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The Maryland Gazette from Annapolis, Maryland • Page 3

Annapolis, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Yefterd' ihU't here CapJ." Jofeph Prinze from Cadiz, by whom we hear, that 3 Ships laden with Treafure were arrived there from New Spain, one of them 70 Gun Ship, with as rich Cargo as was ever known, having on board to the Value of 70 or 80 Millions of Dollars. PHILADELPHIA, Auguft 8. We hear from Dover, that at a Court of Oyer and Terminer lately held there, one Duffet was tried for the Murder of John Brown, of which be. ing found Guilty! he received Sentence of Death. Jug.

15. In Jdnuary, 1753, four of our Indian Traders, vix. Alexander ATGenty, Jabix Evans, David Hendricks, and William Powell, were taken trading on Kantucqui River, near the by Party of Frtncb Indians, called who plundered them of Goods to the Value of fcyeraj Hundred Pounds, and carried them to: Canada 1 where they were made Slaves! But acquainting the Mayor of Albany with their miferable Situation, by a Letter which he communicated to this Govern merit. Meafures were taken to procure their Releafe. The Indians at firft demanded a Negri Boy for each of them, or as, much Money as would buy one but at length were prevailed on, by the Com.

xniffioners of Indian Affairs it. Albany, to take led; tho' the whole paid them, with' the Charges, a mounted to Seventy two Pounds, five Shillings and Ibree Halfpence, for the four Prifooers, which Sum has been repaid by this Province. the Indians it Deems pretend not to be fatisfied and Col. Myniert Schuyler 4 one of the Albany Coirimif fioners for Indian Affairs, who tranfadted this Matter with them, received lately the following Letter fiom the Chief of thauNation on the Subject, viz. (Copy Literatim.) Ao Sault St.

Louii, a '14 Juin, 1754. JE ttprie won Frert de aire fairt Attention a ttus vis Meffieur fur fe 'que jt n'eft feint etifatisfait du Prifonnter queje vous eft nmy aAurangt Lanni dernier e. xMer 'jeunesCens me difi tons It Jour qu'il nt font foin tonten de voire Fajfm Dagir, et qua lavekir its nameuneron plus la Hommes mtlmanr: tuiirouon aeltur dohne' tat Settlement, de Jury avoir un petit Ef clave Tu eeft, mots 'rer, que jt n'efi fas eu que quatrevingtjix Livres is metre Argent. Jt charge Montandre dt tettt Cimmifpon, il texjliquea met Sentimensen te remettan ma Lettrej Zt mains qu'tn tayt un Prifonuier teft Puatrt Cent Fatts fair 1 Attention a eeux. qui tnt cet fort ted Affaires autre lee mains, fans.

otitis je ne repo'n poin des Evtnement qui pourrois ar r. a lavtmr lorquema jtnti ttifomieti O'nowracuite. Sault Sf. Louis. ihtq EN IS H.

FaJlt 14, 1754. I Pray thee, my Brbther Anagarindoni ta ac quaint the Gentlemen, that I have not been tatufied for 'the Prifoncrs that were delivered to you at Many laft Year, My young Men tell me every Day tbat.tbey 'do not like your Management, and that for" the future they will bring no living Pri foners, fince they do not receive as much for one of them as will Slave. know, my Brother, that I had only ninety Livres of eur Money. I charge' Mtntandrr with tbis'Commiffion, who will explain my Sentiments to you, when he delivers you this Letter. The leaft.

that ought to be paid for a Prifoner is 4.00' Livresf. "Let thofc that have fhe Management of ihefe Sort of Affain, give due Attention to this: Otherwife I will not anfwerfor what may happen hereafter, when my young Men make V' "A J. Cfiffiftti Falls if St. Louis. Anigarondou, Col.

Indian Namti i'Abeut Twenty Pounds' Stirling, By this infiilting" Letter from a PeoplewU this Province has' not' had the leaft to' whom we; have never given the leaH Occafionof Offence, wer mjy fee the Contempt in which we are! held by thefe Savages who, not contenf witb plundering bur People of their Goods with Impunity propofe to make Slates of til of us they tan fatcb, or to nave "a sum tor cain lumcient vt purcuuo Slave, dthefwife threatning they will iaot Be at the 1 rooole or laving our i ives. it wj lonerca to go on in this Manner, and to make a Trade, of catching our People, and felling them td as again fpr. 40Q Livres per Head, it may ias time, coft us more farsfy the Demands of that Hiidful of Eubarianr th in would ferve 0.dtfead fro Tince sgam aJl its r.nemjn it ExtraS of a Letter from Barbados, dated July 19 17CA. relating to the Rebecca. Latitat Lowtbert lately mentioned in.

this Paper it have leen tar tied into Martineci, and condemned there. 1 I have only Time to acquaint you, hat I hall fail for Martincco To morrow, with proper Credentials to the General there and Commodore Pye has faithfully, promifed, if I do not receive full Satisfaction for theValue of the Brigantine and Cargo, be will go down himfelf immediately on my Return, and ufe his Authority to have Juftice done us." Since the Reverend Mr. Geor Whitbfibld arriv'd here, he has preach'd almoft every Evening in the New Prefbyteriari Church, and alwayi to very crowded and polite Audiences. We hear he intends to fet out for Bofton. on.

Tuefday next, and defigna to preach at Nefhaminey at Four that Afternoon at Newtown on.Wednefday, at Ten in the Morning, and atTrentown at Four in the Afternoon at Maidenhead on, Thurfday, atCrofwicks on Friday, and at Freehold on Saturday, at Teo'Clock in the Morning each' Day y. and on Sunday Morning' and Evening at Brunfwiclt. A A P.O I S. Tbe "Voluntiert who have enlifted, or Jball enlijti in this Province, to defend bisMajeftfs Rights on' the Ohio, wilt be entitled to all thi Advantage mentioned in the Governor of Virginia bit tricta motion. ''M.

'K Sunday Jaft a Cherry Tra, ftandiug verf igb to Mr. Richard DorfeyV Houfe, about four Miles out, of Town, was fplii to Pieces by Lightning. Tbe Fall Affixes, will begin in Wocefler, Aug. 29. In Somerfet, Sept.

3. In Dorchefter, Sept; 9. Sept. 12. Queen Anne's, Sept.

18. In Kent, Sept. 23, andi'Cmu, Sept. '27. BaU timore, Sept.

3. In Annapoli, 6ept. 9. In Calvert, Sept. 16.

St. Mary's, Sept. 19. Charles, Sept. 23.

In Prince George's Sept. 26, and in Frederick, Oftobv ME A for a "Se 1 a li 0, in Severn near a delightful Spring at i tktfootiOfConftitutiorHill. OiIXBtttlctofWint, right old, good and clear Dozen at leaft, of EngliQv Strong Beer: Six Quarts if good Rum, to makt Puhckand Gregg, (ft latter a Drink that's now much in vogue) Some Cyder, if fweet, would not be amifsi Of Butter fix ounds; we can't (lo with lefs A Tea Kettle, and all'tht Tea Geer, To Treat the Laditi a'ndalfo Small Beer. Sugar, Limons, a trainer i Itiewife a Spoons 7wo China Bowlr to drink out of at Noon: A largo piece of Cheefefa Table Cloth too, A Sauce Pan, tvJo Difhts and Cork Screw Some 'Plates, Knives and Forks, Fih Kettle, or Pot, And Pipe's and Tobacco muft not he forgot A Frying Pan, Eacon or Lard for to Fry A Tumbler. and Glafs ufe when we're dry.

A Hat cief, feme Matches, a and a Flint, Some Toucb wpod, Bex with good Tinder in't. Some Vinegar Salt, fomo Parfley end Bread; Or tle'Leavts irf Pone it' eat in ite ftead: And for fear if bad Luck at catching' of Fijb, Sifp of vie fhould carry a Veadt dress'd Dish. Aug, 20. 1754. 1 1 By the Honourable ROBERT DINPTIDDIE; Efqi bis Majeftfs Lieutenant Governor', and Commander in Lbiff; of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia A A A 1 encouraging IN tt entift in his Majefty's Sjrvicefor the, Dlfnl SrttoVy if thi) Colony.

SrX7HE A 3 it js determined that av Fort be immediately buiit.oa the Rirer Obit, at the Pofkpf tilanengabtla, to. oppofe.4ny further En croachments, or boftile Attempts of the French, and the Indiant in their Intereft. and for the Security and of his Majefly's Subjects in this Colony and as it is abfolutely nectffary that a fuf ficieni Force (honld be railed to erect and fun nor the1 fame For an Encouragemept to all who wall voluntarily epter into the faid Service, I do hereby and! prpmiier' by and, with theAdvice aad jConlent ofhis Majefty'a Council of this Colony, that CVer1 add abdve their fay, rw Hundred Thoufand Acrey of hia ilajcfty the Kinfc of Great Britain't. Lands, on jhe Eaft Side of the River Obhj within this Dominion (One Hundred Thoufand Acres, whetof to be; coethaoust to the faid fort, Tftpafand Acres, to i ll'ii''. i 1 be on; oi near the River Obit) fhall be laid off anfl granted to iuch Ferfona, who oy meir voluntary Engagement, and good Behaviour in the faid Ser vice, lhall deferve the fame.

And I further, pro mife, that the faid Lands fhall be divided amonft them immediately after the Performance of the faid Service, in a Proportion due to their refpettive Me rit, as fhall be reprefented to me by their and held and enjoyed by them without paying any I Rights and alfo free from the Payment of Quit Rents, for the Term of Fifteen Years. And 1 do. appoint this Proclamation to be read and publifhed at the Court Houfes, Churches and Chapelt in each. County within thu Colony, and that the take Care the fame be done accordingly. 1 Given at the Council Chamber in WHUamflurg, on the 19th Day of February, in the 27th Year of.

his Msjelty's Reign, Annoque Domini 1754. ROBERT D1NW1DDIE. GOD KING. 1 7b be Sold by 'tbe' Subferiber by Public Vendue, at Talbot County Court Houfit an Saturday the 14 Day of September next, THE SNOW.1 'Dilioehcb, now', riding at Anchor at Pari' 'fons't Landing, in Great I Cbottank, co Feet by the .1 Keel, 21 Feet by the Beam, 1 10 Feet and' a htff in the Hold, and 4. Feet and a half between Decks, with neceflary Rigging, Sails and 'Anchors being 2 Years old, ftrong.

and well built A Lift of the Materials may be feen on board the faid William Murray? Subfcriber going to move; to the Wood Tard in Prince George's County, gives Notice; that there is to be Sold, at Gtorg Town on Patowmack River, 'Frederick County, Maryland, 1 very good Houfe, 50 Feet long by' 30, 4 Rooms on Floor, good Study (or Office), a paled Garden, and Tan Yard, with 260 "Acres of Land joining to the faid Town and Infpeftion Houfe, very well fituated for Trade. Thole inclinable to purchafe, may apply, for; Terms, George Gordon TH being 'confined in Goal, to the great Prejudice of his Inte relt, and having no Perfon to traofaft his Bufinefs for him this is humbly to requeft all Perfons in. debted to him. the faid Subfcriber, to come and difcharge their refpective Accounts, that he may be enabled jo fatisfy thofe to whom he is indebted. Their Compliance will much oblige Their humble Servant, f.

fbomas Quayfe. AN. away from the Subfcriber, living in Somerfet County, on the 2d of Junt laft, a ServaaH Man, named Jonathan fVheator9 about 6 Feet high, born in this Country, and i a Shoemaker by Trade, but fometimes profeffei himfelf a Sailor. Whoever Ukes dp the faid Servant, and fecuret him fo that he may be had again, fhall have a Piltolo Reward, befides what the Law allows. fVMiam Miles.

To be RUN for, At Annapolis, tnTuefdaythe 10i "September' (Being the Gift of hit Excellency A PURSE of TWENTY. any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding," carrying Nine Stone Weight, tbe beft of 4 Three Heats, each Heat to be once round the Polea on the kace Ground 1 to rub Hslf an Hour between each Heat. The Horfes, to be entered with Jonas Green on Monday the 9 paying Twenty Shillings Entrance; at the Poft Fort Shillings. 'f Such Rules and Orders are to be oblerved, as are ofual on thofe Occafions 1 and if any Difputes fhould arift, they are to be determined by Gentlemen appointed tor that Purpofe, before ftarting and if the toth fhould be a rainy Day, the Prize to be run for on the firft fair Day after. jusx ID 5:.

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