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The Maryland Gazette from Annapolis, Maryland • Page 4

Annapolis, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i ROBERT REYNOLDSatter, iM (Having Compleajtei.tni .1 ticejbip to (hat vyieable UtheJlft if. i Parliament SKIVES PtiDlie Notice, to his Fellcw Citizens, VJ andpthers, That he will fupply them.with C'i HATS made, of the belt Furrs, in the neatett Manner, and at thejmoft reafonable Rates, at hi Father' Shop, over igainft St.4nne"t Church; In Annapolis. if i George jpftsjf Painter, and. Glazier from London, removed to Annapolis, on his Bufinefi, at hia Shop, near ji' tho Church, andill fcrve any Gentleman as Well and one of that Pro 7 fcfllon. likewiTe Papers Rooms in the gen teeleil and neateft Manner, andhoever ihaU be plea(ed employ him, may depend on 4eing faithfully by Their bitnyble Servant, Jpjoaca White.

5 'Stafford ViRQiaui pQoler 1764. TEN POUNDS REWARD. RAN awayfromje Subfcilber, Two Engljb Servant Men. t. jihn Indented Servant, 5 Feet 6 or 7 Inches remarkably pitted with the 'Small Pox, thin vifaged, wears his own dark Hair, which is iuft long enough to tie behind, walks as he had a Limp, in his Gait, he pretends to be a Groom, "but is a Coachman.

on when he went away, black; Velvet Jockey Cap; pretty 'much worn, new light grey AarrowBroadcloth Coat, lifted wJth Shaloen of the fame Colour, with broad white Metal Buttons; a foperfine dark brown wm ot. Buttons' of the fame Colour. Pair of BucMdn Breeches, fine white ribbed Worfied Stockings, ana a rair or cnan tneH'd Pomps He took with him, a white Fuftian Frock, the Buttons oyerd with the fame, and is unlined a light" colour'd Bearjkin Coat, lined iwith green, trimmed with yellow Metal Buttons, and a Great Coat of the fame Colour a Pink co lour'd Jacket, richly trimmed with Livery Laee; and fundry other Cloath and Lined; JtBn fritter, Convlc1by Trade a Jdiner and Wheelwright i Had on. when he wt away, an Ofnabrigs Shirt (and fundry, white Ones With him) a light blue Jacket. Without.

Sleeves, lined with Stialoon. and has yellow Metal with a Flap ver the Button Holts, a pretty good Felt Mat, ana wnac otner vioawi 1 can't defcribe, bat has taken many Things with him It is foppofedthey hare cut up their Blan. kets, to make Bags or Wallets to carry their Cloatha Ai a. well made; well t.i nx.J. FVHm.

about Feet 8 Inch es high; and wears his own dark Hair; combed Pafs, to which he has put Mr. Biify Wajbinitt Name, and mine. WittUM Brint. bt SOLD tt tb biibefi BiUry tbt Premiit, ifoM tht aJ Dmi 'December next, if fear. if not tbt next fair Dajt for Cnfbt tr feadf Crf A TRACT of LAND called Barnhili, containing about 300 Acres, more or lcfi, on which is a eedine good Dwelling Houfe, ,28 by t8 Feet, with Brick Chimneys, 4 Rooms Oo the lower Floor and good Porches both" before and behind, all lately 4 Rooms a bove, not quite finilhed, bat may be for a very fmall Expeace 1 a'Xitchen, Corn Hoife.

Stable, an Out Houfe for Negroes, and a excecdmggood Tobacco Houfes, with a good Apple and Teach Orchard, 20 Acres of which might with very little Trouble bo made Into a very good Meadow: There is liliewifc two' good Planutions on the faid Land, with convenient Houfes for a Planter, and Orchards, whlcK Rent for 1000 ft Crop To bacco yearly, each. Likewife a Traft of Land called Dic: 'very, ccwaMng about 60 Acres, adjoining the h'Traas art? bdifpuiable, of whicIT the Subfcribcr will ttiafyjmy Purchafer, on "the Day of 4 The above Three Plantations are all Well Fenced in, and otherwise in very good Order. VT ILL IAN WVVIin To. ht jl NTE.D Jot Seven ftarsy nrHREE pleaantvfituatcd PlantoHohn on the acad of Gwifiyider. in Baltimore Ccwnty, oppofite the Town of Jaffa, jyhere as foon as made, is at Markefj there is plenty of and Fences, with a Number, of Convcniencies, too tedious to mention; Edward JV.

fi. That the Tenant may not be obliged to fell whathe makes at an under Rate to raife his Rent, nine Calendar Months will be given him in hisLeafe, after the Year expires, to fell his Produce, to raife, his Rent, which will afibrd him an Opportunity, of embracing the beft Market, without being hurried. vThey are to be enter'd on the Firft of January next. D. 7 bt SOLD at PUBLIC VENDUE, in the 1 ltb Day December next, at the Dwelling Houft of Mr.

Nathaniel Cleave in Queen Anne' County, near tbe Premijits, 3pWO Thoufand Acres of LAND, lying on the Branches of tank River, in the unty aforefaid, (the Eftate of Capt. Matthew Dockery, lately Deceafed ,) whereon are fome (mall the Whole very well Timber'd, an great Quantities of very valuable Meadow may be made therebh. It is convenient to feveral Landings itt Kent County on DtLrwart, where it will left when the Provincial Boundaries are eftabliflied. It will be fold either in Lots or together, as, may beft fuit the Purchaferij and any Money will betaken in Payment, and reafonable Time given (on if For Terms and Title, apply Thom as Ringgold, Cbefter Town 'i or Solomon Wricht, utn Annt County i to whom any Perfon inclining to purchafe before th Vendue, may apply. All Perfons, havbg Demands againft the Eftate of Capt.

Matthew Dockery, Deceafed, axe deiired to make their Claims known, to. 6 1 Solomon Wright. IT is expefted that the Talbot County School Lottery will be Drawn in a 'few Weeks, as the Tickets are nearly all Sold. Thi 1 Dollari; Dollar's. 1 of 500 is 500 1 of 300 300 2 'of 150 arei 300 a 100 are' 206 2 of 75 are.

150 4 'of. 50 are 200 10 of 20 200. 26 of 10 are .206 162 of are 296 500 of ft art 3000 i Firft drawn Blank, 30 i Laft Ditto, 24 7o6 'Prizes, 894 Blanks. i6ooTickeu at 4 Dollars each 6406 15 per Cent 360 The Managers are the Reverend John Gordon', Meflieurs Jacob Hindman, Matthew filghman, 7o natlan Nicole, Henry and Jams Liiyd Cbanibeflaine, Vifitors and MeiEeuri William Nicole toA ihomas GoUJbmughi of whom the remaining Tickets may benad, and of J. Green1 si Jnnafiiis.

TWENTY PISTOLES RAN away laft Night from the Snbferiber, lMjg on Elk Ridge, a Convift Servant Man named Wijliam Lane, he is about Feet 8 Inches high, wtU fet. and wears brown Hair. He had on and with' him, a good Felt Hat, a good brown Cloth Coat, Callkolacket, a Fuftian Ditto, Lea ther Breeches, and fundry other Things not particularly He is fuppofed to be in Company with another ConviCt Servant Man, whofe Name is William Xoberou, and who is much pitted with the Small Pox. He had on a good Felt Hat, a Cloth Jacket, the hind Parts blue, the fore brown'. He alfb had ftme other Clotha, and a Whoever takes up the faid Servantr, and brings them home, or fecures them, fo that their Mafter may get them again, Cull have the above Reward, or Ten Piftoles for either, paid by JUM 170.

IQ 11 ATM AW JJORIIT. STOLEN from the Subfcribef, living on c. Creek in Frederick County, on the 14th of Septembei laft, a large Sorrel Horfe, pares ver felt, has 2 Blaze in his Face, and branded on the Shoulder and Buttock thus T. Whoever fecures the laid Horfe, 'fo that the Owner may have him fliall haVe a Reward of Thirty Shillings paid by EtlZABtfH WIND Of L'AS 'S. MEDIC I A 0 A.

JOHN Bb YD, 3 VComoalv with; Drugs, Chymicals, Galenicals, Perfumeryj Groceryi Patent Medicines, Paints, Court' 1 rlaifter. RO of O'NS. Surceons Instruments, Shop Furni TURE, At the faid Store is put up in the neate Manner, and with the gteateft Carej The New Medicine Which, to thofe that have already tried, has civen ue iiaui.tiun. ioc jLfirecuoni are print ed, and have been welt approved of by fome of the firft Phyficians on iki Cohtlhent. As we par pofe to apply our whole Attention to' this Bufinefi) (the firft of the Kind In.

the Province) and Hull conftantly keep a full and compleat Aflbrtment of every Thing in our Way, we hope thereby to merit thtf Encouragement of the Public. We mill Import regularly twice a Year but if we fhould run fliort of any Articles before the Arrival of our Importation, we (hall fiippiy fuch De ficiehcy from our Drug Store in Philadelphia, ai thereat weekly Opportunities from thence this Place j'fo that Our Cuftomert may always depend oh having their Orders compleatly executed, with out any Difference of Price. N. Bi' Conveys hce as ufual, by Way of Mtf eun MteUSilm and Kritbi WILLIAM KNAPP; Watch Mahei, TAKES this Method to acquaint the Pub Ik, That he has provided an Mltant in thi WATCH MAKING BUSINESS, which will enable him the better to Dilpatch'the Work of ihofeXicntlemen who have, and may employ him; He hdbes his naft Endeavours that War. mir have anfwered the defired End.

It Is manifd (which have been originally well executed) Jurt feverely fu'ffered thro1 the unfkilfai, Ii4 injudicious Pracltke of fome Men, who aflumed the Knowledge of a Bulineft to which they were only Pretenders; Thofe Watcbet "which' have been many Years and confequently Wore, Tie will engage Mend, as well as When New and will at a very moderate Expence keefo, thofe he Repairs, la Or der, for Tett Vears all Damages excepted which may accrue to 'era from Accidents, fuch as a Fall, and the Breaking of a Main Spring, which themoii difcerning Workman cannot often Account for, nor the ableft prevent. He Makes, and will Supply any Gentjemei iwttl HorizontaI'i Sicohos, or Ptam WATCHESi and will engage' the. Quality to be equal to any Imported from London. RAN away front the SuSfcriber, livinj Kir. Annafoliii ahout the laft of June, a Mulatto Fellow named Cyriu, about 5 Feet higk bow leWd, his Toes incline to turn inwirdi, ij i.

SnMvhi he nu black Hair, wnich curls much Hsd od CIoJ an Ofnabrigs Shirt, and old Leather Breeches Whoever brings the faid Fellow home, have Twenty Shillings Reward If ttk, the Province Shillings, and reafonabM Charges, if brought home paid by GitAtoHoriiKLJ N. Bi He formeHy belonged to Cspt fJ Gantt id Prince George County, and a Runaway. 4m. I ANNJPO Printed by Scn22f Orcai and milltm CbkSirea. AH Pom may bd fuppUed witli.

this Gazette at i2x. txd tl per ADVERTISEMENTS of length arc iafcrtcd fof $ss the Firft Week, and i s. each Time after And Long: Ones inTroportioni,.

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