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The Maryland Gazette from Annapolis, Maryland • Page 2

Annapolis, Maryland
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J. rniam agreeable mv 'induction from the vie? i 1 1 fwtnatm frtlA tadmirai 10 proccca wun mi nit ronm. Mercurv. and Kine's Filher. and alto all the i.

i i mi ni ni 1 1 i trniH)riS Willi liic iio uikicc ins vuiii. tenant general Imtoii (trie urana lukc or nuina excepted, which was judged to be too large) by the way of the I' unJ, whilft I proceeded with the y.reat (hips, frigates, and the lait named tr3nfp'6rt. by Sandy Hook to the fbuth'ward of Long Ifland. ,1 failed the ill inltant, and on the cth joined commodore Hotham in the found, in black Point bay, a place he hadjudi ciouily chofen for the protection of thetranfportsagainlt 'the violet of a ftrong wind, which blew the night before. The 4th, I turned down with the fleet, to be as near as poflible the place of our deftination.

At four the next morning the wind fprung up at w. f. w. and by three o'clock, in the afternoon the whole fleet came to "an anchor 6ff Weaver Cove, Rhode lfland. The following morning capt Caulfield (who had the direction of the flat boats) landed all the troops without "opposition and 1 have the pleafure to inform their loriifhi 's that Khode Ifland, with the ifles adjacent, are now in the pofleflion of gen.

Clinton. Capt. Wallace, of. the hxperjmcnt, led the fleet in by the welt of Narragahfet paffage. Ah arrangement was made for covering thetranlpbi ts but we only 'palled two wprks without guns, "and intercepted a brig of '160 tons (wrtich'tlie xperiiii'ent'lbblc) laden with pipe and hogfhead ltaves, and bees wdx.

On the firft appearance "of the fleet, three rebel of thirty four, thirty and twenty eight guns, went'up from Newport to Providence, where they are now, with feveral 'others arid 1 (hall hope to put an effeftual (lop to any farther mifchief from that neft of pirates. General Clinton fends one 6f his aid de camps in the Mercury, witnhis dil'patchts; and 1 have capt. Montagu to fend his lieutenant exprefs with mine, inclofed 'is a lilt of the rebel privateen at Providence, commonly 'called the continental fleet. I am. bi Your melt obedient humble fervant, P.

PARKER. A It) of ihitibit at Providence, com? tnonlj called the continental fleet. Warren, Hopkins and John Hopkins, commanders, ji guns. Columbus, Olney, 30 guns. Providence.

Abraham Whipple, guns. Blaie Caftle, Monro, 2 guns. Ship.Jane, W. L'hace (privateer) fix pounders. i brig, is guns.

Sloop Providence, Hoy (led Hacker, 1 guns. P. PARKER. Chatham, Rhode Iland, Dec. 11, 1776.

From, the London Gazit.T'I, Feb. 1 5 His raajefly's (hip the Experiment, arrived at Plymouth on the 9th inftant, with a letter from commodore Sir Peter Parker to Mr. Stephens, of which the following is a copy Chatham, Rbodt iflan'A Harbour, 'Jan. 7, 1777. Stk, In confequence of orders from the vifcount Howe, I have fent the Alia and Experiment to Kngland.

Nothing material has happened fince my letter the nth paft by the Mercury. The continental fleet is in Providence' river beyond eur reach at prefeht and in addition to the laft lift I fent, there are, as I am informed bout, fifteen fmali, privateer, flpops, frpm eight to twelve guns. 1 he 181b December I re took the Befey tranffort; flie came inhere by mittake, and endeavoured to pufh by us, the wind being weft, and bjowing ftrong. She was taken the jth December by the Alfred, having parted company the day before vith his majefty's (hip the Flora. And the 28th a filial privateer of eight guns appearing off this port, the Cerberus dipt after her; the privateer efcaped, but the Cerberus returned the ift inftant with two prizes, and one brig re taken, as per lift inclofed.

I am, Sir, your moll obtdient humble fervant, P. PARKER. A 8 (in Si: Oiriflopterls) April). A ftore fhip bound to New York, has been taken tnd carried into Port Pierre, Guadaloupe; part of her lading has been retaken by the ieaford, in a veffel bound to Martinico. We fuppofe the admiral has fent to demand her, which, whether complied with or not, will bring our good friends the French to an explanation.

April 1. We have collected the following particulars from perfons lately arrived from the Windward Jflands, and from Englifh papers The pirates have cut two veflels out of Tob3go, and there are s6 pirate veflels out of Martinico. cruifing to windward, for the out ard bound fhips, chiefly manned with Frenchmen 1 one of thefe pirates, who took a brig from Ctirke, after a fliort engagement, had not a Angle man on board who could. Ipeak any Englifh but ftnke to congrefi." So many of the Corke fleet have been carried info Martinico, that beef is now felling for forty fhiUihgs per barrel The governor gives the pirates every encouragement they fit out their veflels there, or rather the French are all turned pirates. In particular, they are now cutting a prize fnow down to make a pirate of hef.

The Englifh failors carried in in the prizes are encouraged to run a few dollars in debt, nd then have the option of going on board a pirate, or. going to gaol. We fhould not omit doing 11ft ice to the ipirited behaviour of governor Morris, of St. Vincent's. He fent to the French governor to demand the Englifh prifoners, offering to pay their debts.

The demand was immediately complied with, and he recovered, at one time, to bis country, twenty fix flout fellows, who immediately entered on board a privateer which he is fitting out himfelf. He offers commfffions to every man who will give in proper fecUrity, obferving that, when everv cowardly foreigner it fitrhtiiKr umlrr ninf colours, he will. run the rilk of granting letters of re. pnral to his countrymen. The prizes, amongft which are feveral Guinea fhips brought into Martinico, are fold immediately and publicly, without condemnation.

The bell flaves are Aid for ten joes a piece. The Seiford ha taken three French pirates and floop loaded with ammunition, fuppofed to be one of thofe loaded from the French fhips that have been freighted on account of Franklin, lately arrived at Mar. tinico, and configned to the agent Bingham, who com million ail the rench pirates. April 16; 80'eager are the French for piracy, that many planters in Martinico nave 101a tneir property, and vefted it in pirate veflels with the permiflion of their governor. In fliort, St.

Pierre is full of pirates and their prizes. Had ever Britifh thunder a more proper object than the deftruction of fuvh a thievifh place Or could any governor deferve the exaltation of Haman more tnan he, who, in a vile aflbciation with thieves and robbers, proftitutes the honour of a great king, his matter, and fullies the character of a gallant, loyal 'people? But' indeed, why do not our governors fend to demand all Britifh property carried into French and other neutral ports? An anlwer of reftitution or refufal would be well' worth the trouble. An open enemy is much better than a fecret enemy, and we trull Britain will yet take fevere vengeance on every pitiful aflbciate of the American rebels. One piece of management in the French deferves recommendation, if the'veffel they tike'be too good to be funk or burnt, they immediately change her from a fhiplto a fnow, or from a fnow to a brig, and To Hand it out that the owners are niiftdken in their challenge; this, in Marthiico, is done at an out bay called La rnontau. There the pir'afes firlt bring In their prizes and divide the fpdil, Which, if flaves, they are immediately difperfed over the cduntry.

and fold for what trtn be got for them. Two flave fhips were carried in about the beginning of March; one Enf'antoh purchafed both cargoes from the and Id them 'afterwards all over the iflands. One Piegerit, who was of ftfrylce to Dargout in the ftdition bf St. Domingo, and is now his chief favourite, a fellow of 'no vifiole property, is the oflenfible owner df foir pfrate veflels, and is faid to be concerned in many more for his excellency's benefit. Befides the flig and rehifezvous for pirates in the neart of St.

Pierre, there is another'flag and rendezvous clofe to the garrifon of Fort Royal. There the pirates are publicly careened and fupplied with every conveniency. Lord Macartney has lent leveral prening demands to the French governors at Martinico and St. Liuia, to get the Englifh property reftored which has been carried in by the pirates, but the anf'wer has been, ih'ey knew nothing of the matter." Yet it is to be fuppofed his lord fhip will continue the demand, till he forces out df thofe pirate governors, fomething like an explanation. Ohl ktw the rojaltfls flounce and On Friday the nth inft.

all the torts and batteries at St. tuftatius, cannonaded his majefty's pilot boat Balahoo, for contaminating hcrfelf by going near a veflel which the Dutch fuppofed to be a pirate or rebel. The Dutch ought to publifli a reward for the belt poem on the fubjeft. The veflel which the Balahoo fpoke, was from Demararo. The Balahoo had her colours flying and all fail let, and only paffed within hail of the veflel but conf'ci(5us guilt made Mynheer fuppofe is was one of her beloved rebels.

(Tory news BOSTON, May 15. By capt. M'Cloud, who arrived here yefterday from Guadaloupe, we learn, that a letter was received there from a gentleman of credit at Martinico, dated April 16, adviflng that a fleet oftranfports with 000 troops on board, under convoy of 10 fail of the line. and 8 frigates, had arrived there from old France, but their deftination was unknown. Wa have advice from Dartmouth, that a veflel of war, belonging to one of the United States, has lately captured fix veflels bound from Europe for the enemy 1 11; Vnr itmn .1....

three of which are Tafely arrived ni port. is faid they were part of a provifion fleet confifting of about 40 fail without Convoy. PROVIDENCE, Rbode.Ifland, May 10. On Monday laft gen. Percy, the hero of Lexington, (weary of the American war, though covered nuitb laurels) failed fi ora Newport for England, in a fhip mount ing 14 guns only.

The command has devolved on gen. Prefcott. Several perfons from the eaftward inform, that the continental brig Cabot, which wa lately drove afhore by the Milfbrd frigate, is arrived at Portlmouth. It appears that the sneiny, after getting the brig off, put 10 hands onboard, and ordered her for Halifax; but the greater part of the crew being imprefled men, they confined the others, and fleered a different courfe. I Maya.

ExtraS of a letter from Morriftowott, May 1 8, 1 777. Laft week we had a fmart engagement with the enemy, near Pifcataway, we drove them in, and killed fome, when immediately they were reinforced, and advanced a fecond time, but were again repulfed. I have been informed that, in the two actions, we killed, wounded and took prifoners, near two hundred; our lofs was about twenty or twenty. five miffing. Three deferters came over to us next day, and all fay the a bove accdunts is very near what they loft.

I think head quarters will be moved to a place within three miles of Bound Brook; and then for a flap at the Pbiliflines. We are informed that too waggons have lately been fent from Long lfland to the enemy's head quarters, at Brunfwick, in order, it is fuppofed, to aflift in removing their baggage, Sec from that place. By a letter from Albany we learn, that the tories, who were in arms near that place, are almoft crufhed. A few days ago forty of them were brought in and committed to gaol, among whom were two officers. Another party are out in fearch of one capt.

M'Alpine' who has been for feveral months on his parole this faithlefs Britifh officer has with him fixty men and fix captains, who are of the lower clafs of people. That fome of the leaders of the tory faction will fbdn receive their proper punifhment. Nothing new from the weft ward and northward all was quiet there. I A I I Extraa of a Utter from AJb Swamp, dated May to, i777. Laft Saturday werk gen.

Stephen ordered eiijht hundred men. from different regiments, to raufter at col. Cook's quarters, about nine miles from Matuehin meet.nghoule. In the afternoon they marched over Diiraal Swamp, and advanced to the place where the enemy kept their picket and where the enemy, ham obfcnwl our motions, had colltded about three hundred, whom our advanced guard engaged for fome time, and making a feint fefreat over a nar way, turned fuddenly upon the enemv ajW Cllft' them with a confiderble fl.ugl.ter. By'tl" were reinforced with fix companies of lir 1 tlrn'e, and other troops, when the fkirmifh was pretty 'warm for fome time, and the tBt'l wayj bui being reinforced with a large tillery from Brunl wick, we were at lall v' treat'toa hill, they not dur ng to rurfue "if" next morning we fent a flag to Bonatntown a lift of our men in the "alternocn we it, according to which they had one luba'tern leg had been cut off, and twenty three private! foners, moft of whom were wounded, and aifn i ed us of two of jr men killed.

By the belt accounts from the inhabitants, come out of Brunfwick. the enemv haH i a .1. leem traorainary, our wnen you coniiuer that we had in ber of good riflemen, and many excellent well polled in the woods, and other fuitable places tK enemy in the open field, and frequently in conlufiln I think you will be reconciled to the probability their lofs f'o far exceeding ours. This action wg r0 ducted by gen. Maxwell, and the troops men, Pennfylvanians and Virginians." ExtraSl of a letter Jrom Lcwiflovun, dated May 13, t.

to the ban. navy bourd of this flate, retain it morning. A fifty gun fliip is come into our road; and this at fix o'clock, the two frigates, that lar below the Brown, made fail with the wind at N. and are making up the bay. The Roebuck and fiitC gun fhip are likewife 'making upwards, with feveral tenders, viz, one orig, two Hoops, an a nilot h.

The wind being partly ahead, they will not gt farther' man 111c Drown tins ana me two (hi weighed from the Brown, will only get Crofs LedRC." that up tothi Extral if" a letter from the Jerfeyt, dated Chatham ftioy 19. Sinc'e laft, a confiJerable number of generil Stephen's divifion, being haftily aflembled frpm the different polls, attacked the 42d, ad battalion of the 71ft, tlie 3d, and fix companies of light infantry poited at Bonamtown, Pilcataway, and 111 that neigh' bourhood. It was a bold eBterprize, as the tmmy might be eafily reinforced from Brunlwick, tiie Land, ing, or Amboy. We had learned the hour of their dining, and gave them time to take a drink, and made a fudden attack on them about half an hour after four. Among their killed was major M'Pherlon, (iibs, fergeants, and as we are informed hy a perfon from, Pifcataway, 60 privates.

Major Frazer. of. the 71ft, and capt. Stewart of the light infantry uounded. ft is laid 110 privates were wounded, 40 of them danger, oufly and carried to New York.

We loft killed, 1 captain, fiibs, and 11 privates wounded, fut dangeroufly wounded, and taken with about 11 of hit divifion. This great advantage gained over the heft of tht enemy, has compelled thein to fend from New York, one battalion of Heflian grenadiers, the 10th and 5jta Britifh regiments to reinforce thefe polls." Defcription of counterfeit thirty dollar bids. They are done in imitation of thofe dated May 10, 1775 tne words in the face of the bill are pretty well imitated, but not fb unHbrmin Mi in the firft line the top of the word I iiirty appears deficient, and 1 the words Continental Currency (in tht borders are cut finer than the genuine biils. he hack of the' bill is not fo well imitated; the flowers more open, the rays of the fun in the right hand device much fmaller, and the fhip appears plainer than in the true ones. The paper of the counterfeits not lo thick as the true bills, is lmoother, and appears of a bluirti dingy colour.

On the leaft inflection thty may be feen to be done from a copper plate, the letters of which do not make any impreflion in the paper, like rinting types. We think, after this notice, the pub. ic cannot be deceived by them. By order of the treafury board, JOHN GIBbON, auditor general. By an officer of diftinction, who was in the late action at Danbury, we learn, that our people took 40 prifoners, among them a captain, who was wounded; alfo a good deal of baggage, and between 40 and 50 fcnglifh hones belonging to the officers of the enemy, which fhews they made a precipitate retreat; that number of horfes they had taken from us were afterwards retaken; that governor Tryon was dangeroufly wounded in one of his legs by a mufket ball and that they have fince found the body of a lieutenant, and the fculls of about 80 of the enemy who were killed.

ANNAPOLIS, Jvnz 5. COUNCIL, Annafolis, June 4, 1777' IT being reprefented, that many of the foldiers, wh were enlifted in the Maryland battalion, have not joined' the firft regiment and others, who were enlifted in the independent companies, have not joined the fecond regiment but that many of them are fecreted and entertained by their acquaintances It is therefore ordered, that they immediately join fome party of the firft and fecond regiments refpectively 1 And the juftices of the peace and other civil officers, and all other perfons, are reqaefted to be vigilant in enforcing the act of al fembly lately palled to prevent defertion. By order, K. RIDGELY, Cl. Ce.

In It s. Refilved, Baltimore, 16, 1777 THAT an interefl; of fi oer cent. Der annum be allowed on all fums of money already borrowed, and airectea to De Borrowed, on loan office certificates, although fuch certificates mention only an interefl offo per centum per annum. MxtraS from tie wiinuUt, CHARLES THOMSON, fecr. Annapolis, April if, I777.

1 THOMAS HARWOOD, jun. commifEoner of the continental ioan office for this State, attends at the treafuier'e office, Annapolis, for the purpofe rowing money agreeable to the above rtiolvf.

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