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Daily News from New York, New York • 65

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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Nita Naldi, wickedest woman of the screen, stormed into the editorial rooms of THE NEWS yes- Produced by PREFERRED PICTURES. Presented in the RIALTO THEATRE. "Maytime" happens to be one of those long drawn out love stories. It leaps from generation to generation with the ease of the cinema, giving Ethel Shannon a chance to play two Ottilie 1 oAn Bui Gefs Court's Goat and Reprimand. John Bull came into court yesterday.

But not on charges of imperialism. It was for just plain violation of the sanitary code by failing to improve the condition of his domicile. It happened in Yonkers. Judge Boote dismissed John Bull and a neighbor in City court with a reprimand when they promised to improve sanitary conditions. Van Zandts, one of an olden, hoopskirted day and one of modern times.

Likewise it presents the exquisite Harrison Ford as two Richard Waynes. Life would be a bit stranger than it is now if reproduction of type were accomplished with the unerring precision of the camera. These two Richards vary only in the length of their sideburns. The two Ottilies may be told apart by the fact thr.t one uses makeup on her lashes and the other does not. The romance, anyhow, proceeds stickily on its of.

Clara Bow way. In the early part of the film, Miss Shannon is adored by Mr. Ford, who, being only a gardener, lacks what we call the background ACTRESS TRAILS DIRECTOR LOVER ON SUICIDE PATH Los Angeles, June 1. Heartbroken over the suicide of Lew Mason, a motion picture director whom she had expected to marry, beautiful twenty-two-year-old Cecil Werner, an actress, followed Mason along the path known as the easiest way out. Cecil took poison.

Her body was found in a little room she had occupied since her arrival here a few weeks ago to enter motion pictures. Much Too I'aht. In the note which Mason wrote just before he died and which was found near his body, after polico roke into his gas-filled mom, the movie director said: "It's too much; much too fast." The hours that followed the suicide of Mason, Cecil Werner, the girl who loved him, likewise reflected on the swift sequence of events which followed her brief romance with the director and jut before she ended her life she, too, wrote a note, a portion which read "It is too much for me not worth the ending. Found Life Futile. "It all seems so futile to me.

I'm not the least bit atraid." When the young actress killed herself she disregarded the advice of the man she loved, who had written in his farewell epistle: "Never lose your sense of humor. Always keep your HIGH SEAS POUND HAWAIIAN BEACHES Honolulu, June 1. The highest surf in years was reported from all the islands today and attributed to the volcanic disturbances. It is almost reaching the proportions of tidal waves, and causing minor damage to several ports. Rnv Finch, the trovernment ob- necessary for wooing a Van Zandt.

He dashes out west and digs up much gold, but by the time he (the digging takes quite a spell) his love has married a rich rival, Wallace Mac-Donald. (Don't miss Wallace in this. He's too sweet!) However, love finds a way, even though it has to skip a period of fifty years. In 1924 Harrison and Ethel meet, love and marry, with a few spicy quarrels sandwiched in just by 1 of Nita's efforts to But Nita had other things to say. It seems the SUNDAY NEWS recently carried a story about Nita's real name being Nonna Dooley and it went on to tell just how Nita had been a naughty little mischief maker at a nearby convent and had finally risen to a phenomenal success on the screen.

But in spite of THE NEWS' extensive investigation on the subject, Nita didn't like the story at all, at all. She says that her real name is Gianna Naldi, and that her papa's "name was Angela Naldi, while her mother's maiden name was Assunta Cantieri. She indignantly denied that she went to one convent, asserting, instead that she went to three. And she never caused any trouble in the convents because she was very-quiet and wanted to become a school teacher. 'Twas the Fat.

"It isn't that I mind being called Dooley. Rudy Valentino's name has been printed as Pinnegan and Doug Fairbanks has been labeled David Levinsky. The minute you become famous, relatives turn up from everywhere under the sun. "The name didn't bother me," continued Nita, "in fact, there was very little that bothered me. But when I read that I was getting fat Ugh Nita believes that the handsomest man in the world at the present time is Rudolph Valentino and her idea of the most beautiful woman is Rudy's wife, the former Winifred Hudnut.

(Other picture on page 1 ANIMAL LEAGUE DRIVE ON TODAY Assuring members of the league of his sympathy, Gov. Smith yesterday wrote to the New York Women's League Nita Naldi in the buxom days of not so long ago. terday, raging in language that would make Will Hays blush. "Where is this who wrote the article about my getting fat?" she demanded. She referred to the article printed May 25 in the series on "The Truth About the Movies" appearing in the SUNDAY NEWS.

The article said her real name which she denies) is Nonna Ethel Shannon and Harrison Ford way of excitement. That familiar tune beginning "Sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart, will you love me ever?" enlivened the stage version of this easy going romance. Certainly it must have been a happier thing behind the footlights than it is in its present form. Clara Bow, who has earned fame hereabouts as a movie flapper, is almost entirely disguised in the corkscrew curls of pre-Civil War days. William Norris as an elderly beau furnishes some stereotyped comedy.

iJJooley and asserted that she was jaequiring avoirdupois at a rate I that endangered her continued suc lagogue, Lexington avenue and server at the volcano, said that Fiftv.fifth KranrK Srt Hilo and Honolulu are not sale CONVICT SOUGHT cess as a vampire. I "I'll fix that said Nita. i Of late there had been much talk of Nita's tendency toward stoutness so much, in fact, that her future began to look anything niSI RIPH FSTATFiNew York Letter Carriers' asso-'ifrom damage by earthquakes in I the event of a major eruption. ciation. Search for Morris Kildare, es- MOTION PICTURES MOTION PICTURES idut, rosy.

And then came the sudden de caped Sing Sing convict, yesterday extended to the grounds of the cision. She was going to put the neat in Nita without further ado. estates of John TONIGHT AT 8.30 But how? Nita says she doesn't play golf or tennis, because she can't play golf or tennis. And she doesn't ride a horse because she says she knows she looks foolish on a horse. Good Diet Young.

Somewhere, some place, somehow. Nita had elimnwd the line 1 D. Rockefeller, V. Everit Maey, James Spey Frank A. Van-derlip and other ster county resi- dents.

The pris- i oner es a Saturday while working outside of the prison walls. He was sentenced from New York six for Animals wishing success to its efforts to jO fe Of watering staff Ji. Hnnfi fnr Vinrtc Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we diet. She has also heard it said that the eo-od diet Voung. Morris Kildare at the ASTOR Theatre, Broadway at 43th Street, First National Pictures presents for its world premiere FRANK LLOYD'S Production of Rafael Sabatini's famous novel "THE SEA nAWK." Adjectives and superlatives would be useless in describing this production and as managing director of the Mark Strand Theatre, where we run most of the best pictures shown, I can truthfully say this is one of the finest pictures that has ever come to my attention it is for every one.

1 1 The league's annual tag day starts tomorrow at the Public Library, Fifth avenue and Forty second street, to raise monev foreleven weeks ago for attempted burglary, If captured, he will have to serve his maximum sentence of one and one-half years and an added term for jail-breaking. Neysa McMein Just the thing for Nita Naldi! nd four weeks ago, to the day, placed herself strictly upon the following diet: BREAKFAST 1 Black coffee. No sugar. LUNCHEON One lamb chop and one slice of I fresh pineapple. 1 DINNER DE LUXE I Two or three lamb chops with itwo or three slices of fresh pineapple.

Black coffee. No sugar. Nita says she allows herself no rater during meals but drinks ilenty of water between them. Ivery day a massage is adminis-ered and Nita says she deems this most important part of the re- stations in traffie districts already established. Among those who will aid the league are Neysa McMein, the artist, Frieda Hempel, the singer, Mrs.

Lewis Gouverneur Morris, and others. RABBI-SOLOMON HITS! SENSATION IN PULPIT Warning against sensationalism in the pulpit, Rabbi Elias L. Solomon at Aeolian hall yesterday addressed seven rabbis and twelve Joseph Plunkett fec-G lat-trc Wt-i St. TWKK DAILY. 1 Sun.

Mt LIBERTY 5th MONTH 1LU 11 WEEKS I Theological Seminary of America. Sensible and serious teople. heiDOUULAa VlK.DVTirwO of D. ReMLiK W. GRIFFITH'S Lave, Laoftvtr THIFF RAf.nAD' said, tire of sensational and start ling things.

THF A M. A m-am. IliE ARTISTIC RF.VF.I.AT10S OF THIS CESFKATIOyn uemg process. Above all, relates AMERICA i-ita, no alcohol. IVOLI BETTY C0MPS0N 44th St.

THEATRE in 1AMt" RfYOT.t CONCERT ORCHESTRA WOMAN LOCKED UP AS A RUM VENDER Mrs. Agnes Kennedy, said to be the proprietress of a liquor establishment at Baldwin, L. and TWH HAII.Y, 1iO l. iOt A 1. NiMs SOt.

II. II.J0 Safety Pins. "And there you are," said Nita, er big eyes flashing and her long reen earings bouncing merrily at very toss of her head, "reducing a job that's far from easy. But "'MAYTIME 41 SlRIKMKNFKI.O'M CLASSIC At. JAZZ UNKNOWN KILLED IN LEAP TO TRACK The forward wheels of the first car of a Fulton street elevated train ran over and killed an unidentified man at Van Siclen avenue station, Brooklyn, after the man leaped to the tracks yesterday.

He was 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighed about 150 pounds and wore a brown suit. His body was taken to, the jnorgue. MAN DIVES FROM FERRY TO DEATH An unidentified man was drowned when he jumped from the deck of the ferryboat Wyoming yesterday afternoon as the ferry was in midstream headed for the Greenpoint avenue, Brooklyn, slip. A coat left on the deck contained a card bearing the name Louis Mulzoff, 270 Avenue A. Cth CAI'At 1TY MONTH f1.r, TJrtfl.

1 1 'I hi- Mary Pickf ord in Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall A MA Its II A 1. 1. NF.1I.AN IKHI (THIN nnirrntnn Th. (7h, Mr Hoiin hiid in bail each at TEN COMMANDMENTS I've succeeded. Look here.

See hat? I've gotten so thin that I I HI I HIM II Brd)r tt ScrMt. Tin ave to wear safety pins to keerj UK! I LI1IWII Dull. 1 2 JO 8 30. Sun. Ml 4 Paramount Production i Famous Players) CEO.

rOHAN THEATRE. B'r 41 Sin-rt Bt St Taitt. it.ifS B( atio. II. iy clothing up.

MA KH yesteraayon liquor cnarges. In a raid Saturday night twenty-five men and five women were arrested at the Baldwin place. All were fined. "When 1 started this diet. I 'The Marriage Cheat' A.

TIim. H. lac Su-aivJ MtuirfHjo Orr lustra The McAarch Mv rimt at his bst 140 pounds. Now I weigh Harold Lloyd in "GIRL SHY" xactly lwiu. it i don -etoo nrettv oon, you'll see my darling friend BKIHIkl.VN.

POSTMEN HONOR DEAD B- CAMFO 45 S. I 1H 30 MOSS A.M. II 3 CYTHEREA tf0Vt 'f Memorial services for deceased PADUA I "UJnmon Uhn Pluft" udoiph Valentino making love to ita Naldi's shadow in his next icture!" That, then, the tearful story- niMUt IIUUICII IIIIU UIIG IUBEN jiom rvu NE afternoon ti Central and Free jsyn- vbw a sibi MtiMl PratravM toaokurB. iaft 4 ftDi'M t.rat;4 OrciitiU..

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