursday a in social fiion with Ida Monroe at he residence on Hiph street. The Kpworlh r.eagun of Maiilj church will meet in social this evening fit th'c paroonngc ns farewell I i i i for a visil with iluss Helen Haldcrnfln. Jessie Holies and son, Mr. William Jiolles, nre preparing to move ne.vt ivcek from Ulover to the I.loyd flat on Fourth street, near Mary and Margaret Vet- wiU to Cincinnnti loianr few days' vi.iil with relatives and 1 Mrj.

John Vctlcr and daughters jnd Kliialclh, anrl Miss liosi i K-ft this Hfternoon fo: uhcre they will visi for days with friends. David Kprouse, of street, spent Sunday with his 1 brother and sister-in-law, Tim I-adie-i' Aid' Society of th Hrelhri-n church will mec lay cvcninf in churuh. of tiK-t this jiflernooil of oi and Mrs. "Waller Hjironse, of Cir- ckville. Tiic Uondink- met this C.

T. Bnvit Kixlb icial and to Mr. O. family, of Cent nnd 'Mrs. Mnrtlia Stephens, Mr.

and Mrs. I). K.1-. a been the guests of i an-1 Mr. (.

Isaac U. Xoel, of the Cbillieothe;, who pike for the past few days, om I i a ed to i at Dayton, ls Sunday morning. -Mrs. .0. C.

Norris and rcinton a i daughters, of Vinton avenue, lelt i Sunday for Toledo where they of spend two weeks with friends i 5 i a 1 5u nnd relatives. Margaret' Mis.5 Frances' RcWrlz, of Itnldinir. Kate street, who has been visiting rein-' no Vitus and 1 ra.n.-is i 1 Ciiuley, Meilahon a 1 A K. Kverard i tomorrow for Allaiitir- Cily her i Mr. and Mrs.

who are eiijoyinir aj wok- 1 rOJourn on the i-oast. Ironton ivilh friends. olinciiter will return hoitie to-1. MvnL lirld lirdl hr-llmr' -The Flannel Shirt Joke There to be imiiy paper story a a ll.inn of to lloanoke, by i ill- linle niece. Margaret -Miis ileMiihou will Q.

i i i in the of lirr.c it it bamled down to one of tlit i a Carri trcct, who will take their deparl- thc last of the week for North- latt, to re-side. Mr. 0. E. Carrier nnd family, of Center street, ani preparing to lovo this week lo Xorthplatt, ireeka, where Mr.

Carrier has FC- ured a position c.i secretary of the i M. C. which position he has icon holding in Williamaon, W. -Ta. Melvina Jordon, of i street, is critically ill nt her home, tfl i street, suffering with icflrt trouble.

Mrs. Edward Burl nnd beby son, of 301! Court street, left this morning for a ten days' visit iu Urbnna, whore she will IH: the guest of her Mrs. Bertha ColberC. th-cs and friends nt WelUton, will return home today. Miss Mary W.ilhma, of Washington, will arrive next week to spend her vacation with her rister, Mrs.

Fred Hchwnrtz, of Tenth street. Miss a a is book- keper for the Bell Telephone com- George Donton, who has heen visiting his brother, a Dc-ntcm, tho Salvage store, left Mondny liome in Hillsdale, Mich. Pe.irl Cal-lc. were ilin- at the Washington lllote! a evening. Tif )llq3 Cnl)1 arrived Salur- AiXJOrWa.y mening from Selsonville, lo be 1 Itilr- guest of Mrs.

Harry Rcvarc. to make a A brce crowd attended the regular mr-Ming of Companion Cour i i No. -1M-, which was bel in the I. O. O.

F. hal jrrvrrnl froi tin 1 baby flannels used to I task, but now F.nsy cap is and it not only lot shrink the foods, it hi 1 panucn; soft iin.l is eiderdown. -1'ask Soap is ntirl sanilary. tho The Ladies' Aid Society of Central Presbyterian church iisiness session Wedne a wllh Mrs. Bach, Bt her residence, 377 Front street.

Mrs. John Wirt i I leave tomorrow for Mich -'ifrs. J. K. Bu.

Twelfth street, is seriously ill typhoid fever, and there small hopes of her recovery. Miss Lizzie Hurcha and Miss -7-JK Imcy'U-igluner of street, 'iirned Sunday a i it with Mr. and Mrs. a at Buena Vistu. Mrs.

Charles Slnrnpc, of Gib. is the Jlr. and Mrs. Wait's Station. of her par- llault, at Miss Tillie Wesbnupt, vl a street, is vlsiling friciuU at Grcenik-ld.

Tut-siliiy, to Taylor, ((Jraco to be present at a rei'i- i by Mrs. a honor of Mr. and Taylor. at her residence 0 he parents, ifr. and Mrs.

J. T. Ma honey. Mrs. Punning will be joinc in two weeks by Ttov.

Dunning together they will go on to jj.jke, for a TEOC "NTrs. A Devoss nml thrne children, Arthur, Kvclyn and a old, have gout: to Greetificld, to isit relatives for two Howard McKcrrihan left Moiirlny a two months' i ihrough tho rVest. lie will visit almost every point of interest before nnurniuij ionic and will spend ten days in Yellowstone Park. He is the. night ticket agent at the local X.

li-pi(. Mary Tiragan, of Third street, camo home Saturday week's visit wiih relatives and friends at Wellston. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.ouis E.

Disle! a a daughter Lucretiti Ktinor, Grimes avenue, am expected home I vlcville and Cohnivbus. Jlrs. Ida Jones, of latrect, has rettii'iicl J. "SV. Sprouse and'ilaiirfh-uveok's visit nitlt her arolhcr ter, Jliss Kllcn, of 1718 i tcr-in-laiv.

Mr. and Mrs. Javoli street, left Knnilay for a shortjGcnson, at l.oad, Ky. visit with ll ld. of Miss Site Sprousc, of Twelfth liraddock, who havit Lx-n thr- Btrcct, will leave Tuesday on all guails of her brother, Mr.

t.larr:i.-- Cltcnded visit to relatives and; oS l-. hth i.t.d Mr. Mr. iin-1 Mrs. 1'.

HaHcinan rhr.islitcr,. Kleuore and I lei. ii, will -Mnr. 0:1 July )5th on aii tulir in a in r-om- i parl.v of i Rev. and Mrs.

to Havcrhill j.spend the dny with Mr. Joshua te Bccotnpiiu: and W. tomorrow Home From Cinciunati. Attain Riirkcl I I ix-lnrnod tVoru incinniUi, whero he a i nn business connrclcu willi Sclby lihoe Cotnpnny. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK were m.liic to ho! meeting on Thursday evcniui TM 0 1 i i residence of Iler.soa, 0 to arrange for the ji-lcventh atrnivcrsary r-clbratioi the r.uxili^ry.

Frori yo-ir own keep on dutcg Itii. rnrl I hair a l-iinncr--D neglect i a cnlU loo late. Con- care- il Ihe price of beiol'rlul a of of HAY'S Mrs. Adam Ault. of A I HEALTH end us-nji it at i had as guests yesterday onee.

Mr. nml -Mrs. John Ault aud Mr. I i the idling oal nnd sl.irl nr i W. E.

Evans of this city, new you i luitroia 5 nml danghu-r. Irjii lhal'i I--I1 of lire anrJ lajijr.ce--llul' nr Robert Urisker and you'll be pioad ol thai will be a v( Kciotnvillr, mired by 5 rv iloss- Rc a A I Webster. HEALTH. 1 peck Green Titans 20c 1 prv-k nice iiotatoes 2Q I pi-ok Fancy Apples 2io 1 i Berries 10 and :1 heads Cabbage 10c 'bars I.ennx ov Acme SoaiK.lOo -KSS. Avjto Slaivh boxes Blueing Special low prices on I'rr J1.01 II SlnTd or dllfc: rrctrpl of uricc Seed I 1 In.1 K--il- i Strcich.

Turc IVtig ter I. II. Stewart. liorl Hagpr's Plur. Butter and Eggs, Flour, and Dacon, Cnnncd Baked lic.ins, Kahnon, Snrdiiu-s, I'icklcs, Oliver.

Crackera, Cheese, -Maeroni. Fruits ami etahles. Coffee, Tea and Snfrar. Don't forpct our new ICK-atioa GAiLIA AND FINDLAY STS. Give us an order.

i J.J. BRUSHART i i THE CASn GROCER 9 2 i QALLIA ST. (New Number) 1 The New Up Town Center one- week ill l.r-ld iviih i of the tlio Stanton, of TTnimJen- The maTiy fritn-U Tvtr, ilrs. Chase's rs Pottkcr, (Liiifl Woman's GMrKK Sherman and Shcnnan. Thr-- by Mrs.

her daughter, npcr- 01" Detroit IK? Icnrn of rfib i ol a bflby ilioir roomily. Tho lovely ooiiiitr' liomr of Mr. nnd SHUT. 5n Bro Choicest of Popular Fiction For Vacation Reading 50c friends at Ironton. I und Mrs.

Bru-e Hoobl Aini-lin i i evening. tl William llarlinKCr, will arrive Mro. W. M. I I street, have it cs Miss Hcttie of Grove, is the gnest of her j.

cniniis Miss Belle I-cwis, who makes JC Mit home with 'Miss. I.iizic llarcha, of c. at lla blreel. W. M.

liriggs end AVnrron. of Waller street, i for lengthy the West. a i Brings rei-oiilly i i i neur J'oliotviiirj oper.i'iori on his; iiose ntid it is Ihouirht a trip will help him to regain coin-' jili-lc health. Brings her son i bv Im-nscd at lUiul der, Colo. Walter nnd ilan.hl.

Hoyse, who have lii-cii visiting rfliiiives here since the Fonrlh. returned to Middletown, Oliio, ivhc-rc art- employed in a steel mill. Vrank Mr- II. HolioM-, the -ccne of a happy in form of a birthday party on th--ir Mr. iwo necks i I a i i Sutcr.

There were a i nnd Jicr. nn music, danoinir end a i all- W. C. gor! i i i ivhich roln The People's Missionary 'ocieiy of tire r'roe Haptist church i-ill i iliss Krhlicr, a i I i i Haiel and a Mrs. dainty liiiiehonn iras served.

Mr. Suter was the recipicni of many The S-apiro-i n-ifli- inir -Mr. imny nf i i dnv. Tho followinif Tin-, hooks a iiest oi lime. hooks i inside the Iiuisdri'd of newest ond be.i hooks.

No old ont-3 in All nrc the bnr.iu'hl Miiili-5 or le.irs. placsitre and happiness millions of The of roci-nt yc-irs by i very best ruilliors. M.iny on sale now .11 for firs! nt' fru- y'uir vn--ation. Tinirc's r.othiiiL' like one of these a r-m-il for thrso hot dnys. Conic nuii look over our big line.

Just The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine AMD The Girl Of The Limberlost MOW 50c EACH i Waiter a i wife, I mall, .1. T-Dnas. -f 1). H. i Ida bn.i lhc' Allc-rt Jirlin Davis home on hill-1 and Vrank is A i i a SV.r- i 3 ra Marie Ii.

Mr. Ai- i-l i a Look over List of Titles we are Selhng At 50c ai K-jnire, -M alter, jra i Mr. cij.i-- The Evil Day; SUGAR BOWL 0. F. SLATTETRT, Prop.

Tine. Sadai Specialty. Pure lee Cream Ton dOD't ran ny rixk of impure here. 1471. GilJu jnd FiodliT in Ani of i of rr.o(-:inr_" ACKLEY'S POST CARD STORE Is Xou- Located at '316 CEUJJCOTHE 81'KJSrBT Next To lirtry'f The foliwirir- mouth 11 'T'l-' "ill lo Ir- Km this 10 ke given tiiis r-y CrsTrford f'jr of her gutslf.

HIM Vir.s of Xcw licdfor-1, 1 CharJotte Adams, of Harris ilrj. I'. i l.ul i have you over -r -arc- for von A f.V. an.l i i r. -j; -ii-s.

i i- v'M annu-T. and i I Mr. K. V. win i

iiis S'-hnol Manly churi-'r: on Prid.ty Mr. Mrs. Ytiv. I i i i Al ck- i a W. i K-it'-r Mr.

l.r'-u-':, Mni of J-- Ih- I'- fr.iff -ily. Im-l Hi. 1 a i John K'l- Mis C'nrl r.n-1 V.i~. from Ij.iyto in i K--I! i of hi? rail- K'-n-iail i mrr; '1 Kly Per- i i i i i hns ncmf-rous iif-n-. l-i-forr- from liio i i i a 1 t-rnTlovo'l iji The C.

T. N'. Ch.irN Kiri u( 11 of 1h-: Country. I It-inns. NViih IMn.

Mm M.rri.-s. IHnr. THE PORTSMOUTH 1 11 LOAN COMPANY Ml Tudcr, OPBEA HOUSE BUILDING Sullivan, MARVIN C. CLARK, Secretary. spiiuding we past nvo Bionths at rac tome of her nude, The following T-any.

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