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The Maryland Gazette from Annapolis, Maryland • Page 1

Annapolis, Maryland
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1 1 1 v. A A vf i 4A j. APOLIS, TBDRSU.IV, AX VARY 11, WO. 8. UU1 1'ultitfilictl Jui.KAS I At the Brit Kuiidw on the I'ublitf Price Tlsrcc Foliar pc itiuiiun.

JJEGlSLATCItE OF TOAH iV' i Friday, January 1st. 1830. rWiiluM Kirby, Esq; ftdclogato returned for Oueon Anno's county, quulihod, and tOOK 014 BC. U. J.

'Mr. Turner, presented a petition Sarah, Satterfiuldrof Caroline, praying to be I divorced from her husband Jamos Satterficld; Mr. Teacklo, presented a mcmoriul and peti. I tion of sundry citizens of. I praying that the powers, confided, in the Levy flniirt of said county maybe exercised by per.

i ti .1.. iL. tons Oiecica ma yvuyiy, Hri Worthington, presented a 'memorial. Saturday January vna, isao. Mr." McLean, presented a petition of' Samuel 'Carey, and John E.

Carey, of the city of BultU Jttnore, praying to' have certain auction duties LUUroill UKJUUUUQU ioiuiiuvu.iv Mr Richardson, presented a petition of Uamos the city of Baltimore, praying Jbe divorced frorh. his 'Wife Jane Alford.v Mr tBrooUhart, presented a petition of Peter INowcomer, of Washington county praying the I .1 Min.w Eassage 01 un nci. nuniowoiug ivnwn ortain roa therein" mentioned? ei Mr, Bayly, presented a petitidn of sundry ci tizens of tho46wn ofCombridge, in Dorchester county, praying tno LgiBiauire to auinonso me commissionjjrsrsaid to'" remove certain obstructioni' front the mouth creek in said 'county, vi And, Mr. Merrickj presented petiton ofSu san Stowart. of Charles county, praying to be divorced fromjier husband John W.

Stewart. On motion of Mr. Pratt, Ordered unanimously. That Joseph J. Speed, Esq be.

and he is hereby reappointed State Dir. ector on the part of this House, in tho Bank of Baltimore. forHhd'ensuintr Court if Mr'. Matthews, askod the tollowing leave, Leave to bring in a bill, entitled, A sup Dlement to an act, entitled, an act, to incorpor ate a company to be styled the Allegany Coal Mjlne Rail Road Company, passed at Docember session 1831, chapter 168. Which was read, And, t0a motion of Mrr.Matihews, referred to the committee on internal v.

Mr. Annan reported Vsapplement to the act, to incorporate town' in Frederick county. Mr. Wharton reported a bill, to connrm an act passed December session 1834, to alter and change a part of the division Kne between the second, third, andJTourtD election aisincisui Washington cojinty. Mr.

Uough reported a om, maKtng auoiuouui provunon for tho ener oi iianora eouniy Of sundry citizens of Prince Uoorgo's county, re; lativo to the fishones On the Potomac River; And, Mr. Brookhart. prcsented tt 'petition of Jacob Easterday, of Washington county, pray ing to be divorced hu annyt Eas. terdav: Oa motion of Jlr, Pratf, (seconded by two other members that voted in majority,) the house reconsidered their Tote upon tho order a. dontcd on tho 30th ultimo, instructing the com? mittee on internal improvement, 10 open a tor respondonce with'tho governor and directors of the Maryland ana ausquenanna oanai company.

in order to ascertain on what terms they would soil to the State, the stock.of said company Mr. Pratt, then moved that said order bo re cocted; vi Kesolved in the ainrmawvo. Mr. Igleha'rt reported a bill, (or the1enefif of. i William juniuns, lorniBr coueciur oi Anno a Tundel 1 r' Which was read the hrst and time by and sent to the Senate Mr.

JJuvaii reporwu a Diir, lor. uoj Deneni oi Thomas II, Clagctt, ana cnaries uassaway, cir tizens of Loudontcounty, in tho State, of And. Mr. Richardson reported a to in corporate the Columbia Beneficial society of Maryland; Mr. Teacklo submiUoa tne tojlowtng order; Ordered, a committee to consist, ot seven members be appointed to inquire into the expediency of establishing art Agricultural School opd Pattorn Farm, in each of tho.

coun ties of this Stato'. YC Which warrbad; Mr. Merrick moved to amend said by dJinff at the eni'thoreof, thpsiS words, and to report a plan for providing ways, and means to defray the expense thceof;" Resolved tho amrmativej The said order was then read the second lime as araendod, an 5 V'' In pursuance whereof, the Spoaker appoint. cd Messrs Teacklejf Anhari, Wharton, Gillis, Heard, Lan more, and IcCullogh, the Com The House then adjourned, until to morrow inorning 10 o'clock, Mr. Townsend reported a bill, relating to constublea fees in Cecil county, and forothor The bill reported by Mr.

Ridgely, entitled an act ior.jne enpouragemcnt of female' education in the Stti'te of Maryland, was taken up for con siut.iutiuii... y. Mr. Ely moved to lay said bill on the table! 1 1 1 ,1. in the affirmative.

j.J Tno houso' then adjourned 'Mondlty morninrf teti'p'cibck. i i Monday, January! 4fh .1836. Mr. Lammore, presented a petition of Lvdia nooorts, 01 tno state ol fulawnre, pravios a pension, for services rendered by husband in the war otho revolution. Mr.

Brown, presented petition of sundry citizens of Baltimore.and Harford counties, pray ing for tho passage of an act to regulate thtr uuiiiiiioru iuumeiB4 iif. presented ft' memorial of Zei Ijhaniah Bnylos of Harford countyy praying the passage of an act, authorising the county" court of said county, to cenfirm the proceedings Of curtain commiNsonev inorein mentioned. Mr. Winder; prescntod la petition of Henry Eberhnrt, of the' state of Virginiai' praying a Ipeciul act of insolvency. presented a memorial of the trustees of tne Uovanstown Academy, in Baltimore county, fraying Academy the." improve, mcnts thereon, may be exempt from taxation.

K' On motion of Mr. Ordered, That tho icvenJ petitions rrom. sun dry citizens 6f Somerset county, presented at the last session, praying that persons may be ol. ootod immediately by the people, 'clothed with the powers now exercised Leyy court of said county, bo withdrawn from tho filus.of this house, and referred to the committee appointed on tho same subject this v' VJ The hour having arrived? for taking lip the order of tlia day, the hoilae proceeded to consid. er the Mil reported by Mr.

Ridgely, ah act for the encouragement of femalo' education in tho State of Maryland; The said bill was read the second time, a. and placed in the of th6 Mr. Brookhart moved to 'withdraw said bill irom the hands of the chair for the purposo of amendment. Determined in the negative. Tho qusstibn was then put, shall tho said bill Determined in the negative.

Tho clerk of the senate delivered the follow ing communication from tho Executive. Council Chamber, i 'V' Annapolis, January 2d, 1830. Gentlemen of the Senate and of the House' of Delegates, I herewith Jay before you a "copy com munication received by the mail last evening, from Ilia Excelloncy Governor Tazewell, in'ro ily to my lust to htm in relation to tho bounda controversy between the States. I have the honor to remain, Your obedient to JAMES THOMAS. J.Which was read.

And, on motion of Mr. Wharton, referred to the committee appointed on so much of the Executive mossage as relates to the south western boundary. V. Mr. Richardson, nsked tho following leave, Leave to bring in a bill, to c6nfirm an act, entitled, an act to alter and amend the constitution, passed.

at December session 1834, chapter "Which was road, Mr. Richardson, moved that said leave be re. ferrod to a select' committee of five to bo ap pbintedby the 'cBair. Mr. Burchonal, moved to refer said leave to the committee on the Determined in the negative." The question then recurred and was put on tho motion of.

Mr. Richardson, to refen said leave' to a select committee. Resolved in the affirmative. In pursuance whereof, the Speaker appointed Mera. Richardson, Worthington, tiittings, Jones, and Burchenal, the committee.

The house adjourned until to morrow morning ten o'clock. 'Tuesday, January 5th, 1836. Mr. Duvall presented a memorial of Eli Un giesbee, and Louisa Unglesbee, of. Fcderick county, prayingo, be Mr.

McCullough pesentod a petition of sun. dry citizens of Cecil Jsounty," praying the pas sage of an act to authorise the commissioncrj of said county, to levy a sum money for purposes therein mentioned, Mr. Long presented petition of William Anderson, of Somerset county, praying a. special act 6f Insolvency Mr. Duvall presented a petition of Abraham Deaver.

of Frederick county, prayine. tho pas sage of an act to. authorise him, to bring this State, a certain negro slave inercjn men tioned. Mr. Beam presented a petition of William Ford of Montgomery county, praying to bo di vorced from his wife Acenca Ford." And.

Ml. McLean presetted ft petition oi Andrew Young, of the city' of Baltimore, prayji boon avoided, and valuablo Jive trim' In Km 1 i a to bo ing divorced from his wife Maria Yuuui, askoil tho following leave, to bring in a bill, ontitlodtf aa' concerning crimes and r. was read.p'v kM'fXSyiJ on motion 6f Mr. Richardson." referrod toi the committee on Crimea and On motion of Mr. Duckett.

vfr' That tho committee on Internal Im provement boy arid they ire heroby instructed to euijuire mio tne propriety ot preparing and re. porting tp thit) house, a supplement' to'tho. act ineqrporatiri? the Annapolis and Potoniac Ciinal Company, passed at Docoihbor sessionj? 18'45, chapter J80, which shall providtf for the orcuui. zation of said company, sooli aa it shall bo determined on the manner proscribed by tho act of Congress conlinninc an act of tho Legis Juturo ot Mnn'land, entitled, an. nct incoritora.

ting thu Chcfiapeako and Oliio Canal company. and an act of the Stutoof Maryland confirming tho same, approved 3d day of Murch, 1834, tlwt tho pans! thereby' authorised to bo made carl be con structcd.without injury to the navigation of tho cnesopoalto and Ohio Canal, and that said com. mittee report such other amendments to said dot as may bo. necessary, for the more efliciont 01 gunizatipn of the' company thereby incorpo rated. Mr.

Toackle, chairman of tho Select Com. mittee, delivered the following a great number of persons, inhabi tants of Somerset and counties, bv their memorial in writing, have represented to (ho General Assembly, that they are laboring undor great inconveniences from tho want of navigation being opened. between tho said counties, from the head of tho "Dividing to the 1'ocomoko Kiver, tor the transportation ot grain, timber, and other productions of the soil and forest, the distance, being 13 miles; and praying ah appropriation in aid of opening the said navigation. And wht reaa, it is be. lieved that the benefits' and advantages from the proposed improvement to a large portion of tho people of the said counties such, as to claim the favourable consideration of a wise and be neficent legislature Therefore.

Resolved by the General Aflsombly of Maryland, That the Treasurer of thd Western Slioro pay to the order of the "Governor, Two Thousand Dollars' as. same drawn for. from time to timo by Lovin Pollitt, William Joseph Hancock Shreves, Littloton Sturgiss, Parker Dicker son, Teaglo Townsend, Isaac S. Johnson, and William Dryden, or a majority of them; who aro hereby appointed Commissioners to contract and superintend the removal of impe 1 diments in Dividing Creek, Dot ween the counties of Somerset and Worcester and the said Commissioners shall not drjw for, any. part of this appropriation until they, or a majority of them, shall certify to tho Governor that they have contracted for the removal of the "said impediments; and have taken bond with security ap.

proved by them, in tho penalty of Four Thousand Dollars, to secure the faithful performance of the contract; and the Commissioners aforesaid shall report to the next General Assembly after the completion of tho work, a lull and fair ac count of their expenditures udder this resolu tion. Which was read, "And, on motion of Mr referred to tho committee on Internal lnprovements. Tho bill roported by Mr. Gough, making ad ditional provision for tho crier of Ilartord coun. ty court.

The bill roported by Mr. Annan, entitled, 0 sup. plement to the act, to. incorporate Frodonck town in Frederick county r. Tho bill reported by Mr.

harton, to con chapter 166, entitled, an act to alter and change a part of the division line between the second, third and fourth election districts, in Washington county. And tho bill reported by Mr. Townsend, relating to constable's fees and for, other purposes; 1 Were sovorally takon up for consideration, read the second time, passed aiid sent to tho Senate. The house then adjourned. Wednesday, January 6th, 1S36.

Mr. Brewer presented a petition of Elizabeth ATary White, of tho city of Baltimore, praying to bo remunerated for military lands duo her father and uncle. '7 Jfr. Gough. presented a petition of Reuben Forwood, of Harford county, praying to be placed on the pension roll of said county.

"And, Mr. Duvall. presented a petition of Ja cob Hape, of Frederick county, praying for the passage of author jso bun to sell beyond the limits of the State, a certain negro slave therein 1 Jfr. Toackle submiltcd.tho following pream ble and resolution: Whereas the establishment of light houses at Hooper's Island, near the straits in Dorchester county, and at Sharp Island in. iaioot county, have long been objects of desire to all concerned iii the trade and navigation of the Chesa neake Bay; And whureaa, it is believed that the lod of lafgo amount of property might have iiu.o uc uu Borou.uj mo country, oy nie in.

erection of the lights desired on those MuuJa; whereas, the noceasary enactments for lho sion bf territorial jurisdiction ind tho condeiu nation of have been passed by' the Lcgis. lature of Slate; Therefore, ij "'Resolved by the General Assembly of Jtfarv. That the Senatori'and Rcprosehtatives of mis oiato, in tne congress ot tho Uiutad States, bo requested tu use their exertions': to "procure appropriations lor thd erection of light houses at such points oh Hoopor's in Dorchester county, and 6a Sharps Island, in Dorchester county, as may bo solccted by the proper officers of the United Slates, and report the completion of those erections, to recommend the light vo's sol no stationed in Hoopor's Straits be trans ferred to some suitable station near the southern extromity of Tangier Island in the Chesapeake I Bay, or to tho seven feet Know), noar the m'ouJi ot the I'atapsco river. 7 i( Further resolvtd that' His Excellency tho Govonior, bo requested to. communicate a copy of the aforegoing preahible and.

resolution, to each of the Senators und Representatives of this iState, in the Congress of the United States. Sutton, reported a lull, to confirm certain acts of Isaiah Taylor, uctin as a justico of tho peace1; in and for Harfotd county. Afr. Richardson, rnported a to iconGrii) an act, passed December session, 1834,. chapter 'Mr' Carpenter, chairman of the 'committee on divorces, reported a bill, to divorce Jacob Eastcrdayof Washington county, from his wii'o Funny Easterday, Also, reported a bill, to divorce ATary' Floyd, of St.

Mary's County, from her husband Joseph c'oya. And, reported a bill, to divorce Sarah Satter field of Curolino county, from her husband James Satterfiejd. 'The bill reported by Ur. entitled an act to incorporate the Columbia Beneficial Suciety of luryland, was taken up for consi deration. Tho said bill was then read the second time amended, passed and sect to the Senate.

Mr. Townsend, gitvo notice that on Friday next; he should move to rescind the 63d rule of tho Houso Mr. Carroll, of St. Mary's submitted tho fol lowing resolution; Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That His Excellency, tho Governor, pro. euro a sword with suitable ornaments und de vices, and present in tho numu of his nutivo State, to Capt.

John A. Webster, tor his gallant defence of the battery committed to his charge, during the memorable attack at the city of Baltimore, September 12th, 1814. Mr. Brookhart, (seconded by olhor members that voted in tho majority,) moved to reconsider tho vote of tho house, upon the bill reported by I Afr, Ridgely, entitled "an act encourage mailt of Femalo Education in the stato of. Ma.

rjlund." On motion of Mr. Teackle, tho house was called and tho doorkeeper sent 'for the absent members. The clerk bf the Sonato returned the. bill, making additional provision, for the crier of ilar tord county court, endorsed "will pass," order ed to bo engrossed. Also, the resolution for the payment of mom bt rs and officers of the' Legislature, endorsed, "assented to," ordered to be engrossed.

The Soorkcoper having returned, reported, that in obedience to order, he had notified the absent members, thut their attendance in the houso was The house then resumed the consideration of the motion of Mr. Brookhart, to reconsider tho vote of 'the house, upon the bill, entitled, an act, firm December 8.34, LlbAhQ encouragemenCof Fomalo.Education in tho State of iluryland. On the question being put, will the house re consider their vote upon said bill. It was resolved in the affirmative, ybas 40, nays 30V The house then adjourned. Thursday, January 1836.

Mr. Winder presented a petition of sundry citizens of Baltimore county, praying the pas. sage of an act, authorising Isaac Hood, jr. a free man ot colour, 10 return anu resiuu in uus Mr. Palmer presented a petition of Mary Lewis, of Kent Island, in Queen Anne county, praying for a pension by countyassessmeut.

Mr. Willis, presented a memorial of sundry citizens bf Baltimore "and Frederick countios, praying the passage of a law creating a now county, from parts of Frederick and Baltimore counties, therein mentioned. And, Mr. Bryan presented two memorials of sundry citizens of rrinee lieorgo county, pray, ing tho establishment of District Courts in said county. Tiie clerk of senate delivered a letter from the honourable Thomas W.

Veazcy, the Cover nor elect, referred by tho senate to' tlio consido. ration of this house, which letter was read, and is as follows: vV 1 To the Honourable President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Delegates of Md, Samafbas Neck, Oth, 1830. Gentlemen: I have had the honour of recciv ing this moment, by express, your joint lottor ot the 4th inst. informing me that I bad boon elect od by the General Assombly of Maryland, Go." nor of the state for tho current year, and in ing my attendance at the seat of lalify In conformity with tho proviaions of 1. uutuiion.

1 mild have boW moro gratifying to mo genii. 1, had tho choice of tho General As. sombly, non some Individual bettor quaJi. fiod lhaii to fill the office, but as it has boon dotcruiiped rwiso, and I have boon elected I 'do not consiii nn sclf at liberty to doclino it. I shulltficrcfore, u.

as I can moke arrange. inonts tor tho removal family, attend at the soat of gov'crnmonf, ty upon mo the duties which havo been assigneu 7 the' members oftho two houses, ovor ti'hich yotU'ospoctivcly jirosidc, I iiray you tender my Ktateful ackno wlod fmenta. fcr this public mamtestution, of their good opinion and confidence, and accept for yeurselvcs individual. Iy, assurances of iny great respect and csteom. I am, gentlemen, your follow citiKon, THOMAS V.

VEAZEl. Mr. Boyd, repdrtod a further additional sup. plement to an act for' quieting enroling conveyances, and securing the estates of purchaser. house then resumed tho consideration of tho bill reported by Mr.

Ridgoly, for tho en. courugoment of femalo education in the state of Mi' Brookhart moved to amend said bill, by ndding'af the end thereof, as an additional sec tion, the following, "And beit enactod, that after the aforesaid trustees, shall have receivod tbo aforesaid fifteen thousand dollars, and have put tho institution in oppratioii, they bhidl not ask, charge or receive, for tuition, boarding, and; all necessary niton tion, more than one hutrlrcd. and fifty dollars, except for per annum, or at tho rato thereof for the higher or highest branches, taught therein, and for other; blanches in duo proportion thereto." Which was read. Mr. Brown moved to amond said amondinenf, by striking out these words 'higher or highest brandies taught (herein, and for othor branches in duo proportion and inserting in lieu thereof tho following, "lower branches of, and threo hundred dollars, including ull branches taught therein." Resolved in tho affirmative Mr.

Brookhart moved to amend tho amend, mont, by striking out, 'three und inserting 'two Mr. Dennis moved to slriko out tho enacting ch.uso of the bill. Resolved in tho affirmative The houso thou adjourned. Friday, January 8fli, 1336. Mr.

Pratt presented the proceedings of a nu. mcrous and respcctablo meeting of tho citizens of Prince George's county, held in pursuance of public notice, at the Couit Houso, in Upper Marlborough, to adopt suitable measures to pre vent tho introduction and distribution in said county, of incondiary and insurrectionary pub. licutions. Mr. Winder presented a memorial of tho frus.

tees of Go van's town Academy, and. other rcsi. dents of Baltimore county, praying that a donation may. bo made in ivour of said academy. On motion of Mr.

Wharton, Ordered, That the Treasurer of tho Western Shore report, to this house the aggrognto amount of revenue paid into the treasury by each county, tho city" of Baltimore and tho city of An. napolis, as nearly as can be ascertained, nd tho amount disbursed to each respectively, for the years ending on the 30th of November 1828, 1829,1830, 1831, 1832, 1333, 1834 and 1835, wJucJMreadi Mr. Duckett moved to ainond said order, by adding at the end thereof the following: "And also the amount suoscribed by tho State for works of internal improvement, and the pro portion ot each work within tho several coun ties, and the disbursements tho stato for tho' erection of public improvements and buildings within each, city and county in tho state;" s. Which was read; Mr. McLean moved to amend said amen if ment, by insorting after the word "and," in tho second line thereof, the following? "also the a.

mount of money paid to tbo. state by the tevcral corporations or other boards for internal ira. provemcnt, either as bonus or otherwise;" Kesolved in the amrraative. The question was then put cn tho amendment as amended; Resolved in the affirmative; The question then recurred, and was put oa the adoption of the order as amended; Resolved in the affirmative. Mr.

Burchcnal submitted tho following resolutions: Resolved, That it is the opinion of this house, that tho lottery system is injurious to tho morals and interests of the citizens of this stale. ResolvcdThat thisliouso will not favour any scheme for tho raising money by lottery or chance, during the presenf session, and tha tho committee be discharged frof.i any further ser vicos on that subject. i Which was road tho first and second time by special order, it t'! 1 1..

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