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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rtM throughout the whote of tliedc ESe great utility of thofe foeieties wat frequently dwelt liele was decrwed the difcuflion of the t'j give place to the order CaptDcrry informs of 30 (ail of Ame rcm veirds now L'Orient, wait i')for indemnification mtney, He a pleafntg account of the pams that hive been taken to do jufbee to the Amc can fuffereri, to pay them off, and fee them wdl fupplicd th pr vihons. He fays n'roviiins are cheap, and plenty, and but ittle butols; thJt prizes arrive al molt diilr. He ijit'oi ins that 8j ful of tnc ttritith homeward boar Weft India fleet hxl hern carried into different ports all but whicn were, funk; tht 15 or the 3ri tilh outward bound Weit India fleet had alio been taken off Cape Cieirj.that a prifrom the coaft Africa had been lent in, wan very richly laden, be fides two boxes of coined marks (or cobs) of gold. One further piece of news or tlediy at L'Orie it was, that the French were driving full fpeed into Holland, and th it they lud taken the ftrong fsrtrefs (naaie unknown) in which the CASH from Amfterdin had been dcpolUcd, 10 to 25 wnggon load of which had arrived Piris It was flronjsty reported when Captain Deny left LOricnt, that the French had taken rfrid drltt oyed 80 'fail of the Dritiih 'Weft India fleet, and that the Cork liter, coitfiltiiij? ot 15 or ao fail, had been taken iv the French ctuifcra and lent into port, 'The above information is corroborated by a private letter, dated the itti of Oct. to a'scntlemen in this city, from which the following is an extract.

We have had a very difagreeab'e time indeed, after having a good profpect for a fine pdTage (fay twenty live days ft om the Cape) we were taken in long, it, by two 'French lltis aivl one brig, they had taken the St. Tammany before, and afterward they took' four other 'Americans, which? they brought in with us; ilu aifr tell in with the Knpilh Heet from the Weit Indies, a great part of which they have taken and'deltroycd. THEN TON, c. 13. On Saturday lait Gen.

Jd'o Brigade of I inanity and imiiury, arrived in town from the wctteni expedition having ful'y the emit for which thty were called into fervice, witn honour to tlcmfnvcs and to the of their But 8 deaths hive taken place fince their cub idying, viz. Capt. Wools vWiofe cnftitution was much impaired previous to his entering the fervice) tiled at Nomftown on his inarch outwards one fcrgeant inajo'r one fergeunt, and hve privates. It it expected the troops will be paid off this day, and receive their dilchargt. PITTSBURGH, December 10.

A detachment of Federal troops arrived hereon Sunday la It under the command of Lieut, llutchuis. All Primers who have inferted bs Excellency Henry lVodahiation of me 39. ot November, 1794, are rtqueftcd to Sve the fallowing a piacc in tueir gazettes. IN confequeiice of a Proclamation ifliud Njv. 19, 1794, by hi Excellency Hciry Z.ce, Commander in Chief of the Militia Armyjn the fcrviee of the United Mite, came 'Robert Stcvcnfon, William UKmi ley, John Moore, and John Cormick, and voluittarilyTuhxnilted thcmfclves to be delivered to tnc judicial authority, there be dealt with according to law.

JOHN CONNELL, Major tit Hattalion 4 Kegt. Ohio County. December 9, 1794. Ohio Before ua, the fubfenbers, two of the judices of the peace for laid county, Major John Connell has caufed to come, tiy virtue of General Lee's proclamation, dated 29U) Nov. 1794, Robert Stcvcnfon, William John Moore, and John M'Cor inick, of Ohio County, named in faid proclamation as guilty of Trcalon.

Aficr cuaf.Jering of the faid cnarge exibited by Ga. Lee' proclamation, we have examined a number of witnclies whom we fuppofed were fully acquainted with their conduct fur a long time part, and not being informed of the foundation of the charge from any information given to us by the General, it. appears cicaYly to us that the above pcrfons are innocent, and fuly difclurged from the charges afore Given under our hands and feats, this 9th day of December, i794 JAMBS CALDVVliLL, L. JOHN BECK, LL Hutton's Farm, N'ov. 30, 1794.

Mr. lid ward Cook, one of the excepted hy name in the proclamation of amnelty publilhed by me, nccclTarily is fubjedted to your apprehenfion for the purpofe of delivery to the civil authority, in couforni iy witn tne laid prociamauou. tt. 1 1 Aic ass cms ay i of recognizance, takeu by the Chief Juf ticf ntf titi. oat with the knowledge of lt Altgrccy Ocucral of the United States for hit appearance at court, to ftantl his tfiiton, and was fuppofed to fe worth trial for all offences committed againtt the Dmted States.

Thurfdaylaft arrived from the weft ward, Had I have fcen this paper before my and were lodged in the goal of this city, 10 proclamation had been iilued, I Ihould ot the Infurgents. They are fuch of the nave conudercd it proper to have omitted prifontrs confined in the garrifon at Pittf his name, and now communicate the fame rnirg, as were rcfufed bail; the refnlue, to you, that you may omit thofe meafurcs About ioo) are admitted to bail. They which otherwife yon would have found were efcorted hither by a troop of Jerfey nfrfiTtrv to adoot ill the line of votir tiffi hnrfi. muW Kf ctai duty i i uv vwuituauuui iuuiui asuu I have the honor to be, Sir, With real icfpcct, your obedient obedieut fervant, HENRY LEE. Major General Morgan.

The above is a true copy of an open letter, ccrtihed by us, Jo. Downer, 1 hos. VVilfon. December 1, 1794 CARLILSL, December 17. The Brigade of New Jertey Infantry, under the command of General Bloom field, marched from this place on Thurf day lait, oir their return borne.

As this detachment compoled the rear cf the Mi itiA Armv 011 its return, we are hapnv in ed oy tlicle tr gives a pleating allur matters of cbmntercial regulation. Extract of a Letter from Saint Pierre's, (Mar titi: (ific) Noxember zb. Nothing new has occured, excepting the arrival of General Vaughan, fo fuper cedc General Grey, who has this day em irked for England. The rcinlorcement come out from England is but fmall, and will do nothing About 8 o'clock lait Friday eveniug the German Lutheran Church (corner of Fourih ftrcct and Cherry Alley) wasdf covered to bt on fire, and after burning near 4 hours this large and eiegant building was entirely contained. No houfes being Immediately coutiguoua to it, the citizens, by the grcateft exertions of induftry apd activity were enabled to flop the further ravages of the deftrucVivc clement.

This church was cue of the moft fpiewdi4 the ham. At a meeting of the American Philofo phical Sociely, held at their Hall lait Friday evening, the Magellanic Premium was awarded to the author of a Paper on a new piece of Mechanifm, called an Elevator, with the motto Nitilur hi Ardua Mr tusi On opening the fealcd letter the author of this performance was found to be Nicholas Collin, of Philadelphia. Extract from the minutes, R. PATTERSON, SecVy. CAPTAIN JOHN DUNLAP.

SIR, AS every Inftance of kindnefs and humanity from one citizen towards a J.r 1.1 being able to congratulate our ieuow ciu eviier, ueicrvcs noc oniy me nonce, out zens on the event of the Weltern Expedi the fpccral regard and thanks of thofe who tion. That an infurrection ihould be are partakers tf fuch benivolence. quellcd without bloodlbed, andtheener WE, The Prisoners, taken from the gy i government, evinced by the invlt Weltern Counties of Pennfylvania to this rcfj ec'table citizen taking arms to yindi return our fincere thanks to Gen. cate her violated laws, is caufc of exulta Anthony W. Whits, for his friendly Hon to the peopic of the United States, aod moving addrsss to Us, on the road and an example of republican virtue to all from Greei.Pourgh to Bedford; while, we the woud.

Ou Friuay iatt tnc Volunteer do alfo with the moft unfeigned gratitude, Citizens of this couuly, who ferved in the acknowledge the kind and tender treat Ute campaign, dined togcttcr 111 oneof mu.t we received from the worthy and the public buildings near this town. At' humane Major James Dunham, of ii o'clock the affemby and the com Brunfwick, the Officers and Troop pany ot Light Dragoons, witn their lide under under his command the whole of arms, the Light Infantry and Holme's our journey having received every indul Voiuuteers, with their arms and acccou gencc that per fun a in our fituation could tremtuta, paraded in the public tquave, expect While at the fame time, We and marched to the Piefbytcriau Chuith, cannot omit returning to You, Sir, and where an elegant and pathetic dilcouric tnc (jEntlemen of the rhiladeiphia delivered by the Rev. Doctor David fon, Chaplain to the right column; after ward the troops paraded in the vacant ground near the Court houte, and marcu cd in tne following order Horfe, our thanks for the polite ufage we teceived from you, fucb of Us as were under Your care to Wallnngton and lMtlburgh: and as Men, having thofe lenuuons which poUcls the grateiul heart, ju, 1 he Trooput Light Dragoons, dif We doeanieftly entreat, the Great Au mounted, preceded by the ttaudard of tne of every good and perfect gift, to firii Regiment, lufcribed LIBERTY AND enr ch and reward each of you with every 1 HL LAWS. ad. Tnc Light 'Infantiy, and Holme's Volunteers, with their inutic in the ccn ti.

bearing the ltanoard ot the 4th Regi n.eiit. In this order the troops preeeeded to the public buildiugti, wt ere a feu de joy ws hrcd by the Infantry and Holme's Volunteers. 1 he l'piiit and witn which every evotution was perforin" oieuing or iieaxn, are, Gentlemen, with due refpect, Your moft obedient humble fervants, Signed by Unanimous Requett of the Whole. JOHN CORBLEY. Philadelphia, a6th 1794.

iY TeQcrJays Mail. NhW YOUK, December 29. 1 r'lii 1 ri 7 1 ance. tiut a vntuou repuuncan lnint is tne moit perfect teichei of the military Auerdinuer adifcharge of fifteen rouuds was made by tne artillery, and the troup reiurnco 10 town in me fame order, diJmimr.g with tnc drefs, the name ct loldier, umil their country nuyheic altcr require their fcivtce. Philadelphia, December 31.

Exttatt oj 4 Utter ji 01U Lcjsuon, dated Oiiohtr a. The policy that has actuated the ad miniUration of this country tow.oda yours is but two true, but i have icafon to believe (altho n.uch feciecy ib obferveu) that fince the arrival ol Mr. Jay, they have been convinced of their error, and feem web difpofed to continue a friendly inter which I pray God may long continue, and that we may loon fee an end to this cruel war. So far as the Weft India body of plaTiUrs and mtrchanU'hdvc any weight with admimltrttion, it has been univerfally uicti in every micrview, ami I NASSAU. December q.

The intelligence given in the following extract of a letter trom a well. informed correfpondent, wbofe communications, on former occafious, have ever been authentic, affords a pleating prcfage of good fortune in the Weft Indies, wnere the campaign that began ft aufpicioully in March Jail, terminated fo very unfavourable. Extiact of a letter from Turk' Iftand, dated Dec 1794. By a late arrival from windward, we learn, that 4 fad of the line, in addition, under Admiral Caldwell, arrived the 15:11 Oi lait month, at i.rbadoes, after a Ihoit pallage, no more than 21 days. It feems they, were difpatched in a hurry, lubfc querit to the failing of a fleet with 10 regiments on boan, under a nr.

ng cnvoy. The whoie naval rce in thai quavier, wncn codeetcd together, will form a Meet 15 hue of i)aitc ihips, bebdes trigaies, aofricatioii to them, in favour of extending Lxtrael of annthr ltr frnm Tnri a the commerce the Welt Indies wilh the in md, Dec. 1. American itaice, and we have folicited in A brig is jult i. rived here, in 9 the llroructt terms, to admit North Ame from Barbadocs, the nialter of whKh 111 ricanveffeUot a certain burthen to carry forms me, the day prior to his failing, a the priHluce ot the American Siatcs direct packet arrived there from England, and to our iflandi, and to receive the pnaJuce tiom the rejmcing among the people ou of our in return tins 1 am fure is, he fuppofes brought very pieafing very much to be wilbed for, on the icore 'intemgence.

of humanity as well as policy, and I cannot Some days before the brig Bar fee how it can materially inteifere badoes, four fail of the line arrived off our navigation act, fo much dreaded by there, and proceeded immediately to Gua our cabinet minifters; but I am happy to daioupe; andthe very oaybelure his depart obfervc.that of late moll ot thefe mioiu 1 lnat uve day bctoic he are fatisfied with the great benefit that made the land, parted with the fleet having would relult from iuch an intercourfe I0 regimtnU on board, to reinforce the One lord only excepted, to whole opiriioJLwift lndia army. hitherto mucri deteicncc na tK en paid in From St. Thomas's, we have a reoort. that a divilion of Lord Howe's fleet had fallen in witn a French fquadron, and taken or luuk 7 fail of the line, and xc frigates." A TEMPEST. Iu a tempeft' which took place on the Coaft of England, about the lit of October, a great numbwi of vclfels were caft away, we linceiciy hope, that iwnc of our imericau mariners were among the unfortunates.

The following letter contains fome particulars of this gale of wind Extruil of a letter from. Harwich, Oil. 7. lnureu as the inhabitants of a Seaport town are to the diltrcffei incident lo tem pctiuuus weather, yet the calamitous effect of a dreadful itorm of ao hours duration, have been fo great as to amaze ven tiwf: moft toilisr vth fuch upljappy fcenes. The tempeft commenced about oVlock, on Sunday evening, and by ic o'clock next morning, there were 35 vef feld wrecked within twenty miles of Harwich haibour.

Atone o'clock on Monday, the crew of the Reftoraiibn. Capt. Walker a fine new (hip in the Norway trade, and the People trom a North Shields Collier, ia three bwatsj with the ut moft peril and difficulty, mace the harbour. They had been in their boats from 11 o'clock the night before, and when thty at length happily reached the more, were reduced by tatigue and the inclemency ot the weather to the grcateft weaknefs. Captain Walker reports, that in the morning Monday, he faw upwards of 70 fait of vcf fcls, making figuals.

The wteckuof feveral vcflels are plainly to be feeu from the town, and many lives mult inevitably have been loft. A boat, with 4 men and a woman, in attempting to crofi to Languard Fort on Monday, was driven out to fca, where the unhappy people) mult doubllcfs have nl perithccY' The Members of the Society for the Relief of poor diftreifed Mailers of Ships, their Widow and Children, are dtfired to attend a General Meeting, on Monday, January 5, 1795, at the Carpenters Hail, in the Court going up to the United States Bank, at 5 o'Ciockiu the Evening. Will be Sold at Auttion At the l'remil'fi, on the 17 Jinuiy, 1705. vWO LOTS cf GROUND pkfntiy fuuned inthe vilhjte ot Fonkhii, fie. mrjfi from I'htUdclphia, rach ab ui 3 kod a lylf perches in fronr, and 50 1.1 depth, on the rmbi nad, and both h.ghly roanurrd, anJ in cfgsrj they aJj ij.

each oih, and the whole ifbounded by lauds .1 Nathan Harper, Robert Smith, and Abraham Bczby, juni. On No, i creeled, a twu ilory (lout houfr, a ilona kitchen, and frame liable, a and mill huufe, i.n vhich is an excellent bark rtore i thcie are likewife on it, a varuty of bming apple, peach, ear. apd apic.t trees, of divers forts, alfo a well of txcell nt water near the kitchen door, and a never filling faring at the tan yard. No. has a variety of apple and peach tree, yieLing excellent tiuit, and there is a never failiftg of water, A c.ear title will be given.

The conditions will It made known on the day of faie, and attendance given, Aisaham Huiby, junr. and IlNAKL DuiBY. Deeembef xg, 1794 NOTfOfili heuby ill whom it my concern, thac we, the fubfoibers, Commiflluners, appointed by tne Honoihle Jamis Kim sky, cjuire, Chief JoHice of the SiHfcme Court of Judicature, of New Jeriey, Co d.viae a ce.tain TRtLT PINE LamS fnuate and lying in the of F.vihni Hur ington county, and fue ci ve a Daniel NebJd, JvU.h Ciri ley, propofe to meet at tne Hm.f. t.r Joseph Atkinson, in Mount H.l0, Pit i L.ij, the aad ol Jai.uaiy r.ext, at 10 M. to make an by ballot, of fc trai jl 1 wares, agreipie to law.

SLju9l Fvavs. 'ir Ar mm 7E CAMe. tu ihe pl ce i I innant, nrU Bum, lMM UkAHNtN. DaTfmbcr ic. 170.1.

iT Sixteen Dollars RcardT I OLN out cf the (tabic i.f fuwicriber, Itvii gjn Upper iiriou tov. ninip, Mont gum ry c'urity, on tht nunt.ot the ixt. in(t. a diiit B.y K.ARE, lifing 4 yean ld nxt O'd'g, ihod befole, her iv while, anu a white ot on cf her fore feci, and a few rey haus in her foiehead, a tatural iot ler. Whuuver rakes up faid Mare and fj that th Thief may be btougM tu jaf'ice.

Cull have the above Rewaid, or cijlt dolUrsfoe the Waradlfaha lAhartts Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the ibcr, livinj in Fixton townfliip, Dauphin county, a bout 6 miles from llarrilburg, on the 19th in'tant, a Negro named Sam, 17 years of 5 lent 9 or 10 inches nig rr.xde. hat very Uie Urc tcaiuied, and thick lips, much pitted wait tne fuull pcx bad on when he went away, a brown to; urd huniing lhift, under cket wilh miap to andtrovkfers i the fame, pir of v. Aif: tow and a linen flii't. I is piobaoie he will change his nara: and clothea.

W.toever takes up faid Netrro, and lecurcs him bt aoy jnl, lo 1h.1t his mailer miy get mm mu L. I nave ine aoove cwic, im "'Vy'V15 BENJ Drcmer ao, 1704 lublciijcr. uu' 11. luwij llin, Monikomer county, vn the BetiJehim, road, a uut 18 rmiet Ir rnoaticlhia, a Brown HOKfcC, about 13 hands hih, auo a 5 years old. The owner is defirtii 10 time, prove propei ty, pay charges, and rake hira way.

JOHN EVENS. December 1794, AME to the fuUlcr'be iact, lis old rk road, abut 7 miei fro.n PhlaJel phia, a brown LOW, with a white koa her back. The owner, propeity and paying chirgimayfvVjKr again, to Jft ff 'wl.

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