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The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald from York, North Yorkshire, England • 7

York, North Yorkshire, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE YORK HERALD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1874. UNITED TEMPERANCE ORDER THE RUSSIAN NAVY. A It S. THE INTERNATIONAL POSTAL CONVENTION. Some important items were added to the Postal Convention concluded at Berne, as appears by the text now fully published by the Swiss papers after the debates originally reported were closed; and these are found embodied in the final-draft as signed.

Thus any Post-office of the signatary Powers has a right to demand a revision of the convention either after a full year's trial or if any unexpected change shall take place in the course of correspondence a provision which of course will enable any member of the Postal Union dissatisfied with its results to escape very easily from it. Again, the Indian mails, and that across the United States from San Francisco, are to be wholly exempted from the action of the Union, and our Eastern dependencies are therefore still left entirely at the mercy of the continental countries across which their bags go. In case of any dispute as to the interpretation of the convention, the Wo members of the Union disagreeing are each to name another, and those so named are to provide for the necessary arbitration. The time of the next convention remains fixed for 1877, and the place for Paris; but one-third of the States now signing may advance the date by addressing a joint memorandum of their wish to the rest. Finally, it was resolved at once toftry the experiment of the proposed International Bureau to watch over the execution of the convention, though its powers will be chiefly statistical for the present and our last advices from Berne tell us that the Swiss Government has officially accepted the proposal that the new establishment shall be placed there.

No provision appears to have been made by the convention for the actual constitution of this office, nor the appointment and payment of the personnel by any general action and it is presumed it must be left to private treaty between the chief Post-offices. Pall Mall Gazette. THREATENED APPROACH OF SCARLET FEVER. There seems to be much reason to fear that we are about to be visited by a severe epidemic of scarlet fever, and the various local authorities throughout the United Kingdom will do well to be prepared for the enemy, whose approach is already heralded. Among the many precautions against the spread of contagion which may be and ought to be taken in districts where the fever makes its appearance such as destroying infected clothing, isolating the patients as far as possible, and generally 'attending to cleanliness there can be little doubt that the precaution of preventing the concourse of people in infected districts is one that, although often omitted, is strongly dictated by common sense.

The gathering together of persons at churches, chapels, fairs, Ac, leads to the spread of the disease, and should be avoided as much as possible. In times of pestilence that is contagious, segregation rather than congregation should be the rule, and many a life would be spared and much misery averted from many a household if this rule were more generally acted on, and small communities had the good sense not to herd together unnecessarily until the danger has passed away. It should also be borne in mind that among the many ingenious methods devised for the propagation of contagious illnesses few are more successful than that of laundries," where the clothes of manv families are mixed together with an utter disregard of consequences. Whenever fever is abroad it behoves every one to follow more carefully than usual the advice of Napoleon and to wash their dirty linen at home." PnU Mall Gazette. PALESTINE EXPLORATION.

Mr. Grove, the secretary of the Palestine Exploration Fund, writes to the Times A discovery of an entirely new and interesting kind, one of the most brilliant that have yet been made in Palestine, have just been made by M. Clement Ganueau, the explorer of the Palestine Fund. It consists of two inscriptions cut in the rock, a short distance to the east of the village of Abu-Shusheh, on the plain between Jaffa and Jerusalem, three miles south of Ramleh, halfway between Akir (Ekron) and Kubab, four miles from the latter place. The inscriptions are almost exactly alike one slightly more perfect than the other.

Each contains two Hebrew words Tahum Gezer which are interpretated to mean "the boundary of Gezer," and also the Greek word AAKIOT. The Greek word in both oases appears to have been inscribed after the Hebrew. Gezer was one of the ancient Royal cities of Canaan, which after the conquest was bestowed on the Levi tea, and formed a border town of the territory of Ephraim. It was part of the dowry of Solomon's Egyptian Queen, and the levy made to meet the cost of its rebuilding was one of the proximate causes of the great revolution under Rehoboam. In the Mac-cabeean war of liberation it played a great part.

The site has always been one of the puzzles of Palestine topography the name had apparently vanished, and no clue could be found to it. But M. Ganneau has for some time conjectured that the place was to be identified with the modern Abu-Shusheh, and has urged various arguments, drawn from the Bible, the Chronicle of Mejr-ed-Din, and other sources, and which will be found at length in the Quarterly Statement of the Fund for April, 1873. A few months ago these arguments were corroborated by M. Ganneau discovery of the name Tell el-Jezir," still in the mouths of the Arab peasants at Abu-Shusheh; and now they have been fully confirmed, and the identification placed beyond doubt by his finding the stones just named.

This in itself is much. Students of Bible topography will understand how much is implied in the certain recovery of one ancient site, especially of so cardinal a point as this town. But this is not all. What occurs at one Levitical city it is reasonable to believe was tbe case at others and, having obtained so distinct a clue, we may hope to discover similar monuments elsewhere. The inscriptions have been detached from the rook, and are out of M.

Ganneaus possession and in the keeping of the Pasha of Jerusalem and the vexatious circumstances connected with this (which I leave for a future communication) had naturally so occupied M. Ganneaus time and thoughts that he had not been able, when he wrote, to follow up the discovery into all its consequences, or to complete it by measuring the distance from the village, and by the search after other similar stones in the neighbourhood. But his belief is that the two stones were marks of one side of the square of land which was known to have surrounded the Levitical cities (Numbers 4, They stand exactly N.W. and S.E. of each other, and the inference is that the square lay with its diagonals N.S.

and E.W. Of this we shall hear more. Meantime we have the singular fact of the name of the ancient city being inscribed on the boundary of its possessions a fact which I believe to be entirely new in Palestine. I should also mention that the letters are carved on the rock, so as to strike the eye of a person coming into the town from the country, not of one going out from it. The form of the letters is square Hebrew, and M.

Ganneau gives the date of them as probably that of the Maccabees. The Greek name, in one case upside down, has possibly been cut at a later time. Photographs and drawings by M. Leoomte, the architect, M. Ganneau coadjutor, are to be seen at the offices of the Fund, 9, Pall Mall East Such is M.

Ganneau most important discovery but this ill represents the extraordinary activity and intelligence which have animated him since he landed in Palestine. At Jaffa, a place hitherto strangely passed over by investigators, he discovered the ancient sepulchre of the city, yielding a large number of names a sepulchral slab of a bishop, not without bearing in the controversy as to Jaffa having been the site of a bishopric during the Latin occupation. The villages east of Jaffa have yielded him 20 Greek Christian sepulchral inscriptions, nearly all new. At Jerusalem, besides the important and unique notice slab from Herod's temple, he found a noble Roman head, the face in excellent preservation, and said to bear so strong a resemblance to the known heads of Hadrian as to give rise to the conjecture that it is nothing less than a portion of the statue of that Emperor which was erected on the site of the Holy of Holies also a large terra cotta vase of the Roman time, most richly ornamented, found below the surface near the Ecce Homo arch also an ancient Arabic inscription in the Haram recording the dimensions of that sacred enclosure after its conquest by the Moslem. He has also discovered on and about the maritime plain a jeba (hill) close to Kirjath Jearim (Abu Gosh), and well answering to the hill on which tie ark was placed (1 Samuel CORN MARKETS.

BABN3LEY, Wednesday. Wheat firm, at last weak 'a Malting barlev without alteration griadiiig made less money. Oats and beans unchanged. CORK, Wednesday. Bed wheat, 9a lOd to 10a: barley.

a to 10s black oats, 8s 3d to 8s 7d currency, 8s Sd white oat, 8s 9d to 9s id. EDINBURGH. Wednesday. Supplies goo. Wheat doll at last week's priest.

Barley in good demand, at Ad advance. Oats sold readily at Sd more money. Beans dull, si late rates. GLASGOW. Wednesday.

There was a fair attendance at market. Wheat was quiet, but steady, at last Wednesday's pric3B. Flour unaltered. Malting barley unaltered grinding rather cheaper. Oats, beans, and maize without alteration in value.

KNARB9BROTJOH. Wednesday A very good how of grain, and a fair amount of business done, prices ruling much the same as those of last week. LONDON, Wednesday. Englfsh and foreign wheat a slow sale, without alteration iu prices. Flour quiet, at late rates.

Barley dull, bat unaltered. Oats little doing, but prices unchanged. Maize steady. Beans and peas unaltered. Abritau Ens-uah.

Foreign. Qrs. Qrs. Wheat aSO 30,570 1,330 II.SO0 Beans Peas Maire 1,900 Malt Oats W.330 Floor (seeks) S8 1,970 MARKET WEIGHTO.Y. trade steady at fully last week's rates, but only a moderate business doing.

Good malting barley made late quotations inferior sorts dull, and more In buyers' favour. Prime old oats sell at full rates new and common serts in slow request, and slightly cheaper. Beans and peas without alteration. NORTHALLERTON, Wednesday. There was a good show of grain.

White wheat, Sw Sd to 7s red do, 5s Sd to 6s 9d per bushel barley. 38s to 40s oats. 39s to lis per qr beans, 7s to 7s 8d per bushel flour, la lOd per stone. NEWARK, Wednesday. Wheat was in limited siiddIv.

with a slow demand, and prices Is per qr advance, white making 50s to Ms, and red 40s to 46s per qr. Barley a good snpply, fine samples making late rates, and inferior about Is lower. STOCKTON, Wednesday. There was considerably less wheat offei ing at this day's market from the growers, and, having an improved demand, it sold freely at Is per qr advance. Barley, oats, and beans without change in value.

CATTLE MARKETS. BKVEHLEY, Wednesday. There was only a poor show of beasts and sheep-, and trade was dnll. Beef made from to 10s Sd per stone mutton remained about the same in value. EDINBURGH, Wednesday.

-The snpply of fat cattle was smaller, and trade good, beat making 10s seeondarv. 9s Sd inferior, 8s. An average show of heep. The better sorts made a fair demand at late prices: seoendary and inferior a slow sale, a considerable number being left, especially ewes. LEEDS, Wednesday.

The market ruled in favour of the seller, tne best quality of beef making 9d second quality 8d to Sid sheep, 8d to 8 id second quality, 7 to 3d per lb. Beasts at market, 577 sheep, 3,800. STOCKTON, Wednesday. -There was a considerable diminution in the number of cattle, bnt sheep were again a very large show. In fat beasts a fair trade was done at stightlv improved prices.

Inferior sorts were not much wanted, a uumber being left unsold. Veal calves scarce, and in request. A brisk trade was done in sheep in buyers' favour. Pork active. Beef, Ss 8d to 10s 3d per stone pork.

7s Sd to 8s a per stone veal. Sd to 9d wether sheep, to tyi middling, Sid to 7d par tb. WAKEFIELD, Wednesday 1,700 fat beasts and about 8.000 sheep and lambs were shown. A good attendance of hovers, and the best qualities of beef and mutton sold readily at high prices, choice beef making 9td. and the beat small sheap 8d to 9d per lb.

Secondary qualities of beef aavi mutton moved off steadily, at late rates. Heavy sheep were a shade cheaper. FATR. KNABESBROTJGH MICHAELMAS FAIB. Wednesday At this fa there was a large show of cattle and horses, and, although a considerable amount) of business was transacts 1, prices had a falling tendency, and a large quantity of stock remained unsold.

PROVISION MARKETS. CORK, Wednesday. Ordinary batter: lata, U8s; tads, 141s: Srds.lMs; 4 tin, 118s-. Sths. 105: Sths, nil.

Mild do. lata. 153s; Suds, lies: 3rds, 136a. Firkins in the market, 1.71S. KNABESBBOUGH, Wednesday.

-Batter, 3s Sd par roll of 34ez. Eggs scarce, and much dearer, the telling price being 9 for Is. LONDON. Wednesday. Batter The market continues very firm for foreign descriptions.

Frieslaad, 14Sa to USs Kiel and Danish, 150s to 15Ss little doing in Irish. Bacon Irish a steady market foreign rather lower. Hams scarce and dear. Lard remains Arm. Cheese American maintains ha value.

Choice new sold at 70s. NORTHALLERTON, Wednesday. Batter per roll of 34ox. 3s 5d to 2s Sd eggs, 9 for Is. STOCKTON.

Wednesday. Batter, Is 8d to Is 9d per lb country egns.9 for Is Danish, for chickens. Is 9d to 3a 9d ducks, 3s Sd to 3s Sd pigeons, 9d jj geese, 3s to 12s each. POTATO MARKETS. KNARESBROUGH.

Wednesdav. Potatoes nientifnl. and cheap. Many specimens weighed' over lib 13oz. lib, aad one drew NORTHALLERTON.

Wednesday. Potatoes, 8d per stone do per too, 4. STOCKTON, Wednesday. Potatoes. 3 13a Sd par ton apples, 31s, 33, and 36s per cask of four to five owt.

PRODUCE MARKETS. HULL, Wednesday. Linseed is without much change, but prices continues steady. In cottonseed no aales reported. Linseed oil Not much doing, 36 9d the nearest value.

Rapeseed oil steady. Befined cotton oil Arm, at 3As 10d to 37s spot and month. Crude again made 33s 3d naked. Cakes: Linseed in fair demand, at 11 Its to 13, and cottons meet a good sale at 7 13s Sd per ton. LIVERPOOL, Wednesday.

Sugar dull, at previous prices. Rice No sales. Ashes Pots, 3Ss 9d to 34s, and pearls 41s per cwt. Nitrate of soda 1 700 tons, to arrive, at 13s 10d for U.K., and Us 3d for the Continent on the spot steady at 13s Sd to 13a 9d per cwt. Lard dnll, as 63s to 44s per cwt Palm oil: 30O tons sold at 33 3s Sd to 33 Old Calabar, 33 10s Benin, 34 irregular, 31 10s to 33 per ton.

Tallow very steady. 350 pipes. South American beef sold at 44s per cwt. Rosin dull common at Ss per cwt. 900 barrels of refined petroleum oil sold at sd to lOjd per gallon.

LONDOT, Wednesday. Sugar The demand continnes inactive, and prices favonr borers. Coffee The public sales have again passed off steadily at rather stiffer rates for colory plantation Ceylen. Btce continues dull of sale, but rates are unchanged. Spices The a actions to-day were small, and went off without important change.

Jamaica trotter sold at 84s to SA; Pimento at 3d to and Malabar pepper at 7d to 7Jd. Cottou remains quiet, wit heat change in prices. Indigro: The third dav's indigo sales passed off with a good deal of animation at very full prices. Cochineal sold heavily, at irregular prices. Honduras silvers generally Id per lb lower.

Oils Rape is rather firmer, a 39s Sd for English brown on the spot. Renned 31s Sd. Linseed steady. Cotton oil firm, at 37a 9d to 28s 9d on the spot. Cocoa nut oil continues steady.

Tnrpentine quiet. Petroleum is steady, at 9d to 9.Jd on the spot. Tallow remains Arm old Y.C. 43a Sd to 43s 9d new 47s on the spot. METAL MARKETS.

GLASGOW. Wednesday. Market steady, and business at 93s 9d fourteen days fixed to Sd caah closing buyers 839 Sd, sellers 84s. Business closed at from 84s one week fixed to 93s Sd fourteen days closing buyers 93s Sd, seller 83s 9d. LONDON, Wednesday.

Copper About 100 tons Chili, done, 83 80O regulars at ISs 9d Wallaroo, 99. Tin rather better. Straits. 92 10a Anstralian, 90 5s to 90 10s. Spelter nominally 33 10s.

Lead Arm, ac 33 10s. Scotch pig iron 949 3d cash. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. CLYDE CRUSHED SUGAB, Wednesday. More easiness done at yesterday's prices.

LIVERPOOL COTTON, We market opened qnietlv, closing quiet upon a fair demand, without change in prices. Sales. 15.000 speculation and export, 3.000. 6,800 American. to 10d 8fK) to 8d 500 Santos, 7 Id to 3d 300 Maceio.

7id to 8d 3 Maranham 7 id to 9d 1.000 Egyptian 7Jd to 16d 400 Peru. 9d to 9M and 4,000 Surat. 4d to Td per lb. Import, 1,898 FOREIGN MAILS. Brutes-9 Telegram.

Movillr, Wednesday. The Anchor Cine steamer Victoria, from New York, arrived as 5.15 this, morning. Queenstown, Wedtsesday. The Custard steamer Batavia arrived from New" York at lliO this morning. Specie Wednesday.

The African Royal Mail summer xenin- arnvea rrom me West and South-. west Coasts 01 WEATHER REPORT. Wednesday Wind. Weather. he.

Stornoway S8B strong bne. Threatening nWh Iiht air. Cmady. VerTsm.w. Donaghades mod.

breew. Scarborough light aw. York .1 NNE. lia-ht air. Misty.

Smooth Smooth Overcast. Overcast. Overcast. Misty. Misty.

Overcast. Missy. Fog. Overcast. Misty.

Smooth Vesy smooth, Very smooth Slight Smooth Liverpool SE, gentle breeze. Holyhead SW, light air. Kiatfstown gentle breeze. Nottingham NE light air. Yarmouth S8W, light air.

Cambridge light air Oxford NE, light air Portishead hVht Air Milford Haven. SHE. mod Misty. Smooth Smooth Slight Koenes mod. brae Valencia.

iiioh. oreeao. Bain. HMr UOUUUa EKK aht.n Moderate aa, iignt air THE LABOUR LAWS COMMISSION. The first report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into tbe working of the ster and Servant Act, 1867, and the Criminal Law Amendment Act has been issued.

They state that they have held several meetings, and have in part considered the matters referred to him. They have taken evidence upon the sub-j. of the working of the Master and Servant Act, 1867, and on part of the said Criminal Law Amendment Act, but they have not yet been able to complete the evidence on the last-named Act. The Commissioners add: We beg leave humbly to submit to your Majesty that though we were prepared to make our report to your Majesty on the subject of the Master and Servant Act, 1867, alone, yet jnsidering the intimate connection whic1 exists between the several matters submitted for our consideration, and that we have not been able as yet to make full and complete inquiry into the working of the Criminal Law Amendment Act and the law of conspiracy, we deem it better to treat the matters referred to us as a whole, and not to report to your Majesty on the Master and Servant Act, 1867, separately, but to postpone making any report to your Majesty until we shall have concluded the inquiry into the whole of the subjects submitted for our consideration. We have, however, thought it expedient to add to this, our preliminary report, the evidence given before us as to the working tVi Master and Servant Act, 1867, as calculated to throw much light on the subject, and we most humbly beg leave to submit the same to your Majesty.

WRITING TO DICK TASHUN." Most people (says the Pall Mall Gazette) are aware probably that only a sadly small proportion of the total number of children receiving elementary education succeed in passing the higher standards but few, perhaps, know what is the average amount of intelligence and proficiency among those who do succeed. We will not go so far as to say that the subjoined transcript of Cowper's well-known poem I am monarch of all I survey," represents the average capacity of boys in the fifth standard," by one of whom it was written (from dictation) at a recent Government inspection of a North of England school but we do say that such specimens are very far indeed from uncommon in the higher standards. It seems to show pretty clearly what sort of an inquiry has been made in the four lower standards, into the amount of intelligence brought to bear by elementary school-children on those reading lessons in prose and poetry when an inspector frequently puts them through at the rate of about two children per minute "I Ham Monac of hull I searve there is none heare my rite to Dispute from the senter. hall round to the Sea I ham lorde of the fouls to the Brute all shoshitude ware are the oharmes that sages have sene in thy face beter Dewel in the miste of a larmes than in this horibel place. I am how of umity reach i must finish my Jurny a lone never hear the swete music of speach I Start at the sound of my hone the Beasts that rome over the plane mj forme with indrifence, seeing they are so unoont with men tamness is shocking to me." GUILLOTINING IN PARIS.

The Paris correspondent of the Daily writing on Tuesday, says The double execution of Moreau and Boudas had been so often announced as imminent, and the crowd had been so often disappointed, that there were fewer people present on the Place de la Roquette this morning than might have been expected. A detachment of 150 men of the Gardes de Paris arrived on the place at three o'clock in the morning. Soon after a cart with the framework of the guillotine and M. Roch, the executioner, accompanied by his two assistants, appeared. The Gardes de Paris formed three sides of a square round the fatal instrument, and the crowd was thus prevented from approaching, and the figures of M.

Roch and his assistants could only be dimly distinguished flitting about in their ghost-like white blouses. As piece by piece they erected the guillotine, not a word was to be heard. When all was completed, M. Roch was seen to make a careful inspection of the guillotine by the light of a hand-Ian thorn. This done, he caused the knife to fall two or three times in order to assure himself that everything was in good working order.

Then, the executioner, accompanied by M. Claude, the head of the detective department, and Abbe Crozes, the chaplain of the prison, proceeded to Moreau's, the wife-poisoner's cell, to inform the doomed man that his last hour had come. Moreau was sleeping calmly when the fatal cortege entered his cell. He received the terrible announcement very quietly, and when asked by the Commissary of Police whether he had any statement to make, he merely replied that he was innocent. He was left alone with the priest for five or six minutes, and then the horrible operation known as the toilette began.

This consists in cutting away the hair from the back of the prisoners head and neck, as well as part of his upper in order that the knife may have free play. During this operation Moreau did not utter a single word. Only when his legs were being shackled he remarked Surely this is useless." At a quarter to six the prison gates opened and Moreau appeared in presence of the crowd. He seemed to walk very steadily, with head erect and with unfaltering steps. His extraordinary paleness was much remarked.

When he reached the guillotine he looked round at the crowd, and exclaimed, Messieurs, I die innocent." These words were distinctly heard all over the Place de la Roquette. The next moment M. Roch seized Moreau, pushed him forward on to tbe plank, the knife fell and all was over. The moment Moreau's head and body had fallen into the basket of sawdust prepared for them, M. Roch assistants set to work to wash the guillotine of the blood with which it was stained, in order that the next sufferer might not see that an execution hsd already taken place.

Whilst Moreau was being led to death Boudas was being prepared for execution. When his cell was entered by M. Claude and the executioners he was found wide awake, talking eagerly with the warders, as be had been awoke by the noise in Moreau's cell, and was in a state of the most intense anxiety, still hoping, apparently, to be reprieved. On being told that he was to die, he replied, Here I am I am ready.1 He then protested his innocence, and declared that his execition was a crime against justice. He walked quietly, though hardly so steadily as Moreau, but without support, to the guillotine.

There he kissed the accompanying priest, and handed himself over to the executioner without uttering a word. Whether M. Roch's nerves had been affected by the previous execution I do not know, but he certainly was by no means adroit in placing the unfortunate Boudas on the fatal plank, as he had to re-adjust him during a space of several seconds, which seemed horribly long to the bystanders. At last the knife fell, and the second criminal's head dropped into the basket. There was only ten minutes interval between the two executions.

The Marquis of Ripon has, it is said, given a donation of 5.000 to the new Catholic College at Kensington. Dundee Advertiser. The Church Congress aso the Telegraph. It appears that the telegraph business transacted by the Post-office in connection with the Church Congress at Brighton last week was very much larger than that transacted at Bath on a similar occasion last year. At Bath, only about 600 messages, and 77,000 words of news from the Press were forwarded in connection with the Congress, whereas at Brighton the number of messages was not far short of 900, and tbe quantity of news for tbe Press reached close upon 100.000 words, or an average of nearly fifteen columns a day.

The Pavilion and Dome Booms, where the principal meetings were held, were placed in direct communication with London, Manchester, and York; and here as many as 450 messages, and 82,000 words of news for the Press were handed in. The Wheatstone system of working was adopted for the first time at Brighton and by its means the ingle wire carried into the Pavilion was made to carry as much work as two or three worked on the ordinary system. The total number of ships of war in Russian carry; gam. Their total burden amounts to tons, and thexr steam-power to 31,978 consist of 1,306 officers (including 81 admirals), 515 pilots. 210 artillery engineers, 145 marine engineers, 645 mechanical engineers, 56 marine architects, 297 Admiralty officials, 260 surgedns, 480 civil officials, and subordinates of various ranks.

The ships are distributed as follows In the Baltic there onclad8 and nnarmoured steamers, do not I guns, and the rest have about 200 guns in all. The same number of guns are to be placed on the ironclads, four of which are stall in course of construction. The Black Sea fleet consists of iwo ironclads and 29 uuarmoured steamers. The ironclads (one of which is not ready for service) are armed with four guns, and the other steamers, except four which do not carry guns, with 45. In the Caspian there are ov uuarmoured steamers, one of which is in course of construction, and nine are without guns the rest have 45 guns in all.

The Siberian flotilla consists of 28 steamers, seven of which carry 36 guns between them and the Aral flotilla has six small steamers, five of which are armed with 13 guns. In the White Sea there are three ships of war with four guns. The educational department of the Russian Admiralty comprises a naval school for 265 pupils at St. Petersburg, a scientific school for 220 pupils, a training school for 400 boys, and a writing school for 150 sailors at Cronstadt, and a midshipmen's school, a shipbuilding school, and a school for sailors' daughters at Nicolaieff. A sum of 442,941 roubles for the expenses of these schools is included in the budget of the present year.

THE SCIENCE OF SMUGGLING. There is, say the Boston (U.S.) Commercial Courier, a very important traffic carried on in diamonds over the various European lines to this country, and, as the duty is 10 percent ad valorem, the sharpest watch is kept upon those suspected to be engaged in it. By means of agents abroad the collectors office has often information by cable of the departure from the various ports of suspected diamond smugglers and is prepared to intercept them. In nine cases out of ten the stones are concealed upon the persons of the passengers. When this becomes a certainty the passenger is arrested and taken to the Searchers Bureau in the Custom House.

Here, if found necessary, the party is stripped to the skin, and his clothes examined inch by inch and seam by seam the heels are taken from hss hair and beard are combed, and every means taken to discover the hiding place of the secreted treasures. Once this mode of search used to be tolerably successful, but now it rarely serves any purpose except in the case of raw recruits to the smuggling ranks. An old bird is caught with chaff but once. A New York Jew, who was reputed "to be in the business of smuggling diamonds, used to cross the water on the Cunard line from three to four times a season. Two years ago, in the early part of the season, he was seized upon his arrival, and taken to the searcher's room.

Nearly 1,000 dols. worth of precious stones were found secreted in the lining of his boots. He returned to Liverpool by the same steamer, and four weeks afterwards again landed upon the company's wharf on North River. He was again seized and subjected to the same rigorous search, but with no success. The Jew took it smilingly and philosophically.

When he took his leave he said, Better luck next time, gentlemen. I shall go back by the same steamer on business, and when I return you can try it again." The officers mentally determined, if he did, they would try it again. Upon inquiry, it was found that he really had engaged a return passage, having held his state-room for that purpose. Two hours before the sailing of the steamer he was driven down to the pier in his carriage, his wife and daughter with him to see him off. When they returned they carried with them over 10,000 dols.

worth of diamonds, which had lain secreted in his state-room during the whole time the steamer had remained in port. Before his return to New York the collector was notified by one of the revenue agents abroad that Max Fischer would return by the which would leave Liverpool October 25th, with several thousand dollars' worth of diamonds." In due time the Jew arrived, and for the third time was escorted before the searcher. He was evidently not prepared for such persistent attention. He seemed nervous and agitated, and finally attempted to compromise. He was politely informed that that was out of the question.

He was again put through the searching process. His pocket-book, which was first investigated, revealed a memorandum showing the purchase of 18 diamonds of various sizes and prices, amounting in all to about 12,000 dols. When this came to light the Jew begged with tears to be allowed to compromise. A deaf ear was turned to his entreaties. His coat was Temoved, and the lining examined.

Nothing there. Then the waistcoat. As the searcher passed his practical fingers along the lining his heart gave a tremendous thump as he recognised the feel of something pebbly, like little rows of -buttons. The garment was hastily ripped, a strip of chamois skin withdrawn and unrolled, and there lay, one, two, three eighteen All there. You can put on your coat and waistcoat again, Mr.

Fischer," said the searcher, blandly. Good day." Without a word the Jew departed, took a horse-car home, kissed his family, ate a rousing dinner, repaired to the bath-room, and after soaking a rather capacious plaister across the small of his back for a few minutes in warm water, peeled it off, and with it 18 diamonds of various costs and prices." What the searcher and collector may have said or thought when they found their seizure to be nothing but clever glass imitations, worth from 10 to 13 cents, each, nobody knows, as, although the seizure was loudly heralded, the finale was never made public. Cremation of Lady Dilke. The Berlin correspondent of the Times writes, under date of Tuesday The body of Lady Dilke, who died five weeks ago in London, was burnt on the 10th inst. at Dresden.

The ceremony was performed in the furnace recently invented for burial purposes by Herr Siemens, and the relatives of the deceased lady permitting strangers to be present, a large number of scientific men attended the experiment. When the company had complied with Herr Sie men's request to offer up a mental prayer, the coffin was placed in the chamber of the furnace six minutes later the coffin burst five minutes more and the flesh began to melt away ten minutes more and the skeleton was laid bare another ten minutes and the bones began to crumble. Seventy-five minutes after the introduction of the coffin into the furnace all that remained of Lady Dilke and the coffin were 61b. of dust, placed in an urn. The brother-in-law of the deceased was present." Exeter Douinicals.

The parishioners of the Exeter parishes who object to the payment of domini-cals are carrying thei resistance to the utmost limits, and on the other hand the rectors of the parishes express their opinion that thev are bound in justice to their successors to maintain their rights, and they are acting accordingly. Two of the parties summoned and ordered to pay having refused, distress warrants have been put in and goods sold to meet the orders. At each of these auctions much excitement prevailed, and a third auction that is threatened seems likely to arouse an even greater demonstration of feeling. The parties ordered to pay are resisting by every means in their power, and one of the bailiffs on Tuesday obtained a summons against the treasurer of the An Dominical Fund for obstructing him in the execution ef his duty. The furniture seised under the first warrant has been replaced by means of the fund that has been raised to support the opposition.

On Tuesday night there was a public meeting, at which some parties who interrupted the speakers were severely handled before they were ejected from the hall. The mention of the names of the clergymen who are enforcing the tax excited groans and hisses. Sympathy was expressed with those resisting the tax, and it was determined to again test the legality of dominicals in the superior eourte. If they failed in upsetting tbe tax the committee intimated that they would move Parliament. The meeting was very crowded and enthusiastic.

GRAND LODGE SESSION IN YORK. A special session of the Yorkshire Grand Lodge of the United Temperance Order was held yesterday in the Templars' Hall, St. Saviourgate, in this city, thg i president of the Grand Lodge, Mr. W. Beevers, of Hull, occupying the post of honour.

This Order was formerly known under the title of The United Templars Order, and had its origin at a meeting of temperance men at Manchester in September, 1873. The object of the society is ostensibly to avoid certain features, which were regarded as objectionable in the ritual and cons'titu. tion of the Independent Order of Good Templars, from which a number of members seceded. The new order has gained a considerable number of supporters throughout the Kingdom, and has assumed an importance which will render it a useful ally to Good Templar and kindred societicand a formidable foe to the common enemy. At the session representatives were present from Leeds, York, Hull, Morleyand Winter-ton The Secretary's (Mr.

W. Inglis, Leeds) report showed that there were fourteen subordinate lodges with a total membership of 354 in good standing The finances of the Grand Lodge were in a flourishing condition, there being a balance in the treasurer's hands. The following resolution was unanimously adopted That this Grand Lodge, in special meeting assembled, having regard to the wide spread ruin which is brought upon the community by intemperance, and the consequent necessity for effective means to check its ravages, are more tban ever convinced that it is the imperative duty of all our members to support the United Kingdom Alliance, and to make the Permissive Bill a vital issue at all elections, so as to secure the earliest and most enduring success in the great work of emancipating the country from its most terrible curse, and we recommend the subordinate ledges to support the same." The other business of the lodge was of a routine character and pertaining to the general working of the Order. The delegates subsequently partook of tea together at the Monk Bar (Methodist Free Church) schoolroom. A PUBLIC MEET! SC.

was held in the evening, in Monk Bar Chapel, under the presidency of the Rev. S. Chester, minister of the Methodist Free Church there. The Chat r. man.

though not a member of the United Temperance Order, had been a practical teetotaller for twenty-seven years, and heartily sympathised with the objects of the United and all temperance societies. Mr. W. Beevers, of Hull, impeached intoxicating drinks for robbing the Church of nine out of every ten of the Sunday-school scholars of the land. Notwithstanding earnest and prayerful labours of temperance people of this country, there was now more drinking than when he signed the pledge over 30 years ago.

In his own iOwn of Hull, more people had signed the pledge than were at present living there, and yet the drinking continued. The duty of temperance reformers was clear moral suasion for the individual, and legislation for the nation. (Applause.) The United Temperance Order, while working shoulder to shoulder with all kindred societies, thought they could beet do that work without superfluous dresses and organisations. (Hear, hear.) The Order was yet young, but its principles were of pure and simple temperance, and he believed they would eventually permeate the world. (Applause.) The Rev.

J. Morgan, of London (editor of the Temperance Star), said he was on the previous evening speaking at. a meeting in connection with the Congregational Union temperance Association," which was established ay. ago, and now included within its ranks some 4C 3 or 500 ministers and as many deacons (prominent Christians). At the town of Halifax, out of a total a population of 70,000 or 80.000, there were at the present time no less than 12,560 teetotallers in good standing.

(Loud applause.) He did not believe that many men could either smoke or drink to the glory of God. (Laughter, and hear, hear.) The time was fast coming when churches would outvote tippling ministers, and welcome only those pastors who fought bravely on the side of temperance. (Hear, hear.) As religious people, they woidd also have to consider the impropriety of using fermented wine at the celebration of the Lord's Supper. The reason why they bad seceded from the Good Templars was because they feared that the red tapeism of the American organisation would partially destroy its glorious object. (Applause).

The Rev. J. Neild (Wealeyan), of Winterton, near Hull Mr. R. McDqcoall, of Liverpool (hon.

secretary of the National Lodge) and Mr. W. Inglis, of Leeds (hon. sec. Grand Lodge of Yorkshire), also addressed the meeting.

I port A ft Land Sale at Maltok. Yesterday, at the George Hotel, the estate known as Fowbridge. near Scarbro', the property of Mr. Williamson, was told by Mr. Bouhon, Mr.

C. Jagger and Mr. A. Jackson being the solicitors employed. The estate, which comprises 204a.

Or. was first offered in one lot, and being only about a mile distance from the projected new railway to Scarbro was expected to sell well. The bidding commenced with Mr. Elsworth. of Yedingham, with 1 1,009, and that gentleman was the last bidder at 12,100.

at which price the estate was withdrawn and afterwards sold in four lots. Lot 1, 28a. Or. was sold to Mr. Danbv, of Wheldale Beck, for 1,750.

Lot 2, of 39a. Or. was also purchased by Mr. Danby for 2, ICQ. Lot 3, 59a.

Or. 23p. was started by Mr. Elsworth at 4,000. and declared open at Mr.

Danbys bid of 5,550. It was ultimately sold to Mr. Speck, of Boythorpe, Lot 4, 77a. 3r. was started by Mr.

Elsworth at 4,500, an 1 was eventually sold to Mr. Danby for 5,900. The total was 15,410. Whitbt Cou.ty Court. Yesterday, before Mr.

F. A. Bedwell, N'-Molas Merrifield, of Lofthouse, sued Mr. Frederick Stanley, builder, of 5, compensation on a breach of contract. Defendant agreed to build a house for the plaintiff, which was to be finished in two months.

If it was not completed within that period the defendant was to forfeit 1 per week. The defendant threw up the job before it waB finished. By a cross-summons, defendant sued plaintiff for 3 wages, and alleged that the plaintiff stopper tbe work by not supplying requisites for the work. Verdict for the plaintiff for 2, and Stanley's case dismissed. Mr.

John Robinson, Whitby, sued Mr. William Sinclair, Secretary of the Whitby Waterworks Company, for compensation for damage done to a crop of cabbages. Plaintiff alleged that he bought a crop of cabbages of the defendant, and before he got them removed defendant threw a lot of them awav so as to have the ground cleared. Mr. Dotchon, for the defendant, said the plaintiff did not remove the crop within 21 time Verdict, for the defendant.

Mr. Edward Barker, of Whitby, sued the Whitby Steam Packet Compuiy for compensation in consequence of the steam packet Emu, belonging to the company, having failed to go from Whitby to West Hartlepool on the morning of the 1st of September, with passengers as advertised. It was suggested that the packet was more profitably employed on this particular morning, in towing fishing boats into the harbour. Plaintiff called witnesses to prove that the weather was Buch as to make the voyage quite safe and easy. For the defence Mr.

Dotchon, solicitor, said the steam packet advertised that she would undertake the voyage if weather other unforeseen circumstances did notprevent. The weather did prevent, and the steamer aUo got aground. The judge said he thought the words in the adrertise ment other unforeseen circumstances' would not justify the boat in stopping. The harbour-master and the master of the steamer gave evidence, after which his Honour gave a verdict for the defendants, but regretted that he had to do so, as he thought the plaintiff had been put to unnecessary expense and inconvenience. The master of the packet ought to huve sent the public crier round the town to apprise the inhabitants of the non-sailing of the steamer.

He should mark his approval of Mr. Barker's public-spirited conduct, and his disapproval of the Company's neglect to give notice of the packet not sailing, by withholding costs from the defendants. Ma. John Bright and the Birmingham Libepaia nirht. at a dinner of a Branch Liberal Association in Birmingham, a letter of apology for non-attendance was read from Mr.

Jonn nngnuj m.r., in which he said: "It would give me pleasure to atttend any meeting among a portion of my constituents; but I am compelled, unless in some esses of importance and necessity, to absent myself from public meetings and public dinners. I can only express the hope that your meeting will have the effect or uniting the Liberals in your ward, and of strengthening the organisation which has been so powerful in the fco rough." EXTRACTS FROM PUNCH. A TORPEDO TOO MANY. Torpedoes, and the like, our foes Are suffered to explore, 'tis said, Whilst all suoh mysteries as those Are from our friends kept secrets dead. But, if the foreigners have seen More than baa led them all astray, What fools our Powers that be have been Is somewhat less than we could say.

How dead a secret, till to-day, Was that torpedo which explodes Unbidden on its fatal way. Mid close and populous abodes Now eyes are opened that were blind, Trust we that all torpedoes known. Will be, in time to come, confined To blow up enemies alone. THOUGHTS OS RETURNING BOMB. Will all have gone right at the office or will there be something uncomfortable awaiting ma on my return Will the back garden be a complete wilderness, requiring the immediate attention of one of Messrs.

Grrassthorpes leasurely assistants at five shillings per diem? Will the papering and painting have been executed in a satisfactory manner and will the estimate be exceeded or not Will all the cleaning be over Will postal accumulations yield anything more inviting than circulars, begging letters, and prospectuses of the Madagascar Railway and Pernamhuco Water Works? Will there be a Jury Summons Will there be any bills. Will the drawing-room continue to smoke Will there be any coals? Will tbe rain have come in through the roof of the back kitchen Will there be any diminution in the black-beetles Will the dog at No. 6 be in his usual force Will there have been great destruction among the kitchen crockery Will the Ringwoods have called Will the Servants be all right A FALSE ALARM. The hoax announcing tbe perversion of the Duke of Northumberland carried improbability on its face. It was transparent.

The Daily Telegraph said We received some days since an important communication to the effect that his Grace the Duke of Northumberland had become a convert to the Roman Catholic faith. In order to test tbe accuracy of this statement, we sent for information to Alnwick, and learnt from a telegraphic despatch that the rumour had no foundation in fact. In consequence, however, of a reiteration of the original assertion, we last night referred the report to one of the highest authorities of the Catholic Church of England, who, in answer to our inquiries, asserts his firm belief in the Duke's conversion, and adds that his Grace was lately admitted into communion by the Bishop of Beverley." One of the highest authorities of the Catholic Church of England" of course would not have asserted his firm belief in the Duke's conversion," and then have added to that assertion of belief the assertion of fhe fact that his Grace was lately received into communion by the Bishop of Beverley." He would simply have asserted the fact if he had known it. The messenger through whom reference was made to Monsignor Capel, or some other high Roman Catholic authority, was probably a gentleman unused to the society of such authorities. When he called, most likely the distinguished ecclesiastic was out, and one of his men-servants; perhaps his footman, had the impudence to personate him, and make the statement above quoted, which an unscrupulous snd illogical flunkey would be quite eapable of doing.

It is to' be hoped that Aloystus, or Ambrose, or John Thomas, or whoever he is, has had a good penance set him for this blundering presumption, by the Prelate his master. Dolck fa Niests. First Cabman (on the trot). Well, yoa're a takin' of it easy Second Cabman (with the newspaper sotto voce). No 'urry, my Boy engaged by the Hour The One Exception.

Reports of rain, and wind, and storm have reached us from all quarters, except Northampton. There they have been favoured with Merewether. SxoKiHGAirn FuMfGATiso. Mr. Spurgeon lately in defence of moderate smoking, declared that he smoked to a devotional purpose.

Very possibly. The Ritualists may defend their use of incense on the same ground. It is as well to be fair. A Sax at a st Question. Mrs.

Malaprop wishes to know if the Typhoon at Hong Kong is supposed to have been saused by bad drainage. Also whether that Typhoon was worse than the Typhoon of Japan. She says she has been led to make these inquiries by some unanimous letters. fvm A.tTiQOABT. Tourist (in Cornwall).

May I be permitted to examine that interesting Stone in your Field? These ancient Druidicai remains are most interesting! JFarmer. "Sartnly. 6ir. May De very int'restin' an' arnshunt. but we do stick 'em oup for the Cattle, an call 'em Roubbin Pusls A Pathetic Appeal.

'Mmma. shall you let me go to the Wilkinsons' Ball, if they give 6ne, this Winter?" No, Darling (A pause.) "You've been to a great many Balls, haven't you, Mamma lea. Darling, anu 1 ve seen iuey ui (Another pause.) Mightn't I just see the folly of one. Mamma? (A very long pause.) IitscRRKCTios (a EaYrv. The or tne Wile.

'Ware Nuts! The sensitire ear is just bow distressed by the vociferations of men and boys who go about the streets offering walnuts for sale, and continually crying War-nuts Much more painful to hear, however, is the remark, so often made, that war-nuts are the nuts forsoldiers, that of all nuts they contain the fullest kernels, and those are the kind of nuts, wherewith fortiheations are shelled. No Credit Gtvbh. It is characteristic of the primitive character of Syrian Christianity, that both His Holiness the Patriarch of Antioch and the Bishop of Jerusalem, who arrived in this country the other rlav hv some without scrip or purse for their journey, and whilst here will be tne guests, we believe, of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and the Church Missionary Soaiety." Admirable But we should like to know whether the Patriarch and the Bishop hired a cab on their arrival, and what view the cabman took of the absence of scrip and purse at the end of the journey Mr. M. B.

Byles, barrister bat been appointed a "Revising Barrister on the Norfolk Circuit, in the place of Mr. Merewether, who has resigned the appointment in consequence of hit return to the House of Commons for the borough of Northampton. Mr. Byles is a sou of Mr. Justice Bylas.

1) a Deiz A ban close to beta Shemesh (Ain-shems), suggesting the ffreat stone on which the ark was set down (1 Samuel 18); the possible identification of the Vallev of Sorek an En-gannim (Josh, 34); aDajun (Dagon); a Legend ot iioliath (Jalud) in the Philistme country plans of churches (unpublished) at Nob (Beit Nuba), Jabneh, and Lydda, and a plentiful crop ot masons martcs ana varieties or stone dressiugs, conhrmatory of M. Ganneaus dis covery on the subject of ancient masonry. Mr. John Leahy, Q.C, chairman of the Kerrv Quarter Sessions, died suddenly in his court on Tues day. Technical Eoccattojc.

The Council of the Labour Representation League have drawn tip a report founded upon tbe resolutions by the members at a meeting held some weeks since touching tbe endowed schools in their relation to technical educa tion. The report, which deals very fully with the question, and which will be shortly published extenso, recommends a scheme of technical training under four heads, viz. 1. In our elementary board schools. 2.

The secondary industrial schools. 3. The higher endowed schools, such as Eton, Harrow, Ac. 4. The Science and Art Department at Sooth Kensington.

The scheme will be submitted to a general meeting of workmen and others interested in the question, for discussion and approval. The Council of the League express themselves very sanguine as te the beneficial remits that would follow the adeptiea of the scheme. Very smooth Vfair. Jihn Tha above observations srs take at adtt.J.

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