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The Maryland Gazette from Annapolis, Maryland • Page 4

Annapolis, Maryland
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poet's corner: SELECTED. FROM THE EUROPEAN MAOAZIKE. The Butlerfy's Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast. V.i. Come take up your hats, and away let tit haste To the Butterfly's ball and the Grasshopper's feast The trumetr Gad-fly has summoit'd the crew, And the revels are now only wait ing-Je-r you.

On the smooth shaven grass, by the side of a wood, Beneath a broad oak, which for ages has stood, See the children of earth, and the tenants of air, To an evening's amusement together repair. And there came the Beetle, so blind and so black, Who carried the Emmet, his friend, on his back; And there came the Knat and Dragon-fly too, And all their relations, green, orange and blue. "And there came the with her plumage of down, And Hornet wifh jacket of yellow and brown. Who with him the asp, his companion did bring. But they promis'dthat'eyeningtolay by their sting.

Then the sly little Dormouse crept out of his hole, And led tq the feast his blind cousin, the Mole And the snail, with her horps peeping out of her -i BIICU, Came fatigued with the distance, the length of an ell. A mushroom the table, and on it was spread A water dock leaf, which the table-cloth made The viands were various, to each of their taste, And the Bee brought the honey, to sweeten the feast. With steps most majestic the Snail did advance, And he promis'd the gazers a minuet to dance i But they laugh'd sj loud, that he drew in his head And went in his own little chamber to bed. Then as evening gave way to the shadows ot night, Their watchman, the glow-worm, came out with nts ngnt So home let us hasten, while yet we can see, For no watchman is waiAig for you or lor me. From a late Londom Revum of Satire is a most powerful, but dangerous weapon, new persons, when their laughter is once excited attemnt to scrutinize the nro.

priety of its application. The best things can be imperceptibly discountenanced by ri- oicuie its force is almost irresistable and it is mournful, on that account tn reflect, that wit and morals should notXoore frequent! ly exist together. Ridicule, Tor the most part, is so alarmingly misdirected, that the true Christian must hail with raptute the powerful effort of this fascinating author, to make his work an instrument of disoounie-nantintr onlv those frailtiei which militate a. gainst the welfare of the world, and the immaculate precepts of its holy founder. The little novel of which we speak is gny and interesting, but perfectly religious, throughout.

It contain arlmirahlr larratin on the defective forms of modern education. The introductory chapter, particularly, me-riti the deep consideration of all those who are interested fur their offspring. The parent! of Thinksl-to Myself, supposing him too young to comprehend what passes, astonish the boy by the insincere politeness with 1 -i- 1 1. which mey repiy to disagreeable invitations, and receive offensive visitors. From repeated circumstances cf this nature he deduces inference highly unfavourable to the integrity of his parents and perhaps his confi-dencs in them would have been altogether extinguished but for a fortunate accident which convinced him that their conduct a-rose not from moral turpitude but a blind deference to fashion, which insensibly cor.

rupM many who despise it. The author urges parents to beware nf thus exposing themselves to the disrespect of their children, who often silently investigate passing occurrences, before tliry are supposed to be capableW ob serving mem. Faients would do well tfbear these thing in mind, and to maintain a more rigid watchfulness over themselves at their fire-sides, than in the hall of affected gaiety, where the malice of the prying and syco-phantic guest will sometimes glare even thro' Ji is mask of smiles. This work interspersed with brilliant little poenw. If any can be selected, as being remarkable beyond the nex', for delicacy of thought and expression, it is (he one addressed, 011 Saint-Valentine's day, to Emily Mandeville, who, sometime after that, be-came the author's bride.

The above wmk may be had qt G. Shaw Sc fVs Book Strre, 'Annapolis. Vkim mree new Sermons. To which is added, Dr Kerr's curious and interesting Report concerning the state of the Christians in Cochin and Travat Cochin and Travaiicore. nce Uol 1 35.

Also the Life of Beilby Porteus, late Bishop of London. fc. -April y. e7 Gideon White, Has just received, and on hand from for- I. A.

A. i vier cnasej, an ussurzmenc oj new ana SEASONABLE GOODS, CONSISTING OF Rlne. Black. Green. live.

Brown and mix ed Suiwrfme Broad Cloth. Second do. of al-nost e- verv description Black, Mixed and Drab Bedford Curd. Blue, Black and Mixed Stockingnets, Moleskin Coatines. Velvets and Cordurovs.

Black, Blue and Fawn Cassimeres, White and scarlet Flan nels, Marseilles waistcoattng, uiacK siik riorentine, Gentlemen and Ladies White and Coloured, Silk Cotton Stock injrs assorted. Ladies Long and Short White and Coloured Silk and Kid Gloves, 4-4 5-4 6 4 Cotton and Cambric Shawls, 6-4 Damask Silk do. Pouble Florence, assort ed colours, Black and Brown Shen- Plaid Lutestrimrs. White Mantua, Pink and White Sarce-nets, Mantua and Satin Ribbons, Regency seeded, Leno ana Cambric Muslins Cambric Dimities. American and English shirting Cambrics, 4-4 7-8 Irish Linens, Long Lawn and Linen Cambrics, Linen and Cotton Dia- pers Russia sheetimr, Russia Duck and Dow las Ticklenburg and Bur laps, American Linens.

English and India Nan keens. York Stripes, SeersucL ers, Fashionable Cravats. Wildbore. Durant. limancoes, Black and Brown Bombazets, Black Bombazeens, Bed-tickinirs.

American Jeans Fus tians, Calicoes, Superfine, Maid and Striped ijinenam. Furniture Calicoes, Cotton Checks. Best ComnanvGurrahs. Cossas, Mamoodiesand SunerhneBaftas. Writing Paper, Fur Wool Hats, Knives and Forks, Cut Nails, weeding hoes, spades, bhovels, block and Padlocks, With an assortment nf (JR OP.

KIM pa as usual, all which La will nfill nn soiiable terms. March aft, 1813. tf. Land for Sale. on tne neau ot South river in rea- I will sey a small tract of Land situated couniy containing about 200 acres.

This land is very valuable, and well of any kind of grain or tobacco. There is a ve. ry Buuu appie orcnara, also a good meadow, a ipniu ui nmueriand ot the best quali-tV, such as VOUnp- chesnnt nrl M-hi, wuiv ill A- bundance Terms, which will be accommodating, iirill Ua 1. 0 n.uuc Miown on application to Mr. Tho.

mil WnnrlGal.l ...1. I 1 Wll ves aojoming, or the sub- Joseph Howard, yp 1012, xt. This is to ffive notice. THAT the vft iiUVII VWMtlllbU from the orphans court of Anne-Arundel county, letters or adminiKtrarmn nn ti. personal estate of Flamnnnil lota iie couniy aioresaia, deceased It is there- iore reqiiesiea.

mat all nprsnns in ho claims against said estate bring them in legally proved and authenticated, so as to pass me orpnans court, and all those who are in anv manner inrfohtprl tn thn -WJWW ot the said deceased to make immediate paynnuo XJ WM. S. GREEN, Adm'r. TTOV. 7, 1811.

tf For Sale, A stout likely NEGRO MAN, about thirty years of age, who never having been exposed to severe servflce, is now in the prime of life, a complete Siwv anrl r.ii.. quainted with plantation business, and' capable of vaiuauig Krvdnt wnere he would be satisfied, or under a strict master who would mahc mm un ins duty. A reduction of nrice iu une wno wouia not cairy him far frni thie 1 John Francis Mercer. -Mrrtiver, jviarch t). 1811 tf.

JNOTltE. THE subscriber the orphans court of Anne-Arundel county, letters of administration dc bonis non on the personal estate of Nicholas, liar- line or tne county aforesaid deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to brine them art larrn Hit .) 1 1 pruveu ana authenticated, so as to pass the orphans rnin A A li 4.1 "iiu ou uium: "T0 a manner indebted to the ilia lAlAn1 1 Xi7 "CBCU al nerepy requested to iiiiiucuiuh; payment to LEWIS DUVALL, Ad'mr. Oct. 31, 1811. de bonis non.

Beattie's Evidences of the Returns Christian Religion. T.s Work, whiih was lately announced for pub ication, is now ready lor delivery to Sub-senbers at the Store of "'eeived, The Works of the Kcv Claudius Buchanan, I.L, n. comnrising his Christian Research- Asia-his Memoir or the eajKdiency a ecclesiastical establishment for British India The Star ,1.. A tf. public for the liberal encouragement he has met with lor upwards of twenty years in his line of allu a5 ne iruenus to leave this city in a snort time, wishes those indebted to him by bond.

nor" nr rihu cont, to can and settle the same, and those that have claims against the susbscri-ber to exhibit the same for payment. oetn Aweetser. FAltUt vnn jr ituate on Snutt, .1 .1 wi miu uuuui iour "ing acre, of h. 1 -7 150 acres adjoining will -'f rl the purchaser. Also some stock, vizi Co ws.

Oxen. Horses, cc And one Gig and one fculkeyjK 5 Wwr Annapohs, March jL PA PATPVWT COLUMBIAN OIL. The inventor of this hiVhlv fintAP.ini.rl Medicine is a native of A mer Ira ami 1 vwinim- sition is the production of American soil. consV queiui is in every sense 01 we word JJgmatie, it is not puffed up with a numerous train of pom-pous foreign certificates of persons from whom by the great distance that separate us, 'tis impossi-ble to obtain information, therefore the public has better security for their monrv a ihn. 1 UJ the least shadow for deception to cover this medi-cine, for he simply appears before the community with his invention and an experimental detail of the various cases in which it really i n.nnl.

fully efficacious, and in which he is supported by the following certificates, whose names are not only subscribed but their persons may also be consulted, being residents within the circle of our neighbourhood. The following are the complaints in which the Columbian Oil has hn fhnnH efficacious and rarelv ever fails nf elfrctinir a mn viz Rheumatism, Consumption, Pains in any nnv. nf tk. 1 Pn uuuy uui particularly in tne oacK ana breast, Colds and Coughs, Tooth Ach, Spleen, I'leurisies. Cholic.

Cramns. external nnrl Bruises. Snrains. and Flesh Wmmrlc Bums. Whoonin? Couch, and tery.

or Bloody Flux. Croun and the plaint in children, and in a weak stomach, that is iauku oj muigcsiion, a constant sinking and loss of appetite, it will as a nowerfnl lirae tn the relaxed fibre and restore it to its proper lone. It seems as though nature had ranked it the first of the class of all neflnrals and pitvAmnl, r. the relief of the breast and lungs, as it scarcely e- vcr iaiis or removing obstructions in either, particularly those who are troubled with Phthisic or Asthmatic complaints, who in the act of walking fast, stooping or lying down are almost suffocated, halt a teasDOon full of the Columbian Oil nil! n. ucr sumc reuei insiamaneousiv.

aim ir rnntmiuH agreeably to the directions in such cases, will Prove a radical cure, bv nroduclnir the full rrur of inflation to the lungs, and free expansion of the breast. We do certify, that on Thursday, the iitli in. stant, we were tarring a new seine for Mr. Clark, and bv accident the seine took fire, urhirh. hv en deavouring to put out the flames, John Clark and, 1'1 A l- 1 1 1 Human Aaims vol ncvereiv mirar in rne tr.

we immediately got some Columbian Oil Jiorn Mr. Paul, and annlied it to the carta burnt, whirh pave ease in the course of twentv minnr. onrl has left the parts free from blisters. Baltimore, Aptil 19th, 1810. uonn reacock.

Thomas Adams, John Clark. SirAt vnup mennect that chnuM frlve mv nni. I mon respedting what effect your Columbian Oil l. 1 u.u 11. ucr.i,t..

ncrciii i warn air. mcu, 1 most cheerfully comnlv bv lavino- that I verilv he. lieve that I might have died with one of the severest crarhps in the stomach, had it not been for vour LOlUmDian Ull 1 ana that I have heen a u. COnd time relieved of the same rnmnlaint hv Vio assistance of that valuable medicine, and as such 1 recommend it as the best remedy, because there manner of doubt of its proving eftefluaL Jii. vathanne Walker.

Sign of he Buck, Market-Space, Baltimore. Sir Conceiving it to lie mv rlntv nnf tn VF WUUM from the public the virtues of your most valuable uiumoian uii, irom wnicn i received so much bene lit. I am therefore indured of gratitude for my recovery, to give a short state- ui mc Lumpiaini unaer wnicn suttered. I was first seized in the rirht hin with (IW0. 111- talerahle nam.

wViirti ui.J v.,viitmcAWAIjr Jllini, and on the day following a dreadful pain in my wmtn rasica aoout tnree weeks, during time I could not walk imriMit Km fiimgu. 1 UCII. posture and if seated in a chair, the pain would wc cAtrucianng in tne ait ot raising that it was impossible for me to refrain from screaming My annetite had entirely lef, vvnaiaiit head ach would sometimes almost deprive me of Dcnac.

in iaa, i was in a deplorable condi. tion. A number of remedies were purpose, I had also the advice of an eminent phy- luliA I.I 1 a not oatn, nc. which were recularlv attended tn a 'ui um wiinuui mc advantaire 1 hurl taken from me, still the coiAlaint did not rive urgree. i was then advised to try Paul's Columbian Oil m.i.

crr IIUIC hopes of succeeding i when to my great surprise and comfort, I was sensible of some ease hi mv nip on tne lirst time of anointing the next day the nain inmv hack i m.u icn me, i jicru-ciiy recovered. Apoloma alter Lcxington-street, two doors from j-ioercy-street, ualumore. Philarlrlnhta Tnl .0. 10U7. lir vour rpnucif I tin ---1 inai i naa Decna long time dangerously indisposed, and was re- nc iowcm state ot weakness, insomuch, that my recovery appeared doubtful my complaint seemed to be afflictions nf th i vi.a, anu luntrs, I fior bteatl.e without great pain Mftufty when! by the use of one phial of Paul's Oil tougn iett me, evert otht symp.

torn was removed, and I was restoWd to kg excel-lent state of health, which I nojr ftpjfby.f -Who may be consulted if calletfnfcJ Kitty'Mciain. Comer of Spruce and Fifth-streets. Thepublic will please to take notice That Paul's uiumoian uh, win always be sold in bottles which contain the words PAUL'S PATENT COLUMBIAN OIL. In the Glass; the bottles sealed with my initials J. L.

in Red Wax, and ...5 uu.siue i-auei signed by me with Red Ink. John Love, Sole Agent for the U. S. of America and their dependencies. Without which cbaractcrittia none viill be Genuine.

The above valuable Medicine for sale by Childs Sf Shaw. Returns Will and the Duhlic fnr tK. -v wnisfi i 'u since he commenced buZ. leave to observe that he cZ its various n.f!? bt Butnesi. ir ui.ntnes, ana solicit? of their branches, and of their favours.

He wm.M indebted to him for the last 7ar 'ho. payment, B. Orders received 1 be Public Snip By virtue of an order of th of AnneAmnrf-l ton- Public on Saturda'idljh dwelling of the subscriber, "He AH the personal estate Sarah ers late of Anne-Amndel coun sistmgof Beds and Bed-stearls Ma' hold and kitchen funiKf months credit lor all sum. that sum the cash to be mid. nZJT and sufficieht security with intend of sale, will be reouireH from Mill p.

tia. A seno-luchcro, tragicoomico TaJ Thinks I to Myselfivh0y tm. (Price cents.) This little work, replete with the ewr-humour and wholesome satire, is of Mr. Canning. They have also received a New Wort -'jj SENTIMENTAL A TsTrrI'H Badam De Montolieu.

Author of Uuk di obne of Litchfield. U' wnril to. 1 Fifty Cents Jleward, Ml ttuuve James Boone, Thinks I to MysejfT? GEO. SHAW 4 Co Have received a- second "THINKS I Absconded from Wittrrt I s- ura, near ine Head of la. gotny, on the 28th Manb a jciegro flian named.

GEORGE. who was hired nf fV.J vuairs w. woit ot uaivert count i. tm 01U4U slender fellow, about 5 feet 7 fnehMVij. a very down look his cloathing ii not perfectly recollected.

'Tis expected, (fwn what I have been informed,) that he lu returned to Calvert The above RewrJ will be paid, exclusive of what tni. lows, for delivering said fellnw v. I Buuscnuer, manager ior wnas. WateneM. .1.

1 1 THEODORE SWAIN. pTll 16. 3U For Sale, A CHAISE WITH HARNESS a feOLO CHAIR without harness. Ap ply to 9 RICHARD B. WATTS.

(April 16, 1812. tf. Sarah. Ann Waters, Has just received, and now offers for raie, in tne snop lately occupied oy Mr. 'Joan ii nu, uruggiii, in unurcn-street, Annaraiii, I 1 II 1 nana.some ana wen seieeiea assnnment't LADIES SHOES A SLIPPERS laid in on terms so accommodating si to enable her to supply her patrons at the Baltimcre retail JJI IWC3.

N. B. Mrs. Waters has this day received a few GROCERIES of the first oualitv. of which she experts to continuea regular supply, on the most reuuceo terms, "jf March 26, 1811.

For Sale or Hire, 3'' A VniTVfi TVTAV nhnnt 21 years of age. The said servant is a good Ostleb, I UARUENEll ana VYAI1ER. Those persons who wish to hire or purchase, can ue injwmeu ci tne terms dv a puiyinx Henry S.Hall. MarcTI6. t8n.

7y' NOTICE. All persons who may have business with the commissioners of the tax for Anne-ArumM county, win attend their meeting commencing i ivAuiiutt in may ncxi. Signed by order, i Henry S. Hail, Clerk to CommiisionW: JN0T1CE. ALL persons are forewarned from 1 Anr nr OWL Ot -A.

Hunting, jcitjicr i.ii uu v. tresspassing in any way whatever, on ntf Farms, known bv the names of Belmont and Thomas's Point, or on my lands lying on Fishing and Smith's CreeM as the iflwjnll be put in force against oncnaeT Kigali A ii i. NovTv, Till. ANNAPOLIS: PRINTED BY, JONAS GREEN Price Two Dollars pet Annum,.

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